tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News March 24, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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we hope you set your dvr, it's not hard to do. i can't do it, so i can't tell you how, so i think you can figure it out. so you never miss an episode of "hannity" and in the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled even though they are troubling times. "the ingraham angle" is next, laura takes it from here, thank you for being with us, have a great night. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" on a busy thursday night. big tech censorship come it's now increasingly commonplace in the media, once defenders of free expression, are cheering on. tonight the ceo of "the federalist" and the managing editor of the babylon bee. both seen or compass targeted in just the last money for hours. also the biden administration, very petty, demanding that georgia senate candidate and football legend herschel walker
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step down from the president oppressed risk council on sports sports, fitness, nutrition or be fired from the board. herschel walker is here later to respond. but first, weak and wobbly, that's the focus of tonight's "angle." with biden in europe today, the world saw an ineffective, hesitant, and dissembling american president. >> president biden: i'm not thinking you. someone i haven't called him before. you. who are you? what was the first question? your playing a game with me. i'm not supposed to say where i'm going, am i? >> laura: as the war in ukraine grinds on, gas prices skyrocket, global food shortage looming, joe biden had no answers and like his supreme court nominee at her confirmation hearing last week, hey give a lot of nonanswers to important questions, like it when he was pressed on the upshot of his recent phone call
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with china's president xi. namely the question was is china helping the russian military? >> president biden: i am not going to comment on any detail about what we know or don't know as a consequence of that conversation, but tomorrow or next monday that ursula is having that conference with china. the first. on april 1st. >> laura: translation, let the e.u. handle it. they'll handle xi. i couldn't get anywhere with the guy. how embarrassing. biden of italy couldn't get xi to agree to anything regarding russia, so now we are relying on the europeans to figure things out. good luck with that. world leaders, especially our adversaries, listen intently to what an american president has to say and biden said several things today that were absurd on their face.
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>> president biden: nato has never, never been more united than it is today. we built that same unity with our european -- the with the european union and with the leading democracies of the g7. >> laura: even "the washington post" had to concede that nato is far from being unified. and frans beasley didn't get that unity memo either despite biden's call to isolate putin economically, major french companies just announced that they're not cutting off their business operations in russia at all. perhaps this is why biden is singing a different tune on the power of sanctions. >> president biden: let's get something straight, sanctions never deterred. you keep talking about that. sanctions never deterred. >> laura: just last month the white house insisted that sanctions did serve an important deterrence role. >> the president believes that sanctions are intended to deter. >> they are meant to prevent and
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deter a large-scale invasion of ukraine. >> the sanctions designed in the first instance to try to deter russia from taking further aggression. >> laura: inconsistency is the only consistent theme of this administration at this point. biden has made it clear that he's content to let other nations lead on ukraine, on energy, and pretty much everything else. but when all else fails, and all else is failing with biden, old joe returns to his greatest hits. trump and charlottesville. >> president biden: i had no intention of running for president again, -- until i saw those folks coming out of the fields in virginia carrying torches and carrying banners and literally singing the same vial rhyme that they used in germany in the earlier posture be 20s -- '30s, i should say. and then when the gentleman you mentioned was asked what he thought and a young woman was
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killed, a protester, he said they are very good people on both sides. >> laura: this framing has been debunked so many times it's not even worth addressing it again. but biden didn't stop there. using a foreign reporters question to once again tee off on the united states while standing abroad. >> president biden: my focus of any election is on making sure that we retain the house in the united states senate so that i have the room to continue to do the things that i've been able to do in terms of grow the economy and deal in a rational way with american foreign policy and lead the world, be the leader of the free world. i say to people at home, imagine if we sat and watched the doors of the bundestag broken down and police officers killed and hundreds people storming in, or imagine if we saw that happen in the british parliament or whatever, how would we feel? >> laura: even for biden, this
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is a new low. giving the impression that america is filled with torch carrying nazis ready at any moment to restore -- storm the capital. why would europe want that america toledo and anything? they wouldn't. this is just a bad version of what obama though did in 2009. remember when he sucked up to europe by talking down his own country? >> in america, this failure to appreciate europe 'leading role in the world. instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where america has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive. >> laura: naturally the press loved that because he was a citizen of the world. europe knew obama signaled weakness and today we are even weaker with obama's old vpn charge.
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putin is targeting civilians and american families can't afford food and gas and biden is acting like an msnbc pundit by feeding russia and china anti-american propaganda? yeah, that happened today. this entire trip to brussels was just a waste of jet fuel. biden should have just over zoom or something, it would've been easier. the man is incoherent enough without jet lag. how do you think he was with jet leg? side. how pathetic to see an american president make false claims about nato unity while selling division and disunity at home. everything biden touches falls apart, doesn't it? including his disastrous foreign policy. americans are used to seeing their commander in chief as an observer on the world stage. -matter what you thought of trump, he was the lead dog in every fight and the latest polls suggest that americans aren't loving biden's lead from behind strategy.
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pegged his approval rating at 34%, only 37% supported his handling of the situation in ukraine. endo emerson paul has biden trailing donald trump in the head-to-head match up three points. if he thinks these appearances on the world stage are going to boost him, he's got another thing coming. europe breathed a sigh of relief knowing that it didn't have to deal with trump flexing on them any longer. after all, trump demanded so much of europe. more trade reciprocity, more military spending. of course they had to honor their nato commitments and no nord stream 2 pipeline. oh, no. but biden? they know they have a debilitated american leader who values collectivism over national sovereignty and of course globalization above everything else. the rest of the world, along with the u.s. media, have waited
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for this moment for really over 30 years because ever since reagan left office, the global elites have dreamed of a weaker america, a humbler america, and america that will do what it's told. obama sacrificed his entire presidency to that concept, which is why trump came along and won in 2016. but after 2020 with biden in the white house, the americans were supposed to just behave themselves, be obedient to this new international order, and then all would be calm. well, how's that working out so far? and that's "the angle." joining me now is kellyanne conway, former senior counselor to president trump and author of "here's the deal." also dinesh d'souza, host of the dinesh d'souza podcast. kellyanne, biden once again, following in the great of his old boss, openly trashing america on the world stage with
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his depiction and hearkening back to charlottesville and making his, you know, point about january 6th. your reaction tonight? >> reaction is we are neither feared nor respected around the globe including nato in front of our allies. this is a time to reassure our allies and allay the fears of many americans who are feeling the pain, feeling the pain in the grocery store and the pain when they see the vice president two times go to europe and engage in what can only fairly be seen as america last policy here and abroad. it's one thing to castigate and denigrate americans here at home to make us less dependent on our own resources for energy independence. it's quite another to go and do that in front of probably a salivating -- happy to see united states president was not going to put america first and says as much. and not only putin watching and iran, and china and the rest of
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the world, but our military, our active military, veterans and military spouses also here in american president saying do that. you look back to the 2020 presidential debates, foreign policy questions were conspicuous by their absence, particularly in one of those debates people were afraid to bring it -- raise it, frankly. we didn't hear enough from this man who had been in washington, d.c., for 50 years, but two quick polling numbers as well, to build on what you said. number one, in the ap nrc poll, 56% said they think that biden has not been strong enough in his response on ukraine. that includes 43% of democrats, 68% of her republicans, 64% of independents, only 6% of americans say he's been too strong. ebony 4% of americans say they don't have faith, that means a crisis of any type. we're going to make a serious point, it's a serious point. i would prefer that joe biden and kamala harris not go to
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these forums anymore. >> laura: i want to get to that. >> they should not go. >> laura: got to get dinesh in on this. to see biden go to europe is to see american weakness on display. how debilitating is that to america's, you know, respect and prestige around the world, and it certainly doesn't help them at home, so i don't know why they keep sending him. >> well, they don't really have much of a choice, and the europeans are in a very odd situation. in some ways there's a part of them that wants and yearns for and demands american leadership, and so that part of them is disappointed having the stumbling, mumbling figure who is supposedly the leader of the free world at is actually embarrassing the free world in front of the world. here in america, the embarrassment of biden's somewhat camouflaged by the thick fog of rhetoric put out by the media, which in a sense is constantly cloaking and
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supporting biden, but you don't have that and the rest of the world, they just see a kind of naked biden who absolutely seems intellectually incoherent, seems to have no sense of what the interests of other countries are, seep, keeps making absurd statements like there's a division between the democracies and the autocracies of the world. think of the largest democracy in the world, india. here's india that buys a lot of russian oil, it's a developing country that means that oil in order to grow economically. india doesn't really care about the ukraine, and so india says we are going to keep buying the oil. here's a democracy bigger than the united states in terms of population that's not on our side on this. you think biden would need to address something like this, but he doesn't. he just returns like india doesn't exist. the democracies in the world -- so you just had this singsong routine will the world looks on in disbelief and contempt. >> laura: kellyanne, there was progress today, we have to admit this, because biden acknowledged that his sanctions causing
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hardship. watch. >> president biden: with regard to food shortage, yes we did -- talk about food shortages. and it's going to be real. the price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon russia. it's imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including european countries and our country as well. >> laura: without carter's malaise speech was bad. this is a heck of a midterm message, it's going to cost you 150 bucks developer tanks and we will get 100,000 refugees, billions out the door and food shortages, vote democrat, 2022. what a nightmare. >> is nothing like an uninspiring commander in chief to go deliver that message. speaking of sanctions, he seems to be the only guy in the administration in his inner circle who says they don't work -- that they were never meant to deter. his secretary of state, national security visor, vice president, and today basically his press secretary said that they are
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meant to deter. they do have a deterrent effect. but he says look, man, don't joke around with me, i always say that they wouldn't deter, so even on the simplest meaning of the purpose of sanctions, he cannot agree with his inner circle, but projecting to us back at home that food is going to continue to be expensive and then in short supply is really not the bomb we needed. i think the next time he feels like going abroad and embarrassing as he should take his first trip -- his first trip in quite a while as ever to the southern border, certainly his first trip as president. >> laura: dinesh, think about what that message says. i try to think of middle-class families, the kind of family i grew up in. as kellyanne said, here's that message today from a sitting u.s. president. they already feel the gas pump pain, now they are being told there might not be food. i just want to drive this point home to the american public. i have never heard a u.s. president speak in these terms.
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ever. ever. it's going to drive people to the store to stock up and hoard food at this point. i wouldn't be surprised. >> i mean, i think that if one is going to make the case that a president who is supposed to act on behalf of and in the interest of the american people is going to take steps that impose this kind of hardship in ordinary life. to think about a guy who makes $15 an hour and a cost him $100 to fill up your suv. that's one day's salary out of five going just to fill up your tank and biden is doing that to you. you'd think that he would say well, this is why it is in our vital national interest, it is vital for america that we intervene here. it's vital for america, but there's not even any attempt to show that, to make that case. there's just this kind of blind rhetoric, oh, putin is like hitler and so on and people are just supposed to salute and go
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along, but i think the ordinary american is wondering what is it that justifies this high degree of sacrifice that our leaders, who by the way don't face the pain themselves, are imposing on the rest of us. >> laura: i guess horrible, rotten, racist country that his party thinks we are, they're just going to have to suffer and suffer and suffer for all the foreign policy mistakes. biden, when he tries to tell the world that he was really firm with china when it came to ukraine. watch. >> president biden: had a very straightforward conversation with xi. i made no threats but i made it clear to him that make sure he understood the consequences of him helping russia. china understands that its economic future is much more closely tied to the west than it is to russia, and so i'm hopeful that he does not get engaged. >> laura: kellyanne, shouldn't we see the transcript?
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who buys this? >> well, we should see the full transcript. china put out there version within 20 minutes where you get to see the full transcript. i'm sure president xi is really convinced and i'm sure president putin is -- look, china has already benefited from the biden presidency. he won't hold them to account on fentanyl, the number one killer of 18-44-year-olds in this country right now as we sit here. he doesn't hold them to account for their persecution of the uighurs, doesn't hold them to account for the virus, he doesn't hold them to account for the $85 billion of american equipment and intelligence that is in china's wingspan that biden left behind when he allowed the taliban to take kabul and the 13 service member's to perish and not listening to his generals. i don't believe biden when he says he will stick it to china. hunter biden has done very well there, he's not going to take on president xi and if we don't
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believe -- if the polls here in this country don't show credibility and competence visa be there on president, you can't expect the rest of the world, particularly president xi to feel that way. >> laura: xi and putin or at least xi is laughing. that's bad for america. thank you. media and big tech have a way of squashing dissenting thoughts, labeling its consumption dangerous or offensive. it's happened to the show. in the last 24 hours it happened to our next guest. "the federalist" john davis in the battle be here and moments.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: we told you last night about how one of our interviews with tulsi gabbard got a warning label slapped on it by youtube for being "inappropriate or offensive." we aren't the only ones that are being censored. fox's matt finn is in our west coast bureau to tell us more. >> twitter was called out and then it reversed its decision to temporarily censor some articles published by "the federalist." the cofounder of the conservative online magazine, sean davis, 20 yesterday, "twitter is currently censoring links to federalist new stories, falsely claim that our stories are violent or misleading content that could lead to
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real-world harm. stories about kb jay, ron desantis, hunter biden, and metallic arts are all being maliciously censored by twitter." the tweet came after twitter was found giving users a caution about federalist articles reading in part "warning, this link may be unsafe," but twitter was forced to acknowledge their apparent error saying federalist articles were given a warning by mistake, explaining in part, "the urls reference were mistakenly marked up under unsafe links policy." this action has been reversed. also this week, twitter suspended the entire account of the babylon beef, it's a popular satirical publication with over a million followers. it got banned for tweet which it says keeps with its comedic brand. it read "man of the year about president biden's transgender -- was named times woman of the year. the babylon be appealed to be reinstated but lost.
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twitter required them to delete the tweet which it says it will not because it's not going to bend its need to twitter. laura. >> laura: thanks, matt, thanks for not breaking out into laughter. shorting out sean davis, ceo and cofounder of "the federalist" and joel barry, managing editor of the babylon be. sean, what is big tech going to do to conservative -- look, it's not just censorship. that's what a government does. but this is clearly an attempt at some type of lyrical purge, but i think it just ends up backfiring on them, at least in this case. >> in this case it definitely did and i'll tell you what, twitter is not the first to try it. google tried canceling "the federalist" before the election, youtube i think just yesterday canceled a bunch of cpac videos featuring my colleague mollie hemingway and me talk about big tech censorship and i think the big issue is the attempt of these left-wing oligarchs who control these big tech monopolies using
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the power to basically put their foam on the scale of what happens in our elections on what happens in our government. to me that's a lot scarier than a silly flag if a link is unsafe. if this coordinated effort to use their market power to shut down half the country that they don't agree with. >> laura: so here's what twitter told us about locking it out of its account. "we took enforcement action account for violating the twitter rules on hateful conduct. for the policy, we prohibit targeting others with repeated slurs, tropes, or other content that attempts to dehumanize, degrade, or reinforce negative or harmful stereotypes about a protected category. this includes targeting missed entering or dead naming of transgender individuals." joel, can we put up the full screen from them again? is this -- are you missed jen during again, joel? i mean, we're going to have to put you in some type of pc prison here. what is happening?
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>> that's funny, from our point of view to call rachel levine a woman is to miss gender. we have a very different philosophy, a very different worldview then the people who run twitter, and you know, the twitter terms of service, they don't define misgenderring. whether it's misgenderring according to the left or the right philosophy, but we are dealing with is really -- it's kind of a cultic religious movement with the trans movement and it has a lot of power and you know, we harbored no hatred towards people like rachel levine, leah thomas, you know, people in the transgender community, we do think it's important, even as a bunch of goofballs that tell jokes and write satire, to tell the truth and if a company like twitter can get you to admit that you
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have involved yourself in hateful conduct, just to keep your twitter followers, then they can get you to admit to anything and we feel like that's a to diane we are going to keep fighting. >> laura: good for you. sean, rogan actually addressed this on his podcast. watch. >> the way she described it to me. she's like it is utter madness. it's utter madness and the lunatics are running the asylum they have to placate them because there's a certain percentage of the population of people that work for the company and they are the loudest and they oftentimes don't get worked on and when confronted, they talk about their activism. she's like listen, you are here for x amount of hours a day, this is your [bleep] job, you're not an activist. >> laura: talking about her friend there.
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a few bad seeds, but a few bad seeds, sean, can silence the voices. china is allowed to tweet conspiracy theories morning, noon, and night, about covid. came from maine lobsters, remember that little ditty that they tweeted about? i mean, enjoying -- do whatever they want, china is. sean. >> yeah, it's crazy. it actually kind of reminds me of george orwell's "1984." winston, two plus two equals five and he said i can't, i can't, it's not true. and at the end, remember the goal of the sensors isn't to get the person they are targeting to change, it's to get everyone else to self censor themselves and it's why 1984 ends with
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saying that winston, after he was tortured into admitting that two plus two equals five, it talks but him admitting and winning the battle over himself, learning to win big brother and that's what's really going on. they are trying to bully everyone else by bullying people like "the federalist." >> laura: yeah. and joel, this is what russia and china does. i mean, they both, in their own way, site -- they cite harmony. we have to promote harmony and we have to promote the idea of security, but the language is eerily reminiscent of what some of the worst dictators in the world say when they suppress pete dominick speech similarly cited by some of our big tech overlords. >> absolutely. we saw this in china, we saw this in soviet russia. you know, this worldview, this neo-marxist worldview, it doesn't just want your body, it doesn't just want your money, it wants her soul.
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it wants you to change your worldview and give you -- you're very belief center convictions over to them, to admit that they are the arbiters of the truth and not your own conscience and so it is a very thing that has happened, with technology. >> laura: the only thing that's going to change this -- the only thing that's going to change this is money. the only response to money. until they are d5 formed, they won't listen. i safety platform to, people just have to start pulling out of these entities altogether. thank you. sirens of been going off -- will take you there for a lab. could this war usher in the end of globalization? victor davis hanson will tackle that important question next. ils down to the root without killing your lawn. this stuff works on dandelions, crabgrass, clover.
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ukraine, where a counteroffensive by ukrainian forces is underway to reclaim territory from russian troops. greg palkot is live in lviv with the latest. greg buried >> absolutely correct, laura. while president biden on thursday was talking to allied leaders in brussels, the ukrainian forces here putting up one heck of a fight. most dramatic, one russian landing ship destroyed, another damaged. the ships are crucial to bring troops, arms, and supplies into the russians. their destruction and important gain for the ukrainians. in the suburbs of kyiv, intense fighting going on. ukrainians claiming gains in what they call a counteroffensive. can't be independently verified, but at the very least, it's keeping the russians near the capital very occupied. still, it's looking very grim and devastated mariupol. again, about 100,000 traps there, and he percent of the
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buildings destroyed. the new reports that we are seeing just in the past several hours, the russian troops there entering the center of that city, reports of russians abducting thousands of civilians there and ukrainian president zelenskyy. well, he got a word in via video link on thursday to nato. he's had one major pitch. he wants weapons. first he said -- these are his words -- unrestricted, give me weapons, and then i guess he thought about it and then he said okay, just give me or let me buy 1% of your planes, your missiles, your tanks. a desperate call at a very brief time right now for this country, laura, back to you. >> laura: greg, thank you. we told you before about the great reset of capitalism. it's being pushed by the elites at the world economic forum. among the most ardent resetters is blackrock ceo larry fink. but in his annual shareholder letter today, he issued a warning to his dabo's buddies, the russian invasion of ukraine
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has put an end to the globalization we've experienced over the last three decades. companies and governments will also be looking more broadly at their dependencies on other nations. joining me now is victor davis hanson, hoover institution senior fellow. victor, if there's a bright light and devastating, tragic, ongoing nightmare in ukraine, we might be the people are generally beginning to wake up to the idea that it's time to decouple from these despotic regimes. >> yeah. i think people understood from the league of nations failure in the apostate he 30s that globalism never worked. the united nations condemned russia's invasion, didn't do any good, the majority of the population in the world didn't sign on to sanction, that's why joe biden has changed his tune but was fascinating, laura, this is economic globalization. this was supposed to make us all live in utopia and here we have an architect of it and he's saying, you know, two or three years ago he would say, you
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know, capital chases labor and production cost anywhere in the world where they are the cheapest and now he is saying we can't do that. and i think he's saying that because the natural order of history is not calm, it's not peace, it's not cooperation. unfortunately and tragically it's war, its revolution, it's played. we learned that with covid and now ukraine so i think he is saying to americans -- he of all people -- the stuff of life's shelter, it's fuel, it's food, it's a military that's deterrent, it's a border that's secure and we don't have that now and i think it's time that we look at, you know -- if you don't have fuel, you beg saudi arabia or you beg venezuela. if you don't have food, you're vulnerable to the coffin ukraine. if you don't have building material, then china -- the prices are too steep in china. wicker to really readjust our value system, farmers, soldiers, border patrol agents, electricians. it's plumbers, frackers, these
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are the heroes of the country and wicker to reevaluate our system to put more emphasis on what they do because they are the people to keep us going. >> laura: well, time for made in the usa, but former obama official steve ratner, victor, he ain't ready to decouple from china quite yet, watch. >> we import lower-cost goods from china rather than making it at home with higher cost labor at higher costs in general for that matter, we are increasing costs to consumers and so the natural evolution of trade is to find lowest course -- lowest source of supply and when you don't, prices go up for consumers and we have to be mindful for that. >> laura: victor, this is at a time when prices are going up for consumers. so his whole argument collapses now, but he still says you're going to pay more for that pair of pants who otherwise wouldn't. >> that's predicated on ukraine always producing food and supplying 20% of russia with
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ukraine, 30% of the world's food or china in the middle of the pandemics and we are running out of protective equipment, you're not going to get any. it's good to have cheap prices and globalization did it but they went way overboard and it leaves the country entirely dependent on a supply chain or just in time supplies and go look at the port of l.a. tell us if that's one of the wonders of globalism. so we need to protect our national interests by reemphasizing, producing the really elemental stuff that keeps us going, food, shelter, fuel, security, secure borders. >> laura: and, victor, will there be a place in the future for the old establishment g.o.p. who you know are just itching to have us enter something like t tip, that european trade deal, or a new version of the transpacific partnership?
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they love those multilateral trade deals that never work out for the united states, but they are -- you know their yearning to get us hooked back into one of them. >> they are, and there's two things there. in theory they sound great if the world is always peaceful and cooperative. it never really is and two, they are never really subject to the consequences of their own ideologies, so out here in rural california, people can't find gas and they are panicking about the food supplies. two years ago, rolex wire was $30 a spool and now it's $140. and they can't function. and this is a supposedly cost-efficient system but it's predicated on what happens in ukraine and what happens in china and whether the wuhan lab lets out a virus by accident or by intention, who knows. they can't control that. and they're not going to suffer because they have enough capital and income that they're going to be insulated, but they should ask themselves, can you really eat google? can you drive a facebook card?
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can you live in the twitter house? because i don't think you can. you have to have other people, americans, do those things for you, and if they can't do it, we are in big trouble. >> laura: victor, this is -- i think this is the most important discussion we had tonight of all the topics, but this is it. you were a great guest to have on, thank you so much. why is president biden coming after georgia senate candidate herschel walker? he's here next to tell us. stay there.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: with all the rot that is in this administration, you have to start asking, what are the president's priorities? well, biden has decided not to clean house in the white house, like the white house staff. he has decided to clean house at the presidents council on sports fitness and nutrition. and by that i mean force out two trump appointees still sitting on it because sports is now politicized. dr. odds and herschel walker telling them to resign by 6:00 p.m. last night or be fired, they both chose the latter. one of them is here to tell us why. herschel walker, georgia senate candidate and former nfl player
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extraordinaire joins me now. so that's it? i guess you're officially off the council for just being you? >> well, i am, and you know, with so much going on in this country, i cannot believe he's going to think that herschel walker is going to quit. i think he don't know herschel walker. he sent me a letter at 10:00, asked me to resign or they are going to fire me at 6:00, so i said i'm not going to quit, so i reckon they are going to fire me but i haven't gotten a letter that they fired me at. >> laura: i think they are pegging this to the fact that you and oz are running for office and they say you can't sit on the sports council while you're doing that. i mean, it's part of the hatch act even though you're not actually in office yet, so i'm not sure if that really makes sense. your response to the? they say it's not partisan. >> it's very interesting because
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i'm not supposed to use the council while i am out campaigning home and i never have used the council while i've been campaigning, and that's what was so strange, they sent me this letter, they know my campaign and where i'm raising money because i'm going to win this senate seat and i think that's what they thought they could do, is throw me off track, but this letter is not going to do that. the way they're going to throw me off track if they are going to have to get out -- they're going to show that these policies i am making right now are going to be great for georgia and great for america. >> laura: speaking of the race, i was wondering what the latest polls said and right now you are leading raphael warnock by four points. given how, you know, high inflation is, energy prices in the state and everywhere, hitting georgians especially hard, do you expect that to increase or do you expect this to stay pretty close? >> i expect that to increase in the regional say that if they
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are not going to try to make anything better. right now they are doubling down and they are going back and blaming everyone else a set blaming themselves. right now we could be energy independent, they don't even want to do that. we can start doing things for ourselves, they don't even want to do that. they want to hurt georgia, they want to hurt the america people so they seem to be doubling down to make this country terrible and putting a second. america is not second and i'm not going to settle for that. there's a reason i got in the race. i'm not going to settle for second place. this is the greatest country in the world. >> laura: what your message to african american voters in georgia, many of whom have suffered failing schools, increased crime rates and -- in city areas especially, what's your message and what can republicans do to reach out? >> i think what republicans can do to reach out is first of all get better messaging in the sense of letting them know that what they -- what the republican stands for is what
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african-americans believe in. they believe in education. they believe in a school choice. they believe in public safety. they believe in all the things that all the democrats have been telling they don't and i think they are seeing it now. you look at this economy right now and i think they are starting to see that all the messages that they thought we were, we are not, and right now they believe in this country. i'm sad to say that herschel walker got an i.d. i can get my own idea, i'm smart enough to have an i.d. and you know what, it's so strange, i also know that i can vote. you know, we can get out and we can vote, we don't need people telling us that we can't vote, that we are not surprised and i can find the america stream here in united states of america. >> laura: all right. great to see her tonight, sorry about the council on physical fitness. kamala didn't have to travel far. the last bite explains.
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>> been prevented of taking full advantage of the wealth building power of homeownership. segregation, restrictive covenants, and redlining long denied black homeowners a share in the american dream. that inequity continues today. systemic changes urgently needed. >> laura: that is inspiring. greg gutfeld next. >> this is a fox news alert i'm jonathan hunt live in lviv ukraine, russia and ukraine trading heavy blows one month into the war, it was victory at it seemed for ukraine claiming it destroyed a large russian landing ship that had been used to bring in armored vehicles that happened near the port city, huge gains for ukrainian forces outside the capital of kiev. counteroffensive they're pushing russian forces even further from the city. >> ukrainians in the
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