tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News April 29, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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attack him, break his eyehi socket and steal his vehicle and was arrested but was released on bail on a misdemeanor charge unbelieveun and police are stillbe looking for the other suspects. unbelievable, right? of course, that's all the time we left this evening. thank you for making this show possible. please set your dvr. lett not your heart be troubled. great show. next . or ingram town hall with governor desantis from orlando, florida and the american comeback. i'm laura ingraham and this the ingraham angle from orlando for our american comeback townha hall with florida governor ronll desantis. now we have an amazing crowd cpac there. i mean this is a ragtag group. what we're going to keep them here, okay?y?. they're pretty fun. we've been hangingng tt out with them now last year almost to the day. it's hard to believe it's been
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a year we all b gathered here in the same locationn with five republican governors who pledged to keep their states open w to grow their economies and to protect the basic freedomsan of their residents. we never had>> a statewide mandate. we never did w stay at home ordr and the far left ofe the democrat party who believeie that government should control all decisions made by all americansol and that's somethino that we have to be willing and able to stand up and push back against. we're going to give parentsai 100% option to have their child in the class room five days a week and every schoolir district in the state k of iowa is going to adhere to that . it doesn't matter what yourng color, what your background t. texas is a land of opportunity for absolutely everybody and we want to unite everybody, notdy divide. we're not having vaccine passports. the state off florida and not just saying government can't make you private businesses can't make you because here'sma the thing you have a right to participate in society without them asking you to divulge
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this type of health information. we will have a resurgence of freedom in this countryoi in twenty, twenty two . i think it's goingng to be ar great year for us and every single one of those governors lived up to their pledges. butgo the democrat in the media they really thought they hope that these anti lockdown governors would be finished politically-loc. , political but now while we see they were right all alongng . g now a recent report shows that the states with the most draconian covid rules f like new york , they fared poorly in states like florida p were. among the best. and today the new york times grudgingly conceded that governor desantis has governed with remarkableor effet ,embracing policies that once seemed unthinkff all. butt he's been under relentless assault by the press an entire entire term really as governor. and this is because though
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in the past year alone he's taken on the left more aggressively than any other governor in modern memory . meanwhile, on the national level, year over year things are rapidly falling apart under biden's leadershipr, negative economic growth, soaring prices nearly streaming across the border, rising crime and obviously muddled foreign policy all self-inflicted damage by the democratsli in charge. soe de no wonder the american people overwhelmingly areeo thinking that things are goingg to t get worse in this country. not better yet here florida things are booming. hundreds of thousands of people are flocking here for peace, freedom and opportunity. so tonight we're going too examine the man leading the sons of sunshine state, what some are callingso the laboratory for in your face right leaning policy
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in fantasies to actually beic replicated elsewhere. and what'sat next in his showdon with disney and will hispanic voters and women support this ? no holds barred take no n prisoners approach in november? joining me nowno is governor of florida ron 30%. arizona's law . hello, florida. i mean, they're going to haven
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to get those guards. you know, those stars like elvis had to start throwing them to the crowd. i mean,he this is crazy, actually like you, governor. now what we're seeing with this nationally, the news that came out one point four percent downturn, a loss of growth for the united states. here was joe biden today, th governor, on this depressing economic news. i'm not concerned about a recession. i mean, you're always concerneda about recession. but the gdp,bo youio fell to one point four percent i think were what you're seeing is enormous growth in the countryen . governorwt relaxium, we seen enormous growth at one point four percent negative growth. well, n and he is going to plune this country into a recession and that's just the bottom line. he comes into office, l they spend trillionssp
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and trillions of dollars, print trillions of dollars. you do that ,if you are going to spark a significant inflation. we have eight point s five percent and it's really higher than that on the things aat matter like energy and food. and so now they're going to raise interest rates. that's going to slow downavst the economy r and is going to cause a downturn and that is manufactured by joe biden b and his inept policies. they want tos spend now. he twenty two billion more in covid funding, governor. all right. wewe have a crowd here, a huge crowd here tonight . florida has been open since 2020 since may of 2020 twenty two billion in kofodli what ? well, that'sn the thing. when he came in and did the trillions the reasonhe they did it they said covid and they did spend some stuff. it was mostly to bail out the blue states. that's what they wanted to do t because a lot of those blue states were governed so poorly we were open our economy is doing well and all it's done is fuel the increases in prices that we're seeing. and it's nowow. leading to unfortunately i thinkweo
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more economic problems on the horizon than i imagine where the growth numbers e would be if they didn't include government spending. right. and i mean, you take tude out gv government spendingd and probably be negative three and a half years and what was the growth numbers if youe didn't have states like florida and texas actually doing wellbet economically? yeah,uawe and that's a good segy governor to what we want to cover next because just today t cbs news reported essentiallyly that things are too good in florida saying that florida is the least affordable placele to live p the united states and charlie crist just picked up on thiss to attack you. so i guess they'd prefer prefere to live d in a state where peope don't want to move there and there's a glutton glut in housing and you know, forng that reason prices stay low. buty this is the supply and demand issue iss not of a growing state. we've led the nation in net in migration since covid. and ifif you look at the states
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that performed poorly by most metrics they hemorrhage people. florida performed well across the economy. education, all these things and we've gained people. and so the demand to liveri in florida is more intense than it's ever been in the history of our state. t's urand that's just the realiy because i think people realize who your governor is and your state government policy hasve more impact on your daily life than even who the president of the united states is. and so peopleed i made a reference to the in the open governor that almost since day one they have been attacking. y i mean,ou there's always going o be your politics, you know that you knew that when you're in the house ofwh representatives, but they saw you as a particular threatenth,i especially since you and georgia governor abbott and texas christie know a lot of the governors we hadgo hereen last year when you said no, we're noto, going your way. they took that as a frontal
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assault on the lockdown b policies of the bushid administration. what is your response now two years into this two years after that they thought that you guys were dead politically.ti they hoped it. well, first of all, my job is to be a leader.r. it's not to worry about the politics and i never tooker a poll during covid. i never tried to put my finger in the wind. ii did you notice to open and to stay open because that was what the data was telling us . if all you did was listen to fauci or some of these people p on cnn, you would think you could never open. you actually looked at the data is very t clear. people i needed to people needed to have businesses open and kids needed to be inin school. that was very clear. and so we did and we were when we had the schools, for example, the media was having an absolute spasm. they were saying this is just so outrageous. and actually we were the ones following the data they weren't . and of course now you look look at the collateral damage
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that happened in those lockdown states locking kids out of school, displacing people from work, ruining all these businesses. it's going to take them years y and years and years to overcome that . whereas i think florida, ourhat our society is vibrant because we protected people's freedomra you are dangerous. the kids we're going to everyone is going to die. the teachers we'rere g i mean it was a constant drumbeat. die but florida right now. after all of that criticism, florida now is growing in republican voter registration and the registered number of republican voters now i believe for the first time v ever is outnumbering the democrat registration. let me just finish because i think it was yesterday, ia governor, that the miami heraldi reported that there is a growing reluctance from out of state democrat donorse is tod spend more money here because they think it's throwing good money after essentially kind ofn conceding that they don't havenc
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a chance in florida. your reaction to that ?eur well, when i became governor toe now we've seen a shift of 400000 in registrations in favor of republicans and that we've never seen that type of movement and it's building. and so by election day we probably will have seen a half a million votes shift from november of 18 till november of twenty two . that is historic. t and iha think if you look at those voters, people are energizedd. we are going to have the biggest turnout that any republican has ever had in the state of florida for f a governor's race in november and that's going to help people up and down the ballot. and i think that the democratic party in this state is dispirited because what dos they stand forse? i mean, it's basically a woke w train wreck of a party. : what would have happened if andrew gillum had thirty eight thousand thirty six thousand votes separating you in the last election? hardrd in to believe and that's a that's a tight margin. w what would have happened if
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gillum had won to this state? b you would not be doing this here. you'd be doing it in a state that was doingin better and othr states would say california, illinois, new york , new jersey and florida would all be in the sameme boat in terms of o how they did it and we know i how it worked out for those other states. and unfortunately that's what would have happened in the . ate of floridas we have an audience question from pamela smith pamela. hi, laura . thank you . welcome . my question this evening is>> what if what is the gop's plan to ensure election integrity for the midterm elections? well, i can tell you what our plan in florida y is. and so in the last year i've signed legislation banning ballot harvesting in the state of florida, in fact making ittth a third degree felony. f we we require voter i.d. when you request an absentee ballot, we don't allowan mass mailing of
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unsolicited ballots and maybe most importantly, we ban zuckerbucks in the state of florida. we are not going we to allow somebody like zuckerberg to plow all this money in and commandeer the machinery of the elections and to make sure all that actually thi c works. i just signed a bill last week f for the first time in oure history we have in state government an election integrity investigations and prosecution unit whose solei focus is to enforce our election laws commentariat they call that they meaningl your opposition, the democrat party call that voter suppression that you're you're scaring minorities away from the polls with these a voter integrity measures. what would they want to re do is they want to ballot harvest's. they want to send ballots out into the ether and then try to figure out a way to manufacture votes and have people harvest
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ballots. of ballots. that is not an election that people can have confidencee secretbelieve in a ballot. you're in the booth, you do it . ifif you do do an absentee, it should be you sending it in or bringing it to the election office, not having some political operative have the satchel of votes and then dumping them, you know, midnight of the election to my mother. my mom was a waitress so she was seventy three . somehow she got herself the poll and voted on election day. i mean, i don't this whole thing of having elections for weeks and months before the election,,mo they counted jt florida. we counted 11 million votes by midnight on election night in november of twenty . twenty other states took daysn,e weeks in new yorks. and california to take over ae month to count the votes from an election. what is going on ? and that my theory is that what is going on in that one month period? why does it take so long tone do that ? it does not inspire confidence and people are going to say this is notan on the up and up. all right.p we have a question from the audience from santiago villa which is not just glad to see governor desantis when it's
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not just so my question to you is every day more and more hispanics, latinos are leaving the democratic party in droves. what are you doing to l bring i them into the republican party ? well, i thinkn we've already done a lot. i mean, if you look we've donelr over the last couple of years we were lifting people up whilee others were locking people down. we protected jobs. we made sure people had the right to earn a living. now that was good for everybody ,but it was particularly good for our blue collar workers, many of whomutut are hispanic. if you look at us making sure kids could be in school five days a week, we have a lot of working parents. they needed to havef the kids in school. we were standing up for themg and now more recently we are takingor t a stand against indoctrinating our kids in our schools. you have a right to send your kid to kindergarten without having transgender ideology injected into the andus againe], governor jesse , just stay right there. don't step in our next stop it
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now because we have a great series of guests coming up s a coupleer of moms who helped kick start the parental rights movement here w in florida. plus we're p going to speak to two disgruntled disneyy employees who kind of feeloy burned by the new radicalismee and that old family company we grew up all loving don't stay right there only by through two centuries of remember the man who helped shape the nation we became the maestro. the british was willing to discuss to show what really made it. americans don't retreat. they were determined to fight
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switch to xfinity mobile for half the price of verizon. new and existing customers get amazing value with our everyday pricing. switch today. intermingles down from orlando ,florida and the american back system is accomplishing what it was created to do separate you from your children, gain authority over you and indoctrinate d . this has no place being taught
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to our children either. we are part of a sovereigner state called florida, which is a part of a sovereign nation which is called the united states of america. te well, there's a group of voters that the left continues to underestimate in twenty twenty four and 2020 two and they did in twenty twenty and they include many in our audience and those i watching at home parents. now one month ago today governor desantis signed the parental freedom bill into lawanti. noww it's drawn the ire big time. many on the left from deranged media personalities to the usual tedious hollywoodna celebrities. now you'll likely have heard it described something. >> it is decidedly not this don't say bill really breaks my heart. >> what the state of florida is doing is not only is it irresponsible but also dangerous of us to be doing in terms of the don't sayge bill. >> we're scared territory and nobody's using the word scary with this guy. >> doesn'tbill is this scary nof
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you watch the show in thirty seconds of research, you'll seel that the new law has s zero to t with that. it is though about protecting our young childreng ou from rac, gender and indoctrination. is it's something called preserving in a sense, this used to be not a subject of debate in the united states somehow. now it d is. joining us now on stage is jan little, the mom whose lawsuit s kind ofer served as a catalyst for this parental rights movement and tina desaturate is the co-founder of moms for liberty. jan, tell us what happenedar with your teenage child that kicked this all off shore . the pandemic was s hard on manyi adolescents and at the heightur of the pandemic our daughter came and told us that she was confused about her . this is becoming more and more common and this was after three of her friends and her in person peer group school
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also had come out as transgender. and so after many weeks of school had just started, my daughter got in the car and said, mom, i had a meeting with three school officials and they asked me which restroom i wanted to use. i immediately called the school. i was told i cannotchool be given any information about the meeting because my daughter was now protected by a nondiscrimination law essentially protecteda from me. they presumed me to be a danger to my child. you're the danger of a child and there what many are calling grooming a child. we have an update apparently from your lawyer who's in the crowd now where? s tell us . sure. so we've after you filed the lawsuit, predictably the school district filed a motionic to dismiss. we have filed an opposition to that and we're waiting on the ruling. but what'sing but more importans that we are hearingta the same exact m.o. of excluding and deceiving parents exactly
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what we heard here from parents literally around the country. but the good news iss that parents are fighting back and they're filinght lawsuits in states all aroundfi the country and here in florida ,governor, not only are parents protected by the united states constitutionts, bt they're protected by the parents bill of rights and the parents rights and educationo law that you signed into law. l. thank you. [applause] thank you .aura: i i know it all reminds me ofof when you go to the pediatric and then the pediatrician says, oh , can you step out ofp the room when you're when you're with your child? and they're like, yeah, no, we're not doing that . they assume that parents will say, oh yeah, you can take s my child. you can you can talk to my child outside my presence. no. now,rese tina, i want to listeno biden's disturbing remarks on who he believes your kidse belong to. we talk about these children. they're not someone else's childrenildr. they're our children or children. children, somebody else's
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children like yoursey within the classroomhe. taino they're not they're not yours when they're in the classroom. apparently they're the education establishment, a.k.a. the teachers unions.'s, your reaction to that ? of the united states on parental rights, laura ?ta it's outrageousental. i gave birth to my children. i carried them in my. b i changed their diapers. i nursed them. they are my children. every mother knows that their k children. it is unacceptable that president biden or anybody in the teachers union or anyone else wouldth say that they are collectively someone else's child or collectively their children,omor their theiru know, they're part of the giant community of education establishment. and by the way, biden wasn't done with that because governor, he appeared to kindn' of take a pot shot you yesterday.
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check it out today. there are too many politicians trying to score political points trying to ban books, even math books, everything we teach you tog be worried about book burnings and banning books all because it doesn't fit somebody's p political agendaol to stop makig the target of the culture wars . war governor, they love the culturen wars and they were t kicking god out of the classroom, but suddenly they're upset because i guess you didn't want political indoctrination and something g as simple as a math textbook talk about that . what we draw a very strong line in florida. we want education. we do nototwe w want indoctrinan and that means and the reason why we we believe that is because the parents have a fundamental role in the upbringingng and education and well-being of their kids. and i think a biden and his fole
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believe you sendli them to school, out and the schools job is to indoctrinate what they think your kids should learn or what your kidsie should believe. and so this is a huge debate in our country i. 's sad that it's sad that it is. why would you want not one parents involved butt they don't want parentsan involved because they know that will represent an obstacle to themth indoctrinating them the way they want to do w that . well, jan, what you hear from the main so-called mainstream media is that this is an attack on children, on children who identify differently and this is a mean spirited piece of legislation, whether it's parental rights bill or any of the textbooks and they try to turnn against i think moms and dads of all political persuasions. so just reading, writing and arithmetic, some historyypeb would be nice. e's that's fair. but it's an attack on children . ro that? your reaction to that ? that's absolutely false. this is about protecting children because itt is sote
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critical to have parents involved in every aspect off a child's education. education. they have they have carved out this caveat to presume parents to be an enemy but only in this one area. and it's ridiculous and it's a false narrative being used to drive a wedge in between the parent child relationship. this is fundamentally about protectingng children and making sure parents are not cut critical decisions being made at schools without them. well, i know governor, the bill about nrcc or pre-k through three. why just stop at three? well, what does that i mean it says anything above that's got to be developmentally an age appropriate. so the florida department t of education will be putting some meat on the bones. would you be potentiallyng looking at looking at limitations at all? here's the thing. i mean, things like wokede gender ideology have no place in the schools. >> my point is i mean, if you wantla if you want both gender ideology, then go to
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oberland or berkeley or something like that . but it's just not appropriateik to do math and science and reading and also. but what we also did in addition to parents rights education, we did curriculum transparency in florida. every parent has the right to know what is being taught and the books i that are being h used and they have a right to protest and they don't like if they don't follow statey standards, they don't want the parents to know what's going on . well, because they wantrewhat math textbooks that have left this ideology in the map. it's's like, you know, math is math . it's nott' about your feelings.t it's not about all these other extraneous things. and we have to keep thing ours e on the prize. i have to attend to my feelings of my sponsors. thank you , jan and tina. will get some more because the bill that came through about for those concerns that you just heard flat from an c interesting corporation, of course we're talking about disneyy bullied by leftist activist disney decided to step out off its rolt as a great family entertainment company that we all lovehe and into the role of a radical political advocate.
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and it's not just moms and dads like you just heard from fighting back , butju the employees of disney as well. so we sent our own raymond arroyo down to disney about 12 miles from here to talk to some of the fed up employees. do you believe that there'sia political bias or at leastsu political pressure from withinre a company to conform to a certain ideal? absolutely. to be honest at this point i believe that company has been hijacked by thee left, the liberal left. wewe are the silent majority. we go in and we are here to do our job. we do our job. we take care of the guests. stsd we don'ton bring politics into the office. disney made an even bigger mistake and not listen to us . we support the bill because we're parents or grandparentss and we want to protect our children, employees everywhere, people who have retired people can't wait to retire. people who work in the companye right now in california, here in orlando, all over from every segment of the company they have reached out to, you t say thank you . what's going on in the company? it'sng not right and thank you
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for being a voice. we need new leadership. our ceo bob shapin, you know, he's supposed to be leading the company not following woke me up. m right. and he's the ceo as a ceo. he has a fiduciary duty to the stockholders of this company. that means he has to protectoldt their investment, protect their money and instead what did he do? he protects the feelingsea ofli a few small minority workersrs in the world. josé castillo is only one of seventy seven thousand disney employees at his park and two thousand more are coming from the west coast. in fact, florida incentivizedlo the move by giving disney five hundred and seventy million dollars in tax cuts over the next 20 years. well, now long time employees are making their voices heard and a lot of it in the past year has been heavy, heavy, heavy against things to say not to say don't hurt people's feelings. you know,ng don't say he see, ladies and gentlemen, you know, basically wee have to be in fear of what we say now the letter that went out to the disney management
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asking for political neutrality ,these people said they don'tel feel welcome in the company anymore. in fact,ele they felt estranged from it. is that how you feel? absolutely. that wasee that wasl how i felt wanting to just come to work, put our heads down and do the work, create the man and everything likean it became increasingly harder to do. i am deeply saddened by what disney has chosen to take their stand on politically and with just their money in generalti and where i've really seen the company gone s such a drastic change from how i startedee at the company o where we are now. s i mean you can clearly see the magic of gone. they've made it very clear that conservative christian voices have v no place visiting their parks or working at their parks. g they . joining us now are two longtime disney employees who are kindth of fed up with mickey's political pivot. nick cammarano is an 18 year disney cast member and food and beverage role in the parkr and any maga hat on a 30 year cast member also in food
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and beverage in the park, bnick ,what was the initial reactiones from the employees when disney decided to wade into this political morass? i think everybody's just kind t of confused.hi they they don't know how how to how to take we i it's been a slow, gradual it's not really a surprise, but it just seems to be accelerating all of a sudden. is that whatti you thought you were going to buy intoth and decided to takeou a job with disney? no, no. so many people to dream job. we thought it was a great job. i've loved my job for 18 years and loves her job and a lot of us cast members and we've just been caught by surprise. and recently i had a manager reach out tocent me that inet a managerial meeting they were talking about fighting against the parental rights bill and encouraging all the managerss. sois it's really surprising to a lot of people and she's like, why would you even bring us up in a manager? getting the food: and beverage to the people who are paying a huge amount of money for those soda sorry?
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those supercops, they're expensive. they're you've thirty year cast member so what are your thoughts here given how insaneug this political battle has become?be i just hate the fact that disney has taken i just wish disney would just focus children and families c and entertaining them and making them happyhi and having a magical time instead of just taking sides allocates as are divisible. sometimes it's difficult tot even go to work because there's two sides. there's w animosity, there's attacks and disney was about america. it just american wonderful corporation and now it's just anothern political forum for people to get upset with each other. now governor disney has responded to your law strippingt them of their special tax status, claiming that the statue reads, quote,t the statet of florida pledges it will not limit or alterli the rights of the district until all such bonds together with interest thereon are fully met and discharge.
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governor, they claim that meansp florida taxpayers are going to b be on the hook for aboute a billion a because ofus your decision. so could this endr up backfire firing on the people of florida? no. disney will paye its debts. w disney will for the first time actually live under the same laws as everybody else in florida maga hat. so you say their characterization of the statutee is inaccurate. t yes. so is that what your attorneys are telling you rightne. so the legislature did it starting next june because t there's going too be additionall legislative action. know contemplated that we what we're going to do and so stay tuned. that'll all be apparent. the bonds will be paid by disney. they will be paying taxes probably paid by more taxes. es they will follow the laws that every other person has to do and they will no longer have the ability to run their own y government, which they'rere the only corporation in all of florida, the only entity in all of florida that has the ability to run their own government and do this .
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youu g guys are going to have ty pay the bills for the police, t the fire fighter. so that's the thing. people did this their taxes, they pay the reedy creek, they're paying themselves. they are reedy creek. it's a fiction. they are paying money to run their operations. they will continue, paying money to run their operations and that'll be true if the state is in charge of a district, if it's dissolved to the locals, it doesn'tca matter. ng that is going to continue to h happen. and so allap of this is some people are saying, oh ,ne disney is going to do so well, they're going to get a tax g break. if they would get a massive tax break out of dissolving reedy creek, they would have gottenve done decades ago. i mean, that's just the reality. it's not it doesn't pass the governor that i think it was the new york times in a piece about you and a lot of this today said that , look, the original mission of disneyin early on was thought wasey to settle disney world in st. louis that was the original thought for disney worldgh. re and so they're like why not have announced a five year plan to move disney world in response to you to st.t. lous or to atlanta or jared polisol
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and colorado governor paula saidor bring it on to colorado will welcome you with open arms . what if you're i the governort that drove disney out? youy want to bet that they wille not move it out of florida? i would be willing to bet a lot of money and you know, it probably costs a halff sorillion dollars to do literally. that's a lot of big dick cheneye . of i course it is theres. in florida. they have huge investments here. s this end and they do, and how is it w what's the next step? it just n simplytep ends with ta being treated the same as everye other company in floridaa. they're going to follow laws. they're not going to have their own government. they're going to pay their debts, pay their taxes and it's fine. i want them to doir it. i save tens of thousands of jobs in orlando. no if you had a governor like in california, these people would have lost their jobs because disney land was closed for over a year. i gott back in fact, i wanted them back earlier and they did i
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. and i[a and youpp know, i did it because i cared aboutou the people jobs, their livelihood. but in the process of doing that , we made disney millions and millions of dollars because we had sensible policies during covid. and so that's s just the realita so i wantnd everyone that to do, but i am not comfortable having one company with their own government and special privileges when that company has pledged a itself to attackig the parents in my state when that company when that company has very high people talking about investingy transsexualism into programing for young kids, it's long. il walt disney would not wantld that and so get back to the mission. do what you didth great. that's why people love y the company and you've lost your way. maybe this willou be a wake up call that they need to get backt on track. you have the reaction. i think this tony fauci you got
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it up that's going to be joined by we're going to be joined by superstar surgeon general dr. joseph lopinto. and as fauci continues to trip over his own words and hisri guidancep, we're going toil discuss discuss not just how florida got the coveted response right, but also how they're going to react to some of the future challenges to our freedom from the next one . are you a business owner who cash quick whether it's for marketing equipment, inventory, new opportunities? hi, i'm tony dennison. you may have seen me on television shows solving crime but today i'm here to solve your first problem cash
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not only kept their states afloat but thrived during covid now they truly put citizens first, which is what they're supposed to dowh and for that they are actually called reckless by the left. but none none got it worse thanw the governor sitting next to me and presidentng biden. remember, it was so bad and so s he was so vindictive that they withheld antibody treatments in an act ofvihe political retribution against florida. now anthony fauci said that he was worried for all of floridar under governor desantis is locked but the governor has ignored it, stuck to his guns and now even the most hardened on the left are kind of forced in a way to tip their cap. >> i was critical of governorir santos dilemma during the height of covid. or but if you really look at the numbers, florida actually came y out of florida. he has a story of an economy and the economy is strong as a
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campaign commercial. well, you bet the economy strong. e back with me now, governor ron desantis along with florida surgeonda general joseph lokodo yeah, mr surgeon general. now anthony brown, he's a to the democrats but even god is having trouble kind of gettingge his story straight on whether the pandemic is mostly over or not. your response to the latest flip flop by the great doctor .f you know, it's funny you bring that up, laura , because i wasec i was reading that today. you know, it was it's over yesterday. i think today.t's still on , you know, and we'll see what tomorrow brings. but this is the kind i of inconsistency that has really fueled the distrust for public health officials and it is well earned and well deserved. i mean, you know, whether it's whether it's how they talked
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about masks initially as something that worked and then obviously the data show that they were tt not o effective in terms of everyone walking around wearing them and but instead of just owning up to it, iting was because of omicron, you so it just fits in with that with the with the story changingit dependingha on the political winds and their stories evolve more than the virus itself at this point. now, governor in washington, the presidentt is continuing his plans to attend the tedious white house correspondents dinner where ndenty three hundred people jammed into a basement ballroom. there's no vaccine requirement there. we know kamala harris, other prominent democrats have come down with covid all fullyco vaccinated, double boosted and so forth. witbut the party goes on in washington and the president oft the united states is not goingne to stay for dinner, but he's going into maybe you'vent been to this before? i have many years ago.ou butt you go into a basement and you're crowded in with a bunch of people who act cool n
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for the night with like you some celebrities in the room which would be perfectly appropriate. we do.ou that in florida. h we want people to have fun. but at the same time they're doing that they are appealing the judge in florida's decision so that theyli can get the massive mandate on airplanes reinstituted. an and literally youes saw how man people the flight attendants were crying tears of joy. the passengerse were so excited do. this is what they do. i do got to sayay something abot the surgeon general. he's the anti fauci he actually came to the actually stands up and speaks the truth. he doesn'tea care what the narrative is. he will tell the truth about all thesehe different issues. t and you know what i tell them i don't always see everything youdo do day to day. but if you're being attacked by nbc and cnn, i know you were doing how now there is a new
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office of disinformation that has been that has been instituted in the department of pa homeland securityrt. this woman, nina jankowitz is j going to head it. they're going going to as presidentt obama kind of referenced this the other day, we have to deal with all the quackery out there. i guess they were kind of o talking about you, doctor . a lot of the you know, i take no offense because if quackery means being honest with people ,you know, being straight about what the data actually show and what clinical studies actually show instead of, you know, holding the flag of whatever you're politically fueled idea about how a pandemic should unfold is i'm happy to be that. i'll be that all day.i i mean, there's been so it is really stunning how muches dishonesty there has been and how little integrity there has been from the public health community. ro these, and you look policies very burdensome policies that they pushok a f
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and what do weor have to show fr it? i mean, the differences that happen between states are not related to these policies, whetherat it's keeping kids out of school or whatever , but the harms will be related to the policies. will they ever retire, dr. fauci? you know, if i had my druthers ,you know, you'd take them and you chuck them across the potomac, okay, that's a lot of health governor decision to stay right there because last october you made an offer to police officers and blue cities and states across the country. come to florida. we're going to give you the resources and the respect that you deserve. while many answered that call, includin two of new york's finest who join us next day, their twa's so miss swim's did
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online today that our .com lingo download from orlando, florida and the americann back in florida. not only are we going want to protect the law enforcement and all the jobs we're tan actually actively working to recruit out of state law enforcement because we do have needsjo toat and our police andr sheriff's departments nypd, minneapolis, seattleol if you're not being treated well, we'll treat you better here. you can feel important needs for us now that was last october fencing the low morale, lack off the democrat run cities and states are obviously givingg these officers who risk it all every day and governor to say this began a program that was trying to bring officers to the sunshine state and despite the fact that five thousand dollar bonuses don't even take effect until july 1st of
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this year, some officers just couldn't wait. that includes my next guest here now our kelsey and william artis. nypd transfers now brevard county, florida sheriff's deputies. great to see both of you. ou now chelsea, we were just chit chatting because i used to live in new york chitchatting where you guys are from. so you didn't even wait for the bonus you had to get theou heck out of? you know,wo i'd say dodge, butr yes, we were very eager to come to florida to be in a state led by governor desantis and i work for sheriff of our county. now when you saw what happeneded during the riots after the killing of george floyd as someone who lived in new york, i my heart, my heart broke for the people of new york for good officers, people trying to keep peace on the ground. william, as a police officer at the time you get stuff chuckedtu at you in the streets.ff
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what went through your mind?hr the main thing that went through my mind was i got to get home at the end of the day, get on to my family, my wife and you know, just swearing where i'm going to be now wheree we were going to get sent to for the most part it was i gotgo to go home at the end of the day just like everybody else, you have to survive and it's all but you knew being a police officer, kalsi was going to be dangerous. yes. bethat's the nature of the job. but explain what was happeningin on the streets during the reign of democrat terrorg in the in manhattan in the boroughs at the time that you were most concerned, it just became a very a d it wasange a dangerous job thats already becoming more dangerous for us and it was scary. r we didn't see each other for days and it wast, just you were there to basically protect
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the people that were, you know, shouting, you know, harmful law enforcement at you and it was very scary. and william, what do you say tor officers across the country who are feeling the way you felt just some months back ? i'll tell them the same thing somebody else told me for justg a great place to work. you got a great governor, sir. fantastic. who cares about the pajamagram everybodyes in i would i would say from the florida now governor speaking at law and order click orlando just had a story today about an ice office just miles away from here where at least two hundred fifty people now are camped outside this orlando ice office waiting to be seen. i guesss they have to register after they've crossed the border illegally and they said they were from haiti, cuba, venezuela, colombia and the businesses in the area. i mean, they feel terrible for t people were outer in the sun and they're sleeping in tents
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on the street. but this is because our border, our southern border is not being enforced in floridaa and also down in miramar, our office, the ice office,or i'm hearing reports that it's a nightmare down there forre people. how are you going to deal with this in the streets of this county? o well, we when i had people down at the border last >> we want to
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delaware. we think that is appropriate. >> laura: will you go after employers hiring illegal aliens? >> we have found that. there are people dropped off a couple of months ago and it turns out they had h2 a agriculture. so we checked it out so we do follow that in employers need to know we need to hire work. >> laura: great to see both of you and we hope you have a great career in florida. more with governor desantis next. [applause]
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we believe in parent's rights in the state of florida. [cheers and applause] >> laura: are we going to do this next year? >> we will. >> this is habit-forming, the laura ingraham show, freedom matters, go to all of freedom matters here. ♪ ♪ >> carley: a fox news alert, a marine veteran killed on the battlefield fighting alongside ukrainian army. 22-year-old billy joseph campbell describing her husband who traveled overseas to fight for freedom. now all she wants is to get it to rain back home for a proper burial. >> todd: the loss of one of the finest, russia is carrying out attacks across ukraine including a series of strikes in kyiv after the u.n. walk the streets with capital
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