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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 21, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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honest -- finish my thought -- just to be clear -- >> the same exact shirt is the last time i was on your show. >> thanks for sharing. i keep my word. >> you absolutely kept your word. >> sean: truly an undeserved life from god and from you this great audience, you make it possible. i can't thank you enough. laura is next. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle," thanks for being with us tonight. china's bff, that is the focus of tonight's "angle." >> the biggest reasons for democracy is weakening is the profound change that has taken place and how we communicate and consume information. our new information ecosystem is turbocharging some of humanity's worst impulses. lies, conspiracy theories, junk science, quackery. white supremacists.
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racist tracks, misogynist creeds. people are dying because of misinformation. >> laura: okay, this is rich. with his party on the brink and his former vp on the ropes, barack obama thinks that he is going to what, turn the tide by attacking the few news sources in the united states that are actually telling the truth? about the results of his party's policies? so labeling the views of an effective opposition is dangerous disinformation, which is what he did today at stanford, it is a common tactic of dictators. like putin and xi. brings the question, why is the left, why are democrats so cowed by china and so condemnatory of their own country? now we all know that the left does not think twice about punishing perceived wrongdoers here at home. when the lg blm cdc announced new rules, you better follow them or else. you use the wrong pronouns?
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you are banned. post that you did not get your booster shot? you could lose half your following on twitter. you raise your voice at a school board meeting? oh, the doj is going to put you on a terror watch list or threatened to. but where are the left of social order enforcers when it comes to china? the cpp is starting 20 million people in shanghai and crushing freedom in hong kong or funding russia's assault on ukraine. spreading anti-american bile online, covering up the truth about covid an end imprisoning the uighurs, bankrolling russia's war in ukraine, "angle" continues to pretend present she is someone we can work with an good faith. climate czar john kerry, kind of like a desperate girlfriend dragging her ex to get back together long after he has moved on. >> some of the differences of opinion between our countries
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have been hardened and sharpened and that makes diplomacy more complicated. i am in touch with my counterpart, he is working in good faith, but if climate becomes one of the tools, one of the weapons in the bilateral back and forth, we are cooked, we are in serious trouble. >> laura: oh, yeah, we are cooked all right because china is playing you every step of the way, john. mouthing platitudes about the climate as china moves forward full steam ahead building coal plants just as they always were, it's ridiculous fear and china obviously knows it can just as easily bamboozle our defense secretary. the chinese wouldn't even return void austin's multiple calls for what, almost a year, and when they finally took his call this week, it was only aftr the ccp announced its new security pact with the solomon islands which greatly weakens our position in the region. austin got nothing from his
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talks except in earful about how america needs to stay out of the whole taiwan situation. this is another bite and diplomatic failure. this is not what they promised us. >> joe biden is probably the most experienced foreign policy expert since george h.w. bush. >> i support joe biden because beginning on day one, he will restore america's leadership and the alliances we need to address the dangers that threaten our nation. >> joe biden will restore our standing in the world because he knows that our true strength comes from setting an example of the world to follow. >> laura: the world wants to follow? of course, this was all smoke and mirrors. the decades i have been in washington, biden has always been known as kind of a goofball grifter, a glad hander. china knows it owns biden and he is never going to stand up to them. biden showed his true colors remembered during a speech there in 2011. >> i recognize that many of you in this auditorium see our
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advocacy of human rights as, at best, and intrusion, and at worst, an assault on your sovereignty. i want to tell you directly that this is not our intentions. >> laura: and even biden said he understood china's one child policy of forced abortions. >> but as i was talking with some of your leaders, you share a similar concern here in china. you have no safety net. your policy has been one which i fully understand, i am not second-guessing, of one child per family. >> laura: now imagine if he was this understanding to conservative americans and their concerns at home. but the truth is, the soft pedal approach to china is not limited to the democratic party and politicians. they are not the only powerful people bending over backwards to accommodate china. just think about how disney blew
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up against governor ron desantis in florida over that parental rights in education law. >> we have to protect trans-kids, they said. >> laura: but if disney cared so much about lgbtq rights, why are they silent about china's increasingly hostile attitude toward gays or when china edits the gay sees out of american films and tv shows, or when they only masculine characters on tv. well, of course, these same liberals are fine, though when twitter sensors conservatives like trump and yours truly. banned from their country since 2009, the twitter mafia continues to give the chinese government account free reign. they have free reign to trash america on twitter 24/7, no repercussions in big tech for china ever. the sellout of freedom at the nba, though, is just as bad. after supporting the radicals that blm and railing against
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america for its structural racism, the nba is in a perpetual bow to china. all to preserve its lucrative tv deal there. so lebron and the biggest nba stars feel so virtuous, opining about how bad things are in america for black people, yet they will not say pete about the horrific abuse is happening to millions of oppresd chinese. social justice frauds all of them. but this is sucking up to china goes far beyond the nba, too, and it goes to most of the major media outlets in the united states. where is the outrage about china's zero covid policy? millions upon millions in shanghai are at risk of starvation. thousands forcibly pulled out of their homes, separated even from their kids, and our press does everything in its power to kind of sidestep what is really happening there. >> china, the other big country dealing with this, they have
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different policy, zero covid policy, they have not quite achieve that obviously what they are having some progress. beijing zero covid policy appears to be quite successful. >> laura: quite successful. and not just they are ignoring or downplaying china's role in keeping russia afloat financially during the ukraine invasion. meanwhile, they brand anyone who questions our own military involvement in ukraine as pro-putin. of course, none of this makes any sense because you really can't be anti-putin if you are also pro-xi, which our press effectively is. so what does the left's refusal to stand up to china tell us? i think it proves that they believe in nothing except money and power. if the left really cared about autocracy and racism, genocide, islamophobia, gay rights, the climate, they would criticize china more than they criticize, say, florida or texas.
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and it also proves that any democrat who claims to care about china -- you remember tim ryan in ohio -- is either naive or just lying. having biden in the white house is china's dream come true. and anyone who supports biden is just helping china. this also proves that the democrats were never intending to pivot to asia -- remember that? they are going to concede asia to china and i guess just focus on defending eastern europe against china's ally, russia. twisted, but it is true. it also proves the democrats believe conservative americans are a bigger threat than the communist chinese. have you ever heard biden's attorney general or kamala harris criticize china like they criticize the rally attendees on january 6th? it proves the democrats are either under the thumb of the donor class -- well, of course they are -- unlike republicans, who are fighting big business over the china issue, the democrats are taking the side o, apple, the nba, and other big
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donors. finally, their refusal to speak plainly about china's abuses proves that democrat just cannot be trusted to manage our foreign policy. i think standing up to china is the single biggest challenge we have faced today, it is likely the biggest one we are going toe for decades. and with biden, we have a president who is compromised because of his son hunter's big china payout. the democrats may never want to cancel china, for all but it has done to undermine our country and freedom everywhere. but i fully expect that the voters in america will cancel them in november. and that's the "angle." joining me now for reaction is mike pompeo, former secretary of state and fox news contributor. so why does the left act like conservatives are a bigger threat to america than the cpp? >> because in fact we often are. it has been conservatives that
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understand the risks from communism and what it means to us here in the united states. the american left has apologized. they think america is in decline. they think xi and our nation are the same, they do not see the difference. you talked about this a bit ago, it is about money. the left has deep ties into the chinese communist party and their businesses, america's biggest financial institutions have deep ties into china and they do not want to walk away from that, so they both punish americans but they are not going to do a darn thing with china behaving in ways that are deeply inconsistent with america's best interests. >> laura: so money and power, we are establish that. let's talk about the military superiority issue which is raised in this new security pact with the solomon islands. most people, they kind of know where the solomon islands are, but for most folks, it does not really cut through the conversation. why is this so important, this particular issue of the deal
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they signed this week, mr. secretary? >> laura, the chinese have been trying to expand their footprint in the pacific, particularly the south pacific for an awfully long time. they began building a set of islands, they put military bases on there, after they promised president obama they wouldn't and when they did come he did literally nothing. the solomon islands and other islands in the pacific are places where they can park missile systems, naval bases, other naval capabilities that they can use to foreclose trade, all of the important trade that moves through all of the south pacific into the eastern pacific into places that matter an awful lot to the united states of america. it is why china is so focused on it and why in the trump administration we worked so diligently to build alliances with those countries. the biden administration has allowed china to walk all over them throughout the entire pacific. >> laura: and lloyd austin have as much awaited phone call this week with some chinese defense official. from the readout, it doesn't
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look like we got anything out of this call. i mean, i guess read between the lines, but it seems like all we do is get hector to buy china and they are just moving apace on everything they want to do and don't really care what we say. >> i don't think they respect or fear the united states under the leadership of president biden. the call reminded me of the first meeting between jake sullivan and secretary blinken and the chinese that happened in anchorage where they talked about blm and how we terrorized black people here in the states and the american response was to kind of nod our heads and say we are not really that bad. it is hard to imagine why this was the first call between the chinese and the secretary of defense after almost 16 months and it doesn't look like we actually defended the things that matter most of the united states of america, our secretary of defense should have done that. hope he did. i hope the readout was incomplete and he was actually strong and demonstrated american resolve but as we have seen in ukraine, as we have seen with chairman kim firing missiles out of north korea at a rapid pace
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over a longer distances, this administration has not shown the same result and capacity to deter russia like we did for four years. >> laura: no, no, you are very diplomatic. they don't fear them, they walked all over them, they didn't even return austin's call for i think almost a year. what is that all about? that tells you everything you need to know -- and by the way, we are looking for any kind of consistent, you know, china policy from the administration, but they have no consistent policy whatsoever. and it looks like, from what blinken said last year to what john kirby is saying this year, the spokesman over there at the pentagon, it was not getting any clearer. watch this. >> i want to be very clear about something, and this is important, our purpose is not to contain china, to hold it back, to keep it down. >> i think we have all been
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concerned about china's growing influence around the world. the chinese continue to try to bully and intimidate their way into pursuing their own selfish national security interests at the expense of populations all around the world. >> laura: mr. secretary, which is it? we are not trying to contain china but we are very worried about china's expansion? i mean, it is like the shrug your shoulders foreign policy, i don't know. >> yeah, laura, the chinese communist party presents the single greatest external risk to the united states of america from any place in the world. we called it what exactly it was. it was an adversary of the united states of america. this administration kind of walk that back and said welcome we try to compete with them -- no, we compete with norway, we compete with sweden. the chinese communist party is time to take down western democracy here at home and they are making a lot of progress. we need real result, real clarity, a strong posture and build friends, indians, south koreans, japanese, australians, these are all people that are threatened by the chinese communist party as well, and we need to lead the effort to make sure the chinese
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communist party does not dominate global trade, dominate the global economy in the years and decades ahead. we can do it but it takes american leadership, laura. >> laura: yeah, australia, new zealand's watching this very closely in the solomon islands. mr. secretary, thank you. remember, you can't watch "the ingraham angle" live, gprs, hit the series record on your dvr so you don't miss us come every weeknights at 10:00 p.m. but up next, as you saw the top of the "angle," president obama descended from his ivory tower to address stanford university today so the topic was so rich with irony we had to show it to you. dinesh d'souza, ben domenech react in a moment. ♪ ♪ ment would be the last thing on my mind. thankfully, voya provides comprehensive solutions, and shows me how to get the most out of my workplace benefits. voya helps me feel like i got it all under control. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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- hello, friends, michael youssef here, the bodily resurrection of jesus christ well invested. from the dead, on the third day after he was buried,
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♪ ♪ >> laura: now despite the media's near universal adoration for barack obama's presidency, the obama administration routinely targeted americans and then lied about it. there was the selling of his landmark legislative fees, of course, obamacare. >> we will keep this promise to the american people, if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. period. if you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. period. >> laura: okay, just vicious lies.
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even earning liberal media "politico" ally of the year award. targeting the irs -- dismissed that. >> we've seen an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals. we keep on shifting our attention away from what we should be focused on. >> laura: and perhaps his most egregious act of deceit, we know upon learning the fbi was set to close its investigation into general flynn after he found no evidence of wrongdoing, obama suggested finding ways to keep it open. further, he ordered the continued investigation be kept secret from the incoming president. so, consider our surprise when
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obama announced he has made the fight against misinformation his new post presidency calling. with more time on his hands after being dropped by spotify, perhaps, he took off for stanford university to deliver a speech on misinformation, a topic he had some experience in. it started out well. >> i am pretty close to a first amendment absolutist. i believe that in most instances, the answer to bad speech is good speech. >> laura: oh, yeah, right. it became clear pretty quickly he doesn't believe a word of what he just said. >> does still nag at me, though. was my failure to fully appreciate at the time just how susceptible we had become to lies and conspiracy theories. while content moderation can limit the distribution of clearly dangerous content, it doesn't go far enough. >> laura: too much
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free speech. joining us now, dinesh d'souza, conservative commentator, host of the dinesh d'souza podcast and been dominant, fox news contributor and editor. obama on disinformation and misinformation, why has this become his new obsession? >> well, this is the artful liar in his full regalia because obama is the consummate transmitter of misinformation. his fundamental presentation to america of who he was and who he is was a lie. he posed as a centrist, even though his ideology was always remote from that. he never talked oak openly about his desire to bring down american power and influence ine world even though that is what he attempted to do for eight years. so this is the guy who is a very able con man, but one who
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nevertheless likes to take his positions and act like he got to them through some sort of moral struggle. i believe in free speech, but you know, i am dragged kicking and screaming by reality toward censorship. i don't really want to go there but it seems like the facts are making me. so this is the obama con he is practicing all over again. the only difference is now, anyone who has been observing obama can see right through him. >> laura: yeah, and ben, obama even mentioned our favorite dr. fauci today. >> the way content looks on your phone as well as the veil of anonymity that platforms provide their users, a lot of times can make it impossible to tell the difference between, say, a peer-reviewed article by dr. anthony fauci and a miracle cure being pitched by a huckster. >> this is big talk from a guy who had to admit his girlfriend and one of his memoirs was a combination of different girls. so let's go back and take a
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reassessment of the obama years when it comes to misinformation. not only is he the owner of the lie of the year but he is someone who misrepresented really as dinesh pointed out himself as this bringer of light, someone who would represent hope and change for this country, someone who ultimately ended up dividing it more than any president before him. there is no possibility, i think, for the presidency of donald trump without barack obama's maligned effect on our politics, which broke people apart and really weaponized the entire federal government in pursuit of conservatives, targeting them for their views, going after them in so many different respects, and really weaponizing the bureaucracy against pretty much everyone who barack obama dislikes, and that is what he is doing again when it comes to information. he wants these companies, he wants these market members to essentially go along with his worldview and the worldview of
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those who are around him, crushing anyone who would have the audacity to stand up to them and insist on old-fashioned and perhaps, you know, long gone ideas like there are differences between boys and girl -- >> laura: genders, yes. >> or two plus two equals four. basic things we can all agree about and the way reality really is. >> laura: i think what obama was doing today, dinesh, is sending a signal to his proxies in social media. i mean, it's always a signal. we can't do this but you can do it for us, and this brings me to the whole point about musk and twitter. that as a counterbalance, right? the fight for the new ownership, perhaps, of these platforms, and we learned today that elon musk has secured $46.5 billion in financing commitments for this twitter takeover bid. dinesh, they will stab
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themselves in the face before they are going to let elon musk take this company. >> i mean, let's think about it. you've got -- it's one thing to have a soviet regime or a cuban regime that hates free speech and hates dissent and hate the media. it's another whole thing to have a communications company, a social media company that is aggressively in the business of censorship and proud of it. so it is not elon musk who is the threat here. the threat here is free speech itself. elon musk is simply the vehicle for widening the parameters of acceptable speech on twitter, so they loathe him, are frightened of him, of course he has tremendous weapons of his own, and i am delighted that here you have a billionaire who is culturally savvy and recognizes the importance of these kinds of social media properties and is willing to put himself on the line even though he knows he is going to get a lot of pushback from twitter and from the left in general.
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>> laura: excellent point. ben, have to get your reaction to the cnn plus streaming service abruptly ended after a month. we were joking it was a cnn minus now. here is a bit of snark from their human potato yesterday. >> netflix, more like notflix. pretty bad. most folks still like the content, but they have reached this peak and may be the audience for streaming is not as big as wall street had and on, that is really i think the story this week. reevaluation. >> laura: ben, disney is down about 30% from a year ago after their tangle with politics. [laughs] stelter is laughing. cnn minus, okay? >> absolutely, they made the worst possible bit, which was that people wanted to watch cnn, more cnn.
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[laughter] the fact is it turned out when you actually get into a situation where you have your metrics assessed by the number of people who want to pay to watch you, then that actually gives you a real market evaluation of your worth, and it turns out, not a lot of people are willing to pay for this. it is something that is on automatically around them, it is in the airports and the like, but it is not something they want to pay to see and i can only say i think, look, or one out for all of those poor people who invested so much and something that lasted so short and effective so little in terms of our discourse. >> laura: all right, dinesh and ben, i know you are going to light a candle for cnn plus tonight, go back to it. it turns out so sylvester stallone's john rambo character did not end with "the last blood," joe biden has resurrected it. glenn greenwald is here to explain how in moments.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome to fox news live, marianne rafferty in
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los angeles. a new gruesome discovery near mary opal, the besieged port city in southern ukraine, satellite images show what appeared to be mass graves. local officials accused russia of burying up to 9,000 civilians there in an attempt to conceal the atrocities. russian president vladimir putin has claimed victory in mariuopol despite an estimated 2,000 ukrainian fighters still hold up on a diet know my giant mill. philadelphia will end its reinstated indoor mask mandate of mid-backlash, the board of health voted thursday to rescind mandate just days after it went into effect. it was put into place because of a sharp increase in coronavirus infections. the city will strongly recommend masks indoors as opposed to a mandate. i am marianne rafferty. now back to "the ingraham angle." ♪ ♪ >> laura: according to the ap,
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as the war in ukraine is dragging on, americans desire to get involved has waned. only 32% of americans say the u.s. should have a major role in the conflict vehicle that is down eight points from just last month. despite that, joe biden did his best john rambo impression this morning. >> today, i am announcing another $800 million to further augment ukraine's ability to fight in the east in the donbas region. this package includes heavy artillery weapons, dozens of howitzers, and 144,000 rounds of ammunition to go with those howitzers. we won't always be able to advertise everything that our partners are doing to support ukraine, but to modernize teddy roosevelt advice, sometimes you will speak softly and carry a large javelin because we are sending a lot of those income as well. >> laura: oh, my god. i can't believe he said that. biden just puffs his chest out. is important to note a recent
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cnn piece, what happens to weapons sent to ukraine? the u.s. doesn't really know. we have fidelity for a short time, but when it enters the fog of war, we have almost zero, said one source briefed on u.s. intelligence. it drops into a big black hole and you have almost no sense of it all after a short period of time. joining me now is glenn greenwald, pulitzer prize-winning journalist. glenn, so we are sending more than $3 billion in aid to the ukraine. we have no idea how much of it is actually going into that black hole. how much of it might end up in the hands of russia. but i know there are a lot of americans here who say, what about us? >> yeah, you know, as we discussed before, the question that never got asked from the very beginning of the u.s. role in this conflict is how does u.s. involvement in this war in increasingly escalatory ways, risking confrontation with russia, or just opening the
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coffers of our government and sending billions of dollars into, as you said, this black hole, benefit the lives of american citizens, which ought to become i would think, the primary if not the only question that gets asked when we think about which policies to support at the united states government engage in, that should be the question. why do american citizens have a strong interest -- i understand why russia does -- but why do american citizens have a strong interest in who governs regions in eastern ukraine? you know, the amazing thing about it, laura, when obama got asked on his way out why didn't you do more to arm ukraine, he said the reality is, ukraine will always be of vital interest to russia but never will be for us and therefore will never risk a confrontation with moscow over ukrainian sovereignty, that is just the reality, and now you are not allowed to say that. >> laura: well, in case people thought, glenn, this was kind of coming to an end, u.s. involvement, well, think again. >> how long can the u.s. maintain the level and pace of
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this military support for ukraine? >> we have a capacity to do this for a long time. the most important thing right now is maintaining unity. so far, so good. >> laura: glenn, $800 million green lit today and on top of the billions already earmarked for ukraine. but all these folks, the neocons on television, other democrats think this is going to be years, not months, but years. why are they so confident this is going to go on for years, or is it wishful thinking? >> it's wishful thinking. and i think the reason they are confident the which will be fulfilled as they are doing everything to ensure the war goes on forever. you know, it seemed clear from the start that the real u.s. strategy was to try and trap russia into the kind of war that the u.s. got involved in afghanistan where you fight an insurgency that can never end, the country gets destroyed, the
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people of that country suffer, but so does the invader because you have spent $200 trillion and as if you are never been there and the taliban both right back in. the u.s. helped trap the soviet union in afghanistan in the '80s by feeding what became al qaeda. we have this long history historical examples where we fought these wars or where we have armed and funded groups that fought against our enemies, and usually what ends up happening is the country gets destroyed, the people suffer, people far away from the battlefield get to feel strong and purposeful by cheering it on and saying we have to stand up to putin, but nobody in the united states benefits except for menu weapons manufacturer, the pentagon, the u.s. security state and that is what is happening here. >> laura: glenn, it is great to see you tonight, thank you. the democrats are finding new and inventive ways to punish you. in moments, we are going to tell you what is being proposed in the small but mighty state of
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rhode island. plus we have a big announcement about where we are taking this show next week. it's going to be fun. stay there.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: and now to our retaking america segment, we turn to a state with quirky
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politics, rhode island. now while it's representation is overwhelmingly democrat, in the state house, they control the governor's mansion, their latest actions may serve a result. samuel bell proposed legislation that is i think totally offensive, not to mention probably unconstitutional. his bill would not just enforce monthly fines on rhode islanders 16 years of age end up who are not vaccinated, but it would also call for the doubling of their personal income taxes. now part of bell's defense here is he says he has received calls from constituents who are not fully recovered and who are suffering long-term effects from covid. a mother of two and rhode island radio host at wpro is shining a light on this story and she joins us now. tara, there is a headline and another headline about how those with lower income levels here also do have low vaccination
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rates, so bell wants to punish these people already having a difficult time by making them pay more money in taxes they probably don't have, correct? >> this is true. he represents a portion of providence as a state senator and he put forward the bill and on tuesday morning, someone gave it to me and i said, this doesn't sound right. specifically when there's all this talk in parts of providence about being some of the lowest vaccinated rates, tough to get back to work, and also this whole idea of equity, that they don't have access sometimes to the vaccination, so that should be the push, that has been the push for quite some time, so to put a bill out that says anyone over 16 who is working and rhode island face-to-face with the public, you have to be vaccinated, you have to consent, or you get punished in the wallet, right, $50 a month to infinity and beyond, who knows when because the bill doesn't say when it would end, also double your personal income tax
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that if your employer was someone and you have found to have violated and they are on vaccinated and you get whacked with a $5,000 fine. >> laura: [laughs] this is ridiculous. >> i know -- >> laura: now tara, i was in radio for 17 years, okay, and i was on in rhode island a whole bunch of states across the country. you really hear from the people when something is this outrageous, your switchboard lights up, i bet it is in your case when you first started talking about it. >> it certainly did. what i thought was, we can sit and complain, talk radio is a great place to do that, but let's get back to basics. when are we ever going to take back here, when are we going to get out of the covid hangover? when are we going to stop and just not allow this to happen anymore? the listeners of wp aro, pick up the phone, call the state senators command he sponsored the bill, eight state senators thought this was some kind of
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good idea and somewhere in the morning and within a couple of hours, two out of the eight dropped off and just pulled their name off the bill. one went on, my colleague, who came after myself, matt allen come also on wpro, and one state senator said i never led the bill, i did not know -- >> laura: of course not. now tara, rhode island is such a democrat-controlled state at the statehouse level, you sometimes have republican governors, they tend to be a little squishy, but i think it is time to try to take back these new england states. this is insane, what's happening. and there are great people in rhode island. >> i agree. i think we at least have to have some kind of a balance. we've got a female republican candidate for governor who no one had ever heard of before, she just sort of landed here. i don't know. name recognition, rhode island is very much who you know, who you grew up with, i hate to say i know a guy state, but it is kind of and i know i guy state.
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so she will try to run on that. the republican party in rhode island really needs to step it up and dig a little deeper because we are very unbalanced. >> laura: all right, tara, great to see you and thanks for shining a light on this. now we turn to nevada, where the state's top democrat trail republican rivals in the race for governor and also in the u.s. senate, according to new polling. and more troubling for the democrats in the state might be the emerging trends of the majority nonwhite state. democratic strategists right to sarah recently noted, no matter democrat margin among hispanics dropped by eight points between 2016 and 2020 and was driven almost entirely by working-class hispanics. carol lena serrano is running for congress in nevada's first district and she joins us now. tara lena, would it be safe to say since biden's election, things have all gotten worse for
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hispanics and that dropped four democrats will only grow? >> hi, laura, thank you so much for having me. absolutely. i saw how hispanics were moving in droves toward president trump's policies because his policies actually work come into the hispanic community understands that. it is a largely working-class, very family oriented population, and what the biden democrats and democrats before have done is really push this radical agenda that has made our communities less safer, 50th in the nation in violence, and this is not what hispanics came to america to experience. >> laura: there is a question voters were asked, how would you rate economic conditions in nevada today? okay, 72% say fair and poor. 72%. now if that is the case, how do you not when and how does adam laxalt not win, of course, in that senate seat, cortez masco
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seat, this has got to be a no-brainer at this point. you don't want to get cocky about it but this is 911, red flags, every kind of warning you can think about in nevada right now. >> we are going to win, we're going to crush the democrats come november. i have knocked doors every week, i was knocking doors this morning, people are fed up and people understand the democrats are going to continue to push this radical agenda, there is no stopping them and like i said, voters live in reality, they have been experiencing it since 2020, and they know the only party that is really championing turning this economy around is the republican party, and unfortunately for the voters, things are going to get more painful economically here in november, so they are going to be crazy for a republican to vote for. >> laura: gas prices are not going to drastically go down. carolina, we are going to be following your race very closely and nevada very closely.
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thank you very much. >> thank you so much for having me. >> laura: coming up, a big announcement about where we are taking the show next week. find out where in moments.
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>> greg: those are fun. happy thursday, everyone. i am so excited and you know why? we have a new victim in the class here and when that is a target for discrimination and even hate. we call them the masks. it seems the department of justice is appealing the recent court ruling in order to reinstate the mask mandate on planes, trains, and buses. no word on escalators, elevators or when tyrus carries me up the stairs. yes, the cdc which stands for the center for domination and nt


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