tv Hannity FOX News April 15, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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that's it for us tonight. wee will be back to you every weeknight, 8:00 p.m. on fox t news channel. in the meantime, have a wonderful one .er youfu welcome to this special edition of "hannity" and happy passover and good friday, or everyone. i'm tammy bruce in for sean.he and tonight we are at the bitter end of yet another terrible week for joe biden dreadful economic news mayhem at the southern border and poll numbers lower than ever before.d not only is biden underwater by double digits in five new polls, but he is alsoal strugglingso in two keyoc demographics that democrats desperately need to win
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electionser. according to quinnipiac, only 26% of hispanics now approve of biden's performancen in the f white house and gallup foundou that biden is also hemorrhaging supportt among young voters. only 39% of generation and 41nd percent of millennials approve of joe biden tonight . bad poll numbers are just the beginning of biden's problems this week. president biden, you've perhap seenen this looked lost andoo confused and at one point he attempted to shake hands with someone who wasn't there and duringngre the speech, joe biden claimed that he used to be a full professor at the university of pennsylvania. th watch this . i've beenis impressed. i've been a lot of university campuses and in fact for yearsty i was a professor at the university of pennsylvania th anhis is really impressive place. >> yeah. yeah. that'sea n justot not true . however, at one pointty the university did pay biden almost a million dollars to be b
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an honorary professor. that's really nice. joining us now with reaction is the chairman of the conservative political action coalition, matt schlapp, fox news contributor jason chaffetz and former massachusetts senator scott brown . three great guys that always when we get disturbed about our leadership, we see you guys and we feel a little bit better about the future. matt , let me start with you. you know, we we see these videos of joe biden at first, you know, you could we felt it w was kind of like funny or you could make a joke about it slightly disturbing i, but now t seems dangerous as the world watchess this occur. well, tell me your take on where this is going at this stage. yeah, usually you have politicians who want to shake people's hands and they don't want to shake their hand. but this casend, but in he's tro shake hands with people who aren't there. and then of course this is right on the heels of obama coming to the white house and you know, being mobbed by everybody who was in the white house and joe bidenas just
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kind of walking around by themselves. i've h been in the white house t a lot of times to i've never quite seen the president not be the center of attention. alarming.ld is and look, the whole world is watching. obviously our enemies are watching. ls but also a lot of voters in america are watching. what i think iss happening in our country is i do think we have we're having a lot of political change over the biden failures. the biden failures is this idea that he was ever up to the job at all and look, the national media is very complicit in that cover up. you're notha kiddingt cover u, . you heard those polls. we're seeing numbers that are shocking. people are watching what's happening when it comes torewh the job he's doing. it's one thing about thi the iss i think everyone is noticing for hispanics that has been just a plunge in support for young people. everyone seems to be disturbed across the board. how do you read this playing out for november as an example
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? well, i think there's going to>> be a tidal wave, a red wave that just envelops the whole country because the look what's what's making joe bidens and kamala harris so palatable to the to the country is their policy america first agenda with donald trump who isd working the border and secure t the economy with zooming life was better in america. we were secure overseas. things are really going well. but joe biden and kamala harris changed the trajectory by changing the policy and then you couple that with the idea that they just don't understand america and they never wanted to understand america. they call it rural americad instead of middle americal and they assume that hispanics want all this immigration butthi they want legal immigration, not unlawful immigration thingsl like that . and so it's just getting bad. it's getting worse. and then of course, you don't have the communicator because joe biden and commentariat, they can't communicate. it's remarkable. listen, i mean, we see these
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are professional politicians. they've been elected to office joe biden for 50 years, scott, he's been in there. he knows america as much as thel rest of us do and yetyo they really do thinkt that between los angeles and new york is just a bunch of fields where people are wandering a around with some kid of dumptruck or something. i don't know what they think america is. and you've served, of course, as an ambassador to new zealand. you know about the impact internationally. is this as shocking toio you? i would think it would be as it> is to the rest of us . o first of all, joe biden's been in there too long. l 50 years is way too long for any politician. and we should look at a lot of our elder politicians respectfully, especially what's happening with joe.e. i mean, i'm sad. . i act i actually feelua bad for him. and if this was a republican, a president trump the democrats ,the media and everybody else would say, hey, listen, we need a cognitive test. we need the results made public- and we haven't had i that with this president and needs to beo done. we need to face the facts because him you
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pointed out our enemies are w watching and yes, the policies are wrong and the reason that they're losing all of these young voters and they're losing the hispanics is becauseh he's broken every promise that he made. he was going to unite us . he didn't he's going't to stop covid he didn't and we can go on and on and on . and what's happening at the border now is unbelievable.h and the fact that you pointed out i was away for four years, t i cameel back to a completely and totally different country and it's not in good stead. but you know what ? i like your guest in many of your viewers, a glass half full people and there is an opportunity to make a change very shortly. let's see. that's going to be it, matt .he right. i mean, w this isha the founders knew what they were doingea with elections every two years, but elections are also supposed to keep something like this from happening. that's what the debates are for. that'ses a what the questions ae for. it's what the press is for. it's as though every single element of the infrastructure of the establishment colludedran to make sure the worst possible thing could happen to us . this is the worst scandal i i think i've seens in my
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lifetime is this cover up that somehow joe biden was ever up tooy we forget he ran for president twice before and he was never considered a bright bulb and matter of fact, h he had to get out of the eighty eight respray because he kept fibbingg about his background. he said he had gottendop some great scholarship. he said he graduated the top of school. at lawaw he justt lied about every piece of his resume and it caused democrats c to force him to get out of that race. he didn't allid of a sudden find ethics. he didn't all of a sudden find iq. and so the american people are passing a judgment i think in the polling that's comingg out, which is most interesting is young voters. i remember i was a young voter. ronald reagan went ran in 1980 and there was a shift the young of america all ofub a sudden saw the republican party and conservatism and hanbalili as what would i give them the most hope. and that's what we're goings to see starting in novemberer this year. . say that iove to so proud to be able to say that president reagan was the first presidentas i could
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vote for at 18 and i was i was on drugs. i was in a life that was pretty much a mess. it was a difficult situation and he it was remarkableen what can happen. jason , when a politicianom really is able to communicatemu to everyone across the board, i in that condition voted for him. d isoe that possible again? coming up, does america have that kind of will and with the media being willing to carry it to convey to the american people america does care and they know they understand that the country is off track. there is every single demographic is going wrong for s the democrats. i believe that's because ofpo the policy and the communicators themselvestors and they have no bench. democrats have absolutely no >> theyy have octogenarians. they have a bunch of octogenarians. they can't there's no governor that they can point to the can that i mean, nancy pelosi,
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she's going to run again. joe biden, kamala harris, we're salads. i mean, they're just i steady hoyer nice guy but been there for 40 plus years. they just don't have anything to offer america and i have to say, scott, it's i think it's less of a direct age issue because you can be very vibrant and be older. but it seems that they get stuck in this bubble and have completely lost touche with all of us and of all age ranges, americans are noticing it.he well, the one i'm most o surprised is chuckne schumer. he can't't be this far left. he's obviously looking over his shoulder with an okaysh challenge, you know, to try to find some type of common groundg and just solve our problems. we can't be we can't be going down this path of no return.mera this is not america as we know it. we are a country for good. we're a country where people look up to us . when i was in new zealand, we were the shining wave pushing back on china, russia, north korea, trying to find a way to do it better and be there for
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others when they needed our help. and respectfully, what kind of a laughing stock now and we have to fix it.o get we can fix it very, very people need to get out and vote. don't take this for grantedit. i it's time we have to right the ship. right. it has to be look, it has to bec for all i don't careal what your political party it has to youhi cannot guarantee the protection of everything that has happened here becausee we are also affected. gentlemen, matt , jason scott, thank you very much. noww more on this week's terrible economic news which ofc course affects all of us . inflation is up eight point five percent, a 40 year high. so think back to jimmy carter times right. wholesale prices have surged a whopping eleven point two percent2%. he grocery you've seen that when you'rega shopping in the grocery stores and now mortgage rates have risen to five percent,st the highest in more than 10 years. . ng but according to joe , 70% of our economic woes are because of guess who vladimir putin. >> watch this . ukraine has gon of
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driven up gasas prices and food prices all over the world. ukraine and russia. that one the two largest wheat producers in the world. we're number three, the shut down we saw that yesterday's inflation data well, people don't knowwat p that 70 percentf the increase in inflation is the consequence of putin's price hike because ofhi the impact on oil prices 70% we need we need to address these high prices and urgently for working folks out there. ? >> yeah, what what where does he get that ? where he's getting it, where that number comesit from, but it's just not true . so here now with more of people who do know what's going on is professor of business and economics at the king's college in manhattan, fox newsin contributor bryan bredberg and power the future founder and executive director daniel turner and independent women's voice senior policy analyst gary sheffield. we here we've been hearing mr. n
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áng nonsense nowow well since january 20th of 2020 one and there's things that are just completely made up. but brianany, you know, there's clearly people are hearing about economic news. we feell amic that every singley they don't need to be told about it. the polls show they don't ol believe joe biden what he saysha about putin. but can you shed some light on the nature of why these numbers are in fact becoming more dramatic that we're h hitting history making numbers again, what exactly is driving this to such extremes that extreme situation? yeah, you know, peopleon don't need to be toldly what the situation is. they definitely don't need to be told things d that aren't true . that's insulting.. that'sns why the polls keep goig down for the president because he's saying things that people know arein not true . we got inflation numbers this week that were veryy, very bad and obviously it has something to do with ukraine and russia. everybody gets that . but the bigger piece of all of this is the president's failure
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to deal with our numberai one cost driver, which isd energy and his continued insistence to try to spend his way out of inflation. when you put those two p thingst together, the only thing it gives you is more and more inflation. yes, i think normally like with president trump's economic dynamices, it was strong enough to withhold surprises. that's what we all try to do with our own personal bank accounts is you want to be ablen tot be prepared for that black swan that might show up.p. and if you're strong, you generally can . so i think that i carry this is i think important especially for kitchen table issues and the choices that we're all making about how we're going to be able toeble live our lives, how we can plan for the future, for our own savings and for budgets. what do you w have what's your sense of what's going with american families here as we have so much chaos, tammy? yes, i completely agreegly with what brian just said. sost i pulled the numbers here. so biden said that it's 70%de joe biden fault.
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this is an absolute lie. he's shaking hands with imaginary friends. well, he's making up imaginary numbers. so when youha strip out what heg specifically said, energy and food, you strip out the federal reserve does us orex the consumer price index, does this strip those out the core inflation is still six point five percent outrageous on top from the eight point five percent. that's only a twenty fournl percent difference, not a 70 percent difference. so we're talking about specific numbers here right now. i want to tell you, tammy, that we are noww in the tenth month of interest or inflation that's above five percent. he in that is way before the invasion that happened in ukraine. so this is a lie and the people know this . tech the question is will big tech suppress this and say this is a lie? this is misinformation from, the president of the united states fhe not to hold my breat. yeah, it's again, no matter what big tech tells or social media tells us , daniel, we see it every single day when wema pick up something in the market or off the shelves whichrk frankly i still do not have
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what we want. this is the united states of america. it'sta almost as though they're moving us deliberately into like a venezuela kind of thing to get us used to having to compromise or settle, especially when it comes to energy and gasoline and what we can expect from power. what's your take on where we're headed? yeah, absolutely. i mean this is very deliberate and even before this invasion happened, the administration hadorha to make fossil fuelshe unattractive. they had to make them expensive because there is nore political will for this green revolution that the americanre people don't want it to free markets don't want it. and sowa that's why they have to use the power of governmenthe and they purposely made fossily fuels expensive and we're feeling the consequence of that right now. everything that is grownqu manufactured, transported, it all requires energy. all our heating and our electric, our cars all require energy. and by making energy expensive ,he hasas made life itself expensive. and until he puts in placeam policies that increases
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the amount of oil and gas weou produceas in america, this isan going to continue and sadly it's going to g continue for three more years because he will not reverse course because he will notot give up this fantasy of this green revolution. yeah, brian, i completely agreeh with that assessment because we've got these are deliberate decisions. they see that the harm they've donehehe, they're still refusink make a difference. and we know that this isedi poly . these are choices maybe not by joe biden directlyy when itic comes to policy. obviously we need to start up you generating energy here at home. what else can we docan when we think about the supply chain as an example and china, which is locked down shanghai, i guess what the biggest port that there iss which affects the supply chain is some of the stuff just going to go on forever. is there anything we can do, anything the presidento, can ? look, you've got to maken america the number one place in the world to invest in the coming years. all ofthe the alignments in then global economy are going to
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change because we're realizing that we cannot have such strongd ties with countries that don't share our strategic interests russia, china, others. america has to becomeve the investment spot. that means you quit talkingmp about taxing oilan and gas companies into submission. that means you quit talking about taxing wealth and you start talking about making a great place to invest money, keep money, put your capital to work. . the biden administration message is the opposite ofio that , which is why people don't have faith in him rightth now on the akari, i'm going to give you the last word when it comes to what should be done right now besides us , of course, taking things over inin november. what do you thinknk the white house could do right now to make things better? well, here's one .ve have t the federal reserve stay in its lane. it's supposed toe. be doing inflation and unemployment instead, biden is puttingne wokn nominees everyone in the sound of my voice. callll your senator. tell themr to pose dr. lisa cook. she's been nominated to the fed
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. shen is a racist. she believes in critical race theory. she believes in reparations. what does that have to doth with inflation? nothing. she's totally unqualified. and her colleague sarah bloom raskin, senator joe manchin put a hold on that nomination to the federal reserve. we need real professionall to understand inflation who are serious individuals and we mustd do independent women's voice. we're starting independent women's network. we are mobilizing ng conservative women across the country right now. people are enthusiastic and excited.nt. they see that we have the momentum with us. so joinsowo the independent woms network. that's the other thing. well, you ie know, i think thate all know that we w certainly can't just sit by and deal withh this and just hope it goesop awy . and i o think we all know kind f our lanes to go into to makeia a difference brian. daniel carey, thank you very much. appreciate it. nowhe tonight , the war in ukraine rages on and oure on jennifer griffin is now in the city of kiv where she caught up with a ukrainian american congresswoman. you'veve seen her victorious spartz, a republican from indianaer r.
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>> watch this . what was what was the worst thing you saw? what i mean, what did you feel when you arrived there? well, for me it's surreal and i think i probably could never imagine something like that . this level of destruction justve what level of painl but also the level of strengthso of the people. you know, it broke my heart to see that . but people you know, we're going to fight we're going to be strong. you know, i talked to one of the elected officials and you know that man strong man. but one of them told me they bombed one of them buildings, 50 peoplebed died. he had to go to evacuate people and then he came to one area and he saw a man and a woman and three little kidsli
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mike lindell 70% photographic memories of this and he has a day that he thinks i get up and do it anymore and see this destruction. this kids and it makes me goo back and fight again and it's just what you s see that the killing of people and i mean they hit libraries, hospitals, stadiums, stores for food. they will not try to, you know, fight an army. they were trying to, you know, suppress the people. and i can tell you the city of chattanooga people, real heroes, they held the ground under siege alls. a month, getting bombed from all directions and it's really you know, it's amazing ifou they would have felt as a city kid would not be able to stay here right now. >> just absolutely heartbreaking. all of these disasters in the
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world would not be happening if we had strong american leadership. thank you , jennifer griffin and congresswoman spartz foran that interview. now coming up,p, the latest on twitter's attempts to stop elon musk from taking over . caitlyn jenner joins us to discuss less meltdown over that situation. stay with us as this special addition of hannity continues, i try to laxative it both gentle and fat, reteaching gogolak soft words naturally with the water in your body in as little as 30 minutes puts you comfortably in control. talkalakh juice. i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and 2016 presidential candidate. like many of you, i've struggled to get a good night's sleep for most of my adult life i wasted at least two hours a day in my life tossing and turning, trying to shut my mind down until about two years to go.
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cancer c right now call 800 five one four two five nine six . welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". breakingng today, the board of twitter is now desperately trying i to prevent elon musk from taking over the social media giant hereki now with a full report is fox business correspondent susan lee. susan, to fend off elon musk and his hostile takeover bid, has now turned to a poison pill defense, a poison pill essentially makes it a lot
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harder and much more expensive for a elon musk to try to buy the company. it's only a temporary tactic n since it does expire next year and it only kicks in after% somebody like elon musk buys 15% of the company. musk t currently owns nine percent. now once somebody does by 15% twitter stock, then other shareholders can buy the stock at a discount. so that reduces the elon musk twitter ownership dilution as we call it. it's not good for stockholders to do expect twitter stock to fall on monday when markets reopen now it does hurt musk, but you have to remember itit also hurts other twitter invests . and even thoughh elon musk is the richest man on the planet, he's worth over twot, hundred and fifty billion dollars. he's what we calll cash poor since most of his wealth is tied up and locked up in tesla's stock and options. so there's some wall streetn skepticism on how exactly is going to come up with the money. now he did hint at a plan b atd the tedta talks math with nine
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percent of twitter still the second largest shareholder over taken by mutual fund provider vanguard last night. so plan b could be elon musk calling up other big twittertt investors to pull their money together in order to force twitter's board to acceptt elon musk's bid. or musk could just simply walk awayay, sell his stock off as he said that he would do if his bid was unsuccessful. all right, susan lee, thank you very much for all of that very exciting stuff i have to say. tonight . m if successful, elon musk is vowing to turn twitter into, f god forbid, a spaceor for freeor speech with transparent algorithms. this is causing many in theid mainstream media and in big tech to have meltdowns..r, it makes us wonder what are they so afraid of? righto t and what do they have o hide? joining us now with perhaps some answers with reaction is fox news contributor caitlyn jenner kaitlynn. thank you very much for joining me . you have the unique experience of having of knowingxp elon.
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also when we talk aboutgo algorithms, a funny thing when we think about twitter, you got shadow bant that thet a lot of people have experienced when somebody in twitter doesn't likey what you're doing, suddenly the engagement drops off. and people tend to not see you. what do you think abouton what elon is doing and how far can this go do you think? well, hopefully a long way. i'm very much in favor of what elon is doing.n if i had a company and elon musk was going to come in and wanted to purchasee my company,k i would be so excited. look w what he did with tesla. look what he did with spacex went up against nasa, you know, the federal government and won and built a better product. so i'd be very excited. but let me give you a commonro sense approach because i'm a i common sense person of what's happening right now. elon r puts in a bit the bid go to the board of directors. spony they have a fiduciary responsibility to look at that bid.
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they did it now normally in a non hostile takeover because this is not a hostile takeover . not v only the board would vote on it but also all of the shareholders. now they throw the poison pill in besides some other restrictions. one thing it does is that only the board votes on this bid, not all the shareholders. so it gives twitter more control over what's happening. why are they doing is that ? they're doing it because they want to controlhi this honestlys., i think they're scared to death of elon musk if elonif was able to take this ovk with and make free speeche, he would expose everything that's been going on in twitter for years. th i mean, from the hunter biden laptop b hiding that before the election. i meanio literally canceling people who even mentioned it while they were on taking somebody liken. myself. i was shadow banned just
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because a couple of weeks ago i joined this great news network called fox news. oh , no, i was shahmaran.. i know you can't believe it. so i am all in favor of what he's doing. i think he will expose a lot if he ever gets this done and i think he can make twittere as far as free speech. one of the greatest companies throughout the world and have a major impact on all of social media. well, you know, and you've experienced your personal life is one of being an iconoclast. you do things and have as au' transgender person have madevee a choice in your life that you know, is challenging and would upset certain people. y but youou did it anyway because it was the right thing for you to do. you know, that they're going tou try to destroy elon musk who is similar in that there's a vision and that he goes for what he wantsts. he's got the confidence to do o it regardless of what's in front of him. of hdo you think that he will wk away or do you think is going to stick with it no matter
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what happens? i think there's no way he's going to walk away. i think this is a tremendous challengee for him business wiso and he loves a good challenge when you taked a guy i remembert years ago when he was talking about he was going to start space x and i'm thinking how can you go up against nasa and the federal government and build a space program and do it privately and but he did i mean, he is an amazing human being and with tremendous drive . smart that not only dide he take on nasa and the space program, he did it better. he did it in private industry instead of a federal government industry and in privatect industry you have to makeve a product that's very efficient, that's reusableryicie and he did all of that . i think he would dojo a phenomenal job. i think he's very challenged by this even if it doesn't workt out this first try, i think he's going to be in it for the long run because we need if we're going to protect our democracy, i'm a red blooded
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american.ri i love this country. i'm a patriot and i want to save this country. and the first thing you do isp we have to keep a first amendment valid and we have to have free speechin in this country and open debate. yeah, that has been what he'sor saying that he is not doing it for the money he, he wants tolo unlock the potential of twitter people who are upset. caitlyn that a billionaire would have to be saving us . but isn't it always about tall poppies and about unique people who come in to make a difference, whether it's henry ford or chrysler or anybody like that who changes industry change his business? isn't that part of the american way? absolutely. he's pretty much an immigrant coming tome this country and lok what he's done. he's taken advantage of what this country is all about. webout are the greatest nation in the world. we're the only place that an elon us can do what he's done.
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i mean, look what he starteden off with paypal and then he took-- from that he got into tesla when nobody was into electric cars and i even went to on santa monica boulevardrd when it first came out, they had to i went down and took a test drive in. it wastl a great little car . i really enjoyed it and i mean to see what he's done now with spacex and now he's trying to i think he loves his country . he loves our freedom and heoc he sees what social media isiaco doing to this country and how they are emboldened by the movement. yeah. and what's happeningng and i think he wants to change that . he wants to keep a america america free country freeth speech. yeah. thank goodness he's a libertarian. soe thi we really eliminate the partizanship and it moves it away from being a weaponizes mechanism for the left back into a greatack american company and experienced caitlyn jenner . thank you for joining me tonight . goi you. te have a great evening now. straight ahead, biden's borderis crisis continuesis to worsen and governor greg abbott, what do you know is following
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through on his promise to busust migrants from texas toto washington w? ha i didn't think it was going to happen. tom bowman and mark vernissage break down the latest on thistu spiraling disaster when wern return to have you or a loved one been diagnosed with any type of lung cancer even if you smoked your lung cancer may be the result of exposure to asbestos and you may be entitled to significant compensation in many cases, companies knew the risks of asbestos exposure and that it was significantly more dangerous for smokers but did not protect their workers. who do you call for the legal assistance you need? you call the law firm that has the experience support staff and resources to fight for asbestos victims diagnosed with mesothelioma and lung cancer. even smokers whose risk factor is 50 times that of nonsmokers with decades of combined experience. they're here to determine if
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old boy among a group ofear- suspected illegal immigrants trying to smuggle drugs across the border. but that's not all. immigration authorities are also probingng the death of a mexican woman who appears to have died after becoming entangled and trapped while trying to climb over a border wall near douglas, arizona. so let me be clear here.e there is nothing compassionate about illegal immigration, nothing compassionatessio about aiding and abetting lawlessness and nothing compassionate aboutg undermining american sovereignty. border security is nationalnoth security. but to biden and the democrats, their open borders agenda has morphed into just another self-inflicted crisis that they've left spiral out of control. now here for reaction, arizona attorney general and senate candidate mark bernick, along with former acting ice directori and fox news contributor tom hohman. tom, let me start with you because we hear these stories. we don't there's not a lot of visuals. people don't see it so much. youuc kind of become inured to
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the chaos, to the tragedy of it all. but people are dying. we don't see on tv like we do with ukraine. you've been law enforcementfo involved in this. where do you where where iss this now? where do you see it going and what can what do you think biden can or willan do? i think at this point it's nothing. t. well, first of all, your mom loves you rock to your right at every point you made by industry segment fixes. the bush administration has in power for 14 , 15 months. they haven't done a single thing to slow the flow. nothing. they've done nothing to secure the border. everythinge bo is done is how quickly can we process migrants and release. right now they're looking at nine hundred million dollars to build soft sided facilities for the surge is coming so they can process and release quicker. when you process and release quicker that just brings more in your point about
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inhumane policy. let me make one pointr from me wal-mart. t the administration keeps saying the trump policy is inhumane. let me beng t clear on more migrants have died under the first year joe biden on u.s. soil than any year i can remember a record number more migrants are dying under joe biden and over 100,000 americans have died of overdose. deaths of fentanyl comes across our southwest border. his policies are inhumane and they're killing people at t thank you for that reminder and it's stark. attorney general, you've been down to the border. this is a human catastrophe. we see it. it is getting worse. the american people are shocked. there's a war going on around the world. there's all kinds of viruses all beyond covid. what did you see at the border and are they getting any kind of a handle on it because it's just so overwhelming and yet there's no money. there'swn no assistance. what are you seeing down there? to hear me? thank you for having me y on and
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i literally was in douglas today and the douglas sector just in february there was nearly forty thousand people either the gateways or the give up the tried to g cross that sector and literally onlyon a thousand of themly were turned away. so this is having a devastating impact on our our country and i will tell you that one of the things that we know that congress has been broken for so long and the consequences of that have damaged our country. but whenatd our count you combih the clown show that is the biden white house t, it is devastating because people are dying. you know, we knowng. we talk abt these numbers and sometimes you get numb to them. but literally people's daughters,, nieces, nephews are being killed in pima county, arizona k. the number one cause of death now among young people is that known drug overdosee . and so americans are paying the cost in lives and treasure and it's one of the reasons why i've led the lawsuit on title forty you against the biden administration, why we sued them over the public charge rule. whyd he sued them over his inability or unwillingness to follow the law and to poor
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peoplew. soe the administration has done is decriminalized incentivize people breaking the law. that's a great point. obviously as the chaos gets worse, if a title forty two is removed, it means that there'srs going to be even more you additional crime, more trafficking, more human trafficking, that more drugs coming across. it'sng easy it's bad enough when there is some security, but whensoit there is complete chaos just emboldens the actors, m in this even more , doesn'tor i? >> yes, it does. you're right on those points. this will get worse.. and let me tell you why because they've already encountered one point two million. so they're on it. they're on a. scale right now to beat last year's numbers, which was historic and they're goingi. to rule them out of the water even in title 42 is in place and they're so overwhelmedth right now. there's beener sixty seven thousand got away just last aju month. sixty seven thousand people enter this country. wow. that one rested and they come from one hundred and
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fifty seven different countries. if youm 1rent don't think that any of those sixty seven thousand came from a country that supportse terrorism, then b they're being ignorant. this is a national security crisis n and if they if they lei title to which are going to that's sixty seven it's swelled to over one hundred thousand a month. godlee we don't know who these people are. that's just scare the hell out of every american this administration has created a national security crisistiha that i've never seen america and i think that's that is the key phrase. tom attorney general, that this is not an accident. it'scc not a mistake. they're not clueless that there is now a clearly seems to be i think on its face deliberate that this is policy, that it's not like bad policy that no one's listening to. e this is the policy. what could the end game be here, attorney general, when you've got a policyen that is as monstrous as this, when you combine what is happening on our southern border, the national security threat,
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the increase in crime, what we are seeingg is an attempt by the left and whoever's talking to joe biden's earpiece to radically alter and change this country, they are essentially trying to socialize our economymy, nationalize our election and overwhelm our system in our neighborhood. so i think people become more dependent on central authority. this is the marxist playbook and we see this everything from trying to jam critical race theory down our kids throats to increase crime in our neighborhoods. and that's whyar t i'm fightingy stop. all right. well,ar thank goodness you're there. tom, thank you so much for your continuing work. gentlemen, thanks for joining me now. coming up, it's not just policy failures plaguing democrats as a memberures as a number ofre new scandals are coming to light. we're going to bring you the latest on the lessn corruption has joe concha and leo terrell not that they have opinions. join us with reaction coming right up. if something happened to you, what would happen to them? their whole their education,
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seven now resurfaced emailsfr from the hunter biden laptopom reveal that joe biden himselfsa sent a message in february of 2016 to his inner circle. i guess that's when he was still using email which included an article with analysis of hillary clinton's troubled 2016 campaign. interesting. in the subject linee of the email he sounds like a mean girl referencing the real clear politics piece that detailed hillary clinton's email server scandalece and declining popularity. the recipients of the email includededs his wife jill, top aides, his son hunter and to others. so when communicatingen in private, even the biden team seems to have been well aware of hillary's persistent problems and campaign weakness . more just ahead. but also tonight over on capitol hill, we are also learning that congresswoman maxine watersreater paid her dar
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another twenty four thousand dollars in campaign cash during the most recent quarter. now waters daughter karen is apparently organizing slate mailing campaigns, bringing in wellrg over a million dollars since 2003. and while paying family members is legal, the arrangement obviously raises and has raised serious ethical questions. and in other big news out of los angeles, major democratic donor ed buck has been sentenced too 30 years in prison in the drugging deaths of two young black men. blackk lgbtq activists in losre angeles have repeatedly calledpd on buc to be held accountable and say constant complaints about his behavior going back four years went ignored. now f here for reaction, fox nes contributor joe concha and leo terrell. ifon you guys have all, butsk say at i'll ask you a questionel and like myself, you're a los angelino. we know that just with democratic corruption,
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it's all it's nationalmo. ev it's not harvey just harvey weinstein or even the bidens on a differenten kind of level. but this ed buck situation is another example of of just democrat corruption overall. ? what's your take on how things are proceeding? spotot on . edbrooke got away with literally murder and thank goodness he's going to spend at least 20 to 30 years in jail. you know,yo why he got away with this? because he was a big us time democratic donor. he donated to hillary's campaign all the democrats and they lookedhe the other way. they looked the other and now thank goodness finallydn afteres enough pressure, there w was federal charges brought against himer and his apology unacceptable. he's going to spendnd the rest'f his life in jail. but the time that he was out ofh jail with alle the fact that he was a big time democratic donor, it's just yout know, you think joe and you've always got a good eye on the media that it'sec especially with the hunter biden laptop thing we see so
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many obvious bizarre behaviorsin that seem to beal criminal that nothing ever happens to people becausese of their connections to the clintons or to it's it's liker it was like organized in some fashion. you see this with a hunter biden laptop. are we going to seee we going mn that and do you think we're going to get any justice in that kind of of a case? i think, candy, it's so frustrating for people that sit at home and they see clear evidence of wrongdoing and nothing ever happens toti anybody like james comey rightma . in the end, nothing ever happens to him. right. or clapper or brennan or anybody who has been proven to haveto conducted themselves in a bad way while in a position of power get nothing ever happens. and look, you see these emails from obviously the joe biden laptop talking about how horrible hillary is. it shows you how phony washington and all politicians with exceptions in the swamp
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can be right. i mean, we saw a story this week, for example, nancy pelosi going off on aoc, the squad where she reportedly told some new york times s reporters that she would neverai be house speaker again if youol paid her a billion dollars. it makes youla wonder if joe biden doesn't run again, will hillary clinton truly consider anotherl run for the presidency given the competition, whether it's kamala or budha or cory booker or gavin newsom, she may jump back in again because truly shei feels that she is the best candidate compared to man or anybody else. and we've got a few seconds. you know, people don't necessarily always watch what's happening in los angela. do you think that city's going to be saved?ny is there any hope for us over there? let me ask that question very quickly. within two seconds. no, you're hopeless here. ifif blue is blue , we're goingu to be honest. i'm a truth teller. no, no, we can't say here. yeah. t yes. t well, atim the same time, these elections.
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right? i mean, we can do it this california is the state that brought us reagan. we tried it with schwarzenegger. that was a mistake. but californians we do care about the state, don't we? i mean, you see that still wee do we do care but we're short numbers, tidal wave november 2020 two tidal wave. we need it now and i'll get you actually the last word here. do you think speaking of e november especiallysp the what't happening with, with twitter, is there room foroo us to be abe to get out of this mess? you think the american people are going to do itto? i think you know, leo said wave. it wiltsunami. okay,l we'll be in the house. it will be in the senate. tammy no question. fabulous. sorry, gentlemen. thank you . and your soothsayer's. so i believe you. now s s more on this special edition of "hannity" when we return. stay right there. rso your home is expensive and stressful. so we set out to create a better home schooling with a network of the most successful real estate in america.
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sean is back on monday and don't forget you can watchow my show get tammy bruce now streaming exclusively at fox nation, my weekly column is at amoc us that's amazed us and you can find me at tammy bruce dot locals .com the graham angle is upp next . my thanks to everyone including seanmy, of course. happy passover and good friday. have a fabulous weekend. i'm raymond arroyo inverloch ingram . this is a special edition of the ingraham angle. i want to open tonight with homeland insecurity. >> there is a troubling storyec out of washington, d.c. that should concern every american on this good friday.n i want to introduce you to two men you probably haven't heard much about our brian todd hasadi and hodor ali. the two men were busted by the gove
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