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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  March 25, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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she has her questions and then she has her notes off to the side. >> dana: she likes my book, everything will be okay. a new chapter in there you can find all the ways to get it for graduates. nieces, nephews, daughters. >> trace: both my daughters love it. >> i'm not a daughter but i read it. thank you for being a hero. >> president biden in poland this morning to speak on the refugee crisis on folding in eastern europe. critics back home are scratching their heads over his comments he made yesterday. the president claims sanctions were never meant to deter vladimir putin from ever terrorizeing the innocent people of ukraine but it contradicts his own administration and raises the question have we done enough to stop russia ace tay act on the sovereign nation? in is the "the faulkner focus". i'm julie banderas in for
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harris. after meeting with nato and g-7 leaders the president snapped at a reporter angryly >> deterrents didn't work. what makes you think vladimir putin will alter course? >> president biden: i did not say that, in fact, the sanctions would deter him. sanctions never deter. you keep talking about that. sanctions never deter. >> harris: here is the problem because that's the exact opposite of what we were told by the administration just last month. >> yes, our intention is to have a deterrent effect. >> the president believes that sanctions are intended to deter. >> the purpose of the sanctions in the first instance is try to deter russia from going to war. >> we want them to have a deterrent effect. >> the allied relationship is such that we have agreed that
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the deterrence effect of these sanctions is still a meaningful one. >> republican congressman brian mast is standing by with reaction. live fox team coverage. mike tobin reporting live from western ukraine. edward lawrence is in brussels and aishah hosni is southern poland. we begin with peter doocy live in warsaw. hi, peter. >> julie, this is as close as president biden can get to ukraine without actually going into ukraine. the big announcement on the way here was about increasing liquid natural gas exports to europe so that leaders here on this continent can stop padding putin's pockets by buying russian oil. >> president biden: european union are going to work together to take concrete measures to reduce dependence on natural gas, period. and to maximize the availability and use of
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renewable energy. >> so ultimately for president biden it is all about financial punishment. the whole point of sanctions was to deter until it wasn't and that's something that republican critics back home are noticing. >> unfortunately right now it seems like mr. putin is deterring us and our allies more than we are deterring him. and unfortunately time is on his side because he is just going to keep coming and grinding this out until he is stopped. >> president biden will be here in eastern europe through tomorrow. he has announced a plan to accept 100,000 refugees into the united states and almost announced a little too much about his plans for poland in brussels. >> president biden: i'm not supposed to say where i'm going. i hope i get to see a lot of people. [laughter] >> the president is visiting right now and eating pepperoni
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pizza now with the 82nd airborne. members from ohio, virginia, and florida. those are the troops. president biden will not send anybody into ukraine, those troops are as close as they can get to this conflict. >> peter doocy in warsaw, poland. thank you very much. vladimir putin still unleashing terror from the skies. the southern port city of mariupol has faced relentless air strikes for weeks now. the city now covered in dust and debris and we have new video of civilians trying desperately to escape. a theater in mariupol that was used as a shelter, we're hearing from local officials that 300 people were killed after the russians bombed that theater last week despite the fact that the word children was clearly written in russian outside the building. mike tobin is live in lviv with more. hi, mike.
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>> ukrainian forces making gains on the ground near the capital city of kyiv and russian forces increasing the intensity of the fight to the eastern part of the country the suffering of the people in mariupol has not paused at all. a few aid convoys made it through at least a couple of aid deliveries made it through an the line of people looking to get food, water, and medicine stretched across several parking lots. as you still have 100,000 people in that city. the population is 450,000. most people got out. but they have been subject to an unrelenting bombardment for three weeks. they have been without food, water, power, they've been without medicine as the siege warfare continues on mariupol. we have video of civilians evacuating that town. you will notice that they are shooting this video from their personal cars as you look at all of this destruction. the reason they're in their personal cars is because the buses sent to try to get people out of mariupol have been fired upon. they have been stopped and the
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drivers have been detained by the russian forces. now they are only going as far as some towns to the west of mariupol. update on the drama theater. that's the theater being used as a bomb shelter. marked in the front and back with the russian word for children so they would know there were children sheltering inside. it took a direct hit. what we're now hearing from independent reporters who have been able to make it all the way to that theater is an estimate that some 300 people were killed in that direct strike of a russian bomb on that theater. that number will be low because rescue equipment,s kavation equipment, rescue workers can't make it to that site yet. ukrainian military officials say the person who is responsible for the bombing of that theater, as well as the bombing at the maternity hospital, is general who was very involved in the siege at aleppo using similar style tactics. even said he once had a junior
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officer's ears cut off for wearing his uniform improperly. back to you. >> we'll go to president biden as he meets with service members from the 82nd airborne division. >> he is concerned about you and focused on you each and every da i want you to hear that from me. it's the god's honest truth and it is who he is. without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce the president of the united states. [applause] >> president biden: thank you, mr. secretary. don't jump. you guys are used to jumping. don't jump. anyway, thanks for letting me come to say hello to you all. i've been saying this a long time. a folks that travel with me know that because i was a senator for 36 years, foreign
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relations committee, traveled around the world and eight years as vice president and now president. a couple of things. first of all, thank you. you represent 1% of the american people. none of you have to be here. you all decided to be here for your country. every one of you volunteered and the 99% of the rest of the country owes you and owes you big for one. number two, you know, we're a unique country in many ways. and we are the only country, the only country in the world not organized based on geography, ethnicity, raced or anything else. we're based on idea. we hold these truths to be self-evident that all women and men are created equal. sounds corny, it's the truth of who we are. we have never lived up to it
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but never walked away from it. the rest of the world looks to us because you know we not only lead by example of our power, but by the power of our example. your generation combines both. the rest of the world looks at you and sees who you are and they see you are a multi-ethnic group of americans together and united in one resolve, to defend your country and to help those who need help. that's why you are here. i spent a lot of time in ukraine when i was a senator and vice president. i have spoken there in the days when they didn't have what you call democracy. and i was there when the former leader had to take off and head into russia. and so, you know, the ukrainian people have a lot of backbone. they have a lot of guts and i'm sure you are observing it. i don't mean just military, which we've been training since
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back when russia moved in to -- in the southeast ukraine. but also the average citizen. look how they are stepping up. look how they are stepping up. and you are going to see when you are there, some of you have been there, you will see women, young people standing in the middle in the front of a damn tank just i'm not leaving. i'm holding my ground. they're incredible. but they take a lot of inspiration from us and you know, woman who just died the secretary of state said we are the essential nation. it sounds like a bit of hyperbole. we're in the midst i don't want to sound too philosophical but you are in the midst of a fight between democracies and
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oligarchs. president xi points out to me he believes in china he believes democracies can't succeed. change is happening so quickly that democracies require consensus and we can't put together consensus as quickly as autocrats can. what is at stake not only in ukraine to help the ukrainian people and keep the massacre from continuing, but beyond that what's at stake is what are your kids and grandkids going to look like in terms of their freedom? what's happening? last 10 years fewer democracies have been formed than we've lost in the world. so this is -- what you are engaged in is just much more than whether or not you can alleviate the pain and suffering of the people of ukraine. we're in a new phase. your generation, we're at an inflection point. every four or five generations
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comes along fundamental change that takes place. the world won't be the same not because of ukraine but it won't be the same 10, 15 years from now in terms of our organizational structures. the question is, who is going to prevail? are democracies prevail and the values we share or autocracy prevail? what you are doing is really consequential. as i said to a group at the chow in the mess hall. you are the finest fighting force in the world. let me say it again, the finest fighting force in the history of the world. part of the reason is you have had to fight so much for the last 20 years for real. not many generations, the greatest generation was my father's generation, your
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grandparents generation, world war ii generation. no other generation has had to be in a battle, have your buddy blown up, wiped the blood off the humvee, get back in and saddle up and go for another six months. the second flew out of in and out of afghanistan, 38 times, and every time i would go in, i would see -- the last time i flew in and i flew in up in the cockpit landing in bagram. six people came up with cargo while i was flying and i said how many this is your first tour of duty? not one person raised their hand. second tour? not one person. third tour of duty? three. fourth, one. fifth one, and sixth one. this never happened before.
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one thing to be in the middle of a battle, go home and get sent back again. and so one of the things that i've said and got in trouble for saying it but not anymore. saying it since i got elected, we have a sacred obligation, only one obligation, this government. we have a lot of obligations to the elderly, the poor, the children, etc., only one sacred obligation. equip those we send to war. care for them and their families when they come home. so you all are an amazing group of women and men. i commend you for your service. i mean it from the bottom of my heart. it is not new to me. my son spent a year in iraq and six months in kosovo. won the bronze star and other awards. proudest thing he did was put that uniform on. like many of you he didn't have to go, either.
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he was the attorney general of the state of delaware and the delaware national guard. what happened was, when he was sent overseas he had to go to washington to get an equivalent of a dispensation. you had to be federal or state property. he was the attorney general of the state and had to give up the office in order to go with his troops. the point is, there were hundreds of thousands of people like my son, like all of you. so thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you. it's not only what you are doing to help the ukrainian people, it is not only what you are doing to help europe regain its confidence, the reason why when the general -- secretary of state asked if i would send 12,000 troops from the united states i said yeah, 100,000 american forces here in europe. we haven't had that in a long, long time. because we are the organizing principle for the rest of the
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world. as i said, we sent the best. the best available in america. that's all of you women and men. i came for one simple basic reason, not a joke. to say thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you for your service. thank you for you who are. and thank you for what you are doing. and as my grandfather would say every time i walked out of his house he would yell joey, keep the faith. my grandmother would yell all kidding aside, she would yell no, spread it. you are spreading the faith. thank you, thank you, thank you. my god bless you all and keep you safe and may god protect our troops, thank you, thank you. [applause] >> president biden thanking u.s. troops there many times based in poland for serving as a very visible deterrent to president vladimir putin. the president has been explicit
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in his vow that the united states military will not set foot in ukraine where they could be drawn into direct conflict with russian troops. potentially trigger a wider, more dangerous world war between nuclear armed powers. brian mast, republican congressman from florida, member of the house foreign affairs committee. retired u.s. army and veteran of the war in afghanistan. he is very grateful to our troops, the troops -- we have been insisted upon our u.s. troops won't be entering ukraine. but yesterday it was interesting i want you to tell me what your thoughts were on biden's reaction to a reporter that brought up sanctions and whether or not they were meant to deter putin and he said no, they were not meant to deter ever. he got quite angry about that despite the fact that white house officials have insisted that was the point of sanctions. what other point were sanctions meant for before the war?
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>> let's answer that in the context of him just speaking to the troops right now. he said they are the finest fighting force in the history of the world. that's totally true. unfortunately what the world sees, what does the world see when they look at us? they see the finest fighting force being led by a lamb and not being led by a lion. if he is unwilling to even say we were trying to deter russia from entering the ukraine. if we weren't trying to deter them, what in the world were we doing? were we just thinking about sanctions for the fun of it? something to piss russia off a little bit or china who they were working with? it is nonsensical to put forward this idea that his administration wasn't trying to deter ukraine. we all knew it wasn't going to be effective because what they were doing was the equivalent of sanctioning a farmer without their crops. unwilling to look at the reality of the is situation and
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acknowledge their faults. >> if at all times right now is not the time for there to be mixed messaging after the white house refused to commit to a red line the president said nato will respond if putin uses chemical weapons. we don't know. he is calling on the g20 to expel russia. does it sound like we're taking a tough enough stance when we talk of weapons of mass destruction here? >> where the world can't say there is a 0% chance of nuclear or chemical weapons used or 50,000 ukrainians killed. the fact of the matter is biden is unwilling as you pointed out to put forward any red line whether it comes to them doing cyberattacks on our infrastructure or anything else and that's him being a lamb, not being a lion. not being what people expect out of the united states of america, which is that show of force. that some of a line. this is the line that which you
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will not pass. biden will not be that. >> what is your take. a former zelenskyy campaign advisor said if you are putin and think europe will crack in a month or six months or a week why not? they can take anything for another month. can they really? how many more civilians will have to die and refugees forced out of ukraine and how many children will remain homeless? how much longer can they endure? >> the answer is there will be millions of more forced out. there will be thousands more that die. now thankfully we have a partner in president zelenskyy that made this commitment as one of the most powerful things i ever heard him say and he said listen, if russians are in the ukraine then they are going to be there by themselves because that means every last ukrainian has fought to the death. that's leadership. >> the u.s. has offered help to ukraine in many ways in the form of weapons and
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humanitarian aid but critics say it is not enough. i want you to listen to general keith kellogg and react. sxwloo let's give ukraine a chance to win. it will reset the entire world not just europe. because the chinese will pay attention and north koreas will pay attention and iranians will pay attention. we have a chance probably once in a lifetime to reset the stage because i think the russians are on their heels. they are on their heels because nobody thought ukraine could do what they're doing. >> iran and china will pay attention to this. what message send to china and iran? >> we should be sending the message that we respond to russia's if then statements and stand by and do nothing. i think the general is right in saying we could reset the stage as to what iran is doing with nuclear weapons, threatening the entire gulf states and israel. what china is doing with taiwan and the list goes on. we can reset that if we're strong and enable -- i think if
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we reverse engineer it and tell russia and vladimir putin no matter how long it takes, three weeks, three months, three years, this is how it ends for him he is out of power, russia has conducted nuclear demilitarization, demilitarize zones along all russian borders. they are out of ukraine and crimea. that's how this ends if you project yourself to the globe like russia has done as of late. >> thank you for taking the time. president biden cutting a deal to wean europe off russian energy but here at home he says he wants more oil production but his executive order tells a different story. and then there is this. >> economically there hasn't been much progress simply because of inflation. it has been tough on everybody. >> i think for a lot of americans it feels like there is continually insecure. >> they have a long way to go. >> you heard it.
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americans are not happy with the president when it comes to the economy. new polls show they point the finger squarely at the white house when it comes to raging inflation and out of sight gas prices. the mid-term elections not so far away. u see, son, with a lite elbow grease, you can do just about anything. thanks, dad. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? sorry, i had another thought so i got back in line. what was it? [ sighs ] i can't remember.
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>> julie: the u.s. is trying to help europe break its dependency on russia energy. president biden's deal with the e.u. to send more natural gas their way may be largely symbolic because his executive orders have limited fossil fuel production here in the u.s. that means we don't have enough capacity to export more natural gas and prices at the pump are still sky high. new fox poll shows a huge majority say it is a major problem for their families. nearly 70% blame the biden administration for it. fox business's edward lawrence
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is live in brussels. hey there, edward. >> president joe biden is stepping up the try to help the european union to get off the reliance on russian energy. the catch, though, he is doing it in the name of moving off fossil fuels, not increasing production of natural gas within the u.s. listen. >> president biden: that goal, while accelerating our progress toward a secure, clean energy future. this initiative focuses on two core issues. one, helping europe reduce its dependency on russian gas as quickly as possible. the second, reducing europe's demand for gas overall. >> national security advisor says the u.s. identified three ways to -- expand the number of ports allowed to receive the current u.s. exports. diverting natural gas shipments from other countries to europe
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and the third, getting qatar to fill in the gap for the loss of natural gas to those other countries. nothing about expanding the u.s. national gas industry. european commission president on the same climate change page. >> this can only be achieved through, of course, first of all investment in renewables, but also through additional gas supplies including lng delivery. so we want as europeans to diversify away from russia towards suppliers that we trust that are friend and are reliable. >> in fact in the joint statement it says one of the specific ideas is to produce more smart thermostats. the president on his first week in office signed executive order making climate change the number one goal for all departments in his administration and go down the other list of executive orders banning new federal leases for drilling of oil and natural gas, making it more expensive
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to drill on the leases that are currently there as well as canceling pipelines. back to you, julie. >> julie: thank you very much. as inflation keeps hitting americans hard fox news digital asks people if they were better off now than they were a year ago. no surprise most said no. >> progress in a forward direction? i don't think i've seen it. >> from the united states standpoint i don't see a lot of difference. >> is that a rhetorical question, american progress? yeah, i see gas prices progressively going higher, you know. i see our economy progressively going worse. >> julie: of course it's not just gas prices that are soaring. costs for just about everything are going up and in a new fox poll people are blaming the president. nearly 60% disapprove of his job on the economy and even
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higher when it comes to inflation. phil flynn senior analyst and fox business contributor joins me now. first of all president biden announced the u.s. would send more natural gas to europe to help it break its dependence on russian energy. please try to help me figure this out and understand. the problem is that the united states doesn't have enough capacity to export more gas number one and europe doesn't have the capacity to import more. how would this move make any difference? >> it's a step in the right direction to move towards more lng exports. this is a booming new industry developed by the u.s. energy industry that has changed the world. the only reason the u.s. can export any natural gas at all is because of the u.s. energy industry cracking the coke on fracking and we went from being natural gas dependent from countries like canadien to becoming a net exporter.
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that's amazing but too little too late, right? this is an administration that fought natural gas production and fought pipelines and lng and now all of a sudden they are looking at all these achievements by the private sector and the energy sector saying by the way, we're trying to shut you guys down but we are going to now take advantage of all your investment and fortitude and use that to help us in europe. you know what? i'm sure the u.s. energy industry is happy to do it but at the same time they are a little insulted i would guess as well. >> julie: fox news polywant to ask you about. 70% of voters rate the economy negatively. three times more than the 26% rated positively. a 53% majority thinks that biden has made the economy worse and another 24% say the
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administration hasn't made much of a difference. asked better off than one year ago people are saying no, no, no. gas prices, food prices. people are blaming biden and biden is blaumg putin. >> the buck stops at the white house. it is less valuable than it was when he came into office. no, he is absolutely to blame. listen, every president has outside economic factors that can play into these things but make no mistake, biden's policies have created inflation and they have raised energy prices. and i can give you point blank go to economics 101. you print more money, government spending, that creates inflation. you put on regulations on energy, you tell investors not to invest in the u.s. energy
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sector. invest elsewhere. less investment means less supply and higher prices. so yeah, the buck stops with him and he deserves that responsibility because there are specific policies that led to people's pain. he keeps denying this. energy companies, putin, pretty soon he will blame the man in the moon. >> julie: talking about the foot shortage in ukraine and could affect us in the united states. russia and ukraine produce a large percentage of the world's wheat. the biden administration is sending mixed messages on whether it could mean shortages at home. >> president biden: we did talk about food shortages and it will be real. the price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon russia. it is imposed upon a lot of countries as well including european countries and our country as well. >> we're not expecting a food shortage here at home. we're discussing what that looks like and how to mitigate
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the shortage on those growing and purchasing and impacting parts of the world that would be severely impacted even if we're not. >> julie: which is it. jen psaki says it won't affect us. the president says it will. what? >> it will, no doubt about it. global grain supplies are at the lowest level they've been in 10 years. now you have one of the biggest producers and exporters in the world ukraine with bombs going in their fields. you have russia who is a big producer as well and you take them out of the equation. the reason we get mixed messages from the white house, they don't want people to panic. they don't want people to go to the grocery store and start putting cans away. i would go back to the president and say the american people don't panic. i think this administration is panicking and not telling the whole truth. i'm not telling everybody there
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will be massive food shortages but there will be tighter supplies and much higher prices, okay? and you can't knock out the fourth biggest exporter in the world of grains and not have it have an impact especially when global inventories were tight going into this war. >> julie: remember the days when we couldn't buy toilet paper? those feel like the good old days, not kidding. >> i know. i still have extra if you need me to send you some. >> julie: phil flynn. thank you for you. get single ply. republicans vowing to hold hearing on hunter biden's business dealings after -- surprise, the laptop story is true after all. the liball media, intel community and big tech and president himself all have some explaining to do. and we have this. >> kamala harris may be the dumbest person elected to vice president in the american
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history and why people keep resigning. >> julie: the hits keep coming for kamala harris. another key staffer stirring up controversy and it caps off what was a very rough week for the v.p.
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statistic out of putin's war. half of the children in ukraine have now been forced from their homes and a total of 10 million people have been displaced. the u.n. estimates nearly 4 million have left the country entirely so far with an estimated 2.2 million landing in poland. many polish cities are completely overwhelmed and struggling to feed and house these refugees. president biden meantime is getting a firsthand look at the crisis as he visits poland today and plans to meet with some of those refugees. yesterday he promised america's help. >> president biden: we see children without parents that are in those camps or refugees. you see women and husbands and men and women who are completely lost and it will reinforce my commitment to have the united states make sure we are a major piece of dealing with the relocation of all those folks, as well as humanitarian assistance.
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this is an international responsibility. >> julie: aishah hosni is live in southern poland with the very latest. >> good morning, julie. president biden should be getting a briefing right now at the international airport from some of these humanitarian aid groups talking about the refugee crisis. you have to imagine that some refugees in poland and neighboring countries are watching this very important visit wanting to hear if there are any concrete solutions that come out of the president's visit. maybe perhaps a way to end this war and so they can go home because that's the key goal here for those refugees. more than half of these ukrainian refugees, nearly four million of them that fled ukraine are in poland. the vast majority are women, children, the elderly. the mayors of polish border towns are leaning a lot on
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nonprofit groups and the u.n. refugee agencies are reporting the mayors of larger cities within poland like warsaw and krakow are struggling to accommodate new arrivals. yesterday the administration pledged a billion dollars in humanitarian aid and promised to accept up to 100,000 ukrainian refugees. many of them want to go back home not anywhere else and opting to say close to the border. town leaders and agencies say the president needs to focus on ending the war. >> we need peace and so putting enormous pressure on government officials around the world to secure peace will be my number one appeal. >> julie, the flow of refugees has slowed down a little bit here at the border in poland and ukraine. but i have to tell you the u.n. is reporting that there are some 6 million displaced inside ukraine and about 2 million
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that are just along that western border sort of not yet sure what they will do. whether they flee across the border into poland around the lviv area. there could be more coming. >> julie: the red cross is working tirelessly to help those in need providing food, medicine and supplies. fox has helped raise more than $12 million from more than 70,000 donors. if you would like to visit red forward. meantime as we know president biden is overseas now. earlier meeting with troops, now about to get an update on the current refugee crisis and the response and how the united states can help. we're sending aid, we are sending weapons and doctors over to that border to help with the huge medical need right now on the crisis on the ground.
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if anything comes out of this we'll bring it to you. more fallout after "the new york times" long-delayed admission that the hunter biden laptop story is true. republican congressman darrell issa demanding that everyone preserve records on the suppression of hunter biden's stories so republicans can launch an investigation if they win back the majority. we know for a fact that big tech colluded with some of the most influential democrat partisans in the intelligence community. the whole truth and complete accountability must follow. congresswoman stefanik. >> we need to have hunter biden under oath. if he won't testify he needs to be subpoenaed to answer those questions for the american people. the stakes could not be higher
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and the calvary is coming. house republicans are unified to save america and demand accountability. >> julie: critics quick to point out the timing of the times admission as the liberal media, democrats and white house all mock the story when it came out in the run-up to the 2020 election calling it russian disinformation, remember that? "newsweek" is calling it journalistic malpractice in a new op-ed. power panel is next. issa says we know big tech is polluted with top democrats in the intel committee and now we need truth and accountability. first of all do you think the media will take accountability for down playing the story for so long and now learning it's true? >> no, i don't think the media will take any responsibility for that. the media has been derelict in their duties for some time
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before the 2020 election came about. when we look at pure numbers. 217 million people use twitter, pew research found over half of those individuals go to that website for their news. 71% of americans also use social media as their main channel forum to get their news and we see that we have big tech and democrats who did collude together. they did collude to insure that a legitimate story wasn't reported. >> julie: we'll head back to listen to the president in poland being updated and briefed on the refugee crisis there. >> president biden: you know, as you and i have spoken before, i'm sure -- mr. president, the single most important thing that we can do from the outset is keep the democracies united in our
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opposition and our effort to curtail the devastation that is occurring at the hands of a man who quite frankly i think is a war criminal. and i think it will meet the legal definition of that as well. but i want to thank everyone for -- i think it's been a surprise how we've all stayed together across the board. the most severe punishing sanctions in the history of the world, economic sanctions have been imposed and there is more that will come. but you know, there is still a lot of stuff that i, like many of you in the past, have been through refugee camps all around the world literally. and seen the devastation as a consequence of people who are abandoned and the war ravageed regions of the world. middle east, africa, whatever,
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it is devastating to see those little babies, little children looking at mothers who you don't have to understand the language they speak to see in their eyes the pain. i mean literally pain watching their children. i don't think there is anything worse for a parent than to see a child suffering. their child suffering. i mean that sincerely. i mean it from the bottom of my heart. so what you humanitarian community are doing is of such enormous consequence. this is what we say we're about. this is what we say at our obligations are. you are living up to it. you're doing it every day all of you sitting at this table. and so, you know, i'm here in poland to see firsthand the humanitarian crisis and quite frankly part of my disappointment is that i can't
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see it firsthand like i have in other places. they will not let me understandably going across the border to look at what's going on in ukraine. but i'm eager to hear from you humanitarian community about what you see, what you are doing, and where you think we go from here. because you are doing it every day. as has been pointed out, 10 million people have been displaced thus far. 3.8 million people to other countries including more than a million children. and according to the u.n., there are thousands of civilian casualties, 12 million in need of assistance but hundreds of thousands -- hundreds of thousands of people being cut off from help by russian forces and are besieged in places like
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mariupol. i mean, it's not stopping. it is like something out of a science fiction movie when you turn on the television and see what these towns look like and cities. i think each one of you and your organizations, i thank you. for visiting our troops -- [inaudible] but you are helping millions of people. and we must have to continue to scale up that assistance and coordinate it closely with the government of ukraine, which is really i think even you poles who know ukraine so well have to be a little bit surprised at how much courage and capacity, resilience the ukrainian people.
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when you see a 30-year-old woman standing in front of a tank with a rifle, talk about what happened in tiananmen square. that's it squared. look, whether it's food or a blanket or cash or the care for medical teams that we send in or child welfare specialists, they need it now and as rapidly as we can get it there. so yesterday i announced on behalf of the american people we are prepared to provide another $1 billion for those who fled and those who are affected around the world as a consequence of the negative impact of this war on food security. the bad news is, they are the bread basket of the world ukraine and russia.
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but we, the united states, will do our part. we are the third largest producer of wheat in the world and our canadian friends will do the same things. we'll try very hard. in the meantime the suffering that is taking place now is at your doorstep. you are the ones risking in some cases your lives and risking all you know to try to help. and the american people are proud to support your efforts and today i want to hear from all of you on the problem is i know they will tell me i have to get on a plane. i will have to leave but i have a lot of questions because i really mean it, i learn a great deal from you and your counterparts as i travel the world in the last 30 years and so i'm honored that president is here today and joined by secretary blinken, an old friend as well as my secretary of state and usaid administrator samantha powers who, like my sister, whatever i say she says it is not enough. it is not enough.
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i don't get to do more. and this is a work horse. so i will turn it back. >> thank you so much, thank you, mr. president. mr. president, -- >> julie: that's president biden in poland addressing the refugee crisis in ukraine and getting briefed and thanking all the workers on the ground helping with the dire medical need and crisis and emergencies that they've been dealing with, with countless deceased and injured with grave injuries, including children and women and just describing the whole horrific incidents we've been watching unfold in mariupol and called a sci-fi movie. i would say it's like a horror flick. i want to go back to our panel now. marie, as a former state department employee you have to tell me what you think of the
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president's handling of this crisis. there have been a lot of mixed messages we've been discussing. number one the reason why he put the sanctions on russia is dialing back saying they were not to deter rush why from beginning this war in the first place and now the refugee crisis. how do you think the president is handling this? >> well, president biden has led the world, including europe. but other countries around the world in imposing the toughest sanctions if history on russia. russia's economy will go back to the darkest days of the soviet union. putin has been surprised by that and what president biden is doing right now in europe. he is rallying the allies. he is getting countries on board. quite frankly the european countries are much more impacted directly by these sanctions on russia particularly in the energy sector. pledging this additional assistance for refugees, bringing them to the united states. opening our borders as well are the things we as the united states have to do.
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and most importantly we have to support the ukrainians as they try to negotiate an end to this brutal, tragic war where they don't give up their sovereignty and maintain their afwoilt choose their future. the biden team is doing that now as well. it is heartbreaking all around but i'm glad the president is there in poland talking directly to the people helping. >> julie: what do you make of the president's messaging in all of this? another message that has been a bit confusing is the white house administration refusing to take a red line approach telling us what the red line approach would be if russia were to use weapons of mass destruction. something he says putin will pay for but we don't exactly know how. >> this administration including joe biden himself have not been honest. they have not been honest actors on the world stage and led many within the national community not to trust the word of a u.s. president.
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for world leaders not to even accept a phone call from a u.s. president. this has been problematic, i think. i know this will be a tough situation no matter who is president is and no matter what party they're from. i get that and i can appreciate that fact. at the same time, as well as refugees and from the ukraine may be going to different places including the united states of america there is also a need to be reflect the thinking about how these policies and how these issues will impact our people at home. there are many poor people who can't afford gas and now have to make a decision between groceries, gas, medicine. many poor people who have major inflation issues they try to real through and not able to put food on the table the same way they did. those need to be of obvious consideration and priority as well. >> julie: thank you both for sticking through the breaking news with us. thank you to everyone at home. we aren't done yet.
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"outnumbered" starts right now. >> president biden just speaking in poland, where he is getting a firsthand look at the devastating humanitarian crisis that was spawned by vladimir putin's invasion of ukraine parities also gearing up for a major address to the nation tomorrow after a warning putin that using chemical weapons would trigger a response from nato. this is "outnumbered." hello, everyone, i'm kayleigh mcenany. here with me is my cohost, emily compagno. also joining his julie banderas, carley shimkus, and rob smith. a president biden visited u.s. troops in poland just a short time ago as russian air strikes are still pummeling ukrainian cities. with speed 35 left completely destroyed. now we are getting dramatic video showing people there running for their lives after russia bombed that the other that was being used as


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