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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 3, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> fox news alert. the supreme court is confirming the bombshell brief concerning the draft opinion that would strike down the row visas way it appeared as we get no reaction from president biden to this stunning and unprecedented week. this is "outnumbered." here with my caused, also joining us comedy, tomi lahren, and andy mccarthy. president biden show on a 15 week abortion ban. that's the dobbs case.
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this would overturn roe v. wade in the process. it is a radical decision in his field and that a whole range of rights are in question. but he sidestepped when asked about though leak itself. >> do you think this lame -- we've never seen this to happen before? speak what this decision holds it's quite a radical decision periods >> and be this part of the exchange was so notable to me. note comment about the leak or the integrity of the court, he's asked specifically about the leaker, to which he would've said, there is no place in society for this. the integrity of the court is in jeopardy. he did not say that. >> andy: he didn't. his main job here you would think would be to protect the court is in institution. our governing system, our constitutional system relies on each of the branches and the
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court for forming an role and not only protecting the rights of americans, but keeping the other branches in their lanes. as far as the president is concerned you would think that what i would regard as a prosecutable crime in carrying out this leak would be the thing that chief executive would be most concerned about. but obviously more washington politics as usual. >> so is there something more -- >> andy: i don't know if anyone lied to the fbi if that's in the equation. but though, these are government records but all of the people work in the supreme court they are not private actors. they are all government officials, right? the justices, the clerks who work for them, their staff. the materials they work with our government records. if you and basil a government record, that is a federal crime. if you convert it to your own use, that's a federal crime. if you obstruct a judicial
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proceeding thoughts of federal crime. if you commit fraud on the government, which i always thought fraud on the government was you steal money or property, but the way the supreme court has interpreted the fraud on the government statute commits a very broad. so anything you do in the way of corrupt or deceptive practices that undermine government functions can be prosecuted as a conspiracy to defraud the government. so there's a lot of basis for criminal investigation here. it's very important to get on it and do it because the thing with these fraud cases become more these league cases, if you do not get on it right at the beginning, the information gets too diffuse and it gets very hard to nail down where the leak was. >> emily: a myriad of potential crimes and contradictions. kennedy come out let's take a walk down memory lane. here is jen psaki on leak materials. >> we are not going to comment on leak tapes. i'm not going to get into private diplomatic situations
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are leak transcripts of phone calls. >> emily: so given a never before leak draft opinion. >> kennedy: all it takes is one activist to turn an entire branch of government on its had a pair that's what someone is trying to do here. someone feels that they have the moral right to give this draft of the public sphere. this is not the final decision. this is how the supreme court has operated, and it's how they feel like they should operate, being able to go back and fourth opinions, write drafts, to discuss amongst themselves. it's not the first time that something has been linked, but it's the first time something has been leak this early on in the process, the actual roe v. wade decision was leaked hours before the supreme court released the actual decision. the point of this is to force the issue into the public sphere and put pressure on the justices and people are reacting as though this is the final
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decision. it gives them cover from the narrative issues right now that are plaguing them and pulling them down and pulling down the president's poll numbers. you know although this would be bad news for pro-abortion activists, ultimately for this administration this is great. it is the gift that they have needed, and that is a single issue distraction that is the ultimate cultural wedge. ultimately i think voters are still going to be look at inflation, tomi, but going to the fact that it took -- he had the infamous tweet calling that they braved the clerk taking the unprecedented step of leaking a draft opinion. opinion. ian mel heiser of the diplomatic and more terse and how say he said seriously whoever the heroes who said [bleep] ed let's bring this place down.
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i mean they are celebrating this person. >> tomi: this leaker is going to be a martyr for the left. not only because how much they love their abortion rights, but not because i believe this person might actually be there only saving grace in november, as kennedy pointed toe. this is the issue that could get people up to the polls to vote for democrats. it's probably the only issue that could really appear they tried the race card, they try to blame everything on ukraine, none of that work. everything is still going badly in our country, a myriad of crises going on. our southern border inflation gas prices. this the issue that could get the democrats, especially the young democrats that are really representing a large portion of the voting block, this could actually get them out. otherwise they probably would have stayed home, played on tiktok, maybe they would not have showed up to the poll. but now this is going to be such an emotionally charged issue. this is what the democrats were waiting for beer they wanted all of these little wins, this is going to be had. this leaker i would imagine book
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deals, they are going to be celebrated all across liberal media somebody that saved the day. it's really unfortunate that the left is celebrating this. if this happened in reverse they would be infuriated. >> most importantly you have ruth bader ginsburg calling this heavy-handed judicial attribution camille laurence tribe was a liberal scholar come he basically went on to question the rationale of roe to quote them exactly. he quoted a verbal smoke screen, the substantive justice of which is nowhere to be found. this is a right to abortion made up out of a wholesale closet but in the supreme court opinion and it's been here 50 years. nevertheless does does not make it sound legal reasoning. >> emily: that's what justice alito was saying in the opinion. that roe v. wade sort of manufacture this right out of the 14th amendment. that basically said this wasn't a paramount importance in the decision to actually ascertain and pinpoint where exactly in the constitution to protect the right to abortion, because the reality is that it does not fear
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this draft opinion here is less about the right to abortion, and more about preserving the power to the people in terms of electing their representatives to elect them in line with and come to court with how they feel and something is profoundly moral as this. he touched up on that too and said this is why this isn't in the courts purview whatsoever. it should be left into the hands of the people and therefore to the states to decide whether or not it's legal and he specifically said look, the constitution does not prohibit, nor does it grant a come of the power of citizens to regulate abortion in that way. so we arrogated that appear to basically the court stole that authority from the people in these prior decisions, in case he is, that affirmed roe v. wade. now we are restoring it. the irony is that this decision should be applauded for the fact that it stores authority commit returns power to the people to make those decisions for themselves via their local and state elected representatives, how they feel about abortion. yet of course the left but lies
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their true opinions, which is that the greatest power, the greatest authority to them, is the federal government. >> the we are the pride of the war that allows abortion laws. some jurisdiction taking out of the company of north korea and the people's republic of china. wouldn't that be nice. the left seems to be using the leak from the supreme court to advance its agenda. now calling for court packing and ending the filibuster to pass abortion legislation. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. veteran homeowners- you made a smart move one gram of sugar, when you bought your home. now make another one and turn your equity into cash. with the newday 100 va loan you can take out up to $60,000 or more.
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>> a draft supreme court opinion overruling roe v. wade has been leaked to the press. in one of the greatest scandals ever had the nation's highest court. the draft shows the majority of the justices voting in favor of
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mississippi on a 15 week abortion ban, and overturning roe v. wade in the process. now left-wing lawmakers are going on the offensive, senator bernie sanders and some squad members are calling to end the filibuster the pass abortion legislation. senator markey and congresswoman omar says it's time to pack the courts. some liberals are telling activists to burn it down. tomi come including senator blumenthal who said we should be including states that should -- can you imagine if that support was called for under a different administration? >> tomi: a completely different game but that is the name of the game made which is changing the rules when you are not a winning bet this is the real opinion of the court. it is still a draft. we don't know what this says. we dealt with the democratizing work ethic and oppression of the justices to change their mind through the political pressure of the public sphere come or we are going to change the rules again because we see something so dear to us slipping away so now we will go ahead and play
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our own referees. this is the story we hear when it comes to censorship of -- they change the rules so that they are always winning. but they are really in a good spot right now, at least when it comes to the coverage of all of this, because it comes to the political pressure the country is going to be putting on these justices, then they have the huge distraction mechanism that we talked about earlier that we don't have to be talking about how poorly this administration is doing, how poorly the democrats are doing. now it's going to be all about abortion, probably for the next several months. >> right, i hate to be a conspiracy theorist but it sort of begs the question whether this person what that leaked it, what pressure is they feeling? what that their own morality? was that they cape they put out themselves? or was there some type of understanding of the multiple crises that tomi put out? >> andy: the thing about this is politically the time to head this is now. the reason for that is we've had
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a lot of time to think about this. we should have had until june to think about this. if the court throughout roe, what we are going to find is that when everybody woke up the next day the sky will not have fallen. you know? there will not have been a catastrophe. it will be like it was before roe, which is that 30 states had real prohibitions against abortion, 20 states regulated it somewhat more loosely. democracy was happening. you know people were -- their work consensus is in the state. what you will find that after this happens as if a woman in the united states wants to get an abortion, she will be able to get an abortion. it might be more difficult depending on where she has come about abortion is not gone. so i think to the extent they are trying to raise hysteria here and all of the fund-raising that goes with hysteria, it is because right now you can pretend that the sky is falling. by the day after the decision it will be clear that the skies not
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falling. whatever value they get out of this will be lost. >> emily: that seem to be chapter one of democrats playbook, create hysteria where there should not be any. kennedy, i find it ironic that all of these left representatives and really the sort of radical leftists, for all of the austerity they placed on this highest court, which is part of their argument for packing it, to make sure it remained sacred, they are the ones diluting the power of the justices on the austerity of it right now with eccentrically ignoring this decision and say let's do everything else to restore it. >> kennedy: you get rid of the filibuster so when the republicans get rid of -- or were they going to have three more justices? will we go back and forth until we have 90 justices on the record? there's a reason anybody was served on the highest court, they have set do not pack the court. it should be an odd number of justices. it should be nine. you know that is where this ends.
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our country is so incredibly divided right now. this does not bring people together. i find it very hypocritical because this is -- the prize for as you know my body my choice, unless it comes to whether or not you take the vaccine. unless it comes to masking, and lockdowns. i think there is such an inconsistent projection of freedom in this country. people only wanted when it is convenient for them and they want to prohibit other things when that is inconvenient. so this only creates a further division, and you know actually i fear for the people -- and he is right. most women -- women of means, they will be able to have access to abortions. but women of color and impoverished women, they will not be able to. so our state like california going to pay for women in states like mississippi to move out of those states where there will be the greatest prohibition?
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>> emily: and, roe 28, kennedy mentioned that hypocrisy. another illustration of this profoundly divisive issue in this country, where it is at a dead heat in terms of people's views on it, that once again the left is trying to impose their interpretation of it, of how they think people should fail by ensuring then -- by scrambling around hysterically to ensure there is access for everyone, including for those who deeply feel there should not be any. >> kennedy: you made the key point, the central holding is to restore the power to think, emily. so when i see the cries that we see on the screen, burn it down, burn it down. burn it down seems to be the refrain we heard of many of the left-wingers on twitter. i would say go back to ruth bader ginsburg again. one of her critiques of roe, her problem of it in part was that it halted a process that was moving in and informed direction
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and thereby deferred stable settlement on the issue. her point -- the left cites various poles, leave it to the states by the state will end up in the right logical place but i maintain that we are not in abortion nation. the poll shows 56% of americans do not want abortion and the second trimester, that's 12 weeks thereafter, the mississippi lies at 15 weeks, an 80 percent do not want it in the third trimester. that's the opinion of the majority of americans. so rather than using this buzzword, they think everybody is at the side of roe, lets it with the state land. >> for our president sang the this draft opinion represents a radical notion -- to me the radical notion as the left advocating for taking the waste, stripping the power away from the people. that is the fundamental tenet of this country was built on. it was our independence and the power of the people's hands. coming up, the squad is turning up the pressure on the president when it comes to student loan
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forgiveness. they say even americans who already paid off their debt should support it. what they are not mentioning as they could wind up costing the country billions of dollars. stay with us.
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speak of the white house is now eyeing an income cap on student loan forgiveness. there are concerns that a racing that that will benefit the ranch and cost the country hundreds of billions of dollars. and of course tell the squad is ramping up pressure on president biden with congresswoman exile alexandria ocasio-cortez insisting the move is good for everybody, including those who have already paid off their student debt for cheap posted on instagram we can support things we won't directly benefit from. meanwhile president biden is using up bailout to bribe young voters, with poll showing his approval rating among that group having dropped sharply. kennedy? >> kennedy: line item income tax returns. so we decide where our tax money goes. aoc has absolutely wrong on
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this. if there is enough support in this country than people can choose where their tax dollars go. this is one of them that if there are benevolent taxpayers out there want to give their money for student loan forgiveness, then they can do that. but by and large, and study after study whether -- it shows that the top 20% of earners in this country, they are the ones who benefit dramatically from student debt forgiveness. if people who get for your degrees make a million dollars on average over their lifetime more than people who do not get for your degrees. so they can afford the data. the other thing is don't go to private colleges and get an obscure degree where if you look at your major and people who try to get jobs after school, they are only making $30,000 a year, that's not a good choice. you have to do the cost-benefit analysis before you sign on the dotted line. that's part of being an adult. colleges are a very adult decision. we will have to rethink this and put more pressure on colleges
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and universities to reduce administration. that's where the costs are coming from. there is no incentive for them to curtail these ballooning costs. >> that's right, that's a great idea already. that's where a lot of the majorities in our states are optional that you can allocate towards benevolent organizations if you so choose. so you spoke about the division, the income inequality that this will go to. >> and even having an income gap is not enough beer to cap on that is not enough to touch just further divides the country and we don't need this ran up and i'm so glad you brought that up. listen, if your degree does not hold in a valley for you to pay it off, it certainly doesn't old enough value for me and the rest of the american taxpayers to pay it off. i think that's excellent. you're knocking to go to school for four years and party and have a great time on the taxpayer dime and then look back and say boy i'm glad i got a free ride to have a little fun. that's not how this works. i'm so glad we are talking about this, it's not that we are against young people, it's not
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that we don't agree that tuition is outrageously priced. but i agree with you that we need to work on the fees, the tensions, but what about these liberal professors that are pulling in hundreds of thousands of dollars to teach maybe want to kara speer the start looking there if they are really looking to spread the wealth there, maybe they'll teach for free. i think it's a question we should poster them and maybe reallocate their astrologers to the struggling students who apparently need it so much. >> that's a good idea. president biden was among those professors and he took in some money. i think we went to the campus once we reported a few weeks ago. do your point about the top 20% of earners, this allocates about 192 billion to them, this is a payout to the rich, that's what this is. it's incredibly important as biden makes his poll numbers are falling off for young people so is trying to garner to pump
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those out of midterms for the g.o.p. needs to say this is a path for the french. two-thirds of the nation doesn't have bachelor's degree. you're paying to fund somebody else's college tuition. i hope they get the message as they say it's not enough to forgive the interest. got to go up to the principals too appeared >> and amy this is just one more example where this party -- but i do both sides of their mouth, they say we are for the underserved communities. those that need access to education. but all this is doing is benefiting those with more money that you never to get that appeared in the media and the narrative pushed by the mainstream media. >> it's obscene. it is a broad. but i want to talk about the bottom 20%, not the top 20%. that is the part that is unseen. we already have 8% inflation in this country, which is crushing people at the bottom. but it is the unseen tax. so everybody notices it, but it doesn't get calculated it. or going to solve that by basically throwing another trillion plus dollars into the
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economy on the circumstances were what's because the inflation is the trillions that we've already thrown in? which is going to raise costs to those people at the bottom? it's just obscene. it's ridiculous. >> but it is typical. that's chapter two of the democratic playbook, which is spend more of our money. coming up, shocking revelations coming out in court revealing that it was actually the aclu fed road amber heard's "washington post" op-ed on domestic violence and coordinated with the actress on the timing of the publication because of a movie. that is next. ♪ ♪ veteran homeowners, i have 100 great reasons why you should use your va home loan benefit to take cash out of your home. the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% percent of your home's value. with today's rates near all-time lows and home values at record highs, you can take out $60,000 or more
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speak of the amber heard and johnny depp trailers had quite a few shocking revelations. when the team to go unnoticed as who actually wrote "the washington post" op-ed on domestic violence which is at the center of the case.
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email showing a communication strategist for the aclu wrote the first draft before the group shopped it around to a number of publications to coincide with the release of heard's upcoming movie. one not email a red the draft turned out pretty strong and aquaman's is slated to do large numbers i'm wondering what you think of it. amber heard starring and aquaman herself bear this all coming to light in a videotaped deposition where the aclu's general admits his group help heard produce the peace. >> was that your understanding that it was robin shulman who drafted and prepared the first draft of the op-ed? >> yes. >> and robin says to jessica, your lawyers have reviewed this, but the way i shopped around talking about your marriage -- whose lawyers is she referring to there?
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>> i believe these are amber's regular advisors, four of whom were involved in the review negotiations of the nda between amber and johnny depp. >> candidate, so the aclu writes the op-ed on domestic violence. chaps that are on the timing of her movie. she has a title with the aclu, she was the ambassador of women's rights and supposed to pay them $3.5 million. not looking good. >> kennedy: no and that was part of her divorce settlement that she was going to donate the funds granted to work from these various organizations, and that is basically trying to show that her word is not strong and the words were not even her own. and it is kind of disgusting they are trying to cross that off of her name pair there is a
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lot of personal profiteering when really that takes the emphasis away from domestic violence. there is something really sleazy and disgusting about it. if they are not her words it actually makes his case -- it's like i know there are -- but it at the appears to make his case stronger. >> it does. and there was a switch -- i love your impressions, they are. a forensic psychologist testified that basically amber heard that a borderline personality disorder. amber heard was supposed to be the first witness for the defense but they -- >> i'm overstating it, right? but they switch the order was supposed to be amber heard now they are having a forensic psychologist. should we read anything into that? >> tomi: i don't know. i'm just delighted to hear that the constitutional crusaders have found something to do. we just had a two-year pandemic where we had a associational
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liberty, free speech, free exercise of religion, and they were nowhere to be found. so i'm glad the aclu finally has some legal work they can be proud of that they have done. >> canada -- where was the aclu? i just wonder if anybody's going to get any money out of this. there was a suit and a countersuit but they both come off as out of it and crazy. >> emily: i think that's why it in part amber heard has fired her pr team, recognizing that if anything the dumpster fire she came in with his now larger, not more diminished bid to getting back to the aclu for a moment, this illustrates exactly what conservatives have been think for so long, which is there not such a civil rights neutral organization that treats every person has equal. they are incredibly political and partisan. i find it deeply troubling and ironic that domestic violence that disproportionately impacts woman of color and underserved
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communities, that they chose those privileged white woman depend and have some semblance of empathy that they tried to make happen, then put it in and dove to land timing with the movie release while she has pledged her $1.3 million of her divorce settlement to them, everything about that read so disgusting to me, so elitist. then for the mainstream media to sort of quote the aclu is some type of arbiter of truth and civil rights and that way is just as endless petri dish that i find it absolutely reprehensible they would do that. it dilutes the truth tell my true suffering that the mystic domestic violence sufferers go underpaid i'm not saying anything about the veracity of our claims. i think that this particular situation come up for them to pen the op-ed and just say read here, that is what is so shameful. >> it is. your point about the aclu is interesting mobbed them money that amber heard gave to the aclu, about $500,000, came from elon musk was criticized for the aclu for fighting first repeat
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on twitter. it's all ironic. >> it is. i agree with your point. where has the aclu band. this is what they are choosing to spend their time in their energy on their resources on. an actress in hollywood and to go after johnny depp had it all just feel so cheap. i have to say this, i don't think amber heard's career will ever recover. not just from this but from the fecal matter. i think that's punishment enough. i don't think she's ever going to escape that. >> is hard to recover from that. >> i don't think she's going to be the most wanted woman in hollywood after that one. maybe she will get that in the end. >> a lot of people wondering what that means, you can just google it. her name and what tomi suggested and it will come right up. it was not a dog. coming up, the former police officer turned new york city mayor makes a political fashion statement about gun violence. and more and more new yorkers say they no longer feel safe in their city. that is next.
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>> fox news alert. you are looking at capitol hill where you are seeing senate
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democrats beginning their push on roe v. wade in the wake of the leaked opinion in the dobbs case. you had senator amy schumer and you can see amy clubs are behind them echoing what we've heard from the president of the united states this morning on the hyperbole suggesting that the overturning of roe where therefore meaning the overturning of griswold, the contraceptive live right, a burger fouled, the same-sex marriage case, and not only that we are learning that a sour that there is already some fund-raising emails going out from the bite and then campaign. a leaked draft opinion released by a republican appointed justice samuel alito revealed the supreme court is set to overturn roe v. wade, which would deal a devastating blow to american's fundamental freedoms to make their own decision about their health care and their families. it goes on with some of the same overblown rhetoric and it pushes for $25 now to support the
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organizing efforts. emily, democrats clearly using this for the midterms bear they don't want to talk about inflation, they want to talk abortion. >> and they will absolutely use your money to pad their bloated government in whatever way they seem fit. what was that, 25 minutes at duck before they sent out the email, we've seen that many times. they've used tragedies and calamities just start fund-raising on that federal level when the whole point of that is a restoring authority to the people, which means why don't you call for donations to your local representative? because that is where the authority lies but no, if you save your credit card information it said that you can just press a button and it will automatically pay every month. >> yes, exactly. imodium ached as we heard biden mention the griswold case -- they are suggesting that this right to privacy they say is
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embedded in the 14th amendment now compromises other rights to marriage among others. what do you think? >> illustrated some unfamiliarity with justice alito's opinion, which goes to great lengths to explain why the abortion jurisprudence called out over the 14th amendment is different from those other cases. the messiah, for people who talk about democracy nonstop, democracy this in the micros it out, i'm happy to live in a democracy. i don't think they seem to be. they want have the courts impose their piety on the rest of the country. i think it's a good teaching moment for the country to see the difference between constitutional conservative justices and progressive judges as progressive judges want you to live according to their edict, whereas constitutional conservatives are willing to let democracy breathe. which is what they say they are about. but every time they get the chance they want the courts to
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basically tell us how to live. >> they do. midterms, this is their issue. they are hoping to benefit from inflation, totally focus on abortion. granted you look at polling issues of importance, its economy, climate change ranks higher than abortion, that is not the main issue. >> climate change for people paying $6.25 for diesel. that's truckers. that doesn't even enter into the conversation. when you cannot pay bills, when you cannot fill your basic needs for your family, that doesn't into the conversation. you know all of the democrats have is this single wedge issue. you know you pointed out that in 25 minutes after we found out about this draft being leaked. obviously they've known about this for sometimes. it goes back to your original question, who leaked us and why? was it a personal decision nor was it made in concert with
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powerful apolitical people who put pressure on someone within the cord. not necessarily a justice, but you've been through this process. you know people who clerked for the court. it is sacred. and you know this is just trying to chip away at something that has historically been sacred and turn it into a political wind, which is very dangerous ground. >> it is. so auntie made this point earlier, if roe is rolled back you're not going to have this massive change in law. you left states that piece of metal made put into place different abortion laws here are there but it's not as if abortion will be banned across the nation entirely. i think what americans wake up and see my life hasn't changed that much, however, at the grocery store it's still extremely expensive at the gas pump and is extremely expensive. i think that's going to be the voting issue coming december. >> they are counting on low information viewers and voters who are going to look at this and say abortion is now all out loud. that's why it's up to conservatives and republicans to
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make sure that we are getting the actual education out there and reminding people that that is not the case. were going to have to play and educational role. historically we've done a really bad job at that. we are not going to marketing our message. we have to get better at that, especially when it comes to the issue of abortion, pro-life, pro-choice, we have to talk about our values and beliefs in the conservative movement but also what this means for the people so they are able to play on the hysteria and they're able to count on those low information viewers and this november. it's going to be up to us to get our message and better. we know what their messaging is on the left. their messaging is going to be excellent on this issue because they are ready for it. we now have to take that and run with ed. >> you have make the paramount point as we talk about the difference in polling when you ask about roe, we have to get the messaging right on this. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential
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>> with crime soaring in the big apple, new york city mayor eric adams seems to be taking a page from congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez's book but wearing his politics at the met gala. he showed up in the tuxedo with words "end gun violence" on his back, and the faces on the jacket are young children who have lost their lives. it's reminiscent of a.o.c. last year when she wore a floor length white gown with "tax the rich" on the back in bold white letters. and what they need is action. >> action, not lavishly planned tuxedos, it was small business week, preparation for the gala, we went to a nail salon. you used the word performative
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action when we need results. hillary clinton maskless with the man crouched beside her in a mask looked like he was fluffing her dress. there you go. >> i was hoping we would see her in prison orange, upset it was maroon, maybe some day it will come. >> oh my. >> what do you think about the mayor's jacket? communicative? a benefit to this? >> how about end bail reform so we don't have criminals walking the streets. it's not the gun doing it, it's a lovely jacket, wonderful artwork but are not addressing the lawlessness and the policies of a place like new york city. maybe with better messaging, end bail reform, fund police i could get behind it. this, nothing more than artwork and performance. >> kennedy. >> i don't know, seems like a beta male, he's not taking charge, and i have a problem when they only blame guns. they don't put the blame on the
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people committing crimes and hurting other people. they are either desperately mentally ill or don't have the respent for human life and it's not just gun violence, it's assault, people shoved in front of moving subway trains and shoved downstairs and having their religious garments pulled off, it's across the board a lot of things. stop just blaming the guns. it is bad people out there making a great city pretty miserable. >> including defund the police adding up to the variables. i feel my issue with this, oversimplification, the mayor came in on the promise of being accurate and complex and acknowledging all of those factors, yes, we need to restore funding to our law enforcement and they deserve respect and support and restore the plain clothes unit and emphasize the safety of underserved and black and brown communities. in the middle that now i see just sort of reduced himself to
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a slogan that appeases the far left in the cheesy predictable way. >> because this is it what he feels like he could make some progress on, right. if he wore a suit that said end gang violence instead of end gun violence, i may buy one myself. i would probably have to lose a little weight to get into it, but he doesn't want to deal with what causes the guns to go boom and we know who drove down crime from 1990 to 2015, 2016, generational reduction in crime and it wasn't guns. i mean, the most highly -- high crime areas in the country are the ones with the highest gun restrictions. what drives down crime is intelligence-based policing where you keep track of where the crime is happening, not where the guns are, where the crime is happening, and then you deploy your police to the places
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where the crime is, and until we get back to that, it's not like we don't know what works. we have seen what works. but they don't want to do that. we'll talk about guns. >> that's right. kayleigh, here in the city i believe it's over 85% of violent crimes here take place in about three precincts. what if the mayor had worn the numbers on the jacket to stir conversation and rather than the slogan. >> and what if he wouldn't have gone. it irks me that the president went to camp david and delaware, and people are murdered in their bathtubs in new york city, and pushed into a subway and killed, that happened in new york city, we cover it every day. you go to the met gala, you plan the lavish tuxedo, what if he said i'm not going to go to the
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met gala, but i'm going to meet with the police officers instead. >> i would buy that jacket, the rolling up your sleeves jacket. >> final words, tomi. >> happy we saw them preaching to us about socialism at the extravagant event. >> we are not little here on the couch and grateful for you watching. here is "america reports." >> sandra: thank you, team. a nail-biter in ohio as the supreme court leak adds a dramatic twist to the upcoming midterm elections. voters are heading to the polls for one of the first primaries of 2022. republican race in the buckeye state seen as a key indicator of former president trump's sway over the critical november midterm elections. >> bill: as ohio goes, will the rest of the nation follow? ari


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