tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News April 8, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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>> gillian: well this weekend on "fox news sunday" dana perino is in the anchor chair. she has an exclusive one-on-one with senator mitch mcconnell. thanks for watching "special report" tonight. i'm gillian turner in washington. "jesse watters primetime" is next. ♪ >> jesse: thank you very much, gillian i appreciate it throughout our lives we are always trying to define ourselves. figure out who we really are. but in the back of our minds, a parts of us just wanted to be cool. we had an image of someone, the marvel man, steve mcqueen, maybe or how about the fonz? the way they move, the way they look and talked. people around them reacted to that. we strive to emulate what we think is cool. even if it's subconscious. buying the sharpest shirts or driving the nicest car.
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just looking to be a righteous dude. >> very popular, motor head, buds, waist. dweeby. [bleep] they all adore it. they think is he a righteous dude. >> jesse: it's just not teenagers. parents get caught up in the game. if you need anything don't be shirks okay? there are no rules in this house not like a regular mom, i'm a cool mom. >> jesse: being cool is cool. it's transcendent. and in american culture, especially since the age of television, being president of the united states embodies a certain swag. take politics out of it win america over or at least half of us and that's a lot of people. even to have the didn't vote for the guy in office usually respect of the hustle.
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just look at our last few commanders in chief. we had barry and his silky smooth voice serenaded us ♪ i. [cheers] ♪ so in love with you. [cheers and applause] >> jesse: he can carry a tune i will give it to him. he had that hawaiian vibe crack a joke people wanted to be around him. he was a horrible president but he carried himself well. and he wasn't alone. bill clinton was known for being pretty chill. remember when slick wily broke out the sax solo like this? ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: don't even get me started on george bush the man straight up gangster. look at him make people miss like floyd mayweather and look out when he is on the t box. >> i watched his drive. >> jesse: and the man had an arm, too. remember this when the eyes of the world were on him. >> check 1, 2, hello, hello. >> jesse: bush, clinton, obama, all pretty cool guys and then there was trump. >> it is -- it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. >> because you would be in jail. [laughter] >> the walls just got 10 feet higher.
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>> the man just knew how to get ahold of us. love him or hate him, america couldn't get enough of him, especially the left wing media. trump turned a bunch of no name journalists like jim acosta into real characters. just by going toe to toe with them. they loved to hate him but now they can't get over him. >> i wish i knew how to quit you. >> jesse: they still spend all day talking about him. asking their friends did they think he might come back. >> possible trump 2024 campaign. >> threats posed by a potential 2024 presidential run by donald trump. >> soft launch of trump's second campaign. >> that's the difference with trump 2016 and trump 2024. >> jesse: come on, guys, move on already. he is just not in to you anymore. maybe they are fixed on their ex, because their new guy just
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doesn't, you know, do it for them. he is just boring. joe is running the show in d.c. now and he is dull. don't take it from us. a new report from politico called biden's tenure the cardboard box presidency. saying he promised to be boring and he is doing everything he can to keep that pledge. and they are not wrong. joe doesn't even schmooze these peeps in d.c. and for a democrat, that is a sin. he spends almost every weekend in delaware. the guy just loves his basement. presidents are supposed to excite the washington establishment but joe is doing the exact opposite with politico saying, quote: nowhere was biden's implicit promise of dullness more popular than inside the beltway. normal in the folkways of political washington includes a number of things the locals find
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quite exciting. presidential sightings at local restaurants. zingers at black tie banquets. glamorous new age preferably with active social schedules and news worthy romantic lives. but joe is doing none of those things. biden ditched the gridiron club dinner last week which every president since benjamin harrison has attended at least once, sending his commerce secretary in his place. quick, tell me who the commerce secretary is. don't know? well, neither do most people. even in washington. it's gina are a manned dough by the way of former governor of rhode island all he has is mayor pete and the country doesn't know who that is. it turned tout to be a good idea biden didn't grab a plate at that dinner because the event became a super spreader.
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over 50 people caught covid. if the press is bored now, just wait. eventually biden is going to catch covid. it's bound to happen. and you will never see biden at another party again. sally quinn the queen of the washington social scene complained. didn't have the president, you didn't have the vice president, you didn't have the secretary of state, you didn't have the secretary of defense. you didn't have the treasury secretary. and you had two republicans dinner. none of those people saw a reason to be there. it's over. it's over. biden sucked the energy out of washington. just like the rest of the country. the washington elite is whining. they are stuck with our grandpa in chief. >> thelma, why i go in and out of comas -- [snoring] french toast, please. >> jesse: isn't that precious that the d.c. power brokers who
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installed joe biden into the white house are now pitching hes he boring? politico goes on there is little by way of presidential trend setting. barack obama could send the book climbing up the best seller list by being photographed with it it's hard to test whether biden has the same juice because there haven't been pictures of biden buying books. the kennedy white house spurred a national embrace of french food by hiring a white house chef from france biden is known nor liking ice cream. the era of big house events has kept him from searching it to many people. there is no restaurant or neighborhood that the new in crowd has put on the map. this is actually the biggest insult the media has ever spewed at president biden. that joe isn't cool. for washington, it doesn't get any worse than that. for a town that trades on status, power, and, president
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biden is the worse thing to ever happen to these people. not only is there no action. there is no access. and, worst of all, there is no gossip. this town is so bored they are ready for a republican president. just listen to joe today trying to explain god knows what. >> america is a nation that can be defined in a single word -- put -- excuse me, foothills of the him lays putin 17 miles when i was vice president i don't know that for a fact. >> jesse: that's not a fact. and i don't know what he is talking about. you can see kamala behind joe kind of cringing but she is not much better. >> good morning. good morning. [cheers] >> good morning, america. [laughter]
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>> jesse: what's so funny? she is laughing at her own joke? i don't even get the joke. and it's not just her, pete buttigieg has turned into a walking dad joke. we got this app. now they tell us when i just got an alert that there was a diaper change so i feel like i'm in the know. >> jesse: cool. i guess pete is too busy being pappa to realize how uncool he has become. you know what the biggest sign of being uncool is not realizing that no one likes you. >> you do realize, pete, a lot of black people feel like democrats have kept no promises since they have been in office? >> really? >> yes. >> jesse: really? but, this is what d.c. has become in the age of biden, no state dinners, no rallies, no fun whatsoever. only thing that's exciting that's happened is joe's dog bit somebody. no wonder they are melting down
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over the midterms. they can't get excited for their own president. how do you think the rest of the country feels. politico made it sting to right before the weekend. the article littered with some of the cruelest beltway. oddly absent. not particularly newsy. not that exciting. white house dollness. a about the not here on the weekend lower wattage and back to sleep. the washington, d.c. political and media establishment just called the president sleepy joe. that's where we are right now. all i can say is we told you so. newt gingrich is the former speaker of the house and author of "beyond biden." this was and no one realizes this, speaker, this was a vicious takedown in politico. nothing about policy. all style and it was vicious.
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do you agree? >> well, it's vicious but i don't think it's actually that he is boring. i think is he embarrassing. i mean, it's an embarrassment to watch him. it's an embarrassment to watch him in warsaw blurt out things that he promptly has the state department rush out and say isn't true. it's embarrassing to watch his vice president. it's embarrassing if you watched him hanging out with barack obama looking like he was the grandfather who had been invited to the thanksgiving dinner and everybody was ignoring him, while they all talked to barack obama, this is in some ways, you know, not only are his policies terrible, and destructive and people are suffering from gasoline prices and food prices from the border, but in addition, you have a president who you are not sure is completely there. the little piece you just showed
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a minute ago, this guy is who can't remember even when he has a script. and i think that's more than boring. i think it's embarrassing and frankly as commander-in-chief, i think it's pretty frightening. and dealing with a guy on the other side in putin who has over 5,000 nuclear weapons, i'm not all that comfortable when i watch the american president dotterring around and looking like he is out of it. >> jesse: i think you nailed it i think what was left unsaid was that the d.c. elite are elm embarrassed i think they are more embarrassed by joe biden's presidency than they were by trump and you can explain why and you can tell me if i'm an idiot. with trump maybe they were oh my god i can't believe he said this but they were in the center of the action. trump's presidency was the center of the world action. everybody was talking about not only trump but d.c. and the
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people in d.c. and the reporters and the publishers and the -- an the antagonists and there was a lot of drama. and they were right there and they loved that. and they love that kind of attention. joe is giving them nothing. and i think they're almost feeling like, you know what? maybe it might be more fun to have a republican in the white house nor maybe just four years just so we can get a little friction going, right? >> well, it's a little bit like having rip vanwinkle as president. you sort of think is he probably asleep most of the time. you assume that somebody like klein is actually or klain, however they pronounce it is actually in charge, if anybody is in charge. you watch the embarrassment of people like buttigieg who totally misunderstands his role in america. you know, and this is a weird administration and i think you are right. you know, i mean, i'm not going to ever say you are an idiot but i have said on behalf -- i think
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that kamala harris is probably the dumbest person ever elected to the vice presidency. i wouldn't so are so far as to say she is an idiot. that would be too strong. she works at being dumb. you know, biden doesn't work at anything. biden just drifts through looking forward to going back home i assume to eat ice cream and ride his bicycle and it's a little bit like watching somebody who is already retired but they make him show up and pretend to be working. i don't have any. >> jesse: like robert mueller. >> i don't think he knows what he is doing. >> jesse: i think you nailed it i think they are embarrassed by what is happening right now. and do you know what? there is nothing worse than a socialite and a power broker who is ashamed of themselves and their city. that's when things are going to get interesting. look out, this is going to be -- going to be some action this summer with joe biden. thank you very much mr. speaker.
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>> jesse: new york eliminated cash bail a couple of years ago. guess what? crime surged. the move gave criminals a green flight commit even more crime. we have good news. this is why we wanted to tell you this. the laws are changing back. the new york governor kathy hochul, a democrat, put a plan in motion with this new deal she is going to strengthen the bail situation and make it harder for repeat offenders to get
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released. this is a good thing. judges now have more discretion and that's because of us and because of the people have spoken i have loudly and we are happy this is happening. new york city subway is a mess. it's dirty, kind of gross. pretty dangerous. subway crime is up almost 70% from last year and it's not just drug crimes or robberies. people are being pushed onto the tracks and predators are assaulting women. the one group of women are actually doing something about it. they are called the perspectivee busters and cleaning up the subway. the ladies of the perv busters are here now. the lawyer on patrol i'm the women of the patrol. >> jesse: what kind of problem have you encountered and how
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have you tried to fix it? >> well, and nancy can chime in, of course. i mean i think part of what we are trying to do is just be very aware of what is happening in the subway. spread information to people. you know we have our fliers. we talk to people all the time men and women and basically keep people alert and aware and keep aware of like spatial distance between people. we meet a lot of wonderful people in the subway but as you know there are people down there that are having real problems and that is parts of i think what's happening to us now is not your average mugger situation. it's a person that is maybe having mental health problems. >> jesse: people are deranged and think take liberties. on a tight subway car and they go nuts. have you ever run into a crime in action? >> we actually a few weeks ago we were coming home. we were by 42nd street and found someone who had a knife on them and we were alerted by the passengers and the cops actually came down and released the guy.
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they didn't even check his backpack so that's part of the problem. >> jesse: do people get handsy on the sunway? is that something you guys have to deal with. >> we hear about it from other people because we spend a lot of our time talking to people that are in the subway. and they often tell us what has been going on. people when they see us they kind of back off a little bit. no one is going to get handsy with us per se. but we are listening to people's stories. i think that's the most important thing and also alerting them to who it is that is actually doing these crimes. sadly the recidivism rate is tremendous. it's not like two or three times. it's like 50, 60 times. so if you allow people to see the faces of these individuals, then they can actually prepare themselves a little better. they are going to see them on the same exact train. >> you warn them andrew cuomo might be taking the subway and he might be a little feeley. >> when he is in town. >> jesse: thank you so much for what you are doing. everybody is grateful. and we need all the help we can get and we really appreciate it?
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ace. advantage! you cannot be serious... get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. directv stream. now get $30 off over 3 months. >> jesse: fox news alert. a jury has ruled the kidnapping plot of michigan governor gretchen whitmer was basically a set-up by the feds finding two of the four defendants not guilty while the jury is hung for the other two guys. this is a turning out just to be a giant humiliation for the fbi who helped fund and orchestrated this whole plot to set these guys up. and it might be an even bigger humiliation though for the media who ran with this story to smear trump and his supporters before the midterms or before the election. >> donald trump tweeting out liberate michigan. for most people that's just one
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more donald trump tweet. but for if you are a whack job, if you are unstable, those things trigger you. and those things lead to action. >> you don't need to actually tell somebody to do it before you create this belief that this is what donald wants us to do. we are doing it for him. >> domestic terrorists that were given comfort by trump that were told to liberate the state by trump plotting to take per out. >> jesse: well, they were wrong and that last guy doesn't have a job anymore. mollie hemingway is the editor and chief of the federalist. so this was a pretty deeply entrenched set-up by the fbi, wasn't it? what happened exactly, mollie? >> well, the fbi, the whole problem with the case is that the fbi had more than a dozen informants and agents who were involved with orchestrating this plot, planning the plot,
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training for the plot. and so when they charge these individuals with the plot to kidnap whitmer, it kind of like these other fbi entrapments have gone in recent years where juries find out that high level of involvement that the fbi itself has in this operation. and it, you know, juries do not like it see this. this is what we saw with somewhat similar situation in oregon, with the bundy family. and with the number of other entrapment plots that the fbi had set up. >> jesse: and this was right before the election. so this is not just your regular fbi sting operation. this was really politically charged and the democrats in the media used this to say trump was inciting domestic terrorism. he was getting possibly democrat governors killed. it was all covid-related because, remember, that's how they tried to justify this action. so this had a real real big
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impact you could say on the election. >> this is one of many major false stories that rolled out right before the election that showed how the media can manipulate and meddle in our election. and, yes, this was blamed on donald trump, even though the people who were involved with this plot had spoken quite critically of donald trump. they didn't think he was doing enough to stop the covid restrictions. there was never really any basis in fact for tying it to trump anyway. but, it was particularly not relevant or appropriate given, again, the high role that the fbi had. it also was very dangerously close to an election. usually the fbi tries to avoid announcing indictments or making these types of things public before an election. it was huge ammunition for the left against donald trump in a very tight election. >> jesse: is christopher wray the fbi director going to have to answer for any of this? >> well, the fbi, i mean, this is such a huge problem. the fbi is a disaster.
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there are so many problems that they have had whether it's their participation in the russian collusion hoax. being unaccountable to congress as congress tries to find out what's going on. refusing to even answer what their role was. meaning in the riot on january 6th there has been some reporting from the "new york times" that the fbi did have people there that have been refusing to tell congress about this. and until the fbi is cleaned up our country, our entire republic is in danger. this is a huge priority. it has to be a priority for republican party but really for anyone who cares about the country and having a functioning law enforcement intelligence agency like that. >> jesse: i couldn't have said it better myself mollie hemingway and everybody check out mollie's book it's great. thank you. >> thank you. >> jesse: last night "primetime" report first lady jill biden's secret service detail was infiltrated by foreign operatives. two foreigners one of them linked to pakistani intelligence were posing as homeland security officers while they were bribing
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white house secret service agents with rent-free apartments and drones and flat screens now at the time we just thought it was only the first lady's detail that was breached. but today we are finding out the secret service agents entangled in this little bribery scheme were also assigned to joe biden and kamala harris. so, these guys had access to the highest levels of the white house. while raking in gifts from foreign intelligence operatives. as if this white house didn't have enough problems already now they are looking at a massive secret service scandal. jeff james is retired secret service agent. so, jeff, what strikes you immediately about this scandal? >> well, what strikes me first is that it really never should have happened. when they were first approached, when these secret service employees were first approached by these people who were trying to curry their favor with gifts
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and trying to find out more about their -- about the intricacies of what they did they should have reported that immediately and it should have gone up the chain and stopped before it ever started. >> jesse: so you have that. did they issue polygraph examinations for people at secret service? they should be doing that on the regular, right? >> correct. it well, right now it is part of the preemployment process. and then if you are involved in an investigation, it can also be ordered for that. >> jesse: they will have to submit the polys after this for sure. what could you think these foreign agents were after? was this possibly foreign intelligence gathering plot or were they maybe looking to possibly assassinate the vipsed here. >> it could have gone either way. that's what is the scariest part we don't know where this was going. it could have been something that they did want to gain access to the person, the secret service protects in order to commit an assassination or they could have gotten to the point with these people where they
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made them an asset, even gave them a thumb drive and put this into a computer on the concrete service network or the white house network and they would have had access to the secret service cameras and alarms possibly to shut them down and create some kind of organized attack. >> jesse: we actually don't even know if one of the agents was compromised. the way you described it. so that's pretty scary. are we going to have to have the secret service director fired? >> you know, i don't believe so. the secret service is still a remarkably -- remarkably filled with integrity. everybody there is laser-focused on a mission. and laser-focused on what is right in front of them. i really think that this is an outlier. >> jesse: i hope so. >> i know the men and women i worked with certainly broken hearted about this and hurt that it happened. >> jesse: not as laider focused as they need to be.
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they have some cleaning up to do. that's for sure. hopefully it didn't get any farther than what's been reported. thank you so much, jeff. >> thank you. >> jesse: we got a big quiz coming up. carley vs. emily. who will sink? and who will swim? and, also, the search for the best army ranger in america. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: we got another update in the will smith slap gate. we got update that will smith is banned from for attending the oscars the next 10 years but he is still allowed to keep his oscar and still eligible for future oscars. but he can't go to the academy awards. but smith's very public outburst has shed some new light on what appears to be a very strained relationship with his wife jada.
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check out this video from jada's instagram just a few years ago. >> you know coming to the table be at the red table. would you say he has been instrumental in you and i redefining our relationship. >> i would say just don't start filming me without asking me. >> oh my goodness. >> if you could film me. >> some help us again, please. >> i'm stealing dealing with foolishness. >> would you say that she helped us heal the putters that we caused between one another. >> my social media presence is my bread and butter. okay? so you can't just use me for social media and not, you know, don't just start i'm standing in my house. >> jesse: will doesn't look too happy about talking about his failing relationship again. for some reach he keeps pushing him to do it. 2018 episode from red table talk where will describes the lowest point in their marriage. >> i think the turning point in
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our relationship for me happened when i turned 40. >> um. >>um that's when i had a mid life crisis. >> yeah. your 40th birthday was my low point. the day after her 37th birthday i hired a team to orchestrate her 40th birthday. i hired a documentary team and she told me that the party was the most ridiculous display of my ego. i know i was crushed because i know it was true. it wasn't a party for her. >> yeah. >> and when she called me on that, that's when i snapped. i'm sorry, that was the only time you ever heard me snap. [laughter] >> jesse: it's even worse than we thought. maybe their marriage was doomed from the start. listen. >> i really didn't want to get married. >> we only got married because grammy was crying. >> so much pressure, you know, being a young actress. being young. >> and pregnant. >> pregnant.
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i was just like i didn't know what to do. i just knew i was like i never wanted to be married. i didn't want a wedding. i was like i don't want to get married and now grammy done gone to will crying about i don't want to have a wedding and now i'm being forced to have a wedding. >> jesse: that explains the slap, doesn't it? yikes. time for a little game we like to call sink or swim. let's take a look at our leader board last week. gut if he would beat dana perino and dana is still very upset about that. here now for week two we have emily compagno co-host of "outnumbered" and carley shimkus co-host of "fox & friends first." we will see about that. category is in the spotlight a former first lady has decided to try her hand at acting and will be making her off broadway debut later this month. in this hit show.
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♪ >> jesse: who will be playing the role of the giant? is it hillary clinton? or michelle obama? answers, ladies? >> emily: are we collaborating on the answer? >> jesse: no you are against each other. >> carley: switch up the rules? >> carley: healthy competition. let's not collaborate but i will say. >> emily: really? is it really her? >> jesse: a time limit on this. >> carley: i'm not paying for that ticket. >> jesse: yes. real news i'm really excited check out the production if you are in little rock that's what they call off, off broadway. >> carley: no one is going to that. carley is up. >> jesse: next category called scratch and sniff. this woman had a close encounter with president biden at the
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white house earlier this week. and had a smile plastered on her faces a joe got up close and personal. who was it? was it pelosi? or was it aoc? >> carley: looking at the age of the hand. >> emily: i was looking at the height. you have pelosi let's look. answer? >> jesse: aoc. >> carley: i apologize to aoc's hand. all right. so now we have a tied game. this is getting interesting. ladies. stop collaborating. all right? this is cut throat. there is a big report. category trash talk. question: the senator was attacked by democratic national committee chairman jamie harrison for questioning judge ketanji brown jackson's record. take a listen. >> it shows you who this little maggot infested man is. he does not deserve to have that pin. he doesn't deserve to be in the united states senate.
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>> jesse: was it josh hawley or tom cotton? >> carley: we got it cotton. >> jesse: cotton and i think you already knew that because on the banner it said elm. >> carley: we knew that anyway. >> emily: i knew it because i was watching "jesse watters primetime" on wednesday. >> emily: sucking up, carley. going to get you an extra half point. >> jesse: you guys are chitchaty today. >> carley: because we are friends. >> jesse: good vibrations this politician spoke at the white house this week and the next thing they said was feels good, doesn't it who was it obama or kamala? >> emily: sounds like a bill clinton quote but i'm going to say. [laughter] >> carley: i'm going to say obama. >> emily: really? >> jesse: let's see the answer. >> feels good, doesn't it? [laughter] >> carley: oh my god. >> jesse: do we have a winner?
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>> jesse: emily. >> carley: we win together. >> jesse: can't share the price. the you win my assistant johnny for a day. >> emily: yes. best award ever. >> jesse: johnny was in therapy because when greg had him for the day he did some honorable things to him. take it easy on johnny. >> emily: he is the most valuable asset fox news has. we all know it. >> carley: best day in johnny's life. >> jesse: congratulations emily and johnny. all right. thank you guys very much. >> emily: thank you. >> jesse: all right. we're going to bring out some big guns for the next segment and find out who is the best ranger in america after this. ♪ ♪ my mental health was much better. my mind was in a good place. but my body was telling a different story. i felt all people saw were my uncontrolled movements.
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>> is taking place this weekend in benning georgia. it is a grueling survival of the fittest. competition including machine gun event, pistol event and a killer ranger obstacle course. so pete we heard this thing jumped off at 4:00 a.m. today what went down? >> they've been going for 14 hours so far today. they've done more in 14 hours then you and i would've done in 14 weeks. this is the elite of the olympic level athletes. the bathroom across the country, they have done, a tuneup mild one, a full workout than a tuneup mild run with an 80-pound sandbag, then they ran to a pond and swim all the way across it and they did an obstacle course 30-foot ropes, 30-foot towers all the way out. then they marched up to the next location.
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another obstacle quote course five and half mile run submitted for ranges than they had a run with 65 pounds and a back to the next range where they did a 24 spot obstacle course and a tonight jesse right now as we speak they're about to take off or what is known as an unknown distance run. there could be carrying pounds on the back through the night and they don't know how long they're gonna be marching. they're doing it just for the honor of having a chance to be here for day two. because that's when most teams get cut after day one. i'm tired just commenting on it. [laughs] and will will be celibate athletes, caved to china, and the oscars, and the golden globes, these are the heroes, these are the dudes we should put on spotlight and for fox nation were here covering it were no series of the whole thing, "sportscenter" style is pretty cool to be here. >> i locked them in a stroller to get a bagel this morning, i was exhausting.
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[laughs] you shot some guns is that correct? >> they give us a chance to have a little fun too. i got out to shoot a missile on the ranch lets me pull the trigger on a .50-caliber if you've never done it if you get you out to the range. >> no i have. with the machine gun out in south dakota from sturgis. and nearly took my face right off. but i hope he didn't beat you in anything in the sharpshooting competition that's really competitive. >> not yet. [laughs] >> hour it will be watching saturday and sunday thank you so much. >> you got it thanks jesse. >> this is very important we been giving you the window all week rents are about the benefits of walking, people are laughing already here in the studio, walking is very therapeutic it's good for your mental health, and it's very good exercise, i seem like an old man want to say walking is
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good exercise is actually good exercise when i was running around all over the country. i was in good shape when i started sitting on my keister all day for the five for all those you're not so great shape and i'm walking now and you should walk too. but the tequila, acupuncture this week, and we did walking. stick with me make you healthy. we have ja for michigan, we talk about? it is definitely a trendsetter to seal the people wearing aviator glasses everywhere? >> not really. when you morph them all over the country and not just in the subways. north carolina, ordered the don julio particular you recommended and it just arrived, i can't which tried out tonight. told you, listen to me. going places. robin texas, how many days are
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you going to be giving johnny away for? >> i'm extra to get johnny out of my life so this is kind of a strategy that's working out really well. all right everybody, don julio go for a walk, stretch, and acupuncture don't forget this is my world. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. sorry about the joe biden a administration for over a year china front of the themes are and here's the conclusion we come to. there is in fact a single principal that guides the joe biden a administration here is what it is. you're right as american does not affect in aliens. casino the joe biden himself as of the several times. he's a manager that your constitutional protection extends precisely as far as he says they do.
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