tv Easter Mass FOX News April 17, 2022 1:00am-3:00am PDT
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>> fox news alert. life in new york city. happy easter to everyone it is easter sunday at the vatican. the day christians and catholics celebrate the resurrection of jesus christ. the faithful have been arriving for days to celebrate holy week the first easter mass in the past two years because the pandemic the pontiff is looking forward to presiding over the celebration. his alina celebrated the first
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easter as pope in 2013 shortly after glenda take 16. and pope francis called for in easter truce to reach a negotiated peace also falling on deaf ears as russia is using russell —- missile attacks on ukraine. the mayor now occupied by the russians attended with three ukrainian lawmakers forgot the end of the homily his holiness told the four ukrainians we are all praying for you and the darkness and cruelty in the biggest thing you can receive, christ is risen. the last three words spoken in ukrainian now we will tune in to hear the pope has to say. >> we know that christ being risen from the dead will never dying can over our dominion.
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celebration that catholics and christians celebrate every single year. we are listening to vatican tv if you are tuning in. we saw the pope walked up moments ago when we will listen to hear what he has to say momentarily. >> hallelujah it is the procession of the various ministers who are coming up to the altar. ♪♪ ♪♪
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and floor the blessing of god our father this is the sprinkling of the holy water by the grace of our baptism in which we are immersed to rise from the dead with new life. so he brings the holy water and pope francis invites the faithful by the writers sprinkling a congregation of holy water and while that is done, just in case you do have holy water in your home it's a good idea to bless your
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brought by your spirit rise up through our lord jesus christ our son who lives to your to the holy spirit one god now and forever. and now we are going to have the reading from the acts of the apostles. >> peter and apostles you must have read about judea and galilee and the baptizing. god has anointed him with the holy spirit because god was
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with him. jesus went to cure all who had fallen into the power of evil now those who rose with me can witness everything he did in jerusalem itself and also to the fact they killed him by hanging him but yet three days afterwards the lord raised him to life and allowed him to be seen but only by certain witnesses the lord had chosen before hand. after his resurrection from the dead we drink with him and he ordered us to tell this to his people and to tell them that god had appointed him to judge everyone alive or dead. it is through him that all who
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letter from peter to the colossians. and we must pay for peace. since you have been brought back to true life, you must look for the things and sitting at god's right hand. let your thoughts beyond heavenly things. not the things on the earth. because now the life that you have is within christ and god. but when christ was revealed and he was alive it will be
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where have they put him? so peter set up with the other disciples. mehran - - they ran but the other disciples ran faster than peter and reached the tomb first. he saw the linen cloths lying on the ground but did not go in. simon peter who was following came out and went right into the tomb. and saw the linen closet on the ground and also the clause
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he will give his message and blessings at the end of the liturgy. and that is a blessing to the city and to the world. traditional easter blessing. in the past pope francis reflects on this particular gospel of john has told us that we proclaim the resurrection of christ when his light illuminates the dark moments of our existence. and we can share that white with others. —- that light with others and we know when to smile for those who
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accompany those who are sad and losing hope. when we recount our experience of faith for those who are searching for meaning and happiness when we do this with our attitude and witness and life we actually say jesus has risen and we say that with all of our soul. ♪♪ the creed is now in latin. ♪♪ [speaking latin]
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♪♪ what us pray to the lord. lord hear our prayer. let us pray for those who have died. made the father of glory promise a new heaven share in the joy of eternal life pray to the lord. lord hear our prayer. and with this day of rejoicing for the holy church and with the deliberate resurrection of your son through christ our
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then to be nourished through christ our lord. left up your head and give thanks to the lord our god. it is right and just and our duty at all times to claim you oh lord that on this day you are more glorious from the passover to be sacrificed. the true lamb has taken away the sins of the world and by rising has restored our lives. now to be overcome with joy so with your praise and with the
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but right off the bat here that was different this year's mass compared to last year or 2020 that it was outside upwards of 55000 people were expected and by the looks of it i think they hit that mark with 55000. last year it was indoors with a couple of hundred people may be at the celebration. >> this lasted an hour and a half. the pope did not mention the war in ukraine however on friday he did address and condemn the cruelty of the war of ukraine and i will get to more of that in just a moment but i did want to point that out. another thing if you look at these pictures and that people
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are ready to get back to some sense of normalcy and a lot of people had to watch video last year. i'm sure at home in the comfort of your own home are warm in your pajamas right now that people from all walks of life came to this. all races, genders, goes to show that and it is a celebration for everyone especially catholics. we will go back and listen as the pope is greeting people. ♪♪
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♪♪ what we are watching right now the pope making his way to give his message and blessing and will also give that message to the world anywhere between five and 15 minutes however long it takes them to get to the point he needs to get to but i will also say throughout the week there were some rumors swirling that the pope was in a little bit of pain and there was some concern he would not be able to make it around as he usually does that it doesn't seem like he is having any issues right now especially for all of the people who came
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to vatican city for all over the world to see this beautiful spectacle. the fire —- the flowers were so beautiful 15000 tulips, rose. thousands and thousands of flowers and the weather is perfect there today. another signifying moment that we can get back to some sense of normalcy and get back to the way life was before. and to go back to the message with ukraine on friday. he came off script and recognized the mayor of the city who was captured last month by the russians and then freed in a prisoner exchange and he told them specifically in that message that we are praying for you.
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and everyone is praying for your country. as you can see there are thousands and thousands of people at st. peter's square right now. you can see people cheering. another thing i saw was a close-up of people smiling and so moved they had tears in their eyes but it was so nice to see their expression and caught me off guard a little bit so many without masks it was so refreshing because you can see the people's faces. you can hear the excitement. that is such an awesome moment for these people. at one point throughout the mass it was spoken to say a nation of leaders. so to keep in mind to the common good which everyone has raised.
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you can see the emotional these people's faces to see the pope. i think it's important to know there will always be some sort of conflict in the world. but today is a day to celebrate jesus christ who died for our sins so we can live. i want to listen to the crowd. just to feel that excitement and energy is the pope makes his way to give the message and his blessings.
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pink jacket. what a wonderful experience for her. now he makes his way at least through 55000 people that's the number of people who are expected to show up today. it's different from years past especially last year it was indoors and only a couple of hundred people, if that. so this is definitely on a higher scale and the site of people to see easter sunday 11:30 a.m. and vatican city. the pope is making his way and a blessing to the city as well as to the world. usually takes them about 15 minutes. he is quickly making his way but not too fast or he can stop and less people.
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>> this is history being made. hopefully going in the right direction. the pope is making his way. people are cheering and he stops to bless people of all ages. the little girl that i mentioned a couple of minutes ago there was a woman he brought to tears into her knees because she was so emotional before he took off to go to his destination for this blessing.
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he is very beloved all over the world. 55000 people. coming to watch this it last about 90 minutes. one thing i do think is interesting is in english speaking to the leaders of the world to lead with common good. and anyone in the catholic or christian faith when want that message to be said. the message and blessing that is what we are waiting on next and we will switch when it gets to that point but this is the traditional easter blessing that happens every
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year. he is weaving in and out of the aisles into the sea of people. last year it was indoors so nothing like this. this is an entirely different production. and the people are very excited. the masks are often you can sement in their faces. we will take a quick break but we will be back momentarily. stick around.
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>> welcome back we are still watching the procession of the pope who is making his way to make his message and blessing in vatican city after following a mass that lasted an hour and a half. quite a different scene from last year and 2020 when nobody was there in 2021 a handful inside but this year on a beautiful sunday on easter morning outside with 55000 people who were expected to be there. and if you are watching i think they hit that number if
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not exceeded it. a lot of people made their way from all over the world. and there were 283 —- 25 bishop on —- bishops of what i do want to point out from friday pope francis condemned the cruelty of the war in ukraine and then mayor who was captured in an exchange and then he went off the script and said on —- realize the mayor was there and said all of us are praying for you because there is so much suffering. that was friday. and now this is where the pope is expected to give his message and blessing as well as to the world. in 2020 there was no one at the vatican. this could be a good show in a good sign we're coming out of the pandemic trying to get
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back to normalcy. hearing people chanting and yelling that in a good way. so he just made his way through the crowd through st. peter's square. it took about 17 minutes. he did make his way through all of those people is much as he could stopping to give blessings to people along the way. some very young and older and all ages and all walks of life. one thing you did notice is the majority of people were not wearing masks. showing they are ready to move on and they feel safe where they are. and it kind of makes you wonder if the pope is having
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issues from sciatica. he suffers pretty badly and had issues earlier in the week and there were some rumors swirling whether or not that would affect the flow of the master any processions. didn't seem like it bothered him too much i'm sure help to get in the car to drive through. throughout the easter mass we were listening to vatican tv. very helpful with tidbits. 15000 tulips. thousands and thousands of flowers. such a gorgeous day in vatican city.
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to see history being made and the step in the right direction. people are happy and are cheering. a very beautiful easter sunday morning in vatican city. 11:15 a.m. in vatican city and we are waiting for the message and blessing and we will bring it to you as soon as he gets to his post. but for now we will go to a short break. >> tech: need to get your windshield fixed? safelite makes it easy. >> tech vo: you can schedule in just a few clicks.
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he made his way through the crowds of at least 55,000 people who showed up to vatican city on this beautiful easter sunday morning. almost noon in vatican city. 6:00 a.m. here on the east coast. i'm ashley strohmier. i will bring you through the rest of this until we hand it off to "fox & friends". hope we can see the post get up to his post to hear the blessings in the next few minutes ago. christians are celebrating the easter holiday celebrating jesus death and resurrection. good easter morning to you from your home, hopefully you're home in your pajamas and bed enjoying this beautiful site.
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pope francis's easter mass was hour 1/2. a stark change in easter prior, one 2001 no one was there. 2021 only a handful of people were inside. on friday post francis he did condemn the cruelty of the war in ukraine. he did mention he also had a mayor of a russian city captured by russians, later released as a prisoner exchanged. he stopped in the middle of his transcript and acknowledged that he was there and said the world was praying for them. what you're going to hear, this gentleman who walked us through is from vatican tv, very helpful, especially with the translation as well as a few fun factoids about the flowers. i'm just in awe how beautiful it is. i was actually talking to my producer how it many looks fake
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because everything is so perfect there today. >> like to welcome you all joining us for the broadcast. those joining us through euro vision, welcome, welcome also to our viewers of catholic tv, shalomm-tv. catholic faith network, tnntv, salt and light tv, cbs news london. >> one of the thing we saw throughout the entire ceremony and the entire mass, there are a few people with masks on there but the majority of people did not have a mask on. which to me signifies people are safe ready to get on their lives. people from all walks of life showed up today, all races, all
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genders, all ages. >> the main highway to st. peter's square. >> very nice to see people safe. as you saw the last couple of minutes right before we came back from break the pope was making his way through those crowds of people, 55,000 people. the pope does suffer from sciatica which can be very painful. there was concern it was going to hamper the way this weekend, today was going to go. it doesn't seem like it was affecting this at all. it took him 25 minutes to go through all of these people. the excitement, the energy you feel just watching it, incredible to see especially because everyone came from all
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over the world. when he was making his way through he did stop to bless a little girl. she couldn't have been more than two or three years old. hopefully she gets to remember it. what an awesome experience for her and her family. people have been moved to tears. we heard cheers, people falling to go their knees this man is beloved all around the world. >> by god's grace and participating and election we procure indulgence. an indulgence is the result of abandon god's message through jesus christ and change. the indulgence turning away from sin and blessing to god. >> this is where we're going to
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leave you still waiting for the orbe blessing. "fox & friends" will take over here momentarily. we will continue to bring all the details from easter mass. thank you so much for joining us this morning and spending your easter sunday with us. have a great day and happy easter. pete: happy easter morning to everyone out there, the highest of holy days on the christian calendar. we're watching st. peter's basilica in vatican city, as the pope is about to deliver his easter message, easter blessing. rachel: happy easter to both of you. nice to walk on set. you look so handsome. pete looks like an easter basket. it is adorable. will: do it in one day. all the colors of easter in one person. happy to you as well at home.
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