tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News April 19, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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to them we commend that effort. >> dana: there is also this. a fun thing. 7 foot alligator walking around there in sarasota. there we go. that is one big beast. >> bill: we're told even for florida. >> dana: you can see rats down there and then you see these. >> bill: these guys eat rats. >> dana: harris faulkner is next. >> harris: fox news alert. in the wake of george floyd's murder almost two years ago now far left protestors and some democrats demanded we defund the police and reimagine public safety. well, as it turns out, african-americans paid the greatest price for so-called social justice that the left was pushing for. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". criminal justice experts are calling out a spike in killings among black americans after
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nationwide protesting over floyd's murder. they say the intense public pressure on our police forces caused many officers to disengage with the public. those who were left to even be able to do their jobs after all the quote, unquote, defund, reform and so on and so forth. in 2020 the number of black americans killed rose by 32% from the previous year. former attorney general bill barr says it is far past time that we all get serious about crime and start protecting all of the people. >> crime reached its peak in 1991 and it took tough policies stopping the revolving door, taking the small number of violent predators that are out there and locking them up and making sure they serve their sentence. for 14 years we had crime cut in half. in 2014 under obama it started going back up again. states have gone back to revolving door justice and there is no end in sight.
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this violence will continue to increase until we get serious about fighting crime. >> harris: let's check in with mike tobin in chicago. >> experts say when you see a rise in violent crime particularly following one of these high-profile police-involved deaths you can indeed connect that to what the st. louis police chief first coined as the ferguson effect. when police back off. they don't get involved. criminals get away with small crimes. progress on to bigger ones and the experts say black people pay the highest price for that. the year that mike brown was killed in ferguson, missouri, murders of black people increased 15%. following year freddie gray died in baltimore. riots followed and the murder of black men jumped by 12%. then in 2020 george floyd was murdered under the knee of a minneapolis police officer. murders of black people then jumped 32% from the previous year. 43% over the 10-year average.
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overall crime spiked. murders among whites increased 21%. hannah meyers director of the public safety initiative at the manhattan institute said the defund movement backed by city leaders caused police to pull back and criminals to run wild. >> we also have other measures that are pulling police back and prosecution policies as well. all of which have a -- removing the deterrents and taking away consequences to crime and having a snowball effect. >> experts say the pandemic is also a contributing factor. because criminals had a lot of time on their hands and a lot of police officers out sick so you had less manpower in some of the rough neighborhoods. in fact, you see a jump in crime before george floyd was murdered but following the riots you see a big explosion in violent crime. it is laid out in detail in an
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article running on today. >> harris: you mixed in the pandemic there in terms of officers being sick and it just was so complicated and continues to be for all the things that bill barr was just talking about. mike tobin, great reporting. thank you. let's go to los angeles now. a gang member and convicted murderer is praising the cities liberal district attorney george gascon. the killer is a fan of the liberal d.a. fernandez pleaded guilty to murder in 2018 and serve a much shorter prison sentence thanks to gascon's left wing policies. hernandez says he is getting gascon's name tattooed on his face to celebrate. >> making the story changes for all of us. i'm grateful, fool. i got good news. >> harris: i'm just grateful,
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fool. william la jeunesse with the news now to set us up for this in l.a. >> he says good news not just for this felon but many others, harris. some already in prison. others just being charged. elected d.a. two years ago george gascon favored short sentences, no bail and no death penalty and no gun or gang enhancements. those are the charges prosecutors use to obtain a plea bargain or long prison time for violent felons which brings us to louise hernandez. he faced life with no parole until gascon agreed to reduce his sentence by dropping those enhancements. in gratitude hernandez says in that jail interview basically on a taped line that he will tattoo gascon's name on his face. >> real good. we have a new d.a. in l.a. i got court on the 14th, fool.
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right there in come ton thursday. they'll drop my gun and gang enhancement. my gang enhancement is 10 years for being a gang member. the gun in commission of a crime. >> gascon or whatever? >> i will get his tattoo name on my face. that's the champ there. >> a group of inmates at folsom prison drinking prison after gascon called for resentencing. gascon faces a recall. many blame him for the rise if crime in l.a. in response last month gascon released a video on how to avoid getting your car stolen. >> here are a few steps you can take to help us reduce crime in our community. one, always lock your car door. two, do not leave a spare key in your vehicle.
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>> in short, for inmates like hernandez and others, these are historic changes. all of them. >> harris: it was an audio press conference by a criminal from prison to his so-called fool friends. william, thank you. jason rantz, seattle radio talk show host. let's start there. jason, what is the real reason that the d.a. gascon doesn't push back when something like this happens? this isn't the first time we've heard criminals sing his praises to their homies. >> he have is trying to be seen as this hero, as the savior to the criminal community because he thinks that the criminals are the ones who are the victims. victims of an institutionalized -- system that
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institutionalized racism. a belief that all institutions were founded on white supremacy. policies of what gascon is trying to either implement or has already implemented. they are dismantling the criminal justice system because they believe it is inherently racist and filled with white supremacist influence. so now they are going to side with the criminals instead of the victims of those criminals because they've got everything mixed up. it is all done on purpose. it's ideological. >> harris: what makes anybody think the guy we heard from prison saying hey, fool, they'll drop -- basically what they're doing is lowering the bar on all his charges. i won't get the 10 year gang penalty. they'll wipe that away, fool. that's what he calls his peep. why doesn't anybody think he won't do a same thing again? who is gascon saving? it's not the citizens. >> absolutely. they keep saying that the only
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way to truly reform these folks is to do it outside of prison. they actually believe that if you put them into restorative justice programs and give them community support that they are suddenly going to change the path that they've been down. there are so many criminals who are so far gone that the only thing that we can do is keep them in prison because it is not worth the risk of them reoffending and hurting or killing other people in society. i am all for reform in cases where it makes sense. but if you've got someone paying this close attention to the policies that have been implemented as a criminal and saying ooh, these benefit me. that's the hint they are going to reoffend. if the bad guys are supporting you and the job you are doing as d.a., you are doing it wrong. >> harris: it's not a hint, right? it's a signpost in crayon on the wall. i want to go back to our reporting just now from william la jeunesse and hit this one point. i wonder how the woke folk will
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sell this. my big question. the people they thought they were listening to in the streets, when that mantra came into politics, defund the police among democrats, now has backfired because now new studies are showing that the majority of communities that were hurt in the process of them defunding were black and diverse communities. your take. >> yeah. when we were talking about this at the beginning everyone was pointing out the data does not suggest that the cops are the ones who are the danger to these minority communities. the data never suggested that. and so it makes total sense that when you poll -- pull the people protecting people in the communities they will have a disproportionate crime hit against them by those who live there. by the left they say every time
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there is disproportion that affects people of color, use your own argument, folks on the left. your policies are hurting the people that you pretend to care about the most. if you actually cared about them you would bring police officers back into the community, embrace pro-active community policing, so that you can actually have a good sort of representation there of people who actually want to support law and order so that you are not constantly falling victim. this is not rocket science. this is actually pretty basic. what bill barr said the other day is a perfect example. it is a non-stop cycle. you get the people, putting them back on the streets and recommitting and no one is saying anything and it's the communities hurt the most. >> harris: i've heard you say it before and it's important. relationship building and ownership for both sides. criminals and police wanting to stay because they feel honored and revered and protected to do
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their jobs, and then those communities that really do need the extra protection because as you say, the greatest threat has never been men in blue. ist is crime. all right. i want to get to this. florida governor ron desantis defending the state's decision to reject math textbooks. they push critical race theory which you just mentioned. florida democrats are demanding to see examples of the crt in the textbooks. desantis has set up a review but he is not budging. >> you do have things like social and emotional learning and some of the other things more political in there. in our view on something first it doesn't meet the standard but second math is about getting the right answer. and we want kids to learn to think so they get the right answer. we'll continue to focus the education on the actual strong academic performance of the student. we don't want things like math to have some of these other
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concepts introduced. >> harris: not that it was anybody's intention but they need to come up with examples. they are reviewing it. you have given one of the best, jason, explanations of the tie between math and crt as part of this argument. >> they are basically saying folks who will -- call themselves anti-racist activitys claim white supremacy affects math. the characteristic of perfection is an example of white supremacy. when you look at math, you have correct answers and incorrect answers. so when you are being told an answer might not be correct that somehow in the twisted view of far left folks say it's white supremacy. the gates foundation back rolled a group saying math being objective is false. so this is what we're seeing. it is not just in florida. it has been happening on the
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west coast in particular washington and oregon for quite some time. >> harris: wow, we just learned pi is not negotiable. 3, 1, 4. we know parents have a big voice in florida and virginia and watching it in new jersey and so forth and watching you for all you do. jason rantz, thank you. mile high masking not anymore. a federal judge slapped down the administration's mass transit mandate and so far no word on the appeal that could come from the white house. >> they campaigned on an open border. this is exactly what it looks like. they're keeping a campaign promise. and the fact that they refuse to make things better tells you that this is willful. >> harris: why do you want an open border? good question for dems. the new border numbers are breaking decades-old record and
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with title 42 covid restrictions ending may 23rd, even some democrats particularly in the senate saying we're not prepared for what is about to happen on our southern border. former acting ice director tom homan is in "focus" next. and rates are still near the lowest in history. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. if you've been living with heart disease, reducing cholesterol can be hard, even when you're taking a statin and being active. but you can do hard. you lived through thirty-seven red-eye flights in a middle seat.
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>> this is scary stuff. real national security issues at stake at the southern border and important to remember these are only the individuals that we encountered. so the 500,000 to 600,000 gotaways last year in 2021 alone, how many additional individuals that were in that flow that we never encountered, never apprehended are in the u.s. today? >> harris: the answer to that is that we don't know. we do know this.
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we have more people illegally trampling our southern border with mexico than in two decades. 220,000 last month. 1.2 million since last october. so basically six months. that again what he was just saying doesn't add in the hundreds of thousands of people who are here and untraceable. data show agents have caught 23 known or suspected terrorists crossing the border. get this, that happened between january and march of 2021. the white house press secretary apparently is unbothered. >> why do you guys think that somebody on a terror watch list would want to get into the united states undetected? >> i can't make an assessment of that. what i can tell you is your data you are citing here the border patrol was doing their job. they apprehended people at the border. >> harris: you can't make an assessment of why people want to come and sneak and be untraced? unfortunate for her. the issue is causing a
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political rift on the left nonetheless no matter what psaki says. 11 senate democrats are warning the white house that the country is not prepared for the migrant surge we are about to get when the administration ends title 42, public health restrictions on covid and the border. that happens may 23. texas governor abbott was really not joking around when he promised to take the border crisis to washington, d.c. a seventh bus carrying illegal immigrants is en route right now to the nation's capital. tom homan former acting ice director. this has gotten precipitously bad which is exactly what you and i talked about over a year ago. once this flipped it would get ugly. now it's dangerous. talk to me about national security. 23 known or suspected terrorists that were picked up. >> first of all let me correct chad. the number is 700,000 people
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gotaways, known gotaways since joe biden became president. 700,000 people entered this country and were not arrested and known gotaways. it means they were caught on camera, drone or censor traffic and couldn't respond because they were too busy with family units. last month with title 42 in place the border patrol was so overwhelmed, 67,000 are known gotaways. not counting the ones that don't trip a camera or censor. if they arrested 23 it is only common sense how many didn't they arrest out of the 700,000 gotaways? border patrol arrested people from 157 countries. some of them support terrorism. so if anybody thinks not a single person on that 700,000 came from a country that terrorism came here to do us harm they're ignorant and not looking at the facts. >> harris: thank you for the update on the 700,000. last time i checked it was 150.
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we're again just going in the wrong direction so much faster than anybody said except for folks like you. quickly you said something. that was how it was with title 42. why in the world would you change it if you couldn't control it before? >> that's exactly true. this national security issue will get worse because the more people -- look, title 42 lifts it will be uncontrollable. it is already uncontrollable. they can't contain what's coming across now. when you add title 42 that means more gotaways. 67,000 last month will be over 100,000. at this point the secretary of homeland security has the same numbers that bill melugin got. he knows, he has 700,000 gotaways. at what point does the secretary of homeland security tell the white house i can no longer support this open border agenda putting this country at great risk of a terrorist
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attack. >> harris: let's keep reporting the news. let's keep putting it out there. there is so much of it now, tom. i want to get to this. fox news contributor marc thiessen says the border crisis will have a huge effect come november in the mid-term elections. let's watch this together. >> this is political kryptonite for democrats. border disaster has an impact across the country and at the polls. the only thing that has prevented an absolute deluge of people coming across this border is title 42. if he lifts that, americans will finally -- if we think the border has been a disaster for the last year it will be a disaster like they have never seen and they will pay a political price for that. >> harris: my question for you and you can react as well. why would anybody want open borders? >> they see a future political benefit. what else -- when biden
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abolished everything we've done to give the united states to make it secure. the first president ever done that. why would he do that? he also overturned trump census rule. millions of people will not be counted in the census on sanctuary cities and more seats in the house for the democrats. they perceive these millions of people coming to the united states as future democratic voerts and want to fundamentally transform the composition of the country. there is no down side on a secure border. that means less deaths and less women being sexually assaulted, less -- more migrants died under biden on u.s. soil than in my career. more are coming. over 100,000 fentanyl deaths because the border is wide open.
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fentanyl comes across the border because they're not processing them. they're killing migrants and u.s. citizens and now the national security issue. this is -- we're at a point now someone has to do something. we have to take action. this country is at great sk. i've done this for 35 years and never been more concerned about the safety of this country because of that border ever in my career than i am today. >> harris: the line that you just spoke biden's policies are killing people, migrants and more, that is the line of the day from you, tom homan. no one has put it that way and we'll follow the number. 700,000 people untraceable gotaways and the number is growing. thank you for being in "focus." great information. another top democrat is sounding the mid-term election alarm. she says her political party is going to get smoked if they don't start delivering on some
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of their promises. and i turned that into a three syllable smoked. >> they clearly lost the first part of war and now they try to terrorize and intimidate people. i don't think the ukrainians will be easily intimidated. >> harris: putin's war machine of terrorists now has a new phase as they hit ukraine and its citizens. troops pounding towns in the east. ukrainians trying to hold on to what is left in the south. trey yingst with the latest on the ground from kyiv, the city capital there. the country capital and retired four-star general jack keane with analysis of the brand-new phase. re max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health.
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concentrated on this offensive. no matter how many russian troops are drive there we will fight. we will defend ourselves and we'll do it every day. >> harris: that's the ukrainian president zelenskyy vowing to stand strong against russia as putin's army of terrorists continues to launch now a new phase, a massive offensive in the eastern donbas region. ukrainians are making their last stand along the southern port city of mariupol. an estimated 1,000 of them holding out in a metal plant in that devastated port city. the mayor there says more than 21,000 civilians have died. outside the capital city of kyiv police in a town recovered 269 bodies since ukraine retook that city last month. trey yingst is live on the ground for us in kyiv. trey. >> good morning.
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both the ukrainians and russians acknowledged a new phase of this war started overnight in the eastern part of the country. it comes as the communities on the outskirts of kyiv survey the damage left in the wake of the russian occupation. this man walks through a gate leading to his vegetable garden. a few weeks ago he buried his neighbor here after the man was shot dead by russian troops. we covered the grave with roofing panels because the dogs were digging it up, he says. next to a pile of dirt, topped with a wooden cross. yuri explains the russians used machine guns to kill the man next door trying to fix a broken gas line on the street. i heard a burst of gunfire. he jumped into my backyard and fell over dead. most of this town is in ruins. the bodies of some residents still remain under piles of rubble. recovery efforts slowed as crews find unexploded shells
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amidst the debris. here in this town the destruction is widespread. russian tanks and artillery units wiped off the map residential blocks where people were living at the time simply trying to survive amid the russian occupation outside the ukrainian capital of kyiv. you can see one apartment building that was completely destroyed. nicola lived on the fourth floor of the complex for nearly 40 years. it is where he raised his family. all that's left of his home now are memories. >> we had a good life here. our children were born in this apartment. our grandchildren stayed here, he says. now we don't know how to go on and where to live. >> in this town we spoke with a 67-year-old woman. her words stand out to me. she had a question for the russians simply asking why did you do this to us? harris. >> harris: heartbreaking. trey yingst, thank you very
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much. let's get strategy now. the institute for the study of war has just released its assessment of the invasion and russia's offensive in eastern ukraine. the institute's chairman, retired four star general jack keane, also fox news senior strategic analyst, is here. general. it is your assessment this marks a new phase in the war. what got you there and what does it mean for ukraine? >> it's very significant certainly. the russians have two lines of effort here, one is certainly this ground campaign enabled by tanks, artillery and air power in the donbas. and the aerial bombardment campaign of the major cities in ukraine. still the objective there is to kill innocent civilians, non-combatants and wear down the ukrainian people and their leadership that governs them. as to the major effort in the donbas region. so our audience understands this is the same area that has
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been contested for the last eight years. in other words, ukrainians are lined up right against russian separatists and russian forces facing each other for all of these last eight years. while the advantage lies to the russians in this effort that's taken place because they outnumber and outgun the ukrainians. morale is low. logistic performance or tactical performance isn't what it should be. ukrainians know the terrain. ukraine have to get that your arms and ammunition from poland. the outcome could be as it is now. we could fight for weeks and stalemated. we don't know the answer to that, the institute for the study of war looking at that this early. one thing we're not going to do is not underestimate the ukrainians. their skill, their will and imagination in how they choose to fight the russians is really
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quite extraordinary. and i know they are bound and determined to hold onto as much terrain as they possibly can. >> harris: you answered my follow-up question right then. i was hard pressed to figure out what the endgame was for russia. they are still pushing. you say they have to go through poland. i don't know how that will work out. i want to talk if we can what's happening at home with regard to ukraine. close biden ally, delaware senator chris coons is pushing for stronger action against putin's violence. the white house disagrees but given what you've just said about phase -- this new phase, listen to this carefully and i have a quick question on the other side. >> it is important that on a bipartisan and measured way we in congress and the administration come to a common position about when we are willing to go the next step and to send not just arms but troops to the aid and defense of ukraine. if the answer is never, then we
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are inviting another level of escalation and brutality. >> we respectfully disagree with his proposal. the president continues to -- has no plans to send troops to fight a war with russia. he doesn't think it is in our national security interest or the interest of the american people. >> harris: is coons right? do we need to have a plan for when we might put our own troops in? >> well, i think we likely do but it is not based on the conventional operation that's taking place right now regardless of what the outcome is. but it could be based on the use of weapons of mass destruction certainly. those options are all on the table. i disagree with the senator in starting a war with russia now. i have think we're doing exactly what the ukrainians have asked us to do. give us the weapons to defend their own people and they're doing a masterful job of doing just that.
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but going to war at this decision is not going to happen. the administration is not going to consider that and nato would be opposed to that. >> harris: what we were previously talking about. russia and their supply lines and the close connection to poland. what does that mean? because we're in nato along with poland. >> no, no, russia's supply lines are close to russia being the location we're fighting in the donbas right now where they had much longer supply lines when they were fighting up north in the vinlt of kyiv. it's ukraine interesting enough that has the longest supply line. they are getting all the munitions from the united states and nato from poland or one of the other countries that borders it. possibly romania. so yes, the supply lines are stretched for the ukrainians much more so than they were in the past. >> harris: thank you. last quick question. you gave us an idea of some of
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putin's endgame. what is ours? >> certainly as far as i'm concerned the endgame is to support president zelenskyy and his troops and drive the russians out of the country. help them to achieve a military victory. i don't know anything that could help nato more than to see the russian army crushed in ukraine. it would take years for them to recover, to ever be able to threaten nato and certainly nato would be much better prepared for that threat based on what has happened here in ukraine. but that is the endgame as far as i'm concerned. whether that is what we turn out with is another matter. it could be stalemated like it is now or the russians could achieve the victory that they want. i am going to put my money on the ukrainians and the toughness in this fight. >> harris: a lot of people praying for them and we're doing what we can as americans, too. you see so many americans pulling things together through charities and even former
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military like yourself going there. general jack keane. thank you very much and thanks for sharing the details of what you are working on at the institute of war. important to know about this new phase. i would imagine putin will keep on like the war machine you described. thank you. well, it could be the end of the end. what a federal judge's decision means going forward as we say goodbye to president biden's mass transit mask mandate. >> the top 10 presidential candidates for 2024 ranked. how do they do, joey at number one, two it's not kamala harris, nope, there it is, pete buttigieg with that wealth of experience that he has. >> harris: your current vp being beaten out by other members of the party for popularity for 2024? that's embarrassing. plenty of speculation if biden will seek reelection and would
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psaki and peter doocy got into it yesterday after the decision. >> this is a disappointing decision. the cdc continues recommending wearing a mask in public transit. >> why is it we can sit in the white house briefing room with no masks but people can't sit in an airplane cab-in with no masks? >> i'm not a doctor and you aren't that i'm aware of. this is based on health considerations and data that the cdc looks at about trance missability as we've seen an increase in cases on airplanes. >> harris: let's get to the judge's decision. iment prompted the tsa and several major airlines to announce they're giving max mandates the boot. a "wall street journal" op-ed says the ruling comes when the mask mandate is waning health necessity as covid becomes
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endemic. risk a broader defeat the cdc would be wiser to drop it. power panel now. jason meister former trump advisory board member and then a democratic press secretary. in a defensive posture that the white house now as shth is wiped away. >> with due respect i think we have to respect the order of the federal judge. i will say the biden administration could try to appeal this. i don't think it's the right thing to do. data shows that covid-19 continues to go down but at the same time the cdc will probably continue to recommend masks and american people have a choice if they want to wear them at this point or not. >> harris: they recommend a lot of things. they would like more me not to drink soda. it is a choice people can make. not comparing the two but some people would argue it's their
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choice. jason. >> it is their choice and it should have always been their choice but it wasn't. we had these mandates. mask mandates on airplanes are completely useless and destructive. the importance of this decision, i think, is the judge said that the cdc's mandate was both arbitrary and capricious. they can't explain the reasons for imploring this on society. there is no reason to do this. and the mandates have been totally destructive. so i am looking forward to flying again without a mask, seeing the people on the plane and their smiles. and i think that's really what is important here is we actually -- we've dehumanized people and it is nice to see people smile and fly without a mask on their face. >> harris: look, for people with pre-conditions and those who are worried about their health and so on and so forth
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may continue to wear masks forever. the flu season can be vicious. some of them have been wearing them before. it's a choice. democrats are seriously worried about the mid-term elections 208 days away. massachusetts senator elizabeth warren is the latest to sound an alarm on what will happen for democrats. she wrote the put it bluntly, if we fail to use the months remaining before the elections to deliver on more of our agenda, democrats are headed toward big losses in the mid-terms. jose, i'll come to you. >> i think first and foremost we have to recognize the american people will not give credit to joe biden for anything he has done including creating over 7 million jobs, vaccinating a majority of the american people. they won't give him credit until inflation numbers are down or until gas prices are down. the big question is can joe biden bring those numbers down before the mid-term election? >> harris: wait a minute. he is blaming putin for a lot
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of that. the answer would be no unless he wants to go talk to putin. are democrats out of ideas how to address this? jason. >> look, i think democrats are headed for big losses in the mid-terms but i don't think it is because they haven't delivered on promises. i think they are headed for a cataclysmic reckoning. he shut down businesses, kept children from going to school, they masked children where they breathe for seven hours a day. indoctrinated children with things like critical race theory and gender studies and i think that there needs to be a reckoning and serious consequences for these actions so that it doesn't happen again. i think that's why they are headed for a cataclysmic reckoning. >> harris: it is 203 days until the mid-term elections. "washington post" out with this top 10 presidential candidates president's list for 2024.
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president biden at the top. pete buttigieg beats out kamala harris for the second spot. some other notables, warren, newsom and alexandria ocasio-cortez. all making the list. who are your favorites as you look at this? i know it's a politically loaded question but are you shocked that the v.p. isn't in second place on this list? >> i'm not a big believer of polls. they change. maybe those are the numbers today. maybe seven months from today what i can tell you is any of the democrats will be better than donald trump or any republicans currently. we have an amazing group of democrats. we'll see. i don't want to jump the gun here. time will tell. >> harris: that's an interesting answer. i hadn't heard you do the reflexive democrat thing of going to trump until this second. extra credit for taking you some time. jason. >> i heard -- i was reading this morning joe biden mentioned to barack obama that he will be running again.
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i'm not sure if the list matters because joe biden is planning on running. since he was -- he out performed any presidential challenger in u.s. history and allegedly was the most popular president in american history, we'll see what p whatens. from what i can see over 70% of the country thinks we're headed in the wrong direction. >> harris: thank you for being in "focus" on the power panel today. "outnumbered" after the commercial break. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. if you're a veteran homeowner and need money for your family, call newday usa. as a veteran, you've earned the powerful va home loan benefit that lets you refinance up to 100% of your home's value. and with home values rising, that can mean a lot more money for you and your family. a newday va home loan lets you refinance your home to pay credit card debt
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