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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  April 1, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> president biden is once again blaming the high gasoline prices on record for everybody but himself as the white house is forced to clean up a new gaffe by biden. this time on renewable energy. you're watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. along with my cohosts, emily compagno and kayleigh mcenany. joining us is kennedy and piers morgan is here. it's rare that we get to see him. we are so glad to see you.
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>> i can't tell you how lucky i feel, ladies. >> thank you and welcome. all right kemal come to you first. let's get to the news by the president has announced he will step into the strategic oil reserves for the next six months and then attempt to lower gas prices bred by the way out throw this detail income about $0.35 is the difference this will potentially make. the last hour, while he spun the march jobs report into trying to be positive the president blames vladimir putin for the high prices we are seeing. >> we need to do more to get prices under control. putin's invasions of ukraine has driven up gas and food prices all over the world. >> nobody is buying the spirit a new fox poll show 60% of registered voters believe the biden administration is responsible for those gas prices coming up. the president also took a swipe at his predecessor on the
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deficit. >> it was the previous administration's reckless policies and mismanagement that led to the record deficits. in my administration i want to get the deficit under control. >> and i said that part about him blaming his predecessor as if biden threw something at her beautiful shoes. >> i did think that. [laughter] >> all right, peers, i'll come to you first. he is blaming everybody but their man in the mirror. >> it's a running train break now. every time he says one thing or another the most guaranteed thing is a walk back. he says we can use you renewable energy at home he can save us $500 a month. it sounds fantastic but also one trope at the white house that we actually meant a year, even that is probably a massively overblown figure. once again the president says one thing, then it has to be walked back up your no doubt he'll give another interview tomorrow denying it's being walked back.
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delaying all this is the real problem here, it's got nothing to do with putin here he has a little bit to do with these prices. but look at the graph of the gas prices since joe biden was elected president. it goes one way. the entire time he's been in charge. last time i checked the ukraine war has been going on for about five or six weeks. the idea that you can blamed vladimir putin for these gas price surges, is clearly -- now that you can make all americans take up electric vehicles -- but that's fine but the cost of the electric cars themselves massively outweighs any savings. the messaging is increasingly bad. it's clumsily delivered. it's -- the reality on the sharp end, people's livelihoods and they are not buying it for that's why they are blaming
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joe biden, not vladimir putin. >> it's interesting because when he spoke about an hour ago we carried it live he was boasting. he was telling the american people that everybody else is getting it wrong. don't listen to them. do not expected to know the names of all the policies that are passed on to me but just know that i'm doing the right thing. what happens when the oil reserve, the largest american history, do some work to bring down our gas prices by may be $0.05. it's up more than $2 per gallon since he became president. >> that's right. in november he tapped the oil reserves back then and gas prices have shot up. he could make as more expensive. also what happens when you try to replenish the supply? it's at its lowest level since it has been since 1984. well of ronald reagan, but we don't want to go back to the days where we do have energy and securities. we shouldn't have that in this country. we have a plethora of choices
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that the president and this administration and those in the far left are continuously shutting down. were not to the point where we can rely 100% on renewable energy. hopefully we will be at some point. hopefully there are new technologies we haven't even thought of yet that will get us there. we are not here to tell mike there yet. we stopped to have more choices in order to run our economy because of strong u.s. economy makes the world stronger and it lifts people out of poverty. >> kayleigh choice is really important with this administration been our finding out it doesn't work the way we thought it was supposed to. i don't know if what kennedy is talking about, we don't get a choice in any of this. day one shut down the keystone pipeline xl that would have pumped more in overtime -- it was not going to be immediate, but now we are behind the eight ball. >> we are really behind.
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see what happened with covid, i listen to the president of the united states on your show and eyes here at the very end same plenty of time for questions next week. i looked up his section -- where is he going? delaware. he didn't get to go last week, he was in europe. one of the rare working weekends. i'm not touching up putting in the same level of work when you're on a bicycle as you are on the white house in the midst of a war. you do have a war going on. huge spikes in gas prices. harris, they think the answer -- the solution, is a hashtag. the putin price hike. if you look at the official remarks yesterday it was discussing the putin price hike. then the chief of staff goes out and reiterates the putin price hike. jen psaki got that trending. the solution is not a hashtag commits to bring down the gas
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prices. they are not doing it. when they are doing it it's draining the strategic national reserve. a great idea, einstein. >> i love that you read what is being sad about what he will be saying. it's really important. jen psaki is now announcing in the last 15 or 20 minutes that she is leaving the white house. people leave, they change jobs, but this is a president who struggled so lively with getting the message correct. it's interesting you noticed the headline of the top line on his notes. >> in a typical democrat fashioned their solution to the rising gas prices, which is the result of their horrible policy, is to spend more of you and i tax dollars. chicago mayors joining gavin newsom issuing 50,000 gas cards in a lottery to help with these rising costs. there also going to hand out hundred preload cards. she said people have to be able
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to get to work, school, places of worship, and grocery stores. this mayor said, well where was that commitment when we all watch the homicide rates by 55% and now ida 25 year high? where was that commitment when we saw over 2,000 small businesses in our town shutter permanently because of the overregulation and underfunding of police the kept those businesses safe during the riots. when all of a sudden these democrat writers are coming out there trying to deal with than mutation with some type of band-aid on the neck. why don't you treat the arm? why don't you treat the source? there failed policy is the reason why all of these trends cut, as pierce mentioned, the trends of skyrocketing gas prices. the trends of diluting value. why don't they go to the source instead of trying to put band-aids on it? their only solution is to spend more of your money and to grow
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their blood itself. >> i would add to that to delay that's also part of their strategy. they delay, they wait until things are an emergency before -- and then they enact those actions you just talked about, they were always going to fall apart. but particularly when you are late. i don't care how much you spend. if you come in with cash and you are late it's not going to work they don't get to something real quickly before we got a break. i was reading today about the bounce back of the ruble inside russia. all of these sanctions that we put forth as we talked about this last hour -- you know they were not enough. they do relate. now we are looking at a situation where putin is not so her know by what we are doing. the ruble is balancing out a little bit. what does that mean on the world stage for us? >> me spell it out to you. it means he is winning. i'm afraid this narrative that putin has lost his mind and doesn't know what he's doing, that he is a mad man come i
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don't buy any of it. i think he is a ruthless dictator that is signaling all of his intentions. maybe georgia, he's invaded ukraine. he wants to flatline ukraine and the most barbaric matter. he wants to seize all of his energy reserves, which will of another impact if he is successful of getting an even more power in the global energy world. at the moment it's not so much america's problem is maybe europe's problem of having this massive overreliance on russian energy. he's going to get even more under his control. i don't understand the moral distinction that people are trying to make between nato on the getting involved if he now invades the country next to the ukraine. this guy's committing on an hourly basis. is bombing maternity hospitals and killing refugees as they try to flee. this guy is a monster and monsters -- the real world, the
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good world have to stand up to the sky give the question is one. i think that time is come. i keep reading about what were not going to do to putin. i would like to hear what we are going to do to him. that is the question i would like to hear. when are we going to do it? >> all right, we will move on. i don't know if you cut trey yingst but our journalist who has come home, they want to go back. the very things you're talking about so the world doesn't forget. so that we -- disney's double standard -- no it's not a new ride up at the company has announced florida's parental rights bill. it's expanding its media empire to parts of the world of the very same time, which gay is against the law. the panel on hypocrisy, our favorite topic,, next up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more.
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>> disney's getting called out for a major double standard because they are pushing a progressive agenda here in the united states will now expanding its media empire the parts of the world that are downright hostile to gay rights. they will extend their streaming service to saudi arabia, libya, yemen. being gay in many of these places means lengthy imprisonment, torturers, whipping come even the death penalty. piers morgan -- also offer a lengthy imprisonment for being homosexual. so how can you reconcile a company that is so performative here in our territory, but quake to make money as soon as that is the bottom-line entities other
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countries? >> it's just another example of brazen hollywood hypocrisy. i would add to the makes what about the deafening silence of disney about china? ended suppression of the weaker movements for example. a happening in china and you don't hear a word about that from disney. why not? i'll tell you i come in dollars. the chinese box office is going to get even bigger so the last thing they want to do is upset the chinese. fine. in that case drop all of your pandering in america. stop pretending that you really care about these issues when the rest of your global strategy does the complete opposite to whatever your trying to instill in people in florida. it's complete nonsense. it cuts right to the heart of hollywood hypocrisy. we sought on display in the oscars perhaps even more ostentatiously than normal. were seeing it right here with well corporate america. when you bow to the local mob. when you take their lead, this
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small, very noisy, permanently outraged minority people. when you tell them what to do and never stops. they've got them on the rack, they are constantly forcing them to apologize, nothing is ever enough. he's up to all the stuff from a global stage. utterly ridiculous. they think we are stupid and i don't think we're that stupid. >> that's right. kennedy, exhibit number 100 for the woke corporation that really doesn't actually mean what they say, they are still offering super pricey princess packages come even though they say that they've committed to only using gender-neutral terms. not every child they say wants to be referred to as a princess or prince but they will take your dollar with the quickness. >> i have female children.
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they want to be princesses, you can give them trucks, you can give the mods come you can give them cars, guns. not for the very little ones. they loved princess stuff. so embrace that. i love gay disney. i love doing gay things there. but i don't need a lecture from politicals gold every time i go and seek escapism. so they have to stop it and people and think that disney -- try getting married two years same sex partner when you're in a disney cruise in antigua. you can't do it better for going to be this political thing you have to be consistent. they are horrifically can tell mike inconsistent get a shot part of the lawn in the region where they have uighur concentration camps. i wonder if they did any outings when they had time off from
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filming to go and see some of those people who are being held against their will. >> they actually edited out from the background of that the images that they didn't want the world to see come even though we know about it. we've talked about it consistently. the marriage between top dollar between hollywood and disney in their conveniently ignoring or refusal to acknowledge what is happening there in china. we sought john to see profusely in mandarin. he dared to refer to taiwan as a country, right? we saw top gun remove the taiwan patch. heaven forbid maverick where a taiwan patch. china has spy the ankles, the rest, whatever were talking about for some reason in the box office. these guys think that americans don't see right through it, kayleigh. >> that was a great save, emily. so, disney the beret of all
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things good, right, just barely talked about milan. if you had a point about milan. the lead actress apparently praised those cracking down on protesters in hong kong in addition to filming part of that movie and the changing province, where this is going on bear not only that, disney thanked public officials and their credits. one of which was the public safety bureau into pan, where more than a dozen reeducation camp success. i think instead of saying commotion talk about the people experiencing it in that associated press did a really nice job talking about people who have seen this first half. the cutter with what's up on her phone, that's an application, messaging app that people have here in the united states. this center to a hospital, took a sample, found out she was two months pregnant. this is a weaker. here's what she said.
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medics inserted an electric vacuum into her womb, sucked out the baby from her body, she was taken home and told to rest as they plan to take her to a camp. this is what is happening. this is what is happening, it's what disney is supporting. so forgive me, disney, when you say you have the moral high ground when you support sexuality education for kindergarten through third graders. you don't have the high ground when you support things like this dear dollars. >> of the issue is not just for the inclusion peered well for protection and rights it's about the hypocrisy. the performative activism on these corporate sides to monday's progressive left side that i actually no idea the pain they are contributing to that they are actually augmenting. >> a little more and your point come of this absurd to be that disney theme parks now you can't use the phrase ladies and gentlemen come our boys and girls, when did we just accept this? when did we accept this neutralizing of all gender
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specific terms in our country in a democracy? where is my right to be called the man? my right to be called the gentleman if people would like to call me back? why are the rights of the vast majority of people who want to be called they become a gentleman, boy, girl, why are they considered to be utterly irrelevant? why zelda language in the world have to change to accommodate a tiny minority of permanently offended people? i don't get why we are all just taking nonsense. to me it's a ludicrous situation. a group of people come a tiny kamara dictating how the rest of us all have to act, speak, and behave. >> part of it is because people are afraid of being canceled. at work, in their lives, wherever they are. and what we have to do is remind everybody that speaking up and speaking out are not reasons to be canceled. he did not get to hit people when they don't agree with you -- will smith -- because a
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joke is and what you would wanted to be. you don't get to cancel everything. but you asked a question about basically the civil rights of individuals in our country. i think obviously we value that in america. look at how far we have come as a nation and we will only go farther. but what pierce is talking about, letting the few who speak for so many. we don't even really know who they are, do we? they do speak up for everybody and everybody takes their word for it. my issue is that when i go to disney with my children, i do not want politics with my magic wand, right? i do not want served with the deliciousness of all the treats and the daily parade for things to be exposed to my children and i have to take a moment to explain it doesn't have anything to do with the fun, and they are five. that's just look at the bill for
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a second. it is kindergarten through third grade. in fourth grade you need a permission bid that is what i'm used to. get the letters home and were going to go on. you can opt in or opt out but when you talk about those tender ages. i think tammy bruce send others get this right. it takes away a kind of innocence for our children. were supposed to live through that journey with them. but also give them our value is. >> that's right. for the record, pierce, we know you are a gentleman. >> my very welcome, gentlemen. i'm the one lucky person. is that what you have to do now? speak all right, guys come another week and another word salad from vice president harris of course no critics are saying it's not just about books but it actually undermines the united states in the eyes of the world. that is next.
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>> welcome back welcome back. vice president kamala harris getting mocked and criticized the attic at first serving up another word salad. this time during an appearance with jamaica's prime minister at the white house. just the latest instance of the vice president putting out totally nonsensical responses. >> we will assist jamaica in covid recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery estimate in jamaica that have been essential to i believe what is necessary to strengthen not only the issue of public health but the economy. >> talking about the significance of the passage of time. the significance of the passage of time. when you think about it there's great significance to the passage of time. >> were talking about the real possibility of war in europe. so our position is for us very
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clear, which is as a leader, which we have been bringing together allies, working together around our collective and unified position -- >> i think i need a translator. it would not be a friday if i did not bring for the couch -- this time it's going to be the vice president's resume. i wanted to look up just how many roles she had appeared seven of the nine were legal roles. deputy district attorney, california unemployment insurance appeals board, district attorney san francisco d.a., many of them are legal roles. i think you can put together a sentence if you have any one of these roles but i come to you, our legal eagle. >> like up permanent bill and ted adventure. it's like foreign score and seven years ago and then just
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nonsense. despite, or in spite of a resume like that, she set actually no cohesive policy she has adhered to. no robust team do speak of. no actually cohesive following that says we believe in her or her policy. she has demonstrated commitment and leadership -- actually it's been a dearth of all. it's been a continued disappointment as a lifelong californian and i was an american citizen under her leadership, or lack thereof. >> laughter gets music. >> that's the salad dressing of the word salad. kennedy, i would think the press secretary -- i don't agree with the message -- but the press secretary stays on message, the communications director has been rating this week. even the deputy press secretary stays on message. why can't they rely on the number two in the chain of command to just stay on message?
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>> unfortunately she does stand message but the message for her consists of three or four words she just repeats. i got to volunteer my daughter's third grade class and when they had written book reviews for where the red fern grows some of them hadn't read the book. they would just go the red fern grows. ferns grow, ferns are righted, and this is where the red fern grows. that is essentially what she does with pretty much anything. i can tell she is looking down. she is looking at something. maybe she has to expand her words and come up with some juicy adjectives. >> well said, kennedy. look at this piece for merrill matthews. a look at kamala harris going to be the worst vice president in history. she is failing. a vice president's only real job is to not embarrass the president and the administration. that something biden is able to
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do often without any help from harris. >> i have to be careful here because i'm not an american citizen. i have a huge amount of respect for the american state of the people who live here. that is the background. but it is pretty perturbing that you have a president of the united states who can't remember what he's just said, then walks back the walk back to things he said because he doesn't think he ever said them, then you have a vice president who is literally incomprehensible. the longer the passage of time the kamala harris has gone on, the less comprehensible she becomes. she's like this we are weird, frightened rabbit in the headlights. just spewing in a random thought that comes into her head. even if it makes no sense to anybody at all. let me remind you, she's one heartbeat away from being the leader of the free world. we can laugh about this, but actually the inability of either the number one or the number two
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in america make much sense when they speak aloud in public is a little bit disconcerting. >> yes, they do it all with the pocket cards with really basic things written on it. coming up, the academy awards show producer is revealing what really happened after that infamous will smith's lap. we'll talk about that next no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding rates in the 3s. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. my a1c stayed here, it needed to be here. ruby's a1c is down with rybelsus®. my a1c wasn't at goal,
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options. he said i'm fine. he's was like no, no, no periods >> harris, chris rock coming out of this with so much grace. >> his grace was on full display. since then he has a concert tour sold out at ease in the public eye a lot appeared to look's genius. it looks like it was a genius moment to kind of say no, you guys go do what you're going to do, i'm going to stay in my lane here and take the high road. he needed to do that. there's no way he could've known to do that in that moment but it's a lot about who he is. wanda sykes, she used to work for fox, she was talking about how they were friends and she said chris rock apologized to her because it took away that moment for those three women who were hosting together. and he said i'm so sorry that you didn't get to live out your moment as host because you guys
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were killing it. so that's kind of who she says he has and who he is known to be in the industry. but i don't think that he did anything other than in that moment be who he was. it was graceful but look how it has paid off. he had to go to work immediately and sat on stage the other night when he opened at boston i'm not ready to talk about it yet. >> well we talk on the state a lot about hollywood elites, who i have strong opinions about. we'll be goldberg, listen. >> this elite stuff, a lot of us work for a loving and it really faces me off when people start to talk about people who work in hollywood. not just actors but all of the other folks. so, please, when you are talking about actors be specific. if you're best off about somebody and how they act don't put it on all of us but that's like saying all black people like chicken.
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>> the aggrieved hollywood elites come i feel so bad for them. >> my heart bleeds, it really does. this might be provocative but i didn't even think what happened with will smith and chris rock was the most outrageous thing of the evening for the most outrageous part of the show to me was when regina hall, one of the female cohosts, began to talk in a very charged way about male stars, then pulled four of them on stage and began to physically grope them, making it clear she was auditioning for her next boyfriend. i thought this was all supposedly outlawed. i thought the whole point of me to end times up as the outlawing of degrading people is over. it seems to only be over for the men and female hollywood stars can do that in front of a billion tv viewers worldwide and we are not supposed to bat an eyelid. i'm happy to join the general feeling that will smith shouldn't have done what he did,
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but why is regina hall getting a past for something that if a male star had done what she had done to female stars on stage at the oscars, i can guarantee you you would now be canceled. he would not work again. why is it one rule for her and one role for the guys? as the token person of undetermined gender identity -- but as the token male here i simply raise that point. i'm all for whacking will smith, even though i happen to have a bit of a sympathy for a guy defending his wife because he thought chris rock was mocking her alopecia, which apparently chris rock didn't know about. there was clearly a big misunderstanding. you should not have gone up and whacked him. but why is nobody talking about what the female host of the show did to those guys on stage? i'm personally offended, i am personally offended by the hypocrisy. >> candidate come i don't know about you but i'm still traumatized by that slap around the world. amy schumer is with me in that regard.
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she said still triggered and traumatized. i love my friend, chris rock, and believe he handled it like a pro. start up there and gave an oscar to his friend and the whole thing was so disturbing. i don't know if i'm going to be able to sleep this weekend. [laughter] >> nobody would have been talking about they are hosting if this hadn't happened. most people use to watch the academy awards. you would have academy awards parties and they don't anymore. they binge watch things like netflix and so it's not a big cultural signpost the way it used to be. so it is irrelevant. the only thing that made it relevant was he wasn't defending his wife, he was assaulting somebody there there is a huge line there. in terms of regina hall, i'm happy to see that because that's funny. if you make jokes you will be canceled, or you will be slapped in the face.
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>> i agree with the outcome of point simply was that if i guy had done it he would be canceled. it's the hypocrisy. is not what she did. i did find it mildly amusing. i'm not personally offended by any of that stuff. but if you're going to have a role everyone has to stick with it. this is the problem i have with the whole woke culture. it's one rule for them in one rule for everybody else. >> rules for thee and not for me, we see it a lot these days. coming up critics slammed "the washington post" calling expected mothers pregnant people in the latest attempt to ditch the word woman coming up next. de asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete
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babe. (chuckles) look at that! another write off. that's a foul! what kind of call is that!? definitely “not” watching basketball. not us. i wouldn't do that.
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>> centers for disease control just announced they're going to entitle immigration exclusions on may the 23rd. we'll talk about that plus the war in ukraine, gas prices, the midterm elections with the former vice president, mike pence come at the top of the hour. we also have larry kudlow lined up along with amanda devine on why it took so long for the mainstream media to catch up with her reporting on hunter biden. big friday afternoon ahead, join sandra smith and be at the top of the hour for america reports. we will see you then. >> "the washington post" is getting torched by critics for this article about breakthrough covid cases. but which refer to expectant
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mothers as pregnant people instead of women, right? so the phrase pregnant people both in the headline throughout the article but only use the word woman once. piers morgan, what say you? we lost him. >> where to even start? i would love to get pregnant. no why? pregnant women are the most popular people in the world. everybody loves a pregnant woman. i would be really popular. i would love to know, how do i get pregnant? last time i checked, women get pregnant, not man. when you say pregnant people it doesn't include the billions of men. we cannot get pregnant. it goes back to what i was in earlier about the eradication of any gender specific language. it's tailoring to a tiny minority of people fear the vast majority of people would like to carry on being called by what
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they identify as. you ladies here, i presume if you don't calling the ladies come i presume you will identify as women. if you are pregnant, you are a pregnant woman. you're not a pregnant person. why should you be? it is so insulting, it is so insensitive. it goes again to my central point why are we letting this tiny group of people dictate how everybody else has to speak? when did our language get destroyed at the altar of woke political correctness? who's going to stop it? i have a clue for you, i have a new show coming on fox nation called piers morgan uncensored fit i'm going to lead the charge to save our language and let pregnant people go back to being called women. that said. >> pierce, we are so excited to discuss your show in a moment. if you would stay tuned. kennedy, it begs the question in this movement for this gender equality come or all gender equality, it's really diluting and pressing down any kind of
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actual women's rights. why did the aclu find the need to rewrite supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg's decision when she wrote the decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a woman's life to her well-being and dignity. they rewrote it to say person and their. why do we dilute the sense of womanhood that people fought so hard to have recognize? >> when my grandmother was born women could not vote. last month we celebrated women's history month. should we not celebrate that? surely get rid of title ix? are all disparities gone with things like health care? a lot of people would argue that no they are not. also i do not want my girls yelling from the room person! person! i still want them to call me mom. sorry. >> there you go. kayleigh of course this administration has led the charge and jumped in with
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performative activism. will pop this up, it includes the redistribution of the word woman come over the extinguishing of the word woman. >> like this, the department of justice come individuals who are pregnant, cdc pregnant people, white house birthing people. it appears they are taking their marching orders from aoc, where did you come up about one? maybe they are taking their cue from apple. remember the emoji they come out with? >> for god's sake. [laughter] >> isn't that usually just someone who spends too much time watching the super bowl. >> i have no comment on why that picture looks that way. but i will say this, i don't like the part, especially the rewriting history, but we barely know enough about history as it is. if you take the words out there were actually there by the people who we say -- in this
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case a legal icon in american history. by the way that's tidy and neat for some of this country who really want us to not remember what the truth is because they wanted replace it with control. >> all right, guys, more "outnumbered" in just a moment. h the newday zero down home purchase loan, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're still holding rates in the 3s. already own a home and need cash? the newday100 loan can get you up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments by $615 a month. take ten minutes right now and make the call. because no one knows veterans like newday usa. ♪simply irresistible♪ ♪ ♪
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9:58 am
>> big things are happening on fox nation, a new primetime show, it premieres on april 25th, and one minute to go, i want him to tell us everything. >> you may remember i was truly removed from my job as the host of "good morning britain" despite tripling the ratings, and the most popular breakfast show in the country. megan markle decided she objected to me disbelieving her pack of whoppers she told oprah winfrey. i was told to apologize, instead
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i decided to leave, and named her princess pinochio, and i'm launching a new global show, taped mainly in london, also in the states as well, air in the u.k., the u.s. and australia, and a full frontal assault to cancel cancel culture. i'm sick and tired of it, the woke brigade leading our lives, and i intend to cancel this culture and i don't care if you are left or right, i think most decent ordinary people, particularly here in the united states agree with me it's out of hand and if you want to be in a democracy, start to behave like somebody who believes in democracy, tolerating other people's opinions without losing your minds. so, piers morgan uncensored.
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>> you'll have guests on the show? >> lots of guests on the show, including i hope some of you ladies. >> oh. >> i dignify you as ladies. >> everybody have a great weekend. "america reports" now. >> john: centers for disease control announcing moments ago it will end title 42 exclusions on may 23. the trump-era policy limited the number of migrants coming into the country during the pandemic. >> sandra: and border experts say it will likely lead to a surge in the number of people that are coming into this country. in just moments, former vice president mike pence will give us his reaction. >> john: fox news alert to kick


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