tv Hannity FOX News March 31, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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just pure effective state happy sinuses good breathing again mypurmist do it do no that's a for and welcome to hannity. and tonight we begin with more bad news forit joe and zero experienced hunter and the biden family syndicate as a federal investigation has now picked up steam. the great one , mark levin, he will join us within new details and an explanation. also tonight , a new wrinkle in the will smith saga. the lapd was there at the academy awards reportedly ready and willing to arrest smith if chris rock pressed charges chris did not. now lawrence jones went to the chris rock show last night in boston and he hit t
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the streets to find out what americans think about that slap heardwhat around the world. >>the here's a preview. okay, what do you think aboutou what we love chris rock, who is hysterical, didn't get into the whole thing with crtvit with will smith. i was a little disappointed he didn't bring up the whole wilesmith likeh e't scenario. >> we got the full tape that's coming up. lj s will join us with more . but first, we are just seven months away from the midtermrm elections that will be upon us very quickly. the biden white house is in onee crisis after another and yet , a key inflation gauge just set another 40 year high. this impacts every singleea american, every americanev household, a whopping six point four percentermeri increase. and according to bloomberg news, the average american family now can expect to spend five thousand two hundred dollars more this year or four hundred and thirty three dollars more each month on the exact same items
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they bought one year ago.on already one out of everys five workers in this country isn now running out of money before payday. that number is expected to get much worse. and biden's economy get, it is especially worse and burdensome and a hardship forpeci the poor and the middle class in this country. at the core of these economic woes, record high after record high gas prices. and tonight the american people. just know who to blame. they say, yeah, it's joe biden, his policies or the number one cause for the increase in fuel costs, which means that's more to heat and cool our homes and more we pay at every store that we go to. s this poll conductedto by quinnipiac. now here's a news flash forqu democrats ahead of the midterms . american people guess what , they have figured it out. new greeneric deal socialism's t ever to work on the campaign trail. n it was your candidate joe biden vowing to end fossil fuels. as
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this was the predictable result. and during his very first week in office you ban drilling in anwr. we have such vast resource says we can have cheap energy fores every american. bad news for exploration and auctions on federal lands. he killed the keystone xlxp pipeline. the alberta premier said if they finished it, it would have been done by now. we would have nine hundred thousand barrels of oil a day flowing into this country from canada last month the administration they paused all new leasessth on oil and gas because of climate change. what a surprise. us gas prices predictably are higher than ever. in fact, p costs have been risig every single month since joe biden took office. vladimir putin did not cause that joe biden new greenew deal radical socialism caused it. but according to him, vladimir putin and covid-19 are to blame for his woes covid why didn't happen under trump. take a look. mp problem we're facing with gas
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prices as two routes l. first,ri the pandemic when covid struck, demand for oil, plummeted so production slowed down d worldwide because of the strength and the speed of our recovery. demand for oil shot back up much faster than the supply. that's why the cost of gas began to rise last year. the second route is vladimir putin started this year. gas wasir about three dollars and thirty cents a gallon. today it's$3.3 about averaging r twenty four . twenty two is higher in many states f, nearly a dollar more and less than three months. the reason $ for that is because of putin's war blame trump, s blame covid blame putin. blame everybody. no, it'sme your policy e economc and energy policies, joe , that caused this and biden apparently had trouble opening his eyes, squinting into the light. it's kind cub like when he whise or he says, come on , man, i what do you ajunkie?
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weth hold these truths to be self-evident. all men and women are created equal and by all the thing you know, the thing god the creator of everything anyway and he.. outlined, by the way, his solutions for the oil and gas crisis caused. now the first is a political ploy that does very little to lower costs and puts our national security at risk and for the next six months, joe will deplete america's strategic strategic reserves by releasing a million barrels of oilic a day. that's nothing. this reserve, by the way, is meant for national security emergencies, not for joe's political advantage going into a midterm and not for rising it is only a short term band-aid that will do nothing w to significantly reduce costs. it doesn'til get to the underlying problem, doesn'tr get to the root cause and itly conveniently expires on election day moments ago ourn very own chad d program, well, he caught up with the spiritual
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leader of the democratic party'ss climate alarmist religious cult. that , of course is the author oful the new green deal socialim and that's congresswoman nicasio cortez to see what she thinks about biden's new plan. >> let's take a look and what the president is making a decision to release some strategic reserve to relieve some of the pressure on pricingk . i think a lot of these fossil fuel and oil and gas companies alsosoossi need to do their part and we have to understand that sometimes it's about taking a smaller profit margins if we're going to be reallyy engaged in all of this together. ,particularly in response to pressure to be refilled after they drain this portion of the scroll. you know, i thinkne we need toe take a look at the proportion of what isis is being used. but ultimately we really do need to be investing in renewables. >> here we go. whichle brings us to biden's second solution, lower gas prices. he now wants congress to slap oil and gas companies with fines if they don't drill
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on already approved federal leases. we've already told you all about this terrible we'll give youis two reasons wh. one , any fine gas, what that'll get passed on to you, the consumer, which meanst gas prices will even go higher and two oil leases, they are provided free exploration. many and most of these unused leases don't have enough oil or gas that can be extracted. that's why they're not tha using them. ifif you think that's bad, biden's next solution to rising gas prices, that's even worse. >> take a listen. ultimately we in the whole world need to reduce our dependance on fossil fuels daltogether. we need to choose long term security over energy and climate vulnerability. we need tocl double down on our commitment to clean energy and tackling the climate crisis. under my plannerg, which is befe the congress now we can take advantage of the next generation of electric vehicles that a typical driver will savee aboutct eighty dollars a month from not having to pay gas at
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the pump if your home is powered by safer, cheaper, cleaner you electricity like sor or heat pumps, you can savec about five hundred dollars a month on average. >>ldon what'sth up with you cane eighteen dollars a month all right. if if you just go out and buy a 60 thousand dollar electric car and $60 guess what in 62 yes you can recoup your investment to speaker nancy pelosi to small price to pay while the new deal religious climate cult warriors and her party are out to save the planet. >>the take a we a cannot allow the fossil ful industry to use this as an excuse to reverse everything we are doing to d save the planet. one of the things that i thinkes that the president may sayid i don't have this as a fact is that we will use the defense production act to speed up diversification so that we're not so dependent on oil.
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>> another cognitive trainwreck when you think democrats democrats can't get any more out of touch with all of this or any more and that think again i present to you vice president kamala harris giving a speech about jamaica. now you got to listen every e word to really get this pay close attentionea just as it has been in the united states for jamaica, one off the issues that has been presented as an i issue that is economic in the way its impact has been the pandemic. so to that end, we are announcing today also that we willin assist jamaica in covid recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery effortsd in jamaica that have been essential to, i believe, what is necessary to strengthen not only the issue of public health but also the economy. i need an interpreter anyway.n: the midterms i are fast approaching. there are no lifelines fororap this democratic radicalat new greendale's socialist party . the economyic sadly to get worse
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high gasas prices sadly then going away. war in in europe is ragingy. sadly doesn't seem to be comingd to an end soon. our southern border. take look. it's now a bracing for another massive surge and yes, violent surge. crime is spiking out of control thanks to democratsts and their defund dismantle police and no bail insanity. and your president, your vicey president and even your speaker are visibly incompetent. now multiple new polls have biden at all time lows and according to msnbc, chuck todd, the democrats are in for a full shellacking. it's rare that i this usual idiot got it right for once the current wrong track in our poll, what's really striking is thirdw straight poll where the the direction of the country th in oneabove 70% only other time we've had that in our poll. it is not a good time and if you have 71% forget look 65% percent wrong trackrg is a bad
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number. 71%. that's why it is in thed shellacking categorynu. ot three you've got three essentially three nos here. that all point into dangerous d territory for the democrats and the incumbent party presidential jobte dem rag at 40%, wrong track over 70 percent and the republicans leadingg the generic ballot not a good time, none of the sunday shows like well, the great tim russert and he was great now. but like your country depends on it because if democrats maintain power, your life'sg only going to get worse. here with reaction, former massachusetts senator scott brown along with the co-host ofr outnumbered kayleigh mcenany s. scott, we'll start with you tonight . what i see here the transitory implication that they're trying to blame on putin happened long before putin invaded ukraine and gas prices. i don't see a near-term solution and i don't see them adopting a long term solution. well, listen, the proposal release from the strategic reserve is a dangerous one as you've already cited, we use
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about 20 million barrels a day o of oil to put out one million gallons of vasari barrels a day is really just p putting a band-aid on a bullet wound . and i lovele the machinations that they got through . t well, youha know, oil and gas, it's bad for our it's bad for the environment. but oh ,vi wait a minute. opec, venezuela, iran, will you produce more oil? wait a minute. now it's putin's fault. wait a minute. it's cowbirds fault. s it's president biden's fault. we were energy independent. i came back from new zealand a dollar seventy two a gallon f for gas. i paid for fifty six today and it's been rising long before putin got into the into the mix here. it's this kind of, you know, dog and pony show you're watching where you have them saying one thing and if they say it long, nancy pelosi, she's got the talking points. harry says it's h always the democrats are the talking tl points. it's putin, putin, putin. it's notking it's the inadequacy and really the reckless behavior of this administration demonizing our energy
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producers, putting more and more regulations on them, putting a new green deal in effect that really is is not good for the country in terms of yes, wee need an all of, the above approach. but to demonize the oil, the thing that we're doing right nowow and then drain the reserves and not we supply it as he was advocating. what are you kidding me? yeah, we can do much better. much better shonn you know you look at every issue covid joe runs out of tests and monoclonal antibodies at christmas the time you knowng you're going to have an increase in cases. right okay, he screws up t the border now we have a record of what 30 year record in termsn of illegal immigrants coming into the country unchecked and joe's kids are cages routine was awful in the middle wfof a pandemic. de then you got we give up energy independence that donald trump handed him. also have a 40 year high with inflation . we have afghanistan a disaster and that what's going on int europe i is a disaster and we have a president that could barely put two sentences together
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. >> that's a problem. scientists stunning level of incompetence. you just had basically every. issue. and look, when e i go across g the country and speak to various groups, one of the things i would do is lookoo at the quinnipiac poll. i know it's a farkac left poll.f do you believe quinnipiacc that you believe andrew gillham, the governor of florida right now, not rhonda stantis by about a seven or eight point margin? that's how far less be this poll is. h but when i look at this poll before each weekend, i literally have to cross out the number covid approval declined gas approval, inflation approval decline, foreign policy approval decline . russia every week sort of gets worse and worse. and i would say it's an intriguing game to play, but it's's not intriguing at all because this is our country and i was a part of an administration where our economy was soaring, where the wages were going up fore african-americans, for hispanics, for every group lower income, blue collar, you name it. we b were winning as a country because of president donald trump.
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this man came in .in he's destroying our country.g the only silver lining is this polling shows you the american people see it does eit your prediction? how big is the midterm election, scott? brown will do in quick predictions what he get ? yeah, i , i think it's going toi be a red wave. i mean you have people who have never run before who are just so fired up and so disgusted and want that check and balanceh by taking over the house, then,lly the senate ande you o know, working for the next election cycle. but you have to stop what's t going on because it's dangerous and it's incompetent and we need to do better. people arent watching all arounn the world and we're not doingot a good job. ali, prediction republicans take the senate. we take a house and we pick up 60 plus seats. the last timep republicans had a seventeen point advantage and the enthusiasm gap, 17 points. we won six 60 seats. so i say 60 plus and we take the senate. >> all right, kelly scott brown , thank you both. all right.
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here now with more on biden, the war in ukraine. vladimir putin well, south carolina senator lindsey graham. let's start with the economy. pudssenator . can't get any worse than this . you know the party that says they have s a monopoly of compassion for the poor and the middle class in this countrypo. they are decimating the middle class. bloomberg reports that what you paid for allts of your goods and services last year is nowr five thousand two hundred i dollars more this year.ea what can the republicans do if anything, unless they take back the house and senate toe stop this ? well,, number one , inflation is the biggest threat to the working class. it's a nightmare forgg working people. what can republik do? make democrats vote on finishing the wall when it comes illegal immigration change policy of bidenen go back to the policy, make democrats vote on energy independence. if wee have h the house in the senate, we need anse american first agenda and drive votes
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have debates and votes about policy changes that would secure our borderr, grow our economy, reduce our reliance on foreign oil. that'sd what we need to do is go on offense. n and the te house senate with an agenda that makes sense. we have s mass graves. we have men, women and children dead in the street with their luggage trying to escape ukraine. mariupol, it's a city that's been wiped off the map by vladimir putin. they say, well, he's pullinge' back from kyiv but yet t he's bombing worse than ever.e and there are two things that need to be done and that'sn the nato summit. joe biden, head of the disaster. ,you know, he had to be corrected by his own team over and over again. but all they really need to do is two things are the ukrainians. they'll fight themselves. no d american boots on the groud . and two, they've got to get western europeann. the nato countries offer russia's oil and gas and they set up a task force.
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how about they come up with a solution, not a task force? well, let's look at it this way. i've been on your show since this war began and hats off to you and your team y for bringing this war home to the americanhe people so we can see the bravery of the ukrainian people. i was told as a member of the senate this war would be over in four days . t' that's how badly our intelligence community in the biden administration miss bon this . five weeks into this war, putin's hold on russia is cracking and the russian army is breaking and why is that ? because the ukrainian people have fought like tigers. that's the good the badt news is five weeks intf this war, they still haveiv that they need to take the fight to putin and they're now requesting tanks and the biden administration saying no. but one thing n i want to tell you on this show, president zolensky has asked the westernyy powers france, great britain, the united states to guarantee the sovereignty of ukraine whent
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this war comes to any and putit is losing control ifin we get a peace agreement. so lansky's asking us the united states, great britain and france to give security guarantees, mutual defense treaties we have with japanus and australia. i think wetr should do that . i think we should do that . we cannot allow putin to have one inch of land and we can not allow him in ukraine to unilaterally disarm. an that would be that would be beyond stupid. senator , good to see you. nithank . all right. tonight with so many crises here at home and abroad and many democrats obsessed with vilifying unfairly florida governor rhonda santurce and that new law that bans teachers from having inappropriate gender theory conversationin with kids in prek through third grade four, four, five , six , seven and eight. okay, eager to jump on any left, wing bandwagon, texas democrat basil boto bozo o'rourke is out there posting this creepy picture of himself wearing a t
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shirt that says don't messha with trans kids. meanwhile, the disney corporation and their woke employees and leaders have beena well, absolutely out ofndhi their minds over this new law. s some recently staged a walkout in protest than disney is nowdi banning gender terms like boysn and girl, like ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all. g i can't say that anymore. governor't to s santos is fightg back , threatening to remove many of disney's special privileges that they get from the sunshine state because of their , quote, political theatrics. takeus look, i think what has happened is there's a lot of these special privileges that are not justifiable but because disney had held so much h sway, they were able to sustain a lot of special treatment over the years. the state should be governed by the best interests ofe the people. you should not have one organization that is able to dictate policy in all these different realms a and they have
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done that for many, many years. and if that stops now, which it should, that would be a good thing for florida g with reactin . brand new fox news contributor caitlyn jenner . we welcome you to the fox family. one thing you said to me when when i heard and we've known for many, many years we go back decades. you said you i did all this stuff on reality tv and i enjoyed it. i had fun doing it and all your obvious accomplishments in athletics is that i'm over that part of my life. this country's in deep trouble. that's where your head is. >> that's where your focus is explained. >> it certainly is. that's one of the reasons i ran for governor. we have to stand up. we s have that america has to stand mentality. yes, i have done a lot in my life going all the way back to the olympicsay. i had a lot of talks h actually with you, sean s
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and other people at fox when wex were negotiating this deal as you know. right.ou might i am trans and but. i'm not a trans activist. that's just one part of my life . there's so much more to me. but i think in the next in the midterms coming up, lgbt issues are going to be very big issues and i'm looking forward to covering those. but there's so mucho more to me than that .n obviously in nineteen b seventy six i think wases the best olympics of all time. it wass o our bicentennial. our country was two hundred years old . patriotism was at its height. i have been a patriot my whole life and my father fought in world war two my mother's ninety five . hi mom. 9and she's a patriot. i grew up that way and i want to i want that to continue. i want to fly. let me just be the first person put the american flag up and i want toti i want to continue that . >> let me ask you this and you can talk about a variety of subjects.
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you know, the case of floridafl first of all, the wordor is not the bill, you know, so it's ridiculous. it's talking about kids pre-ko through third grade. now most of our kids can't graduate and with a reading level that is proficient, say we're not proficient in math,h, science, english. you know, the important core issues. how about we teach the kids that and then if parents and schools if they want to have all these world classes after school, the parents canhe opt their kids in . let's do itok that way.e but let's educate our kids with the basics first. but good idea or bad idea? i got about forty seconds. great. it's it's a common sense personr and that is what you call common sense. i had ten children. i raised help ten children. i have twenty grandchildren. i am all for parental rights'm for children a and fire awayn:
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and your kids are like when combined it may own more than half the country. all right, kaili i did a good job. yeah. yeah i did a good job with them and this and that. but honestly i was holding my one week old granddaughter, little goldie junor real quick all week and i was thinkingo what's yeah. what's what are we going to do? what's her life going to be like? yeah. and i want to help the local because i got to say good bye. we'll have you back . so when we come back ,u the great one mark levin weighs in on his laptop from . and later, president trump speaks out about mark zuckerberg in a new documentary . that's coming up with a preview straight at when when america is tested, we find strength from within and through the challenges that it takes reliable, affordable energy. we've got a choice on how we get it import energy from unstable regions for use natural gas and waste right
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according to multiple reports, a a federal investigation now is unfolding as it relates not only to zeroo experian hunter but also his father,r, the president joe biden joining us now. he is the host of life liberty t and levin sunday nights the number one show right herety on the fox news channel had, the number one book of the year last year and he hase a nationally syndicated radioho show. i call himim the great one .l i break this down, you take away the last name biden and you replace it with trump. what happens? >> mark levin question about it? i mean, they'rebo still investigating trump at the federal levelth, but congres da's office, the attorneyel general of new york all corrupt, all democrats neverra ending. but this isn't about hunterts biden. it's about joe biden.ut joe biden is the patriarch of a incredibly corrupt political family. he mayri be the most corrupt president in american historyrys
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the media had b been protecting him. even the new york times in the washington postt, even though w they now admit that the laptop is legit, it'ss authentic because they must because the criminal investigation with career prosecutors in wilmington is proceeding. what are they supposed tonvesti the fact of the matter is th wasody knew it legitimate, especially the press. it was his laptop. it came about accidentally. the new york post. was printing chapter and verse. the big oligarchs covered it up . the media coveredth it up at a time when the american people should have known before the election if they had reported what was on that laptop bef , if they had applied the kind of resources that they apply trying to sete donald trump with phony arguments and so forth, we would have known before the election just h how corrupt joe biden and hisow family are . we would have known that he could never be president of k the united statesno. the democrat party would haveen been out without a candidate and there is no way that joe
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biden would receive even close to the number of votes he supposedly got. the media are corrupt and they're still corrupt. they're still trying to protect him. hunter biden, lookllg , he's unr criminal investigation. the whole family of james biden is younger brother, other brothers, the sister in law sor- far i calculate you have five million dollars confirmed that these communist chinese t front group and communist military front group gave tont the bidens five million, perhaps up to ten dollars million, three and a half million dollars from the wife h of the moscow mayor. several million, boris about four million. so already conservatively we're talking about over thirteen million dollars that went to a f this family. joe biden hasjo said he didn't know anything about his son's business. joe biden iss a pathological serial liar when it comes toal oil, when it l comes to the border , when it comes to anything but especially here we have a very credible witness who went public by belinski skies, navy seal background
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and so forth. he met with biden in may of 2017. biden knew the particulars of the deal that they were trying to make. he also made it clear that thema biden familyke wanted them toey make sure that they cover their tracks for for the big guy. uy the big guy, big joe in the contemporaneous documents a on the laptop that everybody now admits is authentic evenstsh though it's fourteen monthsou late. fifteen months late. joe biden is listed. the big guys supposed to get ten 10% 10% of what , 10% of millions of dollars were d coming from the communist chinese to the biden family. now, ladies and gentlemen, there's more than enough predicates here too conduct a criminal investigation of joe biden, his son justice should be do he violatedou the, the federal corrupt practices act. he didn't identify as an agent according to the way the department of justice conducts himself, but we have a bigger problem with a man in the oval office who i
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believe is effectivelyly a manchurian candidate. he is, in my view, a crook that he is corrupt. now merrick garland, rr the attorney general, is notics going to investigate biden. he won't allow vehe's busy chasing parents. he's busy attacking the georgiao republican legislature. 's's busy going out torg texas for their abortion rules and onr and on and on. ul but the fact of the matter is this they're needs to be a special counsel now to invest joe biden the democrats in the house will do it a special counsel with subpoena power. that man needs to bepe under oau . he needs to be questioned. this family is corrupt. that's it. that's why we call him the great one . mark levin, don't miss him sunday night life, liberty, livin right here, the morning show, sunday night fox news channel. when we come back , we're going to bring you the latestes on the will smith sagat with lj and leo 2.0 and make sure you stay with us for an exclusive
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stream, the first seven episodes that a lot because once you visit fleche you'll want to stick around. is this really happening? what do you mean? i mean what is this reality? welcome to black thursday on fox has been the first seven episodes on fox now or hulu when you can watch it and get the latest news business news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news on fix them. america is listening now criss-cross got a standinghr ovation for a roaring crowdis in boston last night where he told the audience he's still processing the slap heard around the world from will smith. we're also learning that policeg are ready to arrest will smith at the oscars. but the producer arr says it was chris rock that convinced the lapd not to press charges anyway. we have new footagege tonight showing we that will smith's wife, jada pinkett smith actually laugh after the joke, the slap after the slap at a sunday award
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show. it's quick. we'll rerack it for you a few times. >> take a look. in and according tog] radar online there's a secret three second video showing what snapped will smith out of his laughter h apparently was his wife. according to reports, we havets not confirmed it around lawrence jones lj was atnc chris rock's show last night and talked to attendees outside of boston's wilbur theater. >> take a look.oo okay,k. what did you think aboui what we lovenk? chris rock, who was hysterical, didn't get into the whole thing with crtv with will smith. i was a little disappointed he didn't bring up the whole wilesmith like scenario, but he would have talked about it more a little bit. but i sayay>> i'm not doing anyo nothing special. so he wanted to kind of work the that but it was right. i expected that he would write something nice for it. he would just lay something
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out. do you w thinkt. that is the rit route to go? not even addressing it really. he said he wanted more time topr process. yeah. you knowocn i mean i can't get n his head. i thought that i had to respect his decisions. i think all the hype, those r built up random made it even a better show regardless ofdl the fact that he didn't talk about ites. >> it was a reaction. r he is the host of crosscountry lj. the man himself was back along with leo to point throw. you know i love chris rock. i like dave chappelle. i like larry the cable guy. i love comics. l i want people to be free. i'm surprised that he didn't really go at it. my advice to chris rock is take this on and i would i wouldl never let up on will smith now for the rest of my career. well, he said that he's going>> to do that . he said that he wanted to take t time to process all the information, but he followed up by saying p that it's going to be funny, he's going to address it, butng he didn't want to ruin the show that he had already played. you know, so they spend monthsth preparing the content for itst
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and then it's going to be on netflix. but one of the angles is not being talked about. sean, is his reaction to will smith. i mean, that's took a lot ofll good. i'm a southern gentleman from texas, but as i told you many times, we've had close, close calls and i'm in the field. well, i was their hands on me. i don't know how to respond. i tried to get you to train with me one year here we go with my martial arts and my and i showed you what ih take on pain day and i offered you a thousand dollars to do the same thing. what did you sayn alj private conversation. i didn't want to hear. .. no, no, no, no. he was going to hit you. i sat there and i tookan the shots to the body and i took this to the heart. t any retaliation, any d retaliation, whatever you hate laugh. yeah. yeah there's nothing private with sean, you know. sorry, it's all public. i've been burned so many times
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there's nothing private. well, that'ss the way it shoulds be. i think, you know, it was a cheap shot by comedians to bew able to say what they say. what i grew up leo, i told you t this the other night.he talk about somebody's mom, girlfriend, wife, know, sister, brother, whatever you might get hittwi. at but that was normal when i grew up. it's not the way today and atay the oscars just because of a joke i still can't get over the open marriage thing is g oky but the joke is okay right. i let me see the shot. ea chris rock tookn. the moral high ground and what you see now is that hollywood is scrambling. sean, yesterdayay on this progrm we had a report from hollywood that they did ask will they lie? they're all in a circular firing squad and what they'ret saying right now, you cannot believe anyone in hollywoodd associated with the academy because they are running for high groun.
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they want to protect their career. will packer, the producer you can't believe him because we can't talk to the police. it's a it's a quiet investigation. so they're trying to protect themselves. they made a mistakeo protect res of whether or not chris rock w filed the charge will packerwi could have struck that oscarll t down to the forced about staff security guard. dy they could have escort him out. they did do it but allowed tot go to the bottom line is hollywood is split right now. you listen for many people in hollywood will can do anything l wrong. he is royalty. but then i you have the comedias that are upsetu ha because theyy ,look, this could happen to me in the middle of a show. i mean, if you go to any standup comedy show, if you, on those first three roles, they're going to come afterif that is a part r of the industrs you sign up for.or what did you think was going tos happen when you put g a comediao to host the oscars? you know, it was going to up a little bit. you know what ?f chris rock is one of the best at it and in part becauseth he's the free is to say what he wants. all right, l.j., next time
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we're together with our sense, my sense they aret you going to do that too? are you going p tout do that action? not only now, what about you going to back out like the last time? i will do it and we will film it and we will air it all done. done. leo shows on you leo. the next time i ask you on aon show, don't cop out and check it out. you got you got o to fill out. so both of you guys i want both of you guys i'm give you guys all right. thank you both. lawrencece the show saturday night, 10:00 p.m. you don't want to miss it. ig whenht we come back , a preview of an incredible documentary trumpormer presidentnt detailing mark zuckerberg millions would help fund joe biden's victory over trump deputy campaign manager and documentary producer documentary sorry documentary producer david bossie will join us a lot more tonight right here on "hannity".
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three six nine three six nine all. tonight we're getting more evidence about how a silicon valley billionaire, her local election offices around the country into essentiallyilli democratic get t the vote operations. that's facebook ceo mark zuckerberg. he spent nearly four hundred million dollarsrs in the 2020 m election all funneled through different groups to privatelyti fund electionsup offices to runs massive get out the vote operationsut in democratic strongholds. now those are the claims they are laid out in a new film from citizens united day. bossie called rigt now the zuckerberg funded plot to defeat donald trump is the name of the full movie is senator cruz in the film explaining mark zuckerberg and his wife spent four hundred
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million dollars in what amounted to a gigantic democratic voter turnout. and to put that in perspective, four hundred million p dollars s the most money any individual has ever spent to win a presidential campaign in the history of our countryde. it is massive. it was focused. it i was targeted. ed unfortunately, it was ruthlessly effective to put zuckerberg four hundred million dollar investment into the proper context. nt considerex this expenditures by the democratic national committee foron the entire two year 2020 election cycle totaled four hundredenti and siy one million as president trump was also t featured in the film. >> well look where he spent it . i've read where he spent 97% in democrat areas. so he's putting money underer the guise that he's going to open up the election and all of that . that's allllan. i'm going to open it up.
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he's closing it. o it up, he's making it impossible for a republican to win.ak now late tonight a spokesperson for mark zuckerberg i and his wife told us in a statement, quote, in full transparencyo , mark and priscilla announced their support for this effort the election.e so this documentary is neither new nor newsworthy while this film of which we've only seen two minutes so far appears to feature the same people advancing the same claims that have been debunked by multiple federal and state courts and respected news organizations only this time set to dramatic music heret the reaction the producer of that film, citizens united presidentmu a policy he had its first airing tonight at mar a lago. congratulationsha. tu how havela you been able to confirm all this money came from him? and we're not even including the fact that they censored the hunter biden laptop story and that would be an any kind donation multibillions to me. well, you hit it right on a head and that statement by zuckerberg is very similar
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to what they said about the hunter laptop story. there'ss nothing look, we found we did our investigation n using the nine nineties of the five one c threes that the chans cabourg initiative funded. that's how we conducted our own investigation and this film rigged and people can go to rign 2020 .com and look at it right now themselves. i got to tell you i was shockeds and when i get shocked, you know it's pretty serious stuff . four hundred million dollars in about one hundred and twenty days in the summer and fall of 2020 put their thumb on the scalel for joe biden. that's wherere this fourat hundd million dollars went and that'sw what traced it exactly back to them. how did you pinpoint that they gave that money. . yeah the chan zuckerberg initiative funded the center for tech and civic life. okay, so they gave three hundred and twenty seven million dollars toey
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that organization and that's a five twenty three and that organization filed their irs 990 their tax o returns. so we went through them and in w there, you know, the zuckerberg defenders say well more grants that they that he gave outut wet to red counties than blue counties. that doesn't matter. what matters is the following. the moneyn . that's what we did. so one hundred and sixty of those grants accounted for two hundred and seventy two million dollars. john. and ninety two percent. 92%% of that . o two hundred and seventy two million went to biden counties. >> so as what's the average american take away from ene fact that they censored biden's laptop story? how do you put a value on how much how that impacted positively? biden's chances of winning had to have had it been don donald trump jr. tlaptop?mo i thinkre we would have heard a lot more about it and i guess people can see for themselves the how you have broken down.
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they financial aspect of this . >> absolutely. wewn goec through arizona in arizona, sean, you knowri the four biden funded counties turned out to vote outperformed hillary clinton by seven hundred thousand votes. seven hundred thousand votes only won by eleven thousand over hillary clinton's 2016 turnout in georgia. forty five million dollars were spent and ninety two percent of that forty five million dollars went to biden counties in georgia over and over again throughout the country.untry, ts this money look, zuckerberg can say whatever he wants, but he hired david plouffe as his chief strategist. so weuf all know what this waswa about. sos the question becomes, okay,n is there anything illegal? did yous, find anything illegall here? >> and but it's a great it's a great question, sean. first of all, this in this film and this investigation cries out for state and federal investigationsries.
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i'm not holding my breath for f merrick garland or, you know, nancy pelosi toor announce investigations tomorrow. but kevinon mccarthy ought tocc make this the top priority when he becomes speaker eventually hunting nine short months issin the is the answer. then republicans need to do the same thing and learn the tactics of billionaires like zuckerberg. well, actually , sean, if it was okay to have done it,e twelve states twelve states in the last year have changed the laws to outlaw zuckerberg style funding in another five passed the law. but five democrat governorsav have vetoed thosee bills because they want to do it again. that's the only way they can win. so if people want to watch the movie, how do they watch go to rig 2020 .com you can sign up today. the film comes out on tuesday. we're looking forward to havingt a big premiere on tuesday. irig 2020 .com they policy. thanks for being with us or hannity ran for this helping small businesses and community
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12:00 am
sadly r that is all the time wen have left fork this evening. as always, thank you for being'l with you. make this show possiblerg on never forget it. please set your dvr so you never miss anid episode of hannity. by the way, those that laptop machine a guy that hunter's laptop will be with usme tomorrow. meantime, let not your heartme e trouble. laura is next . see you tomorrow night.t si'm laura ingraham and this is ingraham angle from washington tonight the power shift that's the focus of tonight's angle, a 14 year old girl still notev fully developed who demandsel to have her cut off a fifteen year old boy who wants to havea his removed. a ten o year old taking drugs to interfere with hormoneske that make puberty possible. this is what joe biden promoteds today to parents of transgender children aff
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