tv Hannity FOX News March 24, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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be ready with rob okay. roman makes a simple and convenient to take care of people when the moments right. you're ready roman ready spring breakers here beware the disappearance of natalee holloway is a warning. we head to aruba with natalee. what can we learn? nancy grace is shocking new investigation streaming now only on fox nation. >> well, good evening and welcome tucker carlson . tonight we're trying to findd things to be happy about and actually if you look hard enough, there are a lot of them. one of the best things about a supreme court confirmation hearing is that you get to see the u.s. senate in action and this is new ife you're like most people, the senate has one hundred members or two from every state and you know that they're somehow important there in the constitution. soutio they wear dark suits andd ties to work.
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they talkal about laws every summer. they fly to foreignev countriesy and act like their president. >> some of them you meet you may even know by name the famous ones like chuck schumer and mitch mcconnell. obviously the publicity addicts like lindsey graham and of course the ones you see on your own ballot everyne six years. that's what you know. k but do you really know these people who are they really what are they like unless youhe happen to live next door tooo one or you watch an inordinate amount of c-span, it's hard to know what they're like and that's why confirmation hearings are so greatfi. you get to see us senators in their natural habitat. turns out there are confirmation hearings underway right now. you may have heard aboutab them for a biden appointee called f cantante jackson if jackson is a world renowned legal geniusks who for reasons that are still not clearon cannot determine what a woman is.ll wewe told you about her last night, but w so far the star of these hearings has not been cantante jackson . it's been a junior senator fromj new jersey called cory booker. now like cantante jackson, cory booker is also a world famous
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legal scholar. hence his seat on the judiciary committee. booker attended not only stanford and yale law school but thenn in all the way to oxford university in england on the coveted rhodes sity. olhip he has quite a resume. if academic credentials still had any connection to ability or achievement, cory booker would be a very impressiveto person. but in this case we're going to have to grade on a t curve because cory booker has come a long way. coryry booker is from a world yw have never been to. oohe's a hard, unforgiving world of crime, decay and urban authenticity. cory booker from the streets of newark. he once described his world in an interview, quote, i still remember my first new month on the street. he said i walked up tot, this charismatic black guy," my it's called t bone, who is one of the drug lords. i said, yo, man, what's up? and he leased up in front me looked me right in the eyeye and said, who the blank do you think you are if you ever so much as look me again i'm goingf to put a cap in your now
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t bone, as you probably concluded, was one of newark's most notorious drug lords. as joe biden might have said, he was a bad dude. but cory booker's bad dude too in his own way. and the two became close the rhodes scholar and the crack slier united by a common love of the street. but then inevitably tragedy struck cory booker learned that t. boone was on the lam from the law. by this point, cory booker was the mayor of newark so the friendship couldn't last as booker later recalled with sadness quote that rift between me and t bone was inches. we sat there but i felt so alienated that there was a gulf is why does s a grand canyon between us and i could not reach out to u save this youngou man. ng we drove back to a housing project called brick towers and i've never seen him again since that day. at it's a poignant story, but cory booker isn't alone. no one has seen t bone since that day. in fact, no one hasince ever sen t bone at any point ever because t bone doesn't exist. as we later learned, t bone is i a fictional character. cory booker made them up
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entirely but cory booker didn't stop there. he also did invented his own identity. it turns out that cory booker is not a product of the streets of newark, not even close. he is in fact a blue eyed rich kid from an all white suburb. his parents were ibm executivesr . now you can judge what you have to concede that whatever else he is, cory t booker iser a remarkable actor. he is the jussie smollett of democratic politics. a fraud, yes, but a deeply committed one . a man who has honed his skills and skills have been on full display this week as booker has promoted all over ketanji jackson. now jackson isem an oppressed member of the professional class to she went to harvard of and harvard law school. so the two of them have a lotar in common. watch their solidarityvaaw. >> your family and you speak to service service service and i'm telling you right now i'm not letting anybody in the senateal steal my joy. i told you this at
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the beginning. i am i'm embarrassed itap happened earlier today. i just look at you and i start getting full of emotion. youl didn't get here because of dark money groups. you m got here how every black woman in america who's gotten has done by being like ginger rogers said i did everything fred astaire did but backwards in heels they're going to accuse of this and that hack in honor of your person who shares your birthday, you might be called the communist, but don't worry my sister. don't worry. god has got you. >> but do we make that up? do we create that ? and so that actually happened in the united they said service service service. that's what we call s hard edge striving. now it's service but the best
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is at the end. don't t worry my sister wait a second. they're related. well, apparently they are aty least in some parts it find a spiritual since they have definitely seen each other at whole foods orre on the flight edgartown. for decades these two pioneers have followed virtually identical paths. both grew up in white collar families, both into multiple elite schools. left the tinyr world of credential mongering npr listeners who run. this country now it's been a a struggle for both of them, but they've made it at this point they're just sick and tired of being sick. tired cory booker chokes upir thinking about the journey. watch. >> i was in the white house with my democratic colleagues. and again, i mean my joy. i can't help it. and the president's asking her advice who should we nominate or whatever and i look at kamala and wete have a knowig glance which we've had for years when she and i used to sit on this end of this committee at times and then i try to get out tosi the president. , what it means
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as and i want to tell you what i look at you. this is why i get emotional. it's hard for me not to look ata you and not see my mom not to see my my cousins, one of them who had to come here and sit behind you. she had to be she had to have your back. >> i see my ancestors and yours . nobody's goingnobo to steal they of that woman in the streetha oc the calls that i'm getting weathertech nobody's going toalg steal that joy. you have earned this spot. hi >> you are worthy today. you're my star. you are my harbinger of hope. that's not justice. what that you see the footage from the sentencing. exactlyust what is just what are you going. >> oh i'm offended by it. a
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but you can also acknowledge that's art the best part. corey booker and kamala harris share a knowing glance as they have for years. it's the mutual recognition of the totally fraudulent apakan is a fake or oh , you're pretending to be someone you're not me to it's easy to enjoy all this . imagine if you worked at, say,d cnn or msnbc or nbc news and you had to pretend that was an authentic scene that meant something that was rooted in some observable physical reality that people who went to ivy league schools somehow are oppressed. huh? so you wouldn't want to acknowledge any of that . you would want to pointto out that rather than ask a singlet actual question during the confirmation hearings, cory booker too slobber all over the nominee, you wouldn't be able to say any of that . so you'd have to figure out a way to ignore it.
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and our media our media dutifully did watch cory booker had no questions really. he just offered an extraordinary extemporaneous set of remarks. that moment hasnor kind of ruled the day after what was really republicans hijacking so much of this hearing. what we saw, senator , begins in or booker do to affirmr her is something that is deeply touching in a way because we know how deeply disrespected black women can it'sck bringing tears to my eyer right nowin, tears to my eyes yesterday. you know what senator bookerbo said was the god's honest truth. there are a lot of black women who watch cory booker and said this is someone who came to c really give her the sort ofam flowers that she deserved. you should know that one of the people you just saw is a poor person. not one of them is oppressed. notss one of them has anything t all in common with the people they claim to speak for. so they are to a person every
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bit as fraudulent as the people on stage telling you from the peak of the fake meritocracy that they're somehow fighting against occurrence because the opposite is true . >> what's you're not to say it, but imagine the reserve of energy it takes as a newsman to pretend having shown the clips that we just did, that was anything but horrifying, that we've seen that was anything but so fakeho that the hair on the back of your neckof goes up at the fraudulence. te that'sll honestly like telling you that leah thomas is a deeply accomplished female swimmer who's winning because she just practiced harder than the other girls. a lot of the black women who watch that loved it saidt! one nbc journalist person can't define what a woman is. the problem is all this easy to make fun of, but the problem is they are praising a sitting united states senator from th fordiciary committee asking zero questions during a confirmation hearing during
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which we're choosing the next supreme court justice. s they're saying it is immoral because the way that she looks to ask her real questions, what we're getting before she takes a seat for life and of course this is the whole point. it'skes gretta sunberg play. you a throw someone up there. who represents her views who can't be questioned because anyone who questions the person is of courseie mean or racist or sexist or whatever , you know, pick your attack. but p the person is immune from sincere question that's for telling and yet somehow it gets even more nauseating. the washington post editorial board saw that grovelingreth and decided it didn't go far enough. so they published this headline yesterday, quote f, republicans boast they have not pulled a cavnar. in fact, they treated n jackson worse. so if you read the post piece and you shouldn't obviously jeff bezos as newspapers utter garbage, you will find that the post editorial board is aghast that republicans ask, contends jackson, about kiddy. s but the sentence she handed
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down sentences that so far beneath federal sentencing guidelines continue the explanation for her low sentences with the guidelines were written before the internet. now that peopleuidelines can ame amounts of kiddy. the guidelines are too strict. that was honestly her explanation. maybe you agree with that ifon you don't tell us the legal principle behind it, if you even if you agree that because the internet makes acquiring kiddy easier, we t shouldn't be as tough on kiddy . do you think that's a fair standard? it's certainly fair to ask about it, no. in a supreme court hearing for comparison sake and we didn'tt want to go here. it'sring just too obvious. but we can't control ourselves.u this isrs how the emotive weepiw cory booker treats the last nominee to the supreme court, oe someone whose politics he doesn't agree with . he told us at the timed that brett kavanaugh was so odious, so morally filthy, so satanic that anyone who could vote for his nomination was
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guilty of a mortal sin. watch in a moral moment there is no bystander's you are either complicit in the evil. you are either contributing toro the wrong or you are fightingor against an effect. for instance, in the fake clerical or not. it's just so funny if you were to take a survey of the people most likely to give you a moraly lecture about your own moral shortcomings, they would be the people whose personal y y ls could withstand the lightest scrutiny if you know what we mean. that is a very consistent standard anyway. no one has used language like that to describe opponents of content, you. and even though she let to restate industrial scale out of jail with three months jail sentences, nor is anyoneth subjected her to questions about her high school drinking habits. remembers that ?te >> hate to bring it up, but here's what it looked like. judge cavnar, you drink on weekdays as well in high school, not just weekends
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on weekdays. yes, sir. i'd say that's rare. you talk about during the school year. i'm talking about the calendars that you provided during these days that'sdars in in the summer after a football workout when we went over to do drink on weekdays a. yes or no, sir?n in the summer when we went s over to timmy's house on july 1st, that would indicate yes. w yes. in other words, that july 1st reference to ski's wentds over for that's brewskis. correct. and after tobins there, sir, i just need a yes or no that brewskis right. that's the guy lecturing you about god. and like all funny people, you see little glintseo of cruelty r meanness beneath. did you have a beer? answer the question and it's funny is that brett kavanaugh actually had to answer the question, not that it mattered in the end it wouldn't matter what he said continually. brown jackson, meanwhile,it does not explain what the meaning of the word woman is women even in realn terms that the question is now above the pay grade of
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the u.s. supreme court maybe t were meant too think of women as an archetype, a pastiche of either like t bone, the baddest drug lord in newark, one minute women are here fully female and authentic, filling you in the gritty details of womanhood. hi the next thing you know, you drop them off at a housingng project p and are gone forever. miranda devine is not gone. she is thankfully here the promise of the new york post, the author of the laptop from . she joinss us to assess. i've got to say and i hate to you know, cory booker obviously so self discrediting, but it's just weird to see how seriously that kind of embarrassing performance is taken by all the supposed adults. it's all a big charade. you know, it's like the emperor's new clothes. no one is willing to actually call out the absurdity. and you know, talking about tabone, has anyone ever seen t bone and corn pop in the same room? ee they sound very familiar. and you know, the thing about cory bookerr and his performance
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is that it was all that look at me and you played that bit. wa that wass really the whole point of it, which is he says, you know, when he's trying to take claim for her nomination and you know, he's talkingg about being in the office with the president when he was deciding and you know, lookingde into kamala harris eyes because he knows the vice president really well was just boastful and , you know, childish and gloating and , you know, making himself the story. and you look at that and you think it's all patronizing to a woman with , you's know, great accomplishment and you know, he's there patronizing her and h you wonder if he would dof the same if she were a man. and it's not you know, this is not just some identity politics trophy. this ist a lifetime appointmenth to the supreme court and he's turned it into an a oscar speech for himself. you know, it's sort of it's
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just sickening and the fact that those cnn anchors and the rest of them are treating him seriously instead of laughing at him, he should bem laughedso because that kind of behavior in a senator is really corrosive. ultimately. well, it is. and you're absolutely right to note the narcissism at the bottom of it because that always is what it's about. no one'says interested in actuan helping corncob pettibone. it's all about congratulating themselves. as always, great advicelv and thank you fores that . good to see you. thanks so much. >> so as noted again and again because it really was a moment history of confirmation hearing our new supreme court nomineeha can't tell yout what a woman is, but she's not alone. many democrats aren'tt. we told you about one woman who can there she is can be n told youot last night we wanted to talk to the woman in that video. we have found her very excited
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what a woman is, not even people who want to sit on a w supreme court and if you try to define them, you will get in big trouble. we, for example, arehe stillm s locked out of our twitter account for affirming the obvious biological sex is real. itth said ate first no one in human history has ever doubteded that because it's true . but some people are still willing to say that we do this clip the other night. it shows one woman watching as leah thomas was a man wins a women's swimming competition. watch this of woman.t that's not the kind of, you know, what are you rogers? >> you're not. so we said we're going to try and find the woman who said that and we did. her name is kelly jachinis. a she's a foundation for women h and we're happy to have her join us so thank you so much for coming on , kelly. so thank you so much. so you're not afraid to say what's true ? why are youo not afraid?
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>> oh , i think it's my duty. i because i because it needs to be said i'm 100% sure that i have to say it. there's many people are afraid that are in positions where they feel they're going to lose their jobs but we can't all be silent otherwise the world is is going fast to in a hand called i think that's yeah i think that's exactly that's exactly right. but why is this important? i mean t there are a lot of big things going on . people lie all the time. you've taken a stand on this specific issue. > how come? well, i think if you can no longer define a woman is we can't talk about women. our language is being violated all over the place in the uk and i'm sure in the us women are called savages have menstruated chest dispersing persons. so we have to give up the language that describess us . but the you know, it's the only people are allowed to be calledc women these days are
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actually men. sotu this seems i mean, far be e for me to weigh in on what must feel like as a woman, but it does seem degrading to be called whichever i mean,gr what is ultimately reallyea sexist, the most pernicious sexism and that's what's happening to women all over the world. so why aren't people who say they have the interests of women at heart standing up and saying no, you can't pretend that being a woman is a as simple as changing your clothes? this i've thought about long and hard. i think it comes l to cowardicei i think it comes to a cult like mentality. i think these people arere brainwashed. they are experiencing truckloads of cognitive dissonance. i talk to many girls outside of the swimming pool who you know ,you said the question like what is a woman and they
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literally would not speak.ra it's really sinisterlly would is sinister because it seems like the biggest and best organized bullying campaign against a population ever organized. did anybody to meet say wait a second, that's cheating? this man is cheating because that's what it is. i don'ts think anyone that say it, which is why i really felt i had to say something that is just this oppressive silence on everybody knew that there was a man in the poollsi racing with the girls. everybody knew it and those that knew it wouldn't say it. but the person in front of me was quite happy to say that he was definitely a woman. so it's it's just really scary. this is why those of us and it's fantastic that you talk about this quite a lot because so many other broadcasters arepl simply too afraid. yeah. i mean, you know, i think i could care less how you dress or what you call yourself, but
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this is not liberation. rthis is the dark ages and you remain cheerful and honest in the middle of it and i really admire that . i appreciate coming on tonight. thank you . >> so the biden administration confirmed there are us funded biolabs in ukraine. we want don't ask you're a tool of beauty. wait a second. you just told us you funded biolabs in ukraine and didn't take out the dangerous agents before the russians invaded. it's not your fault. shut up, putin lover. we decided to find out what exactly is this about and we did tell you after the break. >> i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you aboutlo life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 or eighty five and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, rememberat a a three pit the three what the three piece what are the three p's the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price
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bleeding and infection events. earlier in the year with dotcom's ask your neurologist about your blood work all 807 five to eleven hundred today a new beginning in april. we all love watching football announcing the whatever is. remember biolab story was a couple of weeks ago. so much has happened butem a couple of weeks victoria? nuland that's the undersecretary of state who oversees ukraine , mentioned in a senate hearing that there are a us funded m biolabs in ukraine and whatever is in these labs. nuland said to marco rubio so dangerous she's worried it'll fall into the wrong hands. we could hurt now we saw
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the tape of nuland saying this and we were really surprised. we never heard anything like this before biolabs in ukraine. ? at why so we brought it up on air and we asked among other things, why isn't the bush administration secure what was ever in these labs before the russians invaded i? it seems like a fair question, maybe an important question for asking itr. we were immediately denounced by so-called reporters as disloyal agents of vladimir d putin. they accused us of repeating discredited russian disinformation about the existence of bio weapons in ukraine and they knew this because pentagon flacks ite hands them a quote fact sheet to told themselves they read the talking points dutifully as they always do.t in fact, we don't even mention bio weapons. we just quoted victoria nulandwe told the senate and asked what it meant. the whole thing was absurd, but the experience did get us thinking what is the truth here? why exactly are we paying for biolabs? denukee train of all places? how long has this been going on and what's the purpose? so we started poking around toun find out wed did we just spokeeo to someone who knows the answer
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to this question, someone with direct first knowledge of this topic. it turns out that our government has for some timee funded biolabs in ukraine that do, among otherso things, research on yes biologies, weapons. this is not a conspiracy theory. it'sir true . so why is the u.s. government doing this in ukraine? the answer u? because no one wants to do bio weapons research in this country. it's too dangerous and it's too unpopular. for decades the u.s. government worked on bio weapons at places like fort dietrich in suburban maryland or underground at the army's dugway proving ground outside salt lake city. but t after a series of accidens and controversies, the government decided to move bio weapons research offshore. ukraine,e, among other countrie, was a perfect place to relocatec because ukraine is not a democracy, the ukrainiankr government could host allai the bio weapons research it wants. there's a nothing ordinary ukrainians can do about it. that'sin the truth. ho now we're not shocked that our government is lying about this . a bio weaponsnsng program is by definition a national security matter. so you do noton expect full
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transparency. it's okay. what we're shocked by isat the bush administration's willingness to attack anyone who presses them for answers as an agent of a hostile foreign power. get out ofent away or will accr you of treason. that's over the top. that's their m.o. not just the white house but the toadiesw in the press corps who do their bidding denouncing american citizens as disloyal for telling the truth in order to be elected republicans joe biden they're afraid not to . but there's more to the story. how much more ? we're not sure. but the national pulse isep reporting tonight that apparently a private equityon firm run by hunter biden funded some of the research into pathogens in these bio . what are the outlines p that'sla we're not sure, but we know it's legitimate to ask what it means. whyea wouldn't it be you're not a russian agent repeating discredited putin talking points if you ask you're a goodd citizens. we're going to continue to ask. >>nd we hope that others will to
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we can'tan help but notice that the very same people talking about democracy a in ukraine are stillbo holding americans in prison in this country for what aree essentially political offenses. that's true . julie kelly has been following the fate of the january six defendants for more thane' a year. she's with american greatness socially awkward january six . the democratss ca use the capitl protests to launch a war of terror against the political right. julie kelly joins us tonight. julie, thanks so much for coming on . all of us hope for ukraine toc. be free and democratic. it's just interesting that theit people who are lecturing about human rights in eastern europe are the ones violating them here. is that an overstatementaste? not at and the silence of not just the democrats and the usual suspectsnc who defend political the taking and holding of political prisoners, but also people like mitt romney. they've all been silent by the fact in the fact that the justice department, joe bidenfat the justice department has sought pretrial detention for at least,, one hundred americans
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for their participation in the events of januaryor six . nearly 80 of those americans still are behind. bars, denied the opportunity to post baill as the same justice department delays their trials into the middle or towards dep the ee of this year. that means that there will be some menen who will have been behind bars for almost two years, not convicted of any crime, never presented anyny evidence before a jury to decide, simply held denied bail because they are trumpil supporters who protested the electionec of joe biden b on january six twenty twenty one as murderers and nd walk free. a guy walks into a classroom shot about of people is in three days. so this is obviously a humanan rights violation. there's no other way toig describe it. i mean, is there any body to which they can complain the appeal to the un? but h if you know, if republicas won't even stand on their behalf like who else too go to at this point there really is
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nowhere for these defendants to go. they arets being targeted and persecuted by this justice departmentrg. youce have judges on the d.c. district court. i'm talking about judgess hav al the way from trump appointees down to reagan appointees who are going along with the justice department holding even wi protesters upwards of 18 months while they're delaying trials, letting dojg get away with this delay not just their trials but concealing evidence, refusing to turn over discovery materials to theseov defense attorneys. i mean, this is such t a riggede system they can't get a fair jury in washington, d.c. as you, know, athey are trapped in the system and no one except for a few people, including you, , tucker , and a few people like marjorie taylor greene and louie gohmert, et cetera, are speaking out aboutg this unconstitutional, inhumane abuse of political protest or simply because they are they protested the election
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and are basically dissidents of joe biden quick legal question. the president has raised almost two hundred million dollars. could any of that money be used to get real legal representation for people sitting in jail because they attendedea a rally for him? would that be possible to do? yes, they absolutely could. and a lot of these people have public defenders. they have not been able to hire criminal defense attorneys in d.c. because of course, as you know, that six figures that they don't have. so yes, there also has been there is a huge vacuum in the republican party, not just people speaking up but actually coughing up money with lawyersnd and money to help these desperate people who are trapped and have nowhere elseed to turn. and our political leaders are for the most part have completely abandoned thesee fo. and you really see. how the republican party feels about as voters as the languishing human rights violation. appreciate your calling
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again and again, julie kelly, thank you . youalli too, tucker . thank you . so benetech, is the platforming americans happen to yesterday? a that's you're not on twitter, whatever . you shouldn't be on twitter anyway. embarrassing, but what happens if you get kicked out of your own bank account or b blocked from making receiving payments online? g that's not a small thing. major financial institutions are now doing this american to have their own political in an all new episode of talker carlson originals, george soros is a billionaire currency trader who has spent decades waging a kind of war one unlikely country is fighting back . that country is hungry. watch as tucker goes one on one with prime minister viktor orban and exposes the truth behind the left's globalist ideals. so your success is a challenge to their worldview. tucker carlson originals hungary versus soros streaming
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the rest of the world to ignore american law and come here illegallyth as a result of that nearly 200000 illegal immigrants arrive ats this border, this country every month t. the volume is totallyth overwhelmed u.s. border patrol facilities. so how is the administration dealing with this? well, fox film illusion hasin been the single best reporterre on this question for a year has now found that dhs is releasing huge numbers of cuban nationals, venezuelans, nicaraguans, colombians, et cetera in the united states, what they call a humanitarian parole pathway, humanitarian tol home, not american citizens. but religion has obtained an internal dhs memo explaining senior biden official authorized a new policy of mass release using this parolele system. now this is completely illegal. you should know this is the white house encouraging felony. se i haven't seenen that in a whil. however, according to federal parole can only be used foran quote urgent humanitarian purposes and quote significant f public benefit. neither one applies here.
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it's intended for a small number of cases. the bush administration, by contrast, is giving parole to tens of thousands of illegalo aliens and then they're dropping them off into the u.s.t . so who's suffering? well, americans people in the town of vivaldi, texas are the mayor of that city says you've always done flooded with migrants. he says the demonstrations picked his city because it is a bus stop. s >> there's a local news reporte on what he's seeing. this is what mayorhi don mclaughlin saw outside the valde customs and border protection station this morningt . people in our community areni fd up with , you know, the one hundred young men and women got into four large passenger busses bound for san antonio. border agents told mcglaughlin to expect up to 150on people to be released in the valley each day. we've been talking to mayor john mclaughlin of uvalda for almost a year now. we're happyal to have them join us again tonight . mr. mayor, thanks so much fornk coming on . >> how is uvalda weathertech? and we were doing pretty good, but fighting between fighting the pandemic and now the surgean
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of illegal aliensde, it is wild or worse than it's ever been with the with the border patrol releasing migrants in our town with it's just ridiculous. and on top of that , we have got a way that we're having pursued through town and we don't know which waywe to turn anymore. it's just it's just totallyan crazy. how how can the white house do this to you? i mean, you're born t in this country.y. you're the american citizens in your townyou are are sufferig because of this . how cann they how can they cruse a town like this ? >> that's the question i ask. what gives them the right? and they say, well, you values of transportation hub, we're not we have one bus that runs from san antonio to eagle to del rio and then back to you about the time that bus gets rowdy, it's full. you can buy a ticket out ofic uvalda on a buske. i mean they're releasing
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in eagle pass, texas right now ,which is sixty three miles from the valley. they're releasing seven hundred people a day into the community. same thing in del rio over 500. a day in their real they're standing on the street corners.n they're in people's yards and that's what we're trying to prevent frome' happening in the but it is a powder keg that's going to blow up in this government has no regard for american citizens. it's almost like theseos immigrants have more rights than we do as american citizensm . it's a powder keg. so a lot of the texans, the americans in your part of the state are spanish speaking. they have relatives in mexico. the white house tells us they love this stuff. what are the people you represent? think of it. the people i represent think enough's enough that we have we have wonderful families that did migrate from mexicoe and came in the right way iy and they are fed up with it. they are tired of the open door. lett themre come in . >> they're just they're very frustrated when you say it's
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a powder keg that could blow up, what do you mean? well, i mean, here's the problem. you bring thesehe people into a community like valde, youit know, but youy know, usually eight eight thirty nine o'clock there's not anything but a convenience store. so what are you going:0 to have one hundred and fifty two hundred people and they're going to start walking in the neighborhoods. you know, our crime rates areut already up. i'm not attributing all that illegal immigration, but i promise you part ofe it u is and all of a sudden these people are going to beng in people's neighborhoods or in their cars or on their frontc porch charging their phone just walking up and plugging their phone in like they own the place and you can't tell them they can't charge the phone. and when that happens, somebody isis going to get hurt. and i hope it doesn't happen. but i'm really worried that it isat. i can promise you the white house doesn't care at all about you or anyone in your town. and i appreciate your speaking up, mr. mayor. mcglaughlin of you of allcl the texas thank you . >> thank you for having me. i appreciate it very much. so you may get the feeling
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that people are trying to kind t of figure out ways to control your money to control t the finances of private citizens. that has come to mean shutting down the bankk accounts of anyone who disagrees with the current orthodoxy. masters is running for senate in the state of arizona. he's seen this happen background. he joins us tonight to explain the outlines like mastro's. . whks so much for so what are you worried about that's happening hereor? so many people come on your show, the show on tv, but they come on and talk about how terrible everything is and i get it because there'se' a lot of material. we've got a female supreme s court nominee who doesn't knowup what a woman is. right. you've gotow joe biden and kamalade ,neither of whom can form a coherent sentence. and yet just recentlyf t here in arizona, wells fargo debunked a friend of mine. they shut down his account because he's a prominent conservative. and so these banks it'sbe a problem. they are super woke and they were like two seconds away from freezing your checking account if you're a republican. so i get it. o there'sf a lot of bad stuff.. but tucker , i actually wantednd come on and give a bit of goodew
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news based on what i'm seeing on the campaign trail i in arizona. people are tired of this . people are waking up. they're pushing back . i dare say they're mad as hell and they're not going to take it anymore. it does seem like there's just too much controlol over everything technology has been harnessed by ate political party to suppress any dissent in your sense from traveling the state as people are picking up on this? hi oh ,s? absolutely. and you have candidates talkinge about it. look, i know the biden economy is tanking, but we have a bullno market in politics this cycle. we're seeing a wave of new and fresh faced candidates who arere like president trump just speaking directly to the people. right. people are so tired ofesidtrumpe cutter politicians. certainly i'm trying to innovate in my campaign there was a hit piece that the new york times wrote. they said that my campaign sounded too much like you, tucker . and so i think y i'm over the target or look at fundraising. right. the democrats have a gigantic fundraising machinearcrat. republicans need to be scrappy and compete. and so just toda my campaign released a new series of nfte based on art from the best
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selling book that i wrote with peter thiel. so yeah, we're using nfte as a fun way to get donors involved. super coolwinin prizes. you could win dinnerrca with me. peter . but tucker , it should be fun e and exciting to participate in politicss and help take back the us senate. soso if that sounds good, go to blake masters .com, last question. do you think that republicans are very dissatisfiedis with their leadership of the party and i think they have every reason to be will they actually vote in primaries? detyi think they will, tucker . the fight that i'm seeing on the ground here is like nothing i couldld have imagined people know we need to fight for this country. i mean that figuratively , of course, but also literally fight for it if it comes to it.a did you see the poll that came out that said if america were invaded tomorrow, two thirds of democrats say that they would flee instead of fight to defend this country? what is that ? that's despicable. this is our country. our kids are going to live here. their kids are going to livee here and it deserves to be an america that we loveiv and recognize. that's what's at stake. that's what we're fighting for. yeah, a peaceful, happyig place a place you grew up and he has some problems. but the thing is that people are nice, basically united and
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loving the place they were born. yeah, i agree. as blakete masters, thank you so much. good to see you. thank you , tucker . y we'll be right back . >> we promised power outages or unpredictable inconvenience and disruptive to your life, posing a real threat to your comfort and safety when the power goes out, you have no lights, no refrigeration, no heating or air conditioning. your well or so pump won't work . your modern daily electronics are rendered useless and if the power's out for days or weeks, are you prepared? you can be with a general home standby generator with the generic powers are well the refrigerator. and if my cpac machine which are all things that we need to survive the day to day basis with a power outage occurs your generic homestead by generator automatically powers up so your life goes on without disruption. you and your family are comfortable, safe and secure.
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breakers and here beware the disappearance of natalee holloway is a warning. we head to aruba with natalee. what can we learn? nancy grace, this shocking new investigation streaming now only on fox nation. so justin trudeau ends democracy in canada. then he goes over the european parliament to complain that vladimir putin is a threat to democracy. how to gome? i well, here's german member of parliament christine anderson responding. it would have been more appropriate for mr. trudeau, prime minister of canadaia, to address this house. according to article 144, an article which was specifically designed to debate violations of human rights, democracy and the rule of law, which is te clearly the case with mr. trudeau. then again at prime minister who openly admires the chinese basicc dictatorship, who tramples on fundamental rights by persecutinghinese dica and criminalizing his own citizens as terrorists justse because they dared to stand up to its perverted concept of
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democracy should not be allowedf to speak in this house at mr. trudeau. you are a disgrace for any democracy. please spare us your presence. thank you . well,than see see the hero. i another representative from croatiaer said trudeau. canada has become a symbol of civil rights violations and he's running a dictatorship which is true as of last night . we'll see tomorrow. welcome to "hannity" is busy thursday night. we begin with a fox news alert tonight . tonight we are more than one monthox n into putin's blooy invasion into ukraine and yet russia's murdering has almost nothing to show for y his effors except a lot of dead soldiers d faltering economy blood all over his hands because of the brutal, indiscriminate bombings that have destroyed and schools, entire cities and neighborhoods, almost the entire city of mariupol. but lookei at your screen early this morning, a port citylo occupied by russia in southern ukraine was rockedokt
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