tv Hannity FOX News April 12, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
so the avian community weighed in and just defecated on joe biden. they say it was corn. we are not experts in this field. we will let you judge. we will be back. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying pomposity's smugness and groupthink. >> sean: welcome to hannity and we begin with the fox news alert, a manhunt is underway for the gunman who opened fire on the new york city subway this morning shooting ten people injuring many others and breaking tonight person of trust has finally been identified. apparently they had broken cameras in the subway system here will bring you a live update. a person of interest. more bad news for you. i would rather report good news but we don't have any. inflation is completely and totally out of control. the consumer price index rose a
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pain. according to joe biden, none of these policies cause inflation. instead everything is vladimir putin's fault. if it's not vladimir, blame donald trump. if it's not donald trump, i'll make something up. take a look. >> putin's invasion of ukraine has driven up gas prices and food prices all over the world. the largest grain producers in the world. ukraine and russia, they are not doing what they usually do. everything is going on. we saw today's inflation numbers. 70% of the increase in prices in march came from putin's price hike in gasoline. your family budget, your ability to fill up your tank. none of it should hinge on whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide a half a world away. >> sean: joe biden it is simply lying. take a look at that graph on your screen. the dotted line is the day joe biden took office. that's january 20th, 2021.
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vladimir putin invaded ukraine at the end of february of this year. numbers don't lie but joe biden is lying. here's another chart. take another look at your screen. gas prices rising starting on day one of the biden administration following his story of executive orders restricting the production of north american oil and gas. to break it down even more, take a look at these numbers. on the left, we see the price of gas under donald trump since last month in office was $2.42 a gallon on average. a little more than a year hunter biden, the price has shot up over a dollar. nearly a dollar 50 a gallon in sump places. after the invasion the numbers continue to rise but the bulk of the increase as you can see occurred well before vladimir putin and russia invaded ukraine. joe biden's policies caused all of this. this is now the big lie. we are going to blame putin for
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inflation, blame putin for the high price of gasoline but it was joe biden's policy of reducing oil and gas production. by the way, just to remind you, this is something he promised to do over and over again on the few times he showed up on the campaign trail. take a look. >> [indistinct] >> kiddo, take a look. you don't have to agree but i want the look in my eyes. i guarantee you. i guarantee you we are going to end fossil fuel. >> would there be any place for fossil fuel, including: fracking in the biden administration? >> no. we would work it out. we would make sure it's eliminated. >> sean: we will end it. guarantee you. look at my eye. we are going to end fossil fuels. so when joe follows through on his promise, he artificially
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reduced the world's supply. this is not the predictable result. supply-demand chris koss dictates the price. artificially reduce the world supply, the result is protectable. record high gas prices that all of us are paying. higher prices to heat and call your home and higher prices for everything you buy in every story go to and it's also protectable the 40 year high in inflation. now on twitter one particularly dishonest white house advisor is actually suggesting that anyone, like me, who was blaming biden for his policies for inflation is walking lockstep with vladimir putin. excuse me. i am the guy who said no, he has forfeited his right to rule a country and his right to live. i haven't heard that from joe biden when he got close to the line, he was walking in back within seconds. his staff was anyway. it's an insane statement. given the indisputable fact inflation as we showed you was
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already a serious issue. more than a year ago. starting in april of 2021 the biden administration, they were already addressing inflation concerns in public. of course they told you not to worry. they said inflation was bad but it's only transitory. it's not going to last. it's transitory. not so transitory. you might remember. >> some folks have raised worries that this could be a sign of persistent inflation. but that's not our view. >> over time as the economy is turning back on we see some of these transitory effects. that's what's been predicted. >> not seeing it as a one-month phenomenon. but i think we'll see inflation declined back to a normal level. >> the economist the president has been relying on suggests it's a transitory nature. the inflation come about when time increases in prices are likely to have only transitory effects on inflation.
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>> economists call these things transitory effects. >> the expectation that inflation rises will be transitory. they will come back down next year. one of the best things we can do is pass this agenda. >> sean: lying, spewing talking points. they media mob friends echo the lie and they are lying again today. the media mob is more than happy to give them cover. one example, vermont's cnbc analysts, this guy jim cramer over at cnbc, dutifully telling his viewers inflation has officially peaked only to be proven wrong over -- again and again and again. he keeps getting it wrong and as per usual jim cramer kind of looks like an idiot and inflation continues to rise and i do have a question. i watch this show "mad money." why anybody would ever take the financial advice from that guy is beyond any understanding that
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i actually have. meanwhile fake news cnn msdnc totally ignored biden's big speech on the economy. i wonder why. they didn't run a single minute of his remarks. they pretended like it wasn't happening. because they know like everyone else that joe biden is a massive liability. they frankly just cover for him. and probably secretly embarrassed. they know what we see, he's a cognitive mess. they just want tell you the truth. they'll do whatever it takes to shield him from public view of this is the media mob's presidential production program. right on cue, a very confused looking joe biden yes even covered in bird poop. you can't make it up. whispered, slurred, screamed his way through what was a highly bizarre that even for him unusual speech. as usual, we let you decide. >> made that commitment. i don't think anybody heard it.
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but we are back. we are back. my name is joe biden. i work for the congressman. there she is. we can do these things without raising a penny of tax on anybody in this hall. hall. yeah. in this giant barn. burning tundra literally it's burning. permafrost is burning. he's got a problem. we are not going to let him cause that problem to spread to the rest of the world. >> sean: this is not good. joe biden clearly is a cognitive wreck and we have serious problems especially for the poor and middle-class in the country. they are suffering disproportionately. inflation at a 40 year high. gas prices at record highs and they are spiking. interest rates. buckle up because they are not going up a little bit. they are going to skyrocket very
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quickly. it will be dramatic. and now according to "the wall street journal," the risk of a recession is rising, even the bank of america yesterday warning that a recession shock is looming. lawrence summers, no fan of this program, obama's economic guru, he's been predicting this recession for quite some time. that means pain for the american people and american workers. the biden administration, they have zero answers, zero solutions, only excuses, only blame to push around. because they know that their socialist green new deal religious climate called alarmism because the crisis. but because they worship at the altar of climate change, there are no options in their mind. they lecture us to get used to it. until we get clean renewable energy. we don't have a clean renewable energy right now that will take the place of oil and gas and coal. we don't have it. they tell us to buy $60,000
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electric cars. that's nice if everybody could afford one. they refused even consider returning to the energy independence policy the inherited. we were a net export of energy under donald trump. would rather import oil from what, russia? iran, venezuela? opec countries that hate us whether then allowing america for national security reasons, for job creation reasons, for lower energy cost reasons, to help our allies in western europe. that's a good reason to be could be the masters of our own destiny. it is the lifeblood of the world's economy. oil, gas, fuel. that's it. coal. this is the greatest country on earth. we can fix it but in order to right the ship, you need to devote all these people out because they are not going to change. here with reaction, fox business computer phil flynn is with us along with former white house chief of staff mark meadows. mark, i never thought it get this bad this fast.
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it's even worse than i would've predicted and i did predicted in "live free or die." it's bad. >> you did predicted. you and i talked about it when they canceled the keystone pipeline. the approved nord stream 2. essentially made a war on american energy. there's two narratives that are out there, sean. one is the democrats would like you to believe that donald trump won the election in 2016 because of the russians. they also would like you to believe that the gas pump and the prices that you're paying their are because of the same russian vladimir putin. both of those things are false. both of those have their genesis which is liberal policies that are really waging war on the american employee quite frankly, what we are seeing our employees across the country essentially got a pay reduction last month. if you look at wages and how they increase versus the cost of
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goods. >> sean: phil, let's get your take overall on the economic news today, how it impacts americans. if you look after last month's dramatic increase, inflationwise, cpi. bloomberg did an evaluation. the average american household is paying $5,200 annual biden insulation tax. that's real money for people. >> it really is. the poor and middle-class, the people that the biden administration report to help the most are the ones that are getting hurt the worst. this is incredible. a lot of it begins with energy, that policy and it is spread out. everything. every move they make to try to fix it actually makes it worse. just recently the release from the strategic petroleum reserves. we got gasoline prices down for a few days. but we really haven't addressed the underlying problem. the real problem with what if we really do lose all of russia's oil in the next couple years?
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we have run down inventories which is going to be the lowest level since the 1980s and if there's a real disruption, it's going to be gone. people at home, their heating bills are being doubled. their rents are going through the roof. and really their only answer is to double down and do the same things because he inflation in the first place. more spending, more regulation and this is what's going to kill americans poor and middle-class. >> sean: what are you give us the odds of inflation being in reality the next year or two? >> it's a reality now. it's going to continue for the rest of the year. this is on fire right now. the fed knows there behind the curve. they're going to have to aggressively raise rates. they know deep down inside increases the risk of a recession. you can see the housing market start to fall apart. then you're going to start having layoffs we have seen this. back in 2008.
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they really have to thread the needle. at the end of the day unless the biden administration changes their energy policies, then you're just going to see these prices continue to go higher. we got a little bit of a break here the last couple days. it isn't going to last. i think we are going to see another spike in the next couple weeks. >> sean: mark, i want to get your take on the home prices issue. we saw it in 2007. they are going to raise interest rates dramatically. according to goldman sachs they are predicting as many as 11 rate hikes into years. if that happens, it will destroy the housing market in the country. it will eliminate people's ability, young people to get into the market. it'll hurt older people and their ability to stay in their homes. this is beyond serious. >> looks beyond serious, sean. as you and i have talked before from a business standpoint, those rising interest rates are a direct result of biden's over stimulating the economy with too much government spending. what do they want?
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they want more government spending. all that will do is exacerbate the problem. here's the interesting thing. there is a bit of good news. we don't have to live with us. there is an election coming up in november and i can tell you there are number of people on the ballot that are not in love with the green new deal. they believe that the best people to make decisions are on main street, not on pennsylvania avenue in terms of their success. ultimately what we need to do is make sure that we put the power back into the hands of men and women, the forgotten men and women on main street and let them do what they do best because i can tell you joe biden's economy is one that will not last. he needs to take a few lessons from his predecessor because donald trump knew how to fix not only gasoline prices but make the economy home. >> sean: you know what, that won't happen with them but there is an election in november and then one two years later. they will manner.
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mark meadows, phil flynn, thank you for being with us. running is now the host of unfiltered, don mangino. the cohost of the hit show the five. geraldo can you imagine an unfiltered dan bongino? if we were waterboard in him, he would not be able to filter himself. serious question, geraldo, we had you on this program with dan and i played tape after tape of joe biden, cognitive mess. now you're looking at his policies. geraldo, stay with me. don't jump in yet. >> there is nothing transitory about our friendship. >> sean: he said he would get us all fossil fuels. okay now you see the result, geraldo. 40 are high in inflation, recession on the horizon. you see gas prices at record prices. i know you take your shots at donald trump but the guy that sent out those mean tweets had
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this economy humming for four straight years. the world, including vladimir putin, feared him. he got more accomplished in four years than i think joe has gotten done in 40 years. don't you wish he was back? i know you do deep down inside. >> for the record, for the record, i supported donald trump until the 13th of november, ten days after the election when i thought he went off the rails. i supported him up until then. i still consider him a friend. i'm sorry the way things worked out between us. just as i'm sorry the way things worked out between him and -- >> sean: who is a better president, joe or donald trump? >> i think the jury is out on that. let me agree, let me agree, let me agree with you. it's all about inflation. it's just like james carville in 1992, it's the economy, stupid. it's inflation, stupid. ironically joe biden, he is
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cognitively impaired president, has done a pretty good job in gas prices. here in ohio for example. >> sean: stop right there. geraldo, i played the tape. i guarantee you i will end all fossil fuels. so he gets into office and from day one he put in place those plans to keep that promise. you're going to tell the average american paying a record high price it's fine? seriously? >> i agree it's horrible and if the democrats don't control inflation, they are history. but a gallon of gas, my point is a gallon of gas here in ohio is $3.84. it was higher than that in other places. >> sean: it is $6 in l.a. >> for example i think the democrats should go on the offensive. i think the democrats should say ethanol increased to 15% is a good idea. releasing the strategic
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petroleum reserve, 180 million. >> sean: meaningless. it is nothing. >> i disagree with that. but what i would do, if i were a democrat, i would say i want a panel in congress to go after oil company record profits. >> sean: stop. stop. i can't take it. >> sold seemly when others are suffering. >> sean: let me get dan. this is driving me insane. this is an answer. the answer is go back to the energy independence policies on donald trump and we'll see gas prices drop significantly and immediately. it's not going to be a band-aid, dan. it will work. also i would out produce more gas than ever before and supply western europe while we are at it. it would help in crop vladimir putin. >> yeah. there's a lot there but i want to address geraldo. only one thing geraldo got right
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in the entire absurdity. he is correct. inflation is a really bad thing but there's a reason. someone used to say concentrated interest can diffuse cost. that's the way a lot of crap legislation gets passed. it benefits an interest group with the costs are diffuse. your taxes go up 1/1000 of a penny to pay for that little thing. inflation affects everyone. rich, poor, middle class and it affects the poor and middle-class worse because it's a bigger staple of what their annual income than they are for rich people. he's correct about nothing else he just said. he has zero economic evidence whatsoever. i challenge him on his social media account, not his opinion. i'm not interested in his opinion. i like geraldo. that's cool. i want them to produce a shred -- to you. a shred of evidence that you can prove that oil and gas companies have engaged in gouging.
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you notice he leaves out the fact. listen, i have no dog in this fight. time out. time out. >> are you afraid to probe it? >> geraldo, can i finish my point? you left out conveniently that during the coronavirus shutdown, some of these same companies had to pay people to take oil. they were losing so much money. it's convenient how you leave that all-out painting now your standard of guilt is now they are so let's investigate. guilty until proven innocent. one more thing. >> is 65 guilty? dan, is putin guilty? 71% of the american people fuels the putin is guilty of driving up prices. >> sean: joe biden. energy independence. the premier of alberta said if we finish the pipeline it would be done. every day would be getting 900,000 barrels of canadian oil right in this country.
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joe biden stop that, geraldo. your buddy, your pal, the guy you think is so alert. >> his argument is a lefty argument. i'm not suggesting you're a lefty but the lefty say this all the time. is putin guilty? yes they are a big producer of oil but oil is a global market and i've got a news flash for you, geraldo. the united states is on the globe. we are a big part of it. we could produce in the global market. >> sean: let's give geraldo 30 seconds. >> we also have to reduce tariffs on imported goods. we have to increase the labor supply, vastly increasing legal immigration. there are things we can do to drive down these prices. we've got to be proactive. the democrats are toast if they don't do it. >> sean: they are toast. they won't do it. i will bet you your salary for the year. >> he's right about that. >> sean: on a good no, a point of agreement. an investigative report when we
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come back. sara carter. the border is getting that once again and later, shocking new information on the person of interest in the new york subway attack. we have video of this horrific attack that we will show you tonight. you're not going to believe this. by the way, i've been telling you the world is mocking joe biden and kamala harris. wait until you see what saudi arabia mtv is doing. straight ahead. time of the yea♪ get fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, including nasal congestion, with powerful claritin d, so you can breathe better. feel the clarity and make today the most wonderful time of the year. claritin d. [bushes rustling] [door opening] ♪dramatic music♪ yes!
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♪ ♪ >> sean: our texas governor abbott, he's taking another stand for border security after pledging to send all illegal immigrants to washington, d.c., so joe can take care of them. he's now requiring that trailer trucks be inspected before they enter texas from mexico. in response, the truckers are
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lashing out apparently upset that the state of texas wants proper security measures in place before crossing into our country. that's exactly what the texas governor should be doing to ensure the safety and security of our southern border. frankly so should our president. he's not. joining us now, our very own investigative reporter sara carter. she has an exclusive report in texas revealing how biden's border crisis is going from bad to worse. >> this is a result of the failed border policies and the fact of the federal government has not taken any type of action or has a strategy in place to help stop what's happening. not only with the mass migration but the smuggling cases. that's why texas has to step up to help do something about the situation we are in and that's why governor greg abbott launch the operation and we enhance the operation. this is an example. having these enhanced safety inspections on commercial vehicles coming through the ports of entry.
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this is an example right here at this bridge. the bridge completely shut down because governor abbott has stepped in to take action and that's why these truckers are not pleased with that result. they do not want to wait in line for more enhance inspections that's not only going to benefit texans but the entire country making sure these vehicles are safe in the drivers are safe. >> sean: sara carter joins us now from the state of texas. sara, let's get an update. also an update on the governor's plan is that illegal immigrants to washington, d.c. how is that working? >> it looks like it's working. there's been a lot of rumors here in texas. we don't know where those buses are but we know they are here and they are planning on taking people to washington, d.c. there's been no change in that. as you can see behind me, i'm here at the international bridge. this bridge is so important. just let you know how significant these closures are, this is the number one bridge
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for importing produce into the united states. so basically the entire chain is broken right now. it's 1 of 29 bridges here in the state of texas. seven of those bridges are now being inspected by texas dps. there was a statement saying we conduct inspections. that should be sufficient. let me put it this way. texas dps has been conducting these inspections since april 6. already they've discovered nearly 12,000 violations with truck drivers coming to the united states, either trucks that aren't ready to be on the road, trucks and need to be pulled off the road, drivers and need to be pulled off the road, narcotics or human smuggling. this is what governor greg abbott is saying. the federal government is not doing their job. they are not protecting americans from what's coming across as border so if the federal government isn't going to do it, then we are going to do it. there is no plan on stopping
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these inspections but i can tell you straight across the bridge, there's about 500 trucks blocking the entry and exit from mexico into the u.s. we are surely going to be feeling it at home. not just here in texas but across the whole united states. >> sean: great reporting. sara carter at the border. thank you. unfortunately the biden agenda is failing so much so fast, the biden white house is being mocked all across the globe as i told you it would happen. even saudi arabia taking aim at the never ending biden-harris blunders. in a recent comedy sketch on saudi tv. this is pretty embarrassing, pretty humiliating for our country. we are much better than this. take a look. >> today we're going to talk about the crisis in spain. we're going to talk about the crisis in africa. yeah, russia, russia. i want to talk about the president of russia. putin. putin, putin.
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listen to me. i have very important to you. the messages... [snoring] and the president of china. thank you to correct me, first lady. thank you very much. god bless you. [snoring] >> right now! >> sean: ! >> sean: hunter biden-harris, american adversaries are emboldened. our allies are losing faith in the imploding biden presidency and sadly it's only getting worse by the des peres here for reaction, fox news contributor, "new york post" columnist author of the best seller "laptop from hell," miranda devine. early in the campaign i was kind of standing out hanging on the little branch, twig with a leaf left over from fall and saying to the world what was clearly
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obvious to nobody else wanted to say. that joe biden looked weak, frail, and was a cognitive mass. the media mob, like they ignored the hunter laptop story that your noor newspaper printed twos before the election in 2020. they ignored it and they protected joe and ellie seems to be in a precipitous decline and it's getting worse. what i said, miranda, it's not only the american people that see it. that's one thing. putin sees it. president xi sees it. kim jong un sees it. the mullahs in iran ca. american adversaries he had. that's where the danger lies. not so much that we are being mocked. everybody sees it but no one wants to say it. why? >> that's so true, sean. americans are kind people and they don't like to mock or make fun or point out joe biden's
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age. he is an old 79 cognitively. he fades in and out. you are right. our adversaries and friends overseas her mocking him, talking about it, running the clips. it seems so absurd that this is the leader of the free world and he is so weak, so frail, and you know, that saudi clip, that's on saudi state tv. they have kamala harris there is a man dressed in dragon who is propping up the president. at the very end she is standing behind him and kind of making his arms move like a puppet. that's pretty frightening. that's the view people have of the president and the vice president. >> sean: miranda, let me ask you a question. is not the view of everybody? in terms of the world watching america, are they all seen that? are they saying what people in america are maybe saying more
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quietly. they may not amongst people that they don't know very well. the problem is you could talk about, it's not nice to talk about it. what about the people that are putting him in that position? nobody talks about those people. >> well, number one i would say jill biden, dr. jill, his wife, she knows better than anybody what his cognitive health is like. it was pretty clear during the election campaign the very beginning of the election campaign that he wasn't all there. his own son, hunter biden, used to joke with his psychiatrist about his dad being in and out. so his family allowed him to be in this position. it's quite pitiful. he is obviously exhausted most of the time and it's getting worse. >> sean: it's getting worse. that's extremely dangerous, not just for america but for the world. great book. "laptop from hell."
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becoming more relevant every day. miranda devine, thank you. a manhunt underway in new york city for the suspect today's mass shooting on a subway in brooklyn, new york. the nypd, you know the one that was defunded by a billion dollars, they apparently have identified a person of interest. we'll have the details straight ahead.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: breaking, a shooter on the loose after a gas mask wearing suspect went on a subway shooting rampage this morning at the sunset park station in brooklyn, new york. look at your screen. just look at it. horrifying images of the attack. the nypd tonight released this photo of a man named frank james who authorities now say as a
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person of interest in the shooting who is believed to have rented a u-haul truck that is connected to the attack. according to multiple reports including "the new york times" this person of interest has a disturbing online footprint including making multiple videos where he reportedly goes on rants about race and police and gun violence and other topics. here with reaction, former new york city mayoral candidate and also the head and founder of the guardian angels, curtis lee well. and larry elder. a gubernatorial candidate in california. i've been in the subways with you. you ran on a platform that says refund the police meaning give them back the billion dollars they cut. they didn't do it. rapes, murders, homicides. not just new york, every major city. >> a billion dollars was never put back.
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we never were able to get the cops back that we so desperately need. when this maniac attacked these people and remember he had a glock and he fired a 33 shots after letting out canisters of gas in a crowded, close to train as people scrambled for their lives. it is like crawling into the belly of the beast. you have been there. it's like the combination of dante's inferno and one flew over the cuckoo's nest with jack nicholson. it's endless. the cameras weren't even working. this is a very crowded station that has three separate lines transfixing through and all the cameras weren't working. it's a system that is falling into the abyss and the politicians just keep -- crime in the subways up 200%. you've got to take the handcuffs off the police. plug the system. do stop and frisk and return some civility to the subway system. if you don't, new york city will
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never recover and more new york city residents will be fleeing to florida, georgia, north carolina and tennessee. >> sean: 100% right. i can't say it any better. dismantle, defund, no bail laws, larry, this to me is a predictable result. >> absolutely. curtis is absolutely right. crime is up in virtually every major category here in l.a. it's up in chicago. up in new york. you know what's down in l.a., arrested primarily because of this bogus, phony insulting narrative that the police are engaging in systemic racism. as a result, they are pulling back. we no longer have proactive policing. it's called the george floyd effect with the ferguson effect and cops are pulling back. you've got the assault on crime das. they don't believe in putting bad guys behind bars. as a result you reduce the chance of a bad guy being caught, being convicted and being incarcerated.
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surprise, surprise. crime has gone up. it's madness. the number on top of government is to protect people and property and it is not doing it. >> sean: so far nobody has died here but how that happened frankly is a miracle from god. if we're going to see more of it. it's predictable. they can stop it. fund the police. both of you are 100% right. curtis, thank you. larry, thank you. to an end to america's newsroom tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. new york city mayor eric adams will be joining dana perino and bill hemmer. wait till you see this, the indoctrination of your children continues. you're not going to believe the latest attempts to push woke ideology into the classroom. if you have children, you definitely want to know what's happening in the classroom. straight ahead. ur worst allergy, including nasal congestion,
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♪ ♪ >> sean: take a look at your screen. live footage of new york authorities. they are hauling away that u-haul truck believed to be connected to today's subway rampage in brooklyn. we'll bring you the latest updates as they come into night. first more evidence tonight of how far left lunacy is infecting our school systems. what we are learning is that in washington state, oregon state, they are teaching kindergartners that there are many ways to express gender. and disguising far left activism as education. first-graders in the school district in washington were given materials about gender pronouns, teaching young students can be broken down in categories. boy, girl, neither or both.
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the office of the superintendent told us in a statement parents have the option to opt out from the sexual health instruction. in oregon officials have adopted standards requiring kindergartners and first-graders to recognize there are many ways to express gender play the oregon department of education told us in part "this requirement is part of a required core content area of health education is critical for all students to feel seen, supported, and safe." look at this, and boston, a first grade teacher video telling kindergartners "when babies are born, the doctor looks. they make a guess on whether the baby is a boy or whether the baby is a girl. take a look. >> i'm going to give you my explanation about what it means to be transgender. when babies are born, the doctor looks at them and they make a guess about whether the baby is a boy or a girl.
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based on what they look like. most of the time that gas is 100% correct. there are no issues whatsoever. but sometimes the doctor is wrong. the doctor makes an incorrect guess. when the doctor makes a correct guess, the first is called cisgender. when the gas is wrong, that's when they are transgender. i'm a man but what i was a baby, doctors told my parents i was a girl. >> sean: we reached out to the teacher that video as well as the school he works for. they haven't got back to us. here with reaction lara trump, leo 2.0 terrell. called me old fashion. we pay more per capita than any other industrialized country per student. we have the worst results for money. any between 37th and 43 how about we stick with reading, writing, math, science and computers and let the parents teach the values at home or they can have an opt in extracurricular class after
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school is over. how is that? >> i don't think people would call it old-fashioned. i think that's just common sense. our kids are falling below just basic requirements and education we are falling behind so many other countries at this point, you're exactly right. why aren't we focusing on the core things that are going to help them in their future lives? our children are the most precious and innocent segment of our society and as parents it is our job to protect them at all costs. gosh, you see videos like the one you just saw, you see all his people all trying to push ideas on our kids that they have no ability, sean, in first grade and kindergarten to even understand. especially that one in boston. i don't understand this. this is as an educator not even teaching facts, not even teaching science, that a doctor makes a guess as to what a baby
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is. that's ridiculous. it's incredibly frightening to be a parent in america because gosh, we have so much evidence of this all across our country. i think back to when i was growing up, i was the only girl in my entire neighborhood. i got to play with all the boys. but it also made me enjoy the games the boys played and kind of dress like a boy. you would've considered me a tomboy. sometimes i think if i have been born 30 years later, what i have had teachers trying to convince me that perhaps i should have been a boy? maybe i was miss gendered in some variety or some sort. it's honestly kind of terrifying. there is one thing. we continue down this path, we are looking down the barrel of one incredibly confused generations of americans coming up right now. it's insane. >> sean: how about we let the parents teach these things to our kids? i don't think that's complicated. >> it's very, very scary.
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sean, everything that's been said. it's frightening. this is just as important as the issue of crime, the issue of inflation. our kids are in jeopardy. you have an extremist -- sean, i'm a schoolteacher. i still have my license and i'll tell you right now you have an extremist group trying to indoctrinate these kids. they are saying we don't care about english, math and history. we wanted to transform these kids and take them away from the family unit. i'm telling every family who's watching this program, go into those classrooms and look at the lesson plans, look at the core curriculum. you need to know what's being taught in these classes. i'll tell you, sean, the red wave at the national level, we need a roadway with a local school district. they are trying to take our kids away from the family unit and it's frightening and it's dangerous. >> sean: leo 2.0 terrell. lara trump, thank you. scary times.
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>> sean: before we go, a clarification. earlier in the show a graphic we had on our opening monologue incorrectly scaled regarding gas prices in 2020. if you look at your screen there you will see a steady rise of the correct numbers. this is the corrected chart, we apologize for the error, we hope you understand. anyway, thank you for being with us and thank you for making this show possible. let not your be trouble. laura, you always have a great show, so i don't even have to ask about the show. >> laura: it said big jump in prices. use words like big. >> sean: the bottom number apparently the accident we put at zero instead of 1.50. >> laura: is a live show, how many hours a day you get to be on air varied >> sean: we make a mistake, we own it, we apologize and we make it better. >> laura: all right, sean, great show and we will pick it up where you left off. i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. we begin with new york city on the edge tonight as a massive manhunt is underway for a man who
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