tv Hannity FOX News April 8, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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nationwide and there's zero obligation calls today or visit ideal agent .com obamagate kathie lee gifford. she's doing by her friends who share their interest rate and good friends. i know sunday on fox news channel. >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson site. we've beenbo assessing the by the administration for trying toa year figure out what the themes are. and here's the conclusion we've come to there is in factin a single principle that guides the biden administration. >> here's what it iscihe. your rights as an american are not in fact ineligible. we know this because joe biden himself has said it out loud several times. he's reminded m that your constitutional protections extend precisely as far as hese
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says they do. now the framers famously claimed that a citizen's rightss come from god and the government's job is to protect those rights. that was the deal. butra the modern democratic party, which will not acknowledge god has inverted that formula. so now politicians loan you l your rights and they can take those rights back at any time depending on your level of obedience. g think of it as dog training on a national scale. so it's joe biden who gets to decide which drugs you're forced to inject into your body. joe biden will determine whether you can have a 4th of july barbecue at your house as joe biden. he'lltur tell you what you havo repay your student loans from yale law school, whether landlords can evict tenants who aren't paying the rent, etc. these are all joe biden's decisions now and his decisionsl won't. so joe biden gets to tell you how many rights you have and under what condition. and that's another way ofally saying you don't really have any rights at all. think about that . so if you know permanent rights as a citizen of the united states, then needless to say state and local governments can't have rights either
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because you electedu so you can vote for all the lawmakers you want. but in the end, joe biden will determine what the law is. the president's publicist made that point very clear at the briefing yesterday. watch jen psaki denounced the state of alabama for passing. it is in alabama, a very popular law that bans the castration of children in the name of gender transition now. joe biden l doesn't like that . therefore that law is invalid. here's your explanation. alabama's lawmakers and otheror legislators who are contemplating discriminatory discriminatory bills have been put on notice by the department of justice and the department of health and human services that laws and policies preventing care that health care professionals recommend for transgender minors may violate the constitution and federal laws. >> it's just great reading it verbatim so to be clear, suddenly politicians are not allowed to tell doctors what to do. what you ask? r in this countryan
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the last two years soll politicians can't tell doctors what to do. so that's the new. so why did that rule change? well, because the constitution of the united states specifically protects chemical castrationem of minors when it's conducted in the name of something called trans rights. that's a transgender amendment . you need that . it's a good thing. and you know, because if you were to disagree with it, joe biden's department of justice may very well send men with guns to arrest you. and don't laugh . tempted as you may be. jen psaki is dead serious. she wasn't smiling. she was a solemn as an undertaker. she read the talking points written for her by some activist group and it got more solemn. watch today in alabama instead of focusing on critical kitchen table issues like the economy covid or addressing the country's mental health crisis. republican lawmakers are currently debating legislation that among many things wouldge target transduced with tactics that threatens to put pediatricians in prison if they provide medically necessaryso if lifesaving health care for the kids they serve. every major medical association
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agrees that gender affirming health care for transgender kids is the best practice and potentially life saving. so people who wrote that you've got to wonder are these people y do have brass telling you really you should be worried about covid if more people died under biden than beforeve the economy has ever been this bad in your lifetime. but insteadl you worry about al this dumb stuff that we care about at all except it's all we talk about. but here's the medical guidance we just got from jen psaki slicing off the child organs, preventing a 12 year old from going through puberty. that's notro ghoulish and dangerous and horrifying. no, it's not. it's quote gender affirming health care indeed. it's we're now calling a best practice now best practice that doesn't actually have a definition but does sound science like something a physician might say. ut and in fact, some physicians do say it, but that does not meanue that it's true . we know s it's not true because this question has actually been studied in some detail in the
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uk. was m itor slightly a bit more freedom in the science field? researchers commissioned by the national health service haven reviewed all available evidence on puberty blockers and are finding there is in fact quote very low evidence that puberty blockers help anyone. oh , so what are the long term effects of these powerful drugs in the bodies and minds of children? we don't know. according to the study that's quote largely unknown, but it's not totally unknown. we do some data and they're not encouraging. another group of researchers in the uk track the effect of puberty blockers in young people aged 12 to 15 over a nine year period longitudinally. perio and they found that after justd one yearar on puberty blockers, children were far more likely to say they wanted to hurt or kill themselves. oh kids impurity blockers also experienced stunted growth and weaker bones. they had measurably, lower iq. these are not minor sideed effects. these are tragedies.
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if you cared about children, you would care very much about these results. but the white house doesn't care at all. why don't they care? you wonder maybese because nonen this is actually about helping transgender kids. they don't care about transgender kids and shame on you for thinking they did. maybe there's another agenda. what could itt be? one new jersey state senator called holly schleps is taking a close look into a company and there are many of these. but she looked at a company called amazed .com maze. .com creates gender affirming sex ed materials for children, little kids. now msgt rather is backed by the abortion industry, but its videos dress all kinds of topics. here's one of their videos on . the video begins by asking ishe it normal toir watch? here's their answer. yes, it's normal. lots of people watch after all. it's right there and it's free . find out more about right heree on amazing. find out more about right here on the base. oh , thanks.
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i'll send it to my rest. my fifth grade classmate that's on youtube. so we reached out toed msg this afternoon. we want to know who these videos are aimed at. obviously small children. they didn't really answer questions, did they ? attacked us with maximum self-righteousness. your show's repeated attacks on curricula and resources provenrc to protet children of all ages is deeply disturbing. oh , they're talking little kids about or the creepy ones spend some time in a masago website and youtube channel and you'll find a lotu more cartoons like this and all of them are clearly intended for young children. in one video there'sd a simulated image of a childer furiously in front of on a computer monitor not joking. look it up in another cartoon by amma's kids learn all about oral , whether oral count is really up to you generally through the ages faculties assumed a but many people
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will choose not to have that kind like me. i' i'm so if is just a and a then i got my boyfriend and i will never have to. so for me oral is definitely dark. but ultimately it's up to you to decide what you believe counts. ec you make the decision because you're in fifth grade. it's your decision. guess whose decision isn't your parents? they have no rolerolele in any f this . that's the point i made. sag is perusing videos like this and flooding schools with them with the full backingm of the democratic b party .he so the key here is not whether you agree ort y disagree with tl message. the key is that parents play no role in the that's t the point. cuttingg parents out, destroying parental authority, destroying the family . all so in classrooms emmetsburg m
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isn't even necessary.. a lot of times some teachers do the jobs themselves. we know that in part because the hard work of a twitter account called lib's of tiktok whichhf ef ought to follow befom it's banned. if you wantay to know what may e happening in your child's lives of 60% earth, this video shows a teacher bragging to her students about our sex life. well, kids watch me and teaching the children reading probably was crazy but not only that , but they also know that i'm gender fluid. this is allwlu well and good unl october when i also explain that i'm pagan. so i am also a witch and i come into work and the children go lois, are you avoiding short g hair and sister because no lois the girl and a third child who is maybe suddenly oh, no guys we've been over lois isn't a boy or a girl who is witch.
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sor underneath all of this , u needless to say and can't say t it enough iso narcissism. nars it's about me and my identity and my journey. my journey it's not a'sbo not abouts you r your children teaching them anything. so let me let me talk about me c. more but if you speak if you say you don't like this , you don't want your kids learning from people with face piercings about and orall paganism, you can be prosecuted by joe biden's justice department. so toul be clear, this has nothing to do with the constitution, nothing to do with science. it doesn't evenn really have a lot to do with . are they creepy? oh yeah. a lot of them are super super people. should they be around kids? absolutely not. but it's not really about trying to groom little kids not. overall. it's even worse than that . this is an attempt to usurp the most basic of all parental rights because if you're a parent only you get to talk to your kids aboutut . why is that ? because like religion is
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something that the state doesn't intrude on . different families have different attitudes about and the federal government doesn't get to decide what those attitudes are. you do you're the parent.the it is none of joe biden's business, not the business of his creepy little publicist. what you think about human sexualityat or what you tell your kids about human sexuality, period. whatit's your prerogative, not theirs. now for centuries this has and very obvious stranger should talk to children about have by definition committed a crime. so if you were to show up on a playgroundsh and show pictures to third graders or videos about or oral , we would arrest you. but bidenen wants to change this . why? because he wantshe control over your family and your values and your beliefs. he wants to determine what your kids learn about the deepest and most important issues there .
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so it's not about . it's about your mind and that's what they want control of. so people judge's husband has made this explicit. here he is in a documentarys financed by jeff bezos, ofng course, forcing kids to pledge allegiance to something called c the pride flag. i pledge my heart to the rainbow to the not soo typical camp. o one camp fly full of pride, pride, indivisibleit with affirmation and equal rights for our nation. all right. for all maga hat so dare you to complain about this . if you don't like this , you're against gay people. most americans have no problem at all with people whatsoever. most americanssoev know gay peoe and a lot of cases love them. it's not about that .ig it's about whether you have the right to pass on your values which may be different from joe biden's values onto your children. do you havefon that right?
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if you don't have the right, you're not really the parents joe biden if this isn't really i a free country at all. >> affirmation of equal rights for. all right.. what if the people who don't want their children force-fed other people's opinions c about sexuality? those people don't have rights. those people get doj investigation. >> here's people to judge to explain your husband carson is a teacher and he's been a vocal critic of what's going on in my state of florida when the with the so-called don't which he says will w kill kidshi. do you agree? yeah, he's right. and i get the political reasons why they're doing this . by the way, some of o thoseyt political reasons they don't have a plan on anything else. right. i mean,hi they don't have a plan on dealing with inflation or dealingng with, with gas prices. and these people have brass that's the guy in charge of our transportation system try to
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fly from tampa to denver c tomorrow, see how much itos coss you what the odds your plane lands on time. that's? the guy in charge of our transportation. but there he is on the view calling it criminal because you may not have fully digested his very specific views but values then i have a plan for inflation. the gas prices, they always accuse you of doing exactlyly what they're doing. jenny vance understands this . he's running for the senate nder, the state of ohio. m he joins us tonight. stephen , thanks so much for coming on . any they tried it. they're daring you to disagree with any of this because if you do, you hate gay people. i don't think this is about gay people in any way. i don't think it's even about . .nt i think it's about controlling the most intimate decisions in your familyimat. ts it's who controls it, who benefits from that control. tucker , youou know, one of the things it's often unsaid t here is that one of the biggest donors to the democratic party , of course, the big pharma companies who benefits when parents are not alloweds o make decisions regarding their kids when it comes to chemical castrationcoio, to
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who benefits when doctors are pressured to give these medicines to seven, eight, nine year kids? t gets a lot well, of o course, the pharmaceutical industry that gives a lot of money to the democrats. i think actually republicans need to take a page frome fr frm trump's playbook here. remember when he went afteror the insulin companies fores making insulin too expensive? we need to say to these pharmaceutical companies you don't get a free right to experiment on our children. right. it'sur insane that even needs to be said. but of course it does in the s crazy times we live in such a good point and the same puppets of big pharma in the biden administration who three months ago were telling us you have no choicero but to take farmers products are now tellingdu you have no right to to to have any say in whether your kids take them.w so it's like politicians can't control whether you take the drugs now are not allowed to control. >> what's the standard? well,>> the standard is clearly whatever is in the best interests of democrat values,wh whether those are your values or not and whatever is in thean best interestsie of the profits of these companies who donate to democrats.
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you know what i find so in m preposterousom about this moment is that on the one hand the democrats arere actually advocating to teach about sexuality and crazy gender theory to seven year old children. and on the other hand , w they get offended if we throwouo around terms like groomer to push back against it. you want to be called a groomer, don't try to sexualize six and seven year old children. it's reallyre that simple. and at the end of the day, like you said, this is about parental rights. what kind of a country do we want to live in where familiesld control what valueses their children grow up in or where joe biden and the pharmaceuticalompa companies geo do that ? it's pretty clear what i think 90% of americans what country they'd like to live in . i don't understand where the men are like where the dads some teachers pushing values on yourue third grader. what are you going to trash the teacher like this is agent pushingovernment someone else's values on your kid about . where's the pushback? tu well, one of the crazy things a we know,nd tucker , is that this is hidden from parents and i
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agree with you there should be a ton of pushback on the father of three young kids and i iyo wd enraged if i found out this is happening at my kid's school. but you hear all these crazy things about five year old kids going to schooll as boys, but then they go into the magical closet and they come out of their gender affirming identity. of course,as that has nothing tw do with the crazy lunaticas whos pushing them on them. of course we're led to believe of course it's alling coming fm five year old children. so so one of the things we'rere learning, tucker , is that this is beingbe forced o by some of these really radical teachers and they're hiding it fromm parents. that's maybe the most pernicious part, not acceptable. jt vance running >> tuc the state ofhi ohio primaries next month, i think. good luck.nk thank you . so we're going to show you a tape that we don't want to show you because it's soa shocking. we check twice. it'sk real. here's the question. if you had to define american a single word, that word be so in the rose garden today,th joe biden tried to answer that question. watch carefully how he did. a america is a nation that can be defined in a single word as we
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put him to the foothills of the himalayas with xi jinping traveling with him. and as we travel seventeen thousand miles as vice president, i don't know that for a fact. and what do you guys run the country hopefully not for long, not capable off running the country. but notice the reaction at least justice ketanji brown jackson was dignified enough to look deeply embarrassed as the president just skipped groove. his head went off about marching in the himalayas. but you'll notice vice president sort of nodded like, oh yeah, of course if you can find america one word, it be the seventeen thousand miles i traveled president to the himalayas with the yeti. she'll nod to anything. well, sicknick chief eunuch in the final days he's working and she thought it'd be a good idea to speak costumes. but this information was didn't
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the atlantic magazine just hosted a conference no self-awareness whatsoever entitled disinformation and thes erosion of democracy. sohe they say they invited all f your favorite purveyors of disinformation and exponents of censorship. barack obama, jonah goldberg and applebaum and of course is no iqlter there bar. apparently what the speakers didn't countnt on the expected hours of just bloviating is that there are still a couple of kids in chicago who are awake enough to say wait a second, what are you talking about? >> disinformation. here's one exchange you've all spoken extensively about fox news being a purveyor of disinformation, but cnn is right up there with them. they push the russian collusion hoax. they push the justice maillet hoax. they smear justice cavanaugh as a and they also smeared nick salmon as white supremacist. and yes, they dismissed the one hunter biden laptophatas fair as pure russian disinformation. all the mistakes ofatio the mainstream media and cnn
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in particular seem to magically all gogo in one direction. are we expected to believe that this is all just some sortn of random coincidence or is there something else behind it? ii think you're describing. a different channel than the one that i watch. but i understandde that is a popular right wing narrative about cnn in a popular right wing narrative never just anyone who uses the term narrative. by the way, just r forec the record, christopher phillips is the man you sawgo in that clip. he's a freshman atin the university of chicago. he joins us .. mr. phillips, thank you for joining us . what possessed you to confront these purveyors of disinformation? hi, tucker . nformathank you so much for have on . it's an honor, you know, the way i've always to search for truth and ask questions toio siftns through the lies and fing out what's really going on . sooi myself and two of my colleagues at the chicago thinker, the university of publicationemier ebita duffy and daniel schmidt, we three went to
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this conference and we see right when we come in a ton of people, a ton of legacy media employees whose entire careers have been spreading disinformation. those are the people who are telling us about how to avoid disinformation. so you know, i hear briananr a stelter and he talks for 30 minutes about how fox news is this huge purveyor of are the enemy of the people. and then i come up and i say, wait a second, run that back because actually cnn from what i've seen at least is probably 10 times the purveyor of disinformation that you claim fox news c to be. and you know, he didn't really have a great answer for it. well, you some of the examples that you threw at him, you know ,are subjective. i agreed with your with your take on it, but some of them were just objective like cnn did dismiss this laptop b as russians information that kids on camera doing it would have been better if he would have said, yeah, we got that wrong. you know, i'm sorry about that . mewouldn't that have worked? xa gosh,ct i mean, i you know, to tell you the truth, i didn'tno
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exactly expect him tow hand ovr the keys and say, you know what , we're corrupt. go ahead,. chris , and make cnn the truth. [l but you know,au i did i did kind of expect him to say, you know, we retracted those stories and we apologized for saying that and we always, you know,lo keep it clean. we trygywas to keep a clean re. but there was no apology. there was no remorsen whatsoever. it's just you know, i don't know what news network you're talking about. that's not mine when in reality he said these things on cnns, it's all documented. yeah.s a it's hard to have credibility if you if you won't admiter that you make a mistake. every you know, everybody makes mistakes. we certainlyis just admit it.he so what was the reaction from other students of chicago toen o your question? well, you know, there's a lot of social pressure to conform to the leftist narrative to conform to the radical agendase at college campuses. sos just working for the chicago thinker really is, you know, kind of inviting you to be i canceled in a sense. but a lot of people i have to say actually reallyly liked my question. they thought it was they thought it was honest and it is pure journalism.
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and i respect everyone who told me that some people were not satisfied with it. but regardless, i think i think i did ask a good thing in asking brian, you know, what gifts as to cnn's bias. yeah.. and just like i just touch reality once a day, you reassure us that you're notte demented. but he did.d. chris phillips fromac your chicago a credit to your generation. thank you forcrth coming on . thank you so much, tucker . and everyone needs to check out the chicago thinker .com rightst now. we published a loton of stuff on campus craziness where nom one else was doing it like we are. so hitit us on twitter and instagram as well. m hit me at crispi. the truth fermor i looked at this morning. it's good periscopes.. so the chronicle discu thank you . so we've chronicled the destruction of maybe the prettiest city in north america. san francisco was a great place. people really wanted to live there now people are leaving. why? because there's too many pieces and needles on the sidewalks. the cityatin supports open drug use. a group of mothers has justut launched a campaign to speak out about the drug crisis that everyone is ignoring.
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more information and a free case review. you don't pay anything unless they win call now there's no more beautiful city in this country than san francisco. it's always been liberal. now it's falling apart. it's falling in part because san francisco's politicians have destroyed itt and they've destroyed it with drugs. the city of san francisco distributes millions of needles every year to drug addicts. they've opened up a drug treatment facility that is in fact an open air drug w market. one group of mothers in san francisco is hoping to saveasg w that beautiful city. here's a local news report h on their efforts. mothers have a message and they want everyone to read it so it's writ large in billboard form looming over union square . it says famous the world over for our brains, beauty dirt cheap sentinel.y they want what they call the open air drug markets shut down the problem. they say fentanyl is too affordable and too available. one small business owner says t he supports the mothershe and hopes this spark some necessary change. i can't imagine
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how the billboard would be a problem in this case. the fentanyl dealers are a problem. fentanyl is a the billboard was a message. well, exactly. jackie wilson is a co-founder of mothers against drug deaths. shee joins us tonight. , first of i all, jackie, thank you so much for doing this . it feels like if this doesn't work, what will thank you so much for having me, tucker . i can't imagine what would work aside from this , but we're definitely looking at taking this campaign internationally ifnati this doesn't work. we were very, very frustrated when mayor bried declared a state of emergency and three months later she enteredta a state of emergencyte and we dd not see any change in the state of the tenderloin or the open air drug markets. so and then after declaring an end to the state of emergency, she went to europe to promote
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tourism in the city and that's when my group mothers againstid drug deaths decided that we needed to do something because we don't believe that the city is safe right now for tourists to come to families should not be coming c to a city wherema there's open-air drug markets, there's drugrk dealing on the streets and drug use openly on the streets. people are half naked with needles sticking out of their arms pipes and foil tainted with fentanyl in their hands and we just are flabbergasted that on the heels of a state of emergency that mayor bried would go out and promote the city as a destination. so the name of your group i think makes a really important point which this isor not compassionate people are dying more than one hundred thousand last year . mothers against drug deaths. tell us why youou call that . absolutely.
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we call it against deathhe because so many people are dying on the streets about to a day in san francisco fromre fentanyl overdoses. the open-air drug market also increases crime just in theei last eight days,gh the first eight days of april, there have been eight shootings, four which have resulted in deaths. t it's h created more criminalnd activity and turf wars, but it's also causing children in india. i mean, people in san francisco to die basically from the fentanyl overdoses. and i spoke with my sonf on sunday who is a fentanyl addict himself on the streets of san francisco and he told me that he's seeing more and more peoplepeop, unknown facesip coming into the city to buy fentanyl and to take that out into the suburbs with them. and he's been seeing more and
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more high school students, high school age students also coming into the city and purchasing for use. and this is incredibly concerning to us . we're worried about the fentanyl that's going back to the suburbs, being put into other kinds of drugs and sold to the children, the high school students there. and we're also worried about people getting addicted to fentanyl and coming into the city and increasing the homeless issue and you've gotten right up in their faces with thisfa and i hope that youw will stay there until they relent and stop these deaths. jacqui, i appreciate what you're doing. thank you . we intend to thank you very please do. so they told you there was t a plot by righthe wingers to kidnap the governor of michigan, gretchen whitmer. but w it turns out they were lying. so stunning verdict handed out today in that case which has collapsed. amazing story
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joe biden blamed donald trump for an alleged plot to kidnap the governor of michigan then as now gretchen whitmer now at the time wittmer praised the fbi for saving her from the thirteen domestic terrorist white supremacists watch earlier todayat, attorney generl dana nessel was joinedom by officials from the department of justice d o and the fbi to announce state and federal charges against 13 members of two militia m groups who areil preparing to kidnap and possibly kill me. if you break the law or conspire to commit heinous acts of violence against anyone, we will find you. we y honorable and we will brins you to justice. totally mesmerized by the sign language interpreter behind or didn't't hear a word she said. except she made the pointve that everyone agrees with . if you try and hurt someone you should be punished. so okay, but it turns out the story is not at all what they claimed it was from court documents we learned
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that they were more fbi agents and informants involved in this plot than actual kidnapers. we also learned that a lead fbi agent on this case was a political partisan and in fact a violent criminal himself . buzzfeed news for whatever reason to its great credit covered us for the rest of the media, totally ignored it. they kept praising the fbi in fact watch militiamen who were so angry about witness covid restrictions in michigan that they were plotting to kidnap and possibly kill her over it. those men were ultimately arrested by the fbi just hours after the fbi exposed a dangerous terrorist plot to kidnap her 13 men arrested in an alleged domestic terrorism plot to kidnap and possibly execute michigan governor gretchen whitmer for what they called treason and an attempt to spark a second civil war . let them get on tv civil war . w it was all a lie today a jury we stillin have those acquitted
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two men on all charges in theha kidnaping plot and they couldo not reach verdicts against the other two plot leaders. i apologize. probably not. charlie duff's the host of the no best news hour with charlie duff, the last reporter in the state of michigan. he joins us tonight c. what do you make of this ? well, it's over . oh , my god. ?a i mean, look, these guys were yakking off on facebook like we all do. yeah, they went overboard. the fbi gets wind of it and starts leaving these guys down the path. >> i don't know about the rest of it, but i said this thing stunk. yeah. jury reached the same verdict, man. i mean, there's a difference between mouthing off and then the feds walk in . you do f the case and it's realy important. brother and everybody wake up this . google the lead fbi agent was firedas after he beat his wife because she wouldn't throw down atng a swingers party that this what is this ridiculous? well, this is ridiculous.
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and buzzfeed again and nevere compliment buzzfeed, but they did the reporting the majority of the conspirators, they were . esome they really weree the majority conspirators working for the fbi. what like how is how is that allowed? look, man, it goes likee this right? there has to be some overt action when you're conspiring to kidnap. and the overt action was they were all out in front of her vacation home, but the driver was fbi and the guy that had the dynamite was fbi. and look, i'm glad it's not just me and it's not just you. it's a jury of our fellow citizens. right. right. not guilty and of course, o.j. is not guilty either. to stand by moveon. wittmer has about a dozen hero campaign commercials to cancel. that's really what this is all about. the system worked again really quick. she's running campaign spots telling you she survived a plot. not yet, but you? just playedhi before i got on and you didn't think those things were ready
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do evil. this is the lamest race in the country and like, look, everybody stick together. you know what the lead guy on this, he's going to be retried. he was living l in the basement of a vacuum repair shop. that's my cousin. right.ak he doesn't have a boat to take you over lake michigan to go to wisconsin to lock you in a barn to hold you and trial and thenke sentence you to five years in a dog kennel. ceri, we don't know what that means, but i'm with you, man.. denaturalizes that was that was the plan. so great. thank you for reporting the news. charles dommett of michigan. >>st amy wacs is a neurologist, one of the smartest we've ever talked to. she pt th is a tenured professot the university of pennsylvania law school penn law. so tenure means the point of tenure as a professor who could say what they think. but i mean wacs to see what she thinks and now she's moving
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toward being fired because she's a bigot, et cetera. et cetera.ud so we decided to speak to amy waxman. let you judge for yourself was i want brand new episode tucker carlson today. here's part of the conversations i am to be opposed to affirmative action. >> i've become more opposed than i can explain why tell me what the reason i become more opposed to affirmative action is because i think itas has poisoned the entire your academic enterprise. it iste likerp this poison thatu drop into a well and it just says berries everywhere and goes to all the pipes and there's no place where all the casselberry calls the tiniest little yeah. you know and points of where the water goes. that's that's an analogy. and what do i mean by that? i think if you were to look ate the orthodoxy at the accepted
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narrative, at the priorities of academia today, which issi diversity above everything elsey and safe spaces and psychological comfort for minority students and disadvantaged minorities especially ornt underachieve minorities will they never call them that ? that is the most important thing. and anybody who says anything about groups or about race or about different popular issues that would in any way upset someone who is a minority probably in many cases here a because of affirmative action. that person needs to be punished anyway. exit interview streaming now on fox station, an account for free. tucker carlson , dotcom'spsof st
11:51 pm
so we cover poultry disasters as part of our job on the show while chicken is loose a disaster. we have an expert on the subject of poultry right there after the break. so how soon could be listed as the owner of thousands of your hard earned equity? anybody who owns property for about 90%, there's no other crime that it's so easy to kill your equity stolen in one fell swoop, buyable seems like matthew collins. nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that . believe it or not, a single page document is all it takes to transfer proof of ownership out of your name. people think, well, there's a whole huge process. but the truth is it's a one page document but it still must get through one final barrier. the county clerk when someone comes in with fraudulency, if
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giffords powerful stories of big she's doing by friends who share their great and they're good friends. no sunday on fox news channel last story on friday morning puns ahead. i did not write the i'm going to read it. okay, this is a segment that will be your interest. a cooking disaster nearly this week in bangor, maine. a chicken parked outsiderk the local kfc laid an egg. >> here's a local news report on chickens not uncommon in the city, but chicken hanging around the car corral near kfc is obviously something it's coming down to bangor obviously staring in the face of certain death near the local fried chicken franchise. anything can happen in bangor. bangor police weren'tha posted this photograph on his facebook page and ask people to captionre a picture of the chicken standing on one.
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sore a story like this , it turs out we actually have a poultry expert on retainer to this show visit here. salt is a chicken enthusiastke and a regular on this program. it's great to see you tonight . youuyo brought a chicken with wt do you what do you make it? it seems a pretty bold move for a chicken to head outside kfc. yeah, my first thought was i wasn't sure that kfc was serving breakfast when i heard she laid an egg outside. my second thought was does this bird have a death wish? why to you go to kfc? >> t it does. it's like peering into the mouth of a volcano. es i mean, it takespeci a lot of bt even for a chicken now i notice you brought one of your semi domesticated fowl with and you're feeding the bird. what are you feeding your chicken? t i'm just giving her bread tog keep her from acting up now. but i thought i thought trust was a good one to bring becausec
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i got her on the sideau of the road so she can kind of relate to that other chicken and main, where did yout leave there? are there chickensuche? i mean, it's not the agricultural powerhouse it once was. are the chickens by the side of the road parts of america stilld she particularly was on the side of a highway and i was driving by going fifty five miles an hour and iel saw her and you better believe i slammed the brakes and i was like, oh , i'm going to get this bird and i've had her for three years now. >> no, she's your rescue chicken . she is she is my little rescue bird and she's a great addition. how many chickens do you do you have now. twenty two . that's amazing. what what are your neighbors and loved ones and by the way, i , i love and i'm being dead. i love how much you love animals and i think we can all learn from it but what your neighbors and friends say and your loved ones to your twenty two chickens.
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so about nine of them are roosters. so my dad personally getsos a little bit annoyed with the roosters because they're constantly going off my neighbors. i don't really have any so good . there's no complaints there are your are>> your roosters trained only to a doodle doo in thein early morning or do they do it sometimes at other times of day? >> so they do it actually whenever it's light out. so the second the sun comes up to the second the sun goes down, if a car pulls up and it's like midnight and they see the headlights, they'll start going wow. have you ever thought about reducing your stock of roosters and just going more head and heavy? i like to keep the male situation high so no, i like toa keep the roosters around. i likero them. g i was gonna sayoi something but i don't want to be t inappropriate. you can always be inappropriatee . the show just is so great. thank you . thank you for joining us yett again.
12:00 am
tthank you for having me. oh anytime. thank you .f we'reti out of time unfortunately. we'll be back. he wellm the segment eight p.m. monday that shows the sworn enemy of flying capacity smuggling groups. they have a great weekend with the ones you lovef. we'll see you monday. hi, welcome to "hannity". we have a busy news friday night for you. our expectations forfr joe bide are already extremely low, but through 14 months in officege he has somehow he managed tod even do worse than we predicted. everything now is in crisis. it was all preventableev everything our schools, our cities, our borders, our safety security, our economy, war in europe. america's abandoned afghanistan ,by the way. we're keepingng track of state o thirty seven and two hundred and fifty days since joe bidens said he would not abandone
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