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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 20, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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according to multiple sources that spoke to "bloomberg news." it was not barack obama's choice. that's very, very upsetting when am i gonna do now with my free while walking the dogs i can was not barack obama and michelle? that's it for us tonight get your freedom matters gear usa made on all proceeds go to charity and got fell this next. >> greg: of our producers was stuck in the elevator for hours even as we tape the show. while the fire department actually free gene was taken to a local hospital where they examined his knee which apparently strained when the elevator plunged temporarily, were happy that is well though and wish them luck in his future career endeavors. yes, yes, yes we missed we fired him because he missed his show.
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i'm running a tv show not in. i just wish that we do chance meet him first. so speaking of traps should we talk about taylor laurenti puppy don't know where but whatever. she was a former dishonest reporter "the new york times" as if that narrows things down a machine made her living creeping around the web try to find people to cancel for saying inappropriate stuff, a real jerk. she then became a dishonest reporter for "the washington post" to do the same thing. is the part of being a lefty, screwing up only get to a better job somewhere else. but between being a slimy slug she won an msnbc to talk about how she was a victim of online marbury. >> can you draw a picture of what it's like what search of harassment hits? >> it's completely overwhelming and it's not just me either. the immediately docs you will go if your family members, they try to look up everyone who ever associated with you. >> it feels like any little tiny piece of information that gets
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out on you will be used by the worst people on the internet to destroy your life. and it's so isolating. it's horrifying. it's really hard. >> greg: it really is there's nothing funny about it time to make people's lives unbearable through online marbury. unless it happens to someone who makes a living making people's lives unbearable through online marbury is funnier than women trying put clothes on at lululemon. she was a breathless online cop but waits eavesdropped on an online discussion falsely accused a tech executive of using a slur. after she was caught she bravely lost her account. meanwhile like an evil santa claus she felt a blog that said things that she deemed
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problematic. she was her own cancer culture machine, lagoon, a bully and when it suited her a victim. but now just weeks after she claimed to have severe ptsd, severe ptsd. overby and doxxed which she claims is due to her gender, she is back to her old tricks contacting friends and family of the woman behind the popular libs up tick tock quit or account. she claims that the woman's postwar anti-gain in citing outrage even though the users posted the content themselves to the account it shows unedited already public videos of lefties and older greased hair glory. but she was so obsessed she went after someone with a similar name just like me making drug jokes. "the washington post" ran her potent. in a name to the listing of her professional license with her
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address. that's doxxing by definition. the victim called and the talker last night. let's play that. >> houses affected your life? >> have to make some travel plans. i'm at a location announcing anyone will find me, i'm not any of the locations that taylor leaked. >> greg: after claiming that she was targeted taylor's start zoom targeting people she demonizes hide behind the lie that she's fighting bigotry. when a fact she gets off on it. in "the washington post" offense or, posting private emails are a target but they did. sure they eventually deleted the link, but what you post online last forever just like those cheesecake photos. actually eating cheesecake in him. [laughs] now in the good old days before social media her behavior would cost her a job.
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when you can be a job actually. she's doing the opposite speaking truth to power, instead using her power and position to target plebes, that takes a lot of balls right? about her right up there with a grade a porters covering the war on the ground in ukraine. they've heard the phrase lived by the sword and die by the sword. will i came up with it after coming up with my college roommate steve sort he was a wild man. nearly killed me. but when you live by the mob you will be crushed by the mob who goes around eventually comes around. she liked mentally ill guy who attacks a woman on the street. when the cops show up to physically take him down he screaming police brutality. how can she play the victim, imagine work with someone like that. >> i can't take the bullying anymore everyone is so mean to me and i just can't handle the disrespect and how hurtful they are, okay i'm a victim all right. i am the victim. >> can i go home yet?
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>> three more hours, shut up jerry. >> greg: as for her she's worked for a powerful media companies, she's got power and clout. she can ruin you just by accusing you of saying something and amplifying it. even if she's a hundred percent launch and never apologize just collateral damage. she's a grown woman with a massive media company behind her out in the private lives of people. maybe that's why she's miserable is not about being targeted all it's about how you target others. her joy to hunt and the scalping that comes with counsel culture until he came for her. but still she can't stop, she's just one example of someone who makes a living having others of making a living. she cries the mob unless she is leading it. so if anyone would like to protest in front of her house here's the address, number one hypocrite avenue apartment 666. let's welcome...
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he's written more scripts than michael jackson's doctor, tv writer and producer rob long. his preferred pronouns are daddy and master. chief of outspoken middle east and contribute an editor or at the spectator, chadwick moore. she's like a taxidermy bunny sheet on the outside but completely dead on the inside. fox news contributor kat timpf. and he is so strong he can go up niagara falls in a barrel my master psyches in the n.w.a. world television champion, tyrus. as a guide town? you know what that means. shia town shooting hoops with your buddies and telling jokes and then you build a shed for some reason.
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where is talking cool. we don't judge. ♪ ♪ >> greg: part two of guide town. [laughs] [laughs] >> i miss part one. >> greg: you got a back and understand part one. you know what it's like godfather. no i got father to you watch it it's okay on its own but godfather one as a godfather two. >> i gotcha, i got you. >> greg: needed to so that's what her out. if canceling is your support then you have to live by the rules of the game right? >> it's kind of weird because to me first of all eyes you know are very hip with the kids some on the tick-tock. i follow the tick-tock application phone application. that's what you call it. i've actually enjoy this one, i love the woman who does it she's super talented. >> greg: the person is liberal
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tick-tock. >> not that hard all her stuff is really reposting stuff. very little that she does. >> rob: it's really strange that those that much rage. >> greg: because she chose liberal rage to expose it and that got taylor to go after. >> rob: with the left is always saying is that we just were to be heard, we want our voices heard and then when i heard they go will [bleep]. the doxxing and all the stuff i get it and i've said the thing before because i do sympathize with this woman not this woman but the one who does the libs of tick-tock. we did used to send everybody a giant book every year that had everyone's address and it. i believe it was called the phone back. >> greg: isis in a moment i drove. >> rob: to get your hair cut. some of the stuff she sometimes
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everyone's crying all the time and saying they been violated all the stuff. i think everyone needs to sort of take a deep breath. i'm not to be unsympathetic from a little bit on sympathetic. >> greg: when you make a great psychiatrist. we talk about that our next sequence. speak to mike >> greg: that's the dream. >> rob: while on the cast on. >> greg: i feel like "the washington post" has the responsibility to assess the mental health of taylor when somebody goes and claims of victimhood for man doxxed and then goes and doxies. >> i would agree with you if she was in every liberal i know. there's actually no diversity every single time, they spend their lives through the most hateful things for other people. weaponizing the nuclear arsenal the mainstream media the stock
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and harass and destroy lives. the minute they get an iota of that in return as i will kill myself. if you keep going with this. i'm the victim here. it's cry bully which is this term was invented for. she takes it a step further. >> chadwick: this creature is something else but it's also ridiculous in the cup that we saw. it's comedy. >> greg: it's the shield. like oh, i was suicidal and that she locks herself. that way no can come after me and them whenever thing comes down she's back at it. >> tyrus: i have had some bad acting my day. she'd some stuff. if you watch that scene back. there's a great spot were she forgot her line. [laughs] [laughs] or interviewer tried to help her. because she was already leaning forward. she is being dramatic. she said it was horrible.
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then she got frazzled because she forgot her thing. then she did the freight cry that i need a minute. whatever was leaning forward because she had summing else watch back again as a director or watch it how you like to watch her movies were supercritical a bad acting. it again. you can be any more planned out i just didn't have any more time for any more takes. this was planned. she's literally trying to show how hurt she is and is complete [bleep]. >> why was justin bieber there? >> tyrus: there were all there to do something which is this is what happens when people get together and they plot like jesse's malay when they get together and someone's not with the script is the same thing. i think the other individuals are there for support help her with a line or something else was to be contributed but she got caught up in the moment i'm sure when they were sitting and talking about it she's like it was so great got her message.
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>> greg: it was funny she has severe ptsd but i think it really puts joey jones in his place. >> tyrus: or anyone within a few miles of ukraine. >> greg: she executed again with the 12:45 p.m. about the amount of insane stuff that's happened over the past 24 hours. it's been unbelievable it's eye-opening to see how sophisticated and vicious these coordinated attacks have become i'm grateful to work at a company that takes these issues seriously so she has talked about how she is affected by huge company will talk in what these cornet attacks. she has more power than anybody. >> kat: she's using eye-opening wrong. [laughs] [laughs] what you present to care that is not the one thing that you do witches go after people because obviously this is in the first time she's done this. going after people and cancel them and then cry when people get upset about it. in the interview was so fake so let's say it was true. she said in their i had not but
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severe ptsd. just i just want to do anything. just read in the stuff like okay what might i recommend a different activity? you don't just sit there, i see horrible things on the internet, but that's only when i'm looking this people told me to kill myself that i don't even know about. >> greg: i apologize for that every time. it's a combination of medications and alcohol. >> tyrus: i disagree with you that tweet was a threat. i'm so thankful that i have a company back in me. because if you've a company back and you don't have to bring it up. >> greg: that such a good point. we are so perceptive. >> tyrus: thank you. >> greg: i wish i thought of that. he's after my job. >> he is after your job but you are spread pretty thin let's be honest. >> greg: doesn't make liberals nervous when viewers reject
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♪ ♪ >> greg: watch by no one. meanwhile as other leftists start streaming viewers start streaming, viewers say keep dreaming. should i bother let's keep going. streaming services have unleashed a bunch of lefty talk shows recently like the new book of erotic fist photography people are looking away and discussed. cnn plus is parent company is suspending marketing for the struggling platform and firing the company's cfo. thus the parent company of going out for milk and cigarettes and never coming home. they're worried that they might show the account which is almost entirely spent on pie. [laughs]
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[laughs] pie is so funny. pie is awesome. meanwhile jon stewart show keeps flopping harder than me at an ugly dude contest. [laughs] [laughs] turns out jon stewart's problem is a swap jokes for miserable. why are all the shows struggling to keep up with yours truly, the king of late night? elon musk blames the what woke of mind virus. that permeates all the hot garbage masquerading as entertainment. i think people are finally getting sick that's what you want recently called netflix unwatchable which is also the original name for the chelsea handler show. even netflix is using subscribers, 200,000 in the past few months. the only thing dropping faster and the share price is chris wallace's self-esteem. [laughs] some of these streaming services will wake up and produce
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something besides woke that people actually want to see. like this. >> shooting hoops with your buddies and telling jokes and you feel something for some reason wearing suits and shades and talking but it's fine because we don't judge. ♪ ♪ >> greg: yeah come apart one more time it's actually chadwick. i think the problem here chadwick besides the strange name [laughs] is that entertainment is now betraying its initial premise which is to entertain. now it's becoming a messaging service for executives terrified of the woke. you can be both you can entertain and be woke. >> chadwick: jon stewart shows a really good example of that i don't think anyone born after 1990 really realize the daily show was once funny. and who is his audience? people of his generation go woke it feel so insincere. you could see right through it. his audience was gen x, old
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millennials most people generally aren't as woke as young people. the knock at this new version of the man, i thought he used to be funny. the old daily show netflix i think elon musk is correct that it's unwatchable. netflix isn't available in china. so imagine if they tried to expand into china at the more castrated and woke and unwatchable it will be after that. >> greg: ivan analogy for jon stewart. you know it's different than liberals than us? that's how they flop. it's not about the numbers it's a jon stewart's show is a boutique that status to the shopping mall it doesn't matter how many customers go in. >> kat: there's like three dresses in there. >> greg: it's like one of those little stores and soapboxes you know to mean? like people walk in and just walking around us like three dresses and it's like no one's buying anything so that the stuff going on in the store.
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>> i worked during the day. speak on thing about charles and oh, my poor children. it's like a boutique. >> it's like she got her own store. >> greg: i think it's what rich people do for their wives they open up a store like in pennsylvania or someplace like that have a question for you? >> kat: no, it's okay. i just take some from that and gather start talking. >> greg: good for you. >> kat: thank you. it really is. obviously i think he doesn't have to do a good job. good apple tv useless face on there without actually having you to watch it. but again they really have the wrong idea of what i'm looking for. when i go down on my couch to sit and watch tv. >> greg: what are you looking for? >> kat: i just want to be entertain i'm not looking for what march is a should be.
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i need some comp awakening. i want to learn anything. i'm gonna fall asleep. >> greg: when i got a few options for that. >> kat: drugs? >> greg: no-shows. shows. tyrus, could be that we just ran out of stuff to watch? [laughs] >> tyrus: no, there's always can be stuff to watch. there probably should be a cap were just out of ideas folks. you missing the point. stewart, cnn. they have no audience because there is no audience in the woke. everyone is a star, everyone is the host. everyone's twitter or whatever. they are the affected virtuous fight in the good fight and they don't ever learn anything. they have all the answers and everything is very easy, racist, sexist and out treasonous. so those of the three things that make up everyone's show. they can't tick tock there the
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start of the show. they don't have the research anything. because they arty know what the answer is no matter what it is. racism, doesn't matter don't ask any question. >> greg: sure people. >> tyrus: racist. >> kat: it's really hard to be creative if you have that self censoring going on if you had everything in all my can be canceled and i get to be canceled? you can't fully think anything out without censoring your own brain. >> greg: when you couldn't do any comedy special if you would it would be terrible like that lady from england. >> she's from australia but i take your point. >> greg: come on. >> this shows that kat talks about their funny. the first volitional business is that nobody pays for homework. we keep giving people homework than i can watch it. but i don't think it's way the woke is him. lucas jimmy fallon, jimmy fallon, trevor noah, john oliver samantha be an out.
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is not that they're woke it's just that there's too many of them. there's a market for that. >> rob: what i'm suggesting is that you can be the most untalented laziest person with another point of view and you have the number one late-night show. >> greg: oh, i see we are this. you're saying that the line for this kind of job is so low. i just walked in the right time. >> rob: literally anyone could do it. [laughs] >> greg: it's really weird could actually agree with you. [laughs] i earned a spot rob. i earned it. >> rob: i don't want to know how but if you like i do know how. [laughs] [laughs] >> greg: yes exactly poor him. i guess we should move on. up next are americans a mess from constant stress, we'll find out next.
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>> greg: psychologist have confirmed that yes the pandemic in the economy the war in ukraine come to make rib not being available all year round has definitely messed with our heads. the american psychological association. [laughs] they publish a wide-ranging annual stress in america survey which is a real pain in the to fill out by the way. but he found out that 87% of americans feel like that there been a constant stream of can't crises, thanks joe biden, or obama, or obama-biden, michelle. [laughs] and more than 75% feel overwhelmed by it. the remaining 27%. everyone he passed by on the street will be on the verge of a mile down, punching in the face at any moment, especially for initials are dana perino.
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and it's true. people are losing their minds. and by people you mean idiots like "new york times" colleges who predict that violence towards mass squares after the mass mandate was dropped. if only there was someone a pulse out of this, which we do about this mr. president? >> hey, hey come on man look. i understand people are stressed out i understand it. but i told you what it was about. this two reasons for it already. vladimir covid, putin 19. both of those guys look. old joe i know how to do this thing right, i know what it feels like we need to put food in your gas tank okay. you listen to people you do what you're told. if you would do what they told him and one to take off her shoes we going to the bus stations. on the airport. on the... thing there.
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>> greg: the president makes a good point there tyrus. a lot of stress is driven by people meddling in other people's lives. we step the community announcing a reverse community. a set of people helping you like your neighbors we can borrow lawn tools. else like other people you don't know tell you how to lead your life. >> tyrus: there are real problems in this first world problems. first world problems seem to be worth anything. oh, i'm worried about how many pieces of paper go in here greg. how many trees are you murdering you murderous pastorate. and i can't sleep at night thing about that, that's on a real problem it sounds good and is virtue signaling. how mighty my bills this month. real problems is my kid ran away from school, i'm dealing with family drug addiction, those are real problems in american deal with and still find ways to make their lives work and go. the not doing the survey, it's
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the ones in the safe spaces were like so upset because someone said the f word on tv and they need to go down. or i know you said something in 1981 and we have defined it. that's what's taking the place what problems are. these fake problems because of virtual signaling is the new thing to do to be on tv because you get a lot of attention forward. you've severe ptsd. severe craig. severe. >> greg: you know kat what i've noticed is that i do believe that the mask is a new identity. because if they say that you could be victimized that the victim class. we might have mask hate crimes. you know? yes. >> kat: we probably will. >> greg: unmasked mega supporters putting a noose around your neck for wearing a mask. >> kat: i don't know does he actually believe that that is true or not and i don't know
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which one is worse? i really don't think that's gonna happen. i still want to see people still in new york this people outside who wear masks i generally, maybe they have some kind of medical condition i don't think that you're stupid but i'm not gonna hit you. i think people are to be beating people up if they want to wear masks. i just don't want someone to force me to wear a mask. and it's been so fun for them for so many years to have all these options of ou went out and that makes you a bad person. i wear this mass some a better person. usually at the put in more effort to have people think you're a good person but here i think that's what they're morning more than the masks. >> greg: is the mask the new western burqa? i'm pretty impressed. >> when you decide that your personal liberty and other people's personal liberties are important, your life gets so much better that you don't have
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to worry about what other people are doing. you want to worry about how the race and the kids, how to wearing a mask or not. if so much more free time to enjoy your life. but it is true i feel like there has been two years of stress and things been a difficult century to be honest. a lot of things going on. that's probably all decide to do the healthy thing to take all those feelings and bow them up stick them in a very secret place. >> rob: and pretend none of it ever happened. >> greg: the solution is drugs. legal mushrooms will probably solve all of this. you know it's interesting we talk about the stress the study comes out you know what's missing from all the stress? donald trump. i thought that was the person causing all the stress. and he's gone. he's not around. he's not tweeting and yet we have all the stress. i blame it on the liberals. they could've been the title my new brook stomach book.
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[laughs] >> they got addicted to the stress. what if all the stresses of all the busybodies that will the lands last year. super stressed out that they can't make you wear the mask on the airplane that you're standing too close to them and they can control you anymore. those poor things. i really do think that there's something wrong with it. but i've come but i find it entertaining. ryan, one of the street like a mask or imagine what they believe. >> greg: but it is. this in the leg work creating identity for them. they're embracing identity, it is can be part of the liberal component that makes up for the mosaic of liberal life with your pro-choice, gun control, mask. >> kat: they could just wear the mask like so many other people wearing and all the pictures are back on twitter. i'm still wearing my mask on the plane. wait go ahead. >> this is a great benefit for us, wear the mask.
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easiest possible solution. don't pass any laws. >> i no caps on had a head her mask on. just wear a shirt and shoes please. and pants. i'm tall. and pants greg, and passed. thank you, thank you. >> greg: those are always optional at my place. [laughs] coming up enjoys fancy eats, but can you get the homeless off california streets? who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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[laughs] only time that joe could work. he decided to attack the homeless problem after he stepped in human on his way out of the french laundry. too bad the first laundry was a real laundry in my right? maybe i'm not. organizations like the aclu western properly lost center claim that the proposal could be if moral forcing people into treatment they may not want is that of focusing on housing which is what they already say to avoid solutions. but imagine forsaking a medical treatment on people who don't want it. all right you can only do the. but the same activists is about putting mentally ill drug addict is homeless in jail is that her treatment. soon say okay a suit treatment they say no, that's a violation of their rights. i guess like leonardo dicaprio they've got problems with
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commitment. like my dad always said no space of the larger problem i'm not your. [laughs] [laughs] >> greg: i had such a hard time reading that i think my contacts died towards the end of the evening. but also could just be age you're right it could just be age. you don't mind her own business. [laughs] is an argument that the mentally ill have a right their decisions ignores the fact that there mentally ill question what they can make decisions? >> kat: they're saying this is specifically people who are severely mentally ill to the point they don't have that scraps of meat reality in order to make a decision. late is that the love that everybody hates the sky. nobody likes a sky. people on the left on like this guy people on the right to like the sky. but he still the governor of california. i know he should be able to do
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better than that. >> greg: may be. we can, michael shellenberger are you aware of him? >> i'm doing a park out on them tomorrow. >> greg: he's running for governor with actual problems to come up with solutions on his own. >> look i think it's a credibly tragic all kidding aside. it is always been a mental health drugs or alcohol addiction problem. the left is always in assisted its housing because that's what they want. it is not that. the evidence here, everyone walking around in new york city on the subways or in venice beach where i used to live. you know who's homeless. it's not people whose lost their jobs, it's people who've lost their minds. it's not compassionate to say that we need to build more housing for them. as i compassionate to talk about housing solution. what's compassionate to say okay how my gonna do with all these people on the streets? how would you make sure that they don't push people in front of trains which is what they're doing in new york city all the
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time. >> greg: with go back to the sanitarian's country sides because you have to get the mentally ill and common areas and so we shunned them into the city with his loud noises and subways, that is not good. >> i was actually applaud him for trying to something. sonja grew up in california and california especially in l.a. and the burbank area and venice beach where she spent all my time. it's very different place now. no one is volunteering to go look for a better day. they're setting up shop in a lot of cases they fight viciously for what they consider their turf. >> greg: exactly. >> tyrus: intermix would not just the homeless dealing with mental issues there's a lot of drug dealers hiding out there, and drug addicts and all kinds of people were just, migrated into these different cities. so for the governor to start
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making courts make decisions on individuals in a clean up city. you have to do it. it was a situation where what it is not being heard. they build a house will stay in the house and the no leave. >> greg: will trash it on the leave. get in the hotels in new york with a given everyone hotel rooms and vouchers and stuff, and then once the drug dealers found the hotels in the hotels can handle it anymore. at some point you have to make tough extreme decisions. to fix a problem or at least alleviate some of the problems. >> greg: ornament tough decisions are trying to help people i think half the arson in oakland is homeless people setting fire to places the sleeping in or what not because of doing drugs. this is a societal concern. >> but like all situations that were in, this represents what we thought was a solution in the early 70s member one flew over the cuckoo's nest and statement
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all hospital horrible place. so they close them all down. this is a solution policy solution which is stupid. it was done by people who thought that they were solving a problem enough to go back and solve the problem. >> greg: last word chadwick. >> chadwick: i'm just surprised at their back from there to your vacation. simple live already violation. now with 330 million americans do. >> greg: when that is a very good point. and on that point we will move on come up next will johnny depp get the final word in his case against amber heard? it's a bit functional. but we'll gladly be functional. so you can be free. booking.yeah
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>> greg: johnny depp trial on tv why? [laughs] >> kat: because it's messy and it's interesting and cheers someone in the bed and anyone if there's in a bed that i want to know more about it. >> greg: also thought annable it's her. >> kat: in a bed from an attractive woman i want to know about it. >> greg: it is pretty interesting. he's suing her for 50 million for slander or something, she is counter swing for about a hundred would you believe? >> tyrus: the only reason i'm paying attention is because he was on the run down today.
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real quick, this has nothing to do for money with johnny depp that's the price that a man has to go to especially a white man in this country is to go to to prove his innocence. he has to put his entire life under a microscope and were hearing the videos on the stuffer seeing, he has judge jeanine said that he is compelling case but he has to unfortunately put it for the whole world to see because accusations don't need facts or anything like that. everyone should be heard, but you shall respect the investigation. >> greg: everyone should be heard except for amber heard. [laughs] you know rob you know johnny depp you guys hang out? >> rob: 90 more. spoon did you guys were to get onto jump street? >> rob: he looked like amber heard back then. in the five words i'd say, not great, not great. five words i'd say johnny, lay off the carbs.
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[laughs] that's my conclusion. >> greg: i think you could replace carbs with four other things. >> and try to keep it real upscale here. >> greg: when i think it's not about the fact that he's a celebrity i think people are more sympathetic it towards him because he's laying out this evidence of spousal abuse a loss of finger, part of a finger i mean. it is wearing a suit from 1992. >> greg: is enough to start selling ferraris. yeah. exactly. i bought coke from him and a corvette. what am i saying? >> comes with a long little pinky. >> greg: a john waters film, good call back. you should be on this show very soon. i think he is. do any strong feelings about the story? should tv be televising this? should we be watching this we
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feel like were intruding, i feel dirty while i'm watching it. >> account of like the live coverage of this then ukraine. >> greg: it's easier to take than bombing the bombed out buildings. >> tyrus: i do know he's prebombed out. this guy's been through and back and he doesn't feel like going back to. >> greg: who does go back to paris and drink more wine. but he's fighting for his career. doesn't have a career. and amber heard, they find out it's her. believers can hit the fan. >> tyrus: there to be dna testing. >> greg: when the lawyers or can i have to do the counter what they called? was the thing with the lawyer comes on, cross examination. >> tyrus: of course i'm the only one knows that. >> greg: i think you're over now aren't we? were done with this topic. we can keep talk about it but frankly i just want to go home
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