tv Hannity FOX News April 4, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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>> tucker: before we go tonight, here is a photograph of empress kamala harris talking to her serfs see you tonight. >> sean: welcome to hannity. joe biden is cognitively struggling and is ethically contractmized. he's a mess. his crack-addicted son facing a federal investigation that directly implicates the president of the united states himself, his v.p. kamala harris doesn't seem to fully comprehend, well, any serious issue. the entire administration is controlled by a religious climate alarmist cult. now with record-setting inflation of 40-year high, highest prices we've ever paid
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for a gallon of gasoline, war in europe, a disaster in afghanistan, poll numbers for the democrats, they're catastrophic, and the mid-terms are but a few moosway. we have a lot more on this coming in a moment -- few months away. we have a lot more on this coming in a moment. russian forces have retreated from many of their occupied positions but not before leaving behind a depraved scene of cay jos absolute carnage -- chaos and absolute carnage. what we're about to play is extremely graphic, but it's important to see the truth, the reality that is the blood on vladimir putin's hands. look at your screen. now n the suburb of a few -- a few miles from kyiv, these are not combatants. these are innocent civilians, men, women and children, and
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their hands are tied behind their backs, many of them, all tortured and murdered on russian soldiers on the orders of vladimir putin in one mass grave, 280 ukrainians are put to rest. hundreds more are still yet to be buried. their bodies are rotting in the open air. the mayor and her entire family from a nearby town were all killed. others were hit by rockets are artillery. some were executed for no apparent reason. entire apartment complexes buildings wiped out, neighborhoods reduced to rubble. we told you about what happened, an entire city was wiped out, 95% of it. we're witnessing a truly evil war of aggression in our time. thousands dead, millions displaced, entire towns wiped off the map, now rubble, all because of vladimir putin's territorial ambitions. with that said, ukraine can still win this war. they're fighting for every inch of their land and their people. they have shown incredible valor and courage and a willingness to
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fight and die for their country, but they desperately need drones and javelins and stingers and anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense systems and, yeah, joe, you shouldn't have vetoed the mig fighter jets poland was offering. they need all of these vital weapons sooner rather than later, and biden needs to stop dragging his feet, the same with nato, and they all need to start providing and proving to the world they actually want ukraine to win this war! no more delays. no more red tape. no more weakness we don't need a task force to try to figure out how to get energy to nato countries and western european countries to recitrate, want to be very clear, supporting the reagan doctrine like he did with the mujahideen in afghanistan and the contra rebels in nicaragua, i'm not calling for american boots on the ground nor should they be on the ground but we can give the brave ukrainian people the tools they need as they have been doing so successfully up to this point to
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drive putin's forces out of their country. unfortunately, joe biden rarely makes good decisions, and now with a steep cognitive decline, it's getting worse by the day. it's clear that -- not even clear he actually grasped seriousness of russia's invasion or anything else for that matter. over the weekend, he referred to his wife, the first lady, as "obama's vice president." you can't make this up. by the way, it ud to be funny. hasn't been funny for a long time. take a look. >> she always holds our military and their families in their hearts, that's not hype are hyperbole. that's real. i'm deeply proud of the work she's doing as first lady with joining forces, started with michelle as vice president and now carries on. >> more awkward moments from the president. this afternoon, he told his favorite tall tale about the time he was a truck driver.
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big problem. he never was. take a look. >> no surprise so many drivers left their jobs. the workforce is getting older, not that i am, but they are. i used to drive a truck. it's a long story. any way -- and i thought i was going to get to drive one of these suckers today. any way, that's another story, too. >> that's actually total bull schiff as in adam schiff. never happened. afterall, today was not a good day mentally for our commander-in-chief which is basically an average day. take a look. >> thank you. thank you. thank you. [applause] what do we do now? >> what do we do now?
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not allowed it take questions. they're going to get mad at me everything and. when i go back inside, they're going to yell at me. it's sad. it's embarrassing. it's humiliating. even worse than all of that, this is dangerous! joe biden, weak, frail, a cognitive mess, a shell of his former self, everybody knows it! my sources, yeah, they tell me people that actually have time with him, he's even worse behind closed doors. what about all of these people who cover for him? while joe biden is struggling, his administration is force feeding the american people a heavy dose of green new deal socialism. that's not going well. they have a 40-year high of inflation, the highest price of gas ever. energy prices through the roof and the cost of everything we buy and every store we go to, the prices are now through the roof! now the administration wants everyone to just go out and just pick up a $60,000 electric car. that'll solve all of your problems.
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you might even eventually 30 or 40 years from now save money. it may pay for itself. take a look. >> electric vehicles could help break our reliance on fossil fuels, so that we don't have to do that again. they can shield american families from the booming bust of these high gas prices and they can certainly negate the ability of other countries to determine whether it's ours or other country's citizens paychecks being spent on fuel for vehicles. >> not to be outdone, small-town mayor pete buttigieg, who was promoted to transportation secretary with his vast array of experience, as his own take on rising prices. just like john kerry, the climate czar, energy secretary grand holm, who you just saw, he wants americans to suffer in silence because our planet is at stake. take a look. >> here is the thing to remember, even if all the oil we
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use in the u.s.a. were made in the u.s.a., the price of it is still subject to powers and dynamics outside of the u.s.a., which means until we achieve a form of energy independence that is based on clean energy created here at home, american citizens will still be vulnerable to wild price hikes like we're seeing right now during putin war. >> sean: no, joe's war on the energy sector automatically reduced the word's supply of energy. if the demands remain constant or increases, or if supply and demand crisscross, that dictates the price. it's called economics 101 it seems no one in this administration has a clue. if their sans, well, until we get green, new, clean energy, you just have to pay more, that's not an answer for the american people. as we told you last week, bloomberg now estimates now their estimated is $5,200 in household in biden's inflation tax. every single household
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disproportionately impacting negatively the poor and the middle-class in this country. you know, the people democrats claim to have a monopoly of compassion on. this is not a mystery here. the biden administration, they hate the fossil fuel industry. they hate the free market. they hate capitalism. they want to transform this great country into a socialist hell hole, a green energy hellscape and even if americans suffer as a result and even if they would go hungry or cold, they won't retreat from the idiotic transition of >> imagine all the heavy-duty vehicles that keep our supply lines strong and allow our economy to grow, imagine that they produced zero emissions. >> clean transportation could
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bring significant cost savings for the american people as well. last month, we announced a $5 billion investment to build out a nationwide electric vehicle charging network so rural, suburban and urban communities could all benefit from the gas savings of driving an ev. >> massive emissions consequences to the war but equally, importantly, you are going to lose people's focus, you're going to lose certainly big-country attention because they will be diverted and i think they could have a damageling impact. >> what is the grand plan to increase oil production in america? >> [laughter] that is hilarious! i wish i had the imagine wand on this. >> john kerry flies around the world in a private jet. always has. always will. big carbon footprint. i don't understand the laugh by grandholm, maybe you can figure it out. maybe someone could explain the
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insanity at why our vice president giggles at inappropriate moments or talks to us like we're all in first grade. in november, you, the american people, could stop this madness. right now, the polls for democrats are really bad. republicans could flip the house and the senate, but you have to take nothing for granted. unfortunately with democrats in charge, our economy and our way of life will only get worse. there's no way out of this unless joey is willing to admit that he made a mistake and go back to the energy-instance policies he inherited from donald trump and bring america to the point where it's once again a net exporter of energy, but he knows a thing or two about energy as texas senator ted cruz. senator, i would imagine instead of doing an idiotic deal with iran and sucking up the murdering thug dictator in venezuela, ma dura, and begging opec only to be rejected again and again and again to produce more oil, i would imagine texas, oklahoma, alaska would be very
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open to proceeding as much as possible in terms of oil and west virginia and pennsylvania and ohio would like to give us natural gas. but what do i know? i'm just a talk show host. >> you're right. the democrats are in panic mode, in freefall, because they created this crisis. i enjoyed watching your video of pete buttigieg talking about wild price fluctuations. when joe biden became president, the average price of gasoline was $2.38 a gallon. today, it's $4.23 a gallon. it's nearly doubled in 15 months under joe biden. they've waged a war on domestic energy production. they canceled the keystone pipeline. they shut off leases in federal land. they shut down drilling in anwar. all of that is delivered. it's what joe biden promised. he told democratic primary voters, if you elect me, i'll
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halt drilling. you know what? that's a promise he's been working overtime to keep, and now the democrats are in panic mode, because they realize that people don't like paying $4-6 -- you know, in california it's nearly $7 a gallon for gas and so on inflation, the white house had five separate lies in inflation. first lie is, it's not happening. don't believe your eyes. there's no inflation. second lie is, oh, it's transitory. yes, it's happening but it's transitory. just for a moment. the third lie is, it's a high-class problem. it's there, but it's a high-class problem. aren't you lucky to have inflation? their fourth lie was, it's happening, it's not transitory, it's not high class, but it's a good thing. it's a sign of how great the economy is that you can't afford to pay for your groceries or put gas in your car. the third lie is putin, putin,
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putin, they decided politically, let's blame this train wreck of a biden energy policy on vladimir putin. the gasoline prices have risen 48% before putin invaded ukraine as the sticker sale on the gas pump. i did this. joe biden did this! >> sean: what do you make of the president, for example -- i thought his trip abroad was a disaster telling our troops, oh, you'll get to see it in ukraine yourself, revealing that our troops, america might be training ukrainian troops. i doubt that's something that maybe we wanted the world to know or vladimir putin to know. i would consider that a covert operation plausibility denial category and then -- deniability cater to and then calling for a regime change and then to double down and do it again after they cleaned up the mess and now there's no way to clean it up this time on top of every gas --
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gap he makes. your opinion? >> it's gap after gap after gap. >> is it a gap or is he in a cognitive decline? it seems to be obvious? >> it's clearly in major decline. i can tell you it's strange. biden, they don't allow him to talk to most republican senators when we have lunch together, republican senators almost to a person none of us have spoken to him since he became president. that's weird! look, joe biden swore me into office 10 years ago. we all know him. he served in the senate for four decades, but the white house is terrified that anyone who interacts with him realizes he's not up to the task, so they keep him protected. they keep him on talking points. they give him a narrow script, and even that he screws up. you've got this war in ukraine. joe biden caused this war in ukraine. how did he do it? when he waived sanctions on nord
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stream 2, sanctions i authored and donald trump signed into law, when he built those sanctions, putin invaded ukraine. the president of ukraine told us the reason putin invaded ukraine is because of nord stream 2. i got say, sean, it's an amazing thing that there's one pipeline and one pipeline on planet earth that joe biden and his cronies like and that's nord stream 2, because it helped vladimir putin, but if their pipelines in americas create jobs here at home, they want to shut 'em all down. >> sean: plain spore a difference if you -- explain the difference if you drilled for oil in venezuela, opec nations, iran, russia or the united states, explain to me the difference is in terms of the impact to mother earth? i would argue our guys do it cleaner and better than anyone else, but yet they're ok with importing oil and begging tyrants for oil but they're not ok with drilling our own oil and
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using our own resources. i can't explain that one. can you? >> you're exactly right. america produces oil and produces gas cleaner than just about anybody else on earth and what biden has done is hammered u.s. production and shifted production overseas. to give you an example of that, natural gas production in the united states and texas or in pennsylvania or ohio is six times cleaner than production in venezuela. but biden wants to put billions in the pockets of moduro in venezuela and itoll iran or putin in russia and he wants to do it at the same time that they produce more oil and gas that pollutes more and emits more co2. he's not doing this for the environment. the environment keeps getting worse because he's reducing clean u.s. production and shifting to dirty foreign production, but the thing to understand when i talk to leaders in the energy industry is, listen, you can't talk to
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the biden administration with facts or reason or substance. they're zealots. this is a religious conviction. they want to bankrupt all american energy domestic production, and you're seeing the results at your gas pump. >> sean: all right, senator ted cruz, texas, thank you, as always. now joining with more, florida senator marco rubio. senator, thank you so much for joining us. senator, you believe -- and weren't wrong on any of this -- you were the first to tell us this invasion by putin began -- thank you for informing us -- but you think the possibility of putin using chemical weapons is very real. explain? >> i think if putin thinks he's going to lose and running out of options, there's all kinds of dangerous things he's prepared to do. i think part of what you were just discussing there with ted, with senator cruz about the lack of -- look, there's two things happening right now. americans are losing confidence in joe biden and his ability to manage the job and to get results and changes for our
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country, but it's not like foreign leaders and foreign adversaries don't watch the same video and they watch the same thing. that's the part that concerns me the most with all of these gaps. it's not just the part it's having here domestically on americans. americans understand our system is a lot more than about joe biden, although his administration is doing a lot of damage, but our adversaries and our allies start to lose confidence in our country. our adversaries start to wonder if they can get away with certain things. that's what concerns me about putin. i think he invaded because he didn't think biden will do anything about it. i think he's willing to do other things potentially now because of the same. >> sean: so we've been showing these videos and we've got entire cities leveled and we've got innocent men, women and children, civilians -- obviously civilians dead in the street. you have mass graves. look at your screen -- you can't see it probably, but we're putting it up on the screen now. mass graves. you have entire cities now that
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are in rubble. it's been -- it's been a bombing on a level we haven't seen like this, indiscriminate bombing of anybody, and he's gone pretty sports dearth in this conflict. america and nato need to do two things and two things, one, get weapons to zelensky and ukrainians as fast as possible -- they don't seem to have a sense of urgency -- and, two, most of our nato allies and most of the western european countries are still relying on putin and russia for energy and throwing billions of dollars into his pocket every day. that's got to end immediately. >> that's absolutely right on the energy front, they've allowed him to use it as leverage, as a weapon and he still holds that over europe's head. in many ways over the head of the rest of the world because of the european energy markets collapse, the whole world will feel the pinch of it. you talk about the weaponry, look, that's critically important. we need to stop talking about
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the weapons to give to ukraine so they can defend themselves. we need to talk about the weapons ukraine needs now to win. they have a real chance to achieve a strategic and operational victory which will do permanent damage on the regime of russia for years to come. it sends an important message. you don't think china is watching this? thinking we better think twice of going into taiwan. we don't want to end up like the russians did -- >> why do i think president xi jinping is thinking the opposite? he wants to take over taiwan. i don't think he expects any resistance. >> well, that's a great point because i think the difference between china and russia is this: they have a much larger economy and it'll be a lot harder to sanction china than russia because we depend on them too much. a lot of the things we use in
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this country is made by china and the chinese. if we cut that off, we'll be hurting. they're using this as leverage. we need to bring back factories and bring back the ability to make things in this country. if it can't be made here, make it in an allied country close to here. i'm certain president xi is counting on we won't be able to do to him on what we've seen the world do to sanctions on vladimir putin. >> sean: half of the economy is based ons exports. half of russia's economy is based on energy and oil. as suck notable and vulnerable as western europe is on energy, we'll be as susceptible on china. >> we're the western europe of china. >> sean: you're right. 100%. we should fix it right now. thank you, senator. coming up, amid reports of unrest in her office and tanking -- i mean tanking approval ratings, kamala harris, yep, has lost another high-level staffer.
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we'll tell who quit this time and kellyanne conway ranks. [indiscernible] we'll preview that at the show, we have a big announcement. stay with us. claritin provides non-drowsy symptom relief from over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens, day after day. feel the clarity - and make today the most wonderful time of the year. live claritin clear.
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>> sean: more trouble tonight for the vice president's office as kamala harris' deputy chief of staff is headed for the exits. in just the latest key staff departure and according to new numbers from rasmussen, only 40% of voters have a favorable view of harris. whopping 50% of voters don't feel she's qualified for her job. here is the vice president's response when asked about joey's
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blunders abroad. pay close attention. follow the bouncing ball and see if you hear an answer here. this is a test. take a look. >> when the president was there, um, he gave a speech in warsaw. it was well-received by many, but he also said something i think was received well by some but kind of surprised others. he said vladimir putin should no longer be the leader of russia. do you agree? >> listen, i think that you framed the point quite accurately and well which is america's policy has been and will continue to be focused on the real issue at hand. i was in france before that speaking with heads of state about this issue, among many other issues, but most recently about this issue and i will tell you in sitting down with prime ministers and presidents, often the first thing they would say to me is thank you to the united
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states and this administration for bringing us together. >> sean: can you interpret that word salad? because there's no answer i heard there maybe she's, again, back to her speech passage of time and the passage of time, and then, of course, whenever she talks to the american people, it's the same thing. it's either inappropriate giggling at the wrong time or it's ukraine is a country in europe. and russia is a bigger country next to ukraine. and russia invaded ukraine. here for reaction is former council to president trump kellyanne conway along with former white house chief of staff ryan. kellyanne, we'll start with you. we have joey in the lead as the president. she's in line to be number two, god forbid one heartbeat away from the presidency, as they say, and then you have a cognitive mess in nanci pelosi.
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americans in a poll last week want pelosi and joe to take a cog nasiff test. i don't think -- cog nasiff test. i don't think either one of them could pass it those being the three potential presidents in order, we're in really bad shape in my opinion. >> people are very fearful, and this is why i sent joe biden another shipment of vitamins and fresh fruit today. it's possibly more scary to have kamala harris as the president than him. she's gone from being historic to histrionic. she's mellow dramatic and unprepared. ladies and gentlemen, i want you to check out her schedule. it's not easy to find. it's provided on a daily basis to media, and some of them tweeted out, but her weekends are a mystery to those of you paying her to be your vice president. i can't see much of work on the weekends. we always put out the schedules, even if it said no public events for the vice president when we were in the trump/pence
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administration. so you see her as doing nothing but literally some days she's doing nothing. look, this would be funny if it weren't so sad, and i want to point out something, number one, donald trump is beating her in the harvard harris poll 49/38. number two i think her 40% favorable rating is high, because i think many people are not being honest with pollsters in how they truly feel about the nation's first black female vice president. her numbers are actually lower than they appear. >> sean: let's get your take, ryan. >> well, first of all, the problem is is that number one, she's acting extremely weird as you have pointed out very eloquently, not just the crazy comments, the weird explanations, the things like freezing a student that accused israel of genocide. she's extraordinarily unpopular and her staff is leaving, and
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the knives from the white house, the knives that are the microphones of the white house that leak to the press are going after kamala harris. and let me just explain to people, kellyanne knows it well and so do you, sean, the vice president's office is literally 50 feet down the hallway from the oval office so the press league are coming straight from the president's press team and they're telling her loud and clear this is what we think of you. now, the unpopularity, sean, if you're at 28%, what that means is you're unusable on the campaign trail. you can't go to those moderate districts that are in play across america when you're at 28%. if i can put this in perspective, the "l.a. times" did a study recently of all of the vice presidents in recent times. let me compare for you, because
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everybody thinks dick cheney was very unpopular, dick cheney at the same time in 2002 as compared to this period of time in the biden administration was 50 points higher than where kamala harris is. al gore was 40 points higher. this is -- she is an anchor on the democrats that are running across america, so she's only hurting herself. she's embarrassing to the biden administration, not just the american people, and they're the ones that are sinking her every day with press leaks to politico about their own vice president 50 feet down the hallway. >> sean: i'll ask you both the same question, i don't see the democrats have a bench so i don't think biden could run for another term. if he ever did, i'd be shocked. kamala harris i would assume out of the box would be the favorite. who is next on the list? kellyanne, is it pete buttigieg?
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because i don't think that's going to work either. >> he sort of ruined himself by going into this administration's cabinet and saying this other crazy stuff. i know pete buttigieg is a smart guy. he speaks many languages. he doesn't make sense when he speaks to america -- >> sean: just buy an electric car. >> seriously, sean, it'll be so easy for the vice president of the united states, a female at that, to take on children saying you'll do something on education, the drug crisis, stuff will america will say, great, that's a nonpartisan issue. they gave her a russian title to work on the southern border. she's a border czar and she went one time. don't believe us. believe her staff. 11 high-profile people, director of speechwriter, national security adviser, they're all gone. these are dream jobs, and she's turned them into a nightmare. very frightening. >> sean: besides kamala harris and pete buttigieg, who are the top potential democratic
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nominees? reince? last question. real quick. >> i don't know who they are. there may be a small-town mayor, some governor that we're not talking about, but you're right, schumer, pelosi, biden. >> amy klobuchar. >> who will they send out there on the moderate districts? they don't exist. we have haley, pompeo and many others and pence. >> and kellyanne. >> the difference couldn't be more stark. >> i think she'd be a great candidate. any way, thank you, both. straight ahead, panic setting in with the hot and media over the impending red wave in november. mike huckaby and kelly mcennanny weigh in. what are you recommending for muscle pain? based on clinical data, i recommend salonpas. agreed... my patients like these patches because they work for up to 12 hours,
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>> sean: all right, now full-blown anxiety stripping democrats and the media mob ahead of the 2022 midterms. for example, "new york times" recently ran an opinion piece entitled "democrats are making life too easy for republicans," and, get this, the media is to desperate, they're even trying to convince you everything is going great in our country. ok, just look at this article in the "washington post" entitled "biden's economy is extraordinary, but inflation is still the achilles' heel of democrats." yes, biden's economy is extraordinary. that's true. extraordinarily bad! that's not all. democratic strategists speaking to the hill are warning about a total electoral blood bath ahead of the midterms. don't get too -- don't, don't be don't get too overconfident. meanwhile as a federal probe is reportedly ramping up into the shady business dealings of zero-experienced hunter, "washington post"/"new york
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times" being forced to admit, yeah, the hunter laptop was authentic afterall. sorry. cover-up. according to biden's chief of staff, ron, the president's son did exactly no wrong. >> is the president confident hunter biden didn't break the law? >> of course, the president is confident his son didn't break the law, but most importantly, like i said, that's a matter that'll be decided by the justice department and the legal process and something that no one at the white house has involvement with. >> sean: caylee mcenany along with michael huckaby joining me now. i say all of these countries, china, kazakhstan, ukraine and russia, entirety biden family syndicate is compromised. i believe the president of the united states is compromised. remember, the e-mails refer to the big guy getting his cut of the money. joe biden lied when he said he never talked to his son about
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his foreign business deals, yet we got pictures with joe with hunter's foreign business partners. we have hunter biden whining he's got to pay daddy's bills. that means less money for crack and hookers but so be his lifestyle, so i think this is a big exposure for joe himself. what do you think? >> that's exactly right. sean, why do you think the media in lock step with democrats is saying ad nauseam, remember, everyone, remember, joe biden wasn't involved with this the president of the america is not involved. first of all, tony came on this network and said big guy is joe biden. that was the former business partner of hunter. we know hunter flew on air force 2 with then vice president biden 12 days later after that trip to china. he registered for an investment partnership in china.
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2015 e-mail from a partner saying nice to meet joe biden. then the milano dinner joe biden attended, there are pictures of it. the president of the united states was involved when he was vice president. they protest too much because there's something to conceal and something to hide. >> sean: we really have an information crisis, governor, and that is very simple is that they lied to the country with conspiracy theories about trump/russia collusion, all debunked raced on russian disinformation dossier paid for by hillary and they immediately dismissed this as russian disinformation. they were wrong, and i can't think of a bigger in-kind campaign contribution. is there any way legally you think republicans have recourse? >> hard to know what they're going to be able to do if they get power. i know what they could do. they certainly could have the hearings and force people to come and testify, and if they don't do that, then republicans shouldn't be in power.
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they're going to have to show up and play the game and by the game, i don't mean some phony game. i mean play so that the american people can find out if the president of the united states is compromised, because ultimately, sean, this isn't about hunter. it's not about his laptop. it's about what is on that laptop that identifies the big guy getting 10% of cushy deals that the president's son has made with nations that are adversarial like china. and if that's true, then we've got the biggest scandal in the history of america or anything like it, and the cover-up is like putting yourself up under grandma's quilt so nobody could find you and that's what the press is trying to do, give him the quilt. >> sean: it's china, kazakhstan, ukraine and russia. we've got a president -- god only knows what president xi and putin have on the bidens. am i wrong, governor? >> no, you're not wrong.
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what we're looking at is something that came to the korioni family. that's disturbing matched only if not exceeded only with the fact that the press just doesn't have the natural curiosity, they don't want to go after this story, because i know deep down they know what this story is, that's why they don't want to uncover it, because if they do this is a base that you'll that keeps on unraveling until you get to the little rubber ball at the center and the rubber ball at the center is bouncing joe biden and it's not going to be pretty. >> sean: kayleigh, i'm sure they'd act the same way if the last name was trump, right? >> right, we've already done this experiment, sean. we saw how it works. it's funny, "the washington post" out today did a reckoning because they didn't cover hunter. i remember asking reporters, why don't you cover hunter? they looked at me blankly this reckoning, i don't believe t because the "new york times" day reckoning of their own in 2016 with the lame letter to their
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readers where they promised to cover the new administration fairly. well they didn't. they did a russian hoax. if you don't have anything to hide in the hunter biden scandal, i surmise you do. if you have nothing to hide, you should be subpoenaed by republicans in congress and investigated and come forward. >> sean: that's why november matters big time. all right, thank you, both. coming up, donald trump went after the radical mob at his weekend rally, and we'll bring you the latest. our own sarah carter is in orlando speaking about disney going woke. she'll join us along with laura. that's straight ahead.
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large out-of-state corporations have set their sights on california. they've written a ballot proposal to allow online sports betting. they tell us it will fund programs for the homeless, but read the fine print. 90% of the profits go to out-of-state corporations, leaving almost nothing for the homeless. no real jobs are created here. but the promise between our state and our sovereign tribes would be broken forever. these out-of-state corporations don't care about california. but we do. stand with us. >> sean: the media mob, their
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left wing allies continue to double down on their lies about florida's new parental rights law, former president trump slammed the destructive democratic agenda in a rally in michigan over the weekend. let's take a look. >> who the hell would have ever believed we'd even be talking about this stuff, right? who would believe it? with their extremist sex and gender ideology, the democrat party is waging war on reality, war on science, war on children, war on women! the republican party is now the party of american women and american children, and we will protect women in sports. >> sean: our own sarah carter down in orlando talked to floridians about the new law, and, of course, disney going super woke. here's what they had to say. >> i'm asking parents, i'm talking to folks how do you feel since we've got abbey here,
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we're not going to go too in-depth but how do you feel about disney going woke? >> ha-ha. i don't know if you want me to answer that. >> i'm not a fan at all. um, they won't be getting any more of my money and i'm going to cancel disney plus. >> i just don't like it. >> everyone that i know that i've talked to thinks it's ridiculous they're pushing the sexuality and they're changing the culture of disney to something that i don't want my kids involved with. >> i agree with him but i got to get that flamingo shirt. sarah carter joins us now along with fox news contributor laura trump is with us. the people down there were pretty clear. let's get laura's reaction first because your father-in-law was on fire this weekend. they're going to war against reality, against science, against children, against women, and really that is the democratic party. >> that's the new agenda, and, sean, i thought i would get tired of saying it, but donald trump is right again. i'm still not tired of saying
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that, because every time the things that he talks about, he's spot on. i mean, you just heard him lay out there that the republican party is the party of women. that's exactly right. we believe that women should be competing in women sports. the party of children, yes we do not want our children sexualized in school. we believe in parents' rights. i'm going to add to that the party of parents as well, because if there's anything that we learned from the 2021 governor's race in virginia is that when parents feel like their kids are in jeopardy, man are they going to fight back! it's almost an instinctual thing, and parents have felt very much like while we've had democrats in control of this country that they have lost a lot of rights and they lost a lot of abilities to govern what happens with their own children whether we're talking about masking, forced vaccines or what these kids are learning in school. the parents are ready to fight back! and believe me, parents are paying attention as we head
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towards these mid-terms, but as relates to disney, what an egregious error on their part! first of all, i don't know why any corporation or company thinks they need to opine on anything political. of course, we know what happened with this whole thing. this is called the parental rights bill, but nevermind that, because the democrats do what they always do, they named it something else, and they pushed that lie out "the don't say gay" bill with their megaphone to the mainstream media, one of them did buy it hook, line and sinker. one that bought it is disney. those parents are exactly right. disney is going to feel it when the parents fight back again with their votes. they're not buying any more -- their pocket books. they're not buying any more disney. >> sean: is that the feeling you got when talking to the people in orlando, sara? >> that's exactly the feeling i
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got, sean, from talking to people out here. they're tired of disney trying to strong arm governor ron desantis. they're trying of disney trying to strong arm their own families and you know, the real sad thing here is that so many grandparents, so many parents really remember disney as being a place that was safe for their children, and now they're saying we don't feel safe with disney. we don't feel safe with our children watching disney. we're going to cancel our primetime with them and we're going to cancel our planned vacations and i met a few people that actually did cancel various expensive vacations with disney. disney is really going to be losing out, but parents are fighting back, just like laura said. >> sean: no doubt about it. i think disney will pay a huge price in the end and lose a lot of customers over this. thank you, both. sara, thank you. laura, thank you. when we come back a programming announcement, probably that will surprise you next.
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grandma's gonna love it! (girls giggling) comfortmat provides anti-fatigue cushioning while you're standing. and won't slip against your floors or under your feet. perfect throughout the home, or on the job. the weathertech comfortmat comes in three colors and finishes. (girls giggling) mmmm... it's so good! order your american made comfortmat at
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announcement, tomorrow night 9:00 eastern time, don't miss my exclusive in-studio interview actor sean penn. he was in ukraine when war broke out. he's been working on a new documentary highlighting zelensky, the country, etc., etc. he'll be in studio with us tomorrow night 9:00 eastern time. set your dvr. never miss an episode. laura's next have a great night. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. race clowns rush in, that's the focus of tonight's "angle." now, liberals today think that americans, especially white americans, are pretty much the worst thing out there. in other words, anyone who doesn't sign onto the view that america is fundamentally racist and evil, expect them to be called a white supremacist and publicly vilified. for example, according to a new book, biden assessed fox news as one of the most
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