tv Hannity FOX News April 6, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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saturday 65%. i'm bill hemmer. i'm right there. i'm marino and this is the fox news. right now america is listening for the fox news with top news stories of newsweek and providing a contrast perspective here anywhere else download the fox news weathertech fox news project dot phasing-in. welcome to tucker carlson tonight when you think of american states that havete fallen right off the ledge intoe the deep end of vacuous lifestyle liberalism and we do think of them from time to time, you probably think of vermont, vermont, a place that banned fracking despite the fact it has f done a single oil or gas well in the state. > or maybe you think of massachusetts where virtuallyee all human pleasure has been banned for decades, if not . nturiesn
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and of course you think of california, california, a place where one city is now paying people to be transgender. all of these are famously liberal places. so you're not surprised. but utah is not a liberal place . when you think of utah, you imagine big happy families and even bigger salt lake and a couple of very good ski mountains. you think conservatism because utah is conservative? it always hasti been. it's still is. t utah has the highest rate of church attendance in the country. itit hasme r one of the lowest e rates, the birth rate of utah families is fully 25% higher than the national average in the last a presidential election, donald trump took nearly 60% of the vote in utah . so utah is definitely not california and yet some of its most prominent politicians would very much like to change't that . if you don't believe it, watchom them talk. sometimes they sound like they're runningetso for cityic council in santa monica. that doesn't make sense. talk about a misalign a highlyse conservative state with extremely liberalrv leaders . how did that happen?
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actually , it's not as unusual as you'd hope it would beom across the country. some of the most liberalal s republicans represent some of the reddest states. why? or maybe it's the result of corporate influence and corrupt party leadership. that's true . maybe voters in those states don't feel threatened so tdo they're not paying close f attention to who they vote for. whatever it is, it's veryor obvious. by contrast, the most energetically conservative governororti in the country is t from alabama. he's from florida, which toon this day is split almost evenly along party lines. sog ron desantis has to earnes every vote and he does that by representing his constituents. it tells you a lot. meanwhile, bright red utah is now led by a cut rate. gavin newsom imitator called spencer cox. spencer cox is a former telecom executive who always seems like he's auditioning for the title of america's guiltiest white guya'. he's beyond belief. watch this virtual town hallr with high school students last year in which spencer cox announcespe his preferredgi
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pronouns to a youngrl girl in te audience. well, i thank you so much,e gabby, for that question and my preferred pronouns areun he is o so thank you for sharing yours with me quickly critique my preferred pronouns are he isp cock's tells a roomful ofer children. so we've got that cleared up. spencer cox identifies as a male at least to some limitedco extent. now fox could have clear c that mystery a lot more quickly simply by declaring i'm a man. instead he went full hostage videoo my preferred pronouns or key him is the case. you had any doubt that neo liberal interest groups control spencer cox's brain now? you know for certain becauses it's never about gender , it's always about obedience. spencer cox's obedient if nothing else but not obedient to his voters. that's the weirdvo thing. what exactly is the market for superfluous pronouns in utah? pretty limited, you would think
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most peoplein in don't need to e told yet somehow spencer cox is their governor in a piece today a really good piece. nate hockman of national reviewy reports that the very first document cox signed as governora of utah was something called the utah compact on racial equity diversity and inclusion. and it's everything you'd imagine and more. the document describes racism as quote more than just an individual character flaw no racism instead is a system that you participated in mr. mrs. racistpa assistant can only be stopped with , quote, bold, anti-racist actions and policies right now. oh , you know you'ren in trouble. mr. mrs. utah voter.ut what these policies will let spencer cox explain . here is spencer cox wearing his little obedience mask a a zom interview explaining that he supports excluding white students from an academic scholarship program purely because of their skinn.
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because that's anti-racism. not no, it's not rac racism anti-racism. >> the utah jazz is excluding white children from consideration for their scholarshipenider program do you think this is racist and what will you do to prevent the utah jazz from acting in this racist manner? >> well, i don't think it's racist. in fact, i think it'spo in response to unfortunatelyfo some very difficult and racist injustices that have happened in our community for a long time. okay, so here's this moist little guy sitting alone in his gilded room with a m maskt' on telling us it's not racist to exclude people from a scholarship based on their race.. does anyone else in utah believe this ? we'd like to meet themmer. there can't be many of them. most people in utah haveha more sense than that . racism is o when you hurt people based on their skin color. right? right. and most people in utah, by the way, still believe in biology.
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also gravity and photosynthesis . utah is for science and we knowwh this becausest utah stateil legislature just passed a bill banning men from competinglro in women's sports because men, it turns out, are not women. but spencer cox disagrees. he vetoed that bill. fortunately, two thirds of the legislature overrode spencer cox's veto and finally got the bill passed. this has been going on for a long time in the state of utah. spencer cox previously threatened to veto a proposed ban on gender transition surgeriessp for minors, whichh once again most people in utah s say they don't want. ct soly here you have a perfectly normal state with perfectly happy normal people somehowy run by a low iq weakened msnbc anchor that doesn't seem fair to the state of utah. but it's not just spencer cox, r utah's junior senator . mitt romney has also decided he's tired of representing the people of utah. so h instead he's speaking for t his neighbors in the state of california where he lives a lot of the time less in a year ago.
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this is an amazing example. it's just june of 2020 one . mittst romney voted against the nomination of ketanji brown jackson to the d.c. circuit court of appeals.wa okay, he thought she wasn'tal qualified. now this week mitt romney s announced that he is supporting the same personsuprson confirman to the supreme court for she was unqualified forun a lowert court but a perfect choice forup the supreme court. how does that work? here's mitt romney to explain in the prior confirmation, wass concerned that she outside the mainstream and as a result of our meeting for an hour together and reviewing her testimony her before congre, i became convinced that she's within the mainstream. she's also highly qualified, intelligent, capable person. and i wish to the very best. >> oh , so she's now in then' mainstream. she wasn't lesst in the year ago, but now she's fully in the mainstream. so here's what it tooks for mitt romney to finally support ketanji brown jackson. he learned in the course of
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supreme court confirmation hearings that she gave lenientn sentences to child. mitt romney apparently didn't know that last hence the vote against her . now that he knows a ketanji brown , jackson disregarded sentencing guidelines to benefit kitty. it's a yes for mitt romney. that's the junior senator from the state of utah and spencer cox, this is not a one time aberration. port summarized mitt romney's past few weeks this way, quote confirms jackson voted against repealing t.s.a. mask mandate didn't show up to vote defunding biden vaccine mandate accuses tulsi gabbard of treason for opposing the war in ukrainein. so tulsi gabbard has betrayed her country in uniform, by the way. she's still serving in the u.s. armyhell. but blm,, blm, which torched american cities for nearly a year, they're not treasonist ,not according to mitt romney. >> mitt romney, of course, did
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take to the streets there and the first republican to join thousands of people were protesting towards his death. the utah senator marched with a group of events, christians and shared the photo of himself on twitter and romney told the reporter that he was h participating in those protests because he wanted to make sure that people understood the black lives matter. ce >> a we need a voice against racism. we need many voices againstsmed racism a, against brutality. >> wehat need to stand up and sy that black lives matter. oh yeah. mitt romney took to the streets greatest line ever uttered on cable news. and like all the great lines, nobody laughed. mitt romney took to the streets to watch blm burn down cities, shoot people and defraud donors to buy six million dollars mansions in l.a. but guess who the traitor is? tulsi gabbard. ho mthat's a mitt romney is telg us and tulsi gabbard is a lot worse than tony fauci
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who funded the production of a virus and trying to kill millions of people. is that treasonous mil? >>ac no, that's not treason is not according to mitt romney. watchat. i do want to point out how much i personally p and i believeyo the great majority ofu the people in our country respect you individually and professionally for the work that you do. you are scientists, not politicians. nevertheless, you are being made subject toth the, theus political whims of various political individuals p andwh that comes at a high cost,ic which unfortunately i fear will lead some to not want to participate in helping our government make scientific choices. ke mittr: romney learned back from the streetet. rn so the concern here, of course, is democracy and that's the word on the lips of everyio concerned person on television. what about ourn. democracy? every day you hear that . so justt a quick civics keptgo democracy is a form of government in which elected representatives representey
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the people who elect them. they doop what they ask the people rule. so with that in mind and given our strong commitment to democracy, you have to wonder where mitt romney is coming from. is he participating in the system called democracy because the majority of republicans will put him in office? wouldoffi like tony fauci to lee his job immediately, but not mitt romney. he doesn't care at all. mitt romney is not alone. of course, neither spencer cox, it turns out a lot of r republicans in red states serially betrayed their voters. give them the finger. day after day after day. the question is how long willhi republican voters put up with this pedro gonzalezs i, one of the smartest journalists in this country. he joins us now tous assesst this trend. nathanks so much for coming on . i don't know if you've noticed this , but it seems like the republicans who spend the least amount of time even trying to represent their voters are in the strongest republican states. right? right. r yeah, that's true . eaand that's a real problem
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and it raises a lot of important questions. and i think spencer cox's case is very illustrative of this relationship between woker capital and progressive ideology. you knowog what explains the bizarre behavior of guys like cox and romney who consistently side with the people who want to our children, these so-called groomer's? well, r r like you pointed out,t actually tends to pay pretty well. forrwe example, cox's financial disclosures from last year showi that zionsvilled corporation is his biggest corporate donor. tzion has a friendly t relationship with troy williams, the executive director ofheut equality utah, n lgbt advocacy organization. n. now williams thinks and he's right that with the help of woker capital states like utah, regardlessut of the will ofue the constituents there will eventually come intont alignment with lgbt ideology just as a matter of the amount of money and influence of these
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corporations have. last year williams receivedio a six hundred thousand dollar donation from tech billionaire jeff greenef, the richest man from utah on the same day that green announceds his resignation from the lds church. williams calls these these types of donations tithing because even the secular cannot escape religion right. and of course, cox has warmlywe welcomed the influencelc of wokr capital in his state. but regardless of motive, whether it's idealism or cynicism, it's importantm, to remember that when guys like cox and mitt romneyy get their way, families lose because these people are sidingn with those who would prey upon our children. d whether it comes down tol critical race theory or their sexualization and ultimately this grassroots battle for our kids isbatt a war for the future. well, that's t exactly right.i juand i just really quick, is
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there i mean, are there any republican governors maybe apart from desantis who at the polls once in a while? you know, one of d my voters wat me to do they put me here to do. something. what is it? and that's knowable and thennana try to do that . that doesn't seem that hard. s it doesn't seem that hard to us , but it does seem to be extremely difficult for most republicans. they don't do anything unless you basically pushet them in tht direction unless you hold their feet to the fire. it really cannot be stressedyo enough that republicans are not your friends at critical moments at pivotal junctures they will stab you in the back like spencer cox tried too do. but thankfully utah seems like one of these rare examples where there is a large a growing contingency of republican lawmakers who are at least perceived from the understanding that i need to do what my constituents want me tos do in order for me to fulfill my role in office, not a lot of republicans are getting that message and that is why grassroots the parents rights movements, the movement to protect ourent, children,
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they need to understand that yes, democrats are crazy and kooky and bad and all that . but the reason that you seem to be spinning your wheels all the time is because the gop is i stabbing you in the back . certainly noticeable. thank for that . someone i appreciate. thank you . soke you've got brand new information from newly released pentagon documentseaagn about ufos. apparently many people havepe seen ufos before having been burned or having brain difficulties afterward. an amazing report that'svezi straightng the five star
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burns, paralysis and brain damage. the reportai also says that some people who saw ufos experienced quote perceived time suspension . they also saw ghosts and other spirits in all that reportor lists forty two cases oftle adverse effects from medicals files and three hundred adverse effects, unpublished cases, whatever that means. lou elizondo knows what it means because he used to run the station program. we're happy to have lunchm. thanks so much for coming on . so i mean this was this was a feature of people's firsthand accounts going back fifty yearss to the know, i saw this thing and i have these physical effects. i guess it turns out to be real. tell us about these. effects. m yeah, tucker , actually it's even more than that . this is not the notion of where let's say grandma saw some lights in the backyard. these are military eyewitnesses in some cases their fighter pilots or their security personnel that have come up c close or personal with a uap or i guess in the vernacular ufo.
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and in some cases they have sustained significant some sort of medical trauma, somethinglo that can be can be looked at and quantified and qualified and measured as some sort of biological effect that they didn't they didn't suffer these consequences until they came up close and personal to the ufo. and by the way, let me just say, this is a pseudoscience, you know, for for you. you'reutel absolutely right in r ldtro for many years we've been told, oh , you know, this ist silly and whatnot. and this this topic is is really not to be taken seriously. look, i was part of the program i ran the program for for yearsut part of eight on this topic. itel is absolutely real. and now finally because ofon the pressure put by congress and people like you in theik media, finallyed our government is beginning to become more transparent about this topic and tell the truth about this topic in a way that i wasn't at liberty to have the conversation four years ago when you and i first. started talking with each other. yeah. so i'm getting the idea
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that when they don't want tohe hear what you have to say,y' they call you a conspiracy monger t. so these physical effects, some of which are serious. does the pentagon believe thesep were intentional inflicted on people or they were just byproducts of the experiencect?a you know, tucker , that's a fantastic question. the bottom line is if i've never seen a microwave oven before and let's's s say i did w how to use it and i happened to put my hand or or unfortunatelyv in my head too close to a microwave oven, when is when is being turned on ? some k chances are there's going to be some sort of negative biological consequence s. same holds true if i go to, let's say, an average airport. i just took a seven thirty seven today and if i'm in the cockpit or i'm in noinn the aircraft there'soc real threat. butd if i stand behind the engine when the engine firing up, chances are i'm going to get burned. i'm going to lose my hearing. co there are medical consequences. the question is is it deliberate? is it a product of i the technology or is it a product of something else? p and we think right now
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and again, let me just preface preliminarily speaking, it's j probably just a consequence ofan the advanced technologyce. in final question. i'veas asked you this before, bt in the face the mounting evidence, it doesn't really seem plausible to suggestst thel are aircraft from foreign militaries at this point, does itit? look, we've looking at this for a long time and if you ifif anyone seems to suggest china or russia back in the 1950s had the ability to travel hypersonic speeds and do 90 , 90 degree turns in mid air after doing eight thousand miles an hour, then you know hou you're looking at the greatest intelligence failure this country has ever had eclipsingin out of 9/11, by the way, by an order of magnitude. so sode no, i think it's fair to say at this point suffice it too say this is probably not some sort of adversarial technology we're dealing with . right. it's not huma r. wh soat we should let that marinatr for a minute and think about what that means. not that i can get my head on it, butk i appreciate all the work you've done this week. elizondo thank you .
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always a pleasure. thank you , tucker . p thank you . so that people are worried about money because inflation is making them poorer. too bad you know the president's son you can sell your fingerpainting to unnamed foreign buyers for tenss of thousand dollars apiece. make millions from oligarchs in ukraine and china a. soso this is corruption. most americans havee accepted it as part of the way our government works. it t wasn't the way our government works until fairly recentlyly. whyy the change? we spoke to one of the smartest people observingng american society now a podcast host called darrell cooper about this and many other questions for a new episode of tucker carlson . see, here's part of the conversation i have this theory that human individuals societies essentially run on stories i and think about what a martyrt'r is. forde example, as aa murder vicm with a good story built around it. and it's how wee take something
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that by itself is just a horrible thing and turn it into something beautiful, something that can be inspiring . that's what a martyr is. that's right. t and we yeah, weuc imbue exactly as we do all of this . here's a tweet from this morning, february 2014 maydan march 4th 14 carryovers ukraine a billion dollars marche 14 . biden gets ukraine portfolio april 14thit. kevin archer, his business partner with kerry's stepson kerry's top fundraiser visits joe in white house april when he first joe visits ukraine april twenty second archer gets burismaa deal may 14th hunter gets burisma deal in a three way and i that yeah you would think so wouldn't a thing by putting that chronology together there was a follow upnt tweet and that was sort of the point of it, which is that nobody even bothers arguing this isn't corrupt. they know it's corrupt t t and e just don't care. they allied themselves with the
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tea jihadist neo-nazis etc. kat without batting an eye. all that matters is that you attack the right people. r that's right. and that's that was really my point. was it it's the brazenness of it. this is something that i'm sorry, but all the people out there you don't think it's a big deal . that's your right to choose what your political priorities are. but nobody even bothers making an argument that what he was doing over there was not corruption trading on his father's name and influenceve over what was happening in ukraine. everybody knows it, but nobody cares. we just have sort of accepted that it's not even just a partisan thing to a degree. we've just accepted itd like this . >> just how politicians are. derekk cooper, who is effectively a historian, does a long form podcast on historical events that you may not know m much about. do you think you do? really interesting guy. that conversation streaming nowf on fox news thing is an account for free at tucker carlson dot com. ge so a college women's swimmer
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named riley gaines tiedmmer remarkably tied with lee thomas's man in a recent race game says the ncaa has been favoring thomass and that's unfair. alk why are so many people turning to superbikes crystal? because it would be crystal give you the energy and blood pressure support you want from real without the is supervene and i swear by it, it gives me more healthy energy to keep up with my schedule and support was inspired by the nobel prize winning discovery. nitric oxide is a blood vessel signaling wokers supermassive black cherry flavored crystals to unlock the nitric oxide, boosting repeat nutrients to
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this competition we've been trying for months to get college swimmerswiin on the show to talk about what they think about what's happening. none have accepted except for games. we're grateful for that 15% thanks so much for coming on . so i'll just let you talk tell us what you think of your experience at this event. m yeah.ucr hi tucker . thank you so much for having mei and giving me this opportunity to speak for s myself and so may other women athletes out there who you know, aren't as fortunate as me a and haveou kind of been told they're not allowed to talk about it. and so thank you so much for that . but yeah, like you said, me and just recently tied at the uncivilly championships and honestly i think the ncaa handled everything extremely poorly starting from when we finish and i went behind the podium to collect my fifth place trophy and they kind of blatantly told me that little would hold the fifth place trophy and that i could pose with the sixth place trophy for
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photos and would be a first class trophy in the mail. wi so so not only aren they allowing a biological male to compete in a women's competition, they're promoting that male over biological femalesgicafe who are competing. that's what i'm reading from what you said. right. and when i kind of question it,i you know, i asked is there a reason why you'rehy giving the trophy? he just explained to melo that we're giving itgi in chronological order and i again, you know,no what does that mean? we tied what are we being chronological about? and he kind of blatantly said we're just going to give the trophy. we g respect and admire your slim. but lin needs to t holdro the trophy in other really? qn' yeah. right. i was shocked and i know all the other swimmers who are standing by and listening to this . we're also shocked and i wasri standing right next to leah and she heard it all. and so it was kind of just really baffling that this could happen. and i know the instability wasn't prepared for a situation
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like this , which just tells me when they were faced with it they protected such a small minorityty and turned their bacl on . knoww what the organization and title nine really stands for? , they justnn eliminated what it stands for. it does seem to a non swimmer a who knows that swimming requires a lot torture, nothing harder to swim. practice is, youou know, it sees like cheating to allow a someona with a biological advantage to compete. exactly. i think there's a difference between your and your gender identity. and so i think that it's justs been totally j misconstrued and lost, you know, in the paste couple of years or so.t' but it'ss finally gotten to the point where it's being shown and it's completely violating women and women's wo, especially in sports. so you said a minute ago that you're speaking tonight on behalf of a lot of other femalesonig, swimmers whoe
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been told not to say a word, b just be quiet and be eliminated. what do they think? if i you could speak for them? right. i know just solely off talkingin tog tons and tons of ncaa swimmers that they're athletic d directors or their media peoplel or their coaches or othert outside influences have told them, you know, don't say anything, just avoid the situation, you know, save face a little bit. and i'm just fortunate enough to where i have such an amazing support system at the university of kentucky, whether that be fromuc the athletic director all the way down tod my head coach lars jorgensen. but just speaking for them, it's just it's justta totally wrong. know i c and i know i can't speak forin everyone, but i am almost certain i'm speaking for a large majority ofth female athletes that this is just not okay and it's not fair. and you know, we're dealing s with something that'som completely out of our control when we're racing, you know,ing, biological males, whether that be they have, you know,
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different lung capacities or high obviously testosterone levels, whether you beostee on testosterone blockers or not, it doesn't suppress youno going through puberty as a male, especially the one a in question who swam three pen.s as a males on upend. so itt just it's just completely unfair. it's a matter of equity really. yeah. i mean, what we're seeing is cheating and it's remarkable that it takes bravery to point that out. but it doess b and you are brave for doing it and we appreciate it really. thank you very much. ha thank you . m yeah. thank you so much. it's unbelievable. well, it looks like ketanji b brown jackson is going to be confirmed. the supreme courte fact it'srt a certainty. mitt.. romney says he approves f her record. the new york post has been looking into kentucky from jackson anyway because why not ? she's putting a lifetime appointment. they found that in 2010 a man called leo l weekes was convicted of raping his three year old niece and ketanjir- jackson let him out of jail in five months. weeks was then arrested for allegedlymitt trying to get anor
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sexual assault. but this was a pattern for jackson instead of josh hawley pointed out jackson has also been given leniencyyei sentences in kiddy cases. you also told the defendant you said this seems to be a case where you were fascinated by images involving what were essentially your peers. and then he went on to say the defendant was merely trying to satisfy his curiosity because he was 18 .. these kids are eight. >> i don't see in what sense their peers. s senator , i don't have the record of that entire case t in front of me. what i recall with respect toe that case is that unlike the many other child offenders that i seen as a judge and that i was aware of in my work on the sentencing commission, this particular defendant had just graduated from high school. some of the materials that he was looking at were older
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teenagers. so you can't be sure the victim was eight becauseau she's not a biologist. neither is fancy age, but she is a former federal prosecutor. she joinsec us tonightut to ass. so thanks so much for cominghi on . clearly this person is about tos ascend to the supreme court, but we still should know what she's you've watched this whole thing. how do you assess her record? n yeah, tucker , i should also say first i'm also a woman and i do know what that is. but with respect to the judge, this is a really serious issue. someone like her is about to ascend to the supreme court and she doesn't seem toer understand what a sex offenderst is. child. is not baby in the bathtub. it's not teenagers having . these images are collected by those who are interested in children and the images arewh being made by people who are engaging in illegalct sexual activity commonly known as and assault with children
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as young as infants. in my career as a federal prosecutor, i've unfortunately had to see probably hundreds ofd thousands of these kinds ofin images. they're absolutely horrifying and what she has done in front of the senate, what the judge has said to d the senate is effectively these aren't that serious. theset cases i look back and i think to myself about somehowd when they went through the snail mail and we have computersco and people shouldn't be held responsible because everyone has a computerec. what it means, however, tucker , is that there are millions and millionsio of the images of the abuse of children being trafficked across the world every day f children are beingor abused for those images. and i think because people likee judge ketanji brown jacksonta have not stood in front of a victim, she's never spoken to one of these survivors of child
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sexual abuse whose images are constantly shared by offenderss who are being gratified watching their child sexual abusewa because she has not done that . she never took the time to do that . she doesn't understand the offense or the offenders who in my opinion deserve what i call a pine box sentencei because they ought to bel in jail until they're taken out in a pine box. forensics. joining us tonight. thanks so much. ha thanks to the judge that mitt romney is now for. so chicago, one of the great american cities of the greatat cities in the world in steep decline. the mayor of that city, lori lightfoot, checks herself a special police squad as people acrosss the city are murdered. but she has a challenge from a man running against lori lightfoot. alderman raymond lopez agree with him on everything, but he could fix that city to havee honored disguises so much fun unless
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train robberies in broadro daylight now in response, eg us legislators in california are planning to allow criminals to become police officers. >> u huck finn has that story fr us tonight. tucker . the new proposed bill byat california democratic statee senator nancy skinner would remove the rule that a person must be a ust b citizen in order to become a police officer here in californiaa. a source familiar with the bill tells fox news that sb 960 wouldt allow legal immigrants who are not citizens to become police officers. in illegalg immigrants are barred from becoming officers under federal law, the bill states.s california law requires these police officers meet standards including at least 18 years old and going through a thorough background check. state senatee. 960 was previousy voted on and shot down back in march. the bill is being reintroduced and reads in part, quote, existing p law, s with certain exceptions prohibits a person who is not a citizen of the unitedohibo sts from being appointed as a member of the california highway patrol. this billay thi would remove
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that prohibition and would make conforming changes. now this all comes on the heelso of the biden administration's announcement to lift titleun 40 to beginning next month tucker . amazing. not fair[l every night a new story. uc thank you . so crime, unlike so many other things that we talk aboutti in debate in washington is absolutely real. people die because of it. they're murderedlefth in the cif chicago. it is transforming the placef crime up 35% in that city in a single year but going up forfo years. why? well, one of the main reasons is the city's mayor lori lightfoot. s she's refused to enforce the law.en it is so bad that we sent our documentary team to chicago for a piece called chicago in crisis. >> here's part of what we found . we have hundreds of hours of exclusive footage from municipalhe surveillance camera. the video shows a city in total collapse as lori lightfootpr watched the riots from afarot
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protected by the police department go into looters and rioters ransacked the city and caused more than a hundred million dollars in damagein. tim fox let the vast majority of looters walk maj with charged the handful of looters who did face prosecution. >> most were granted pretrial release. so it's pretty. depressing w taking a close look at the city of chicago. but the upside was while we were there, we met someones who actually cares. he's a democrat. he's an electedin official in te city. he's an alderman called raymond lopez. we talked to him at great length and told us , among other things, that prosecutors in the city just are not prosecuting. watch very demurralch housing fr our residents to be told call nine one one when you see crime happening only to see that same criminal be arrested and released within twenty four hours. we have rarely met an electedli
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official in a bigbe liberal cit, a democrat once again as brave as alderman raymond lopez. so we were thrilled w when we read that he is now running for mayor against lori lightfootst and we are honored to have him join us . alderman ramon lopezezank , thao much for coming on . you know, we're not particularly partisan.a you're a democrat.w i don't even know what you t think on a lot of issues. but i know that you carehe about the people of the city of chicago. so we're c thrilled to learn that you're running for mayor. what are you going to do if you win? thank you , tucker .nk you tuc you know, i believe in a greatness that is chicago, but clearly this is not the chicago that i grew up in . i did not grow up in a city c that coddles criminals, that enables badrinabl behaviort and turns a blind eye to the plight of victims in our city. that is loritf lightfootoo as mayor, i will provideer a different direction, a sense of leadership and purpose to the city of chicago that it hasn't seen in a w while. you know, you have to supportpo
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first you have to support our police trying to maintain lawan and orderd . you have to rebuild and grow an economy by expanding opportunities and allowing businesses to flourish and not just operating on handout driven society. it need to provide the basics of city services to make sure people, regardless of the neighborhood they live in , havened the services that their taxpayers provide. hen pretty simple when you think about it, but clearly some people like the current mayor have a problem executing that plan. i will not it is pretty simplet actually . just like try not to wreck the lives of your people. i think it's do no harm. exactly. but lori lightfoot did get elected and chicago's not some backwater. it's one of our biggest thesese very serious a lot of smart people. so i'm not quite sure how she got electeded. what do you think that you can beat her ? i know that i can beat lori lightfoot. we have done polls that showha that the general population,a the voters of the city of chicago have made a decision on whether orr she deserves
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a second term and overwhelmingly that answersi is no. people in chicago want to feel t safe. the numberhene i one issue in te city of chicago, as your series pointed out, is that crime is out of control. it is likeke the wild westn ine midwest in this city.rg they want a mayor who's going to take charge to take d ownership and i vow to do that . i will make everyone's personal safety whether they live here, work here or come here to visit for vacation. my number one priority, mayor lightfoot, has never done that . we'ree . lucky if she even recognizes a victim, let alone take accountability forfo i will take a i will be accountable for the violence. i have stoodolen up to gangbangs throughout my two terms as alderman. i have not backed ter down even when they've damaged my home. come at me at my house or evenn' made death threats against me. they don't scare me.t the way they scare her and i will stand for p my people. yeah, she calls you racist yet? not yet. but i'm sure. butac she hasn'tsh
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actually responded to be honest, tucker . i'm sure she's trying to figure outow how to attack me because she can't use the lgbt card against because we're both she's a. u i'm . u shese can't use the minority cad because she's african-american. i'm latino. the only thing she has left istt to talkut about issues and we know her policies have done more harm than to the city of chicago and i welcome that debate. yeah, well, all of us who loves chicago from afar are rooting for you to restorer yo order tol that great city. alderman ramon lopez joining us tonight. thathank you . thank you , tucker . if you wanna learn more about why this actually mattersrs, we took a close look atea it in season one of tucker carlson originals. again, it's chicago in crisis. it's now on fox news. more news after the break. allergist's this time means it's time to take zeisel. >> zeisel released, which is why you sleep so you wake refreshed. plus it works fast to the claverton and also provides the same relief desertec in appeal nearly half the size
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12:00 am
it's a blueprint for the future that is worth watching on fox nation right now. we will be back tomorrow night 8:00 p.m. the show is the sworn enemy of line from tusi smuggest and group think have the best one if you and welcome to hannity. soso after my informative and civil interview with sean penn last night, apparently that hard hitting news show on abc the view joyless bejar and the other ladies of all of you took time to attack me and lie aboutut this show. >> i'll take a look. you know what i'm trying to say doing that . but why would he trust one of the biggest liars on television ? i mean, the guy lies every dayng joyless start to stop talking about yourself that way. anyway, we've got the whole
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