tv Hannity FOX News April 23, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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corporations. disney now i promisean you're nt going to want to miss this . >> it's going to be awesome. can't wait now that is going to be good. set your dvrgo to record the whole series. i'm jason chaffetz filling in for ingram thanks to laura podcast. jason in the house interviewed tyrus. have a look.u. have a great, wonderful weekend. thank wow. it's already friday and what a great show we have for walter kirn. is here. his work shows up in libraries homeless guysn . dave mcdow is here. the only part of her that's high strung is her banjo katzir . sheec knows how to balance a checkbook. i'm sorry. i meant to say throw up in a cab and there's tire. he once did the electric slide at a wedding. >> there were no survivors. i apologize for that . so the whole gang is here. my favorite people.e. i'm so lucky and why am i lucky
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? because i'm surrounded by amazing people but also have you seen the johnny depp defamation trial? he's suing his ex-wife amber heard for calling him a wife beater allegedly. you want some lowlights? ll >> here's some lowlights of the wedding. there was a dinner dancing and drugs. you can't say that you carry cocaine in a box. no, but it looks like it would fit some cocaine. you wouldhe sometimes drink whiskey in the mornings too, right? during this times.e?e? period iu i mean isn't happy hour any time. i don't believe that i'm the only h human beings ever punched a door or broken something on my sideg of the bed was human fecal matter. >> i talk about airing dirty laundry so yeah it's sad kind of gross, kind of riveting butir it's also kind ofin inspiring. so w bear with me on this first. we all grew up watching death so naturally we're going to
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be curious to what's going on . it's not like we care what louise is up to. remember him and there are some ugly things in this case. there's video ofeter dead smashg furniture that punching a wall, lots of drinking and drug use, a finger getting sliced, passing out, swearing,r screaming, bottle throwing, hitting what dana perino would calll a quiet night at home. generally i stay away from stuff because it's weird to turn people's suffering into entertainment. if i want that i can read kat's diary that is and kilmeade returns it to me. he told me it's a combination judy blume and clive barker. but i feel dirty when i explore other people's pain and also other people's through . this might be the first time we've ever seen on tv people talking about other people in their bed on purpose. depp calls the act a grumpy someone should alert snow-white of this immediately. >> she was on the phone. they were making a but
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wonderful point of just how funny it was that i thought that some human being had actually dropped a grumpy on to the bed and they were yeah, we yucking it up. they were laughing about the whole thing and i really didn't feel like i deserved that . well, i guess you wanted to show him what gilbert graps been eating that i am of course everyone has dirty laundry in an ugly divorce. in this case the dirty laundry here was in fact really dirty laundry and the whole world shared her trip to twenty one dump street. but there were other times when you could really sympathize with debt for example like why did he give drugs to marilyn manson, one of your good
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friends that you've taken drugs with before as marilyn manson right. we've we've had cocaine together maybe a couple of times pills with marilyn manson . i once gave marilyn manson the pill so that he would stop talking so much. i know what judge jeanine is getting for christmas , but there's a bigger story here beyond the cd salaciousness. the fact is that it is humiliating himself for a good reason. he's burying the most pathetic saddest part of his life because it feels it must be done. he's got to empty himself out and not the way amber did on the bedspread. it's like chemo. he realizes the treatment is fallacious, but it's the only way to beat the cancer. so he is bearing his horrible existence, warts and all, to billions of strangers.
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how can you do that ? well, somehow he's immunized himself against the effects of embarrassment and that's a superpower. there's nothing you can do to him that he hasn't done to himself. >> it's like superman hoarding kryptonite before you can use it against him. when i watched him, i found myself somewhat liberated for a few reasons. one is obvious that unlimited wealth, fame and good looks doesn't make you immune to suffering. so i got something to look forward to but also embarrassment hits all of us from the shopkeeper to the shoplifter from the moving van driver to the movie star. and that should bring comfort to your life that we're all equal under the harsh cruelty of our own fallible nature. give us any embarrassment of riches and we could turn it into an embarrassing of embarrassments. but what makes you immune to suffering is your ability to cease judging other people even as they judge you. that's why this testimony helps all of us . once you realize that even big
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stars are susceptible to life's humiliations, then you realize that life is hard for everyone. you might be luckier than him. you might not be maybe screw up. maybe you make a fool out of yourself. but the only person who really judges you is you. fact is, people overestimate how much others notice their mistakes. now it doesn't feel that way when it's your mistake, but people are generally too consumed by their own problems to dwell on yours. so when i watch step i see a human sacrifice and act of liberation for all of us whether he knows that or not ,he's embarrassing himself for all our sins. fact is i'm a and i don't care if anyone judges me for that since i won't judge them in return. that's freedom because we're all hopeless sinners and fools and humans. death is doing the best performance of his career performing a sacrificial act for us . he's saying i'm not just like you, i might be worse and no yats mansions can save me. he's accepting the oscar for being a flawed human being that slapping himself in the face. the result you see that we are
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in this thing together and nothing drives that point home better than someone else taking a dump in your bed. the only difference is johnny's sheets have a higher thread count but so does he's written a book which is impressive. so you realize film. he's written seven novels and literary critic walter kirn is southerner won't eat an alligator but he'll wrestle one fox business anchor dagen mcdowelle got you three legged chair call her unstable. come on . fox news contributor that i didn't know they could at his barber have to use scaffolding. my massive sidekick in the nwa world television champion and author of the new book pirate a memoir in stores or memoir who care?
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it's in stores april 26 . eric o time. this is the ideal time to invite johnny depp on the show. walter writes, i think he's perfect for this show nowhi and you really bought his act? yes, i did. that was like a sermon that you'd see on oprah. i mean, yes, yes, we're all flawed and so yes. aren't we? well, i'm not. but he is he brave or nuts for doing this ? this issve not a divorce hearin. this ishe a about slander. d he didn't haveo to do this . so he's causing all of this laundry to come out. >> is that brave becausear he needs to clear his name or is it nuts? i think it's one long personal ad for the most screwed up lady in the world. >> i mean, this is a mess. this is like a trip to the monkey house. these people spentnt their marriage throwing food,oo bleeding and having diarrhead. i mean, they didn't need a marriage counselor. they neededee trained zoologist
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but you know, the thing is, amber heard has yet to be heard. right. but she said she's heard. yeah. but because i have a theory with these celebrity on celebrity trials that whoever more famous wins. and so after seeing giannis performance and seeing how much you bought into it m i think he's a sure thing to win.>> so you think i'm a sucker. the pauses that i heard johnny they using were the most deliberate thespian pausesth that i've heard outside of o pirates of the caribbean. yeah i mean the guy winds it up then he holds you in suspense, then he drops the grumpy. yes i love that .ov by the way,e tirso, when you see somebody that successful dealing with horrible problems ,doesn't he give everyone hope? you knowe what your monologue was was spot on and i he's
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obviously very dramatic, but there has to be a sense of i get it and i think that's what you captured because i get you know, there are some things it is better to be known as a drug doing than a domestic violence. right. you know, it's that's that's what he's fighting against is nothing to do. it's never going to get a dimeld from her . yeah, he's not if i'm wrong about that , it's about what would you rather be , you know, and he would rather all his stuff come out him looking weak. i mean t they're embarrassing hm even the stuff that's on his behalf as a as a man, he looks terrible. right. so and the cross-examination of of course, drugs. right. drugs.s. right. that to me when i hear those kind of questions, they don't cases in the strongest because they are trying to get people to go like, oh , he's a disgusting human being because he does drugs with marylandg and so clearly he's a wife b beater. right. gsand you saying no, i'm all
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these things because of my relationship and i handled it wrong him throwing that we been that we've all punched the cat, kicked the door, went outside and said what the hell are in some cases just went outside and never came back . c youam know, everyone has been in that in those situations. so i think it'ss a performance of a lifetime because it's his life. he'll never get a movie again if he's known if you're known as a harasser, a domestic violence guy, you will never work again. but a drug addict you can get some work. yeah, g yeah, that's true . >>. gagen, what do you make of this so far? do you did you care at all about this or i owe it caird so much i laid on my sofa thrown covered in dog hair. i should been vacuum in there was a dirty we pad on the floor and i didn't even get up tova take it outcu and put it in the trash chute. i watchedched two days out of his testimony on direct one day and on cross. this is after i got home from.
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work because one i'm almost his age and he was kind of my go to you know, i am for i went to sleep at night thinking i'm to meet him in a dove bar at virginia beach when he's filming a movie and i'm going to be his but now he's gettable for me. >> yeah, and by the way, he's also what we have witnessed is very relatable. like what chick hasn't like i gotten up in the morning and there's some dude in your kitchen wearing a richard petty hat. his mouth is purple from drinking so much red wine it's eight o'clock in the morning.s he's getting in a fight with the paper towel holder. and he's kicking your toaster oven and then he storms out of the room. but in my? case, i gave him $50 to go buy more wine. b he disappeared never came back and they called me and novelas i'd buy that book
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that any i mean, tirhasru the distinction is important. comes off as self-destructive, which ishi sad but he doesn't come off as sadistic, which is what she wants and what she kind of comes off as in a way. what do you have? yeah, i mean the dumping of that is unbelievable. yeah, right. and it's bed kind of huge for mn because i'm like, you know what i'm not like difficult to handle and crazy like i thought i was i am a chill girl. yeah. n i ,ev i never ever thought i turns out i'm well-adjusted and easygoing. n she'llth walk in the park type f girl because i not only have i never done that , i've never even thought about it. i've never like i don't think i've bragged about always using a toilet for probably 30 years like because i was a toddler
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now i can start bragging again. i always use the toilet. you know the cat's point. that's another thing too. if you are doing those kinds of things, you're not in fear.. yeah, that's not someone who is afraid, right? that's true . that's true . and i mean, he had recording's i mean where she just basically belittled him after he, he said you were hitting and he goes those were hits not punches man up like yeah yeah yeah. that's great incourt. yeah. are on our yard and punster your honor. i hit know the difference sweetheart. that would not go over well in any court no matter how nice your voice sounds. yeah. all right.ll we'll get to get our bookers tot give him a callhe. g come on the show. all right. before we go, we've got some exciting news. our live studio audience returns monday, may 2nd and free tickets are now available. we're also moving to a brand new studio. it is insane. an go to fox news .com slash gutfeld to get your free ticketss today. up next , we're not above gloating cnn that's no longer
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supersonic wifi only from us... xfinity. green light invest in your best investments and see the bad guys in theater pg cnn plus wasn't worth the fuss. yeah that network must have been dreaming that people would pay for their lousy streaming by . now you probably heard that i could squat four times my weight but also cnn plus is shutting down just a month after launching up the expected praise but went under in thirty days. now a the only thing streaming are their new ceo's teres sassiness top brass were shocked, shocked that viewers didn't want to pay for programing they could avoid for free. but considering they reportedly spent an estimated three hundred million launching it wa and another one hundred million on advertising and might be the most expensive failuree since michael bloomberg ran for president and what all the highf
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priced so-called talent they had over there like jemele hill and rex chapman? yes,h- you'll find another place to tell everyone they're racist and they'll just have to go hback to stealing twitter videos. and what if chris wallace well, post reports he might take over . t chris cuomo is 9:00 p.m. slot on cnn, which now sounds like a form of community service. but the good news for cnn plus subscribers, all the shows willo be replaced by this for the final week. itit was pretty full homema and once we digest that , it'll be indistinguishable from the rest of cnn plus. a so dig in the business mind here. i don't like it when they're saying, oh , it's a bad business model. a bad product. cnn is only used when it's free . it's's like that in the sunday paper you get like a fake magazine.
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it was like it was like a circular that it had fake articles around the advertisements and it would be great. that's what cnn was. it just ended up in your house. you had no idea how it got there, but you can't get away with it. been airportom everywhere is lie avert your eyes, your lot's wife. you're going to turn toar a pillar of salt or boredom. exactly. the business decision is to get in the weeds so warner bros. discover warner bros. don't get in the weeds, please. okay, all right. quickly so that warner brothers was part of at&t that was spun off and so warner bros.of merged with discovery just two weeks ago. yes. so why did they launchhi this sacc in space wipes for the merger? so the thinking had to haven been we got to get this thing out because it buys us a year of life. they had no idea that the management of the newly merged
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company was going to come in and just it immediately it was either get it out or they would nuke it from nuke it from on high and they had no idea after two weeks they're like you got to get out ofhe here. but i mean, what did they have ? they wanted people to pay six dollars a month to watch chris wallace interview peoplee that we all thought were maybe dead. yeah, how can you be ins. the meeting that oh, we got a book wilford brimley nossiter. he's actually dead.>> yeah. g yeah. so i'm going down the cast of cocoon alive. yeah, yeah. wickenburg grundberg here. yeah, that's that's it. so people are saying oh how dare you dance a gloat when people have lost their jobs but wasn't cnn's total gig chasing people around and trying to cancel thembs going after people for means trying to get people at fox fire , trying to get advertisers to stop sponsoring fox blah blah blah.
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>> i don't give it this is gloating. you never do a tremendously on point. yeah. yeah, you never do. d oni don't think you need tot justify it. i think that's just who you are. well thank you for the compliment. it's just the observation i i'm more so just confused by how it got to be so massive and howe many people were like yes yeahit this i'm goingh to go with this. i want a job here because like t we all knew this wasn't going to work. everyone knew it wasrk going to. work. i've involved with thingsor i knew are going to work, but at least those things were like full of passion and fun. i don't think you can say about cnn flosse. yeah, funny we went to bed more tyrus ambre heard or seen that was a lot of a lot better. no doubt the was i think between those two and i can't say that about cnn but yeah. oh there a is i mean there was.
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a lot of going on . they were just trying to do. i remember seeing them running a thing where they were trying to campaign to have fox taken off local cable network subscriptions like they went all in .. yeah, they went all in so my advice would be this youou know, for those who jumped ship next time you jump ship, perhaps check the name of the boat you're jumping into. i want to avoid titanic so as mineau and anything with two ns on it. okay, just put it out there the next time you jumping ship for the integrity ofth journalism. yeah, it was good luck. you know, in the cool part about their ship when it sinks apparently there's no life preservers now so you either sink or drizzled. so good luck. sorry i'm not going to miss you and try to cancel somebody else. yeah. ..what do you make of this , walter? >> well, i think my job on thist shower is to be more suspicious than everyone else. yeah, i think you m do a great.
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job. you're always yeah. and when they say they lost three hundred million dollars, that's three hundred million dollars that somebody got. and the reason they didth rightt before they got bought is that whoever needed that three hundreded million dollars could run away with it before the new management. interesting. number two,e this is the same networkt that celebrated the loss of tensoss of thousands hundreds of thousands of jobs f for vaccine mandates. youor every time a pilot got fired, cnn got its wings. yeah, so now it's back to cnn minus and i don't think anybody cares every time a pilot got fired, cnn got wings. that's a that's a classic pattern ism that's making mirch. yeah, yeah, yeah. i've got one in them plus a zit last longer. lo but i mean, didng you expect it to last any longer? it seemed like ten years hearing about it before itbe started during and after and we'll still be talking about it a year from now.
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i love i think i don't know it was delta. somebody tweeted the much the much hyped cnn plus's foldit. i'm trying to think who i think it was, you know, very he did it. yeah. that's probably why. hs. another tidbit of advice if you're going to put faces on the cover of the network, you don't start with stelter. just put it out there. i'm just saying i didn't even have a face. it's like he's a dog with two raisins in it. what's he going to do? cancel. all right. thanks. it's funny because it's true anotherau harmless staffer seeks a greener pasture. hi, my name is hank norton. i'm a veteran of both the iraq and afghanistan wars and a managing partner, the napoli's gulik law firm. have you were a loved one lived or worked at a military base
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decides it's no fun to work for kamala hunn, the chief of staff tina flournoy is leaving. yet another senior adviser will take her place next month. the last dem to go through this many seniors was andrew cuomo. yeah, tina is the highest ranking aide to quit and the thirteenth staffer to leave since the vp took office. yeah, thirteen if one more employee quits gets a free frosti at wendy's. there are many theories as to s why kamala staffers leave her and zero theories as to whyw they would stay. maybeou it's her unpreparedness important meetings and speeches. maybe it's the constant cackling when someone bringsun p a war or it could be the cadence of her speech which comes off as fake, strange and off-putting. but maybe we're just gettinging. her wrong. perhaps her speaking style is simply inspired by a great beat poets of our time. maybe all she needs
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a little musical accompaniment spaces exciting. it spurs our imagination and it forces us to ask big question. u its affects us all but iton connectsne us all. oh, yes. it zoo. that's interesting right? i was right. yes, perfectly. i want more . i want more your idea. yeah i proposed to do that for twenty minutes shatner it's 80% that you're sat there. i've heard that at a coffee shop in brooklyn i would say twenty dollars in a really giant cup of tea to hear that i first matter most. oh absolutely. would be mismatched. >> t >> the place smellshe like candles but you still can't see can i fact check that though. what she just she just said
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space connects us all no spaces. what disconnects. yes.s. yes. if it's space connected that's all reached into a bag of potato chips that would be one big chip you wouldn't have to reach because it would already be in your mouth. so her understanding of physics is absolutely the opposite of mine. that's another teeshirt. you are a font denaturalizes you're fat won't make the cut t as long as i'm telling you you discovered how to make her successful. yeah, like sign language guy out with the bongos. this guy with the bongos. i'm telling it was when i was listening to that i was like transfixed. yep. i turned to maynard maynard krebs. wow. yeah. thank a beat the beat references are disappointing me because i admire the beat
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poets. yeah. beat writers. kerouac's one of my favorite writers and despite her william shatner imitation she she doesn't have a rhythm. she o doesn't have poetry. h she has speechwriters who know nothing. what she probably doesn't even but she doesn't read it. that's what seems to be the fauci her real job like any vice president is to make her president look good. yeah, and that's hard in this case. yeah. soca her job is to be even more disorienting than the president himself. yeah, and she's doing great. she's doing great cat, what do you think? i just every time someone resigns i'm alarm just like how many people aree on the staff. yeah it's a lot o like it is lie a chief of everything and she's. i don't get because she still can't get anything done like this if i had a bunch of chiefs i would be so unstoppable. yeah. i don't i don't like it's hard to keep it all track. how can you still do nothing when it seems that you have so many people to do everything for you? yeah.
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you have a cheat to t open your mail but make sure you like how many old chiefs and their chiefss of other people. yes, it'sg: a lot of people. it's a lot of people in thathe and what is she like? she's one of those people dagen that like walks into a room and is unaware that overvi a short period of time people start leaving the room that she's not even aware of ite until all of a sudden she's like where to everybody goe? >> oh wow. i guess the party's over but she just doesn't know they're all leaving because she's there . i think that these women and power are completely aware of how they are. they're just trying to fake it. it's like hillary clinton walking around wondering why she's so unlikable and why she lost the presidential election. the same thing with kamala harris. it's like , oh , i'm going to write a autobio graphy and i'm going to call it forgiving. no, you should just call itfo i'm a and you can get ahead ift you're a like me in that like that's a title for a book that's i have it written down
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in my purse. that's going to be my book g instead of being there and i've talked about this before. i'm a champion of women. no, you're not. you were a shameless shift kidney chancre. that's what you are. a and that's how you got to where you are today. anyone who says i have women, that's a red flag. yeah. i love you caitlyn jenner . no, no, no, it doesn't exist. kidney chancre is now is down my favorite term i shall be using all weekend wherever i go. slow painful death. yes exactly. >> kidney sanker yeah. slow bleed out. you need a tissue honey as they stand over you you know i just what do they find new employees like do they go to linkedin. i mean like how do you get they got to keep going. they must have they have a chief of in the ship you
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always and then the vice president of that and the chief the chief of the it's so manych people he has to think about it. one of her chiefs is on it. yes.n all right. time to move on . coming up, you pick the winner financial news or films for sinners. i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and 2016 presidential candidate. like many of you, i've struggled to get a good night's sleep for most of my adult life. i wasted at least two hours a day of my life tossing and turning, trying to shut my mind down until about two years ago. that's when i saw an ad on tv for relaxium sleep. i decided to order it and it literally changed my life. developed by renowned neurologist and sleep expert dr eric celebrity relaxium sleep is clinically proven to help you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed relaxium exclusive triple action formula addresses three key factors
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on fox and watch any time on fox now and hulu. >> you know what ? it's time for the audience just saw the story. >> we're the only show who does this . we're letting you decide what we cover all present two topics and we'll do the one that gets the most viewer votes. so if you like the story, just press the up arrow on your volume button. when i mentioned this story, there will be two stories. the first story get your finger on the button. the chicago fed president charles evans has announced he will retire early 2020 three. we're going to look back on his life and the potential impact of his resignation on interest rates. >> all right. second story at college
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in utah is offering a class where students literally sit in class and watch together. okay, time's up. voting is now closed. surprise. it looks like has won, so maybe there should be a class in it. sorry. what's your face for retirement? whatever . i'll go watch. you talked westminster college will offer a class called film three hundred next year of course description states and this is quote is as american as apple pie and more popular than sunday night football. our approach to this billion dollar industry is as both a cultural phenomenon that reflects and reinforces inequalities but holds the potential to challenge and gender norms and as an art form that requires serious contemplation so great they've already proven they can use big words and still sound stupid.
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so is this a good idea? probably not. i only hope the students won't end up with carpal tunnel syndrome from typing all those term papers you and cat. >> yep, she's ready. this is basically the work of a diabolical pervy professor. i just don't really think that it's group activity that'sf true . but yeah, it's right. it's like when we used to sneak into the old theater it was called the palm. o how funny wasld that ? but it's like not like it's people that you don't it's okay. there's nothing worse than having to watch with a group of people that you don't know but didn't have to see again because they're doing the same thing with no because i've actually managed to avoid it on purpose. so i don't't i don't know you do you think well done.
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i'm so happy you got to stayt away from those rabbit holes. yes. they give you again, the business expert here couldrg you make the argument that it'su a huge industry and a huge industry merits a major right majoring in adult entertainer? do you need to pay sixty thousand dollars a year which this collegeo cost tono learn about? no, i will w note though that back in the day when you would go into a theater to watch said triplette films, you would see those same strangers over and over . but it was dark.bu yeah,t it was it wasn't that awkward. i just want to know what getin jenay in this class and i'll get you an f. oh , that's nice. whatever you watch is sexist. that's how you get it.>> yeah exactly. yeah that's what it is though. this is a left wing catfish to lure people in and it's really a this is a women's studies about inequality. you know it's ruining and nobody really talked about this . i don't no offense to you tirhas.
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i'llll u, come to you. oh where this going? all of the brothers ruined all of the tattoos like young women. now, walter, every actor and actress has tattoos all over their bodies. that's just the way the world is. >> how do you know? i mean, i don't research every story. yes.s i spent this morning gilgit. i don't watch the same three minutes. i don't watch it. i am a baptized mormon. that's right. and i'd say they're overcompensating in utah for their fuddy duddyba reputatione you know, that'sns not really utahut becoming a hotbed for silicon valley types and i think they're broad casting to the world that they're happy. but i do think it's mormons trying to catch up with the world and sort of getting ahead of the rest of. he i wonder though, because i wonder if the professor is mormon. i don't want to lay it on . what you're saying is it's notg: the mormons. it's people trying to distance themselvess from being labeledm as fuddy . i think westminster college wants to catch up with the racy
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reputation of yale and princeton, you know, and they are going too far. how about what do you think, cyrus? i think this in a group. >> yes, of young men who watch a lot of and sit on the internet, we're always there. they live with their moms and their and horrible people. butt there's always one there's one that's smarter than the rest. and he applies himself and he takes his perverted dis and he ends up getting a doctoratejo and he gets a job at a college and he wants toee surround himself with his peers and show them what they went through matters. he's a pioneer so he did this class. so now him and thirty five slightly out of shape guys with their bellies hanging out the bottom of the shirts willil all be inl that classroom and everyone will be concerned looking aroundbe wondering when the girls are coming in .wi l there will be no girls in his classroom and there'll be a bunch of guys who are in there i lying saying their girlfriend
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told them to take a class.bu this is a lonely, patheticay attempt for these guys because no womanan ever is going in that classroom. it is going to end, but there will be one standing by , watching you in , putting your name on a little list. so goodd up there are the girls. oh , , and you'll have special guest speakers like nina hartley and all of a sudden now only dirk diggler is now historic film. you know, there'll be some good things partly it's always nina hardly the only one left, . ftonly yes. all right. takeex a breath. up next , will aging be less strenuous if you're kind and generous? >> if something happened to you, what would happen to them ? their home, their education, their future? you need life insurance and chances are selectquote and help you get it for less than a dollar a day. selectquote found jacob forty of five hundred thousand dollar policy for only $19
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the animals we love. see how you can help it join i foreleg a story in five words . >> we're short on time. so here's the story five words. old folks really are happier. all right. and so the study found most ofple who spent their lives volunteering or giving to charity have higher levels of oxytocin, which means as you're older you end up being very happy only if you're being more generous does this make sense to you know, they're old enough to not give a damn anymore and they're not particularly kind or friendly if you've ever been at the supermarket in line and somebody over over the age
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of 70 is behind you, they are assuredly bang in the back ofof your legs with their car because they're in a hurry to go nowhere. i disagree completely because i mean, i have to only go by my personal viewpoint cat that i am happier as i get older even though i'm inching closer to death and yet i feel like i am freer maybe because i don'tde give a damnat but i also share and help others. as you've noticed mentioned to me many times about my generosity as i've got as you've gotten to know me more that i'm almost relentlessly, relentlessly giving to all the people around me, including our staffers. oh yeah.uraf sounds like i would say that i don't knoww like i buy that oldl people are happiere likere super old people. but i i always saw those because they can easily like say something hurts and get an opiateteet prescription. so i thought it was less oxytocin, more oxycodone. can't
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why can't it be both? i , i mean i'm going to go with oxycodone. all right. i'm going to go g to the biggest tragedy of our civilizations that we prioritize the beliefs of young people over the wisdom of the old you're readinge my mind has nothing to do with this. it literally has to do with wisdom. yes. and enjoying the dumpster fire that is the younger generation. yes. whenever it's like, you know, that old the old story aboutha the two bullst on the hill. right. the old one the young one runs down and chases one all over the place, casually strolls down and he gets to hang out with the whole herd. yeah. the rated g version get the point is the point is is that there's something aboutn wisdom and as we get older we get to experience that . then when we see the dumbe asseri of this younger generation, it's kind of entertaining. yeah. you know, because you see them going i saved money. i have a four point k plan. my car and house are paid for. i might even get a reverse
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mortgage. moi know i worked hard my life and saved and did things right. so i'm going to enjoy it and watch you fight over buying a new iphone. yeah, i still have a rotary. yes, i prioritize. n >> yes, that is exactly right, walter. i think we were sold a bill of goods in the phrase demographic's. right. it's the young market that matters and we so we kind of like marginalize the people that can actually help young people. there are no there's no mentoring anymore. right. there's nobody helping people out because of that . we've kind of like said old people are a pain in your and young people have all the ideas and it's not true , is it? walter, answer me. well, there was so much there, gregg and the word demographic threw me for i'm sorry. i thought you were talking about the demographic party versus the republican party now anyway. i think the secret to happiness and we all know it is forgetfulness. it's forgetting who hurt us . it's forgetting our suffering.
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it's forgetting, you know, how boring and tedious and sometimes painful is an old people are great at forgetting stuff. yeah, that's why biden so happy. yeah, exactly. exactly. he's pathologically forgetful. well, you know, they call oxytocin oxytocin the love hormone. and i sort of thought that this whole story was anhe excuse to explain why joe biden is always kissing little girls. you know, he's got the lovegi hormone. he can't help itrl. ov >>e i don't know. i again, your suspicion pollutes every topic well, because the rest of you have turned into trusting pools of oxy. how dare you, mr. kernen? i say things that somebody hase to keep it sharp and combative. thank you . paranoid i think i've ever been. we need some stability around here. >>ro i'm glad you're here, mr. current. well, i stand corrected or sit corrected or whatever i'm doing corrected. >> don't go away. we'll be right back . why are so many people turning
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>> all right. final thoughts, tyrus.>> what it s is. all right. so monday premiere collectibles. i'll be doing my virtual signingi'll, so check it out. it's 3:00 p.m. eastern monday. get on log onto the site. >> hit tirhas and i will sign your book. all right. thanks to dagon mcdowell, walter kirn at high risk 40% r with rick exxon is next . i'm great. that's all. i love you america. hello everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro. along with harold ford jr. sean duffy, fabulous. and greg gutfeld who can't stop mentioning chris wallace. it's five o'clock new york city and this is the fivee kamala harris once again proving to be the world's worst boss. staffers desperately fleeing their vice presidency t
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