tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News April 28, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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with us.ll the thank you for making this show possible. we hope you'll save me. we arereor notonigig that hard . so you never miss an episode and you can tell your friends aboutus us . in the meantime, let nothe your hearts be troubled. stayarar or ingram . the rim angle is next and weng hope you have a great night. i'm laura ingraham and this is ingraham angle from washington tonight . the comprehensive con that'se the focus of tonight's angle. not to give you a sense of how serious the democrats are this crush going on at our southern border. listen to the first question that was posed by the ranking member at today's homelessness committee hearing. >> the homeland threat has dramatically fromam foreign terrorists to domestic terrorists fro in particular racially motivated violent extremists p who present the moo
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lethal threat to the homeland. what is your current assessment of the domestic terrorism threat to our country? mr. chairman, it is our assessment that domestic violent extremism poses the greatest terrorism relatedre threat to our homeland. okay,mist translation you should be far more afraid ofat your fellow americans thans the millions of illegal aliens being bused and flown allle over the country in the middle o of the night. got it. of course we all know that under biden, dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas, he's not really in charge of the southern cha border. as a practical matter,r, the mexican drug syndicates are millions of illegals haveeg already crossed our border sincee biden came into office m in just the month of march, marchon. we just had customs and border protection say they encountered more than twenty two hundred and twenty one thousand
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illegals. now tose give you a sense of n how staggering this number isumr when trump declared the border s situation an emergency, which is threeic years ago, the number of monthly apprehensions then had hit seventy six thousand because most migrants arem gaining our asylum laws. one ofaw the few tools that border patrol agents had under biden was title 40 to which was the trump ruleen that allowed for immediate turnaround of migrants at the border due to these covid concerns and to understand how signify this tool is in march one hundred nine54 thousand five hundred and forty nine encounters 50%9t can the total were processed for expulsion under title forty to 21% off all family unit individuals were processed for expulsion under title t forty two as well. weha understand that two hundred twenty thousand about half immediately turned back not just around the country country
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because of title forty two . bidenn wants to get rid of that and of course becausee his team believes borders are immortal h a moral they are in full support of dropping title 40 to but because they know just how detrimental this will be to all americans, they're passing the buck toea forty two is a public health authority that rests in the exclusive jurisdiction of the centers for disease control and prevention and they decide whether the title 42 authority remains necessary. as a reminder, it is a healtht authority, not an immigration plan or an immigration authority and that the determination about where we stand and to lift it was made by the cdc. oh wait a second.y think didn't they say this was t a whole of government approach at the border? holei love that phrase. so without title 40 to the number of illegals flooding and will dwarf the population of many american cities, even states in some cases by the end of biden's first term. and of course that's the wholego goalal and now americans arefe
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growing fed up. new polling isng showing that te border issue second only to inflation as a major concern. now this makes total sense. real wages are stagnating, not keeping with inflation. so many other problems are exacerbated by the open border crime. local budgets are beingng pressed.mi the drug epidemicc. understand this more than one hundred and six thousand americans died from overdoses fromom november 2020 to november 2020 one . simply put, by refusing to do all that is necessary at the border, bidende is allowing china through mexico to killl us with fentanyl. >> they say devon and a friend bought what they thought was percocet from a drug dealer on snapchat. it's like a hole in your heart and there's really no way to: fill that void. >>it bnc the pill devon took turns out to be 100% fentanyl. >> trump, of course, predicted
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all this chaos would happen. so in the end you're either a president who believes in borders or you're not and a party that believes in our sovereignty or national sovereignty orov not. but from bush to biden, yb they followed the same playbook. it is neither wiseoo nor realistic to roundnd up millions of people, many with deep roots in the united states and send them across the border. >> and this was repeated today by biden's dhs secretary. secr. we inherited a broken and dismantled system that isot already under strain.anage it is not built to manage the current levels and types of migratory flows. only congressmi can fix this . >> so after none of them were serious about enforcing existing laws on enforcement and removal and after none o thm pushed to tighten up the asylum rules and in biden's casee dropping title 40 to of course migrants are going togr rush the border. r our agents lives are endangered
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and one texas national guardsman died last weekk tryina to rescue a migrant in the riont grande. these are the results of joe biden's open borders agenda . but this is a patternrnth over three administration and when the public outcry builds as it's building now,vi they pivot to the comprehensive cond . we need to resolve the status of the illegal immigrants who are already in ourveta counu so that you can pass and i can sign comprehensive immigration reform into law. >> it is long past to reform an immigration system that rightt now doesn't serve america as well as it should be . immigration reform supported by everyone from labor unions to religious leaders to the u.s. chamber of commerce. let's get it done once and for all. r, it is but remember remember it's not amnesty. no, they're going to be many hoops that illegal immigrants will have to jumpthat through . we promise, i believe that illegal immigrants
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who have roots in our country t and want to stay should haveo to pay a meaningful penalty forak breaking the law toin pay t their taxes to learn english. ifsh you've been in america for more than five yearsme, if you have children who are american citizens or legalal residents, f you register pass a criminal background check. this is an amnesty. they're required to take 11 years worth . e they payng a fine. they got to learn to speak english then all you law and order people you're subjected to an immigration sob story must remember that the vast majority of illegal immigrants are decent people who work hardmajo, support their families, practice their faith. these people, our neighbors, our classmates, our friends, my immigration policy is built around keepingsi families together. my favorite by anonymous grayson though was from i guess it was eight years ago. it was during anotherra immigration battle where
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he admitted what we all know they don't really thinkth american citizenship is all that special. you 11 million people living in the shadows..y i believe are already american citizens. re yes.ncon he said that and comprehensive immigration reform is justfog shorthand, of course, for giving amnesty to i don't know, probably at at this point twenty two million illegals and i love how they always say 11 million as if that number is frozen in timeim. so it's hard to lose if you lose count here. - but i think it's- at least the third or fourth time in the past 15 years where there are supposedly conversations about comprehensive immigration reform and it always happens with a border becomes a political liability for whatever globalist party is in charge. and remember, in twenty immigrao 2007, bush tried to do something with mccain and the democrat, but the grassroots rose up, including yours truly and talk radio and it was defeated in twenty thirteen
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there was a gang ofre eight w bill and at one point marco rubio was leading it. he wasas operating in good fait. i think he was new tooed the senate. he smartly stepped away fromin it. wellgs that went down in flamest as well. and now i guessss they are tryig to do it all over again. but smart conservatives know that the promise of enforcementn never comes.mes. smart conservatives that they start talking about technology and they do that they're going to install the stuff at the border drones .. they're not serious at all..thil they'll get better video maybeal of thousandsy of people crossing. that's about it. the fact is we have a lot of politicians in office who think that enforcing the borderth isr a moral crime. enf they think border enforceor is for fascists only. plus they want to satisfy the chamber of commerce, which always wants an endless dream of low wage workers. the only way we can have a dealr is if a serious enforcement president is in charge.
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and of course, when we have that in, president trump finally got better control the border with new policies. to the democrats didn't want to doo a deal that tells you everythingng you need to know.en and when a republican is in office again, we will enforce the border. the trump remain in mexico policy worked title forty two worked number of undocumented migrants being stopped at the southern border haser dropped dramatically, dipping 20% from may to june. homeland security says about one hundred four thousand people were apprehended in june, the first p decline in months. they credit the agreement with mexico to crack downment asylum seekers from central america.a. that was because of a deal betweenau the trumpni administration and mexico. now going forward the, we should just assume that when democrats are in charge, we're going to have openmo borders. agreeing to any deal with them b in charge woulde be agreeing to ,i don'tt know, a political extortion schemeal and in the ed would be worse, not better off. soso put the pressure on us
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senators tester in montana, cortez maston in nevada, kelly in arizona has been in new hampshire on new hampshire sayss we support comprehensive immigration reform just vote them out,e don't fall for the con and angle. all right. now joining me now is former u.s. border patrol chief under both presidents trump and bush, rodney scott. rodney , great to see you tonight . how concerned should we be that american politiciansol have shifted from enforcement once again to the quote comprehensive reform proposal? it should be very concerned and border security is much broader than immigration enforcement. bordereror security is simply yowing who and what is coming into your home in this massiveio amount of illegal immigration coming across the border rightd now has made it so. border patrol has no idea who is coming into our home. ml there's there's just hundreds of miles of border that are completely uncontrolledes. you
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you can't do the immigration reform that they they talk about unless you knowin who you're dealing with and we simplyg have no idea who we're dealing with right now. >> well, the fact is n ifow thee not going to. stay with title n forty two and they're not goingt to do trump's remain in mexico policy, they're not going toic updatey, these ridiculous asylue rules which allow everybody tove game the system today, not going to do any of that . then they're going to check your voting whether youer register, they're going to check whether you've been herest x number of months.g they're going to check whether you're learning english is . diculousus >> yeah, i watched a hearing with the secretary today and was just really baffled that matter of fact, when you talk about the asylum, they are looking at revampingy asylum process, but they want to make it easier and they want to maker it and not have to settle here. and so you s just take people at their word that you don't even investigate their claims. last time we did amnesty in 86 ,the document fraud to proveer
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that they were here was rampant and we didn't haveoo nearly as good of printers bw and technology back then that we do now to make those false documents. that's easy for them to talkit a about proving you were here, but that in and of itself would be rampant fraud and that also increases the flow today because it just makes people t think if they get it crossed illegally, they'll be allowed to is a horrible, h orsignals and wow, everyone has to remember that the biggest a crossing a border crossing a year before this whole situation was in nineteen . ghty six when reagan right. announced that he was going tohe amnestyy limited was goingng and then they got a huge crush because every time someone hears we're going to do x t they know it's amnesty. then you have a bigger crushha than a couple of years later we're going to hear about how the system is broken and weo have to do another amnesty.thati that's how the whole thing always works. wa but something speaking ofay secretary mayorkas, something he said today shows just how important the border is to him.
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>> i published 12 priorities for the department. les i can give some examples ofhe the critical priorities, ensure that we are not only espousing but critically implementing the core principles off diversity, equity, inclusion and opportunity throughout our workforce, including at all levels of leadership that give you a lot of confidence. rodney, the dea agenda is one of the main principles that is advocating and we aller advocate for diversity but we're talking border security here, right?ity is border security is neutral if you cross that border illegal, m illegal. itat doesn't matter what you lok like, what size you are, what gender you identify with or what nationality you came from.t if you're crossing illegal, it's illegal and that's what we should be talkinge. >> yeah, i think it might have t been talking about staffing there, but nevertheless, when h we have a crisis situation right now as we have even to gow
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down the road of talking about diversity, equityn, inclusion, it just again it tells you everything you need to know. ou rodney, thank you for your service to this country and to all the border patrole ty men and women who work tirelessly and often thankless for their job and their commitment. tmitment. thank you, rodney. thank rodney prince president say over and over again that he never spoken to his son about his business dealings. has he ever about his spoken to some business partner 1000% again, nothing has changed about what i said yesterday. the president does not not get involved in the business al dealings of his son even through his son's business partners. nothing has changedve is what is said yesterday that continued the white house a are becoming a little bit unbelievable, don't you think? now brand new reporting from the daily mail reveals that joe biden agreed tojo pay his son hunter's legal fees for his deal with this chinese government controlled company.. he w pays only ablee to the bills after he earned millions of dollars through his
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his wife's companies after hereft the office of vp now as former speaker of the house, fox news contributor newt gingrich also author of defeating big government socialism. as newt the left was so obsessed remain obsessed with trump'sru finances. these seem to be growing ever more glaring and obvious on the part of biden every dayth and soki every day i go nothing to see here, he reaction all this well of nobody on the leftg is going to admit that you nowe have a corrupt family with a lying president even though it's it's patently obvious joe biden did not put eight hundred thousand dollars into paying his son's legal bills with no knowledge. there weren't twenty seven different occasions where businessf associates of senator biden
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were in the obama whitehu house and again, this isn't just joe biden. it's also barack obama doxxed b it's hard toel believe that thee were twenty seven different visits and obama didn't notice that it was on the schedule at t the same time, i think a much bigger story break presently isn the millions and millions of dollars that the chinese communist gave to the university of pennsylvania while joe biden had established a little school there. now all that's been secret the university of pennsylvania a refuses to admit how much money they've taken from the chinese communist party . to biden refuses to admit how much control he had over the money. and you take that kind of corruption and then you add to it what was happening with hunter biden who apparently is getting money from china, from ukraine, fromru russia. ss a i mean, it is amazing to look at the footprints around the world has the biden familyis business and that's really
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what it was to biden family business. it's not just about hunterr bidennot, but it's about the current president and states who i think clearlyly has lied to the country over and over and over abouter this issue. >> i mean, anyone who is a parent knows that when youta reach a certain age, the onlybu thing you care about really isin that your kids are doing okay and that you of course you're involved. you are no running their business but you know what your kids are doing otherwise you're just not a very good parent. sorry, but this idea that oh, i didn't know i never talked to him. we never it's just patently absurd to just take the flightsf on air force two where hunter was with his dadme going to w they want to tell us that on a 14 or 16 hour flight, joe never said, gee hunter, what are you doing over here? how's the business going?
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also the reference that hunter himself made which came up i think through the laptoper that he was literally halfal his money was going to subsidize his father. now this is during a period when joe biden was the vice president. this wasn't when he left officen and it's amazing to me that youb could have this blatant level of clearly taking foreign money in an illegal way by the vicete president and say it's in his f family who are runningam a famiy business. that's that's what really is is involved here includes joe's brother, includes his son and it's clearlyde the exploitation of his public office in orderis to enrich the family. we thoughtht the clinton family foundation and global initiative, we w thought that ws kind of like a you know, a big cash cow with a revolving door of influence peddling. ite,g.. you thi i mean this which one do younk think is worse than the clintons and corruption orth the bidens? i mean, is it a tie at this point?
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well, i think no, i think it'slv been an evolving process. i thinkinin that the biden saw b what hillary and bill could get awayil with and thought why not us ? and i think that a grave danger of foreign governments beginning to realize that corrupting american officials may be the most effective foreign policy you can have. so you have, you know, the, the widow of the mayor of miami of moscow happens to sendor i think it's three and a half millionju dollars to one hundred . i just happens to do it. n i'm sure hunter didn't tell his dad you three and a half million. but yeah. know you go in and tell your dad now this is crazy. they think we are so stupid and they are so confident that they'll be protected by the elite mediact and they'le be protected by the justice department and well so far they have this is a study in corruption. all right. speaker thank you so much. and do the constant leaking the january six committee is apparently, scared that its much hyped hearings will go the way
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of the mueller investigation. but not all leaks are created equal. some regardingvest minority leac kevin mccarthy have this conference concerned. congressmanrerecarthy had t marr taylor greene is here next with her thoughts. >> stay thereresp. keep yours with green pressure. predefine this yellowjacket. what if something happened to you? what would happen to them? their whole their education, their future. you need life insurance and chances are selectquote can help you get it for less than a dollar a day.
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betrayal of the american people . many c in the senate and the s senate gop are now supportinge a major rollback of trump's tariffs as politico notes, despite tough talk on china are lining up behind the senate package crafted by finance committee democrat ron wyden of oregon and republican mike crapo of idaho.f now addition to him, 18 other gop senators from lindsey graham to john cornynn to mitch mcconnell and mitt romney signed on to a senate bill last summer. it l called the united states innovation and competition act. now it's going be the foundation of what the senate wants and its negotiations with the house. according to politico,ical the package they may support would award china with tariff exemptions to more and twenty two hundred imports that bit them under trump along with a directive to reopen the exemption process for
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more goods. now remember after americansre sawme how much of our drug suppy came from china, how much of ourr ppe was made in china? there was a general outcry at the beginning covid to bring it all back home, bring the manufacturing back home. ye butar two years later, are we to believe that the lesson we've learned is that america shouldpe become even more dependent on chinesend manufacturing lifting tariffs on three hundred dollars billion worth of imports every year will provide even more incentive for us manufacturers to send their production lines to the communist superstate. they'll both have cheaper laboro costs and they won't have topo pay import duties. it's a winrt win for lef consumers may pay less for a products in the short term but will pay big time in other ways fewer jobs for working class people and more dependancegi on despicable regime. earlier this year, trump's former trader t chief bobt lighthizer lamented that state
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planners in china must be positivena m b, gleeful thate would effectively drop the existing tariffshe and eliminate the threat of future tariffs. and he fai laid out what this ww what this would represent. lastourese friday, getting rid f these tariffs if they do it will be very serious. it a would be a betrayal of american workers, very serious step backward for the american people. the political humiliation ofth this as how aren we not acting like the vci from france and all of this the regime that lied about covid tortures religious minorities, starves its own people and uses slave labor is now going to be rewarded by the united states, the very country it is working to undermine and eclipse every minute of every day. i hopeope these republican senators are willing to sell out the american people to china will see the folly of their ways. but i'm not going to hold my breath.
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>> according to axios january six committee is growing anxious about the torrent of leaks not because it's scummy but rather they fear the leaks will breed l complacency in a country already distracted by inflationed, ukraine and thea lingering coronavirus pandemic, on the hill are so worried they're getting flashbacks to the mueller investigation t. o but there's currently another round of leaks that has washington buzzing recordingsco of minority leader kevin mccarthy disparagingrd fellow members, even callingg on big tech toon restrict their accounts. mccarthy held a meeting with the gop conference toitfe better explain the full context and it reportedly ended up in a standing ovation. so apparently i guess it was fine. here now is georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, congresswoman and one of the leaked audio recordings which is obvious to me. i mean, itto was leaked by a republican on that call, leadern mccarthy basically said he was
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frustrated by comments that certain republicans were making about the election and whetherlect the election wat rigged and so forth.ed and he actually lamented the fact that , you know, big tech has censored other people. why can't they shut down their accounts? >> what's your reaction to i that ? reaction well, you know, those comments are very hurtful and we know those recordings were coming early january. i thinkrl january 10th, january 11th of 2020 one . they're hurtful to me, laura , because, you know, i'm the only member of congress that lostr my personal twitter account. say that i have workede with kevin mccarthy end his staff working on the repeal process and my my twitter account should be restored. but these are leaks that just create more drama in washington when i believe we're in a time right now where the american people are fed up with drama , all that we hear out of the january 6th committee is absolutelyy, b
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absolutely absurd, laura . every time i go back home, i the people i talk to, they don't care about januaryar six . what they care about is our open border, high inflation, high gas prices possibly worldwi war three with russia. th who knows where that's goingos and the possible foodsi thielemans and who knows f what you just mentioned china. that'ss something that is extremely concerning because i have a district full of small towns that have been completely routed based on decades of failure from washington that sentrom jobs overseas and destroyed our small businesses and small townsus that have just been devastatedth over time through that. so i think every washington congresswoman is the conference standing behind kevin mccarthy despite these leaked recordingst again where he was he was very,d very concerned, as were all ofde us , about what unfoldedd on january six . tex
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and you texted mark meadows and said at one point you said, you know, there's an active shooter in here, but you thought there was turns out ashli babbitt was shot by an officer on site. you were very concerned. you said president basically has to calmm things down. he was extremely upset about this and thought a i guess this could destroy the whole republican party. it was reported that you textedel as well mark meadows and saidl several members are are even mentioning putting martial lawni in place at some point during this whole time. s that was three days before biden's inauguration. and of course this is being brought up now. you as you know, congressman greenes is talking aboutho martial law and she should never be able to run again. e i'd like to have you have a chance to respond to those criticisms. well, those are reportedly my text messages.s. read themi t for a themselves that those are my text message, they clearly say that i wasn't calling for
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that . i actually said that's about. g i don't knoww that was what those text messages say. so yous didn't there's no never advocated martial lawaura: you n that president trumpever would e martial law to stop the transition of power.ocated r you never advocated for that , did you? i don't recall ever advocating for martial law. if you haven't that up on the screen right now because i can't see it. but if you put that textt message up, it's clear and easy to read that if that's my texts messages and that's what they're reporting, i don'te recall if they are, but if they are those text messages do not say calling for martial lawo that i just got out and now i thought it was kind of an unfair hit on you because you said several members were i and then they use that to say t you were.he and i just wanted to give you the chance to tell us one way or another whether you thought the president trump t, you knowr asking for martial law would g
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be a good idea. i mean, i just thought you needed a chance to clear that up. yeah, laura , that's i was a brand new member of congressps at that time. i was a very upset about the rio at the capitol that day and i was scared when it happened. i even tweeted a video telling people to i was upset because it stopped the objection that we lawfully were trying to do as members of congress. and i was upset because i've never been in any kind ofe. situation like that before and concerned. it waswas concerned horrific. but as all well now with the conference is all well, i can't speak on behalf of the entireel conferencel?. i hope this is somethinge. that we're working out. and as most people know, i'm someone that has been held accountable for my words and i have apologized at times when n i've said things that i didn't think were right or may have offended people and i think apologies are a good thing. so i thinkieprop this is a timee
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the republican conference needs to pull ourselves togethered and have leadership that's going to be able and capable of leading when e we are able to earn back the majoritydo and actually do the right thing on behalf ofeh the american people. the broader inflation crime, there's a lot of problemsah out there. congresswoman, thank you for joining us tonight. and celebs drinkingro international scam artists and judge judy my gosh, of course it's raymond arroyo seen and unseen next they try to console me. they try to shut me up and make the world go. what i'm not afraid of pulling out people who deserve it and praising those who earned i'm going to cancel cancel culture to enjoy all right. i have to be on piers morgan uncensored. america loves a comeback. so here i am, baby piers morgan uncensored streaming weeknights only on fox nation. you can't cancel me.
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an interview with actress megan fox talkingan about her drinking habits with her fiance, a machine gun kelly. >> yes, we do consume each other's blood on occasion for ritual purposes only. it is used for a reason and it is controlled where it's likeed let's shed a few drops of blood and drink it. dr. fortuño. laura , i guess it's okay. they only drink blood during full and new moon's laura soa there's no new moon tomorrow. there's sort of like very disciplined werewolf people and i'm sure no young people are going to followre g their le right now. laterw, f in the interview, fox claims she keeps her kids off of social media because it's t sinister. >> well, i mean, she's that'sgh good, right?e she because she's right about that . but there were some other things that you noticed on the plane, correct? well, yeah.
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well, it's it's a little like the artery calling the vein bloody. you know, the other thing i know looking i'm looking at the i johnny depp amber heard. yeah, well the other people were watching that johnny depp ,amber heard and i don't begrudge people watching these things. i really don't. but the problem is when youu marinate your soul in dark, the drug fueled lunacy of theset celebrities go on while you miss the light and the things s you should be focused on yourel family and your community. and how about your government? there is g a massive story, laura , out there getting very b little attention, but it's costingri you literally billions of dollars now you might have j known about itoh if you turned johnny and vampira off and watch judge judy, you applied for a small business loan that was designed for people who had real businesses with realbu employees just a second with real employees who rely on that money so that you could pay your employees during covid
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exactly what you paid yourself in just as you paint yourself. miss williams was buying stamps and buying work, buying food stamps. the pandemic been going on .so y so they've been giving those food stamps like pandemic's they call them from programs that are meant to really help people. and it's just too bad that some people will always stoop to a level of abusing a program as judge judy has revealedud more and a new nbc news report substantiates these colvert benefits. partick, those unemployment relief benefits have turned into the biggestst perpetuateded against the united statesth, a significant part of itby carried out by foreigners, government investigators estimate that brace yourself. eighty seven billion billions have been stolen from the american taxpayer
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in fraudulently relief payments. private estimates are even higher. timathey claim the fraud could be as high as four hundred billion dollars. everybody is talking about elon musk buying twitter. that's ten twitters, allura,s, just to put it together that have been stolenra, from the american people. this is unconscionable really. f oh , yeah. >> that's real blood , ramon. i mean,, he saw a lot of people who are collecting benefits and he saw them post on like they're in the caribbean and stuff. ar a lot of that yeah. the side of t at our townhe hall. it's going to be huge. we don't have semis for youin this time, but we have something a little better. we got to bus ingram and not one but two busses. i'm like oprah. you get a bus, you get a bus, you get a bus. we'll see you here tomorrow. wow. w. looking looking very cool.aura:k raymond, thank you . see youin tomorrow and elon musk take over . twitter has led the left to get very creative in ways they seek censorship. now wait until you hear the idea from one democratic senator mollie hemingway. ari fleischer have reaction
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diversity, equity, inclusion pop up and then to downplayye downplay like violent looting what happened after the george floyd stuff. t they called it consumer reportsy asians or justified looting. and now we have a new entry to justify censorship courtesysy of democrat ed markey. the massachusetts senator is calling for f new laws to promoe algorithmic justice over thelo dangerous influence of elon musk and other billionaires. now ironically, he mades this plea on twitter. here now is mollie hemingway, fox news contributor, editor in chief of the federalist, ari fleischer, fox news contributor and now best sellingnd author. molly, they're getting very creative here, are they not?rat well, the euphemisms are amazing, but the reality behind it is terrifying.n. this algorithmic justice of this democrat refers to isho about how social media companiesw have in fact
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controlled outcomes of elections or affected political debates by increasing the reach of certain messages, decreasing the reach of other messages. the platforming effective political voices that they don't like and all these types of thingsses o. you heard ari melber say on msnbc the other day that's why he didn't want elon musk owning twitter because thosetw are the things you can do whene you control a social media platform. yeah, we know k that'snow th whu can do. that's what'sat been done and it's been done in a rarrifically one sided fashion at the behest of the democrat political party. and it's not it's a huge threat to the republic. so whatever you call it, ital is a major threat that needs to be stopped and everyone has to translate when they say t this diversity, equity, inclusion, what they really mean is discriminate, io against another group of people. i mean, it's never means what what they say it means now are the entiree professionall class. they're freaking out over elon musk that no no irony at all. the washington post put out
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a tweet declaring washington's hands are largely tied as theld world's richest person acquires an influential social network and impact of the regulatory void around socialth media company. so now this paper is ownedwn by jeffed bezos. it's deeply concerned that another billionaire can also buy a large media company. no irony. there are. >> oh , laura , you know, sometimes you just have to haveh a sense of humor about alle this stuff. you know, you just have to wonder where havee the democrato been forr years?ink they i think they all heardha that donald trump got thrown off of social media. s but don'toc they realizeial just how bad it is? h don't they realize haven't they heard how conservatism squelched speech canceled the algorithms that have been put in the user and used to suppress republican thought and conservative thought? you know, when i heard ed markey talk e about algorithmic justice, i thought that was a punk rock band that playedil
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in the village in the what on earth kind of phrase is that to begin with now? it's like something that reverse how the democrats are so opposed to free speech ae that they really mean it. turn they want to turn america into a college campus, get conservatives off. well, billionaires areiv jealous of other billionaires. i mean, the whole thing is stupid. but molly,, i touch on somethinh we talked about with marjoriebo taylor greene earlier, which isd this conference that they had today to try to i think, calm things down and paper over their differences after these leaked audio recordingsl of a call with the january 6th and mind, what's your reaction to this ? >> well, i think the mostol troubling thing ofli these messages was definitely the one you highlighted where kevin mccarthy indicated that he hoped for other people to be thrown hop social media companies. that's that's exactly the opposite attitude is that we want topr from what we want to have from from ourvi
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republican leaders.hat, i having said that , i think that the republican conference needs to make its own decisions about who its leaders are and they shouldn't. that agenda should not be set by corporate media. corporate media isdi tryinga. to determine who the speaker will be and even the fact that they're going after kevin mccarthy and some of these other people might indicate that they view him as more of a threat to their agenda and now that they're suddenly sympathetic to conservative concerns that he's not conservative enough. moderate yes orsy no is mccarthy for the moment okay? if he is, he's on a glide path . i think he's fine. id i think republicans showedd that today. but you know, whenever i seey stories about leaks, my first reaction is let me see the entire thing in its full t context. i just don't think it is true . i remember in the press reports these highlights. all right. not all i agree.. molly, ari, thank you . and go order ari's new book suppression, deception, snobberyer and bias. >> big announcement coming up in 2020, los angeles county
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universe and governor ron desantis has shown himself to be full command of it and for that reason, tomorrow night orlando to host a live town hall. florida and the american comeback. the governor desantis will be with us the entire hour and will be joined by current disney employees by the active turn and a lot of other special surprises. tune in tomorrow and greg gutfeld is next. >> carley: fox news alert, billions of taxpayer dollars being used to push critical race theory in school. >> todd: the money which was included in president biden's covid relief package now being used in blue states to implement antiracism with bias. you are watching "fox & friends first" on thursday morning i'm todd piro. >> carley: carley shimkus. take a look at these numbers, california used $15 billion to include training such as antibias
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