tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News May 3, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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call 804 one seven three seven seven three four visit try relaxium .com that's 800 for one seven three seven seven three four visit try relaxium .com fall asleep stay asleep wake refreshed with clinically proven relaxium sleep act now you'll be glad you did trust me. let me welcome tucker carlson. first up, polls have justhe closed in the ohio senate primary one state one primary early in the season yet the results could determine the republican party looks like going forward. so we're going to follow de r lu and bring you any updates we have. but first tonight , if you listen carefully to leaders ofrs the democratic o party and we do you would think america was built on a single court
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decision from nineteen seventy three. the very same peoplee who consider the bill of rightsl a racist relic quickly dismissed out of hand those same people quickly become emotional as they describe the sublime bec beauty of roe versus wade yesterday when democratic officeholder described the roe decision as quote sacred. and it's not an overstatement for many democratsan it is sacred.ea they will tell youn and they mean itt that this country cannot continue without roe, without roe darkness willme america revert to slavery and cannibalism and other varieties of hobbesian miseryni so gruesome they're best left on described between a bright new tomorrow and the of the handmaid's tale stands only roe v.ta wade. they're telling you that on channels right now across the spectrum s it's all pretty bewildering if you consider what roe v. y wade actually is and that is true no matter, what you think of abortion itself, whether you're strongly for legal abortion, the decision as a decision roe v. wade is a widely acknowledged joke. moral questions aside, roe is
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the most embarrassing court decision handed down in the last century eown, every part ot from its invented constitutional justification f o its meaningless parameters mocks the idea of sobhraj. jurisprudence. the point of the supreme court is to interpreter the constitution. abortion is not mentioned or alluded to in the constitution. rose invented whole cloth and if you don't believe it, reread it. forty nine years later go ahead and try it. it'll make you blush. reading it. it will make you the roe decision turns out to be a period piece from the early 70s like sideburn. so the amc gremlin is the triale faddish political trends over the law so the fact i that the roe decision was in fact shoddy and shameful is hardly a partisan opinion. in fact, plenty of democrats, including a lot of ardent pro-choice ers have acknowledged that over the years because it's true and that would include, by the way, joe biden joe biden is always an supported legal abortion. but nine r years after the roe decision was handedas down,
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he was still willing to admit legalidndefensible as a decision. en pregnant women, biden explained in 1982 to a member of the senate judiciary committee, should not have quote the sole t righto to say what should happen to their unborn children because after all, no one creates childreny. vious. it takes two people. that's obvious. in fact,t, biden concluded roe had gone, quote, too far and of course it had gone too far. t that was obvious then. it's's obvious now then as now, many americans believe that abortion is murder . a manyme other americans consider abortion a prerequisite to happinesssab. now those are unreconcilable positions, but thankfullye in a democracy we have a solution to quandaries like this and it's called votings. if we don't like something in america, if we want to change it, we elect representatives to act on our behalf. if they do what we ask o them tn do, we reelect them. that's the reward. if they don't, we vote them out. that's the punishment. th that'sey how our system works. for hundreds of years we haveth usedat that system to resolvers
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plenty of complex and thorny moral issues, not just abortion, many others. and it has worked well and that's why this has alwaysst been a stable country because we get to rule ourselves, roe versus wade took that right away in a single nineteen seventy three decision ,the high court banned democracy from the debate over abortion. justices prohibited the states from enactinggro abortion restrictions that their own citizens strongly preferredir o that meant that going forward alabama would be required to have the same abortional laws as massachusetts. now some people love this . of course people of massachusetts looked at people in alabama hatede, but there was nothing anybody could do about it because supreme court had cut voters out of the equationn and as a result of that , the issue of abortion was never resolved. things are not resolved by fiat. they're only resolved by consent. that's a core idea in democracyy and it's true . so as a result of this short
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circuiting of democracy demands from the left forced it r as a result of that for nearly 50 years this issue has festered. it has given americans yet another reason to dislike each other. it has divided the country and now finally after forty nine years, voters might have the rightful say over what to do about abortion as is their right. according to a piece last night in the blog politico, the majority of justicess t on the supreme court are readyo to overturn roe, justice alitoro said so very clearly in a draft opinion you can read yourself because it's circulating on the internet r now we t shouldn't be able to read that draft opinion. it's not forul publice consumption. a final official decision on roe is supposed to be months away and yet an unnamed liberal operative short circuiteded this ancient process which has worked well for hundreds of t pr years. this person leaked the opinion . o not by accidentsoeaea the point of leaking the opinion was to intimidate conservativeat justices into
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reversing course mob justice. if you're shocked by that, youmb shouldn't be remember that it's not so different from what we saw this january when another unnamed liberal operative leaked the news that justice stephen breyer was planning on retiring and that news for stephen breyer to retire which liberal operativesetir wanted hm to do because he was a white man. so that was in other words, another op, one of many we're now seeing in our country. and as if to prove that within moments of this story breaking lastni, a mob formed the flashla mob atsh the supreme court. watch al . well, the >> well, the upside is they're not telling you it's your body ,your choice. even these people couldn't pull that off with a straight face
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after forcing millions of americans to inject an experimental drug against their will or be fired. if you remember that . so they can't claim you have bodily autonomy anymore because you demonstrably don't. so instead they move to name calling. you're a fascist if youowhey disagree with that. agr and they've been honing those talking points because they've been preparing for this moment for quite some time. the supreme court, everyone knows, is currently debatingth the constitutionality of a mississippi law that bans abortion a after 15 weeks. now during oral arguments in this case in december, justice alito noted that , quote, the fetus has an interest in having a life. now that's true . but when he said that plans for retaliation began, no one wanted sam alito to vote the wrong way. and now those plans are underway. and it's no exaggeration to say that once this stuff getskn going, you don't know where it winds up. people could get hurt because of this leak and i hate told think that could happen.nd y and you hate even more to think anyone wantedt that to happen. butop people do and here
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they are. it is chavez who works for k the nation. she's some kind of reporter. she just tweeted that it'sin quote good that conservative justices and their families will quote, have their lives threatened. she's in favor of that over foxt .com. ian millhiser added quote seriously shout out to whoever the hero was within the supreme court has said let's burn this place down. oh , we don't get what we want . we'll just burn it down government by tantrum. pl. ee seen that before brian fallon, the executive director of the thoroughly thuggish activist demandd justice or else which is implied said this quote is a brave clerck taking this unprecedented step of leaking a draftrave opinion to n the country what's coming in a last ditch. hail mary do to see if the public response might cause the court to consider the public responsee like do what we want or will hurt you again. we'ver seen that before. let's stop pretending these are threats of violence. obviously t the ceo of planned parenthood is now calling on activists to p storm state
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capitol buildings. watch this . we know that this decision iskn going to enrage people we know we've already seen what's happened when people find out that when they found out what was happening in texas, they started filling state houseses in florida, they startu filling state houses and otherse places because they know that a fight right nowin is on the ground and in these states. and so we are goingngng to conte to capture that rage. >> oh , t we're going to capture that rage. people get angry and you wouldn't like us when we're angry. what do we 't what system did we have? democratic norms we are supposed to observe if at you don't like something, isn'tso there a process for resolving that ? don't you elect people to see your will put into law? not anymore. just from capital . but wait a second, says the attune television. you're storming capitals toto thwart democracy and insurrection. oh, no. only under certain circumstances. not when the abortion people do it, not when they announce their plans on cnn. whe when that happens it's a goodn thing. already the leaders of the democratic party are vowing
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to use this draft decision as a pretext to eliminate the filibuster and pack the supreme court. now here's the best part. all of this is happening in the name of democracy so that youme will never have a chance o to vote on something that matters to you like abortion. and by the way, it matters to you whether you're i for it or against it, but soon that you won't have a chance to ever votence on something like that . they're going to thwartth democracyey. >> here's a former u.s. attorney explaining the conservative justices on the supremey. in fact insurrectionists. >> i think t it's not too great a stretch to say there's some connection between an effort to overturn an election and an effort to overturn roe and this as i've been thinking about it, there is a segment of the ideological spectrum now who thinks it has certain kindsr of powersta and wants to engage in radical efforts to overturn thingsts that they don't like. there's no incrementalism. there's no more compromise. you don't like the results of an election. you storm the capitol and you talk abouttohe hanging the vice
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president of the united states and you get the presidencyah back . >> yeah, it's like overturning an election. i mean, you listen to something like that and there are like nine points you couldou make in response. then you have to to ask either the person saying that is so stupid that he doesn't understand what he's saying ors he's willing to say absolutely anything to stop the other side. and that's of course what you're watching these people aren't stupid. they'reth just dishonest in the thread. the consistent note c in all ofh these clips ise that none of the people yammering about this draft opinion writtenth by sam alito have actually read it. and you know that becauset they don't even attempt to t respond to the legal arguments because legal arguments are immaterial just as they were when the seven justicess in nineteen seventy three produced roe v. wade, they didn't even consider really what the constitution had to sayid because they didn't care. that's why it's anat embarrassis decision. assessing so instead of assessing what alito wrote this to accuse him of terrorism, overturning precedent is an act of
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insurrection, says the federal prosecutor. the right. so any supreme court decision must remain in place forever or else you're committing an actu' of insurrection. legal scholars outreg there, are there any supreme court decisions through the ages that were overturned and that were happy were overturned? yes, probably quitepy a fewer plessy vs. ferguson any one .ss but it doesn't matter.yyo the legal experts are screaming about fascism. they're telling you it's only a matter of time before the supreme court brings back segregation, if not slavery. watch. this is just the beginning. next , we'll go after gay marriage and maybe maybe the day david is a brown versusx board of education. they already eroded our votinglr rights a little bit. soro i see some i see fascism down the line here was what you know, it's almost you know, it almost detracts from us to play you something like that . but that show is real ratings.
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people listen to someone like that literally couldn't navigator a checkout scanner telling you what the supreme court draft opinion might mean's despite the fact she's totally capable of reading it or anything else longer than a tweet, whatever . she clearly didn't read what alito wrote. alito did actually , by the way, anticipate this argument that if youot do this , all kin of other terrible things are going to happen. he said it right out loud. here's what hele tppen. wrote fr the people who will never read it and we're quoting what is distinctivehat about abortion, wrote alito is its effect on what roe termed potential life. abortion is what he said is a uniqueue quote to ensure that our decision is not misunderstood orer mischaracterized comma. we emphasize that our decisionii concerns the constitutional right to abortion and no other right. oh , so they're not trying to bring back slavery or legalized cannibalism or make it illegalnn for you to vote.ll what they're trying to do is allow you to vote on abortion.
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that's dishonest. these people are if roe v. wade gets goes away, yous get to vote on abortion. and if you're a pro-life law, that's good newsha. , if you're a pro-choice activist, that's just why wouldn't you want your democracy to function? you don't want to vote on it. you want some elderly person to tell you what to do. no, this is democracy., this is you vote a but no one on television saying that instead they're demagoguing in their hysteria. in fact, they're nullifying all the general rules they've just concocted, which is gratifying to watch. they don't realize it, butconc ' fun to see it at cnn, for example, we spentea all last yer telling you that men can get pregnant or get that can suddenly they've rediscovered the meaning of the word woman. >> forgive me, i seem to be losing my voice. you'llme. hear me a little bitvo differently, but it seems to l be in line with how women arein losing their rights in this country. this opinion can be, if true , narrow down and defined. quite simply, women are not viewed as equal to men. what percentage of college
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students in colleges are women? what percentage of first hires? ifif big o companies are women, women are legaly' rights. how many elections are determined by women? almostgh all of them hires stupl people and in fact, just to get back to the constitution, which is the core question here, abortion does not appearhb here nor has there ever beenio a right to abortion in this country. now that bothersn you. if you want a right to abortion, you can vote for it in the congress. you could pass a constitutional amendment if you actually supported democracy a, that's what you would do or call for your representatives to do. but so far nobody has and in fact we're moving in the othernc direction. today joe biden announced that democracyedt has beenn suspended. one of the reasons why i voted against a number ofum othersbe because they refused to acknowledgerscour that there's s a nice amendment. services acknowledges the right mean so many fundamental rights that are affectedig. and i'm on the line. i'm not prepared to leave that to the whims and the of the public at the moment.uc
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i can't remember the word, butwo we're going to piece together a sentence and we're quoting the whims of the public no longer matter. sorry, pal. they do matter.o it's a democracy. our women's matter. so do our beliefs. we get to vote on this stuff because that's our system you're just passing through .so you'll be gone soon. the restst of us get to decide how we're governed because we're a self-governing country. we're free people. sorrylf-gy.. there's a lot to unpack here. and so we thought we would stop start rather an actual lawyer, someone who knows a lot about supreme court. our friendurt, laura ingraham, n the host of the ingram anglee on the fox news channel. she joins us tonight to j assess . laura , i just got to ask youur something is sort of elidedav over because i know a lot more about thanemeth i but the t that this was leaked, you know how the court works, how big st a deal is that ?pened yeah, the first thing that happened when c i clerked on the court the first day that all the clerks from that term te were all together like 40 or so of us chief justice rehnquist said to us , if you are thinking at any
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point in time of of divulging what happens within the walls of this court, especially anything about internalal deliberations, your legal career is over . i mean, it is a great privilege to clerk at that court. work it's considered by many ofat the highest t, highest honor you could have as a young lawyer just leaving law school in my case. and that'sin how you betray the trust of the justices, liberals, conservatives doesn't matteres and the institution of neverurt it is it's happened before. it's going to change the way the court operates and liberal, justices, conservative justices all should comed together and together release a statement saying we condemn this . we will find out who did this and this will never happen again. and explain to the american people why this matters. i know t they announced anha
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investigation today ofll the marshals office and i'll look forward to seeing where th that leads. but someone knows who did i this besides the leaker in the just but they justn did this look, i don't agree with stephen breyer, but i think he's smart and i think he's interesting and you know, he's an american who got the job anme. he shouldn't be forced out with a leak because people don't like his skin color be. is that happened in very much the same way this did and no one did anything about it or even really noticed it. well, because the liberals who claim to be the defenders of democracy, as you noted in the open today, they're kind of the anti democrats. it's the euphemistic language, tucker , is everyone grab that we're pro-choice. we're not they are the wrecking ball to american democracy today. imagine if the case is reversedr and we had heardse through a lek egregious leak that the court was coming down the other way. and imagine if mobs of people descended at the court screaming what could
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be described as threatening language towardsct some of the just or very derogatory language. oh , you have nancy pelosi to and the wholery langi crowd up t today saying we need to wall off the city again. wewe need to put the fences back up. and this is those are the insurrectionists trying to undermine the legitimacy of the court. that's what they would be saying today and tonight. so i mean, i think abortion is one of the saddest things i can imagine. i really thinkio it's a tragedy i mean that some people think it's the road to happiness, but why shouldn't we have a vote on i mean, i'm sure if you love abortion, why wouldn't you welcome a national vote that or a state by state both to define its parameters ? tucker . tucker , , you and i have been friends for i don't know how long long, long time you actually think these people trust americansns to vote? i mean, really vote on these types of issues if they were so onfident that this was so popular position, they'd be like bring it on .be let's let's i mean, all fifty states. you bet everybody have your say and that'sth democracy.they want that's how it works. but tle they want to take a whoe
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slate of issues off the table from the american people and it's not going to this is not going to be settled here. they are going to keep fighting and keep ramping up the temperature. but look, it's a great it's a great day for the pro-life movement across this country. thosee who've toiled and prayed and done it the right wayye, overwhelmingly, peacefully and respectfully. that is the process ry. and peoc should celebrate that tonight.kl that's right.d and we n shouldot b not be intimidated by the mob. ee we've been through this before. they got everyone back on their heels. oh , we can't dore anything aboe no, weel should not put up with the stuff. nobody accurate. tlaura ingraham, it's great to see. i thank you for doing this . you're welcome . soso laura just said there hashi never been anything like this , a leaked draft supreme court opinion that's unprecedented in the modern era. senator joshre was a supreme court clerk who joins us in just a moment. plus, joe biden thomas just said people of color will somehow suffer disproportionatelyf c for roe v. wade is reversed. does that mean exactly candace owens thought a lot about what it means? shee joins us in only by sorting
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racial about that . the wordot race, the idea is not even in the decision in texas. nothing racial about it. butt of course the biden administration, which goes race hatred,o the second has any problem whatsoever when to race hatred. so biden's publicist jen psaki announced that people of color will suffer most if roe v. wade is overturnedr, one i'm sure that means exactly. but candace owens hased thoughtr a lot about this subject. she's the founderer of the charity fluxus and we're grateful to have her join us tonighto to assess and to interpret candace owens. thanks so much for coming on . so what roe v. wade overturned people of color suffer most. please interpret for us . i think we're going to have to get a definition from jen psaki and what it means to suffer is has this become another word for saying to be born because she's correct that more minority people will be bornha given the fact that seventy nine percent of planned parenthood clinics aret in minority neighborhoods and given the fact that the planned parenthood's founder, margareted sanger was a notorios
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racist and notorious eugenicists who didn't want tori be able to populate and by the way, she was tremendously successful. you know, you look at the statistics and you understand that you have a population, black women that represent just seven percent of the population that account for over 40 percent of f all of the abortions. wasn't for planned parenthood, if it wasn't for the abortion industry, the black population would be virtually double today over 19 million black babies have been aborted since the 1973 decision. i mean, if i said to you that 90% like that , that 19 million individuals against their will were killed not only just killed but in aki barbarici manner or poison and then had each of their limbs reached, ripped out of them limb from limb because that's exactly what happened. nobody wants to talk about the details of the abortion process. . youof t would look at me and you would say such a right? and yet they don't want todm admit that . so yes, black peopleit willat be disproportionately affected ,butt it's not going to be any amount of suffering. it's going to be that you're going to see more black babies being born. so i don't want. to show
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how this works. i mean, if you love somebody, you want them to reproduce, you love your kids. that's's what you want grandkid. you want more of them because you love them. how do you turn to a whole group of people?o millions of people say i love you. here's some more abortionn . inics look, it's not an i love you's and that's the thing is a that they want youbo to forgett about history, right? they want you to forget abouteye margaret sanger. s they want you to forget about the origins of abortion. they tried to turn it into something fluffy and loving. ha they'vet done that via the education system, tucker . and that's why i say irrespective of what happens with roe v. wade, nothing is going to get fixed until we fixt the broken education system which has become predatory when the federal department of wh was established, this is what they did.ta they rewrote history.hey planned parenthood got into the classroom. they're teaching people that you should want to abort your children, giving women away frompl their maternal instinct. it is not normal.l for it is barbaric for any woman to be on a platform and to demandt the right to kill children. i mean, it just goes against a natural order of things. we are designed as women to want to protect children. i say pro as somebody who is sen and a half and a half months pregnant right now listeningig, speak about my child with this right now. i should have the decision to
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clinic.o an abortion this daughter that i feel in mys body right now i should be able to walk into an abortion clinici and say take her out of me. it doesn't matter. this should t my choice and not to respect the fact that this is a life that is growing inside of me . i mean, it is so disturbing and it's so especially disturbing as somebodydytu who s carrying a child right nowht and they are going to hate your: for saying that because it's true the true things that trigger them. i appreciates that , candace owens thank you . thank you so much for having me. so what does it mean to leak a draft supreme court decision? well, ofof course it's an attack on the judiciary and an attack on the rule of law. it's leveraging the mob to short circuit our ora democratic institutionsti is ane attempt to intimidate supreme court justices into prem reversg course. we for that will, congresswoman pramila pay a pal just tweeted this quote the purpose of our supreme court is to uphold freedom and respect precedent, not to take away fundamental
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freedom for women to make choices about our bodies and futures. and then she's an expert on the constitution apparently. then she called on people to quote take toon the streets the words to commit violence, to intimidate the supreme court into doing what shed wants. not in this country. sorry, senator josh understands exactly how she works on the supreme court for johnre robertss. and we're happy to have you join us . senator , thanks so much for coming. so you have a sitting member of congress threatening supreme m court justices with a mob if they don't do what you want. d that seems very dangerous to mea . you know what it is, tucker , is abortion is religion forft the far left and they are. willing to do anything toli defend that religionng and to force it on everybody else and that's why they're willing to burn downen the court as anry institution. you know, they're onlybo for the institution if it does'r exactly what they say it shouldt do. and let's be clear what roe really says. well, roe really says that the people are too stupid to makeo these decisions for themselves. exactly. mthe people can't be trusted to actually vote and deliberate and make tough moral choices.
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there's no no, no, no nine justices wearing robes. they should be the ones making all the decisions. that's noton what the constitution says, though, tucker , and that's why we need to get back to trusting the people and actually enforcing the constitution. well, exactly. i mean, i have really strongee feelings on the subject. i would be absolutely happy.e in fact, i hope that we can putp this up for a vote in the a united states congress, in the house and the senate and we can determine what the people want to do about abortion. why is that a scary option? you know, it's not scary. it's democracy and this ise about whether or not democracy is going to have its day. you know, supposedly joe biden believes in democracy and yet today you heard him and he was saying that this is too important to be trusted to the whims of the people. i mean, you mean actually the votersrs e, the people who elect you, the sovereigns ofhi this nation? wi and that's what we're talkio about here. so what the court should doni and what this opinion does do is that it puts democracy back in the driver's seat and io hope the court will stick with it. they can't turn back now,w, t tucker , in the face of this pressure>>, everyone i'veda talked to today isy afraid that there's been violence from
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the leftm. ta is there a certain point where the country, normal people, even democrats say, you know, you're not allowed to intimidate the public intodo doing your will? we havein a system democratic norms. remember the phrase and you know, stop this . you can't't intimidate anymore.g someone going to t say that at some point? i hope so because we arereope an that point. i mean, the idea that you could go out there and threaten these justices, chuck schumer hashi done by name threaten themch by name over abortion and now you see all of these other congressmen and senators doing the same thing. they're just trying to hijacket the institution to get their religion forced t on everybodyhe else. i mean, it is time for the american people to actually have a say what apl concept. a s the american people have a sayay in their own government and their own laws. that's what we're talking about here and that's what this fight is about. yeah, some people with federally funded bodyguards threatening others. it's just it's unbelievable. senator daschle, i appreciate you coming on tonight. thank you very much. thanthank you . polls have just closed in ohio. there'sri a senate primary on the republican side to c
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choose a new united states senator vance spoke with last night about why he's running will have a major update on that racee a. everyone's paying attention to that race. it's just one senate primary. but it could determine what the republican party looks like and whether it actually response with voters. and then the administration is cracking down on itsne political opponents. one of the targets of that perfect joins us next to tell us in just how what happened. and it's john fishermen and other liars. the time you spent on the docks . thanks boats lines you can these moments you share with the people you loveh the fish. never forget the sealsba that gs home make movies the last bass,e pro shops, antibalas,fe your adventures here better b
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maybe a present on our you story. sharon stone earlier today with the one hundred and seventy one game and never ending fun for one million welcome bonus. just remember in new york and download media now a number of recent days to find out what today's resort for results coming into a primary in ohio that will tell us a lot about the republican party is going to look like going forward. no r one better at this than ou friend bill hemmer. he's at the big board. hey, a how are you doing, tucker ? good evening to you. just to give you a quick run about here in the buckeye state, it looks like at the moment again, we're about a twenty minutes before nine o'clock on the east coast here in ohio. pollst closed here about an hok and 10 minutes ago. it looks like a threee personce race.. ce jt vance endorsed by donald trump about two and a half
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weeks ago. josh mandel, former state treasurer and matt dolan, former state legislature from cleveland, ohio. as well. here's my here's vance's in yellow mandela and blue dolans in green. so here is the map now and here is what we see. got a lotot of votes to go by te wayside. let me take you through some of the bigger cities and the more important counties. nt but just keep this in mind. there's a lot of that still out there tonight cleveland, columbus, cincinnati, nothing from cincinnati, nothing in from hamilton county. why that ? it's we cannot say that's my hometown, as you know,ck tucker . and so farer we got a big goose egg here. what's happening in franklin county, that is columbusat i. no one seems to be doing okay. thirty three hundred votes tova jd vance's twenty two hundred as the lead right there in percentage basis. we'll see how that runs through as more votes come in . franklin county is something wes watch all the time. this is delaware county by the way. why do i mention that delaware county is where donald trumpde wentla to ohio to give the
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official endorsement advance on stage. you got you got a long way to go here. you're nototn even a thousand votes here for vance. not a thousand votes for delaney. this is something we'll watch for throughout the night. pop up here to cuyahoga county. this is cleveland, ohio. this is dolan's hometown and right now comfortable almost 40%. but this is a big it's big city . ere a lot of votes to be counted still. dolan has about three thousand more votes there in cleveland. so come out big picture right now and try and pick up some themes. one thing i would watch, tucker is in these rural counties you see a lot of them here in the southes and southwest. j.d. vance is cleaning up in this area right now. er numbers like that hole that might be pretty good news for vance tonight . your point at the beginning was what is the future for the republican party ?on what is donald trump's role in that party ? the endorsements we'll see whether or not that pays offf. for him tonight quickly. it has been called for tim ryan on the democratic side. so the congressman fromrort northeastern ohio will be the
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democratic nominee whoever he faces on the republican side is stillwe to be filled in tonight as we move forward through the hours tonight tucker. back to you. you never really know where people are till an election that's weathertech. bill hemmer, thank you so the administration has decided to use a law enforcement agency to decide what you can say and think and they're of course going to use it to doy' what they've doing for quite some time, which is to punish opponents of their rule, people who criticize the democratic party . brendan struck found out the hard way struck with thek founder of the walk away fha movement on january six .rd par 2020 one he went to washington and everyone in the capitol never committed any act of violence. we know that because he videotaped the whole thing but they arrested him anyway and charged him with felonies and then throw him in jail, just got out of home detention . and when he spoken towh us tody for 10% tucker carlson today, listenst to him describe the moment an fbi swat team came to his home. watch.
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imagine my surprise on monday, j january 25th at the crack of dawn when an fbi swat came into my apartmentam, got me out of bd and presented me with a search warrant to take my property and puter me in handcuffs and told me that theyng were taking me to jail and thatfa i was facing multiple felony charges for what i had done h on jan. no wayad 100% they took me to jail. i went through they took all my things, my my coat, my money ,my my things like that and in the process me and they took a mug shot put me on the next took a mug shot, printed the mug shot out, madeed it into a bracelet and put it on myy wrist. it had my mug shot on it and a number and then at that point i just became a number within the jail inmate system. from there they took me into a concrete stall much like a shower stall . i hadd to take all my clothes off. i was standing there completely naked cnake while a stranger cae and took my clothes away, came back and gave me a piece,
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a pair of brown underwear, a brown shirt and an orange jumpsuit to put on . from therere they took me into t a room called medical whereur a nurse guard wasse standingg there as i walked into the room and he says to n me, i need your arm. and i said, whym.? and he comes at me with a syringe and he said allnmja new inmates in the jail system have to take a tv test. i need you need to give me t your arm and the amount of trauma this is boiling up in mem because i'm thinking to myself , like one hour ago i was sleeping peacefully in my bednd and now i'm sitting here in a jail system wearing a jumpsuit n and i'm an inmate number and i have no say whether or notst this strangerra is going to inject whatever substance into my body. i have no idea. so he takes my arm, slides the needle in and it injects something which forms a bubble and tells me if if it turns blue or purple, i might want to let somebody know. and from there they took me into a room called intake evaluation where there wasal this very sort of stoic military guy sitting there asking me questions like are
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you suicidal? have you, ever been in a gang? do you have aids?se have you ever had with a man? d and then he says to me, if a fight breaks out in the jail, are you able to defend yourself? and i said no, i don't even understand why i'm here. it was charged with a misdemeanor for disorderly conduct in exchange. now i have no criminal record. b this is a class b misdemeanor charge, which means the mid-levelar it's considered a petty offense. that's what the court called it, a petty offense, disorderly conduct, misdemeanor.r. i was sentenced to three months of house t arrest, three years f probation. sixty hours of community service, mental health. i hadrvic to take mental health services. what am i forgetting here? six hours community service. there. were several other things and the governmentt actually requested as a my probation threeio year probation that they haven, the right to surveilil my phone
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my email, my bank account, ts what my social media, accountsut and my computers they wanted they asked for the permission to surveil all of those things for the three years that i was on probationpr to ensure that they could deter me fromro committing another crime a and another misdemeanor and but this is the thing. i mean, these january six casess i misdemeanors are treated like felonies. i mean, the punishment that i just described getting away with murder at scale across the country more than 90% of90 the blm anarchists had their charges dropped entirely% . the story is unbelievable. watch the whole hour. nobodys is putting them on tv for some reason we only knew what was happening. zero was a six page singled spaced handwritten letter and it was just so shocking. weocki checked the facts and thy were true . you will not believe what happened to an american citizen in his own countryen. brendan struck. that is absolutely worth it. it's out right now, fox nation. >> so supreme court doesme
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overturn roe v c wade. abortion will not be banned, but, states will get to makeak their own laws on abortion as in a democracyeei. what happens then? they gordon brown , i'm calling you out. everybody be cool.'t all right.ges neither. got right here in a video call a time in a video call... oh , in that case, just have ton send the messagee!. don't take kindly to messages neither in that case. how about a ring, sandra? ne phone call now that you know. phone call now that you know. eugene, this is hiro meeting and we got down. this is not the stallion i was imagining. college wasn't built for me. i didn't care if i had to work a double shift or if my kid had a favorite deadline. the deadline i want to set
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there's no co-pays, no doctor office visits and your shipping is always visit recompete .com. so the supreme court does wind up overturning roe vs. wade. abortion will not be banned. that's a lie so much. but states will get to decide the voters will get decide what they think of abortion, what they want to do about it. so what does mean exactly?? we want a purely pro-life perspective on this. we're hearing the other side everywhere. while roe certainly has it, she's president of the organization of action and we're happy to haves her joining us tonight. well, thanks so much forhere. cg on . there's sori much hysteria arout this and i just thought it'd be worth getting your view. what do you think of this ? yeah, there's a massive meltdown happening right now from the pro-abortion side because they can't force abortion on all of america. they can't force abortion for all nine c months on children fr any reason on all fifty states. that's a what this is about. it's a massive tantrum that's being thrown by the extreme pro-abortion left. butt you know, it's not doesn'tt
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reflect most of america. we have twenty two states that have almost complete abortion bans in thisha country that want those tot go into effect, that want to protectt children in their stateil children no matterdr the fact that they're unborn, they want them to fac be protected. so it's really amazing to watcho this moment unfold and in the pro-life movement where we're thrilled it's a step forward and we're just getting t started. i have tos say this is one of those subjects that is often talked about but never in any detail. i never hear anybody addressed a what it actually is, what's really happening and they can do that because they don't have to discuss it because it's a vote right. so maybe one upside of this is we can have a real conversation about abortion r. what is abortion? what if people get abortions? who's getting abortions? what does it mean? what is the sciencece?? ? tell us do you think that will be an upside of this ? i think you're rightht, tucker . i mean, listen, i've spent the last fifteen years of my life, my entire adult and teenage life working to educate people about abortion. and i've seenfe people flip from pro-choice to pro-life simply by learning not just about
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human development in theng but by learning about what abortion actually does, how it suctions developing child into pieces, how it dismembers a tiny child,, a lethal injection that pierces a second trimester baby's heartt when people learn these disturbing horrific truths about what abortion iss, they change. when people learn, they change. and so we're going to see an awakening that is already underway but it's only going to growy when people will be forced to grapple with the reality of what abortion is . and i'm going to we're going to see it's an empty husk. i mean,, the pro-abortion on't empty husk. they don't have real life't in them. they don't have real passion. they're justl rising out and screaming out right now crying for this . right. the so-called right to abortion. it doesn't exist but the right to life does. soand i'm very enthusiastic to see not just the red states nrcc pro-life laws, but i thinke change happening in blue states when people areople educated abt abortion. yeah. they cann lookk allhe that right in the face and sayit they support it and say that looks like the road to
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happiness, then they can vote, for. t but ifhi there's no vote on this stuff, how can you call this a democracy? but here's the thing. i mean,, but at the end of the , even a democracy, tucker , shouldn't get tocrac decidees who lives and dies,, who are of innocent people. it's not upp it shouldn't be upe for a vote. so it is up for a vote that the supreme court ruling if it this draft ruling that was leaked, if that's what it's going to be , it would be at'ss compromise to send abortion back to the states. the but that's not full justice full justice is that whetherll your child conceived in california or your child conceivedou'r in texas, you're protected by law and by love by society as well as by our legal system. that's what we're ultimately fighting for. i think it wouldat be a good start tofo get people to on the record say yes, i know what this is, here's f what it t and i'm for it or against it. i don't even know what we're w talking aboutha as long as you'. right, you're so done. when they learn they change. whenen people learn, they change on this level. rose, great teachers, thank you so much. we'll be right.
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ever heard screaming on fox nation? we should tell you that jamie vance, bane of the liberal republican establishment is leading the senate primaryg in ohio tonight has wonin officially. but we're going to keep track of those results weaponizes tomorrow at and welcome to hannity. all right. breaking news tonight . we are monitoring primary results from the great state of ohio. we'll have live updates throughout the hour as they become available. we'll put it down the bottom of your screen all throughout the hour as well. but first we begin tonight . the far left mob, they're at it again in what was a blatant attempt to intimidate the u.s. supreme court, obstruct justice and someone leaks sam alito's justice alito's draft majority opinion overturning roe versus wade was only a draft. that doesn't necessarily mean that's the final decision
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