tv The Jesus I Know FOX News April 10, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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find out more about the campaign and support us at shellenberger for the movement is building. it's a grassroots movement not a campaign we need everybody to join in and support. steve: we hope to see you between now and thth $. ashley: this is a fox news alert. ukraine's president pleads for more help as russians begin for the next phase of their invasion. it could be more brutal than anything we have seen in this war. satellite images appear to show an 8-mile convoy of tanks make their way to the donbas region. ukrainian officials are urging people to evacuate. but that could be a slow process. the red cross says civilians are
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fearful of traveling by train after the attack on the train station last week. >> they are in fear and despair. they do not dare too take the train anymore. we see them moving more and more taking private cars and moving by roads. ashley: president zelenskyy is calling for international support including sanctions and military aid. he met with boris johnson yesterday. johnson promised ukraine additional help is on the way. also troubling allies is russia's new war commander tasked by vladimir putin to take the next face of battle.
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officials say he has a record of brutality against civilians in syria and they fear more in ukraine. te great to see you tonight. good luck. thank you for watching and we will see you next sunday when "the next revolution" will be televised. ♪ ♪ >> welcome to a new series on fox nation called "the jesus i know," i'm your host kathy lee gifford, you might recognize me from a lot of years on television, movie, broadway, commercials . i did it for my living, for my life, i am a follower of jesus, in this series you meet fascinating people who
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share their faith journey in this difficult thing we call life, they are brave, honest and they are good friends of mine. we're starting today with one of my favorite human being on the planet. i am sure she is one of your favorites as well. she is talented, you know her, you love her, my favorite elf. hello to miss kristin chenoweth. >> hello. >> hello. >> i love. >> we have been friends for a long time. when i was thinking about who to have in the book, i thought of kristin, everyone knows what you have accomplished a lot of people don't know that you have a
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beautiful faith story with your beautiful career story. and i think that kind of fascinates people, about people in show business. don't believe you could be a spiritual person. >> they're so wrong, they is no idea the miracle was not just the career, and what i have dreamed of having in my career, how i came to be and be in within my family. >> this is the story that of a probably. we'll tell it, you were adopted. >> i was. >> tell us about that. i am glad you giving me this opportunity to talk about it. up until recently, past couple years, i have been speaking out more about bee adopted, man mainly, i first want to hurt anyone's feelings, the first miracle, my mom and dad had my
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brother naturally, my mom at age 24 had ovarian cysts that were going to be cancerous. she told her doctors, i wanted to always try to have another baby. god's plan. at the same time there was another young lady, i call her mama lynn. who could not -- was not married and could not take care of my the way she wanted. then comes jennie and jere. and the doctor that delivered me. the night before i was bench, the doctor called my dad, said do you want this baby, dad said yeah, but jennie has to have her
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surgery, she needs to be in the hospital, let's surprise jennie. the next morning, i had been born. before the surgery. they rolled her up and daddy and the doctor took her downstairs to where the babies were, they said, do you see this baby right there, she said yeah, and that is yours if you want her. she will be waiting for you when you get out. mom said, i fell like i had you, we went home from the hospital together. that is -- if that is not a miracle that is how my life again. miracle after miracle since. talk to us about how you were called. >> i was at church camp. tulsa, oklahoma. they did an altar call in my
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church. i had already done that, but, this time i felt a big i call it my gut. to me that is god. for others, it other things. the gut was take the altar call, you will be a missionary. i kept getting mission, i don't like bugs and i'm not a camper. i am a four seasons girl. i went down there. amen. and i the preacher said i'm supposed to be a missionary, he said let's pray about it, god gives people certain gifts, mine was to sing, act and dance. i played parts that not a lot of christians would play, i had an interesting journey.
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and my mother, i was on the cover of a men's magazine in a bikini, my mother said, i can't go to church or 7-eleven again. what i have done to them, but amount of time i have got don't say, this goes back to west wing. i worked with all kinds. agnostic, athiest and jewish people, i said this is why i am here. people said you must be happy all of the time. >> you have had tough times. you said the same thing, how can you be a christian and be in show business. first, i have been a christian since i was 12, i was called into that ministry, with the gifts that he gave me, i knew it.
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i got a whole bunch of backlash from it, so did you, nothing would -- try to stop us, we're little but we're lethal. >> let's have that on a shirt. i'm little but i'm lethal, i remember saying, how could i not be a christian in this business, there is no, rejection. >> every day. >> a brutal business. we had a secret weapon with the lord with us, i went way further than i thought, i was just hoping to be in a choir somewhere singing in the background, i never dreamed that lord would take me, this far. >> the same. we were willing, that is the whole point. >> are right. we get an opportunity that to talk to people that
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>> pattie mallette is best known as justin bieber's mother, she lived an extraordinary life on her own. how are you, girl. >> good. i find your story so fascinating. give us a little bit of your background before justin bieber came into the world. >> when i was a child, i went through some things. and by the time i was a teenager, i hadn't dealt with those childhood wounds. i got in you know with wild teenagers. really trying to self -- medicate, i think with alcohol, i ended up at a breaking point. i ended up in the hospital. for trying to commit suicide. >> age of 17.
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>> 17 yeah. i ended up in a hospital room. by myself. i did the old, okay god, if you're real. but i called out, i really i was in a desperate place and i meant it, i prayed, god, if you are real. would you show yourself to me. would you -- if you are real would you come and show me if i have a purpose and a plan. i had this whole encounter with him. >> you were i think encouraged to issue by some people to abort the baby because you were so young. >> when i encountered the holy god, that put that life inside me, when i got pregnant. something inside of me, i knew it was not okay with him. i made a decision that i
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would keep him at any cost. cos. >> and not give him up for adoption. >> for me, i didn't think i would be able to go through with letting someone else raise my child, i felt i needed to man up, when i was pregnant and i went to god, i said, please let him have 10 fingers and 10 toes. god in his mercy said i will give you a kid with so many capabilities. it give him such favor and anointing to take him where he was so quickly to where he is today, it is only god. his open drum set when he was 4, keeping the beat. >> yes. we know the rest
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of story a little bit, he became a mega-super star, he encountered that world of show business andy is excess. so many people fall into. what were you going to as a mother and a believer, you watch your child, you were a child when you gave birth to a child, now from the perspective of, he is doing this stuff. you raised him to know jesus and love jesus. >> yes. justin was around 6 years old when he said, mom, i want jesus in my heart, we prayed, i said, we can't do it for mommy, if you' jesus it has to be for you, he said okay, i know. he prayed, since then he was having encounters and dreams
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and visions. he knew god from a young age. it is strong, when you -- specially in the high places if you will, in entertainment world, where there are places of influence. it is like, i heard the saying higher level, higher devil, there is a strongery -- seducing. >> he was young too. >> i don't know if you saw that long lonely, you can be around a whole lot of people and adored by many yet you feel so lonely, he was trying to find his place. god in a sense and i think he fell into some self medication, and something trying to figure it out. it was hard for me as a mom to watch because, you have
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to let your kids make mistakes. and i can't control his every move. when she has -- he had that fame and that favor. he was still a minor when he was you know as a teenager go through, that i was a single mom traveling. i could try to take his phone away or something if we would misbehave. it is like how do i -- what -- i can't ground him. you can't do your concert tonight? how hard is to to discipline a teenager. surrounded by a group of people that work for him andn 'ted him out there and working. wanted him to succeed so they would succeed. they were not like-minded in christian faith. >> he had good people around but he also had people that you know, that just, they were not the best influence.
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he has done so well to rip that spirit of addiction off and to fight through it he has done amazing i'm proud. grateful to god. the bible said the way that should old, when they are older they will not depart, the hardest thing to keep trusting. even when evidence says no. satan is the father of lies, he wants to say your kid will go down the statement road and end up in the heap. your kid will die of addiction all of the lies. >> fear. . satan feeds to fear. you have been great mother, he is married to beautiful hailey, they are a darling
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couple. seems they are walking with god. and they found their ownd identity as a couple. and he seems as peace now. >> i am proud of them, they have been going to church and seeking other like-mind believers, and trying to grow their faith. most importantly just, having a real relationship, saying really praying and. god says seek and you will find. i love to see him seeking after the truth. >> he is bold about his faith. >> live that. she share its beautifully with the world. >> i love that. people love that about him, thank you for sharing with us today. bless you. >> thank you so much. y. >> i'm the your host kathy
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lee gifford, you will meet fascinating people who share their faith journey, joining me next joel olsteen. mothers of bible had great bravery but they suffered losses. i looked on ancestry and just started digging and found some really cool stuff... it was just a lot of fun. just to talk to my parents about it and to send it to my grandparents and be like,
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hey this person we're all related to look at this crazy stuff they did in arizona 100 years ago. it actually gives you a picture of their life, so you get to feel like you're walking the same path they did. ♪ ♪ (music) to fishermen and other liars. the time you spent on the docks, the banks, the boats. the lines you cast and hooks you set. these moments you share with the people you love. the fish you never forget, and the tales that get taller with every retelling. make memories that'll last a lifetime with bass pro shops and cabela's. your adventure starts here.
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you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ashley: this is a fox news alert, i'm ashley strohmier in new york. heart wrenching images from ukraine capturing the extent of thel of vladimir putin's rein of terror. some parents were killed by russian troops. others died after they were left without food, water or medical care. military veterans are stepping
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in to make sure children get to where they need safely as human trafficking remains a great risk. a general who is said to be to e russia's most experienced general is said to have a history of brutality. i'm ashley strohmier. two of my dearest friends, chuck harmony and claude kelly, they are known as louis york. they have produced from the greatest pop artists in the world, to me they are my bestest buddies, you came into my life about 3 1/2 years ago. >> about 3. you just moved to tennessee, i moved to tennessee. we became neighbors, you should have never ended up in franklin, tennessee.
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>> no. tell us how you got here. >> i feel that life takes you in the direction that not your choice but god's choice. we were sitting in new york city. where i'm from, sharing a studio. that magical building. working at you mentioned, biggest artists were coming back to work with us. we had a candid conversation about being unhappy with the way the world felt to us. >> after many years of success. >> nothing to complaint about, worked with the best, hit records, got shot with accolades from entertainment business. that was still not enough, how do you dare to complain when you have been given so much. the world reports -- wants
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a sliver of what you have, i heard him say he was unhappy and thinking about quitting working and locking for more in a spiritual sense for his soul that spoke to me, that is what i was filing. you thought you were alone. >> you thought. >> what was missing for you? >> community. i felt alone on the island. i grew up in the space where secular music was shunned. my mom was an avid christian. i got into the business it was secular in nature, i felt that i was doing wrong, i couldn't find like-minded individuals that felt you could have success but there more to life, other than grammies and celebrities. when we had that
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conversation, we found community. how did everyone react. >> they thought we were crazy, they want the big lights, red carpet thing. it realize you have to find your faith and your purpose in something bigger than when you thought is important. that does not make it not a great place to make money and art we love los angeles and all those things. >> you are still doing it. but now you share your walk with jesus with those people. >> we invite tell to come to nashville to work with us, they see the community we're a part of. i know you follow the news, you follow what is going in the world, do you feel that everything is so dark west that we've lost the battle, where do you find hope. >> i realize there is not
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many things that matter in life. the things that matter are things that you should hold on to. one thing that i found that i hold on to is my faith, and my family. and beside, that you know, even the music, i am the kind of person that over does things that live. for music it is not life it is a expression. it is not actual life. >> faith and family is actual my life. >> i 100% agree. i think also, we live in a world that is feels natural to be divisive. and living here, in the community key have, which you are a big part. has been really a blessing during this time. during the covid, and political season. to be reminded that, the world is actually more good than bad. a personal dream you still have. >> i want people continued
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to that life for me is more than music, it is about my spiritualty, by instagram that i want my life to be a love song to my community. you have to top that. >> in 't. kngtd. can't. >> personal dream of mine. crazy as it sounds is to master living in the moment. >> darn important one. >> things are happening, getting better about as it is happening, is a blessing it is beautiful, in is a learning experience, being grateful in the now, once i master that i'll be more happy. >> i am so honored to know you guy the. i wish the whole world got to know you as human being and beautiful souls you are, love you dearly. >> thank you love you too. >> like wise.
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there are certain people on television that you feel you know. they come into your home, then you think, i know her, she is high friend, that is janice dean, i never saw a different side of janice dean, until she went through a tragedy in her own life. janice, one of people that i interviewed for the new book. "the jesus i know," i knew she knew god in a certain way, we talk about int in this book, everyone's journey is different. before we get to your david and goliath story tell me about the home you grew up in. >> a traditional home, i grew up in ottawa,
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canada. cold. catholic up bringing. >> yes, i would be in christmas plays. my dad went through bankruptcies when i was 10 or 11 early teen years. they were hard. >> we were doing well then not well. it must have broken your heart. you remember times your mother was very sad. >> they did get divorced later on,. i always wished that they had maybe separated earlier in their life. maybe they could have found happiness, but i think they thought being together was helping the whole family unit. you had no idea what was ahead of you what you left ottawa, you set out for big time in america. in the book, you knew that god loved you, he would take care of you. >> i didn't realize that until later in my life. i thought i just thought,
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i'm going to do this, i'm moving to new york, i don't have much money, but i believe in myself and i believe that something is going to happen for me. by doing this. when i look back. i had to have a faith. i had to a faith in a path that would protect me somehow, i believe now that feeling of wanting to do something big with my life, is because god was saying i'm going to take care of you. >> he placed this dream in you, if is there. >> when i look back now. i believe we all had a path. that path starts with faith. >> also what gets us through when times are hard. you met your husband, fell in love, he loved his family. then covid hit.
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what happened with your husband's family. >> they got old are they had hield issues, and -- older, they had health issues, nikki needed help to get better first. >> your husband's father. >> we put him in a nursing home rehab center. covid happened. we had no idea of what was going to happen. we were in quarantine, not able to see them. everyone was in lockdown. we were trying to get updates on mickey's condition. that was difficult. and kathy, on a sunday morning we got a call saying his dad was not feeling well, then three hours later we was dead. and we didn't know it was covid until we saw the death certificate. >> devastating, you never got to say good-bye.
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>> and they had never been a part for almost 60 years. sean had to call his mom and tell her, that her husband died. it was hardest thing he had to do. and then, she got sick two weeks later. and i remember the last conversation his with her, she said, it was around easter, he said you can get -- she said can you get easter kid gifts for the kids and put my name on it. she died in the hospital with covid. we were not able to see her either. did you know something wasn't right. >> i knew, i found out after they died that there was a march 25 order, put into effect by governor of new york stating that nursing homes, and assisted living residences had to take covid
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positive patients into their residents, we knew early on in the pandemic, that that would be fire through dry grass. , of course,. >> i also started finds out those who died in the hospital, like mother-in-law were not counted as covid related deaths. in long-term care facilities, my spidey senses were up. >> seems that what you long for is justice for all people who didn't get it. died broken hearted. discouraged, i think you said one of your favorite scriptures, got is close to the broken hearted and crushed in spirit. >> that got me through a lot. your faith didn't waive er during that time.
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>> no, i think it got stronger, the moments would come, i could feel it. i would get a sign or a signal. i think it is his parents saying, one more day. try one more day, here we are, i think it will happen. i have to believe that. >> you remind me of the story bible of ruth and her mother-in-law. naomi, she didn't want her daughter-in-law to make the journey, and ruth said no, where you die i will die, your people will be my people, she offered up a living sacrifice of her own life to accompany naomiy on the promised land. >> you know, what i was going through this, i did have people say down you
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want to be the bright and sunny woman on television, why is there to be someone who is not that any more? why can't you be both. >> that is what i said. i said, i am that person on television, i am that person that loves my job and loves taking selfies with the crowd. >> you adore it. >> i am also someone that wants to stand up. and when i see something wrong, to be able to have the power within myself to say, i have to use this platform for another reason. >> janice, i love. >> you i love you. i am proud of you as a friend. >> thank you for telling us your story there thank you.
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large out-of-state corporations have set their sights on california. they've written a ballot proposal to allow online sports betting. they tell us it will fund programs for the homeless, but read the fine print. 90% of the profits go to out-of-state corporations, leaving almost nothing for the homeless. no real jobs are created here. but the promise between our state and our sovereign tribes would be broken forever. these out-of-state corporations don't care about california. but we do. stand with us. ike i'm excited about sharing story of my next guest, i heard story about jimmy wayne, the manufacture heartbreaking childhood story i heard, set the scene your mother was problematic, mentally ill but she loved jesus. >> she had a wonderful
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voice. that is where i was inspired to sing, she sang in church. she knew the bible stories. and she would make us read to her. and conflicting because being a kid, i couldn't pronounce the big words. she was offended by that. and got angry, and she would become violent, she would get off that soapbox, and just hit the liquor hard. then house would turn into almost a refugee camp for drug addicts, and prostitutes. anything and anyone would show up and stay at the house, that is the way it was in my early childhood. then, i was 8, my sister was 9 we report to your first
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foster home. that began your experience with foster. >> it was first one was wonderful, millers great people, then we went to group homes, and receiving homes, then mom would go to jail, and mom would go to prison, then, we would get out, and mom would leave us at people's houses for weeks at a time, we didn't know. you had your little suitcases that part of your story breaks my heart, you hardly unpacked them. >> you were not staying, you knew it was a waste of time. >> in first foster home a stole something to that this day, i talk to that family, i visited them for first time in a long time, i asked them do you remember what i stole? they like -- yes, we remember. but we didn't say anything, we were glad you took it it was a bible. they had left in the
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bedroom. and i don't know why, i just took it. >> maybe you knew you needed it. >> yeah. >> tell us what happened when you were 13. >> my mom got out of prison, she married a guy, first he was a wonderful step dad then one night, something happened, he shot my brother's wife in the back, and the neck. and he -- went on the lam. >> told my mom let's go, she said let's go. now i'm with her, with my mom and her husband. my step dad, on a long run from the law, living in rest areas and gas station parking lots, through oklahoma, then texas, and to pensacola. that was when my step dad, pulled into a park lot, in middle of night, just made he get out of the car, i didn't see my mom in passenger side, i asked him,
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where is mom, he said, he yells, get out. and i got out of the car, i saw my mom in the trunk of the car, she was crying, said what was wrong, i just, she grabbed me, and she kissed my on the side of the face. and got back in the car. drove away. >> left you there. >> yeah. >> in middle of the night. >> that is really where the began to life on the streets. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> you were homeless, and one day, you met someone, who changed your life. tell us. >> i was working for work, that is the lifeline, on the road on a bike, and that familiar voice i heard my hood,
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childhood, go to that wood shop, ask that man, a white hair lady said come back at 5:00 cut our grass, i did, he brought me a coca-cola, and a $20 bill through the fence. she said come back next week, i was l.a. lawn boy to the end of the summer. by this time, i'm i don't have a job lined up or a home lined up. winter time is coming. she met me at fence with the coca-cola and the doughnut and $20, she said, my husband and i have been talking and wondering if you want to -- wanted to move into our
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home, i knew it would not work out because this never di showed up that afternoon, she said come in. opened her home to me. i stayeded with that family 6 year, however 3 months after i moved in her husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer and passed away, it was me and bee for 6 years. you got good at what you were doing, with a guitar and writing songs, she came to every show. >> he would sit in front row scripture. as a young boy that is kind of hard. >> one day, till us about the time when you knew it would be last time you see her. >> we were heading home from the event.
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that familiar voice that i was hearing. god's voice, speaking to me, said tell her you love her, i am driving, it is uncomfortable, i looked at her, she is reading everything, i said, bee, i love you. it changed. like i just started this my heart opened. i started thanking for her everything that she had done for me, everything that i could think of. we pulled to her driveway, a got out and ran around the car, and i locked my arm with hers, helped her out. >> she told you back, live you -- >> he said, i love you too, jimmy, next morning i got a phone call from her daughter. and she said, jimmy, we lost
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>> thank for watching ashley: this is a fox news alert, i'm ashley strohmier live in new york. the u.s. and its western allies keep an eye on russia as it marches towards ukraine. there is increased shelling in the donbas region. satellite images show an 8-mile long convoy of russian vehicles heading toward that area. they fear eastern ukraine could become the new epicenter of
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