tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News April 23, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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and friends weekend myself will cain, rachel campos duffy, rick newt. we will all be live from talladega, alabama. the talladega 500 superspeedway . you don't want to miss our coverage. we have a lot of fun saturday and sunday morning. we hope youun joinda us . sean is back on monday covering that everybody. and we'll see you tomorrow. >> i'm jason chaffetz in for laura ingraham and this is a special edition of the ingar mengel. we begin tonight with tragic news. a texas national guardsman is presumed dead after trying to rescue a female migrant crossing the rio grande. it's been more than 12 hours since he dove into the water and never resurfaced. just moments ago we learned search teams had to cease dove operations due to the strength of the river's current. they hope to resume operations tomorrow. the texas military department saying in a statement, quote,
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we will continue the search for our soldier until we have exhausted all possible resources. according to maverick county sheriff earlier this morning, the soldiers saw a female migrant struggling in the river. he immediately threw off all of his gear and jumped into the rio grande. the migrants survived and she's currently in border patrol custody. we talk a lot about this border crisis and how it's led to a surge in crime. it's fueling a drug epidemic. it's literally costing us american lives. and tonight we learned that a border crisis may have taken yet another life despite all of this destruction it's doing to our country divided administration is still not doing a single thing to fix this crisis. in fact, tomorrow marks one month until title forty two is officially lifted one month and then the floodgates open up even more . you remember that caravan's last year. we'll get ready for more .
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border agents are bracing for this one of my next national border patrol council president brandon judd says one caravan coming from guatemala is expected to reach the border on may twenty third the day title forty two expires. what a coincidence. i really can't overstate how bad it is down there. yes. reports that more than two hundred and twenty one thousand migrants were detained at the u.s. mexican border in march and that's the highest number in two decades. and it does not include any of the gateways. a group of 70 sheriffs are begging congress to extend title 40 to writing. we simply have no border left help save american lives. even biden's dhs secretary is reportedly concerned about lifting the trump era policy. joe biden was recently asked about extending here's how he reacted.
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sylvain guccifer 2.0 when i'm considering is continuing to hear from my my first of all, there's going to be an appeals by the justice department because as a matter of principle, we want to be able to be in a position where if in fact it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need title 42 that we be able to do that . but there has been no decision on extending title 42 clean up on aisle 16 . the white house quickly work to fix the mess joe made when he answered a question about the border with comments about public transportation mask mandates. it's no wonder why migrants think the welcome mat is out and it is our president can't keep his policy straight and his border czar kamala harris, she is literally busy talking about outer space.
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so what's really happening at the border? we go to fox is bill meluzin bill and jason . good evening to you as there's been a lot of talk here in the us about what's going to happen with title two next month. we've been watching it in action here in eagle pass. take a look. this video we shot here this morning as we saw multiple groups of migrants being expelled back to mexico into piedras. so we decided let's go on over to mexico to interesting and talk to some of these migrants. about hundred forty two sources have been telling us there are potentially thousands of these migrants waiting in mexico waiting for title 42 to drop so they can cross without being expelled. didn't take long to find the migrants they were standing around all over the place, many of them telling us they had already themselves been expelled via title 42 because they were from the northern triangle countries. we talked to two honduran migrants who both told us on may twenty third when total forty 42 drops they are both planning to cross illegally. take a listen to both of you on may twenty third there's another proposal from north america to help other countries honduras, el salvador
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and guatemala. the president has taken that measure to help us and support us in this moment. let me say i'm sorry, diana. my hope is for now is that i get granted permission to cross with my son on the twenty third. >> that is my hope right now and jason, we're hearing that word is quickly spreading among migrants about maybe 20 , 30 as you heard just in those interviews right there. and that's one of the reasons why dhs is projecting upwards of 18000 illegal crossings every single day when total 42 drops. just to put it in perspective for you, they're averaging about 7000 a day right now. we'll send it to you. phil, thank you . joining me now is brandon judd ,president of the national border patrol council and lt. christopher oliveros, spokesperson with the texas department of public safety. gentlemen, i want to go back to something i talked about at the top of the show and you guys put your lives on the line. but the texas national guardsman is presumed dead, sacrificing his own life,
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trying to save somebody else. lieutenant, i want to hear in your own words what you're hearing and what you're feeling . right. so of course, according to jason , of course. thanks for having me on . but what happened today is a complete tragedy. what we saw what's taking place right now in eagle pass, texas with our texas national guard soldier. but it is a clear example of true bravery and the courage for these soldiers crystallized every single day by being on the front lines and actually going into the river rescue rescuing immigrants that are coming across unlawfully violated federal law. but they risk their lives every single day to perform these rescues. and because of the messaging from the federal government that right now clearly we have an open border and of course they're not in favor of reinstating or keeping tight according to the messages. so now we have mass migrants that are waiting in mexico, caravans making their way to the south to the northern part of the border. and we're unfortunate going to see more events take place. there was 19 drownings alone
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this month in eagle pass. i was there on tuesday. there was three drownings in a single day because of the, the river the current the strong currents that are taking place right there right now and because of what's taking place, unfortunate. we're going to continue to see these events and it places our men and women border patrol, our dps troopers, our national guardsmen and very dangerous situations where they have to risk their own lives to go into that river and perform these rescue operations. brandon, you've seen it firsthand. i've been on the border with you and the people, the good people, the border patrol when you hear about an incident like tonight , what runs through your mind? what are the people on the ground, the men and women who serve in the border patrol? >> what are they thinking about ? jason , i've spoken with many agents today and we are beyond upset. we cannot believe that this president's policies are allowing migrants to put themselves in danger, go into rivers and enforce good people like this national guardsmen to go in and risk his own life. and apparently he has now lost his life. this tragedy falls directly at the president's feet.
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his open border policies are encouraging people to violate our law. it's allowing cartels to generate billions of dollars of profit. and now one of our united citizens lost his life going into a river trying to save somebody that the cartels put into place. president biden needs to wake up. he needs to do his job and he needs to secure the border. >> we talk about the people that are apprehended, but tell us more about the gateways because it's an untold number. and if the border patrol is so caught up with the paperwork in the administration of what they're having to do because the is so big, the numbers are so large , it's leaving is wide open gates out there. these holes that drug traffickers and everybody else are getting through . and that's why governor abbott launched operation lone star last year in march when we saw the influx of illegal immigrants coming across the drug smuggling, the criminals that are coming across our borders, potential terrorists that are coming across our borders. but we talk about the gateway
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just for this fiscal year alone for the first six months. and i'm sure bandit can attest to this over 300000 no days. and that's only what we know about there's there's much more there to getting by us that we are unable to apprehend border patrols overwhelmed or tied up with processing. and that's why the state of texas where now is taking unprecedented action and providing more state assets to the southern border to help our federal partners to try to apprehend these criminals that are taking advantage of the border crisis. and it all falls back on these failed border policies that we're seeing and the fact that the federal government has neglected the american people is securing the border. and that's why again, the state of texas, along with our federal partners working together, we are stepping up and trying to secure this border. >> well, here's how the biden administration is spinning their decision to end title 40 to quote with title forty two in place, a significant percentage of migrants have attempted to enter the united states illegally and ultimately face no consequences for attempting to reenter the country illegally. a white house spokesperson had told the hill privately
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they administration has argued to their allies that this is a tougher immigration stance but branded that it seems like the most desperate spin i've ever heard. >> it's a lie. title 42 goes away. then we're going to have to process people for finally that's going to take even more of our resources out of the field. it's going to create even larger stretches of border that are unpatrolled and once we process them for a week, they're going to be released into the united states. it's a reward for violating our law. that is the maga hat. it is drawing so many people to cross our borders illegally simply because they're being released into the united states never to be heard from again. we cannot reward people for violating our if we believe in the rule of law, we will put an end to this and we will stop people from putting themselves in the hands of dangerous criminal cartels. we will then be able to go after the criminality on the border. we will be able to go after the profits of the criminal cartels. we'll be able to go after
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the drug and all of the criminal aliens and aliens who are of special interest countries right now. if it wasn't for a state, if it wasn't for texas, dpf filling in those gaps that are created when when border patrol agents are pulled out of the field, who knows what would be happening right now, this tsunami that is coming north brand and real quickly, tell us about what your intelligence is telling you about what's coming to guatemala. >> but we're hearing that by the day people are gathering in this group that's going to work its way up to the border. now they're they're afraid the cartels understand that they can't have pictures like that . so once they get into mexico, they'll break they'll break up into smaller groups and hit the border in all different parts. right now we're seeing increases everywhere along the southwest border. that's not what that's not what's typical of what happens on the border. and lieutenant, tell us about some of the people you are apprehending along the way in particular even just this last week.
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and so, of course, we enhanced our border operations. we have state troopers who are actually working private ranches apprehending these single adults, the ones avoiding detection. they're wearing camouflage clothing. the weren't carpet on the shoes to avoid leading to any type of shoe tracks. these are all part of those gateways we constantly talk about that . we don't know who they are, what their backgrounds. there are criminal gang members that come across and it's startin potential terrorists. individuals have serious criminal histories for sex crimes, murder. these are individuals that are coming across the to these private ranches trying to make further to the interior and border patrol as well as being apprehended individuals. but we continue to try to fill in those gaps because we know with the anticipation of title 40 to be completely rescind it, it's going to open the floodgates right now we're seeing record numbers and of course, ben mentioned that numerous times about the individuals that are coming across the gate, always the criminals, the cartel members that are coming across all the different tactics that we're seeing as a result of what's taking place. we're now and unfortunately it's going to get much, much worse come a well, gentlemen, thanks for the good work you
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do. >> and i hope you pass along to the men and women who serve with you how much america is behind them because this policy is not it's not sustainable. but we appreciate everything you're doing every day. >> all right. we'll soon have a got to keep going. sorry. will biden have a mutiny on his hands over the border crisis? because it's not just republicans nine senate democrats are warning against lifting title forty two and it's no surprise because these are mostly vulnerable democrats. democrats including arizona's mark kelly who be my next guest is running to replace. joining me now for tonight's retaking america segment is mark baronova. she's the arizona attorney general and the united states senate candidate. mr. attorney general, thanks for joining us . it is amazing how an election is just months away and suddenly these democrats are getting a backbone and saying, oh , we got a problem. but you know, they weren't there before, were they ?
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no, they weren't. and that's the reason why i have been leading lawsuits against the bush administration and their failure to secure the border and all the lawlessness and the danger has created our communities. the reality is and you know this , jason , there is a political class in washington, dc that will say or do anything to get elected and it's the reason why we need responsible people in dc representing american values. and the reality is joe biden and cartwell kelly are trying to impose some neo marxist vision on this country and americans are paying the price not only at the gas at the grocery store, but literally with our lives and the lives of our children. and it is a dangerous experiment that they are trying to impose. and i think that there's this political conversion with some democrats nowadays, but shame on them. they have enabled joe biden to basically destroy our country and just a year and a half tell us about this temporary restraining order that you're attempting to put in place, the suit that you put in place
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to try to get the administration to do what it's supposed to do. you know, jason , you just mentioned this tsunami is coming to american and it is if title 42 is lifted, there will be a tidal wave crashing on our shores. but it's not anything to do with climate change or what joe biden was talking about today in seattle. it has everything to do, the manmade disaster that biden has done. so when he stopped building the border, when he stopped deporting people with deportation orders, when he tried to lift the remaining mexico policy. now the last thing that we have in place that's saving us from even more illegal immigration, even more crime and drugs flowing into our country is title 40 to. so i have led a coalition. we've got 20 eggs involved. we have a hearing monday in louisiana and we're hoping to get a federal judge to say to the administration, no, stop you can't do this because american lives are at risk because of cartel kelly and joe biden wanting to enable the cartels instead of
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protecting american taxpayers. it is truly stunning that the president of the united states in all his time 50 years being the president, the vice president and all his time in the united states senate has never been to the united states border with mexico. >> unbelievable. mr. attorney general, thank you for joining us tonight. thank . >> all right. last night, laura , i told you she had a major announcement that she had some technical issues. so many of you still don't know what that is. she'll be here later on to tell you more . stick around. you won't want to miss it. and coming up, another one bites the dust carmella's losses are mounting. kyra davis is here on that. plus one democrat congressman wants to deprogram conservative . >> i'm not kidding you. sean duffy responds next . they tried to console me. they tried to shut me up and they failed the wolves on what? i'm not afraid of calling out
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younger. get a hearing health check every year. >> the great exodus. this continues carmella's chief of staffts flournoy marks the 13th major departure in less than a year, the seventh since just january . remember flournoy from this politico piece aboutut the dysfunction in harrison's office quote aides and allies said flournoy created an insular environment where ideas are ignored or met with harsh
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dismissals. she refuses to take responsibility and blames staffers for the negative results that ensuet w. no wonder why people are leaving in droves. harris' office tried to play out these multiple departures as routine, but no one is buying it. this is a midterm year. it's critical for both parties and once the red wave sweeps through congress, there wills be serious questions about replacing biden. and though it seems her ownou staff doesn't even have confidence in her kamala may be the one anointed as the demsi best chance in twenty twenty four . well, joining me nowce is here davis red state editor at large . kyra, there's such a high frequency of turnover in that office and the vice president's office is not that big. >> but this is not a good look here. it's'sce. worth and not a good . it's an absolute disaster. i mean, i don't know if youca recall, jason , you mightll give your your work, but we made a lot ofha hay out of trump's high turnover in his
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office and really all trump was doing was acting like kind of ceo, you know, just making sure that people who worked fit were gone. but he always took responsibility for the turnover. . you know, it was just like, hey, this is i don't like these people. i want them gone kamela is shehe just been playing another version of the same blame game that's beenka going on with democrats since biden took office. and this ise gt is this is yet r version of it. this iss a sign i think we all know this if it's your home, if it's your workplace, if it's the vice president's office, it's always a symptom of leadership. if you are y hemorrhaging staff if people are walking out, that means that you're doing somethingg wrong. and i think it's despicable of camelot and her team to keep trying to blame team members. these areer people who are born and bred dc beltway insiders. they want to be in the white house. they're not trying to lose their job. so to me it seems like things must be extraordinarily bad if
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someone's going to walk out on the first vice president who is a woman of color, that should be a historical post. well, we should see the writingo back on the wall in twenty nineteen . this is when the new york times got its hands on a former harris staffer's resignation letter where this person wrote quote this is my third presidential campaign. i have never seen aniz organization treated staff so poorlyat with less than 90 days until iowa, we still do not have a real plan to win, end quote. and it's just not any surpriseis her record with staff retention hasn't got anywhere since she's taken office. i want you to listen torr kamala harris herself. i mean, this is the kind of leadership that kamala harris is putting in . she had literallyut talking about outer space in such a high level, such such a such a inspirational way. >> just s have a listen. space is exciting. it's spurring our imaginations and it forces to ask big
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questions space. it affects us all and it connects us all. wow. i mean, why so you can write about this stuff all she wants but come on .in i mean she's always talking to me like i'm five years old and also who is my question is iser she writing this herself or does she have a staff member who's writing this because that person should be firedd? that'sod somebody who should go who's writing this . but this is another of not onlyo how how out of touch she is,f but this california politics. right. she's actually a victim of california politics where you fail upward without any kind oft opposition. you're never asked any hard questions from the press. you're neverons treated as anything other than a hero or a savior from your local press, your local politicians. o you run as a democrat basically unopposed in the state. she's never had any challenges and now she's proven that she's.
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up to the challenge because shet hasn't had to work for where she's at. >> well, 13 staff fleeing at office and barely into two years. it really is stunning kyra.the thank you so much. allef right. w soan let us want to just censor conservatives now. they want to completelyva progrm them. here's democrat congressman jamie raskin. ha i'm really concerned about what it does to people to feed themselves on lies and i do think they're acting muchct more like members of a religious cult. i have literally been consulting programmers to try to figure out how to talk to them and how to pull them away. and basically the deprogrammers say you have to be as warm and affectionate and as personable as you can be with them and make them remember what life was like before they got into the cold. all right. joining me now is sean duffy,, former wisconsin congressman and fox news contributor
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and somebody i served with iny. the united states congress , you and i both know jamie raskin served with them w and this wasn't just some flippant answer. he was i think he was very serious about wanting to deprogram, you know, religious guys like, you know, completelyk leaning back in the chair and very thoughtful is he's going through the deprogramming answer. but hold on a second. jason isn't is the party that wants to talk about and transgenderism with five, six , seven year old kids in school and they're saying republicans are part of a cult or these are the ones that are calling parents who are protesting crt at school boards are calling them domestic terrorists and republicans are in a cult. i mean, this is this is the insanity. and i think what happens and you as a chairman were both in congress, you see the press, what they do, they swarm around you. they'll ask you hard questions. i mean, questions. d they try to do gotcha questions with republicans. but q these guys because there's not freedom of speech,bu they don't hear it on twitter. they don't hear it tea fromth the press on the hill. they don't hear it and they gobu
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home. so they they livee in a bubble a he actually believes that republicans are living in a cult. and i think what is going to have to discover is you don't have to deprogram republicansn in congress. you have toraf deprogram allot the american voters because they're going to throw his and his party out of congressno in novemberve and they're going to be in a deep minority because americans are sick of this garbage. >> t yeah, they're but there's a religious undertone here.ej there's a religious prejudice that if somehow you believe in god or jesus christ or that you believe in religion, that somehow you're inferior, it must be a cult because you know, hey, it's not what we do is enlightened people on the east coast. well, i think i think it's a really smart point because i think what they're now alluding to is the fact that you are going to have a religious a leader if you're a christian now you're can be part of an extremist group and therefore maybe the fbi can target you. but sure for sure democrats can target you if you're a christian again, you're a radical and this is the slippery where you don't
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believe in the constitution, you don't believe in basic freedoms. you start to see them erode whether it's the first amendment and speech, with, withamendment our guns and now they're goingin to go after religion as well. and again,g this is a frightening new frontier where democrats are going with regard to their attacks and assaults on average americans. but again, on people of faith, this country was based on people of faith, based on believers and democrats. again, they've left they'veng lost that train station a long t time ago and maybe they're a bunch of atheists. i don't know jason that well. look, their religion is up to them, but don't be prejudiced against those of us that actually do believe and do believe in the power of prayera and it's just so demeaning and degrading to think that they're actually tryingde deprogram people like you and me even though you and i have left congress, they still think that that's the problem there. but sean duffy, thank you again for joining us on the ingrams angle. do appreciate it. all right. coming up, the new radical gender lessons being taught to
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three year olds. chris rufo is here with exclusive reporting. te plus, a college in my home state of utah is taking filmes studies to a whole new hard core level. you really don't want to missus this . >> jimmy fallon reacts next . stay with us. when it comes to real estate agents, experience matters. the best agents know how to market your home or top dollar and navigate through a complex transaction and ideal agent. we created our smart solar system with top rated local agents to sell your home for as low as a two percent commission. i was amazed at the fact that my house sold one idea agent save me in the neighborhood of 20 to twenty five thousand dollars and the process was as easy as it was turnkey. i'm a very busy guy. they just took care of everything. they are the number one way to sell. i've used ideal agent two times. i double agent guided me through the entire process
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and these days. good days on fox watching fox now and hulu on rainbow colors everyone else on rainbow. what a catchy new way to indoctrinate our kids. what you just saw is part of an illinois school district l.g. p t q plus equity week. my next guest, journalist chris rufo obtained documents exposing radical gender lessons for kids as young as three years old in pre-k the children are taught and introduction to
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the rainbow and transgender flags and taught the basic concepts of gender identity. then when they get older ages four and five, it really gets moving because kindergartners read books that affirm transgender conversions and look at photographs of boys in dresses. joining me now is chris rufo, manhattan institute senior fellow. chris , what's the most shocking thing that you learned and saw in these documents? well, it's shocking and here's the context of it. you know, for the last two weeks we've heard the left arguing after the florida parental bill of rights act was passed that this is not in k through 12 schools. it's totally made up. we have the documents right here. they're teaching kids as young as four and five years old to adopt pronouns not just in her but zie them zuhur tree tre all of these neoh pronouns that virge into the nonsensical and they're really pushing
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this on the kids. they're glorifying abstract notions and really if you see the documents, if you see the images, it's all right there. it's absolutely happening. and parents are right to be concerned. >> chris , we're putting up on the screen a book from the kindergarten curriculum. it's called jack not jackie. it's about a little girl named jackie who decides she wants to be a boy and go by jack and the documents you obtained say teachers say this to kids, quote there are also children who feel like a girl and a boy or like neither a boy or a girl. we call these children transgender. what's your reaction to that ? yeah, well, my reaction is that it's it's wholly inappropriate for kids that are four and five years old . and here's the other thing and all of these lessons that you see over and over and over , they're pushing us to kids. they're saying that kids they should choose they should
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follow their feelings. they actually have them read scripts where i identify with different pronouns. disease in the zorse and this is all done with kids that are compelled by law to be attending these schools so they have these kids under their control. they push parents out. they don't say it's up to parents and they try to guide these kids towards adopting these fashionable gender ideologies that have a little basis in biological fact. and some of these things are so new and so patently ridiculous . it would be kind of funny maybe in a college class we could talk about it and laugh about it. but when you're actually imposing this from the state, the government, the public school on to kids at a very vulnerable parents should be deeply concerned. >> chris , thank you so much for uncovering this and the good work that you've done. this is absolutely disgusting. but i do appreciate you joining something or mengel. thank you very much. all right. now to my home state of utah where westminster college is offering a class.
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>> it's not a joke. i just want to read this exactly how it appears in the course catalog, which is film three hundred oh where you get two credits quote get this is as american as apple pie and more popular than sunday night football. our approach to this billion dollar industry is as both a cultural phenomenon that reflects and reinforces inequalities and as an art form that requires serious contemplation. we will watch films together and discuss the sexualization of race, class and gender and as an experimental radical art form. well, joining me now is jimmy fallon, the host of fox across america. and jimmy, you moving to utah to take this class? you know, i got to tell you, jason , it's always an honor to be on the ingram angle, but this is one of those bookings
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that really makes you wonder what people think of you. you know, it's like the ingrams that was sitting around like we need a dirtbag that knows a lot about. i've got it. jimmy fallon, this is ridiculous. and you were the number one choice. i think i am used to utah colleges asking the graduates to do missionary work. just not this kind gunite everybody. but it's so radically it's because there's nothing in this course that is actually helping a kid in the real world helping a kid get a job. never mind what a racket college is to be charging kids to watch. jason , it's everywhere for free from what i've heard. you know, the course says that it's going to require serious contemplation, jimmy . serious contemplation like serious contemplation, like should i delete my search history now or should i deleted after the class? i mean, this is so stupid but
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it's so typical of colleges to posit this as if someone's actually going to benefit from it. the only thing i will applaud here is, you know, we know this the left is a bunch of. at least they're sexualizing adults for once instead of kids . i don't know anything. you know, it bugs me. the taxpayer dollars are supplementing this . why they're taking taxpayer dollars from utah to supplement this kind of garbage. >> i mean, i just it's unbelievable. they would be so crass to put this out there and suggest that you're going to get course credit towards graduation to go get a job doing what i mean is their homework. >> what do you do with this stuff? well, listen, it's like there's this other way to look at it. it's like if the school is charging you a hundred thousand dollars for a gender studies degree, you're already getting screwed. so this is just another version of the same thing is what i guess. i don't know.
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jimmy , listen, sorry we had you at the top of the list to say there's only one person that could put a smile on it if it wasn't so serious. yeah, i mean, it's just absurd . but jimmy , thanks for joining us . folks across america. great radio program and always enjoy joining us . thanks for joining us on the angle tonight . we've got it. all right. anthony fauci with yet another warning for us . but this time it's about where he thinks he stands in terms of the law. >> congressman lee zeldin is here next along with the colsaerts in 2020, los angeles county voters elected to be the county's top prosecutor is deliberately unleash the most violent criminals in our midst into a civil war zone. this is los angeles under george gasko who break the law
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are celebrating an original suicide in los angeles streaming screaming now on fox stationws. ra stationws. ra all of this is humanitarian aid that's 70% from israel directly into ukraine. this will feed the people inside of ukraine and the refugees from the border food, medicine, transport, clothing is needed. now the situation in ukraine is worsening. the fellowship is now working around the clock to help provide the refugees the lifesaving necessitiesne t y look at all of these people and put everyone that can save hundreds and thousands more whataboutism strange this is the international fellowship of christians this year. ne forty five dollars just now. rushed blankets and shelter to m jewish refugees fleeing for
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their lives in three months. act now while there was still an opportunity just to helpof the refugees with life saving supplies, right now we can bring planeloads of humanitarian aid to the jewish refugees, but we don't know how much time we have left that warm medicines like insulinise and food, canned go. this is what praise god. but we need five place. la wenk need a place. we need a hundred placeee and emergency give you forty five dollars nee like it'a a shelter call the toll freee. a shelter call the toll freee. number on your screen or on line that leads give as generously as you can to help the refugeesin while there ise still time for you going who are we going with someone. w the time. is running out.
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time is running out. please call or go online now. four to the rescue. do you ever think about what life would be like to make different choices with only one more peaceful area used to be a missile base. bobby, what happened was in new disappeared one little star rescue three being a hero is not the same thing carrying on after it was nine one one nine one one lone monday on fox from america's borders diplomacy overseas. what needs to be done now to
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as the justice department appeals a federal court ruling that got rid of mandates on public transportation, dr. fauci made it really clear what he thinks those types of things should be decided as a public health issue by the public health organizations. in this case the this is a public health matter. this is not a judicial matter. one of the problems that we have there is that the principle of a court overruling a public judgment by qualified organization like the cdc is i disturbing and the precedent that it might sends.
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wow. well, joining me now is congressman lee zeldin who is running for governor of new york and dr. nicole saphier, board certified radiologist and fox news contributor. thank you both for joining us . congressman, i want to start with you. i served with you in congress. it's good to be with you here. but what's disturbing here is if sheis really does think that he and his cronies are really above the law, i believe you're an attorney explained from your perspective why you think he's wrong. >> oh , lord fauci thinking that he has higher power than the legal system. our constitution, our laws, very slippery where in the name of a public health emergency, this type of an awesome power that he wants to claim going forward can end up going even further than what wee witnessed for the last two years during this pandemic. you know what we're seeingg right now in the state of new york is that the department of health is looking to advance a regulation that would expand
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quarantine and isolation if theree is some type of a public health emergency and you can isolate and quarantine outside of someone's home and voluntarily we can see ways that cdc, lord fauci and others might seek to go even furtherur with mandates and restrictions where there isn't a balance, where there isn't a check. isis he thinking that maybe he can overrule the legislative branch too and thea judiciary? so the slippery here of where the, the fauci version of how the future should go? yeah, he's worried about a bad precedent. it's a precedent of one of checks and balances and by the way, it might be other scientist opinions, other p voices and ultimate powerow to the people of this country. yeah,co other consideration now, dr. saphire, i want to play another clip of lord fauci lee
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zeldin referred to him that this is on the now defuncts cnn plus with an interview with casey hunt. this happened just a couple of days ago. >> political elements in society have determined that now they're going ton villainize me. me so they're going to take the person who was very much admired the for reasons of carif for the public healthin and making it a symbol of everything that's wrong with the world. as me, i'm a ae things like tha. i'm destroying democracy. i'm taking awayta people's freedom. dr. sb54, what's your take on that one ? well, jason aware and no lack n of fauci and hyperbole and but i will say that the one thing he said earlier saying that it was disturbing he's absolutely correct. the entire divisiveness over the mass killing is disturbing in the sense that it should be a public health decision. unfortunately, the cdc, the nih have completely failed in their public health responsibilitieso because here we are two years into a pandemic and they
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haven't put forth t one highne quality study demonstrating that mass work or they don't work on airplanes. now some of o w these restrictis maybe could have been explained two years ago when we didn't have the ability to test treat or vaccinate or really have any natural immunity. but here we are today. over 95 percent of americans have some level of immunity, whether it's vaccine induced natural or a combination hybrid. we have ample testingngty.. we have the ability to treat and at this point we know that flying on airplanes there's a good there's a good filtration system. no, it's not going to get rid of 100% of the virus particles. but should boil down to individual choice. but the problem again that iscl disturbing is the sense that we don't actually have data to say one way or the other, but we u need to come up with two years into a pandemic. wheree are we able to go forward as a country? it comes down to at this point individual assessment, risk assessment, conversations between patientsit and their doctors. what kind of riskat are they willing to take? you do a what you can get
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vaccinated, get boosted. if you're considered high risk, you can wear a good quality mask. but you have to remember, jason , the cdc recommendation for mapping on plane, they're still okay with cloth mask when we have study after studytu demonstrating cloth masks have nono benefit, no place in this pandemic yet. they haven't changeded this . they are not following the science whatsoever. >> yeah, they really didn't put the science out there first and congressman zeldin in new york city, i mean, you stilln,ha have young kids that are forced to maskk where they go and instead of letting parentsci drive that decision now this isi child abuse. you have kids under the age ofll five years old still forced to be messed up all they think of that kid on the autism spectrum, they're learning how to speak and we're two years into the pandemic. they can't see their teachers face. the teacher can't see their face. no one else at the deal with this type of a mandate, this restriction, they can't vote clearlyh we're talking about toddlers under the age ofu
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five as far as the vaccine mandate side of the city, you don't have a special exceptions ,celebrity exception for nypd or fdny or teachers or health care workers. but if you are a famous player on the new york mets or new york yankees or your kyrie irving on the brooklyn nets, then you qualify for this special vaccine mandate exception, really there y shouldn't be any vaccine mandate at all. and everyone who's been firedor should get their job back with back payex so doctors are fired literally have thirty seconds before a heart out. where did we lose our way instead of putting science first? now we got all thesed political decisions and it's just it's just untenable o. po well, the delusional rhetoric that has come out of dr. fauci and the cdc that has continued on for the last two yearsut has put a parents and children into this perpetual state of fear. the science shows these young children are the least at risk of covid-19 they're the least likely to transmit are the virus and wearing a mask is detrimental to
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their development. west have to take the masks off these children. we need to start putting americans first. congressman doctor stuff i wish i had more thank you so mucht. for joining us on the anger angle. thanks for having us . right up next , a bigom announcement from laura really stay there. it's coming fine with my hectic life. you think retirementshme would be the last thing on my mind? thankfully, boy provides comprehensive solutions and shows you how to get the most outll of my workplace benefits. really it helps me feel like i got it all under control for you. >> well planned. well invested. well protected. hi, i'm christina. you may know me from weaponizes. listen, i've designed hundreds of new spaces and i've seen it all crumbling grout, impossible same clunky step over tub. say good bye to that ugly headache and hello the jacuzzi baths remodel. everyone knows the jacuzzi brand. they're the most trusted name in water for over sixty years. but did you know they install it for his father shower?
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the friends from beginning just like the right place to be . the more you and the guy go that is a lot more general. >> last night laura told you she had a big announce but then she had some technical difficulties. we didn't want to leave you hanging. here's the big reveal now you. might remember that last year at this time we hosted our red state trailblazers town hall in orlando. well, the sunshine state continues to dominate the national conversation haver that reason we decided to return. so next thursday, april twenty eight , we're going to host a live town hall with governor rhonda stantis and other veryall special guest. we're going to talk about parental rights, how they gotig covid out, of course, and why florida has become a different kind of sanctuary state for those who no longer wish to live under the thumb of major
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corporations. disney now i promisean you're nt going to want to miss this . >> it's going to be awesome. can't wait now that is going to be good. set your dvrgo to record the whole series. i'm jason chaffetz filling in for ingram thanks to laura podcast. jason in the house interviewed tyrus. have a look.u. have a great, wonderful weekend. thank wow. it's already friday and what a great show we have for walter kirn. is here. his work shows up in libraries homeless guysn . dave mcdow is here. the only part of her that's high strung is her banjo katzir . sheec knows how to balance a checkbook. i'm sorry. i meant to say throw up in a cab and there's tire. he once did the electric slide at a wedding. >> there were no survivors. i apologize for that . so the whole gang is here. my favorite people.e. i'm so
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