tv Gutfeld FOX News April 1, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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love the new woody. all of it is going to go to demand justice. you may remember that group as the organization of first push the nominations of ketanji brow jackson to the supreme court. were just going to send oodles of money to this -- april fools. i will make the announcement next week on which amazing charity is going to get the proceeds. have a great weekend. >> this is fox news alert. unable to escape, many civilian trapped in the southern seaport city of merry opal -- mariupol but able to escape after the convoy a buses trying to get out out of the way of danger. mariupol is the city that is seen some of the heaviest fighting during the invasion come around 100,000 people are believed to be remaining in the city.
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down from about 430,000. there's no electricity and no water. meanwhile all 2,000 jan tight -- jablon and they take missiles that president biden signed off on have been delivered to do great but that's according to a senior us official who says all of those switchblade the roads are en route as well. john kirby saying in a statemen tonight that the us is sending an additional $300 million in military equipment to ukrainian forces. the hardware includes laser guided rocket systems and armored vehicles and ammunition. meanwhile the ukraine president trace the weapons earlier tonight on special report with bret baier. >> you give me something to defend mike country with this process gets longer and continues to get delayed. if we can see that the process
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of transferring those weapons i getting slower, then people begin to ask the questions is i really true. maybe there is one game behind it. i don't want to believe that some partners of ours are playing games. >> in lviv, i'm griff jenkins. now to go veiled. >> hey there, my friendly frida friend. how do you know when you are living in a delusion. other than joe biden thinking -- when people suddenly believe something is happening, when it really is not and then they com after you if you refuse to play along. the left of this country right now is like that mentally ill homeless guy screaming at someone on the sidelines but there's actually nobody there. if you tell him nobody is there they will attack you for pointing out the situation. with our media such solutions are rewarded with attention and
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therefore incentivize. the latest delusion the florida parental rights bill has been a attack on and tradespeople and somehow nearly stating that distinction between a male and female is an affront to them. according to my data 99.9% of and trans are not offended by the term boys and girls prefer that i get that statistics? where i get all my stats, the steam room. but sadly all you unhinged voices in control of the blow horn kat, and by lavarnway mean mainstream the mainstream and social media, where attention starved activist deemed worth like boys and girls harmful. these people are full of more than an occasional of jim's wit lactose intolerance. i know that. but like the bubonic plague, it is a rodent spreading the problem. take it away, homeless mickey mouse. >> suddenly they were move.
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all of that gender greetings -- so we no longer say ladies and gentlemen and boys and girls. we provide trading for all of our cast members and they now know it is hello everyone or hello friends. in the process of changing over those recorded messages so some of you are familiar when we brought the firework. >> the magic kingdom, we no longer say ladies and gentlemen and boys and girls. we sit rumors of all ages. >> they once knew the importanc of understanding your audience. now they don't even like their audience. it all sounds like this is welcoming everyone but the no girls allowed sign. that the customers ask for a? is a corporation terrified of being unwoke. why, they are to be seized putting food on the table for their kids and maybe one week a year to take them to cure theme park and dropped couple grand. watch out, police management,
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has been entertaining for 99 years but now they are switchin to garbage. it's happening and government too. probably face possible war and soaring inflation about what is the white house concerned about? they out that us airport security procedures will become gender-neutral. the going to use a x for travelers that don't identify a male or female. but isn't x the female chromosome. wait till they complain about that. they will also receive instructions to make procedures less invasive, which is sad. being married, i started to enjoy those pat downs. but, of course, biden also condemns anti- transgender legislative a tax without citin actual evidence. >> you know, it is hard when there are those aren't there wh don't see you and don't respect you. for example, the onslaught of anti- transgender state laws attacking you when your familie are simply wrong.
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this a demonstration is standin up because all these hateful bills and we are committed to advancing transgender equality in the classroom and on the playing field at work and our military and our healthcare systems, everywhere, simply everywhere. >> this raises the question why did that with only condemned crimes that are happening in several crimes that are. about the attacks on the elderl asians or the random murders by random maniacs. why doesn't joe care about that. could it be that the people feeding him to stop don't care either? it's so will smith slap of politics. 12 are talking about this, we are talking about the president needing crib notes to clear why he's trying to start world war iii. let's focus our energy and buil up for bids people from talking to five-year-olds about when we should be asking why they are fighting to keep indoctrination when they can even teach math. how to does any adult who wants to talk about sexual issues tha they can complement is the only
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good argument for learning. solutions become dangerous when you are president buys into it and he has. he's okay also being a vehicle for idiocy. and finally there is this story medical student at the play for school of medicine purposely missed up haitian's may because he giggled at the student's she/ her grown-up in. the bright but a posting i had patient my was doing a blood draw see my pronoun. and loudly laughed at staff she/ her, well, of course that is , what other pronouns are there. it? so i missed his veins so he had to get stuck twice. well, she/her there you go, corporations and government people, all acting irrationally based on the belief that there is an epidemic of hostility toward gays and trans. what is true,.
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they have the science that activists have the media. >> let's welcome to my's guests. >> when she was behind the podium them media needed imodium . cohost of outnumber, kayleigh m cenany. >> he's so fresh that his blood type is earl grey pretty so british that he sneezes crumpet and he so british he said, double -- he so british that he showers i a red vote. pierce morgan, uncensored. >> thank you. >> and she never uses drugs and is delightful to work with. april fools. fox news contributor kat timpf. and he will give you the shirt off his back. the world television champion
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tyrus. [ applause ] >> greg: su almost every day. you've been in my dreams come i my studio. >> i've been basking in the gutfeld glory. >> part of cable news history. >> you can just say the house person and beautiful. there's no doubt that there are people who are anti- tran, trans- phobic, anti- gay. does this come across as a manufactured outrage. >> completely. it's a new virus. it's a very small number of angry up and did cancel culture propagandists that try to turn everything into something. so if you take any kind of constructive critical approach that is ridiculous, immediately you are branded. you are trans- phobic, homophobic, whatever it may be. i got passed out of the morning
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show in uk because meghan markl speed of bunch of lies about ou royal family. i said i don't believe you and was immediately accused of bein racist because it didn't believ somebody that was biracial for this is the weight of the world has gone. when you look at this and away from it perfectly encapsulates how mad it is all gone. you've got disney, who we know is free with their content with countries that hate people for being gay. we know about the chinese oppression. for apparently supposed to believe that they taken a position, a strong position about this issue down and florida where, my god commit is so despicable, the governor is decided that kids of 5-6-7-8 should not be exposed to constant propaganda about their sexuality or gender at a time when there are now 100 genders, including apparently asked or gender, which is affinity to do the stars on the planet. so why would any parent object
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to a teacher teaching them that they can be extra gender. you did it can raise the in critical eye or a concern brow and say it without being bounce around and being called a trans phobic, most people in this country are compassionate people . >> greg: it seems like the women are the speaking of all these things but but i thought the guys that it's just the women. >> the whole world is going after women. think about that. that is happening. you went through the government and their calling people pregnant persons. like ase, i was a menstruating person, not a pregnant woman when i came back -- birth of my two-year-old. but it's confounding. the half up pregnant -- there a racing women from society. you are an opponent of this. basically what you're saying is kindergarten grade and first grade and third grey cup is you teacher who was brainwashed by
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the left and a lot of them are teaches you about sexuality. no thank you. and his banned is precedent tha can't keep his -- and keeps talking about my former bosses his predecessor. he needs to foil his a ministration that's collapsing so let's go after kindergartners . >> what is your take on this, tyrus quite. >> we are missing one thing, that small group, they are not living the exterior and that is why they -- because you can't fact jacket. the not going to take the risk to talk about people that are actually assaulted but it is about fundraising and making money. and it has nothing to do with transgender at all. it's just like "black lives matter". they were trying to make it sound like they were there to help black kids but they line their own pocketbooks and they bought jets and plains and houses. they will go to the group that they love to hate the most openly is a old white both men
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and women and they will go tell their story and feel terrible and blame themselves and ray huge amounts of checks. so it's a moneymaking scheme an so they are never going to actually pick up real situation that people can go actually there is more hate crimes against older asian women right now then there is these transgender things he talked a bus of the not going to touch that because you can argue that. so this just delay until they get the big money and you will see that they are not helping the poor transgender in the inner-city he was afraid come out. they are not concerned with that . but everyone who is doing it is in a power-play position that i what this is really about. >> greg: kat, what if the battery student her simply -- purposely missed the bane of -- because she didn't like your politics and sebring she's in and she purposely misses the main. >> hurting cheese is one thing. i would be here.
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i would be launching a full-scale attack against this person. okay, someone make fun of you and so you are going to stab them because if you're missing vein on purpose, that is that missing a vain, that is standing . so the reason you're doing that is to give blood or whatever, sides were just dabbing them fo no reason. and things are so crazy that sh actually was like that is something that i can't tweet an people will like that. like i stepped this person who made fun of me. it wasn't even a trans- woman. >> i bet she has hashtag be kin as a bio. >> probably. >> how is that not a hate crime? if i stab somebody up with a her /his or whatever on their thing and i stabbed them, that is a hate crime. it's a two-way street. >> percival he missed a vein is lot more than you need. >> she has one of the signs at
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the front of her house that has a list of all the things and you've seen them everywhere but i apparently she's now been published that she's not allowe to see patience. >> i say in this house we love and respect she. >> greg: up next, sir paul gets in face about milk that is plant -based. i favorite story, by the way. that was quick. and rewarding. i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. that means i earn on my bug spray and my sunscreen. you ready to go fishing? i got the bait. i also earn 5% on travel purchased through chase on this rental car. that lake is calling my name!
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what i came to be extra fee, yo just couldn't let it be. sir paul mccartney, the former lead singer of a cover banned i urging starbucks to put a surcharge on plant -based milk options even though the costs milk to produce and are an abomination before god. using a beacon paper including -- he frets i understand that none other countries like you can an yet there is the same charge fo both types of milk but i would
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like to politely request that you can set up this policy, als would starbucks usa. hope for the future of the plan and animal welfare copy were able to implement this policy. now, when he's not ripping off the monkeys, mccartney has had long history of promoting a vegan lifestyle and he's a hous milk generate see more definition. you can say the same thing abou human milk but it just tastes better. we are paying a lot less for plant melt, i bet i can think o one guy who was all for it. >> i eat a plant -based life. i eat a plant -based centered life. some people want to call me beacon.
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ief plant -based centered life. >> you going to be a great mayor . >> i drink coca-cola. >> by the way, this is very important topic especially when you are dealing with tea. is hoping a behind you to take your tea. >> this is the way that -- this is a problem with how americans make tea. and never get it right. that the milk in first. stew it for 4-minutes, not five not three. we can start a revolution to bring that. next by go into but i think tha signed up and they've learned about violence solves all problems and then sky diapers g directly into an active volcano.
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they don't survive the boutique comes out great. and then they heat up at the flamethrower and nachos. say goodbye to earl great and say hello to earl red, white, and blue. it is american tea. >> that was amazing. >> that what the break that segment of doing tea. >> is this the thing that sir paul should be worried about? >> i am a massive beadles junkie . >> it ended up costing him 60 million pounds and i owe him one. >> so there's something insufferable vote self-righteou vegans. i think the particular thing to exercise me about is they -- [indiscernible] almonds involves the extermination of you and some
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bees in california over 5-6 wee period every year. it's the same with various others. and they are not as squeaky clean. these are the little guys. and i will let you stand up for the little guy. they never care about the blood bees. >> they never care. they should care about them is. printer all my milk on your hig moral ground. i like my proper kyle and prope milk. >> look at your own backyard first and look after the bees. is in it ironic that the beatle prefer plants. >> it's also ironic when you hear billionaire compare about the price, an extra buck at starbucks. he has a set of steak get it fo him. everything about gender and -- there's no such thing as all my milk almonds do not have, therefore they cannot produce
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milk. it is ground-up almonds and it is not just the bees, rats, little lizards, all the little things. tons and tons of different species of animals that are wiped out by these. yet they get mad because they kill a cow for me. the problem is i guess the cow' keep your. >> it is easy to point out. >> the assigned self-consciousness to size so w assume that bees do not think. >> of course they do. like jim acosta. >> and he is barely conscious. >> and there is that. >> i like country music. >> oh, no. [speaking at once] >> some that they were overrated
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, like changing music wasn't enough for you? if your purse when a fan, that is one thing. >> you know, he might -- she might not ever be on the show. i'm sorry. >> i was just going to say that there is nothing more then and celebrities sending an open letter saying i need -- if it was leonard skinner, it would not have been this way. i'm not a beatles fan. and i don't let that. i'm a huge leonard skynyrd banned. slow dancing, free bird, often alone. would you like to add to this beetle mania? >> sure. i'm a huge beatles fan. i don't know the guy, peers. he doesn't know i exist and never will be up at that doesn' stop me. never has. but i kind of love it because i
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kind of proves how fall of starbucks is in a way because they have this whole section on the website in their stores about environmental responsibility. it is like then take some. they can afford to make it all the same price, but it just proves that they are capitalist that lie about it. >> there should be an tax for being an annoying beacon. >> if you work at billionaire -- >> to be fair to him he might b down to his last 800 milligrams. give them some. >> it's also an attack on women. these are 95% female. i'm just throwing that out there . that's another attack on women. >> i don't think you know as much about the thing as i do. >> on that note, stephen colbert
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's lame joke and president biden deserves an ope fast. that was a good one. of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra.
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>> if of the fox news alert. i'm griff jenkins live in lviv. hopes dashed by the russians. thousands of civilians remain trapped in the city after the russian military turn back a convoy of buses from the red cross the scheduled to evacuate them. it's believe that over hundred thousand people remain in mariupol. antitank missiles the president biden signed off on have been delivered to ukraine. that's according to a senior us official who also says all of those switchblade drones are an roof as well. if you ask about also setting another three and her million dollars in equipment. meanwhile prussia claims to connect canadian helicopters?
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>> of reporter gets smacked for not being of white house hack and should do deep -- the hospital "#lakeshow" makes things the free press has got t go. it's more proof is part of the propaganda machine at has had backup glasses for a 14. we will be right back. former comedian stephen colbert mocked peter ducey. he thinks he should be like brian stelter and just give by than shelter. be deduced he was trying him to clarify what he meant when he said that russia would respond to a chemical attack in kind. like when we say not speak, lik he didn't get hit in the head with a bowling ball. but for stephen colbert, asking the big guy he puts seriously threatening chemical warfare,
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was that has over the line is that kennedy's car. >> president biden cold pressed him for that he was asked if ridiculous question fight a ridiculous man, fox news reporter and that one kid in high school who wears a suit to gym class, peter ducey. >> would use a chemical weapon used by prussia would trigger a response in kind. >> it will share a significant response. >> what does that mean? >> i'm not going to tell you. by what i tell you. >> that i tell you about slapping is never the answer. that fox filed a one-time exemption. >> that's certainly a change from the stephen colbert a gastric your party at the problems speaking truth to power . >> to sit here at the same tabl with my hero george w. bush, to be this close to the man, i fee like i'm dreaming. somebody pinch me.
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i'm a pretty sound sleeper. somebody shoot me in the face. i know that there is the paul u is saying that this man has a 32 % approval rating but guys like us, we don't pay attention to the polls. we know that polls are just a collection of statistics that reflect what people are thinkin in reality. >> what a contrast. at least it wasn't dancing with covid vaccines. ♪♪ >> it's not that surprising. of up a bucks you debate betwee cold there and call they are. >> no wonder he drops so far in the ratings. i never saw the show and never saw that dancing with the vaccine. >> i had to google his show at was like what did he say about trump i look back and one.
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and he said he's evil and a cannibal of evil. he was pretty nice to me. i'll take that. >> i get the urge to slap peter ducey but it is also in a playful way. >> i should send him an e-mail. i'm kind of jealous. he got all this attention, you know, i wish that stephen colbert would say the president should slap me, but i also put in care of the president slappe me. it wouldn't really probably heard. >> no, it wouldn't hurt. and then it but sniff your hair. the joke is on him. very little of it is actually mind. >> tires, what you make of this? everybody kind of joins their own team after a while. he's not even aware.
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>> called there was picking on somebody about what they'd look like in high school. i'm sure that they just use the add up apple and small body and bag of oatmeal arms. years of powerlifting i'm and playing with the 49ers. this is the problem with the left. you cannot have a difference of opinion, so you think but what we just witnessed, they trekked be cute and corey, talk about its smacking our very own peter ducey, if you put hands on him, i am putting my hands on you. there's no point to make jokes about going after the press anyway because no one for. >> the press. anytime somebody has the balls to ask the president a real question and he wanted submitte in crayola with cards and posters for him to practice the answer and you want to ask him. it's bs and he supposed to be better than that but he is thirsty and desperate. this guy is struggling.
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>> if you made a joke like that with trump as president, it would've been a threat to democracy. >> exactly. >> he would've got a book deal. >> that was a good question tha peter ducey was asking. >> i think the way to be very calm and painstakingly remise the president what he actually said and then reminds him that his own press the former walk back set and then gets out of biden a firm denial of ever saying what he richly was sayin actually having a walk back up what he richly said set is a form of journalistic genius. he is like this sort of figured that paper trey, just ask prope questions. the problem that stephen colber has' they were all collecting before trump came along. he was going to lose his gag an
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somebody -- suddenly trump comes and they all go full on trump bashing. and everybody else follows that lead and there holding onto trump. bang, bang, bang. eventually the effexor to wear off and now trump is that a power and all the ratings have collapsed. cnn were just work, they bring the anti- kool-aid and -- and boxes doing very well. so thank you, cnn. but i always felt that this was the particular short-term strategy but all these guys because a lot of people who watch the shows are not on thei side. >> why would you make them all feel like hateful people like people who should be treated in that this script -- disrespectful way that they treat them.
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they are complete opposites. by a problem with all of this i the hypocrisy, his we could prove all of these debates righ now. you know they would say the opposite if it was their guy. and i can't stomach that. we've got to move on. they're probably the most on ideological person with ever me because i never know who you ar going to come down on her who you're going to defend and i prefer to know my ideology. >> i think the problem with partisanship is the boxes you into tribalism and tribalism, even when you have the facts about something, you refuse to change her position because the get upset by it. what peter ducey does is he never sounds -- sounds a good journalist doing his job. the idea that he gets threatene or abuse by the president as he was for doing what every journalist should be doing is frankly this rightful -- disgraceful. good on, peter ducey.
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>> let's edit out all those complements about ducey. as they big as of this. can you scroll that down? >> apple says remote working hi efficient but spoiled workers think different. your risk of ins and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs, or if you plan to, or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save.
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safe driving saves you 40% with drivewise. ♪ ♪ the safer you drive, the more you save with allstate. click or call for a quote today. come back to work at apple. now tim cook is left to despair. his employees want to work in their underway. they just announced they will require all employees to come t the office three days a week starting may 23. you think everybody would be grateful over so much flexibility in their schedules. but like a two-year-old iphone , people are threatening to quit. >> that was funny. it got one laugh. >> i don't give a single about ever coming back to work year, one employee wrote on a corporate message board. with others agreeing that would also be quitting.
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but you expect from people who call their cacti geniuses. now, you get that working at home can be a more pleasant experience. turn the paper is definitely softer but this may be a bit of an overreaction conceit that employees in chinese factories are still required to work ten days week but they get them up when they killed themselves. tyrus? >> i've got a few. you know, this is when you give in to the folks stuff, you get the folk behavior. has got meme my way because they're working on their other stuff. it's just spoiled brats and you take ten melt link if you feedback and paper trail he, however set that i would be we
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are going to miss you. fire them. it's lovely 17,000 of the peopl that you can check a box and pu in there. eat off the higher anybody with collocations anymore. only little chubby americans. they want to work out an travel if they don't want to miss thei netflix binge walking. i would feel the same way if i didn't come into the office. i would probably be dead by now because the things that i do at home are disgusting and wrong. >> i need to come to the office because when i am here, it is like why am i here. i'm here to work. by the else would i be here and i'm working. if i'm at home, i will wander off. the event a week, things can ge
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badly quickly. >> it is true. it is true. if that works better for them t work remotely fine, get a job where you could work remote. it's not so much that, it's the attitude by, wait, you want me as part of my job to go there. that is not an unreasonable request. it's pretty normal. >> it's like all the work stuff is now becoming unreasonable. you want me to get dressed? they are not just nerdy little gets, they are lazy little gets. you find absolutely everything oppressive and unacceptable. and if companies start about to it, it never stops. my firm advised every corporate entity in america, don't give them an inch, these people. don't give them an inch. they won't just take a mile. they will take your company. look at disney. within the week he's got them o
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the floor begging for mercy. this is work goes with these ridiculous campaigns. so my message to you, just you had your chance at three. come in for four forge were fired. go to one of the sweatshops in china. >> this story reminds me of you. you started working at fox -- with the opposite. when people at this lazy or thi in title, there are people like you who see that like, oh, i used to come to progress for th chop job he wanted, remember. you work for the huckabee show. >> with my first show. that was fun. you're exactly right. i was like where are you going with this video but call me lazy
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? these people go to work. there that going to a dilapidated office building wit fluorescent lights building. >> they are going to the most beautiful campus. >> they have laundry services. multibillion dollar facility wellness center. you have to pay me to go there. bring your kat, i'm sure. >> and debate. >> also dispensers. i made that up. >> you later. three weeks notice. >> it's just not open yet. >> it hasn't been open forever. >> is definitely here. up next if you are a city slicker, you get lost quicker. yes. you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card.
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centuries ago, native californians now starting at $8.99. thrived on this land. now, we share a destiny with all californians. when voters granted our sovereign nations exclusive gaming rights, it advanced self-sufficiency and created thousands of good jobs. but now, out of state corporations are coming to california. their online sports betting initiative would break the promise between us. it's bad for tribes and all californians. join us. protect the promise.
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here's a story in five words. countryfolk it loss. do people in the funny have a better sense of direction. >> mine is really bad. i think it has to be some kind of a disability. i'm serious prince of when i wa a teenager, i will speak at my job as a waitress at the mall that i've gone to my entire lif to go home to this house where
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have plant. i took a different exit out of the parking lot and i got can still the wound up in the city 25 miles away from my house and i didn't even realize it until got home. i don't normally drive by a lake . >> i will walk out of the subwa it appears in i will walk uptow for a mile. i was supposed to go downtown. >> i grew up in a village on th south of england where i would train myself and you have no wa of navigating. that's all i needed. it taught me the best way to actually work out. when they do their famous knowledge, they walk every street and they've learned actually best way to navigate i to block some. >> it's called black have drivers. i knew that. i knew that.
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i'm not being racist. were going to get rid of them and earn it. none of% because city speakers are lazy. us folks with trucks and stuff and you have to pay for -- >> you get to all of his money. >> there is a dunk truck from bat. of course it is. you, of all people. >> all right. it's true, we don't use our brains anymore. >> i've played safe this, i hel from the countryside and i'm proud of my countryside folk. we can navigate. countryside folks are more earthly. just give us the wind. we of really good people and we know our way around and we are really smart. >> there you go.
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why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis under control? hide my skin? not me. because dupixent targets a root cause of eczema, it helps heal your skin from within, keeping you one step ahead of it. hide my skin? not me. and for kids ages 6 and up that means clearer skin, and noticeably less itch. with dupixent, you can change how their skin looks and feels. and that's the kind of change you notice. hide my skin? not me. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. when you help heal your skin from within, you can show more with less eczema. talk to your child's eczema specialist about dupixent,
9:00 pm
a breakthrough eczema treatment. we are out of time. things to kayleigh mcenany, piers morgan, tyrus, kept him. i'm great gutfeld, and i love you, america. a smattering of applause. i'm julian turner in washington in for shannon bream. breaking tonight, and ukrainian president vladimir polansky sitting down with fox news in a exclusive innkeeper for the first time addressing russia's activation that is military fin an airstrike on martian soil on friday. >> did you order at the attack into russian soil
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