tv Gutfeld FOX News April 29, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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>> get your freedom matters gea and mandate here at moore great for mother's day and father's day. all proceeds goes for the month of april to the special operations warrior foundation. remember, it is american now an forever. gutfeld's next. >> happy friday. i'm not your doctor, but i can heal you. what a week for free speech first elon musk buys twitter so all sides could be heard coming it's like a cop and a movie tha opens the trunk of the car defined somebody's bound and gagged. who hasn't been there, right? it's over like mine at the planet fitness steam room. if it's legal, have added. within the white house announce the ministry of disinformation to monitor your speeches of bot
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appearance in you're a newborn in the crib in the next room. so the people lying want to be the arbiters of truth great that's what seth meyers to for citing something is funding. you're not to believe this. here is the lady running the thing. ♪ singing ♪ ♪ singing ♪ >> that's it for estimates. maybe she's right, some forms o speech should be banned. now the government thanks your speech is dangerous. then, which is ironic for peopl
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whose words for responsible for people dying during probate or whose words are responsible for sending young people off to die in pointless war spread the government holds the reins on truth great rains, not whips like in recent disinformation from the government. its weird to see who is happy and who isn't very. >> when he says welcome of this is about free speech, it seems that it's about free speech of straight white men. >> the right has already seized in this ground of free speech, they're not the political version of yelling fire and a movie theater. >> humus is the old human once that bassford. >> elon musk buying twitter say a lot about people at the highest levels making decisions that could affect the fate of the planet. >> i haven't seen them this unhappy since ... but these are
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people and the media melting down. they want to control the marketplace of ideas because this is about who can speak, it's about who can be heard. when anyone can speak their mind , why would you listen to nicole wallace. come on, it's much as they dislike my opinions in is much as i make fun of their weight, you assume we'd all agree on a right to say this stuff. with a free pass. i would never censor someone just because he stinks of buttermilk pancakes. rachel maddow should have the right to lie about motion and i should be able to lie to after all, why should the second amendment be the only when the media in government have used. soon the only right will have left is that we can't be
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compelled to shelter british soldiers although i'll make in exception for you. the couch is a foldout. and not just the couch. but it's all about left-wing conformity in their consolidation of power. willingly thought it would be o campus and now the only thing the left wants free after college's student loan debt. how did this all sink into real life? i underestimated the fear these freaks couldn't still in other spread we didn't realize so muc weight calling you a racist could bear on them for they say it's tantamount to michael moor sitting on the newborn babies just chest for 45 minutes. and underestimated how many cowards would cave into this form of domestic terrorism. that's right, canceling people' lives because something they said it is terrorism, not
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raising your voice to a school board. unlike the summer of love, the left need to tune in, turn in and drop out where they apply for big jobs at big companies. even my masseuse has four pronouns, i never use them. the c decline in freedom in fun there they are. it reminds more korea defectors of home. they target stuff that was on off-limits. your job your safety. things that used to come under the category of none of your business. everything you say is now a tripwire. i say maybe that is the goal. they never like this place to begin with great tierney, authoritarianism. they focus on bureaucrats, media , with power and replace them with little tyrants
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dedicated to the left wing and now hate speech is all speech except there is great it's it flicks the hippocratic oath. it's like athletes denouncing winning great it's like me condemning sculpted packs. they chose the horse position because they're not yours and condemn things only because you might be for them. this happens when you make the political personal they go afte cops, moms, dads, kids, speech, what could be next? you can see about the leftist tables, but unambitious, that's not one of them and with enemie like that, who needs russia? >> tonight's guest is wider tha a cauliflower sandwich on wonde bread, fox news contributor.
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>> guiding shifts and the fog. fox news contributor kat timpf. that man no one could pick up, the nwa world television champions, tyrus. you seeing in a barbershop quartet? >> oh, boy. >> usually found somebody you could mock. >> i don't overhear going with that. >> normally people would make fun of you, but there is nothin quite like him, but that was horrendous. >> it was really quite amazing. she is a ridiculous person in were all laughing at her. i think that the whole country will laugh at her, but you can' forget it's not just that she's a ridiculous person because
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serious people are doing what she's doing as well. the other day i heard obama say the same thing pretty said i'm free speech absolutist. you can't say things that aren' true. >> that's the whole idea, you can say things that aren't true. i'm sick of hearing the phrase about the theater. you can't yell fire and a theater. yes, you can. you can yell fire and a theater for many reasons, for one, when there's a fire and the theater, to when you think there's a fir and the theater. you're allowed to say things, s you're allowed to be wrong and just like you said, when obama said something, when we used to do shows, obama would say something and we would say no, we disagree with him and that's the answer. you're allowed to say things that aren't true. i think these people have faile before they begun. this thing is idiotic and i don't think anyone will take it seriously. i'm celebrating that i feel lik this disinformation has failed before it's begun.
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>> how did the democrats and sent on the wrong side of this? is kind of crazy. >> they said free speech was a right-wing. they've just decided to come ou right and, i mean nobody could perform this task. name me the person you think should decide what all of us ca say, there is no such person, n such person in the land. but this lady. irene of all the ones coming yo get the mary poppins weird disinformation song person? they have been wrong on so many things. and then she thought the laptop should be suppressed for it. >> she said it was a product of troves campaign.
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she also defended that letter from like the 50 intel people. all lies. she's been wrong on the big stories, and when they defend her, i just want to say what what about you you said taking people from the southern border and shipping them around the country in the middle of the night because that was 3:00 a.m and that didn't count as middle of the night or something like that. they lie all the time great everyone in my experience that talks about misinformation obsessively, is the one doing it . >> tyrus, this feels like a great week if you love free speech, right? if you're unhappy politically about what happened this week, you might want to rethink your politics. like if this bothers you. >> i think it sad that we have to be excited about someone saying hey, let's just be normal . hey, everyone, just agreed to
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disagree or you disagree but everyone gets a voice. that shouldn't be a big thing. i think the horrible news is julie andrews, what did she do? what did she do to deserve to b mocked like that? that was brutal. and i disagree a little bit, somebody could be on the boards board of disinformation if they own their own. if she would've came out and said i would make up a line and say my kids were being kidnappe or something. if she would've come out and said i was sorry. i'm going to make sure that you are wrong about something. it doesn't mean it goes away. but that would take a really really brave and honest person. >> probably a billionaire that doesn't gain anything. >> the fact that she could take this job without admitting that.
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>> she will go down on that stuff. >> kat, you hate freedom and yo hate speech. >> talk freely. is not funny though to see democrats coming out again something like this. everything is turned upside down . >> i'm having a hard time understanding. it's just objectively ridiculou to have this anti- disinformation board led by someone who is famous for fighting disinformation. i don't understand how everybod is not mad about this in pointing out how absurd it is. if there is a reason you're not it's because it's a democratic administration in you're a democrat then you're too stupid for their even to be words for that. obviously it's not always going to be a democratic administration and when the government create something it doesn't usually go away after
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that. so it when it's not democratic administration this will still be there. i don't understand how everybod is not upset about this. >> i think dana made a good point on the five yesterday. very rare. that democrats don't have somebody that is sensible to tell them this was a bad idea. they gotten rid of all those people. the ministry of truth, is that what they had called. there is nobody there to tell them they don't have a history. a, i don't think it's happening. if they do,. >> that's the only way they can attack. >> this is all about going after . up next, could and nominees dream shower for screaming blac lives matter, this next.
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>> senator, i said it in my rol is an advocate, of rhetorical point. >> so when you say something that is incorrect, it's okay, and you excuse it by saying i was being an advocate. what do you believe? do you personally believe caps kill unarmed black men every single day in america. >> according to a fancy new technology called numbers. i wonder how she responded. >> senator i believe law enforcement has an important an challenging job. >> that's not what you said though, councilor brett. >> i say before you hear today that i believe law enforcement has a difficult and challenging job and i also understand. >> i think that's an extraordinary statement to make with no data to back up. none whatsoever. there is no basis for you sayin that great and you knew it than and you know it now. how can someone possibly believ you're going to be unbiased on
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the federal bench. >> i don't think you can believ that since she like it was a float and the thanksgiving day parade. she wasn't making things up to stick it to the cops. >> senator, i believe my record shows that i have worked elaborately with law enforcemen in chicago, mississippi and walkie to solve complex problem to promote constitutional effective. >> record shows that you believ cops are guilty into proven innocent. you're record shows that if a cop shoots a criminal, it's the cop's fault. and if the criminal shoots a cop , it's the guns fault. i read your record. i've read your record and i don't appreciate you not answering the question straight up. i would respect you a lot more if you just established what yo believe and not try to hide it. >> basically her past comments don't count because she said them is an advocate within this
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case means a liar. the quality look you look for i a judge, tyrus, was this just a little bit of hyperbole or was it part of a larger narrative that fueled the rise in crime. >> it's not hyperbole because look at the violence that is happening against police in women across this country. those words matter. and usually, he goes off and hi willard little places, but he was dead on. i think, and it goes back to what is that a couple of nights ago that we didn't need to redefine what words actually mean because i didn't know advocate meant i could say whatever i want. can you imagine you're in court and excuse me, earl, why did yo burn down tyrus house? >> i did that as an advocate fo the plan. that wasn't me. well, case dismissed, he was an
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advocate. as long as your advocating, you can say whatever you want. i think just the fact that she said that with a straight face is shocking. it goes back to the same thing. they will say anything, but the don't want any responsibility for its. it doesn't have to be true and if you call them on it, he's th bad guy, he is being racist. >> he attacks her. >> a woman of color. >> but he was an advocate. >> he was an advocate for misogynistic mail. advocating. >> what if she had actually tried to defend herself? when he was going i would respect you more if you would just tell us. but they never do. they just back up and they just go out, they have their canned statement. i wish they would just admit it it would be she should say okay
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look, i was very so i made stuf up and wildly because it was just that season and it made me feel good. that would be honest. insane looking back on it i regretted. >> looking back, i was being stupid. but they don't. they just say oh, that was an advocate speech or whatever. the people who lie about this country play about the country' history in whatever they got ou of it. they won't own it. they won't own it. >> and, she may run and up becoming a judge unlike you, truth teller. >> i'd be a great judge great gig you're playing this little game. you still have to go to law school. >> but that's dumb because i
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could do law. >> very judgmental. >> i could be like okay, your good in your not good. >> that's how i would say it's great as an advocate she's an advocate, she's also bad at tha because there are real conversations we should have about racial disparity in the, but the best way to do that is deflected full of obviously false stuff like what she said so then the conversation become about that. it she was an advocate, you would want to talk about the truth. i don't understand why nobody can ever just say yeah, nobody can ever say that. i say it all the time. >> will when you do. >> and glad to know that. >> or, you could just say i advocate. k gate they found study that
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pulled democrats and they believe thousands of unarmed blackman or murdered every year and where did this come from? it came from this kind of commentary from people that are supposed to know better. so she had blueblood on her hand . >> she also could've said i'm not the first person to say that . but, i think i owe an apology ouija to the intellectual heavyweight as the woman in the first segment. it's quite amazing although the used similar logic because mary poppins lady, she was challenge people said, but she gave this information out on her twitter feed and when she was live tweeting the debate and she sai that the hunter laptop was disinformation. so someone called her out on it in her i was live tweeting. i was advocating. >> but you know, maybe i do tha too. if i say something that's like
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know, like on tv, you can say things and be like dude, i'm on tv. >> i have literally never heard you say that. >> if you're wrong, you will have a follow-up monologue talking about it. >> basically i didn't. >> you really don't advocate fo anything. >> he also doesn't want to give that kind of consideration. >> when she's in her bubble, they all say that. they tear each other on for its. >> i was drunk as a valid excuse . >> i was advocating for beer. i don't think judges can say i was drunk. >> you canon why court. the kat timpf drinking court. i feel the kat timpf drinking court where they drink while they settle disputes. >> they're guilty.
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>> that's professional. >> he thought it would be a trifle to complain about a rifled. but this reporter should take a class as he wouldn't know his gun from his. lids take out that is also my poor name. hi from america where walmart doesn't have a plug adapter for my uk laptop, but on the other hand, i can buy a rifle in ammunition. as anyone that's ever seen a christmas story, let him know, that's a bb gun you idiot. let him try to guess when the
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war of 1812 started. the ar doesn't stand for a rifled. and to be clear i'm allowed to call this brit out because i lived in england and i know everything about that landlocke country. the british war bowler hats because they made great temporary toilets. the reason they call soccer football is because they're not athletic enough to play real football. spotted is typically served wit custard, but can also be treate with antibiotics. did you know a stiff upper lip can be cured with botox? and harry potter, actually the story of a bearded gardener. to get this has been our outrages outrageous tweet of th week. >> douglas, you claim to be british.
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does that tiny city of england, their hatred for our guns, does it go back to the revolutionary war where we crushed you guys, mike five out of seven games? kick it we were told you did something bad and we let you go. >> it's just just different versions of the same thing. >> you know what, it never occurred to me how you tweet teach the revolutionary war in england. >> the americans did something naughty and we agreed to let them go. >> did you ever think. they threw rt in the water and from that day on. you've ruined it all. we shall not rule them anymore.
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anyhow, the miss understandings of our government is a very big thing. the presumption is that everybody in america i guns and shot each other. and no one in america has ever thought of it. >> the best thing is, the worst thing british person can do if they have my voice is to come over here and start talking about guns because americans really don't want to hear your views on the second amendment. >> it would be like me going to america going to england and then talking like being an expert on royalty. right? people would just be like shut the hell up although you are good looking, so keep talking. to get that you are talking about me. >> know my eyes just kinda swerved over to you. >> i have sympathy for this guy because i like guns, i have fired guns, but i might mistake a bb gun for a gun on occasion.
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the problem with this guy is he should've known, to me the tipoff was the box that it came in. they don't usually come in thos decorative boxes. >> people do this every once in a while. they're famously at some kind o rally and they saw bullets on the ground, so people do this every once in a wow. >> i think it was cnn or msnbc they pick them up and we're lik what is this? that was the funniest thing. good memory there, tom. timpf, you would think somebody from the bbc could see bb gun. >> that was really good. >> hung? people at home or same wow. that's why he can wear turtlenecks for it. >> is eight ac? i feel like i'm in a meat locker
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. i'm so cold. maybe one day you will. vienna meat locker. >> what happened. what's even worse as i was like there's people in our governmen who also want to their fighting to ban weapons and they can't even define so i think that's a lot scarier than this. people don't people need to kno what they're talking about before they get mad. >> they probably just make a mistake that just about every democratic congressman makes. may be a being too hard on him, tyrus. >> do you let your kids have bb guns? >> sure. he's a reporter, correct? why are we acting like this isn't ridiculous empathetic? you didn't source out. this is the problem. this is the problem with twitte reporter sprayed you talk about it all the time they get their information from twitter.
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he didn't research it. he literally took the name and the decorative's on the box, so may become it may be censure on the net anyway, google it and then find out it's a bb gun and you don't have to look like a complete moron, but he wants to because this is what they do. they all have one thing in common they didn't research anything they said, they just said it, wait for reaction, applause, you're so brave for pointing it out, i saw the same thing in walmart. know, where our your sources. you are a horrible journalist and you should not be allowed t journal. >> there you go. by the way, he's from england, but they do sell bb guns in england they use it to shoot squirrels for their dinner. where am i? alright, coming up commit could something be missing in virtual reality kissing?
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can nerds finally french with a digital went? and will virtual kissing replac real life sucking face? scientist say they've developed a that allows you to kiss and the mid to first with sensation of the lips, mouth, and tongue. well done, scientist, how is it going with that cure for cancer? i don't know how real it actually feels, but it still have to be better than matching my face against an electrical outlet. in the most basic terms, that meant a verse is assured interactive virtual space. will this technology replace finding and actually an actual woman willing to kiss nerds for eight may become and i say that as a scientist. and a pervert spirit it makes m wonder why anyone would ever want to bother kissing anyone i
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real life begin. putting your mouth on someone else's mouth, that's what it refused to learn cpr. but this technology could be dangerous. >> jerry, you've got to try thi parade you can make out with people in vr now. >> know come away. >> are you ready? why? >> but than again, it could als lead to some and expected interactions for it. >> she is really pretty. i'm going to go tried to kiss her. >> oh, man, she is so hairy. could keep me in, we almost mad out i'm so sorry. >> have you been working out? >> a little. >> is don't have to wait to later. >> eno, id think we'd learn about that in the workplace, bu no one ever learns.
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if this works, it's over for physical interaction because there's no risk involved, no heartache. >> but the risks make it hot. okay, kissing, nobody likes kissing because of how it makes your mouth feel. like to feel close to someone and/or seek validation, that makes it fun to make out was somebody coming up the way your mouth feels great i don't think these people have ever kissed anyone in real life. that's not why it's fun. >> there is no kissing option i because it's more of an intimat romantic thing. time you were telling me this the other day. i don't think this meta- verse thing is going to catch on at all. another thing i think is dead i the water, people don't like this nonsense when you see the video of people in those stupid helmets on they look like idiots
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. this mark zuckerberg guy he use to be a kind of good looking guy , now he looks like a lizard man. i think it makes you into us sleep that. the worst bad guys ever. they would never catch anyone. really slow. >> i wonder if you went on e bay, could you buy a costume because i would and i would wea it. >> i actually know for a fact you can. >> has. do you think this will catch on cracks you think this is going to happen? >> unfortunately i have to disagree with tom i think it will. they're comes a time when a man's life or you just have to the pause button on the advancements. i am out of the game, i've gone as far as i'm going to go. might worst fear was being caught by mom in the bathroom o
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something like that. now as a parent, i have to worr about opening the door and seeing my child with a hat on making out freight i think i would just close the door and say i'm out freight i'm going t go advocate for beer somewhere. so but for me, i'm sorry, i'm out of the game. it's passed me. i can't jump in, i can't climb the fair as well, i'm taking my ball and i'm going home. it's too much. >> i can't time the ferris will. this is how the beginning of th simulation looks, we are witnessing they create creation of universe. this could be how we started some dude, like a zuckerberg created all of this. right? though? i really worry about this stuff. it just makes me terrified just
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watching it. even without the thing about li stuff. displaying the goods, and adult adult standing and a room by themselves i just think that is so pathetic. i think it can't can john, can it? the only kindest slight thing about it is may be there will just be some people who would just lose to that and they will spend all their time pinning tickets with the same machine and they want to go out and we just won't miss them. >> those people will just get really fat and gross on couches but their virtual-reality self will be hot and it will be a virtual person. >> hospital beds are going to b full. there's going to be a lot of guys with pelvic injuries from the masks. >> there will be a lot of that the sensation thing. mobile had a 14 -year-old hospitalized. >> i fell on it.
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i fell backwards. >> okay. up next, christmas. we had a lot of candles. >> up next. >> i was doing housework. >> out next. >> up next, would your start your day with serial soaked in oj? ♪ walking on ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ some ♪ ♪ may say ♪ ♪ i'm wishing my days away ♪ ♪ no way ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪
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>> we're short on time so here' the story in five words. cereal made for orange juice. this is something you might do because your weird. jumping in the first ever cerea that they pair with orange juice . it's called tropicana crunch. a good idea? >> terrible idea. >> most people tried this one day in will never do it again. but i'm opposed to orange juice i think it's too acidic and is not a good morning beverage. anyone who orders. i don't trust someone who drink that much oj. >> it sounds like something the british might do and call it fancy serial.
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fancy serial would have jim in that. >> always joe and. >> the thing they like about ji is it's a good morning drink. >> it's crazy curmudgeon. people talk about tequila. note, jan. yes i could tell you stories particulates to it later. relates to a test later. i'm not up for the spirit of no putting orange juice on my morning cereal press. >> did you ever up substitute anything for milk? we had to use water for a wow. but even that, this is the most spectacular thing i've ever seen . anybody that would pour a bowl of orange juice in then chase i with more sugar cereal, juergen again 40 pounds for a bold. the good serving of orange juic
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is like a little more than a shot glass. that's all you need. that is going to be at least 17,000 calories per serving. that is horrible. >> as you know what this is about where this is about the orange juice industry realizing that people figured out that yo can't drink that much of it. so now there finding another wa to get their product into our stomachs. its evil crony capitalism. >> i get it, just think there's an easier way to make yourself throw out. there is no way you're not puking after you eat that pair the serial in the orange juice, you're going to throw up. >> why should milk have a monopoly on serial? giga because it taste better that way? >> it comes from cows, but. >> it caused comes from cows bu for it. >> i dear the disinformation board to come after me.
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this sounds like a monday conversation. >> that's a good point. last week i put pasta on a bagel . and made apostate baguette sandwich. that was all i had in the fridge . it did something you only realize until the morning in than you like what happened. and you like coco my god that happened. >> and you just hate yourself. >> at hate myself for it. >> end up in a meat locker. i think we pretty much ended th show on an up note. don't go away, we'll be right back. proved eye drop that improves age-related blurry near vision.
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and there will be a book signin there because the book sold out there will have books available. so if you're in the kentucky oaks grove area, come on down. >> excellent. thanks, tom. douglas, kat. fox news news at night is next. ♪ ♪ >> welcome to fox news at night i'm rich edson in washington in for shannon bream tonight. >> breaking tonight, we are learning more about president biden's new panel to prevent online disinformation. who will lead that board and wh some are catching some criticism . the author of woke inc.
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