tv Hannity FOX News April 28, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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someday. >> that's it for us . more good news tomorrow night we're going to take an hourlong look at the collapse of neo liberalism in this countryis that can'tm go away fast enoug. that's the best thing. but the ones who lov and welcome hannity tonight bad news. our economy is officially shrinking. we are now months away from a looming recession inflation. roforty one year high, worse thn ever. the crisis at our southern border totally, completely, utterly out of control. and take a look at this tensean exchange between congressmanth chip roy and dhs secretary mayorkas. and by the way, may orcas should be impeached. we'll explainy,. how about the lostt voices for people dying fromn. fentanyl? hundreds of thousands tens ofle thousands of americans dying from federal faces, faces,
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americans, faces of americans across this country dying because of fentanyl pouring into our country. and then america's repulsively says, oh , we inheritednt the worst border. no, you " inherited the best border. now unfortunatelyrite the therey one exchange. we'll show the entire exchange coming up. sadly tonight , the white house, they don't really care about the border, the economy, record high gas prices. it's killing the poor and the middle class in this country. inflation out of control. instead, they are preoccupied with something much more important to them. department of homeland securityi founded after 9/11 to combat terrorism, terrorismec, no terrorism, nothing else. that's why we have the department of homeland security. they're now turning their sights on law abiding americans. they got this creepy new ministry of truth combating what the biden administration is callingin the dangerous thret of disinformation. in other words, opinions that they disagree with .
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disinformation mean d like the russia collusion hoax and lie that was spread by the new york times washington post by all three majoror networks abc, nbc, cbs twoto cablebc channels, fake news, cnn, msnbc. you mean that one or the same people that wouldn't cover the hunter biden laptop story ? p story he lied and said it was russian disinformation. oh , i'm sure they'll all apologize tomorrow. going tog up, we're bring you the chilling details from biden's disinformation governance board and the faref left lunatic who ,t by the way, has our own problem o with something called the truth that is now tapped tourwn run this war on freedom of speech. freedom that left doesn't likes in this country. i'll explain that first. it's time that we as a country we've got to have a conversation and it's aboutdi the president of the united states, joe bidenff. id watch this . i'm also sending to congres a comprehensive package of that will enhance our underlying effort to
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accommodate the russian oligarchs and make suree we tae their take their ill gotten gains. go we're going to accommodate them. commodgoing to seize the recordsate them, the luxurys and other ill gotten gains of putin's kleptocracy. yeah, kleptocracy. the guys who are the klepto. but these are bad guys i'm sending to congress. >> forget that this is really embarrass thing and humiliating for the country. this is bad for him. this is bad for the free world and the world's hostile actors from russia to china to iran to north korea and everyone else in between, they're witnessing it and they've already made the same determination as most of the american people. what we are witnessing is a downward trajectory of a man that is obviously clearly, transparently not well and it's
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getting worse o every day. here are just a few more recentd examples. >> take a look. maine, new hampshire american gone on the mend. they're on the they're not on the mend and the longer they're on the move o, please st down on june husband and i am reminded of senator duckworth introduced her to 11 year old vivian vivian bebe. i saw this woman who just died. the secretary of state used to have an expression. she said we are the essential nation. the first lady's husband contraction covid. but look at this room and whatnd you see. on that's right [laughter] that's r she's fine. i have a second place. the first gentleman and a poundg of ukrainian people, the proud
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,proud people pound for pound,, ready to fight with every inch of ur-energy they haveha and don't forget come on , man. are you a ? ma those truths to be self-evident. all men and women created equal that by the thing. oh , you know the thing. look at this compilation put together by the rnc. think of it and ask yourself the question the honest question is he up to the job? the toughest job in the world being the president of the united states. with the nature not with the political coverage looks some political players,
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some . let me ask you first. >> it's clear the president struggles with the basic functions of life. he struggles to walkru. he struggles to talk. he is confused. he's often agitated. he forgets names and dates and places. he averagesed less than one public event every dayay and his staff works triple-o over time to block unscheduled questions or impromptu without the general public about daysra and days f and days and days and daysor ofa preparation and sleep and rest and god only knows what else is going on behind the scenes. what are wed th just going to acknowledge s the obvious joe biden is not capable of doing this now some of you might think that's mean. i'll explain in a the democrats raise this question quite a bit now we have a twenty fifth amendment to the constitution was offered during the trump presidency says if the president is unable to
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discharge the powers and duties of his office, the viceis president shall immediately prsume powers and duties of the officees as acting presiden. now this could be triggered by the president himself a or the vice president alongde with the majority of . thcabinet i'd like to remind all you liberals out there saying how did calling for the twentyha fifth amendment? no, i'm not sayingnn that , butb i think we need to pay very close attention to what's going on . but iffay you're watching, you might want to remember you were the biggest fans on the left. were you in the media mob of the twenty fifth amendment under t reagan and then during the mccain campaign you brought up the age r issue quite often. you did it during all those moments, democrats were eager to raise questions about their political opponents age mental fitness for office under donald trump. they frequently called fore,or the twenty fifth amendment because they didn't like them despite the former president's obvious keen mental acuity, incredible stamina.
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he comes on this show, speaks s forty five minutes, no notes. god bless you. god bless america. and he can talk fluently on every single topic with no preparation. it is now past time for everyone to ask. t the same question about joe biden is joe biden mentally fit to serve the majority of the american people they've b been asked. they sayee no. look at this new harvard harris poll. rr 53%. yeah, they see what we see. ee they doubt joe's mental abilities. and i agree with the american j people. i do not believe he is fit to serve and it's getting worse. so will cabinet kick him to the curb? probably not. him and i think kamala harris is particularly a great replacement. no, that's scary. in other ways, but at the very least, isn't it time now i that the american public demand that the president of the united states takes a real cognitive testt and released those results to the public? r now president trump did it with no problem and he was told when he took the test
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whatever the results are, they will be made public. he took it. he aced . he test he had a thirty. president biden refuses to take this test because everyone t around him and we know the enablers all around himut even being saved by the easter bunny, they know he would fail . we are living in deeply troubling, dangerous timesng and it's bad for our allies. it is bad for the world. it is bad for all of us to have this cognitive wreck as a president and those around hime with radical beyond belief ideas that are now whoever's making the decisions, the ones that say i'm telling you i'm not allowed to takeev a question, they get really mad at me and everything. now a yesterday just days after elon musk's so we have to ask s that question. we will h now days after elon musk successfully purchase twittergh, by the way, i went t from five point five million followers to five point seven, something very grateful anyway. they vowed to restore free
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speech on the platform. o the dhs secretary mayorkas proudly announced the brand new government ministry of truth named the disinformationnn governance board. take a look at this . a just recently constituted misinformation, disinformation governance board. so we're bringing the goal is to bring the resources of g the department together to addressoa this threat in thes united states of america. >> guess what ? government is not the almighty bearer of truth. they're not allowed toeric polie your thoughts, your opinions, your expressions. that's what we see in countries, like iran and china and you know, venezuela and every other authoritarian government that tries to squash anyen and all dissent. it's wrong. it's creepy. it's dangerous. it'sng nineteen eighty four ish and it is yet another example that shows that democrats real problem is with the concept of freedom itself. so i want to remind the left that we have something called
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the first amendment that prevents the government from prohibiting the free exercise of speech orve of the pressre by the way, i'm a proud member of the press. we do journalism. i'vess got thousands of hours. we do investigative journalism, we do opinion. we're up frontho about it. weab tell you i'm a registered conservative. i tell you who i like,el who i don't like. i don't hide my opinions than we do culture and sports likert a whole newspaper on this showpe everyone claims to be a journalist. they're all lyingeryo, by the w, not government approved speech. it's a matter of fact,y often government disapprove speech on this program or a democratic approved speechnm or all speech with few exceptions. now they don't seem to care about the first amendment only when a perfectly aligns with their own values. america's fragile democrats fear dissent. they obviously hate opposing views. why didn't they speak out wheny donald trump and other conservatives were canceleds, by big tech?conservative why did they not allow even somebody on platforms like twitter, facebook, instagram tod even send out the new york post
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story on biden's laptop this is why may orcas taft get this a far left individual to lead our ministry of truth professional academic. her name is nina jankowitz is now the administration's official purveyor of truth in charge of combating so-called dangerousco misinformation. now unfortunately she haso- her own historycainfo of spreadg disinformation online during the twenty twenty campaign, she called the accurate new york post report on hunter2n biden's laptop a quote product of the trump campaign lie and refer to it as a fairy tale about a laptop repair shop. she also, by the way, heaped praise on dirty dossier author christopher steele and now shehe really doesn't seem to care for elon musk or freedom of speech on twitter. in an interview with npr, she stated, quote, i shudder toew think about its free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms what that
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would look like for the marginalized communities that include conservatives that have been shut down, shut out, canceled, suspended allce over social media. now i shudderlesp to think about who are going to be the woke leftists that nina whose vocal woke herself would point to fill out this disinformation governance board. will conspiracy theories why don't you get the biggest conspiracy theorist in the country her rachel maddow, she's going to join. what about fake news? cnn's hall monitor humpty dumpty or the congenital liarwh adam schiff? elizabeth warren faked her race for decades to advance her career. is she nowca going to be in charge of rooting out i misinformation? now more seriously, this board ,you know, will they ever dareey call out any of the lies of the last three years of russia? collusion liess the hunter biden. the laptop was true . the answer is no. l ultimately this is merely yetth another attempt to silence conservatives.
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democrats yearn for the days of the fairness doctrine. they want talk radio shut down. they want foxox news out oft business. they want republicans run out of town. fo a world where there is no dissent. that's why they never complain when donald trump was canceled. when my question tonight to everybody watching do you want to live in a free country? do you believe in freedom? does make no mistake i would not be hereie without it.e withi i would not be allowedt. to give this monologue to a lot of countries around the world. i believe in freedom of speech whether they're attacking me or not, attacking me, slanders different levels is that's not what i'm talking about. someone's happyff lib. i hateab that hannity guy. okay, fine. you hate me. i love you back anyway on the radio tv all the people that hate me in the media mob everyone else in america you know what is this what we really want to turn our country into this creepy government t ministry of truth. it has no place in our great country with reaction. he
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formerre democratic congresswomn tulsi gabbard is with us from how do you feel? i think it's how do you feel about the ministry of truth? this is the kind of thingd that you see in dictatorship. this ministry of truth, this department of propaganda that the biden administrationpeo has just stood up.tration has and the reason why you see this in dictatorships is becauseou they're afraid of us . they're afraid of the people. they're afraid that we might actually think for ourselves. and so nowow they've created thv body that will do twoe things. no one will use taxpayer dollars to work through the mainstream media and flood the airwaves with whatever their propagandain narrative is that they're pushing at any given time and try to drown out any one with alternate views. and number two, they will silence dissenting voices through intimidation. this is i think the thing to recognizeces this just real quik is that this isn't somethingre new . this is something that they
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have already been doing that's t happening right now. the, the only difference is they're formerlyn do doing it making it official, which if i there's a silver lining in this ,it is they're revealing exactly who they are and why they're doing it, what they're trying to accomplish. and it allows us , the american people to stand up and say, hey, youou know what , we're no going to let you get away with this. we will take a stand. we will reject it and we will throw out of c office thoseof who are continuing to push and propagate this undemocratic anti free speech mission showed tapes of joe biden. o i'm going to show you tapes of joe biden in 2008 and 12 and 16 . then i have a question on the other side in our bilateral relationships with nations with whom we deal and have serious trade deficits, we to be willing to put more cards on the table. now they got a new plan. trust a me, it's not going to cost you any more . folks follow your instincts on this. yo they put one foot in front of the other.
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they keep going. that's the unbreakable spiritt of the people of america. we hold these truths to be self-evident. all men and women created by god. you know the you know the thing i want to thank the former general i keep calling him general my my the guy who runsal that outfit over there. i know you probably don't want this question. n'your your a democratic party member. do you see a precipitous y cognitive decline in joe bidencl ? i think it's b distressing, sea, to seeid that . i think that it's importantpo that as we look at what you've just played out and what you're seeing isoo o that we not just focus on joe bidenen but that we actually fauci, which is really kind of a distraction away from to me what is the more serious issue here, which is it's clear that joe biden is the front man and that there is the permanent washington establishment behind that are pulling
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the strings. you know,hm i don't the believe that joe biden came up with this department of propaganda. there are other people in this permanentte n cre washington establishment who are calling the shots who are making the decisions that have a very real impact, negative impact on our democracy and on our freedom. and it's important for us asis the american people to see very clearly what's happening, not allow them to distract us and stand up strongly against it in defense of our country and our constitution and our freedom. i would likens to see the cognitive testn:. i get asked a lot of questions about you because you are not part of this radical democratic party but you stillca consider yourself a democrat won. doera you ever imagine becoming a republican? you ran for president once. would you run for president as an independent? a lot of people ask about run p things that might be your finalt goal. near those things are things that i'm giving any thought to. i'm very focused on doing all that i can as many americans
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are across the country in recognizing the crisis of this moment. the challenges that we face that we've just talked about. th here and how critical it is that whether we're a democrat, an independent or republican , that we stand together and fight for our freedom to support and uphold and defend our constitution and bill of rights, this is at the core of who we are as a country and our democracy is underer attack from our leaders right here atan hom. this is critical for us to stand together and to stay focused on protecting and defending it. tulsi gabbard, thank you as always. appreciate you being with us here. ean: more on all of these issue. pennsylvania senate candidate dr. mehmet oz is with us. look, i know he's not your patient. i know you can't make an official medical diagnosis, but when you see joe biden in the 80s and 90s and even 20 , eight ,12 , 16 , you can see a very different person today. he's a shell of his former selfa to me and it's to me a danger t
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to the country and moreo importantly the world. do you see it as a medical doctor ? >> i'm concerned. you know, we do these town halls all across the commonwealth of pennsylvania and every single one it comes up that our leaders should have cognitive tests and there's a simple one whenho president trump took the money trail cognitive assessment, by the way, i put it on doctorow's so all the viewers that when the shows ite can go to just do yourself, a simple test to remember five words and then remember that in five minutes ortest start right now cutting back by sevens from a hundred simple tests not difficult to do. president biden had a physical last november. his doctor o'connor did not conduct this test or any other cognitive tests that we're a aware of. c and yet as you point out, half of the american public suspected as is mentally unfit. how do you explain the forgetfulness, the outbursts, the handshakes o the air or that quote the guys who are the kleptocracies? by the way, it's a pretty brave move to put cleptocracy in the prompter, but these are realities of just observingoi
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what's going on that we have to at least address by asking for there to be some kind of cognitive test. most americans desire the that . you know, i've been following your race very, very closely and i did not know until this race that you're mom suffers from alzheimer's. a horrible, horrible disease and it's become a factor. you were born in the us like for example, my four grandparents came from ireland . i know i stand on their shoulders and my parents shouldersan. yo youu were born in this country because your parents had dual citizenship. you had it and you often try to go back and offer as much helps to your mom as you can and somehow that's become an issue in this campaign which i find particularly dishonest and i'm being kind and charitable here and i want you to answer that question because why would
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that matter and why would people question it's almost like a question ofe q your loyalty. and as a friend i finduend grosy offensive. it's my heritage. i'm proud of it. pennsylvania in particular is i a state that prides people fornr religious freedom and that's one of the reasons i the states was so unique when it was created. this has become a distraction. it's'se not relevant to who i . i love this country dearly. i've done the things to my mom. i love my mom. i can love this country. and for that reason other senate candidates have spoken out about some of these attacksk that have goneen on again to reinforce that as republicans this is not what we stand for. we're bettern than this . and for that reason i'm quite confident that we'll get through this . but you know, in campaigns it gets ugly sometimes and thankfully we're doingigns a in our campaign. i'm going to stay focused on the people of this commonwealth who desperately need the help that tulsi gabbard was speaking about. and these are issues that i'm not going to be distracted by as i focus on what pennsylvanians desires are watching the race closely. this is a mustia win seat.
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dr. oz, great to see you. thank you for being with us. all right.drhank you when we come back , biden's failed policies continue to destroy our economy literally despite expectations for growth, our economy actually shrank last quarter. it's costing on average the average american household nearly five thousand seven hundred dollars. the poor, the middle class, every american is getting clobbered because of biden's economic and energy policies. we'll find how bad from larry kudlow next when we return. to he starts up a rocket ship, makes them meet one of the most is elon musk only on american
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already worked for so it's so convenient. download ernan. nono more bad news for the palin biden economy tonight as gdp f shrank a shocking one point four percent at the beginning of this year. the first quarter the worst quarter now in twooc years. and byby the way, that quarter was at the height of t
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a pandemic. now of course,he itt comes as biden refuses to address surging inflation at a forty plus year high record cost at the gas pump. a whole host of other self-inflicted crises. but to joey, the white house,. they're blaming, quote, technical factors and vladimir putin no wrong. all of this was happening long before putin invaded ukraine in late february . and when biden was asked aboutte a recession, he responded with this rambling word salad. take a look. i think we're what you're seeing is enormous growthha in the countryt that it was affected by everything from kuvinn blockages that occurred along the way. now you always have to be take a look and no one to predict a recession. now they're predicting either some are predicting maybe a recession in twenty twenty three . and speaker pelosi, she was flustered when asked a straightforward questiona about gas prices by our very
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own chad pergram. take a look. do you think that the public is blaming democrats or will continue to blame democrats on gas republicans? let me down on it. i think they'reoo blaming the ol companies. they will blame all of us if we don't do something about the fossil fuel. >> but they won't take that outb on your side on the midterms ifo even if you pass this bill and prices don't get better, the perception is that not i don't think what you say is making very much sense.ay >> frankly, i don't think she ever she ever makes sense. anyway, here with reaction, fox business host larry kudlow blaming the oil companies, blaming putinin, blamingut everybody but themselves. larry, i'veinamin shown the chas on this program. gas prices dramatically higher long before putin ever invaded ukraine. inflation at a forty year high for months and months before putin ever did. ukraine 4hi there. they're reaching for straws when all else fails, blame trump or blame the meat companies or the oil companies
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and energy companies when esrg went to war with those companies on day one when they took over , well, look at their policies and you heard it today from biden and also chuck schumer and i guess pelosi. i didn't really understandch what she was saying. all. they tried to do is wage war againstt our fossil fuell companies, which are the best in the world. and i might had produced the cleanest natural gas in the world and i might also addls that carbon emissions in this country have fallen so much they're the lowest of any major country. but look, shawn, from today's gdp report, the key theme stagflation. you've got soaring inflation and you've got slumping economic growth. you're probably on the front i end of a recession. the only part of this report that was any good was business investment and i would argue that's because of the trump tax cuts, the trump corporate tax
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which paid for itself. but you heard schumer today and biden today they want to repeal the trump tax cuts. they're only limited prosperity. we havepehe t in the business sr is because of those tax cuts.ess sos how about this make the tax cuts permanent, stop to the spending, stop the deficit financing and stop the money printing if they don't get ridng of this bill, bury this bill, build back better just build it, save america, kill the bill . let me ask that and we might have we might not haveht a recession, but i fear there'ss a recession coming next yearsi. they're never going to back off these radical policiesto. they'll never return to energy independence. i don't know why they think it's better for the, the mother earth to drill in russia or iran. i can't believe we're talking about this crazy iran deal or sending emissaries to venezuela to talkin that murdering dictatr
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or begging opec that keeps rejecting joe biden how how getting a barrel of oil from there is somehow better for mother earth and getting it here makesil no sense to me. it's still the lifeblood of the world's economy. my question to you is i want to bring it home.wa it that biden'seses inflation and high energy prices are costing the average household. bloomberg has it at about averae fifty two hundred dollars per household, another estimate at fifty seven hundred per $5700 ped. a lot of moneyr is killing the poor and it's killing the middle class., you live, eat, breate the economy. i do not . what advice do you give peopleyo in these inflationary timeshe and likely soon to be recessionary times? yeah, look at the big problem i look, shawn, you're right.i m, you've got l the you've got y the story right.ou right. you have the the big problem and you saw it in the numbers today isob that although jobs are rising, wages are rising, but inflation
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is rising faster. inflation i so real wages after tax it's called real disposable income keeps falling. falling. thi this is the biggest problem because of the inflation. and incidentally, the federal reserve is going to have to take away the punch bowl t and that's why i fear there t will not be a soft landing. he there will be a hard we are in the front end of a recession, stagflation first and then recession later.. fronf inflation, stagnation in the economy as well as you do. you know the people that really make this country great, the cops, the firemen, nurses, the truck drivers, everybody in between, what what can they do themselves? obviously cut spending obviously save money wherever you can , maybeob keep the older car longer, whatever is what can people do themselves to protect themselves wha and tr family in the future?e? simple things i look at i think
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you know what my personal view people should just keep working as hard as they can . you know, the bidens want to pay not to work. that's not happening. people need to just work, putk their elbow, put their shoulder into it and do the absoluteut thst they and i will sayat t this also, s, for investors think about these treasury savings bonds are called i bonds. you can get them.u it's not hard. it's cheap and they're yielding 10% because of the inflation. that's probably the single best investment if you are in the stock market with an ira or a 401k. sto my adviceck is just stay therere be stocksu want to for the long run . look, these policies big government socialism as i say, save america, kill the bill. this will change come november. the cavalry is coming. they're going to be thrown out. all this economics is going to be thrown out. so my advice to folks keep work
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and do the best you can . and if you've got some spare change by these treasury savings bonds are called ibom and they get in, they're yielding 10%. ou yes or 10% believe it or not, it'sic a single best investment right now. all right. larry kudlowwy ar10 knows more t the economy than me. thank you for being with us. straight straig. all with sweden's border crisis spiraling out of control, you will not believe the things that our homeland security secretary mayorkas was saying when grilled on the hill by republicans today. we've gotub the tape. we'll show that next. you don't want to miss itet you don't want to miss itet straight ahead.irir but i'm as busy as ever. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future. i may be close to retirement, but i'm as busy as ever. and thanks to booya, i'm confident about my future boy provide guidance for the right investments. they make me feel like i've got it all under control for be confident to and through retirement. why are so many people turning
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mayorkas was grilled by house republicans on the biden open border catastrophe. take a look. do you think that maybe, just t maybe your actions and your policies are encouraging migrants to come to the border? moratorium on deportations waso announced t on day one by president biden. you've entered remain in mexico. you've entered agreements with northernit triangle countries. you stopp e building the wall and in twenty five days time orl forty two goes away. do you think that's encouraging people to come to the border? o congressman, the, the increase of the border is the result of a number of factors. will you testify under oath right nowow? do we have operational control, yes or no? yes, we do and we have operational control off the borders. yes, we do. and congressman, you are working to with operational control defined in this sectionn of the term operational control means the prevention of all unlawful entry into the united states, including entriesro by terrorists, other unlawful aliens, instruments of terrorism, narcotics and otherna
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contraband. you stand by yourd testimony that we have operational controlldo y in light of this definition, congressman, i think the secretary of homeland securityht o would havf said the same thing in 2020y and in 2019 you don't have the border under operational control, do you? avsection two, what does it say? it says in this section operational control means the prevention of all unlawful entry in the us , including entries by terrorists, et cetera. you're not preventing entries. prev you're fomenting interesting entries. you're encouragingen. g that's not all because i a hearing yesterday my guests admitted that discontinuing border wall construction is costing the american taxpayer seventy two million dollars to discontinue under this country is the united sanctuary states of america and no transparency, nos accountability, no solutions. all of the border spirals out of control. our ol every day by day.f it's still happening just likeay we show you on this program night after night. you know, border security is aft
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national security. s the failure toec secure the border is undermining american sovereignty, emboldening cartels and smugglers and humang traffickers. and it's all caused by joe biden not enforcingng the law on the land. look at chipng t roy. he's showing the wreckage at the border that supposedly is under control and he explainedte to us today under the secure fence act of 2006, the department of homeland security is required by law to maintain operational controlio over the border, meaningna prevention of all unlawfulun entry into the country. it was reaction fox news contributor miranda devine, jason chaffetz. ion f jason , you wereox new a lawmak it says operational control of all unlawful entry. now joe biden not only not doing it, he's aiding and abetting the people that are unlawfully entering the country. he promised before he was elected that he wasas going to open up the borders. op this .ne
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i think tipperary made an excellent point. andy biggs,hink c jim jordan,t matt gaetz, they all made exceptional points about this . this guy i believe should be impeached. i don't think the fiftyev six senators can answer the question why mayorkas was confirmed in the first place. it's human trafficking. it's drug trafficking. it's disgusting. it is fundamentally against the rule of law that this country stands for and i'm glad they're doing it. but there needs to be more exposure to this because they opened up the borders, they changed the secure border into an unsecure borderup. and miranda, he talked about the disinformation governance b board. youoa know, is that reallyat the role the department of homeland security i mentioned the seventy two million to stop building a wall. he said he pretty much supportsl amnesty in all of this .pp he said domestic terrorists are the biggest threat to o this country. and then he talked about a strategic framework for addressing climate does that is that the role
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the department of homeland security? >> because that's news to mehe well, it sure isn't what we saw during that testimony was a hard core ideologue. what he's doing is deliberate. this is not a normal public servant. te.he's committing a crime agaie america on two fronts. one , allowing these illegal migrants to flood into the country. he's flying them all around the place on planes at our expense and then busting them into cities like new york . but everywhere there's note one state that he's not a border state. now they are doing this secretly because they know the american people don't want it. i to show both of view and give you like 15 seconds each because we've run out of time this is what baucus is calling operational control. watch, watch. >> congressman chip reid,li how about the lost voicesng of people dying from fentanyl, the hundreds of thousands, tens of thousandss of americans dying
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from fentanyl faces faces americans, faces of americans across this country dying because of fentanylam pouring into our country that operational control to c congressman. he has no operational control. if he's going to lie to congress under oath, then that guy should be impeached. i send a message, send a strong message. if you're not going to do your job, you're going to lose your job. the united states senate put him in that position t. he should be taken i out of that position. i agree he should be impeachede . your thoughts? final word. fifteen seconds. miranda. a i think impeachment is too good for him. definitionalalra the illegal migration and the forty two suspected terroristsae that we know of that he doesn't even care to know where they are. it's it's it's a national disgrace. it is literally if any ofal us ever did what they're doing,y i promise you we would be arrested for human trafficking. we'd all be foundou guilty here. thank you all for being with us.
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all right. comingbe up, the quest continuee to try and indoctrinate our children . en biden now is siding with them. got the tape and we're talking about preschool now. where do you hear this storys) straight ahead, introducing a second pro this morning proved too much for pain relievers. do h you struggle to fall asle and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines five key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol potentia non hodgkin's lymphoma patients. you may qualify for substantial compensation from the makers of roundup weed killer go one hundred five nine three one nine nine ten billion dollars is available for non hodgkin's lymphoma victims who used to round up before
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visit bonaly .com today i at this new research obtained by fox news digital and fox news .com democratic run states all across the country. they're using funds ostensibly supposedly to fight covid to instead use that money to push far left critical race cov theor inside the classroom. get this one point nine dollars trillion. hi guesss, what the so-called america rescue plan. yeah, it provided over onea hundred and twenty two billion r dollars in school funding which would now learning help multiple states implement implicit now bias and anti-racim training. and that's not all in theat
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chicago suburb of evanston, the school districtl. there is now unveiling a curriculum that reportedly is teaching preschoolng aboutea sexual orientation, gender identity, preschoolers. can we maybe teach them, the alphabet? how to add and subtract first at least anyway? now unfortunately a much of this far left won't. lunacy appears to have the endorsement. the biden white house earlier today, joey, actually suggested the students belong to the teachers, not justts the parents when they're in schoolust , they're your children. no, they're not, joe much we have an obligation to help them teach to reach their potential. you heard me say many times about our children, but it's true for all our children and the reason the teachers are there is because you recognizeou that there's somebody else's children there like yours when they're in the classroom.
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anyway, here with relaxium manhattan institute fellow chris rufo with former trump treasury official monica crowley. monica, to start with you, he actually w trump went on to y they're all our childrenar and they're not somebody else's children. they're likee your children when they're in the classroom. i don't know what's worsese . at it's covered money t the lie that it's that they're your children or the fact that he actually believes that somebody can indoctrinate kids into a value systemy that contradicts values that parents want to and are instilling in their own homes. yeah, well, that's the whole objective of the far left and when you look at the history of communism and marxism, sean, this is exactly what happens. no, when mrs. s s clinton wrote a book called it takes a village, that was this philosophy shers. put it in softer language and she had a softer approach. butag a whole philosophy is exactly the same, which is that theosop communists really geared toward destroying the nuclear family so
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that everybody then becomes dependent on the governmentdy, not just the parents but then the children who are either indoctrinated in this critical race theory, which is cultural marxism or they are confused on their gender so that the children, the subsequent generations then also become a highly dependent on the government and they are indoctrinatedhi into this kind f collectivist socialist kind of thinking. that's w what all of this ishi about. and the fact that the biden administration has taken the nearly two trillion dollars that they pushed through inn march of 2020 one two trillion dollars that this economy did not need because it was rebounding in a very strong way and two trillion dollarsil that we did not spend that created the inflationary environment that we're suffering through right now. the fact that they took so much of that money, shawn and to blue states to indoctrinate our children is an outrage.
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chris , that your take? well, the left has donehe something quite brilliant in the last 30 years. they've createdon a transmission belt of these ideologies starting in the universities. thencr going into graduate schools of education where all of our public school teachers are trainedescati, then straigho the k through 12 curriculum. so what you're seeing, for t example, in a placece evanston, illinois, they're taking the ideology of theory and they're distilling it down to kindergarten first grade to the point where evertz and teachers are actually having these kids s and what they actually call it.a you're saying that's a name that is the name of the theory of the academic discipline. and what they do ishe they distill it down soor that t can be transmitted to people as young as four and five years old . and in evanstonn they'reou. actually having students use itr as part of a curriculum. and why wouldn't people w be upset about that labeling? i would w think they would be . it's not historically the kind of academic left has taken
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that former pejorative, turned it into owned it, turned it into its own very. but but what's happening is that these ideologies are going down to the youngest ages because they believe that if you can start kids normalizing y pronouns like zeeli them or tret all of these new pronouns, these new gender identities, they can shape them fromnd the very beginning t, take them away from parents and they can put forth their ideology. i have t a perfect stick to reading, writing, math , science and computerser. you want to have sex ed, make it often after school ofl parents are uncomfortable talking to kids about . that's simple and stick to the basics of education. thank you both. when we come.ple back , a horrc carjacking on tape. well, where do you see this next? this iss iowa. wet, just haven't been properly introduced. say hello to the place whereth
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12:00 am
an unsuspecting driver, thens attack him, break his eyehi socket and steal his vehicle and was arrested but was released on bail on a misdemeanor charge unbelieveun and police are stillbe looking for the other suspects. unbelievable, right? of course, that's all the time we left this evening. thank you for making this show possible. please set your dvr. lett not your heart be troubled. great show. next . or ingram town hall with governor desantis from orlando, florida and the american comeback. i'm laura ingraham and this the ingraham angle from orlando for our american comeback townha hall with florida governor ronll desantis. now we have an amazing crowd cpac there. i mean this is a ragtag group. what we're going to keep them here, okay?y?. they're pretty fun. we've been hangingng tt out with them now last year almost to the day. it's hard to believe it's
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