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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 26, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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don't we have a transportation secretary? wasn't a rhodesar scholar, wasnt he ? the mayor of south bend,ia indiana? what's going with ouroi transportation system? we noticed we're doing a segment monday. in the meantime, have a great happy and relaxing weekend with the ones you love. we will see you at welcome to this special edition of "hannity" friday night. i'm pete hegseth in for sean. and tonight, as the war in ukraine rages on , joe biden, he's in poland where he paid a visit to u.s. soldiers and had a battle of his own with a piece of hollow piano and pepperoni pizza. >> unfortunately, it continued to go downhill from there. a short time later, biden forgot the name of his secretary of defense lloyd
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austin. he forgot the name of the late secretary of state, the name everyone knows madeleine albright and he called the declaration of independence corny. >> watch this . based on an idea whose only country will be some idea and we hold these truths to be self-evident that all women men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. sounds corny, but it's the truth of who we are. we've never lived up to it. and you know, a woman who just died, the secretary of state used to have an expression. she said we are the essential nation reason why one of the gentlemen, the secretary of state asked me about senator a thousand troops to the united states. i said yeah, from the united states all men are created equal. >> it's so corny. believe it or not, it gets even worse today. the white house was forced to issue two major corrections one after biden vowed to respond in kind to a potential
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russian chemical attack and the second after biden told us soldiers paratroopers of the eighty second airborne that they would soon be traveling across the border into ukraine. >> take a look. also, the average citizen looking, stepping up and stepping out and you're going to see when you're there, you've been there, you're going to see you're going to see women, young people stand on stem from the tank just said i'm not leaving. >> i'm holding my ground. of course we're not sending troops into ukraine to fight russia. if you listen to russian propaganda tonight , russian tv ,they're saying that's exactly what we're going to do. however, we are sending lethal aid and ramping up sanctions against vladimir putin. but according to joe , those sanctions were never intended to deter vladimir from anything. watch this . deterrence didn't work. what makes you think vladimir
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putin will alter course based on the action you've taken today? let's get something straight. you remember if you covered me from the very beginning, i did not say that in fact the sanctions would deter him. sanctions never deter you. keep talking about that . >> sanctions never deter. what do you what are you talking about? don't listen to anyone in my administration like vice president harris and secretary of state blinken and national security adviser jake sullivan, all of which said that sanctions were specific we put in place to deter russian aggression. but i guess joe just never got the memo. here now for more on biden's big trip abroad, his white house correspondent peter do peter. >> good evening, pete. white house officials are telling us that president biden does not intend to send u.s. troops into ukraine even though a few hours ago he was talking to us troops about what they're going to see when they go to
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ukraine. the national security adviser is also now cleaning up a comment the president made that the u.s. will respond in chemical weapons use by russia in kind. jake sullivan is saying that does not mean the u.s. would use chemical weapons as well. he says that's never going to happen. the president is also now claiming that he would have liked to drop into ukraine to see things for himself but that handlers determined it was a security risk. the president also now talking about the conflict in ukraine as bigger than just a war there. he says the world is being reorganized right now and he wants to guarantee democratic countries come out on top over dictators. we do expect the president to have a full schedule in poland tomorrow in this city where trains full of innocent civilians fleeing the war next door keep arriving. >> pete peter doocy from warsaw, poland tonight .
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peter , thank you so much. joining us now with reaction is the author of the desecrations defeating the cancer culture mob and reclaiming one nation under god. you know that corny stuff. chairman of the american conservative union matt schlapp along with fox news contributor charlie hurt. matt charlie, great to see you both tonight . matt , a slip of the tongue from the white house podium on a domestic issue maybe not that big of a deal. you forget a name here or there or you incorrectly stated policy position. but when you're in poland and vladimir putin's been in ukraine for a month, you can't afford to be making two, three, four or five mistakes like this . yeah, here's the thing i'm worried about, pete, is i have no earthly idea what our policy is. i don't know what the buy the administration wants to do . they want to talk tough. are we really going to use chemical weapons? i think that's absurd. they had to clean that up. are we going into ukraine? are we not going into ukraine? do we know what cabinet
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secretary is doing? what i mean, this is alarming. look, they've got a bad situation. they've got a president who has to read cue cards and a vice president who has no clue cards . they got no they got nobody really to speak for them. i think they've got to get away from the president making these public comments slippery as it is. and they have to have intermediaries make the policy statements because right now this is very dangerous. and remember, our enemies are watching every word this man says. >> yeah, absolutely. they are. matt , it's not you can't bring the right hander in from the bullpen. i mean, we tried the vice president first and we saw how that went in south america and also in eastern europe. you mentioned you mentioned it though. met our enemies are listening to this , charlie russian tv today is putting out as fact that american troops will be going to ukraine. i mean, a statement like that gets played on repeat, which is the whole calculation
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is how does vladimir putin view this ? not that we should be giving his sentiments, but if how he calculates matters you can't make a statement like that if you don't want the war to escalate. yeah, absolutely. i mean, the whole reason that we have a massive espionage apparatus is so that we actually know what our enemies are thinking. and i don't think that this administration knows or cares. and i i agree completely with that. but if we're confused about what the policy is, imagine what our enemies think of it and imagine what those troops think of it when they're told that they are going in and they're going to go in and be expected to die for something that is causing it. all of it is so baffling, so confusing. and actually what i kind of worry about all of this right now is this entire thing is i think that the white house views it almost as a photo op because he has so much political trouble here at home. he has decided that he's going to go over these images of him
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with the troops. every president wants these images there. wonderful. it's not because the president makes the troops look good. it's because the troops make the president look good and here we are a month into this thing and he's not gotten any sort of bounce out of any of it. and i think that the white house is literally getting desperate and we're talking about the smallest of small ball. they're getting desperate about poll numbers at home and that's why they're doing this right now and the the danger is that he's going to bumble us into something far more dangerous than we're already in . that's exactly right. one miscalculation and a step away from that chemical attack that he said we would respond in kind. and there's also rumors that a change in language we may change the way we view usage of nuclear weapons. but matt , i want to go to you on the idea of deterrence because we heard for months and months the word deterrence tied to sanctions that that's how we're going to prevent vladimir putin going to hold off until it looks like
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he's going to do it and then we think he's going to do it now. but this is also the administration that brought us you the debacle in afghanistan that's bringing us the what will soon be a debacle in the iranian deal . so what's a patriotic american watching this program? who's rooting for the ukrainians to kick the russians out? what is worried about the incompetence in the white house? what are what are those people think about what american action should look like right now? well, they're going to hope the next three years really passes quickly because i'm just old enough to remember nineteen seventy six and we had a president who was unleashing inflation unleashed in gas prices where people had to like go even and odd days to fill their tanks and they couldn't even afford to fill their tanks ethical problems in his family and a russian agressor going into afghanistan. this is a replay of the american people. look, they're smart, pete. despite what the socialists think of us , they're smart. they know that this job is a big job and they make
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a decision on a person in that job pretty quickly. i think when i look at these poll numbers, look, i'm a partisan, but i can look at poll numbers and say that this is almost a spent bullet in his presidency. the american people think he is not up to the job. now his handlers have to make sure that we don't bungle ourselves into a war. and this is a very, very, very serious time for our country. >> it really is that you make a great point, charlie. i want to hone in a little bit on that word corny. this idea that the president of the united states would go talk about our founding documents dismissive on the border of a shooting war when this is not to praise vladimir putin, but there's no way when he was on stage there is one equivocation about the justification of his stance on russia. if there's one place to say this is the most beautiful document we have the best system in , we will defeat you. it's there yet he makes statements like that . is that just joe biden ism?
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is that the modern left that says, well, you know, america was never that great to quote the late or not the late but the former governor of new york , cuomo, i mean, what's the mindset there? yeah, well, nobody knows this better than you. he says it in a room full of men and women probably who have sworn have signed up and sworn to give their lives not only for for their fellow man beside them but for that corny document they have literally and they would walk into any fire to give up their life for that document and to have this horse's up there, their commander in chief and i talking like this because he's still the commander in chief and out of respect to those men in that room, you know, you hate to drag the guy ,but he shouldn't be there. he needs to be taken away. if he has a family that cares for them, they need to take him away. he is not fit for this and
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he's standing in a room full of people who have sworn to die for our liberty to die for that document. and he's going to go in there and beyond. just not not inspiring. it's not inspiring, but it's beyond it. everybody is just scratching their heads and wondering what the hell is this guy talking about? he needs he needs to go away. this is this is getting very serious and that's exactly right. we're going to survive three years of this . i don't know how we're going to survive. and there he is to korea firing our a slice of helping your pizza and then excuse me has something spicy in my pizza and i don't know what i can do to make sure this meeting goes well. you're right. it's mortifying for people who love this country, want us to be successful on the world stage yet see it flailing in front of us . matt and charlie, thank you both very much. three and a half years too long to wait. >> let's hold on . my goodness. all right. tonight the fighting remains
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fierce across ukraine and now we're learning more about war crimes committed at the direction of vladimir putin. his generals and his colonels acting on the ground, including the bombing of a ukrainian theater that killed hundreds of innocent civilians. plus new russian claim new claims that russia is forcibly relocating thousands of ukrainians, many of which would rather go to poland or somewhere in europe instead of being forced to go into russia. and many believe it's to gain leverage a potential mass hostage situation. joining now with the latest on the ground in libya, greg palkot is with us. greg, refugia, there was more fighting all across the country on friday. in fact, not far from where we are, ukrainian air force base was hit by russian cruise missiles. we heard the air raid sirens in kyiv, russian missiles hitting a key fuel depot there as ukrainians continue their counteroffensive and various suburbs around the capital . other cities like kharkiv kirstyn remain battlefield. and you're right, local
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officials now say three hundred men, women and children were killed when russian struck that setar refugee shelter in mariupol. now all this comes as the russians seem to be redefining what they call a victory in this war , having been met by really strong resistance around kyiv and elsewhere. they now claim they were just trying to distract the ukrainian military and are simply aiming at gaining back more russia leaning territory in the east. whatever the twisted justifications are for russia's brutality, ukrainian president zelenskyy has this terrible war on his hands and every video appearance he calls for more weaponry for his brave soldiers. in fact, was just reported that they say they could use five hundred stingers, five hundred javelin, anti-tank weapons, everything they experts say the u.s., the west has to keep the ammo coming in . back to you. >> greg palkot based on the casualty numbers in the vehicles they've lost , those
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stingers and javelins have been put to good use so far. thank you so much for the report. stay safe. joining us now is the former commander of the uss cole, kirk lippold, along with fox news contributor and former cia station chief dan hoffman kirk. dan , thanks so much for being here. kirk, if you would first give me a sense what's your reaction to this idea of vladimir putin saying we're going into phase two, we have a different mission now? there's been acknowledgment of casualties. people know that the morale of the troops there are low. what does it tell you about where vladimir vladimir putin's calculation is right now per? well, what you're seeing, pete, is the absolute spin in the information warfare machine he is taking and trying to get a reset so that he can justify first and foremost to his own people why the war has gone as badly as it did, why they have suffered as many casualties as they have and why they are unable to sustain logistically or otherwise the territory that they gained that they are now losing. thanks to the ukrainians in the
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way they're fighting. and what to what extent would reports about the morale of russian troops affect the calculation of putin? we've heard about now seven generals potentially shot near the front. there are reports of a colonel being run by a russian colonel being run over by his own men. there's open source because they don't have encrypted communication of russian troops saying we don't have water, we don't have food, we don't have gas. would any of that actually make its way to the kremlin and change that part of why he's saying maybe our ambitions are a little bit a little bit less and should we even believe him? >> dan yeah. those are those are really important and even up to a week ago, a few days ago, vladimir putin was talking about is still being a special military operation and everything was going according to plan.
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well, we know that's not true and he's shifted. he's got a tactical pause now. you can't trust anything vladimir putin says and it's over to our intelligence community to collect on his real plans and intentions. but what i can tell you is that if this really is what russia wants, we are going to be in a very difficult position by the administration needs to ensure that we don't reward russia for their aggression. think about this that you know, there's 10 million displaced ukrainians, at least thousand civilians who have been killed ,including those three hundred killed in that mariupol drama theater bombing. russia has rained down on ukraine civilian population and we have to manage that and deal with it and not allow russia to be rewarded. i cannot imagine how ukraine can go on as a country without with vladimir putin continuing to rule from the kremlin. i just i think we've past that point frankly. for the ukrainians and that's going to be the challenge for
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the biden administration is how we manage that going forward. it feels like biden's backed into a corner. i don't know if these people going to russia are russian speaking or if they could be used as hostages. but now we hear we hear talk of chemical weapons. we hear talk of nuclear weapons. if he feels like he's losing, what are the possibility of what he may attempt to unleash? and maybe it is to entice a wider war . we can we know at this point i don't think we really know, pete. i think what we really have to do is try and discern what his objectives are. we don't know what these are. he hasn't made it clear. clearly they didn't achieve the objective of toppling the ukrainian government within three to five days after the invasion started. at this point, i think what we're going to have to do is continue to get as much lethal weaponry to the ukrainians as possible to create the standoff distances that are going to allow them to hit the russians harder, faster, more often and begin to start pushing them first toward
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the east so that they can get back to the borders. putin should not be rewarded exactly like he said he cannot be rewarded for what he's done. the temptation that we're going to run into is the world has a short attention span and you're now going to find the pressure starting to build where people are going to look for an excuse to pressure zelenskyy to say just negotiate. let's just end this look at the horror that's going on that in fact is going to reward putin by giving him the territory, by letting him keep the crimea, by letting him destroy mariupol and head toward odessa. those things have to stop and it's going to stop because eventually the u.s. and nato are going to be in a position like we were in the late 90s in kosovo where we're going to have to take positive action to stop the slaughter. it may be an escalation, but so far nothing the biden administration has done has deterred putin in setting the tempo on the battlefield.
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and until we take positive steps to do that , we will be in a biden will be in a losing position and we cannot afford that . and what's what kirk is suggesting would indeed be quite an escalation. i mean, the counterargument would be keep sending weapons in mass, allow them to fight to a stalemate that we've seen so far inflict massive russian casualties. then the trick becomes that negotiation. it's true . i mean, is there an actual off ramp that is acceptable to the west that ends this conflict that isn't either russia pushed all the way out or ukraine completely taken over ? you know, i think that's the question i would be asking president zelenskyy and the ukrainians who have been fighting for freedom, liberty and democracy, they're the ones who should decide when and if they want to negotiate with the russians. we shouldn't be doing that on their behalf. the russians have tried to force the ukrainians to choose
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one foreign policy or another, not to join nato, for example, not to join the european union . i think that's over the president's zelenskyy and i will tell you that based on the time i've spent in ukraine and my study of the situation, i frankly doubt that zelenskyy and his and his ukrainian countrymen and women are going to want to give up any more territory. they want back donbas. they want crimea back . and so and look, we need to stand up for them. we haven't done enough. i mean, i think that the obama administration should be held accountable. i think it should weigh on their conscience that we haven't done enough to stop the slaughter. but we need to think about the future as well. and i would like to hear as we've discussed in tonight's program, what is the obama administration's policy? we haven't really heard that i'd love to hear president biden get up on the bully pulpit which teddy roosevelt made so famous and tell american citizens and the russians that this is what we see going forward. man, you're so right. and now would have been the opportunity in poland
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on the border of ukraine to articulate what a strong american position without boots on the ground, without overwhelming data intervention could be. instead, we got more confusion and more and more off the cuff remarks that are now being used for russian propaganda. we'll try to find that policy. dan kirk, thank you very much. appreciate your insight tonight . all right. coming up, despite an ongoing energy crisis, of course, biden continues to double down on his three new deal socialist agenda. we'll explain. stay with us as this special edition of "hannity". ot edition of "hannity". ot this is this stuff works. f this stuff kills weeds down to the without killing your lawn. this stuff works on dandelions, crabgrass clover. this stuff works for up to three months. this stuff works guaranteed or your money back . this is roundup for long this stuff works. are you ready for a fresh new bathroom shower? well, now is the best time with 15% installation and no interest and no payments for
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for a freeion call 800 five zero four five seven zero seven. welcome back to this special addition of hannity. earlier today in brussels, biden took advantage of the war in ukraine and the ongoing gasth crisis to push his socialist g
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green new deal energy agenda. ofof course, take a look at this crisis also presents an opportunityts to catalyst a catalyst that will drive the investments we need to doublele down on our clean energy goals and accelerate progress towardds our net zero emissions. >> she just now feels like exact now feels like exactlyly the time to double down that common came as he announced a new joint task force with the european union set to focus on decreasingng europe's dependance on russian oil. it's always smart to build the plan in the middle of the war when your allies are already dependent mies sources. energy meanwhile, here at home many are feeling the effects of this energy crisis as millions of americans brace for surgingam gas and electric bills. and yesterday biden issued another word of caution warning of an impending food shortage following more sanctions on russia. >> watch this . with regard to future, yes, we
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did talk about foodye shortages and it's going to be real to the comments on food shortages come amid biden's free falling r approval ratings. a new associated press pollss this week foundoc nearly twods thirds disapprove of d his handling ofis the economy. t i'm surprised the number isn'thn higher while a new fox news poll found that over half the country believes inflation notie all under control, but squad member alexandria akca cortez, the comrade now saysco his dismal poll numbers could get even worse if he refuses to cave to the radical left on get this canceling student debt. >> got t to do that . here with reaction is professor of business and economics at the king's college in manhattan ,fox news contributor and former neighbor of mine. were in fifth grade, bryan brehmer and fox business f contributor phil flynn. brian,n, great to see you addint
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this up. it almost makes itt makes mema feel like we're here. we-- are back to never let a crisis go to waste.l you're going to feel the pain we don't have the answer, but the answer is more pain to this perfect future. or >> you're just going to have to wait a while for it and suffer in the process. this is a problem. it doesn't add up. the president u is doubling down on the wrong hand . we have seen this play out before. that's what we've watchededro in europe for the better part of two decades. they have tried to double downn on green energy and it left them dependent on a dictator.o we're going to end up in the exact same kind of spot if we keep going down the green religion path that he's going down a religion that demands sacrifice, isn't interested in growth, isn't interested in getting wealthier so we canov innovate cleaner technologies. it wants americans to payner upg this is the wrong approach. bill can give you all num the numbers. petebe, but at this point the president completely lacks any strategicly direction
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on helping americans. one gets the impression and you can see this in the pollsic americans think this one getsan the impression the president likes these highert prices because he doesn't want to letto this crisis go to waste and he's willing to put it on the backs of american families. it's amazing. phil, give me those numbers because there arere alternatives in ways we could find the energy resources required to both support ourselves e and get back to energy independence, energy dominance, but also support europegy as ita seeks to cut a itself off from russia as well. >> are we going to do any of those things? we should absolutely. i mean, we have a natural gas in the ground to supply the u.s. and europe maybe for 100 to 200 years and with new technologies and invasion even more than that . but what i find amazing about the speed here here is president biden, you saying he's going to double down on his green energy policy, but then when they get intoo trouble, they call on the u.s. energy industry to save
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their backsides. right. what's that all about? s hey, we're going tohi send you goodon old fashioned american made lng from america to europe to save the day. well, who made that ?th itat was the u.s. energy industy mostly done on private lands because you can'ty. get federal lease these days, you know? and you know, i wonder if they called the energy companies, are they going to t buy this energy and then give it to europe or you know, are they going to dictateo? who we sell this to the u.s. energy industry is more than ready and willing to grow their business so they can do this in the future but notut with joe biden in office when every step ofay the way they get in their wayin of doing what thy want to do. >> yep, right.w i don'tif know if you heard the previous segment, but i was talking to matt schlapp and he said i saidwh what do we do? t wehr said wait three years and a was sort ofrs joking. b but that's the feeling a lot off americans have right now. it doesn't feel r like the, the cavalry is coming. soso if you if we know oil--
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and gas and nuclear, if we would ever explore that but if we knew actual oil and gasd independence is something we could do and we're not going toa do it, then what happens for the next three years for america? >> f it's what we keep paying up . i mean, that'swh the problem. that's why people are so pessimistic about their economic situation right now. they're not pessimistic becausei they think the american economy can't be great. they're pessimistic because they've got a president who has no plan for getting out of this . he has a plan for digging deeper into this . we need some hope. we need a president to go outil on american soil and speak to american oil and gas producers and say we are doubling down on your production. we are doublingoun down on your pipelines. going to becomeng independent, not just for our sake but for the sake of the world. europe dependsrl on us, frankly. they need a rescue right nowy and the only country on planet earth that can do that is the united states of america. but a we've got to have a president because nobody believes that he wants to see a
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this industry thrive. the banks don't believe the producers don't believe it. the pipelineprod infrastructure guys don't believe he has got to goo out thereo and say i'm going to stand up to everybody in this country who's been telling me to double down on green energyle d and instead i'm going to doublen down on american production of oil and gas. that's o it. otherwise it's three years of t the same thing you've seen for the last three months felt on the campaign trail. n joe biden saidsa repeatedly that he wanted to end fossil fuels. he was going after the oil and gas industry. he was going after fracking. he's going after energy, let's just say it a terrible greed. new deal world.s he and his leftist friends got what they wanted in the green new deal and their climate agenda. what woulded age that do toha what we're what we're actually facing right now as a country w? a >> what would that actually mean? we woulde look at these as the good old days of cheap energy prices. you know, their plans if you do the math on what they're trying toaccomplish, it's similaryy
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what's happening in europe and europe is only a preview ofw what's going to happen. i mean, natural gas at the peak got to the equivalent of six hundred dollars a barrel. crude oil fell this year. you know, now you can imagine, you know, gasoline prices in california are already close to sevento dollars a gallon with oil yet a hundred and four. can you imagine what they would be if oilil prices were up to six hundred? so this is just crazinessssso at the end of the dayay when we're talking about the green energy m ,we need to pull back fromis this because what it is, it - ie a deal that will undermine the u.s. economy. it will take money from the poor and give it to the green energy rich. this isn't even about, you know, cleaning the environment really gollou through these clean energy things, you know, the united states is actually reduce greenhouse gas emissions better than anybody in the paris climate accord. and as it pertains tos energy dominance, it was ronald reagan
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in the 80s who warned germany if you depend on soviet energy, if you approve nord stream one , you're going to beto beholden to them someday in the future. ar here we are. trump warned of the same thing biden biden didn't and here we are. that's why many people, including my co-host on fox and friends weekend, rachel campos stuff because it's"f the green new deal war and i think it's it's pretty tough to refute that at this point. brian and phil,nt thank you so much for your time. >> appreciate it. all right. coming more evidence that the left imposed draconian covid mandates on the american people ,on all of us kids without the science to back it up.ty plus, new york city mayor eric adams with a lot of hope fore him right? well, bizarre new guidelines will explain those as well as joe concha and dr. marty makary to address the reaction everybody thinks will murderers election on their face? well, this guy is a sadistic
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america is listening. welcome back to this specialsp edition of "hannity" tonight the democrats covid hispanic hypocrisyion is yet an on full display. fox news has just obtained emailsls revealing that the cdc actually never had any federal data about the learning loss caused by covid school closures. not going tos lookpe into that really t not interested sog much for following the science which we it was a sham. meanwhile in new york city, get this one mayor eric adams has lifted the employer vaccine mandate. great newsyein but only for athletes and farmers. he won't even hire back any of the municipal the city workers that were fired for refusing to shop. so brooklyn nets star kyrie irving can play basketball and for the for the brooklyn nets and he can earn millions of dollars while doing so while unvaccinated cops
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and firefighters can't get rehired and are collectingfi unemployment. it i is such a senselessen and hypocritical move. even the ladies of the view areo callingf him out. >> take a look. follow the money. follow the money. it feels so creepy to me. it feels unfair. i think what gets stuck in people's cross here is the unequal treatment. yeah, something for the folks who are here and something for folks who really need this paycheck. i mean, the science hasn't changed and suddenlyand overnigt the very way we feel fine.y i don't buy it. >> here now with reaction is fox news medical contributor dr. marty makary, who's alsoof a professor at johns hopkinses university along with fox newsun contributor joe concha, who is neither a doctor nor a professor. but he did stay at a holiday inn express last night n. so we'll see what he can bring to the segment joe . doctor ,so thank you so much m f being your doctor. first of all, on the cdc, why
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are we not collecting datag about how school closures d aree affecting kids? we've seen gapseen in data all over the place. what is this about? i >>s well, it's pretty clear now from these emails that have been uncovered that the cdc director and even other people in the government had significantev concerns, didn't see the data. i thought it washo strange not n have a data and rather than something to study or to insist on getting good data. they went ahead with this tit policy of closing schoolsht by setting criteria that the schools couldn't meet the public health officials made many mistakes, but closing schools has been the most s catastrophic. now we are learning that reading scores from tests from over four million kids are nine pointss lower than they were pre pandemic. that's an entire letter grade doctor . just to say what the did they ever believe in ? you know, e six three feet plexiglass? i mean, was that ever i based on science at all or were they trying to effectively
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signal how much they cared about covid and we'll hopeovid the kidse do okay in the end. well, the cdc director herself, dr. wolinsky said at a school board meeting before she was cdc director immediately before that three foot was safe.oo it was a safe distancing standard and that it was much more practical. she had calledac. for that . but when she took the office t as a political appointee, as you know, the unions edited the school guidance document before it went out. amazing. joe , i bust your chops because i love you, but you've gotot expertize on on the media and on politics across the board. so eric adams, why, is he makinh this call? whyy choosing one ? the athletes and thegte performers. butss i don't know the people that work day and night to keep us safe in the middle of a pandemic without ppe and without vaccines. why in the world would a politician who's savvy enough to, i don't know, win wininug the mayoral race in new york city make a call like this and even the views calling it out>>
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will let me correct you first on your introduction of me. i didnn stay at a holiday innth express last night. the wife and i had a rare date night out so-called live shots. you know, that goes before, you know, at the urban holiday and so so go figure. but anyway, what a joke this whole situation is. saw this movie, by the way, if you remember early on the pandemic saturday night live was actually able to have h a studio audience. this is pre vaccine becausee bill de blasio said that wasy okay as long as everybody is masked and that that made it m okay. >> but broadway was closed. and you think about the first responders and you think abouthk the police officers and the firemen and obviously people that work in hospitalsy pe, the fact that maybe they didn't want to get them vaccinated forc whatever reasons, personal reasonsr that they want, youei know, their body, their choice . and now you haver kyrieie irvin for example. he's with the brooklyn nets in his situation here. you hadan a player who couldn't play games at home but you could have 10 games h as a fan without a mask.
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he could justbump pump and chest bumpes his teammates without. a mask as long as he wasn't playing. but if you had an opposing player outside of new york , a visiting player could playco on the court even if they were unvaccinated while twenty thousand people in the stands could yell w w and scream r regardless of their vaccination says it's just crazy and now you should make this a universal across the board mak blanket rule that if you are unvaccinated, given where transmission isd, given where this is a virus is right now, which is almost non-existent, that everybody should be able to go back to work instead he just picks the celebrities because maybe that gets a good seats for brooklyn nets playoff game. o >> i have no idea, pete. yeah, maybe it will. but i mean, but ultimately, doctor , i mean forulto the profession that you're in and for allll of us , all ofi it undermines faithne in public health, which means when good information does come out, we shrug our shoulders and say is it really science anyway? and it's all joe , dr., thank you so muchng for being here. all right. straight ahead, sean recentlybr
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sat down with shannon bream to discuss her new book. we'll show her you the interview as this special edition of "hannity". doat you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? tunelessly formula combines five key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol if something happened to you, what would happen to them? their home, their education, their future. you need life insurance and chances are selectquote can help you get it for less than a dollar a day. selectquote found jacob forty of five hundred thousand dollar policy for only $19 a month and select quotes found his wife wendy of five hundred thousand dollar policy for only seventeen dollars a month. our secret that select quote we
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for a free consultation call 800 five zero four five seven zero seven come back to this special edition of "hannity"ue on a friday night. >> our colleague shannon bream, he's been a pretty busy lately but somehow in between her live coverage of the ukrainian nation on fox newsne at night and her daytime analysis ofna the supreme court hearings, shed somehow found some time to write a fantastic new book that's available right now. a sean. caught up with her to talk all aboutt. >> take a look now fox news at night host shannon bream has a fascinating new book taking
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readers on a journey through the lives of biblical womenur, detailing their herois, their sacrifices and the connection between faith and family. and here to explain more , n author of the mothers and daughters of the bible speak. it hits the shelves on march the twenty ninth. it's on we'llaire put a link on "hannit" .comin. our colleague, our friend shannon bream is with us. shannon, good to see you. t how are you? g great to see you, sean. i'm good. you know, i look at what's going on in ukraine and you seel the vital role that women are playing. for example, they're takinghe the children to the border . untries they're b taking the brunt of taking care of the family and the men are b going back and fighting in world war two. very similar story as my dad fought in the pacific for years. but iff it weren't for everyone else, including every able bodied man and woman working in factories, building the munitions needed in the
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field of battle, they wouldn't havefwo they wouldn't have been able to win. it's the same those lessons reinforced in this book. yeah,he they are because we seee oover time that women have been called to step in many times to be brave, to be bold men of course throughout the bible too. but we see the strength off mothers and their commitmenttmoo their children. the book starts with the story of jochebed, who's the mother of m moses and her daughter miriam. there the mother daughter pair.h they kick us off and they were so brave because you think about it, jochebed was a woman. oppressed and there was anif order that went out i that every mother that had a baby, if itme was a boy, it immediately had to be killed. and she said no. n i mean, she had no choice and control in her life, but she made that very brave choice and she and her daughter o together saved and hid moseso until he was able to go on tong a destiny that changed the world. we'll explain the rest of that story and what they did with the baby moses and how he was literally like a mini boat and sent down the river exactly in the crazyzy thing is he was supposed to be thrown into the river to be killed. the river niled, that's
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all the baby boys were supposed toe go. but after she hit him for somehs months, jochebed said, all right, i got to have faithed and send this little boy out. she created like a little mini ark for him,oo a little waterproof bin . at she put him and miriam was the onean who stood there on the banks and watched to seeks what happened to moses and pharaoh's daughter happened to be there bathingr and happened upon him her this baby crying and we're told in the bible she had great compassion for him. so little miriam risks her life as a little girl stepsps up and says, oh , by the way, if you need a hebreww woman to r nurse until you're ready toop take him into the palace because she wanted to adopt him. a so miriam was able to run home and tell jochebed moses is going to come home to us . she was able to raise him for two or three years and before he went off to the palace and of course his ultimate the entireiso save nation of israel.ra the book goes to great depth and detail about the women in the bible. other top three that come to mind that really inspired you the most. yeah, i think of course this story about talk about
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and miriam is a big one but esther too, we think aboutbo her being in the perfect place of the perfect time. god obviouslyly put her there and you know the verse that for such a time as this she wasn told when she was she was struggling to be courageoushe in that moment when she had to step up and be the one to save the jewish people. you know, if you don't do this , somebody else will be called into action maybe for such a time as this. are put t you were put there and she was and again, she was a great savior. and of course, mary, the mother of in the new testament we see in life these mothers in ukraine. mary was on the run with baby r at one point when god came to her and to joseph actually inno a dream and said you got to go right now. king herod's trying to kill kin your baby. so i think about her in this dusty trip with no plan n and grabbing everything in the middle of the night with a toddler and setting out trying find safety and ending up in a strange land with no family, no friends f. s and that's what these brave mothers of ukraine are modeling for us to do. and so, you know, god was in those story centuries ago and he sees the plight and the suffering today.
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the book is called the mothers d and daughters of the bibleso speak lessons on faith from nine biblical familiesin. b it's in bookstores as of march twenty ninth it's on amazon. you can get your copy now. shannon, i know you had a great episode last time. s this would beel a big bestseller as well. sthank you for sharing it with us. >> thank you , sean. thank you , sean. and congratulations on the book and next week there will be a fox nation special on shannon's book. it's calledfox al the motherss and daughters of the bible speak lessons on faithda from nine biblical families. >> make sure to check that out. more ofre this special edition of "hannity" right after the break. the i may be close to retiremen, but i'm as busy as ever. and thanks tol boya, i'm confident about my future
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unfortunately that is alll the time we have for tonight . thank you so much for joining us . sean is back on monday night. remember you can catch me alongside my co-host rachel campos duffy and will cain a saturday and sunday mornings on fox and friendsmo weekend. i hope you have a great nightat and a great weekend and i will seeee you after a quick nap at i six a.m. in the morning. have a good one . i'm laura ingraham and this is the ingram angle on a very busyd friday night. so we're going to dove right in our vanishing president. that's p the focus of tonight's angleis. there might be and i emphasize might be some good newss regarding the ukraine russia conflictrd tonight turkey's leader erdogan said russia and ukrainee are nearing a peace deal according to his account again. take it with a grain of salt. there's almost


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