tv The Five FOX News April 28, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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believe it is. we haven't seen anything that would cause us to change that. >> oy, sorry, jumped on you there. always good seeing you, thank you very much. and to the point here, the administration has committed another $30 million. aiding aggressive approval for that, the arms and heavy equipment that ukraine desperately needs. ♪ ♪ >> greg: i am greg gutfeld along with jessica carla, judge jeanine pirro, jessica shape it's in she once got into a fist fight with polly pocket, dana perino. "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: the biden white house cracking down on freedom of speech days after elon musk's twitter takeover. secretary mayorkas announcing plans for what he calls a disinformation governance board
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to combat this information ahead of the midterms. >> we have just established a governance board in the department of homeland security to more effectively combat this threat, not only to election security but our homeland security. >> it sounds like it's to prevent this information, i am not sure who opposes that effort. >> greg: i smell a rat be the group will be led by a far left expert who calls trump -- a campaign product in 2020. she's also been vocal about her to stay for elon musk saying she shudders to think about the building or taking over twitter. anti-musk fever practically prerequisite for any job in the white house. elizabeth warren taking another shot at the billionaire last night.
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>> we need rules of the road and there are going to be rules. the only question is will elon musk decide all the rules by himself in a dark room? or is it going to be the case that we are going to decide this as a country? we are going to make the rules in a democracy? rules of the road could help facilitate that kind of competition and frankly, break the stranglehold of someone like elon musk coming in at just owning the whole thing. >> greg: they will say anything. a judge, what a coincidence that this is just happening this week. there's no connection whatsoever to the elections or elon musk. what do you think? >> judge jeanine: i agree with you, it is a coincidence but on the other side don't you have to say, isn't it amazing how fast they got this disinformation group together? i mean, given how long it took them to get weapons to the ukraine, even zelenskyy at how
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disorganized they were coming out of afghanistan. why didn't they take their weapons out of afghanistan to give them to ukraine? that would've been a smarter choice. you've got barack obama coming out and saying we want content moderation. now you've got these people saying we're going to have a disinformation group where we can say what we think is not correct and we suffer under their thumb for four years of the russia collusion delusion along with the hunter biden laptop being russian disinformation. i mean, they've lied to us repeatedly. but the only thing that they want is to be able to control what we say and what we say to each other and what we think, so their hatred of elon musk, it is palpable. joy reid last night, talked
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about, he just misses apartheid of south africa, elizabeth warren. think of what they are doing to him behind-the-scenes, if they are doing this right in front of everybody, and it is real clear, the constitution of the united states allows for free speech. no government has the right to moderate, define or hold a limit free speech be that is in the constitution, it is in the first amendment for a reason and it is confirmed by the supreme court over and over again in their attempt to muscle us unless it is obscenities is really an effort to control this country in a way that we've never seen. >> greg: jason, you are for free speech you are now labeled a free speech absolutist like somehow you are an extremist. did you hear he is an absolutist? here is the thing, what can they actually do? did they sit and watch "the five" and say, greg said he
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would bet jesse a million bucks he could lift his mug. he's not actually going to pay the million dollars, is he? do they have any authority to do anything? >> jason: i don't think they have the authority but they are going to try. secretary mayorkas looked like he was live from beijing telling us how everybody is, what they can say, how they can say it, this is allowable, this is not allowable. about ten years ago or so it is called stop online piracy act, republicans and democrats, they tried to give homeland security unilateral authority to take down websites, so this is a playbook they went to under the obama administration, they are trying to do it now but i think what they're really afraid of with elon musk's he is going to peel back and expose what was going on with the shadow banning, about how they've manipulated the social media to be for their team on the democratic side of the island against conservatives.
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he's only successful if he is politically neutral if he allows democrats and republicans to go out there. >> greg: the fact that this expert or person in charge pushed that letter of the 50 former national security officials, called the laptop fake and then you have secretary mayorkas, that was probably one of the biggest misinformation scams. how can they pull this off? how can this happen? >> dana: it's interesting, i've brought this up before, remember president bartlett on the show? she was a republican and they made her work in the basement and every once in a while they would pull her upstairs and say, ask a republican about this and she is like, i wouldn't do that. you can do this but not that. i can't imagine that anybody at this meeting says, do you think it's going to be a problem that she's going to be in charge?
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well, why would that possibly be? wouldn't it have occurred to them so they don't have an early warning system? i don't think they have the authority to do this under the congressional act, it's too broad, i get that but this is certainly not included. the thing about elon musk, he doesn't care if he's like and it's driving the left absolutely crazy. there's a little bit of a model for this, it also doesn't work that well although they try, called the broadcasting board of governors and its controversial under every president peered the way they set it up as there four republicans and forgo democrats and the chair of the board as the secretary of state, whoever that happens to be at the time and they try to adjudicate things. that might be a better way. you just can't have bureaucrats going to be in charge of free speech, they missed the entire thing, it doesn't make any sense. also something very strange is going on, i'm not buying that all the sudden 100,000 more people decided to follow me overnight. the birthday pictures are great and all but i find that very hard to believe.
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got like 500,000 new followers or something weird was happening. >> greg: that's true. jessica, let's say this was under a different administration and the political bias and ideology were going in a direction you didn't like, you would be scared. this person is a left-winger who dismissed the laptop before there was even any evidence. she just did it because she knew she had to do win an election. you would be scared too. he can't have a bureaucrat with an ideology in charge of speech. he shouldn't have anybody in charge of speech. >> everybody is entitled to their ideology, we're just not supposed to know about a purity work in there. >> greg: you do that but you don't do your business. >> that is disgusting and i walked right into it. she was live tweeting the presidential space, you could make the case that she certainly
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had more left-leaning opinions although she does have a pretty impressive background and was at a nonpartisan center doing her work. she had a lot of experience in russia in belarus. >> greg: woodrow wilson. >> jessica: i know, but the point is to target misinformation about russia and also the border, which i think is interesting and something that should have killed the conservatives and one example they throughout is across facebook and whatsapp in haiti they had misconstrued what biden said about immigration policy, essentially saying he was going to welcome everybody and 14,000 haitians showed up at a border town and were trying get into the united states of america. what they are saying now is they want to be able to tap into problems like that is stoppable for another 40,000 people show up and say we heard there is an open border here and we would like to get in. in terms of whether this is legal or within the rights of
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dhs to do, i don't know, they certainly feel this way but they've been organizing for month. a woman came out and said this, it wasn't like something happened overnight. >> greg: fair enough but if they were organizing it for months the first thing they should do is address the misconstrued border issue. they ignored all the concerns, they went after a guy, let us the first thing, that is the example they should have used. you know what, that would've been really smart. we screwed up and actually produced misinformation and disinformation, we blames the wrong guy, we found out that was innocent. i would trust them more. >> would you, though? >> i am an open mind, a loving, open-minded person. i think we should start testing this on "the five." start saying things that they would say is disinformation. >> jessica: like you are a loving guy? >> greg: right, i want to fact-check that. she probably hates "the five," that lady. she doesn't like "the five."
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: president biden lashing out at republicans in both states about an economy he drove right in the ditch. the country's gross national product igniting fears of a recession, but joe is just shrugging off the terrible economic news. >> i'm not concerned about a recession. i think what you are seeing is enormous growth in the country that was affected by everything from covid and the covid blockages we incurred along the
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way. our republican friends who are really interested in doing something about dealing with the economic growth, they should help us continue to lower the deficit. >> judge jeanine: and nancy pelosi blowing up on our very own chad pergram about high gas prices. >> do you think the public is blaming democrats or will continue to blame democrats? speak i don't think they are blaming democrats, there blaming the oil companies. >> but in the midterms you don't think they will take that outcome even if you pass the next to bill -- >> why would you say that? i don't think what you said is making very much sense. if the republicans stand in the way of thus freeing the consumer of the stranglehold of big oil, you think they are going to blame that on the democrats? you think that? >> judge jeanine: i know i am supposed to ask a question but i am like flabbergasted. all right, let me go to you, greg, we know that we are not
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that far from the midterms in 2022. we have the spin but can president biden honestly say that he's not worried about a recession with the numbers he's looking out with everybody going to the supermarket and saying, i can't buy a steak anymore, look at the price? >> greg: apparently you weren't listening to his logic, it makes so much sense. growth is so enormous it is actually negative. i think this is like a black hole got like something that happens. it is like we just grew so fast, but i think they are understanding that americans put their domestic agenda first and you can't get much closer to a voter domestically than his wallet or his fridge, it's in his house, her house, their house. but this is the consequence of the democratic party, they chased the loudest, focused critics on twitter, they don't see the vast chasm of importance
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between parents who just want to feed their families and get their kids to school and the shaved head nonbinary spirit animal who wants the democrats to pay off their debt so they can pay off their degree in finger sniffing. i think you've seen the opportunity cost now. we would probably be in a much better state as a country if they weren't so consumed with tearing down statues or defunding the police or no cash bail. think about all the energy that could've been placed towards things, they forgot who americans were, and it is twitter, i get it, it's going back to this, this whole week, elon musk changing things, twitter was the engine that created this bizarre obsession in the media and in democrats to chase things that have no interest to the american public. just a few people on twitter who don't have jobs. >> judge jeanine: that's right, and jason, i want to go to you. you were in congress, nancy pelosi is saying, if our republican friends wanted to
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help us they would help us reduce the deficit. you are spending all the money! am i wrong? >> jason: they have the presidency, she is the speaker of the house, i like what my former colleague jim jordan congressman ada ohio said, if the biden plan is working, how come it's not working? real wages are down, i don't care how many times the president goes to the podium or trying to spin it, go to fill up your f-150 and it costs more than 150, you're going to be mad. don't tell me it is lowering the deficit. how about that we are spending nearly 25% of our gross domestic product by the government. one out of every four is fundamentally totally wrong and more spending is not going to make it better, it's going to make it worse. the democrats don't have a plan. >> judge jeanine: secretary mayorkas who was a part of all of this is saying, jessica, that
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the biden administration has effectively managed the border crisis despite record breaking numbers and the surge of illegals and this is all adding to these historically low numbers. all three of them between secretary mayorkas, biden, and pelosi are saying things that are either dishonest or don't make sense. >> jessica: the economic numbers were good until this report and even republicans were admitting that. we are seeing numbers that were 30, 40 year highs and people are only talking about a recession now. two quarters of this in a row and then we would be talking about a recession. there were some good numbers to talk about, or cost-of-living, go to the store and steak is too expensive, you eat chicken for the next month and maybe there's a chicken shortage and that is a problem. but i've always felt like being honest does not make people not
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want to vote for you. it doesn't. it at least makes you a person they want to know or that they would consider the next election if they have to vote for someone else in and there's always a problem and it happens on both sides, and extreme right and then moderate republicans, people and very left-leaning or right reading districts are running campaigns that do not suit the vast majority of the country and they are saying things that are out of step with her every day americans feel about it. obviously, that is going to be cut and put into as many as is possible for the midterms and i don't think democrats are taking advantage of the fact that, show some empathy about it but republicans are not putting up their own plans to contrast to the fact that the democrat's plan is garbage but what are you offering? what is your health care land? rick scott's proposal, we should be running on that. just talk about what rick scott wants to do all the time and maybe we can save some seats. >> judge jeanine: or just talk about what joe biden is doing. dana, wrap it up.
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>> dana: the biden west wing is larry summers, who was the secretary under bill clinton. he was saying initially, when joe biden was like everything is fine, inflation is transitory, it's not a big deal, it's just a one-off thing. actually this is really happening. how can you come out an hour after the numbers of the negative growth and say we are actually seeing amazing growth. where's the misinformation czar when you need her? >> judge jeanine: that was funny. >> greg: that was funny. >> dana: i like the "west wing" references. >> judge jeanine: i haven't seen a lot of things. up next, joe biden really stepped in it. waiting to hear this, after telling parents to out of their children's education. oh. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jason: democrats think the government knows best when it comes to your kids' education peer president biden broiling of concern to parents about what he just said about who should be in charge of the classroom. >> there too many people trying to score political points and banned books, even math books. did you ever think maybe your younger teachers, did you ever think you would be teaching and be worried about book burning and banning books? all because it doesn't fit somebody's political agenda. they are all our children and the reason you were the teachers of the year is because you recognize that. >> jason: and remember the billions of dollars in blue states said they needed to battle covid? turns out new york, illinois, california and other states use
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some of that money to push critical race theory lesson plans. not all the money went to where they said it was going to go but i think being a little tone-deaf here, as the presidential's falling into the same patterns that terry mcauliffe fell into ends that they are our kids, not your kids? >> dana: there have been warning sides, don't step on that particular race, sorry, not that one either. you can imagine that glenn youngkin governor of virginia, maybe he will run for president in 2024 president trump decides not to run because this is what brought virginia to the republican side, this very issue. if the president wants to make these arguments he has to do it in a more wholesome way. he can't have a comment like this that is going to get cut, this is the world we live in, it's going to be cut, so you have to make sure you're being very clear if that is not what you meant. on the money being spent on crt and not other things, i am mad about it, i think taxpayer should be mad about.
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one thing is we have to make congress to be more accountable for how this money is going to be spent. if you control the purse strings then you can control how people spend and that included the ppe money, $500 million in fraud? for the ppe loans and then you have this money that was supposed to go to school so we can improve the ventilation system and they spent it on this? i get why parents are mad. >> $122 billion went to these goals so they could reopen and clean out the air ducts and have the mastic dividers and those things and they are doing the very thing riling up so many parents, why parents are leaving the democratic party. i don't understand how this administration could continue to be so incredibly tone-deaf. >> jessica: am interested in actually seeing the lines coming here is $1 and this is exactly where it went to. they are supposed to go to the school system and there's good
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reason to think the curriculum that employs some degree of critical race theory, you are using it to bolster her facilities and pay teachers and keep classrooms clean and whatever that i guess i could technically go to that but that was clearly not the intention when that money was allocated to those ten states. in terms of biden's comment, i think we all understand what he was trying to say and i don't think it was anywhere close to what terry mcauliffe said, which is that parents have no role in what is going on with teachers or what goes on in the classroom. biden was making the point that you as parents would actually want teachers to feel the same way that you do about your kids. you care for them, to be nurturing them and taking responsibility for them and providing a great service. i don't think it is the same thing but everything gets cut up, everything is going in an ad and that is not something we can afford. there was a big "wall street journal" piece where he interviewed a democratic voter in new jersey, who don't know who they are going to vote for because of masking kids in schools, and
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they are just saying, wait, i have to -- sorry, anyway. >> jason: but this is part of the point, judge. look up a biden actually said. the president of the united states come he doesn't get a pass by saying, i meant this. >> judge jeanine: what he said, the children are hours when they are in the classroom. they are not somebody else's children. wrong. my child is my child, whether my child is at home or in the classroom. they are not your children, they are always my children, i give you the right to have them in the classroom because i elected to allow them in the classroom. i liked to have them taught in a public school, and i find this so incredible that biden is saying that the teachers are really the victims here. teachers are being unfairly targeted, that is a quote from biden, in the culture wars.
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are you kidding me? the teachers are the ones who said the parents were the terrorists and the biden administration and the fbi with it. here is what i consider to be the bottom line, that this is a new world order. we are now going to bring the children into part of the government. they are ours, we are going to decide what to teach them and new parents, we are not going to tell you about it but if you find out about it, it is still none of your business. is the message. we pay the teachers 'salary, we provide you with the products, which is a child and we have the right to decide whether to send our child to your school or private school or to teach them at home, and cut out the crap, they are our children and nobody else's. stop, it is absurd. >> greg: custodial interference! i'm using that tonight on my show. there are great teachers but
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because of the teacher union leadership, the zoom meetings, they aren't well represented anymore. we only hear from the crazy teachers and again, this is another arena where it wokism has really kind of looted and poisoned a thing that we used to love. when i was a kid, you thought your teachers were magical, right? they taught you cursive handwriting, they treated you like they were your kids, but now, who is majoring in education, are these very aggressive activists who are obsessive about identity and radicalism and i could understand concern if biden was talking about if the children were coming from broken homes are really bad homes. maybe there were no parents, but assuming that all children are problem children because they
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don't like the parents and the more oppressive they are seen by liberal educators, so they don't like the conflict that the parents are giving, so in fact, they started the culture war. it wasn't for the parents. the kids are the cannon fodder. >> jason: i am still stuck on custodial interference. >> greg: custodial interference, the reckoning. >> jason: headed as the wild, wild west. liberal cities, crazy carjacking caught on camera and more shocking violence. stay with us. ♪ ♪ in managing diabetes! inspired by nature, onetouch verio reflect® meter shows instantly if you're below,
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>> dana: progressive crime policies under fire again, shocking video shows a brazing carjacking in new york where the clerk jumped on top of a minivan, pummeling the 53-year-old driver in the victim was treated for a fractured eye socket and in oregon they are critiquing -- for granting clemency to a cold-blooded murderer. she defended her actions by saying the murderer was only 17 when he committed the crime. on that point what about the decision to not charge somebody as an adult at 17? >> judge jeanine: first of all, kate brown, i don't know if you remember but she is the one, right before thanksgiving when she decided there should only be six people for thanksgiving, at your thanksgiving dinner table and if your neighbor, if you see that your neighbor has more than
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six, call the authorities. she is a little wacky as far as i'm concerned. what if you have seven kids? tell the other ones to hit the road? but more importantly, the fact that this woman would decide to let out a convicted murderer who was convicted not just of murder but murder for hire and understand there's different level of murder. a murder to hire, to silence a witness, this is murder to silence a witness. they are particularly heinous, for which you can in some states get the death penalty. she decides without even contacting the family of the victim, it was a 17-year-old girl who knew about this dirtbag, and he was a dirtbag. he did a whole spree of burglaries and she knew about it and he wanted to silence her into it by shooting her in the back of the head. kate brown is an imbecile. she doesn't understand what juries go through before they
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convicted beyond a reasonable doubt. all of these mid-level and highest level, the judge makes the sentence and the corrections and i think is just erosion of faith in the criminal justice system, it tells victims families don't come forward, don't testify because they're going to let them out and it tells people that we are soft on crime. and you know, we ask that. it's one of the hardest things as a d.a., assistant d.a. to get people to cooperate and testify. why should they cooperate? if that guy's going to be out on the street? >> dana: do you want to comment on this case? >> and real quick, he should move in to kate brown. she should take the guy in. they always mention the age of the suspect, they never ever mention the age of the victim, that drives me crazy. does tell everybody when the sentences are given they could change at any time. they are essentially fluid. i serve a life sentence without
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parole for murder but i identify as a nonviolent felon, why not? this is why the florida sheriff, we talked about yesterday, was right when he said to shoot intruders dead when they home invade because that is the only foolproof prevention of recidivism. and if you think they might let them out, you might want to shoot him dead. >> dana: the carjacking, this is happening a lot. >> jessica: and on video, remember, when someone was making a press conference and witness to the carjacking behind him and made the call himself to report it? what i am overwhelmed by is the shocking lack of humanity permeating through every level of society and this coming off of a time when i felt like we were united. certainly in the early days of the pandemic where people were scared, they were conscious of their elderly neighbors, everyone wanted to protect those in their life that they needed to, and it obviously has
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electoral implications, but those are so small in the context of just how you treat people when you are walking down the street. >> dana: you hadn't been to new york in a while, have you noticed any difference here? is there an increased anxiety about crime? >> jason: it does not feel the same safety, even in the times square area there used to be. he could walk all across the city. >> dana: i agree. >> jason: respected your reason i think there is great respect there but you also have to prosecute these people and if you don't elect prosecutors that actually prosecute the people committing the crime, there is not going to be a determinant. >> dana: the fastest seven up next. ♪ ♪ with my hectic life, you'd think retirement would be the last thing on my mind. thankfully, voya provides comprehensive solutions,
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dog's doodoo, leaving it there for an unsuspecting pedestrian to step in it. do you pick up your dog's? >> dana: absolutely. >> jason: the worst thing is when you go out on the trail, they will bag it and then leave it on the trail instead of actually picking it up. >> dana: maybe they will get it on the way back? >> jason: no, they leave it! it drives me nuts. >> jessica: it's a shame jesse is in here because he was the person that -- [laughs] but would take the bag and put it in other people's grass. where i live someone has been doing that regularly, and i can't find out who it is so i'm going to install something. >> jessica: a camera. >> greg: may be a shock collar type of thing that is going to zap them when they open up my garbage can and then i will laugh. >> judge jeanine: you want to know about my dog? you passed me by. my dogs only poop behind the brick wall so they go behind the
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bag. it's my property, but -- >> jessica: do you pick it up? >> judge jeanine: no, it's behind the wall on my property. >> jason: it's just a big mound? you've got two dogs that -- >> judge jeanine: i have three dogs! >> jason: that's a lot of -- >> jessica: out of sight, out of mind for you? >> judge jeanine: if i walk my dogs on the street i always pick it up. >> jessica: and throw it out. it seems very gen z -- >> dana: to save it for everyone. >> jessica: but it's not eco-friendly. they don't pick it up. life in prison. >> greg: yes, death penalty. >> jessica: that is a hot take. up next, the experts are melting into some refreshing and really refreshing water. one company in norway is selling up to $150 per bottle and lucky us, we got to test it. this is it. it is really quite beautiful. >> greg: did we pay for this? really, we didn't pay for this? because the only people that are
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having this are in the media who will get it for free to fill up the light news segment. coming up, $150 to pay for water? we are going to try it out. no one buys this. >> judge jeanine: it is good. >> jessica: it is good. >> greg: you know tap water is free and it's great. >> dana: anybody who buys this for $150 should have to donate $150 to the poor people who have student loans. >> greg: it yes. >> jessica: finally after two years of wearing stained robes and mismatched pajamas, some men are getting in touch with her wild side. many guys are going full mick jagger and working on button shirts and flare pants. this will be the next stage. >> dana: i definitely think that guys should do this and i think greg, you should start the trend on your show. >> greg: of wearing boots and shirts? i could do it but it takes a lot of effort to take off of the.
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remember when took off carrie bradshaw's boots because he couldn't get them off? i can't do this and i can't ask for other people to take them off. >> dana: johnny for a day. what do you think? >> judge jeanine: i would love to see men more dressed up and not in their pajamas. >> greg: you just -- >> judge jeanine: yes! >> greg: [laughs] >> jessica: any final thoughts, jason? >> jason: no. >> jessica: good answer. one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪ .
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>> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. this dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. [smash] >> dad: it's okay. pull over. >> tech: he wouldn't take his car just anywhere... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system,
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so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly. >> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ one of my favorite supplements is qunol turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. unlike regular turmeric supplements qunol's superior absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qunol. i'm steve, i lost 138 pounds in nine months on golo and taking release. since taking release, my sleep is way better. my inflammation has gone way down. i'm nonstop now, i feel way better than i did before. i don't sit down in life anymore. when my genetic reports told me about my heart health,
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♪♪♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at ♪ >> greg: one more thing. another barn 'burner although i don't endorse arson.
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todd piro. jean a lot of people go south. these kids go north. check this out. this guy was trying to ski but this bird wouldn't let him go. so he figured maybe he would go somewhere else. the bird just aimreskly chasing him around the slope. and i wonder why. >> dana: are you my mother? are you my mother? >> greg: birds are just really stupid. let's be honest here. this is not one of their better days. >> jason: stage grow. >> greg: i think you know everything about birds but you don't. >> jason: i do from the left. >> greg: jessica? >> jessica: last week i wasn't here i know itches deeply missed. i was on a airplane taking my baby on a plane for the first time. clio did fantastic. loves this.
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monkey kennedy gave us on a little boat cruise. little sunglasses. they call them -- this is her meeting her cousin harry for the first time. this was awesome. wanted to stay with some friends, caddie, will and hank babysitters for clio. this was a great trip. she didn't cry once on the plane. >> judge jeanine: wonderful. >> jessica: thank you. >> greg: dana? >> dana: this wake border learned hard way. he is there in austin his name is sean conway. there he is swans you don't want to mess with them. the swan was not hurt. >> greg: wait a minute, is he wearing garters. >> the guy is wearing garters. >> judge jeanine: the bottom of the bathing suit. >> dana: it's the design. >> greg: i think he's a perfect. >> dana: like that we keep
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showing it over and over. >> greg: that's a better video. >> greg: where are we? judge? >> judge jeanine: time for jeanine's judgment. ♪ >> judge jeanine: all right. this massachusetts couple, the 10 czars moved to a home overlooking a golf course only to be terrorized by golf balls. windows shattered and picked up 700 balls from yard. will build to keep from getting hit. they sued. won for damages mental and emotional suffering. should they have won? greg, yes or no. >> greg: they knew they were going to be there so i say no. >> judge jeanine: dana? >> dana: no. >> jason: don't be 175 yards after the first tee. >> jessica: i guess i have to live with everyone. >> when you live on golf course you do assume the risk. the golf course if they create a nuisance they have an obligation to do what's necessary to not have it be dangerous like reshape the tee, so you are
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entitled to live on a golf course without being petrified to get a shot in the head. >> jason: woman is trying to get her actual stuff off the back all i can say is judge jeanine you can't drink so much at lunch. >> dana: ah. [laughter] >> jason: got stuck behind the couch. >> greg: i didn't know what that was. that's it for us, "special report" is up next. >> bret: he is filling in and throwing a little shade there. pretty good. thanks, greg. >> greg: you got it ♪ >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier breaking tonight president biden is trying to put a positive spin on a difficult week as a new g.d.p. report shows the u.s. economy shrank for the first time in two years. president biden claiming the country is experiencing enormous growth. one component that definitely is growing the rate of inflation and economists say federal spend something clearly contributing to those rising prices. yet, president biden considers spending more saying today
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