tv Outnumbered FOX News March 24, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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>> we are expecting to hear from president biden any minute now, he's in brussels for a high-stakes emergency nato summit on the war on ukraine. it comes after the u.s. officially accused vladamir putin of war crimes. this is "outnumbered." hello, i'm emily compagno, here with my co-host harris faulkner and kayleigh mcenany and joining us kennedy and jason. president biden is expected to announce a new round of sanctions targeting figures,
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oligarchs and businesses. nato revealed it made moves to help ukraine against a chemical and nuclear attack, something president biden called a very real threat. jackie ibanez is live in brussels with more. jackie. >> jackie: president biden was in both the meetings with the 30 heads of state for the nato summit this morning and the g-7 meeting and ukrainian president veals addressed both meetings separately. he went over previous requests from to provide ukraine with any number of defenses, he said he feels ukraine is singularly defending all of europe from devastation that could stretch beyond the border. the requests are visible for the world to see and begged for nato to allocate 1% of aircraft, tanks and weapons and without
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repeating request for nato leadership, chided members for saying ukraine military did not meet nato standards. >> has to show that nato can do things for saving people and show it is most powerful defense union in the world. we are waiting for real action, real guarantees of security from those whom words we trust and those who can provide peace for real. >> the nato alliance pushed the limit of economic sanctions and military support short of engaging in direct confirmation leaving tr group with short list of deliverable for dependence on oil and gas and working to bolster presence along the nato
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flank and coordinated response to china in case they back up russia. today u.s. announced new sanctions on russian eshg lites, including 328 members of the russian parliament and several defense companies and laid out plans to take in 100,000 refugees in the u.s. and providing $1 billion in -- nato secretary general stoltenberg warned the threat is real. >> our top military commander walters has activated nato chemical rad logical and nuclear defense elements and allies are deploying additional chemical and nuclear defenses to reinforce our existing and new
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groups. we are taking measures to defend ukraine and ourselves. >> jackie: nato is providing ukraine with detection equipment, medical support and training for contamination and crisis management and stans the gamet from chemical, biological radiological and nuclear threats they are facing. emily. >> emily: we look forward to hearing updates throughout the day. kennedy, nato formally committed to helping ukraine definished against chemical and nuclear attacks. >> you have a lot of russian army suffering from things like frost bite, they will actually be victims in the chemical attacks because a lot of their vehicles aren't working, they won't be able to get out of the
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way if god forbid, these are deployed. 82% of americans want to see more done because they feel there is urgency here and a lot of what the united states could be doing is offering more humanitarian aid, offering more prophylactis so if ukrainian are impacted with weapons of war, they will be able to protect themselves and their own lives. americans see this urgency, 82%, they see this as affecting them at home. this war is a big deal to most people and everyone is paying attention now. but the president is still underwater, by 12 points people disapprove of his personal reaction to what is happen nothing ukraine. see if he can turn this around in brussels with other nato leaders who have all got to get together and telegraph on the same page what exactly they are
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going to do, what the red lines are because i think that is language that vladamir putin will understand, so far sanctions and everything else haven't made a dent with that ding bat. >> emily: great question kennedy raises, how hard will he push? he is outraged, he says so by putin brutality and calls him a war criminal, but seems afraid of doing what it takes to defeat him. what will we see from him and what can we count on comeing from our commander-in-chief? >> kayleigh: we can count on very little, this trip by president biden is giant act of symbolism. look at deliverables, deliverable sanctions, too little, too late, should have come before the invasion, not after. why are we leveeing sanctions that should have been levied two months ago, i'm not sure. look at refugees, we will welcome refugees, we are behind
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all of western europe, and about to announce liquified natural gas going to europe. the "washington post" planted that story as white houses typically do. paragraph 21 of the preview stories united states has buyers for the overwhelming majority of existence lng production which suggests may not be much additional volume for europeans to buy. what does this mean? it is important to have europe distanced from russia, but i argue to alleviate american at the pump when pumping gas and seeing high gas prices unleash domestic energy. that is what president biden can do, instead of symbolism we are going to hear. >> emily: we have press secretary john kirby saying that apparently the russian counter parts of top military officials have been radio sile ebtent, not
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taking our calls. you have been covering that on faulkner focus. take a listen to what the admiral says. >> we have tried to contact austin with general milley, made multiple attempts here, they have not answered up. they have declined to take the calls. >> harris: you know why i think this is happening according to generals like jack keane i just spoke with last hour. the word "win" is important. we hear ambassador haley, biden needs to say we want ukraine to win. putin is not hearing that, he is unfettered about what is coming out of this administration. who is not hearing victory or win or the mission is to get ukrainian forces to win and push russia out, that is the mission
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to jack keane. zelenskyy is not hearing the necessary words, he calls on people worldwide, come to your skreets, make yourself visible and heard, say that freedom matters, peace matters, ukraine matters. it is true, we are not in nato, it feels like we are in a gray zone between the west and russia. wow. i mean, he's not so sure if we're on his side because we won't declare victory can be won and they are fighting as mightily as we have seen anybody on the planet do it, without really all what they need. when is biden go being to tell us what the mission is and will he ever say the word win, victory? >> kayleigh: that remains to be seen. we often say, we're not holding our breath for that, for sure. jason, kennedy praut up important polls. 82% of american voters are concerned about the russian
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invasion and 54% disapprove of biden's response to it. another major piece of this is china. national security advisor says russia and allies will work to get accord natasha:ed addressing political support, refraining prosecute military support and the like. do you have faith we will exhibit, our commander-in-chief will exhibit strength we need to exhibit against president xi? >> you see that picture with all it is world leaders, he's just one of dozens, he is not leading. he has not defined the mission. what is the mission? why not talk about victory? why not supply the ukrainians with lethal weapons they need to win? that should have been done before they crossed the border and to say, well, vladamir putin is a war criminal. he started the war, should have
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been defined as they at the very beginning. he sent vice president harris to europe to say we're going to do sanctions as a deterrent and joe biden said nobody thought the sanctions would be a deterrent and said he would unleash the most devastating sanctions and just today they are introducing more sanctions. obviously he didn't do that. >> harris: you heard what jackie ibanez was reporting, european nations nato feel they have gone as far as they can, what she said, they are at their limit for more sanctions. we can't keep more sanctions on the table. jason, you said something critical about kamala harris going to europe. do you remember she was being pressed earlier in the presidency, when are you going to the u.s. border and going to tackle the problems. she said, i haven't been to europe yet either, maybe we
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should have kept it that way. >> emily: the ukrainian military claiming new victories issue including russian war ship going up in flames in the black sea. there are concerns vladamir putin could escalate this war as his losses pile up. a live report from ukraine next. , with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. why do people who live with generalized myasthenia gravis want a new treatment option? because we want to be able to get up and get ready for work. because the animals need to be cared for, and we like taking care of them. because we want to go out to dinner with our friends. because, in family photos, we want to be able to smile. a new fda-approved treatment for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis could help them do more of the daily activities they care about. to learn more, go to
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>> harris: ukrainian forces are holding strong against the russian invaders in some parts of the country. releasing new video of russian tank exploding in a fiery blast. given russia strategic failures up to this point on the ground, western military experts say vladamir putin may shift course and focus on securing parts of the eastern donetsk region.
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u.k. has destroyed russian ship outside the black sea of mariupol. there are concerns putin could resort to chemical or nuclear war fare if he cannot make a significant difference in the progress they are facing. jeff paul is live in western ukraine. jeff. >> a month into this invasion and ukrainians here remain defiant, watching closely to see what comes out of the nato summit to see if any help is on the way to tip the scale necessary their favor. they are closely monitoring two important military developments that happened in the last few hours that are giving people here a sense of hope. we are learning from the ukrainian navy they managed to enjoy a russian ship docked at the port. videos and pictures posted on
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social media show fire followed by multiple explosions. this is takinga place in the sea, 45 miles southwest of the devastated city of mariupol. to the north in kyiv, ukrainian forces push russian troops back into the region, previously russian forces attempted to encircle the city, saying russians are digging in, taking a defensive position and not gaining new ground while ukrainian forces are vigorously fighting them back. >> ukrainians have united as never before, perhaps, this makes me very happy and the russians made a big mistake they went for our country, for our land. we will fight their throats, it's our homeland. >> we're learning devastating numbers in regard to the impact this war has had on children.
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we know that more than 10 million people have been displaced from their homes unicef is saying 4.3 million of them are kids, more than half of the children population of the entire country. harris. >> harris: ark -- amazing, blessing if they can get them. jeff, we knew that the russians were interested in taking some hostages, that has been going on for a few days, now associated press is reporting they are doing that to pressure kyiv to give up. they are taking thousands of civilians, foefrsing them from the shattered port city of mariupol and taking them to russia and i guess the answer back is give us what we want or we will keep your people, what are you hearing about that on the ground? >> we've heard some reports of that happening and it wouldn't
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be out of the norm for russia play book to do something like this to get their way, grind down the country. we're hearing close to 100,000 people have been surrounded by russian forces and trapped in mariupol without food, water or basic necessities. whether they are being taken back to russia or stuck in war-torn areas, it is devastating regardless. >> harris: if they are hungry, rusian forces are hungry, too. emily. >> emily: in addition to reports of starvation, tell us about concern of nuclear war, as today nato stepped up and pledged to help ukraine in the event of either. >> it is telling that when questioned, top kremlin spokesperson questioned about this, he didn't take it off the table and said if they feel
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exieshstential threat, it is part of their constitution to turn to the nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, something to keep an eye on, we haven't really heard of that actually happening here, is certainly is threat that needs to be taken seriously. >> kayleigh: jeff, we've heard russia has experienced their worst loss of military commanders since 2002, 7000 to 15,000 russian troops have perished. zelenskyy saying i need 1% of weaponry not being used, what is the feeling at lviv, it feels like russia is embattled right now. >> yeah, i mean, i think those developments were buzzing around the city. people are sharing the russian trips on fire, a lot of people counted ukrainian forces out and to see a massive ship on fire, it is a huge moment to feel a
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little bit of cautious optimism and to meet that milestone of a month into the war and they are making offensive gains, i think people around the western part of the country are rooting on their fellow countrymen toward the east and south. >> jeff, it is kennedy, tell me about what you are seeing on the ground in lviv in terms of refugees and have you heard about any americans stuck in harm's way there? >> yeah, i mean, kennedy, you nailed it. so many refugees and when we talk about them, there are refugees and people that have been displaced. imagine being kicked out of your state in the united states and having to move somewhere else, about six and a half million people doing that and another 3-1/2 million leaving the country entirely.
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guto the train station and stories come through, you hear people escaping from mariupol, getting out of kyiv and off they go to romania and poland and from there in poland meeting up with family, we covered both sides of the border and seeing horrific story and we'll see waves of this, saw first wave people getting out before russia got in and the fighting started and saw next wave people have become trapped encircled by russian forces and barely getting out. >> harris: jeff paul reporting live in lviv, ukraine, thank you for taking questions and bringing great reporting, appreciate you. jason, as he's laying out the facts there and we go deeper with our question, something popped to me. it is on the heels of what you said about the nato picture. we are one of dozens now you
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said, two dozen of those leaders at nato. the president talks about a new world order, what would that look like if we don't lead it? >> well, it's scary and that is not the position the united states should be in, i believe in peace through strength, i believe we should be helping to lead the world. we are the world super power, the ones that have largely funded nato in the first place. in our best interest to have strong nato allies, we have to make sure we are leading. that is not the approach from joe biden, never been the approach of joe biden and i worry that we end up in a situation like what happened in georgia n. georgia, that is illustrative, russia came in and took 25% of the country and signed documentss and said they were going to leave and never left. they are still there today and europeans are looking at occupied georgia and i worry
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that is where this is going in ukraine. put the end to hostility, but you cant give uch parts of the country and reward vladamir putin again. the president is supposed to be going to capital of poland. where else would you like to see him go? >> it was poland when it was barack obama and joe biden who denied them missile defense system at the beginning of their administration, poland remembers that. poland is critical on this and he needs to take care of lithuania, latvia, eshgstonia, on the front line with russia north. >> harris: new polls on russia midterm election, they spell trouble for the democrats and growing promises for the gop to take back the house, take a look at the numbers.
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>> kayleigh: democrats are face uluphill climb from the top of the party. imagine that. new fox poll shows 54% of voters disapprove of president biden's job performance and his allies are abandoning the unpopular policies. jason, i saw headline russia-ukraine war, 45% approval, it gets worse, reuters 40%, grenell 44%. the numbers are egregious. from inflation, what is going on with energy prices and the southern border, all the problems joe biden created by the policy they instituted, democrats try to run away and blame people like putin, putin,
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putin's fault, it is actual policy that they instituted and you just wish the president of the united states would go to the american people and to regulators and government and say let's take down every -- and become energy independent and provide energy products they need, that will drive american jobs and drive down cost of gas and make america stronger and better. he won't do that, that is in the minority congress. he will lose the house and senate. >> kayleigh: that's a bold prediction, you account be --
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>> harris: they can focus on the issues, they are getting hit by them. they can still love the people of ukraine and want to do more and wonder why the white house won't let people frack or tap into resources that we know is one of the greatest on the planet. they can get their minds around that, what they mean is the truth, glad they are watching fox, they just need the facts, once they have them, they use them differently and communicate through the polls. we don't trust we're being told the whole story, we will dig on our own and focus on everything. the white house meanwhile is
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constantly turning its back on questions. >> kayleigh: harris, they are not getting the truth. emily, talking to politico, here is what she said, so many economic indicators are not good issue but better than expected and we are recovering faster than previous downturns, that is not true the economic indicators are good. >> only indicators that matter to voters are personal indicators and that is making more money now than i was a year ago issue not really, maybe nominally, maybe slight increase in wages. am i paying more for everything? yes, a lot more in double digits for beef and poultry and eggs and dairy. people are paying 40 or 50% more for gas, gas prices are going up. if there was peace in ukraine at this moment, if russia retreatd
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and vladamir putin were frog marched to the head as a war criminal and russia put forth a new leader, we would still have massive inflation. we have too much spending, the government is absolutely flooding the market with the u.s. dollar and they have no -- not only they don't have a planned attack, they won't admit it and tell people things are great. that is why the president is under water, people know they can't afford things and for them that is not great. >> admitting the problem is first step, on covid, that is only indicator biden is even in the fox poll, if i think of moniker for this administration, it is behind. look at all the ceos saying drop the mask mandate, president biden, will he follow the private sector? i hope. >> kayleigh: i used to commute
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here from it is west coast, i lived on planes. we'd watch commercials that said how airplanes recycle fresh air from outside and through a hospital-grade hippa system that they filter out 99.9% contaminants, i was breathing cleaner air in that plane than anywhere else in the country and for some reason, the commercials stopped running and the mask mandate remained in place. to the point, the science hasn't changed, political science changed. in dallas the other week, this woman was screaming at another woman for not wearing her mask. she was drinking from a drink. she was like, it's a rule. it is a rule issue but they are not digging into the spirit of the law, if it is a bad rule issue get rid of it.
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wow, emily, what do you think about liberal brilliance? >> emily: liberal brilliance, oxymoron. democrats want to pay people to consume more gasoline after their policy drove up the price to begin with and this on top of four trillion of our money being accounted for, no more money for vaccines and being sent on things that have no value to local voter other than local benefit because this administration will never stop growing or spending unless we stop it. >> very well said, i stole the chart from varney, these are times networks blame russia for soarobberinging gas prices. the american people buy it? >> i go back to the statement i made in the last segment, if everything reconciled, we would
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still have high gas prices and they were high and climbing before russia invaded ukraine. that is political misinformation, similar to college debt forgiveness. you are not taking care of the problem, you are subsidizing the problem and no one has to take responsibility here or switch course and do some of the things you were talking about and really exploring the natural resources we have in this country. they are not doing that, they are stealing from most people and giving to a few others that still doesn't tackle the problem at all and you can't stimulate your way out of bad decisions and bad economy and making a bad economy worse with this. >> kayleigh: you can't and democrats blame putin, listen to senator tim scott. >> looking back to december of
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2020, before biden was in office, the gas price was $1.99. last year, gas prices in south carolina $3.40 per gallon. yes, elections have consequences. >> harris, that is best i've heard it played. >> harris: wow, so well put, the numbers don't lie and people are starting to feel it. think how much passage of time that has been if you are paying on average that much more for not just gasoline, but everything else. we talked about on this program, you need oil and refined products for a lot of other products you are using at your home and work. put on top of that inflation now per the biden administration and the big problem for this is that it is insulting what gavin newsom is doing, he has no
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effect on the white house, no effect on changing the policies and doesn't sound like he his compunction or fortitude of doing it either. he digs in with cash and treats people here in california, that is where i am on special assignment, as though they are stupid. he will pay them to get them to be quiet while they run their election and go forward. if you can't change it, wouldn't it be nice if no one can hear about it. putin is not paying people, hoping they stop talking. >> emily: i hope you didn't rent a car out there. senator tom cotton pointing to op ed, retirees are hardest hit. one retiree says she barely buys meat anymore, when she does, it is shredded chicken and shrimp,
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otherwise oatmeal, eggs, toasted cheese sandwiches and not taking hot showers, some seniors. >> this is a very real issue, they treat it with arrogance out of the white house and i don't think they understand it. day one, they got rid of keystone pipeline or said they are going after fracking, guess what, there is consequence and here we are a year later, open up the public plans, don't tell everybody, we will give you card to go to best buy and buy an extinguishing-box. >> emily: a shift fit for a bond villain issue the sickening -- yacht, that is next. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive to dairy. so anyone who says lactaid isn't real milk is also saying
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and i at the top of the hour, we'll see you then. >> harris: united states and european thfrt authorities are seizing yachts from russian oligarchs, we are getting inside look at the mega-yacht that has ties to vladamir putin. it is docked at a port in italy. comes complete with its own dance floor, even golden toilet paper holders. unnamed worker told the sun the 495-foot luxury vessel is mini-city with countless swimming pulls, theater, ball room, a gym, two helipads and 16-foot aquarium, you could swim in that, what do you need the pool for? 15-foot television that spans entire wall and a self-levelling
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pool table so that guests can play even when the sea is rocky. it can quickly transfortfrom party boat to battle ship capable of shooting down drones. jason. >> i was just wondering with gavin newsom handing out gift cards, how many gift cards do you get for a yacht? that consumes an awful lot of gasoline. >> harris: interesting. kennedy? >> the oligarchs, they don't care about the green so much, oddly enough, they care about their own green, they are all hitting the high seats in places like maldives, and other parts where they can't have their yachts seized. i would rough it on that ship. getting frustrated with putin, they are waiting in lines for the basics and he is on a $700
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million yacht. >> harris: it has been reported that at this port in italy, the local economy is affected if word gets out this is his yacht. they have been putting out press releases from lawmakers, it is not putin's yacht. there is intrigue about this whole thing because how could it be parked there and they didn't know. >> emily: we've seen concern since the beginning of the invasion, when oligarchs started sailing mega-yachts to other countries, a lot of intrigue who owns these and suspicion they were russian. stark contract mixed with people starving to death and dying is reminiscent of world war ii this is one of two super-yachts with a dance floor that convertss to a pool, we have to figure out
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who owns that second one so we can all go, i'm in. >> harris: okay, all right. look at that. amazing. look at the bigger picture, that is what emily is looking at. if the truth were to get out inside the country that he is jailing people to keep them from speaking out about the war. if they could get the facts what does this communicate to the people of russia? >> they will notice when 10,000 russian troops have perished, families want to see their loved ones come home. he makes $140,000 salary, according to cbs, he's one of the richest men in the world $100 billion plus, richest man in the world, cliff-side mansion with a theater and knows how to hide wealth, he is former kgb agent. headache kennedy, you said
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something interesting, i am wondering what countries do when they discover oligarchs are there? i imagine there is money flowing. >> yeah, russia is broke and getting broker, whatever favors they could offer to some of the nation that were not going to extradite criminals that own the vessels, they will not be amenable, the world is canceling russia. >> harris: interesting, jason, take us home. >> i think one thing we should look at, i wonder how elon musk's star link is working, how the people of ukraine are communicating, getting news and information and are they able to get on the internet and would that work in parts of russia to drive home and tell the story what is going on. >> harris: in ukraine, we know, because eshg lon musk tells everyone and guests we have on
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the faulkner focus and other programs on fox, we talk to people, we know the star link satellite service he's put in place over ukraine continues to hold for the most part. what you ask, could he do the same thing for the russian people, i don't know. really good question. let's dig deeper, use our commercial time wisely. stay close. rthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. . so you can get back to your true self. play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders
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aims to help the families grieve the deaths of their fallen loved ones. you can join fox in supporting the red cross and efforts to provide food and warm clothing to ukrainian refugees and children. head to forward to donate. and reminder, we are waiting to hear from president biden in just a couple of hours. he is set to hold a press conference at 3:00 p.m. eastern at nato headquarters in brussels. keep it here on fox news for all of those updates and developments. thank you to everyone, here is "america reports." >> sandra: thank you, team. fox news alert at the top of the hour on the u.s. energy crisis. gas prices so out of control thousands of drivers in chicago are waiting an hours' long lines for a chance for a free tank of gas. >> john: a businessman is giving away $1 million in free gas in the windy city and he will even pump the gas for you. a live report from chicago coming up later on this hour
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