tv The Five FOX News March 30, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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cases, their daughters, they will be an uprising against mr. putin and he will push back. >> neil: purnell, we will see we just don't know. again, the alliance, we have seen a lot of these patterns before. that will do it here. i think the inflation report is due out tomorrow. it could decide the tone of the market in the economy for a while. see you then. "the five" is now. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody jesse watters with judge jeanine pirro, piers morgan, greg gutfeld, dana perino and 5:00 in new york city, new york, city emphasis "the five." yet another big american company going woke, disney caving to the liberal mob and pledging to help repeal the new parental rights signed into law by florida governor ron desantis.
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which democrats and the media have completely lied about and called them bigoted scum of the bill with sexual orientation or gender identity in the kindergarten through third grade. disanto's firing back at disney calling out some of the obvious double standards. >> for a company like disney to say that the bill should have never passed, they weren't saying anything and we started doing this because the woke mob but put that aside appeared for them to say that them as a california-based company are going to work to take those california values and overturned a law that was duly enacted, as you said, supported by a strong majority of floridians, they don't run the state. we have done a bill that prohibited talking about the abuse of leaders in china, disney would support that legislation. >> jesse: a new controversy for disney as we get leaked
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videos of top executives at the company discussing a plan to go woke. listen. >> last summer we removed all the gender readings in relation and now, everyone, hello friends when we brought the fireworks back to the magic kingdom. we know longer say anything but general neutral names. >> piers: by the way, you can't even say ladies and gentlemen or boys and girls anymore. what in the world is happening in the world? >> greg: i think i just had a stroke. honestly, it is so pathetic, isn't it? you can't go to a theme park and hear the word "ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls." what is going on? >> jesse: what is going on? >> piers: i will tell you
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what's going on. let me tell you. do you mind if i just... b wouldn't go ahead. >> piers: i think it is nuts. what you have got and i discussed this last night with your show. you have the small of very vocal, very woke people, very active online and they bully companies into following their narrow worldview. and i admire the company right netflix and dave chappelle rule. i admire spotify who stood by joe rogan appear that is the way to deal with them all because the mob gets quickly bored and . guess what dave chappelle said with joe rogan still on spotify. that is the right way to respond. disney began this with their new ceo saying we will not be political. great, great, as ron desantis rightly pointed out, say what you have got to say about the of the uighurs in china which we
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will never hear because they make too much money the chinese box office market. so if you be political be consistent morally and in terms of apparent outrage. but of course, they don't want to do that. they want to be bullied into doing something they didn't instinctively want to do. now, they are being sucked in into this woke trap. and he apologized by the way and it never stops. as long as they apologized, they keep coming. >> jesse: it looks like this woke mob came from disney itself. a lot of loud employees probably in their 30s and 20s just screaming at executives, don't say gay and they reacted and overreacted. >> judge jeanine: two things it doesn't say don't say gay number one but winded california values be instilled in florida. good for ron desantis to say stay in your own lane. i'm the governor of the state
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and don't tell me what to do. i have to tell you, disney, i was talking to some of the producers this morning. >> jesse: you talk to them? >> judge jeanine: they are so smart. they were talking and they have young children there is a movie called "turning red. and the teacher is so mean to each other that they call each other losers. and the one producer in particular said, they should explain why the teachers to be mean and call each other names like losers like try to make they are peacemakers. when they really are not. and i think disney ought to stand their own length. >> jesse: shibley give it to greg? >> greg: i think tinker bell should be a dude. [laughter] a big, rabid dude. >> jesse: here is the point come up wokeism has a super power stuff you love, you realld it can turn it to poison, whether pro athletes that you at
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you watch,... b1 like butter. >> greg: the thing about it they offer no replacement for what they intend to destroy. so they go there, okay, it has to be this way because you were an oppressor. this is evil and corrupt. what do you do? we don't have any creative skills. we don't actually have any talent. our only talent is to condemn you. then we move on. but bill, like you say, never does not say gay. the media knew that, the dems knew that but they manufacture of the story just the way they buried the laptop story. they created and manufactured this story because they are terrified of desantis becoming a candidate because he will crush the democrats appear there is another thing, also, it bugs me they keep calling this bill controversial. and it is controversial because it was misrepresented. about also, when you look at it
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my dislike don't teach gender sexuality to kids third grade and under. how was that unreasonable? if you -- if you really want to talk to a 5-year-old or 7-year-old or 8-year-old about their sexuality and gender, that is on you. you are a. you are a weirdo. i don't give a damn if you are a teacher or sex education teacher. there was something weird to share your sexuality. [laughter] you know what you do that and go see your shrink and leave the kids out of it. we are like forfeiting the high ground because they are scared to be called, he don't know, homophobic? >> jesse: when greg brought up teaching about things like that, florida they don't have sex education until six grade so
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why would the liberals insist that you would teach a kindergartner first, second and third grader about transgender's when you don't even get to that until sixth? >> dana: that is the political part of it. so, on the pole, florida democrats primary voters agreed the republican stance on this. >> jesse: it is controversial. >> dana: it is controversial. the left keeps walking into this cul-de-sac where they don't know how to get out of it, right? so the democrats, they will bail us out. another example in georgia. remember when moby pulled a game and put in denver. m they had the bill read in it was unfair. coca-cola should have never done that. even stacey abrams, actually, know they didn't mean that but they keep hitting stomach stepping on a rake and hitting themselves in the face. right now we have 4 million people resign their jobs and
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3.7% unemployment rate. that means employers are in this position how do we keep people happy? at disney but they decided to basically say okay, the small loud group, we are going to go with them. there are a small group of conservatives that work at disney as well. >> piers: where are their rights to have their opinions? >> dana: that the thing i thought ric grenell made a good point in the trump administration and bush administration and he pointed out disney studios said nothing when trump had to push to deal with the 50 countries around the world as gay being illegal. you could be put to death and disney never said a word. the woke employees didn't care about that. but they take this bill on the misrepresent it and it leads to consequences. >> jesse: is disney world going to be gender neutral in china? >> greg: i highly doubt that.
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>> jesse: coming up aoc threatening biden to do exactly what she wants or face the consequences this november. ♪ ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? need. liberty biberty— cut. liberty... are we married to mutual? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. ♪simply irresistible♪
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: aoc warning democrats they are in huge trouble in november if the party doesn't move further to the left "if the president doesn't pursue and use executive action and other tools at his disposal, i think we are in the game. but if we decide to sit back the rest of the year and not change people's lives, i do think we are in trouble." so i don't think that is set in stone but we can determine our destiny here. and the media thinks democrats have a serious problem when it comes to messaging. >> what this poll tells the president and democrats is that they have to be messaging better, that they have to be talking about the same set of american's listing as the priority. 38% of americans are blaming by
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dense policies for inflation and gas prices and only 6% are blaming russia. remember biden wanted to call putin 'sprite domestic by kite. >> judge jeanine: dena, 30% are blaming biden and 36% blaming russia but is it a messaging problem? >> dana: the hashtag doesn't work. you have to come up with something else. and i think all the republicans out there would gladly contribute to hotel and airfare to travel around the country. but i do think president biden set himself up for this. he catered to the left and one at their attention for a long time. remember he wanted that build back better bill and told them that they would get it. they played along for a while, and now they are mad. i would like to touch on something. from the time biden american rescue plan past and insistently run ahead of pages delivering
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substantial pay cut to all americans. everyone knows it and it doesn't matter what kind of hashtag you put on it. this is what they will deal with mpeg numbers. but i absolutely agree. >> judge jeanine: okay, jesse, they are talking about enthusiasm closed on the part of young people and part of the democrats. we know young people vote in a democratic era. they can't count on them this year. what enthusiasm can they gen up from this? >> jesse: there is no bogeyman, no trumpet no policy accomplishment to get behind. i don't know. you have to ask them. let me put my mind on the 20-year-old radical. bisexual and i wear eight and n95 mask in the shower. all my friends moved to boston texas and so lonely and inflation is caring me and i don't know.
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you line up and you fall and someone has to catch you. that is what the left did with biden. >> now they are scrambling to figure out come i didn't get student loans or the green new deal. we didn't get election reforms. so aoc is upset and she is threatening the president. but she is also upset this is the first time she is not in power in washington. she got swept in after 2018 and has been the majority all these years. she has no subpoena power, she's got no juice so a little bit of a lonely time. >> judge jeanine: very good point, all right. what do you think about if the democrats lose the house? what should the republicans plan to do? >> greg: i am going to be a
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wet snow d and the party out of power with significant games and if you get 20 seats and one senate seat don't pat yourself on the back. this is a loss. a tremendous opportunity and the most woke people spouting off purity if you are normal republicans, you've got to get 40 seats and win back the senate where you will blow, in my opinion, the best chance you ever had. chances only come once every 10,000 years. according to science. [laughter] just be normal and don't do stupid things. don't fall into their traps. they will try to get you to the cultural wars and drag you into race-based controversies. just be above it, but if the republicans don't get 45 feet, i will be very disappointed. >> judge jeanine: where does it look like where you live in terms of what is happening in the united states?
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>> piers: if you were thinking how to instantly get close to joe biden it would be to embrace aoc with that squeaky voice which makes me feel like i want to break my head against a cheese grater. >> judge jeanine: peeling, very good, peeling. >> piers: very good but i think she is uniquely irritating and of course this ultra work mentality purity can only get worse. and biden, you will do it our way. and he quite rightly sees it here. when it comes to the midterms come i think he is heading for a massive shellacking as it stands. but it is down to the economy. it can only get worse for him if he embraces anything that aoc is currently preaching. that is the very mentality which, i think, the minority in america and the vast majority of people find it intensely
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irritating. if i was biden i would completely ignore that and try to get a message that people actually listen to about the economy and how you will fix it. most people that i'm talking to that are in new york the last week, they are talking about the economy. they are talking about prices at the pump pier they are talking about food prices. you add in the ukraine war and that they have global surprises. this is a real ongoing economic crisis. at the moment the guy in charge of this keeps blaming vladimir putin but the poll shows american people blame joe biden purity is to change that message somehow before november. >> judge jeanine: he's got a lot of work to do. up next more deception from russia. the latest foul to pull back the military in ukraine is bogus. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> piers: president biden speaking with ukrainian president zelenskyy after major deception from putin. biden announcing $500 million in aid to your crane as russian soldiers pound the area where they vowed to scale back military operations. and they believe vladimir putin is misinformed by advisors how badly the russian military is preforming and the russian economy is crippled by sanctions. so, judge, i have to say, i watch this every day and people say again, he doesn't know what is happening. he lost his mind. but i don't really buy any of it. i think putin is extremely smart who knows what he is doing. he is real ambitious and may be eastern ukraine with all its
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vast energy resources there. i think he realizes that would give a big burst of new energy power. i think it is going pretty much how he calculated. >> judge jeanine: if you want to attribute to him a great deal of intelligence and knowledge and more but apparently american intelligence is attributing to him than what you say makes perfect sense. you go to kyiv and back down although he's not really backing down just donbas in that area where apparently 900,000 people with russian passports. that could make sense, but i also think for many years we have blown him up to be this incredible threat. he is not such a threat. to the extent he has a nuclear weapon, of course he is a threat. but he is just a small dictator and now what he's got to do in addition to being embarrassed on the world stage and not being
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able to take even donbas and that area in the first couple of tanks and tanks rolling around in the mud and all of that. he has russia hit by ukraine in defensive mode. they are now sending missiles into russia. so now, it is a new game. he's got to figure out what he's going to do and if he's going to back off and say stop pummeling russia because that is a new layer of the onion that is out there. >> piers: greg, i expressed yesterday my sense of moral outrage for not doing more. i think a lot of americans don't show what they should be doing in the country. every instinct and you see the atrocities, we should be doing more to help. but everyone is terrified. i watched general jack keane earlier saying one of the properties is the fear factor is entrenched about putin purity he has been able to use the nukes
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has a protective shield barrier. how do you get around that? >> greg: i don't know if it is just that. i think, i can speak for myself and i sit firmly, sit, not stand but as long in a company a company studio in new york city out of harm's way i will be antiwar until it no other possibility. i pray for a quick ending since the first day this happened. it is like the lockdown. war is easy rob rob roth but a black sedan and have your dinner and a couple in a decent bank account so as long as i'm not in danger i will not push for anything aggressive and i think maybe that is where a lot of americans are, specifically because we've been through two wars, right? this has not been a fun time if afghanistan and with iraq. so i can see people have burned their hand on the stove and maybe they want to think about what trump is talking about witches america first. let's worry about what is going on here.
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and also, i agree with you completely when you talk about, how do you figure this out? on any given day you are told russia is winning and ukraine are winning. is it possible they are both winning at the same time? and you know this is a battle over land and battle over your mind. you've got to be able to question the media orthodoxy without getting crushed. i think that is super important. it is like where is your moral outrage? my moral outrage is here but for the ukrainian people. i don't want more ukrainian people to die. >> one of the problems seems to me it is true american people are weary and i felt ways completely the wrong text and catastrophic repercussions of that is one of the contributing factors to the awareness. here to meet the much clearer moral imperative situation a bit like saddam hussein invading a
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sovereign country. as they were not a moral consumption to kick him out? it seems at the moment that has not worked and what the administration is prepared to do. >> jesse: know we are not putting a no-fly zone up and the american boots on the ground and the american people agree with that. yeah, they think that biden could have been more than the invasion and then after the invasion and that is what we are frustrated with. to your question about whether putin was planning all of this, i don't think so because if you try to decapitate the media immediately with that during move in the airport at first which got pushed back and then waste all of those resources in belarus, that seems like a massive way to money. >> piers: but remember early on they were getting some wins against putin.
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and then actually he just destroyed -- there was a theater in this playbook and it is happening again. >> jesse: that is a fear about the people were not supplied with javelins and stingers and turkish made drones. we are really destroying a lot of the columns and aircraft with advanced weaponry. what looks like what is happening he is trying to say, all right i will kill as many civilians in the east and will this land bridge through crimea and tried to murder as many ukrainian civilians as possible and bring zelenskyy to a negotiating table. maybe he doesn't take the whole country and may be just the land grab and signs a treaty in three or four more years, he goes and again. >> greg: >> piers: that is my point. you know he invaded crimea. he's not going to stop so i asked that question, what is the
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moral redline where we finally stand up to putin and where we finally as the general jack keane said you can since frustration. every instance in his military bones is to take this guy on before he continues to murder innocent people? >> judge jeanine: telmex before one can i don't think that putin thought this would happen. he was clearly misinformed by advisors and all occurred stealing money. putin is a laughingstock on the military stage. it is pitiful. the moms of realizing their son sent to die with no strategy and with fake chinese trying to pull these tanks across on roads they can get through with no food. that message is going to get back. so he is hurt by the fact that china has not come to their aid like he thought they would. in russia used to supplied china with military aid and he has to
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go crawling to russia. you are pitiful. like they were psychological things you could do to not put in a boots the ground and we have people inside the kremlin. as for the redline come i think what americans have thought about an end interest, is your national interest threatened and to what extent is the national interest threatened? what kind of response? that has not been clear from joe biden. that is why people are frustrated. what are we trying to do? are we trying to have ukraine win or try to destroy putin? what are we trying to do? what is in the national interest. that is where people to will come behind you but it's not been able to do that. >> jesse: he said we are trying to avoid world war iii as the only thing he said. >> judge jeanine: and nato. >> jesse: we have to write that one. >> piers: when he said what he wants to avoid it sounds weak. like we don't want to go there
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and that is a weak position for the united states of america. anyway good debate. president biden and his comfort zone warning americans about covid. what he just rolled out next on "the five." ♪ ♪ little miss cupcake never stood a chance. until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake? the number one longest-lasting aa battery. yay! case closed.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: americans are done with the pandemic, but someone forgot to tell joe biden. the president getting his second booster shot on camera while the administration launches a one-stop shop covid website two years after the pandemic started. >> we are now in a new moment in this pandemic and it does not mean covid-19 is over but it
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means covid-19 no longer controls our lives. that is what it means. cases are taking up as we thought they might, but now thanks to the foundation we have laid come america has the tools to protect all people. the bottom line, no longer will americans have to scour the internet to find vaccines, treatments, tests or masts. >> greg: scouring the internet for masts. take them off the street with a new cigarette butt. jessi kamea is this the way to keep everybody from actually talking about how bad this administration is going? >> jesse: when i saw those guns on the president come i just forgot about inflation. can we get a website for inflation or gas prices or gas is cheaper? we don't need a website, joe. the whole thing is over and he has to walk another thing back because cases aren't going up. cases are going down. what is he talking about here are the one thing we were actually scouring the internet
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were for tests and he had a year to put out a test and he couldn't do it. now that it is over, who cares? >> dana: every other day in your mailbox, you get another test. >> greg: i know. >> judge jeanine: i got three in the mail and i was like, who is sending this? who do i send it back to? yesterday, the numbers are going down in the united states. doesn't he watch that show? >> greg: he doesn't remember watching it. cheap shot on my part. piers morgan, kind of a thing with government and anything they started is easy but impossible to finish. they just can't walk away from something. >> piers: one, he finally announced that he has got everything ready but now it's pretty much over. the website that gives you the answer to something we've moved on from here the second is we now know from the facts that have evolved but really, covid
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affects people and any other category of people in the late '70s. and when he was sort of slowly moving around, it just reminded people how old he is. i'm not sure it is a good look for joe biden. right now you want to have this -- you look like the dynamic, young, and then come to the president and we have to have our second booster. he is right people over 18 need to have a second booster. hong kong, on each other. people of that age group have been vaccinated appeared because it does send a signal to the american people the president is a very old man. we went to some court rules before you show the entire world who you are. >> greg: that is the jesse watters. >> jesse: dana would advise him to do the exact same thing. >> greg: you know what, we know h is the same thing but why don't we talk about obesity? obesity and age are the big
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markers but we don't talk about it. >> judge jeanine: comorbidity. >> greg: comorbidity. we will stop there. we will not talk about that. we will table that another day. we will -- up next, "the fastest." ♪ ♪ it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing everything! like their new premium angus roast beef. it goes great with oven roasted turkey and black forest ham on the new subway club now that's a perfect 10 thank you! stop trying to upstage the sandwich, simone biles. subway keeps refreshing and refre-
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♪ ♪ >> dana: i'm not sure what's going outside but it is quite quiet apparently. "the fastest," pierce morgan is extremely -- we were talking at the break how, we decided to have piers' show the right way. this is a public announcement. >> piers: none of you mentioned the fact that we will just leave that out. >> dana: okay. >> piers: you know now and it's not too late. here is the problem, and make it to week but then they get it right, the recipe.
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that is actually a science and the crucial thing, you have to put the milk in first. you have to have good, property. this is honey. you get it in the finest establishments. you need to have at least one bag per cup and toss and another to get the perfect texture. but you need to be on a beach in miami two weeks. and then you take it here, 3-4 minutes and wants for about 2 minutes and you should have perfect peer that is too weak. >> message to women of america. if anyone likes the t week like this, get rid of it. it is the wrong texture. >> greg: and this is why we had it in the harbor. >> judge jeanine: that is right. >> piers: that is scientific fact, get the milk in first.
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stir after 2 minutes. to have a bag and put one on top. >> judge jeanine: in the pot? >> piers: yes, they are all in the pot. >> greg: do you like builders tea? >> dana: do you like your spoon to stand up? >> piers: made in the north of england, and got me into it, and it is the best tea that you will get. but the tea tastes awful. it is so satisfying. >> judge jeanine: do you like the flavored teas or no? >> piers: i don't like any of those. you have got to have -- >> dana: the milk freaks me out. no, why? >> piers: it is a scientific fact, professor mcafee, actually in the process of milk
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after water and the flavor will turn into solids before they develop flavor. >> jesse: where is the science? >> piers: i am the dr. fauci of t. and so if you want to get the taste and the flavor right, the milk has to go in first. >> judge jeanine: does this look like the right color? >> we are getting there. >> dana: "one more thing" and machines are taking over the world, robo burger to cook meals in just a minute. the shift plugs into the wall, the refrigerator automated and cleaning system, greg. >> greg: you know i have a theory i believe you can taste efforts peer that is why your mom's sandwiches were the best sandwiches. so when you have a meal made by a machine, it is not really made with love. therefore, --
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>> dana: would you eat one of these? >> jesse: i'm watching what i eat these days, dana. but i have friends growing up and i always wanted them to trick them into eating meat. so one time my mother made a cheese sandwich. >> greg: why would you do that? >> jesse: when he went to the bathroom, i took a piece of turkey and slid it into a sandwich and he ate it. >> dana: did he like it? >> greg: how can you not enjoy that? >> judge jeanine: he did eat it? >> dana: here is what you think about the robots, are they coming in london too? >> dana: what about the workers, judge? >> judge jeanine: i used to be one of the workers. >> piers: your pinky finger. >> judge jeanine: i tell you something, i like the in it.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: time now for one more thing. he complained about it, so we are going to give him what he wants. piers morgan, happy birthday. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthday dear piers ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> judge jeanine: fantastic. >> piers: thank you. >> jesse: american -- >> piers: i love it. >> jesse: you can't get that in great britain. >> jesse: all the good stuff. really bad for you. going to give you this, too. >> judge jeanine: i will take some of this. >> jesse: this is for your
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flight home. can't leave soon enough. [laughter] >> jesse: i'm just kidding. we love you. and we -- >> dana: it's for your tea. a lot of tea in there. >> piers: it's been a great three days. thank you. you have been veries who very h. >> judge jeanine: what's in the box? >> jesse: we are going to get into this first we will go to dana. >> dana: happy birthday, pretty funny when you said we forgot your birthday. we did not forget your birthday. season 2 of everything will be okay podcast drops april 4th. fox news i have a lot of great guests. country music star walker hayes who the judge played. i interviewed him and the co-founders and mike rowe will talk about dirty jobs for girls which will be great. paperback version of the book is now officially on sale. i'm going to sign books this saturday at the little point book shop in point pleasant, new
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jersey at 2:00 p.m. eastern. swing by. i will be there but percy will be there. that's your draw. >> jesse: all right. tonight on "jesse watters primetime" we have a bunch of good guests but we also booked the pan sexual that greg mentioned live from the magic kingdom to talk about what is really going none disney world. it's your turn. >> greg: judge, you are on tonight. it's going to be fun. talk about a lot of stuff. greg's short friend news. all right. as you know being medium height i can't fit into a lot of tight places. that's why i let dana hang around with me she is tiny and i can put her in places i can't get. to say like this pair. this guy is having a hard time getting the ball. but his buddy gets the ball. >> dana: i will get it for you. >> greg: there you go. next time show the dog struggling at the beginning. always editing for time and end up ruining it. all right. >> jesse: have some cheese cake.
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>> greg: i can't i'm on a diet. >> jesse: you look great. >> greg: thank you. what are you doing later? >> judge jeanine: if you know me, you know i love a dog who has confidence. knows how to pose for a selfie. has perfect timing. my poodles are not -- first thing in the morning they all jump on my bed to wake me up. this is what i see. that's -- i haven't used an alarm clock in years thanks are to them. here is pictures of them morning photos on top of the bed. they don't care. they just jump. time to get up. that's ted and red. >> jesse: here is morgan. >> piers: i don't understand -- i'm sorry for the ridiculous but i rather like it. why would anyone base jump. throw themselves off cliffs with little parachutes. >> this is the answer as to why you should never do it. this guy jumps and gets trapped on a rock for an hour. thankfully the parachute shredded and all the others had
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gone and then he just thought they had forgotten about him and the rest of his natural life suspended from his rock. so, it just confirmed -- i have one phone you i can't in life. >> dana: how does it end? >> greg: he died. >> piers: he actually remembered that one of them hadn't come down and they got him down. somebody who hates heights that's my idea of utter hell. >> jesse: feeling i had when i hosted the greg gutfeld show. pure terror. "special report" is up next with bret baier. >> bret: thanks, jesse. piers, it's been great seeing you on air all this week. that was a little premature birthday whining on the show. >> jesse: i agree. >> bret: happy birthday. >> greg: all right. ♪ >> chaos at the southern border with thousands of migrants crossing each day, one million in the last six months shattering records. the biden administration plans to eliminate covid-related a r. asylum rules which most experts say will make the border situation even more
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