tv Hannity FOX News May 3, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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we should tell you that jamie vance, bane of the liberal republican establishment is leading the senate primaryg in ohio tonight has wonin officially. but we're going to keep track of those results weaponizes tomorrow at and welcome to hannity. all right. breaking news tonight . we are monitoring primary results from the great state of ohio. we'll have live updates throughout the hour as they become available. we'll put it down the bottom of your screen all throughout the hour as well. but first we begin tonight . the far left mob, they're at it again in what was a blatant attempt to intimidate the u.s. supreme court, obstruct justice and someone leaks sam alito's justice alito's draft majority opinion overturning roe versus wade was only a draft. that doesn't necessarily mean that's the final decision.
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now tonight we're going to on this program we will separate fact from fiction and the reaction of the left has gone absolutely insane. let me be clear again, an official decision has not been made in this case. the court has not ruled one way or the other. i actually suspect that professor dershowitz, this theory that he offered last night on this program will be correct. but time will tell this leak is likely, he said, as a result of a self-serving far left court employee who perhaps is attempting to coerce the court's decision or maybe make the case for court packing, whatever the case may be , we'll find out hopefully sooner or later. chief justice roberts called the leak a quote, a singular and egregious breach of that trust. that is an affront to the court . he continued to the extent this betrayal of the confidence of the court was intended to undermine the integrity of our operation. it will not succeed. the work of the court will not
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be affected in any way. good answer from him. now an investigation is underway to identify the leaker and by the way, bring this perpetrator to justice. but make no mistake if justice alito's decision stands in roe v. wade is in fact overturned. let me also separate again fact from fiction abortion in america does not become illegal. instead, individual states, state legislators, they and the voters, of course you will decide the rules and regulations regarding abortion. and right now, by the way, views on abortion are split right down the middle. look at this gallup poll. 49% of americans consider themselves pro-choice. 47% of americans are pro-life. the same poll actually showed that only 30% believe abortion should be legal under any circumstance. and meanwhile, an ap poll found a whopping 80% of americans think that abortion should be illegal in the third trimester. as it now stands, 16 states
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and the district of columbia have laws protecting or even codifying abortion with many of these states even allowing a woman to terminate a pregnancy in the third trimester. and by the way, at that late stage you're talking about a viable fetus, especially following science, a child that can live outside the of a mother in california and new york, for example, many of the states abortion is allowed in almost every scenario so long as a liberal pro-abortion doctor signs off on it. and meanwhile, oregon, vermont, new jersey, colorado, they guarantee abortion rights at any point during the pregnancy up until the very moment of birth. now that's called infanticide. that would be the killing of a child, an innocent child. now it's insane how radical the left has now that they would support such evil and brutality. but they do. in fact, some democrats have become so radical that even
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believe it or not, post birth abortion, infanticide is apparently on the table. now you might remember this from former virginia governor ralph northam. remember this went viral third trimester abortions. these are done with the consent of obviously the mother with the consent of the physicians. more than one physician, by the way. and it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities. there may be a fetus that's non-viable. so in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, i can tell you exactly what would happen. the infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. okay, then a discussion will ensue. i don't think so. that would be called murder ralfe now of course infanticide
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is illegal, but even if roe versus wade gets tossed out, abortion even later term abortion will still be legal in many states across the country. now how that practice is legal anywhere should shock the conscience of any human being. anybody with a soul according to democrats, hollywood, the media mob will speak in one voice. this ruling spells the end of america as we know it. it does not. they are either completely dumb ,ignorant and stupid or they're just playing politics. probably a combination of both. and after returning home from the met gala, hillary clinton proclaimed the court's ruling would kill and subjugate women. another complete lie and one swellest actress referred to supreme court justices as drunk and . that's an obvious lie to share. had a full blown all caps meltdown and breakdown on twitter. fang fang's boyfriend eric swalwell tweeted that the court's decision was really about republicans wanting to ban interracial marriage.
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he's clearly not well. and eric, i think clarence and ginni thomas would like a word about that and not to be outdone, elizabeth warren was spotted tromping all over town screaming at the top of her lungs. take a look. >> this is what some republicans have been working toward this day for decades. they been out there plotting carefully cultivating these supreme court justices so they could have a majority on the bench who would accomplish something that the majority of americans do not want. we have a right this three we learn to handle drayman and we're fight. >> and per usual, the insanity is even far worse from chuck schumer and his friends on msnbc fake news cnn. take a look at the predictable predictions of doom and gloom. the decision would be an abomination, an abomination
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and one of the worst ever in modern history. honestly, i want to cry. you know i wanna cry crying so many different ways. i feel really angry about this and what i feel angry about is that an extremist supreme court is going to impose their views on the rest of america. fundamental rights include interstate travel include the idea of same-sex marriage include same relationships just to name a few. now this is essentially on what's next as i was getting ready for the show this morning ,i was thinking about hillary clinton and how this just might put her over the edge and make her jump back in. but i mean, it's just this is a kind of news that rocks your world as a woman. no one is safe. this overturning roe will be a mass criminalization of it will undercut majoritarian democracy, undermined privacy protections and pour gasoline on our already inflamed political divisions. this is just the beginning. next we'll go to gay marriage
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and maybe maybe the neighborhood is a brown versus board of education. they already eroded our voting rights a little bit. so i see some i see fascism down the line here. i don't know how to reiterate there has been no official supreme court decision. the people you just saw are attempting to intimidate the court shape their final opinion just as the leaker probably intended. we'll find out in the days and weeks ahead. of course, this is not new . you might recall you might remember when chuck schumer threatened the u.s. supreme court justices gorsuch and kavanaugh during a speech right there on the steps of the u.s. supreme court. take a look and ask yourself this question. if you said these words, what would happen? >> take a look. i want to tell you i want to tell you, cavanough, you have the whirlwind and you will ride the pay the price and we have
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a long history with this. let's not forget ted kennedy's totally complete dishonesty diatribe about supreme court nominee at the time, robert bork outright lying. >> take a look. robert bork, america is a land in which women would be forced into back alley abortions. blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters. rogue police could break down citizens doors in midnight raids and schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution. writers and artists would be censured at the whim of government. now ted kennedy cared so deeply about women that he actually let one drown slowly trapped in his car in a pond in chappaquiddick and he went home that night there was a house across the street with a light on . he didn't go and get help, didn't ask anybody for help. he talked to nobody, called nobody and mary jo kopechne died and he did nothing. and like kennedy, well, many of these democrats don't really care about the well-being of
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women and children. this for many of them is a political issue to drive votes. for example, in the 1980s when it was politically expedient. lo and behold, look at this . there's senator joe biden. he wasn't as cognitively compromised at the time either. actually supporting an amendment to the u.s. constitution to overturn roe v. wade and letting the states decide abortion rights. in other words, my position now, of course, the democratic party move so solidly to the left. well, so did joe . but now the political future for democrats is bleak. democrats have literally zero accomplishments to run on . so this is an issue they will demagogue and distract from all of their failures. their poll numbers are horrendous. their policies have failed on a spectacular level. the border is a disaster. inflation a 40 year high and going higher, gas prices the highest they've ever been. more money to heat and cool your own than ever before. you pay more for everything you buy in every store you go to.
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the lawlessness in liberal cities is out of control. of course, defund, dismantle no bail laws cause that the afghanistan withdrawal that was a nightmare and americans are still trapped behind enemy lines. and if you're counting like we are, it's state two hundred and sixty two. and joe biden, well, he's now more of a cognitive wreck than ever. they don't want us talking about any of these issues. in fact, they can't talk about these issues. they have nothing positive to show voters. so they're looking for any wedge issue, anything at all, any distraction, any emotional ploy to drive voters to the polls. they think they got the issue here. but don't be fooled. if democrats really cared about the well-being of we you, the american people, they would clean up their cities. they would fix the border, they'd stop the flow of fentanyl. they would make america energy independent again. they'd fix the economy. they lower taxes. and today's radical socialist democrats not really caring about people, are they ? they're putting their climate alarmists religious cult way ahead in terms of priorities
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over the people in this country. they only seem to care about power and right on cue, one dark money group with ties to biden is now leading an effort to pack the u.s. supreme court. it was reaction. fox news contributor lara trump is with us. former florida attorney general pam bondi, colorado congresswoman lauren bobert is with us. all right. let's get reaction. pam, we're going to start with you in the middle and specifically i want to look at what this is and what this is not. there's been a lot of demagoguing going on in the last twenty four hours. well, what this is is a tight opinion, first of all. and any lawyer, sean, who's out there saying that this could affect gay rights, anything else is dead wrong. they have not read the opinion or they don't know what they're doing. row is about potential life. justice alito wrote in the draft opinion. he also said their decision is about a constitutional right to
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abortion and no other rights. i think it was brilliant that he put that in there because he got all of his other arguments out of the way, meaning nothing else will be affected except the right to abortion. and that means it will only go back to states. there's no constitutional right to abortions. it will go to the state where it belongs. and so basically elizabeth warren in her big liberal state of massachusetts will be perfectly fine. massachusetts will not be affected because they will never vote to change their abortion laws, period. congresswoman, let me get to you on obviously i've always thought roe v. wade was bad law. so has many constitutional scholars. will check in with the great one mark levin tonight . they'll explain from that standpoint. but from the vantage point of what this is and what this isn't, the states will decide. in other words, new york , california, new jersey, colorado, these states are not going to be changing their laws and i would even venture to
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guess, congresswoman, that most states might have some restrictions, but i doubt there's going to be many if any at all states that have no abortion under any circumstances. do you agree with that? we will see that in the beginning. but we will also see some states that currently have pro-life laws that are held up in litigation immediately become law. so sure you'll have states that have full term abortion like colorado, but that's why we need to continue to show up and vote because this is now up to the state legislatures to do something about if this is in fact what's happening. and just like senator karen said, republicans have been spending decades trying to overturn roe versus wade and save the sixty two million lives that have been lost in our country, the innocent children who have been killed from roe versus wade.
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now that is a stain that will forever be on our nation. but we are ever enduring to be a more perfect nation. and john, you know, the week that happened, i want to say that is very outrageous and dangerous. whoever did that should be held accountable. but that's not exactly where my focus is right now. for generations, god-fearing americans have been working, praying and voting to get to this point so that we can defend the defenseless so that the babies with fingers, toes and heartbeats can receive the protections that they deserve. america's abortion laws have been on par with china and north korea. that's not the company that we want to keep america can't. america can and will do better. the constitution have a right to abortion. in fact, the 14th amendment says the exact opposite , sean. it says that the state shall not deprive any person of life, liberty or property or the pursuit of happiness. we have a right to life in america. and i want to say that i'm
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incredibly, incredibly proud of president trump's judges who are taking a very brave stand to protect that laura trump. let me bring you in on this . when you think about abortion, if people seem to be locked into their positions, i consider myself i'm pro-life . i have spent my whole career. i make exceptions for ,, the mother's life. some conservatives disagree with me on those exceptions. i understand that i have people that i know that call themselves pro-choice, but they believe kind of what bill clinton once said that abortion should be legal and i'll add the word early and rare early being defined by the first trimester. how did the democratic party get so radical that playing something like what governor northup had said about what would deliver the baby and then after it would make the baby comfortable to have a discussion and decide whether the baby lives or not? i can't believe they've gone
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that far that hard core in their hearts because to me that's murder. yeah, well, i just show you really how far off the rails the democrats truly have become, sean, and they have managed to find themselves in this situation in their absolute favorite position. they're playing the victim, of course, while calling anyone that disagrees with them on any level racist and sexist. now the democrats, keep in mind have control of a lot the house ,the senate and the white house. and yet here they are, sean, crying wolf over a situation as we've all talked about that hasn't even happened, that they've basically lied to the american people about time and time again we see them do that . but why are they doing it? they're doing it because they're absolutely desperate, because they're in free fall as a party , because they're hemorrhaging support because they've got to stop the bleeding somehow. right. so they're hoping that this drums up a little support. maybe it's salvages a seat or two as we head towards
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the midterm elections. and keep in mind we're only in may. so as we get closer to november, you can expect that you're going to see more hysteria come out of the democrat party this is just part of their playbook is basically all they have left at this point. but i just want to say this as an american citizen, as somebody that loves this country to see one of our most sacred institutions, basically one of the few we have left the supreme court violated in this way, it is absolutely outrageous. most people believe this is a democrat operative that did this and what it says to the american people is that the democrats are so desperate to retain power they are willing to do anything. they're going to play this up every step of the way and it's absolutely disgusting or a trump thank you , pam bondi. thank you , congresswoman barbara. thank you as well. all right. joining us now with more, south carolina senator lindsey graham is with us. let me put up on the screen, senator , this is joe biden, your old friend, when he was
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a little more coherent and he voted to let states overturn roe v. wade. he backed an amendment to our constitution to overturn roe v. wade. you compare that to what i mentioned earlier when i played earlier, governor northman and some of these states that allow abortion even up until the moment of birth, which by any scientific definition would be murder by any scientific conclusion if we're following science, that child is viable and can live alone outside the . how did they get that extreme? well, the most radical people in the country maybe in the history of american politics are now in charge of the democratic party . this is the democratic party that wants to expand the supreme court because they don't like the conservative makeup. this is the democratic party it wants. but term limits on judges are judges because they don't like our judges. this is the democratic party that would abolish the electoral college.
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so delaware and south carolina wouldn't have much of a say about whose president would be new york and california. what happened to joe biden? he got hijacked by the most radical people in the country. he's captive their interest. what happened to the court today was the saddest chapter in the history of the united states supreme court. this was despicable, is dangerous and it was done to the person who did this . if it's a conservative, you're a traitor to the cause. if it's a liberal, you're the dumbest person in washington because it's not going to change the midterms. you're not going to scare any conservative judge away from repealing roe v. wade and it should be repealed. they should go back to the states and you're adding a narrative to a storyline that you want to win and you don't give a damn about how you win. you want to keep the seat open. if you have destroyed cavnar, you want to change the makeup the court to make sure it bends to your will. you want open borders to change the nature of america. you want to abolish the electoral college. you want to make dc a state to make you more powerful to those
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who want to gain power through destroying institutions. you're going to get rejected at the ballot box. do you believe it's likely that this was done to try to intimidate the justices? do you or do you believe maybe a combination of intimidate them and advance the narrative again to go back to this idea of packing the court? well, the most likely scenario is that the people who want to change institutions to get their way did this the same people who want to expand the court because it's conservative. why is it conservative? because people like you and myself went out and voted for president trump and conservatives to put conservatives on the court. they want to expand the court to change its makeup. they want to do the electoral college so that south carolina and other states really can't have a say about picking the president. so i think their motivation was to scare the court, to change its mind about repealing roe v. wade. that's not going to work and to create a debate to talk about
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something other than high gas prices, inflation and broken borders and crime. here's what i think. i don't think this decision by the court if hols is going to change the midterm elections at all because people are going to vote based on the safety and the well-being of their family, not a supreme court decision. all right, senator graham, great to see you. we appreciate analysis being with us. and coming up, tensions mounting outside the supreme court tonight . we'll take you there live. we are awaiting the results in the ohio republican senate race. bill hemmer, he will join us at the big board. he'll have the very latest. who's it going to be right now? you can see a pretty tight race. chad vance, josh mandel. we'll have the very latest on that coming up straight ahead. at doesn't care that i used to work in 10%. i'm testing. i'm not ready. it's not like they're going to move. i need a school. they can work around all
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this is a fox news alert. protesters took to the streets earlier today following the unprecedented leak fromro the u.s. supreme court last night of an opinion that would overturn roe v wade. a very old kevin corke brings us the very latest on the protests outside the court. you're there tonight , kevin .e they've been better part of the day. what's the latest? yeah, you're right. >>on the money about that , sea. you're right now because we have pro-life and pro-choice protesters there's a lot of passion here ct but not o a large amount of crowds that you might anticipate given the magnituden of this particular decision. as we takee a look at what'she happening here, you're going to seela the crowds aren't terribly imela the crowds aren't terribly in parte because of the time of year. go aheadve and take a look ther. yes. even show them what we've got right now. very small crowds. keepmo in mind, sean, it's me. most of the people who are in this crowd are college age people. they're hereound t. but you have to understand that this vinyl's you have final projects and so wee don'tle see a huge nevertheless, it has been this way since
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the unprecedented leak last night of an opinionn by justice samuel alito that if it is finalized, would of courseno in roe v. wade. very interesting. now that's what's happening ni here over at the white house. this is obviously much more than just a decisionly by the court. this hasad political implications, especially as you looke ahead to the midterms this fall. and speaking of the president, i want you toid listen carefully to what he had to say today about abortion rights. the ideang that we're going to make a judgment that is going to say no one can make a judgment to to abort a child based on decision by the supreme court i think goes way overboard. did you hear what he said? abort a child that did not escape the attention of the susan b. anthony list whichr tweeted this on twitter. biden slipped up today acknowledging that abortionow kills children, choose to abort
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a child. how tragic to see a man who forn decades in the senate stood against tax funding for abortion so completely sellout big abortion body.ely sellout now, as i mentioned, sean, we anticipate we will see crowds like this . there has been a very sizable securityty presence here, not just by the capitol police but also d.c. police and others. keewe'll keep an eye on but for now, back to you. all right. kevin corcoran outside kevin corcoran outside thank you . now alsoouts breakingid tonighte the polls now have been closed for almost two hours in the great state of ohio. all t eyes on the hotly contestd republican senate primary in the buckeye state.l our very own bill hemmer live - at- the we used to call the hanadi newport. but but in fairness and due deference, it's really the hammer. hey, listen, it'sw your show. i mean, you can have your eye because you're at it. it's really your board. nobody'su. better at it than yo. but you do have licensing rights this . >> go ahead. okay, let me ask you when i look at when i look at ohio,
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i look at four counties that representnt all of ohio. look at hamilton around cincinnati, warren largely suburban butler claremontah and it looks like goes down right down around here. you keep going right now and you know the state really well. now if it wasas i a general election night, i'd be looking at cuyahoga and hamilton and all the other counties as well. okay, sooso with that sean, jd vance is having a pretty good i mean, he's up pre about o six points in our polling in late april. checkk that an hour to get this. now, sean, in march we were polling in ohio, you know, where we had jd vance. he was 11 points. en buted what happened in april, donald trump came in , endorsed jd vance, then the had a rally in delaware county just north of columbus, ohio in late april . look where jd vance's tonight . i'm going to take t you through this, but i want you to think about this . donald trump injected himselfthh
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into ohio. a he won ohio a year and a half ago, show that moment to o trump's having a good nightn based on these endorsements. all right. sodo let's get to it. advances in yellow. you see how much yellow covers the map here throughout the state of ohio. what you were talking about down here in the southwestern part of the state is hamilton county. this is cincinnati. dolen expected to do wellva in this city. okay,nc but j.d. vance lives there and he's holding his ownwn right now just north of here., you mentioned well, butler county barnstead doing well there also there's a little town here called middletown. it's right rder on the butler f and warren county. why dooo i mention that if you follow the book and the movie t hillbilly elegy, that is where jd vance spent a lot of his youthyo. he was from kentucky, moved to southwestern ohio. that was the spothe right there in middletown. you mentioned claremont to listen. vance is doing really well here also you mentioned warren. let me just jump over here to warren county as well and just watch the advances and he's at 36%. so you find a lot of republican votes
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in southwestern ohio. that is point number one . point number two in the middle you talked one. about columbus, ohio. this is franklin county. don't expect to do well here. he is doing decent but he's from northern ohio going to show you right nowoh we reals expect to do well. i mentioned delaware county. i showed this a bit earliers today. this is where trump had the rally with jd vance and he's a thirty five percent in delaware county. if josh mandel or dolan really wanted to cut invensys, youe expect to see that perhaps in counties like delaware quickly q growing rather affluent. this is cuyahoga county and cleveland. dolan's doing well here also. but again, it's it's the rest of this state where you see jde vance, his wife up, you know,er in the southwest and the southern part of the state. some of these rural counties also up here in the northeast. also member remember when trump won in twenty sixteen ? we're at the board that night, sean. and i was t showing youel that these are counties that have beenoc held 5 by democrats for 50 years and trump broke through that0 tu
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wall . and listen, i mean they're t going to be a lot of pieces written this week abouts trump's endorsement and what it means. i can tell you that i mean, this is jay divans territory right now, okay? go back a year and a half ago. this is biden and trump in ohio and this is trump winning easily by eight points. what we don't show on the map is what heat did in twenty sixteen when he won the state by eight points as well. ohio is a red state. ohio is a trump state based on the two presidential elections so far tonight you come back here to the senate race. trump went in there and made endorsements in 12 different races of whichon one i'm just showing you right now as you advance in ohio who looks to be in a comfortable position right now about half of the vote counted. >> he made endorsements in 11 other races so far tonight he has nine for nine in the congressional races and he is leading in the three othersan,
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including the senate race. it's a pretty good night for the former president on the democratic side, tim ryan has been called for him this nobody was really thinking about this , right? 70% of the vote counted for tim ryan. he is a democratic congressman from northeastern ohio. he's a really good candidate right now. he just wipedin uper the field t against his other two opponents. tim ryan is the democratic candidate. he we'll wait r to see who it is officially on the republican side. but as of rightf now, sean, at what , nine thirty nine thirty five at night:30,? j.d. vance looks really good. one morein thing in our polling that we found in late april, wee had 25% of the voters who we looked at who we polled were undecided a month prior in march and our poll 24% of those that we polled were undecided. it appears to me seanded., thatl the undecided voters went for vance and mandele and dolennd because there's other candidates in this race right here. you know,an mike gibbons, jane timkin, they're performing
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right now pretty much as we expected gibbons to 20% tippecanoe a little bitd more than six percent. hi but this really seems to be where they've gone. so taken out of this asin i'm talking to you, sean, we're getting our numbers fromro the associated press. i know your cue in the music, but i've got a headline for you. this number, accordingteac the associated press is callinge the race right now. for instance,vance. so it lookse if that holds up, j.d. vance b will be the republican nomineeer in november against tim ryan, the democrat. noww we have a situation here where trump has almost run the table. the table. called we can call now jd vance a winner in the republican senate primary from the great state of ohio p. ay i hears that right now, but i'm always a little suspect on technology. but but i'm saying with a fairly reasonable level ofpl assurance that jd vance has been called the winner of the republican senate primary. it's interesting because they're going to be other states too. i know, for example, in pennsylvania who i'm supporting, he's had tens
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and tens of millions of dollars, i believe president trump has a rally with him later this week. it'ses going to be interesting t see ifes that effect carries ina lot of states north carolina y and georgia and right. a story to follow to see what thiss party us. all right. bill hemmer at the big board.. bill hemmer at the big board.. whenba we come back , the greata one , mark levin and what'sll really expect expect fromy the supremere court might surprise you and much more straight ahead. if something happened to you, what would happen to them? their home, their education, their future? you need life insurance and chances are selectquote can help you get it for less than a dollar a day. selectquote found jacob 40 a 500000 policy for only $19 a month and select found his wife wendy a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only seventeen dollars a month. our secret that select quote we aggressively comparison shop to
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this at all. summertown you rest up for the finale. had the support of the governor raptors semifinal tomorrow on fox related started yesterday when you can watch it and get the latest news business news headlines on sirius xm anytime anywhere fox news out of you on sirius xm. america is listening. i do a have some breaking news has bill hemmer just mentioned author businessman j.d. vance who president trump endorsed is the projected winner of the ohio senate republican primary ahead of november's election to replace the retiring senator rob portman. here now isn. the author of american marxism, the number
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one best selling book of all of last year. also the host of life, liberty love in the number one show sunday night herebe on fox and his own radio show, nationally syndicated the greatd mark levin. all right. wee don't have a lot of time,op but i haveic really two topics i want you tomb weigh in on. number one , the supreme court issue number two, this ministry of truth t americas is talking about first of all, people said a lot of thing aboutm this supreme court issue. i'm listening to these t democrats a couple of things the democrats don't believe a woman is a woman, right? didn't they just nominate somebody and get somebody confirmedd who couldn't define what a woman is withoutt' a biologist? lo so it's clear if you follow their logic, which is very i difficults, a woman is only a a woman if she believes in abortion or gets an abortion. that is what you have to conclude from the democrat t party . chuck schumer screams at the top of his lungs, which is very ugly scene saying that this will not stand. this is the one that's
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what will not stand.l chuck, the constitution will not stand. then i hear some of the left wing women senators who are birthing s people so are abortig people senators i guess they get up and they say a thine like we're going to havere a patchwork system. i guess n are not familiar s with federalism, the 10th amendment and so forth. thendment and so forth. we have a patchwork system in our country for all kinds ofa things. then they say, well, a woman will have to travel to a state that allows abortion underio certain circumstances and so forth and so on . these aren the people who are bussing illegal aliens all over the country, every corner of the country, flying them, passing them, training them. it's no big deal . but apparently it's a huge but apparently it's a huge to have an abortion to go to the next door state or something liketh this .e the democrat party is insane. the democrat party is at war with our it's destroying them immediately. bernie erni sanders wants to destroy the senate and his sidekick when it comesehis sidekick
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to the filibuster rule. let mer. make something clear . this is not the united states of the democrat party . this is the unitedd st states oe america,s it. and we are the american people have a say in what goes on in our country. keep h your hands off our g constitution. they say they're worried aboutan our children. they're destroying our children's minds o, our elementary schools and middle schools. they say they care about woment . they're destroying women's's sports , title nine and so forth. they don't evenn'rt recognize womanhood. they say they care about citizens. they're destroying citizenship on the southern border and elsewhere. the democrat party is out to b undermine this country. they've been threateningat us court for years, threateningn its independence, threatening individual justices, haveed destroyed the confirmation process, destroyed people's names. we e don't have to take this from these people and women of america. you should rise up. chuck schumer just said s you represent 100 million women. he doesn't represent 100 million women that goofball.
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that goofball. as far as i'm concerned. and this whole thing seemsd contrived to me. contrived to me. organized it is?le they get their lekker. the guy puts out a first draft.i all of a sudden people arere showing up like they're coming right out of the woods. they show up. they got their contrived signsd ,they got their talking points. and one otherha thing that's very, very importantve, joe bidn said today schumer said today these legal analysts have said today this will destroy marriage. same-sex marriage. haveve they read the opinion? this is in the opinion unable to show concrete reliance on roe and casey themselves. the solicitor general, meaning t the lawyer for the government suggestsha that overruling thoss decisions would threaten the court's precedence holdingts at the due process clause c protects other rights.or f this is not correct for reasons we've already discussed as even the casey plurality recognize, abortion is a unique act because it terminates life for a potential life. abortion is uni inherently
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different from marital intimacy, marriage orrha procreation and they say we want to make abundantly clear we're not touching any other rights because they know about the demagogues in the media and so forth. what happened to ginsburg? d why don't they quote her in the 1992 new york university law review article roe halted a political process that was moving in a reform direction and thereby i believe prolonged divisiveness and deferred stable settlement dre of the is. here's what's going on . there is no federalon constitutional right toal abortion periodti. they amended the constitution without amending the constitution, period. and so now what are they trying to do now? gare trying to tell us that science is in science. the same people want to mandate masks and vaccines. is that ais baby in home? is that a viable baby in the at a very last minute? yes. it's not a salami sandwich.
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it's a viable baby in the . and we have states and governors that say you can abort that baby even we thh it's viable. it's not a choice. it's a human being sold to the democrat party . women aren't women. s babies aren't babies. this is insanity. now as for the truth as for this thing they want to set upir the ministry of truth. westen have a first they ought to abide by that. that's actually in the constitution. wetution. need ministry of truth against the government. it used to be called a free f press. we don't have a free press. there are utterlyoc and completely corrupt there in the back pocket of the democrat party inve this american marxist movement, we had a free pressmeme that wod be the ministry of truth.or but they're all corrupt forea the most part. that's it isn: supposed to say that's it isn: supposed to say haven't done part anyway. that's why we call you the great one . the great one . mark levin life liberty livin
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sunday night right here on fox.t don't miss it. newt gingrich's acts that if you haven't heard jd vance ishe the winner in the senate primary race in ohio. more details come on . okay, now this is my favorite product of the day. i use it all the time here we have the experience app. you can get your experian credit report fico score and boost it instantly. all for free. but wait, there's more it's free. >> get your credit report your fico score and raise instantly with experian boost all for free. download the free experience app. >> now disguises are so much fun unless they're in your kibeho chicken meal. that's ghiberti this processed into powder. it's time for fresh wholesomea ingredients with nothing to hide fresh. do you struggle to fall asleepay
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investing your best investment green light and the fox news alert. the ap is now projecting that jd vance has won the ohio gop primary senate race. joining us now with reaction, former speaker of the house newt gingrich. he was s in the single digits, mr. speaker, and then somebody by the name of donald trump endorsed him and here he is with a significant win tonight along i think 11 other candidates that look like endorsedr by trump that are going to win as well. what does that tell you? well, first of all, i want to watch the national media which has sethe us up as the big test
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to donald trump really have any stroke left or was he no longer capable of doing anything? t buthi i also think it's an important comment about j.d. vance. vance. republican party. j.d. vance's background, having writtennncnc a book about his childhood, having grown up intimately aware of appalachia of the ohio river valley, a blue collar workers of local small farmers, this is a guy who is going to bringng on the one hand a tremendous intellectual and artistic capability . a on the other hand , a real downhome grassroots populism. and he is going to, i think, be an enormous breath of fresh air in the congress. breat and i think combinedh n with people like herschel walker, you're going to see a very different y republican senate next year. but it's certainly from donald trump's standpoint, ant enormously big win, not just b great events as you point out. the 11 people he's endorsed have already won and the other two i think are still being counted to do
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that and they're going to win it looks like more as a statement. it looksct like trump will have a perfect night in ohio tonight . >> i am sure a. well, and if that happens, look, i think we have a lot of great candidates. i personally think ron descenders has a tremendous future as ans example foric somebody like rick scott, a number of governors or around the country. but the truth is if trump retains his hold on the base of the republican party that he currently has and particularly if he starts shifting towardsin describing a better future, i think that he will i consolidate and almost certainly end up as the nominee. tonight's a very big night in terms of 2020 four as well as in terms of 2020 two and it what you're saying.two and it the fact is inflation matterstt collapse at the border mattersem crime matters. highnd prices for gasoline and food matters in the middle of all this the corruption of
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the biden family matters. and you know i thinkve the democrats are going to discover that the january 6th committee doesn't matter to most americansan and they're going to discover that a hard line pro-abortion extremismsm doesn't appeal to d most a americans and in fact will a accelerate their loss of african-american and latino voters who are culturally conservative. so you're in thfr middle of a genuine revolution. ohio is one of the places reminding us that the real r world outside of washington and the new york times, the big networks in the real world, t that revolution is stillha that revolution is stillha mr.. speaker, stay with us. let's step in . this has advanced who has just i been declared the winner of the ohio republican senate primary endorsed by donald trump, winning by a prettymb significant margin based on our numbers. let's dip in and hearrt's him. >> and this team has been loyal to me through good times and bad when things were rough,
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when things were good. weca didn't have leaks in this campaign. we didn't have people stabbing each other in the back . wewe were a team and we will bea team all the way to november. >> i have absolutely got tonk think the forty fifth the president of the united states, donald j. trump. ladies and gentlemen, a one forgiveness example of what could be in this country. ladies and gentlemen, remember 20 19 when wages were going up and not down, remember twenty 19 w when workers were doing well in this country, not struggling terribly. thanks?than to the president for everything for endorsing me. and i got to say a lot out of the fake news media out there and there are some goodod ones in the back there. ees there's, some bad ones too. let's be honest. tht's be honest. >> but they wanted to write a story that this campaignld would be the death of donalda- trump's america first agendafi.
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ladies and gentlemen, it ain't the death of the america first agenda. he p >> it wasn't justd the president. of course we had a lot ofdo endorsements, especially some of our early endorsements.o i want to make sure i give some shout outs to penny nanceen ,a great advocateny for lifee and for people all across the country. let me go back to the speakerhe of the house, newt s gingrich, former speaker. you know, he said something there that i think is extremely relevant. i do believei the damage that has been caused in just a short period of time,fl everything from inflation to high gas prices to open borders, law and order safetys, and security, even running out of covert tests to afghanistan . it'siel been a disaster. i do believe that my feeling is the america first make america greatica- again. i
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now save america agenda is going to be what propels b republicans to victory both in twenty two and twenty four. it's a hope. it's a prayer becauseic the country needs to change directions quickly . look, i think that's right and i just talked as recently as yesterday with kevin mccarthy who is really leadingor a remarkable effort in the house to develop a very positive agenda very much likee the contract with america, the kind of thing you and i have talked about. the i sense it in the senate. senator mcconnell is muche more favorable now than he was earlier to having some kind of a contracthe and motion in the right direction. i personally believe when you look the disaster that big government socialism and woke liberalism has created, i thinke it's very likely that you're going to be somewhere between 25 and 70 seat gain t in the and at least i think at the least a forese gain in the senate. so there's an opportunity in january for republicans
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with people like jd vance and people like herschel walker, new people, new ideas, new approaches. there's a real opportunity that we could set a new pattern for america for biden every day to choose between the american people and his radical leftts and end up going into b twenty four as a party with biga ideas, big solutions, b offering a better american future. if o that happens, this will be the end of the roosevelt era after almost 100 years and you will see a really dramaticallyy different america by twenty twenty six . i'm very optimistic that this can happen. it's very. interesting because there's not a singlees success story that the i call him the, the climate alarmists religious cult or new greenmi deal socialistsst is not a singc success story.ce so they get this leaked opinions that's not even complete yet and they rush to judgmento although run on abortion even if you consider yourself proup
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choice, you don't support abortion up until the moment of birth. we have about a minute left, sir. well, that's right. i mean, if you look at the extremism of the radicalsbo who would literally allow abortion on the dayrt of the birth would allow the baby to be killed after it's born and basically infanticide, i think it's crazy. and remembernk c, this is a democratic party which is on the verge of replacing o mother's day with birthing persons day. my newsletter, gingrichrs 60 ths weekend is going to be on which which do you identify if you think out the birthing persons day, you ought tope be a democrt . if you think it ought toht be mother's day, you ought toe be a republican . it's that simple and that's why they're going to lose and i think lose maybe for two a generations because they'reor just nuts. well, i mean, look, if if kevin mccarthy if you're rightas and apparently the president was not angry at the tapes that were released and they haveel made amends, that'sm
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between them. i'm not getting in the middle of that . butat. they follow your lead that you laid out an agenda, positive agenda to save the country like you did in 94. it will be 90 for 2010 and maybe even bigger anyway. the speaker thanks for being with us. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left dvr never miss an episode. thank you for making this show possible. let your heart be trouble. the great show laura ingraham is next . have a great night. i'm laura ingraham.m this is ingraham angle from a hysterical washington tonight . thanks for joining us . we're going to have more on jadi vance's big ohio win a little bit later in the show and other races that went and other races that went but first the anti democrats. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle soffer.on the core draft opinion the pro-war frenzy outsidet the court last night was almost instantaneous. i guys like
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