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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  April 12, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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protect yourself. identity theft protection starts here at liveblog .com. serious dangers to your breathing. give up your most ultra pure steam inhaler. it turns destroyed just pure effective steam happy sinuses blow breathing again my poor must do it. good evening and welcome to tucker carlson . tonight has there been look back a single 24 hour period since joe biden became the president when you haven't been horrified by something you saw on the news? probably not. the cascade of absurdities has been relentless. it's like nothing any american has ever seen. and today we're sad to say it was especially depressing. inflation hit another record high and that's according to the cook government statistics our leaders have devised to hide inflation.
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but it turns out there's no hiding the price of meat and gas. the value of the dollar has dropped off a cliff even as the value of the russian ruble is rising. so ponder that for a moment and chuckle bitterly to yourself. and then in new york city this morning, sixteen people were shot on the subway in brooklyn by some lunatic wearing a hoodie and yet somehow none of the many surveillance cameras in the subway station happen to be working at the time. so the guy got away. we do know he was not a white supremacist who are begging the media are not going to dwell on this. there's nothing to gain from covering this particular atrocity, just another mass shooting in a big city. it's also but mayhem and economic decline are not for once. but we are opening the show with tonight. no, we have genuinely good news and here it is. it looks possible that elon musk will seize control of twitter and end censorship on that platform. now why should you care about that ? it's like a tech story, right? who cares about social media? here's why you should here because if that were to happen,
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we could see a return of free speech to the united states and nothing should give you more hope than that possibility of free twitter would mean an open debate about ideas on the single most important incubator of elite opinion in the world. it would mean a return to free and fair elections in the united states, a system in which both sides are allowed to make their case to the public and then the public can decide it's called democracy and above all, a free twitter would mean a direct challenge to the people in charge of our country's institutions, many of whom are incompetent for the first time in years we will be able to talk honestly about our leaders . we'll be able to have the kind of conversations that make democracy possible. we can't have those conversations now and there's a reason for it. the point of censorship is never to shield the weak no matter what barack obama may tell you the point of censorship always and everywhere is to protect entrenched power. that's why it's the powerful who impose censorship for their own benefit.
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and that's exactly why illegitimate regimes fight so hard to control information through censorship. that's their main concern why they're so focused on that. that's why somehow the right does not seem to understand this . the left definitely understands it. watch this . msnbc anchor appear to realize in real time what it would mean if the democratic party's donor base ever lost control of an influential social media platform. and the bigger question on everyone's mind now will musks newfound twitter power mean trump will be back on the platform and on that possibly nightmare inducing note i wish you a good night. >> it would be a nightmare, she tells us , if a democratically elected president were allowed to speak in public and in some ways she's right shattering its monopoly on speech could break the democratic party . even an msnbc anchor understands that . why are they so determined to
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keep you from talking? because they know your talking is threat to their power, allowing the free exchange of ideas in america's public square is far more important than any single election results. and if you don't believe it, consider what you've just seen over the past two years. you can elect donald trump if you want. go ahead and do it. but a democratic party can still silence donald trump at will. so what does that tell you? who's more powerful voters or the social media companies that control what voters know? it's not even close. republicans in congress tend not to understand this . maybe they really are that stupid possible doesn't matter because either way they will never fix it ever. they've had a chance they passed even jack dorsey who created twitter could not end censorship on twitter. and so in the end, jack dorsey fled his own company when it became a frankenstein monster that made america more hierarchical rather than less a company that serves the powerful at the expense of everyone else. that was the opposite of
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the intended effect. >> so he just left in the choice elon musk virtually alone in the entire technology industry appears to understand what exactly is happening here. here's musk in twenty eighteen appearing on 60 minutes acknowledging that in a world of corporate media, twitter can act as an equalizer. watch you tweet a lot. >> i use my tweets to express myself. some people use their hair. i use twitter well, but you use your tweeting to to kind of get back at critics really kind of have little wars with the press. twitter is a war zone. somebody is going to jump in the war zone like, okay, you're in the arena. let's go. okay, who does that sound like? i don't know who this sounds like a guy who lives at the white house. oh , that guy essar. he's very good at twitter. twitter is a war zone now that tape is from three and a half years ago. twitter is no longer a war song.
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there's only one army on the field. donald trump has been banned for twitter despite the fact he may run in the next presidential race. he's an active politician with millions of people who support him. he's been banned. charlie had a huge following on twitter. he's been suspended too. so is the on and for that matter this show has been suspended questioning a prevailing story line is the crime. do that and you're gone. does it matter if you're factually right? we were factually right. does doesn't matter challenge power and your censored instantly. now it's hard to believe that the world's richest man is the only person who could fix this . you'd like to think democratic systems could fix it, but clearly they can't. so elon musk seems to be our last hope. and tonight there are signs that elon musk plans to do something big with twitter by nine percent. the company was clearly more than an investment. he doesn't need the money last week after musk became twitter's single biggest shareholder, twitter's management announced he would join their board of directors. the ceo would come with two major restrictions. first, musk would be barred from owning more than 15% of
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twitter. he would not be allowed to control the company. second, as a board member, elon musk would have a fiduciary duty to shareholders and in real terms that means he could not reveal twitter's algorithms. he couldn't tell the public what they are. those algorithms are used to censor and suppress effective critics of the biden administration very often without their knowledge. it's done in secret. you can't fight back . you don't even know what's happening. so he could not challenge that if he took a board seat. but this weekend musk abruptly pulled out of the deal and that means he's free to buy more shares of twitter, in fact, to control it on sunday night, twitter's pro censorship ceo agrowill told twitter employees to brace for musk's attempt at a hostile takeover. he also strongly implied that twitter will not submit unless forced quote there will be distractions ahead, but our goals and priorities remain unchanged. so you have to ask yourself how exactly with twitter, which is a public company fight off a hostile takeover from
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the richest guy in the world. and already you can see the strategy to keep elon musk at bay first twitter is enlisting the help of corporate media. now corporate media stands to lose at least as much as the democratic party will lose if twitter is liberated. competition is terrible for the mediocre and the illegitimate. so msnbc understands this intuitively. even their heads read the scripts on the air and so they were the first to answer the call. what did they do? you know exactly what they did. they did what they always do. >> they called elon musk a racist watch but they're not right wingers. another bro fascist is waiting in the wings to defend your right to spew bile online in the name of free speech and that is coming up next . he is building in tesla documented racist company that perhaps reminds him gives him nostalgic memories of apartheid south africa where he grew up. he's more than that an embodiment of what i would say is twitter's biggest strategic problem, which is a hostile, cruel, dangerous online environment, especially for
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women, especially for people of color, women of color in particular. we can pour you with a rebuttal to the ludicrous explanation you just heard. but it's not necessary if you have an iq above room temperature, you laugh. that's the lowest brow propaganda possible. it's all msnbc is capable. he's a racist ignorant, but it's the washington post. they served up something slightly different, a little more stealthy. they listed a former ceo of reddit, an activist mediocrity called ellen pao who couldn't manage to actually run reddit to write an op ed with this title. elon musk's vision of free speech will be bad for twitter and then the piece contained this line. now this line doesn't so much reveal a lack of self awareness as it does commit murder against the entire concept of trying to support it. here's what it is quote musks appointment to twitter's board shows that we need regulation of social media platforms to prevent rich people from controlling our channels of communication.
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now let's get this ran in the washington post, a paper that apparently unbeknownst to the editors who worked there is owned by billionaire oligarch jeff bezos, china's biggest retailer and used as his personal platform to lobby the federal government and settle scores so jeff bezos can own the only news gathering operation in your nation's capital and use it for business and ideological ends. but the idea of letting average people say what they want on twitter is a threat to democracy. and if you think that's hilarious, you should read the piece in the guardian. it was written by former labor secretary robert. will the stalinist quote elon musk's vision for the internet is dangerous nonsense in the sabahat subhead read this way quote musk has long advocated for a libertarian vision of an uncontrolled internet that's also the dream of every dictator, strongmen and demagog . right. so what dictator strongmen
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and demagogs want is the people over whom they rule to say whatever they want and to challenge their power. that's kind of the way dictatorships work, isn't that right? robert raiche? the funny thing is robert rice is a lifelong leftist now pushing 80 . you can imagine the robert rice of say nineteen seventy when he was a little college advocate would be a little bit surprised to see the robert rice of nearly 80 calling for a total crackdown on the opinions of ordinary people. but you know, people get power when they change so that doesn't make any sense as an argument. you can see why they stick to calling elon musk a racist on cable news you stick to the same old script and that's what they're doing at cnn. of course. watch. i think in some ways it's a good thing that elon is out there tweeting, livening up twitter, making it more entertaining. as carr said, he's a funny guy ,but there are serious questions behind that . what happens next ? does push for a full acquisition. we don't know yet and maybe just interview the old but some of the means he post on twitter anti trans meems
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anti vaccine meme, there's a reason to be skeptical. i think you're entitled to use it. yes. questions about the mandatory govan's vaccine crunchier. no one's won over by this . it's absurd. so clearly that propaganda strategy win open minds to the side of censorship. in fact, it's impossible to win open minds to the side of censorship because the idea is repugnant to any free spirit. so there's other tools twitter going to have to use to stop a hostile takeover on behalf of free speech. so for example, it's virtually certain that twitter is on the phone now with corporate lawyers in new york finding ways to use what's known as a poison pill strategy to minimize elon musk's ownership stake as much as it possibly can. one option this would be really interesting is to give twitter shareholders the ability to buy many more shares of discount to dilute musks control over the company. but that strategy is not guaranteed to work musk himself as a ton of options aside from buying all the shares he wants
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. for example, he might think of this elon musk could enlist the public the pro free speech public in his hostile takeover of twitter. so anyone who is against censorship could buy twitter stock and then pledge his or her proxy votes to elon musk and that would give him control of the company and the company would be free. that would also be the single most revolutionary event ever to take place in the history of finance would be pretty thrilling to watch and it might work. they will try and be thought a lot about what elon musk should do to save this nation's public discourse. he edits a revolver news. we're happy to have him join us tonight. dan , thanks so much for coming on . what do you think elon musk will do? what should he do? well, first of all, i think he needs to understand exactly what he's getting into. he's stepping into the war zone in a way that he might not even be able to imagine at this point. as you point out, the entire regime depends on holding a total monopoly over what elon
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rightly calls the global public square. anyone who threatens that steps into territory that is not a normal financial realm. twitter is not a normal company. the question of who controls twitter is far more consequential than say who controls home depot even though home depot is vastly larger as a company. and so elon needs to be prepared for what's coming. it would be one of the few things that is not fake and not performative. it would amount to effectively a declaration of war on a corrupt and illegitimate regime. he must understand that . i mean, i don't know elon musk, but he, he sees a lot of things coming that the rest of us don't. so he must know what he's playing with here. well, i would hope so, but
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i think it's very it's very easy to underestimate the stakes here, the stakes of who controls the global public square are vastly more than the meager 30 billion dollars that twitter is allegedly worth . the stakes of who controls the global public square is more important even than an electric car company. and in fact, i would say winning the political battle in the west is more as just as relevant to the future of human civilization than even space travel because after all ,we're bringing our meems to space. well, i agree with completely. so why wouldn't just to sum up why why not democratize why wouldn't musk say to the american public if you're on board, join me in buying shares of this publicly traded company, pledge me your proxy votes and let's take over and
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restore free speech. i think that's a splendid idea . i imagine there are a variety of mechanisms, but it all catches out to this a declaration of war on the regime and i really hope that elon will go ahead with it . that is not just another rich guy. that is someone who wants to be a great man and this is one of the few real steps that he can make and he's one of the very few live players on this earth who is in a position to do it. i don't think you'r overstating the stakes at all. thank you for joining us . thank you . so there was a horrifying subway attack in new york city this morning. a person of interest has been named in the investigation. we've got videos that a reporter live on the scene tonight . plus reaction from the former nypd commissioner ray kelly. that's all next . parents and grandparents as we wait to see what's next for president trump. mike huckabee's education
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nine four seven. morning a this morning a man in a hoodie opened fire at a subway station in brooklyn and shot more than a dozen people. foxes were ignoredgl at the scee of the attack for us tonight here, tucker , you know it's still a very active scene. the nypd releasing some newfo information just a short whilerm ago giving us a person of interest in this case. they gave us a name.
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they gave us a list of menacing items that were left behind atth the scene here and also revealing that the shooter shoth his guns thirty three times. we've got some pictures to show you now of photos of 63 year old frank r. james. this is the person of interest is notng being called a suspect right now released at today's presser with the nyp police announcing they recovered a nine millimeter handgun that they believe was rec used in today's underground attack during morning rush hourd 10 people were many of them were trapped inside a moving subway car with a gunman who also set off to smoke canisters before unloading on the unsuspecting passengers. no cameras were working at the subway station, but cell phone video captured the chaos. watch .
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not the substance of this , but going to go after a break in the case a short while ago a with police finding an unoccupied u-haul van with b arizona plates believed to bee connected to the suspect or the person of interest, i should say the van was tracked down about five miles away after a day long search,ea police closed off the street in brooklyn where it was parked and called in the bomb squadel and as we mentioned, that cellle phone video capturing this attack is so importantac in this investigation as police work along with the mta to figure out what other camerasgu might have been working where he may have gotten on and captured anything else but really leaning on the public tonight asking anybody to comeeo forward with information about this person of interest. name, a again, his name frank r. james
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. he has an addressig in philadelphia. also he had an addresshat in wisconsin trying to figure out what the motivation would be. the nypd was saying n saying tht don't have any type of motivation at this point. but clearly with the items that were left behind which include a hatchet, a firework, a gas, a gas can, there was just a lot of really menacingn things left behind on that subway train. so as we wait for more information here tonight in brooklyn, we'll send it back to you lingo for us . thanks so much for that . l appreciate it. none of the cameras workedn in the subway.bway that's very. so for thousands of l years, literally the most fundamental rule in medicine has been very simple do no harm first, do no country ve all else do no harm. all medical schools in this country teach that rule repeatedly. doctors who intentionally harm their patients do not belong in the profession period. but likee so many other rules that have ordered society for generations, it ishave now chank
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. and very quickly weeks agos wel told you about a student at wake forest medical school called conseil del rosario. on twitter, rozario wrote that a patient had mocked her quote pronoun pin, which signals her allegiance to gender ideology off some . in response del rosario wrote quote i missed his veins. we ho we had to get stuck twice. in other words, for having differentso political views. shes stabbed her patient, another student forced medical school called you and lou called the episode quote, karma. in other words, the patient was stabbed, deserve to be stabbedbb by his doctor . now since we covered that story, wake forest medicalt school as well as wake forest baptist hospital and the company that owns the hospital atrium health haveos gone silen. we've asked many questions, refused to answer anym. of them questions like will del rosario be allowed to stab more patients in the future as a doctor ? but we do know that in a recent email the student body, the deans at wake forest medical school criticized quote, unkind people
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on the internetmail who dared tn took pbout the story. they didn't even address the stabbing that took place at their school. that's because most of wake forest medical school community supports that stabbing wake forest studentl newspapers published b editorial blamingti the patient quote it is appalling that the vast majority of media coverage surrounding delusoryos tweet is critiquing her lack of professionalism rather in hersp patients display of bigotry. there's been nola follow upwi with a patient concerning the problematic nature of their commentsts or even anycu documentation of their inappropriate behavior. inapso laughing at someone's pin gets you stabbed and the ghouls are trained to be doctors at wake forest medical school. i think that's fine. that's so that's prevailing view at wake forest medical school. but not everyone agrees.s some physicians and medical students are shocked by thee loathsome response from their administratorsrs . they've informed us that delhe rosario was scheduled to begin seeing patientso at wake baptist
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ear, nose and throat department as soon as next week. so she's also in thee wake forest planning committee for an upcoming conference in dallas on how to treat trans patientspa. we know why this is happening. by the way, if cashell del rosario wants to have the patient because he identified as trans, she would have been expelled immediately of coursell we'dulde in favor that doctors can't stab their patients because i disagree with themse. elled. but she hasn't been expelled. she's going to be a physician. maybe the hospital near you because she's right. political views. she's a left wing activist like the deans and the physicians ats wake forest who are protecting her . they'll serious patient didn't ascribe to that ideology. so accordingsc tori the princips of equity, he should be stabbed. okay, just so you know, we're going to keep on that storyry because that'swe acceptable. >> inflation and crime are skyrocketing over the united states when the bush administration is doing anything about it. ig anutsome however, even the a have noticed because they buy groceries tohey you'll never gus
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which msnbc host just slammed democratsn for being out of touh with black voters told the truth. i actually , i'm willing to admit it when we see it to fishermen it when we see it to fishermen and other liars. the time you spent on the docks thanks boats lines you can these moments you sharell with the people you love p the fish never forgetro the seas that gets take you to the last bass pro shops antibalas your adventure's starts here non hodgkin's lymphoma patients. >> you may qualify for substantial compensation from the makers of roundup weed killer call one hundred five nine three one nine nine ten billion dollars is available for non hodgkin's lymphoma victims who used to
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round up before their cancer diagnosis. if you or a loved one use roundup weed killer and were diagnosed with non hodgkin's lymphoma after two thousand one hundred five nine three one family nine nine in just minutese you could find out if you qualify and think took the lives of six million and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering and have returned god calls on people with autism and to act on his word comfort you comfort many people, especially comfort many people, especially during the holiday seasone when i come here and you sit with me, i realize that youd need to these elderly are weak and they're sick. they're looking for hours and days like this now is how god's children are living. it is time to send a survival
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of these forgotten to the international fellowship of christians and urgently need you give twenty five dollars an hour to help provide one survival food. what's with all of the essentials the critically the essentials the critically needed water diet your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the holy season of passover. no, not for the first time sa anything to doyi with that he hasn't seen unlet in bread before and now we're coming to to have those to have those twenty five dollars. your s supplyod the essential foods they desperately need for one month your support will overflowing with nourishing food and the knowledgeem that faithful christians around
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the world care about them.i pral god tellsoc us to take care ofc them to feed the hungry and i pray holocaust survivors will be given basic needs they so desperately pray for survive. the unknown is scary, you know. but my fear of missing out as if this is our baby , you can watch it any as we call it now takes we got on right now that's guillermo sounds like sickness mondays on fox or watch any time on fox network or nightline and declare emergency along the no longer staten island .
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screen or call the one 800 number below to get my guess dream bed sheets for as low as thirty nine ninety nine solondz price in history if you do it right now. i'm also going to get a free gift with your purchase. >> thank you and god bless soat this country saturday night live is not allowed to mockken joe biden's obvious dementia.ti. but in saudi arabia, long standing close ally sketchho comedy shows are not holding back at all would suggest maybe something has changed to trace.. gallagher has a sleepless night phrase. >> hey, tucker , before we get to the comedy, the context here is importantorca because jt a few years ago cutting edgeed humor was condemned in saudi arabia and it's rare too seeoc world leaders being mocked on nationall television. ia but saudi arabia is also very unhappy with president biden for the disastrous pull outlo in afghanistan. the u.s. stance on the war in in yemen and biden's push to n revive the iran nuclearuc deal . and last night on the saudi controlled network called mbc
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a saturday night live type shows called studio twenty two ran a skit portraying president biden as old in capable and unable to stay awake. and >> watch. today you very much. today we're going to talk about the crisis in spain. yeah, we're going to talk aboutg the crisisoi in africa, russia, russia. listen to me.. i have very important message to the messages in biden goes on to call vice president harris the first lady, which isd something the real joe biden actually did last month. the video, by the way, shared three point five million times on twitter. most people enjoyed the parody,e though some did not appreciate the spot on tone. note
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we should also note saudi crown prince muhammad has made itot very clear he does not caref what joe biden thinks of him tucker . and what is changing reallyot fast risk i. thanks so much for the last administration is alienate the rest of the world. right.t.nated joe biden is certainly a lot a f the united states. in fact, his popularity has collapsed in every singletateev demographic group that pollsters tracked except collegeer g educated women where he's more popular. kind of weird, but biden pop isi down more than 20% among black voters. no one in the administration 20% seems aware this is happening. s here's buddah judge, for example, shocked to learn it. >> you do realize a lot oful black men feel like democrats accept no promisesfi since they've been since they've been in office. really? yes. thee been in office. reverend said that a but i would say that a million times never had seen an animal house and then go to the road house late at night. one frat boyro goes, oh, yes, he loves us . that's the mind of the whiteat liberals, black people love
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us . they really think that hilarious. obviously not what the administration is watching. the reverend al on msnbc, here's sharpton just yesterday. watch this . they're losing people of color because they really don't get the people of color line. ef if you are living in a city in a neighborhood that is inundated with crimet and you i act like that is not an issue you've already lost to me. that is an issue. yes, we must deal with policing. i've been ping. front of that . but you cannot ignore when 12 year old kids who somebody's niece and neighbors killed cangn you act like that's a non-issue because you're too elitist toe liveyo on the ground? ed gas too many parts of this country we need gas to go to work the beltway elitist that these limousine liberals in new yorks don't live in the real world. oh , so it turns out black people actually don't like being shot to deathutpe. rev
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oh , thanks, reverender al.ruthc actually telling the truth fore. candace owens is the founder of it did something nicendac fore s a long times but attacked for it. she joins us tonight. this you know you don't want to over interpret al sharpton on msnbc, but o you know, p he's been a pretty faithful water carrier for whatever democratic administrations in power. this seems a little weird, but s he sang a lhi this certainly and there's a lot goinger on here. first and foremost, people to judge acting shocked. i completely disregard him all the time. he took a longer maternity ter n i do. i don't take him seriously at all. but al sharpton isi hem intereso and you're correct that we shouldn't misinterpret what he's doing here because he wants us to believe that he's telling the truth when in reality what he's trying to do istell save whatever clout he has left in black america.. this is actually a signal it m should be a marker for us for how bad things have gotten in black america right. because al sharpton used to go around and he delys full time to black america about their circumstances even when he says, oh , out of touch the way black americans are living u2 al sharpton yeah.
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you live in a two pointn one million dollar penthouse on the upper east sidee and that's just one ofe your homes. you have an over three million you needax lien last i checked. and you have to t be making a tn of money to have a three million tax. and let's just be very clear on that. right. you have no ideade how black americans are living either. but what he's realizing right now is that black americans for a long time have followed his life. they believed his lies.s they kept believing that democrats make their lives better. well, suddenly looking around, they're saying, okay, things arebetter.suddstu actually so dy bad in our community we will no longer buy the lie that voting for a democrat is t going to mae things better.ned and we have just watched listen to we voted for biden and kamala and things have gotten progressivelya progressively worse, embarrassingly worse. i did not even predict that it would get this bad this quickly for black america. so what is doing is he's saving his own skin right now. he's trying to play the oh well, i'm now going to be the peacemaker, the communicator of how black americans are feeling ck and so weye shouldn't misinterpret it. yes, he's telling the truth, but his motives behindh but dond trump is really just to say that dropped his own skin so
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he can purchase another penthouseon. has i mean, the only person that i know that has a bigger real estate empire than al sharpton is perhaps black lives matterha leaders because ask you a lotr: of the people who lecture us from some high moral a a pedestal don't pay their taxes.e those how do you wander around free with a three million taxt debt and the rest of us pay ourt taxes?s? are you afraid not too like how does get away with that? ay but he votes democrat.t. that's it. >> simple. if you i mean it's pretty simple if you vote democrat, you're never held responsible for anything. how countrywide is notr in prison based on what's been put in his laptop. i mean, if any other person be doing drugs in a laptop and not be arrested, they do the things that he's done regarding, drugs. no, but you vote democrat if you're willing tote democrat tr democrats and do their and do their bidding and bring voters to them, you know, they'll look and pretend that you haven't done anything. and so it's sad donyt, but thatr the truth of the circumstances. they never have to pay forth things that they do. yeah,>> it's discouraging to those of us who pay our taxes honestly, it really is penicillins. appreciate your clarity as always. always. thank you .>> tucker: thank you .
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so this winter, justin t trudeau just in one day ended democracy in canada. he's in charge now. so of course he's outlawing journalism that criticizes him. one of the journalists who's. been censored by trudeau's party will join us straight party will join us straight ahead.d. on a day without migraine my whole body feels free. on a day without my brain, my whole body feels free because my eyes don't shineai from the light. from the light. my head doesn'tne stomach isn't nauseous. it's time for migraine prevention delivered differently through an iv infusion. it's time for by empty a preventive treatment for migranyann don't buy empty is designed to start working fast and the last with a thirty minute i.v. infusion thirty minute i.v. infusion four times a year deliveringg 100% off the medication directly 100% off the medication directly into your bloodstream.treatment. the power of a lifetime infusion can help to reduce infusion can help to reduce monthly migraine days if . some have fewer migraine days with the very first treatment don'thy take off allergic to bu up the common side effects are allergic reactions stuffyy nose
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call 800 eight five three three nine four three seven on the manhunt continues tonight . the suspect in the mass shooting in a subwayanue sus station in brooklyn. a person of interest has beenn identified. he is a 62 year old .. frank james ray kelly is the former commissioner of o the nypd, alsof ceo of the guardian group. he joins us tonight. thanks soht much for coming on so, so much. we don't know dr. but given what we think we know, how would you assess what happened this morning? what is this ? well, again, we don't know the motives of this individual, but obviously the person who did the shooting had a planh and a plan to shoot lots of people. he fired three shots and firedts more shots if its gun didn't jam, he had a smoke devicesev with him that would have enabled him to escape. he plannd so he planned this out.
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he knew what he was doing and it's a lot of fortunate people. it'sun a miracle that no one died . we're talking about a glock pretty heavy piece of equipment. so i'm i'm amazed that no one is appears to be a life situation. yes. so i would we have read that none of the cctv canada security cameras in the stationw were working.. i think it's the averagee person's impression that there are a lot of thosere camerasss.s what do you think explains d that ?. it's disgraceful. there's absolutely noo reason for that to happen. you know, i heard someone on television earlier today talking about the subway bombings in london in 2003, 2004 and it has the picture of all four of the perpetrators walking together. perpet why those cameras are there. so it is it is absolutely indefensible that they weren't working in this day and age and you got a lot of money that's come out of the federal government, a lot of money to
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the mta. that s this is something that should have been repairedho. you know, last year it wasn't working.g. who knows how long it wasn'tin working. so the new mayor iss >> former subway. famously the subway has gotten dangerous. angerous. that it'sda dangerous. he said he campaigned on the idea he'd fixngng th that there were no police officers around.o also, doesff that seemic odderso you? well, there's not an police officers to be on every station now what he did say today he's going to double the number of officers assigned to the transit system. i think that's a good move.e. we need much more visibility there. plus we need the cops to be on the platforms, not from the mezzanine section. we need them out where people are getting on the trains. if you go to the subways now, people are standing againste mo a wall is so afraid of having p someone push them on the tracks but they're sitting againsthe the wall and then running to the train when the train comes
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in the station, we need to lower that level off fear and anxiety. and i think one of the ways to do it is just increase police presence. it's going tong t cost money an course overtime. butcost mo it's going to be well worth it because the subway is the lifeblood of new york city. yes, people aren'tit taking theb the subway. new york iswa not going to recover from the pandemic. no question about that .ion about that. >> and people aren't taking the subway and so you can't really have a sitting eight without public transit, can you? so that has of people roughly half the people taking the train beforee tr a pandemice taking it now. so it's about a 50 percent ridership falloff and that's that's tremendous. and you can see it in midtownart manhattan. you know, pedestrians are not there. that's not how that's how people get to midtown manhattan fort the most part, about 70% of70 workers in new york city take the subway, take mass transit t to toak get so if they're not taking it or they can uber or something else that's not really working not working for
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most of new yorkers. tucker: no no, it's not great. great.eally ray kelly joining us . we appreciate it. appreci thank you . thank you . thank you . dr. canada. what a decent and beautiful country still with nice people .ou unfortunately, it's now an authoritarian country. justin trudeau's government has just outlawed independent journalism in canada. government now requires journalists possess a journalism license now tost get that licenses .. journalists have to reportu' favorably on justin trudeau's news is one of canada's few honest news outlets. did not get a license, right? that's called censorship c and it's not last year justin trudeau tried to have rebel newsotud banned fm covering a debate in canada. a judge overturned that bandg and allowed rebel news reporter inside the debate hall. here's a justin trudeau responded to that ruling. >> the reality is organized nations, organizations like yours that continue to spread misinformation
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and disinformation on the science around vaccines ,around how we're going to actually get through this pandemic and be there for each other and keep our kids safe iss part why we're seeing suchor unfortunatetu anger and lack of understanding of basic science. and quite frankly, your i won't call it a media to talation. criticize me. therefore you shouldn't be able to talk that as a fascist just to be totally clear as olivant iseb not, he founded rebel news and so ezra, thanks so much fori coming on this one of the story. it's just hard to believe to as a longtime fan of your country that this could be allowed to happen. have we overstatedd ov? well, it's not yet illegal to do journalism withoutho that license. it's a government license called qualified canadian journalism organization licenses . a government panel reviews you.y they spent one year reviewing
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revenues looking through more than one hundred of our stories. a panel of five people in secret. we don'they even knoww what they or what they looked t at. and they claim that only one percent of our stories are news so we don't get the license now we're notot outlawed ,but there's all sorts of sticks and carrots that come with it. r example last week trudeau announced that he is going to compel facebook and google to down reinkeou non licensed journalists like us and boost his trusted friendly journalists. so we're going toso be h beid he and he's going to compel the internet giants to punish us . he's also changing the income tax act to punish us . if you have a government license, your subscribers can write off their subscription at tax time. ifhe you're an independent journalist like us , no dice. of course there are hundreds of millions of dollars that he is hosing with a firehose at his trusted licensed journalist and he's now compellinguste goou
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and facebook to fund journalists too. so now you've got literally 99% of canadian media companies that are dependent on justin trudeau and soon google and facebook for a huge chunk of their there's no way thosend journalists can be free and independent. we're not banned yet, although we are banned from government events as you said earlier. buten i'm worried that he's done all this in two years. to come. the worst is yet to come. he may well ban us yet. well, if he's forcing the techow monopolies to downgrade your content, i mean, it's a distinction without a differencea or effect. d you're you're banned from reaching readers so my question is what about the rest ofia canadian media? they're going along with ? this is anyone at the cbc a broadcasting corporation stood up to defend any of your newspaper? newsp no. defend you.aper fifteen hundred canadian news media companies are on the take . they don't all have these journalism licenses yet, but they're all taking money amo frm trudeau. he made a special sixty one million dollar
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payment to them right before the election. none of them reportedep that fifteenor hundred news meda companies cut up a sixty one million dollar gift. . so none of them reported that .y ae so the thing is since they're in on it, they can't very well report it and they certainly can't very well object to it. used to be that the liberals of canada were for civils rightsh and free speech and separation of government in the media. those days are done. you cancan really count on onehe hand your fingers the independent media left in the country and trudeau we were the ones who covered the trucker rebellion as you know and trudeau you hated the truckers because they were the one group that opposed him. he hates us for the same reason he sees the bank accounts off truckers without legal process. i'm worried that if he's gone this far in two g years, by the time he finishes his term threea years from nowrs, i'm worriedli that he's going to start to treat us like the truckers. will he sees our bank accounts? i don't know will. he sees our bank accounts. will he ask googleoo and faceboe
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to delist us altogether?nds parn i know that sounds paranoid, but sooid far he's done everythg he threatened he would do. it's china and they're so fragile. you're one little news organization and they can't standtl any scrutiny. it really tells you a lot as well. thank you so much for coming on saying godspeed. we are rooting for you for sure. thanks, tucker . or you forthank thank you. well, if you're superstitious, joe biden may have just gottenst some very good news in iowast today. we've got gn the to prove it. it's not for every night this unbelievablee site really it will be right. want to see more fox is welcome to flach. now you can stream the first seven episodes any time. does this really happening? what do you mean? i mean like is this reality? better hearing fewelcome all new thursdayset on fox and the first seven episodes of fox now or hulu. better hearing leads to a better and that better life starts at miracle here it all begins. it's the most innovative technology like the new miracle
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so the avian community weighed in and just a on joe biden at the white house to tell you that was not a bird dropping to say it was corn o o. as we're not experts in this field with you, judge.l >> that's it for us tonight. we'll be back at eight p.m. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying pomposity smugness, a group that could also humorlessness the best out with the ones you love sean hannity right now. all right. and tucker, thank you and welcome to "hannity". and we begin tonight with a fox news alert. a manhunt is now underway for the gunman who opened fire on a new york city subway this morning shooting 10 people ,injuring many others. and breaking tonight , a person of interest has finally been identified. apparently they had broken cameras in the subway system. we'll bring you a live update in just a moment. but first, more bad news for you, the american people. i'd rather report good news, but we don't have any inflation is completely and totally out of control. the consumer price index rose a whopping


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