tv Gutfeld FOX News May 4, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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attract with nude photos? they said hunter biden, how'd streaky, 39% that are joe biden's a administration dr. lisa carroll the terminator. all right, will the answer is aliens. they're trying to attract aliens in space. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> greg: happy wednesday everybody. so here's some fun news and by fun i mean awful. did you know that the cdc by location data taken from tens of millions of u.s. phones in order to check compliance with curfews, and try people going to
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and from places? and i just found out the hard way that the cdc called me and asked me why i was standing outside of judge jeanine's bedroom and frankly it ruin the mood. [laughs] so since were not allowed to spy on us the government gets companies to do it for them just like censorship. location data is info on your phone's location obviously which can also show you where a person lives and works or where they go out after work. which kat's case is here. ♪ ♪ >> greg: that's actually her book club. now maybe this is harmless they just want the data spread of disease, it's all in the name of health and course, just like function research. what did that turn out great. of course yesterday they once again advise americans to wear masks on planes, trains, and
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buses or zeppelins. they cite future viral trends for the recommendation, but they also cite the future, the problem is when you do that is never to undo something but you keep doing something forever. citing the future and all its risks means recommendations never ever really go away. and it's not like all that tracking ever helped anyone. [laughs] >> my purse, can you help me? >> yes on with the cdc knob and track new for a long time just making sure they are keeping up with our latest guideline. lovely bedroom by the way. >> kat: you put cameras in my house? >> your cameras were already in your house i just happen to access them and came to me why exactly what wearing a mask in the shower this morning? >> kat: oh, my god, everything was my purse okay? my wallet, my keys, my phone. >> your phone? i guess at the go after this
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guy, he's already in your shower. [laughs] [applause] >> greg: so it goes back to classism, the government and media no they don't have to follow the rules but everyone who waits on them will. the best vaccine passport? we see it everywhere the masks serving the unmask is like that sonny said we heard a few weeks ago. >> i don't want to get on a plane with super spreaders, i don't want to get on a plane with 214 other people that are to be breathing on me with their covert breath. i don't want it. i don't want to. i want them back. >> greg: they finally found someone who can make troy behar look intelligent. [laughs] being known as the dumb one on the view is like being kicked out of guns n' roses because he did too many drugs. think about it. [laughs] so the media worries more about you than they worry about themselves. because they think that they're better than you, the number of
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depressed a bit despite being fully vaccinated got covert at the white house correspondents' dinner. it could be covert or maybe it was james corden's terrible skit that made them so sick. we wish them all a speedy recovery so they can get back to doing what they do best, writing retractions. [laughs] you see how their own dire warnings that were meant to scare you didn't scare them from eating rubber chicken. by the way someone should be tracking rented tracks tuxedos. i'm reading lights on prom night and it wasn't for my date for once. not to mention the loose i found. but you they were packed tighter than lizzo in the wet suit. what are the stories have in common? honest hardworking people are told that you can't breathe the
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same air as us and if you want to free yourself from being forced to do something you have to be the person who does the forcing, that's government. that's how liars get jobs at the ministry of truth and it's all in the name of that magic single word, health. it's a trick. it's why the media tries to make gun rights a health issue by calling it gun violence. it's why they track you but not others. criminals can commit a violent crime and get released to commit another. no tracking. ankle monitors don't work because they are easier to get off the jeffrey toobin during a resume call. i'll never forget all of those will never get old. i know. it's an old joke but i can't stop. we also don't track them even when we left him out of jail due to health reasons. how come we don't put them back in jail for health reasons? might health prefers i not be pushed off the subway platform. track the people in those smash
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and grab robberies. how about the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens entering the country. we don't know where they went. when i go up sixth avenue i can easily count the homeless. they are all wearing cnn plus t-shirts. [applause] yeah. yeah. i hope cnn never goes away. so who is tracking back? the homeless. apparently no one or else they do something for them. the bottom line is the only people being tracked is so maybe i'll go back to wearing a mask just so they can recognize me. even better, i will steal them from walgreens. that's welcome tonight's guest. when she bangs her gavel, defendants unravels. cohost of "the five" judge jeanine pirro.
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people leave his shows so happy that at least they are not him. wow. that landed. actor, rider, comedian, jamie lissow. she's got the weight of oscar wilde in the arms of a 10-year-old child. fox news contributor kat timpf. and the jolly green giant asks him to get something down from a shelf. my massive sidekick, the n.w.a. world television champion and "new york times" selling author, tyrus. [cheers and applause] you are now in a very select group of professional wrestlers who are "new york times" best-selling authors.
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>> tyrus: also a select group of short, mouthy guys. >> greg: just a young punk. "fox news @ night" you are, you young punk. where is my cane so i can chase you down. george, you look great in this new studio. >> your studio is magnificent. >> greg: judge. is it legal to track us like this? are you bothered by an? >> absolutely i am bothered by it. it is like clapper. they would say, are you spying on americans? no. not wittingly. he was. he was spying on all of them through the nsa. this is not legal. what are you going to do? bring a class action against these companies? keep answering you and motioning you to death.
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it's horrible. they follow you to church, school, the pharmacy, they can do anything. this is a new age we are in and i'm mad about it. >> greg: you should be mad. that should be the title of your next book. mad, marvelous and leakers. jamie, welcome back to the show. you look fantastic as always. as a bitter divorce them, if you did with the cdc is doing, that would be called stocking, right? >> jamie: that's right. i don't mind this nearly as much as the judge. i'm kind of having fun with it. i read this article, whenever i was near my phone i would say hey, cdc, you suck. i feel like the cdc thinks i'm being super covert compliant but in actuality i'm just a guy with no friends who lives in alaska. >> greg: you are the original social distance are.
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>> jamie: when there is tracking, there is obviously like a convenience involved. have you ever been in that conundrum? one time i swear to god, me and my ex-wife were talking about buying a green couch. no kidding, comes up on my screen with a 20% off coupon and i go oh, my god. this is the coach we were talking about. my ex-wife was like that is so ridiculous. they are tracking us. i go, it's 20% off. we brought in a huge fight and i looked at my phone, 20% off coupon for a divorce lawyer. >> greg: [laughs] i hope she watches. i think about the people who can no longer get away with murder. so much surveillance, there should be fewer murders because we can't get away with murder anymore. have you thought about that? >> tyrus: i am uncomfortable
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with this because i sit next to you and if my phone is in my pocket, the stuff you say shows up on my phone. officer, no, that's not me. it was a little guy. no one is going to believe me. that's a real problem. be careful who you sit next to you. ask them what their beliefs are and how weird they are willing to go. asked to see their computer history on their phone before you sit next to somebody because that could be -- plus, if you're on a first date and she looks at her phone. 20% off leather whips and stuff. it's going to be very awkward. >> kat: depending on who she is. >> tyrus: depending on who she is or who you are. all of the prescott covid. he >> greg: some people did at the white house correspondent. >> tyrus: the left-leaning media suddenly got covid. so we have to go back to masks and of course we have to elect whoever is in in to keep the
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fight off. i am not into conspiracies but i don't know. you were there. how are you feeling? >> kat: i feel great. >> greg: you are at the white house correspondents' dinner. by the way, you should go you should wear a mask. we are not sanctimonious about it. we're not telling people they shouldn't do these things. but the people in that room are the people that are telling people to do those things. that was a nascar event. i guess they don't have racists inside auditoriums. >> tyrus: if it was nascar and enclosed stadium. it >> kat: an indoor nascar event. >> tyrus: don't knock it. >> greg: a race track closet. that's a call back. kat, i have a question for you. why isn't that a super-spreader? super-spreaders, if you know what i mean. >> kat: i guess. they were joking about it.
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trevor noah saying the super-spreader event. they get to joke about it because they are on the good side, it's that simple. anyone who's not on their side is automatically on the bad side. what they do is they go on and on and on about how much they care. how much you need to be vigilant. that that outweighs the fact that they don't do that, they don't have to do that. if you are rich, influential person, doesn't apply to you. it hasn't for a long time. >> greg: let's exit with a provocative question. i know people that are putting chips in their dogs. he >> kat: my dog has a chip. >> greg: is it wrong to put chips in criminals? >> judge jeanine: not at all. >> kat: that doesn't shock me. >> tyrus: it's so wrong. next it's going to be wives putting chips and their husbands. where do we draw the line? no. you made a left instead of a right to work today.
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what are you doing? >> judge jeanine: here's the problem. anything that requires that you go under the skin of an individual you need a court order to do it so that would require that my dogs, they could bring a class action to me. they'll have chips. i have three of them. >> jamie: may be for criminals, just invisible fence collars. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: good idea. >> greg: it's not under the skin. i love taunting dogs behind an invisible fence. it's the best. what are you going to do! what are you going to do! somebody should be in their houses turning off the invisible fence. >> tyrus: a kid want did that and i put it around his neck. >> judge jeanine: you did? that's not nice. >> greg: we've got to go. we will settle it in the break. up next forget throwing tomatoes. a dude drops chapelle like a sack of potatoes. you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance,
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so you only pay for what you need? oh, like how i customized this scarf? wow, first time? check out this backpack i made for marco. oh yeah? well, check out this tux. oh, nice. that'll go perfect with these. dude... those are so fire. [whines] only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ ubrelvy helps u fight migraine attacks. u do it all. one dose of ubrelvy, quickly stops migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine.
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ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. i'm gonna earn 3% on dining including takeout with chase freedom unlimited. that's a lot of cash back. are you gonna stop me? uh-oh... i'm almost there... too late! boom! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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>> greg: hey, everybody. is it now all the rage to attack comics on stage. an idiot emerge from security. a man tackled dave chappelle on stage. the stand up was part of the netflix festival but it looks like their security is a joke too. did you like that? it reminds me of the guy who rushed me on stage. that's why left chippendale's. dave asked the audience to make some noise for hip-hop history and then this happened. >> makes noise for hip-hop history. >> what happened? >> greg: what happened indeed.
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he tackled dave chappelle. he joked it was a trans man who tackled him. after the attack chris rock came on stage, hugged dave, and said was it will smith? as for the suspect instead of best actor award. the 23-year-old was wheeled out on a gurney with a swallow and in jacked up arm. check out his arm before the incident in this picture. that's him relaxing. take a look after. we paid for that from the hospital. i hope nobody gets fire. he is being held on 30 grand veil for felony assault with a deadly weapon because he had a gun on him. the word is jada pinkett smith bailed him out. i kid. we are learning more about isaiah. two years ago he put out a rap song called "dave chappelle." apparently chapelle was supposed to perform there in 2020 it was canceled because of the
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pandemic. dave wasn't the only stand-up comedian to have a problem on stage last night. >> that's when i told her i thought you were counting. you guys have been amazing. thank you. thank you so much. what a great crowd. please welcome the next, jamie lissow. >> greg: wow. jamie, i did not see that coming. i think that was incredibly unfair. to bad people don't care enough to attack you, jamie. they have to go to alaska to find you and that's an expensive plane ticket. you are safe. >> that's a good point. somebody asked me today, they were like i saw the chapelle thing. is anything like this ever happened to you before and i was like nothing like this has happened before. even the part before the attack with the ground was laughing.
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what a dummy. did you hear the details? this guy brought a knife disguised as a fake gun. there is no worse way to smuggle a weapon. that would be like if you had a 4-ounce tube of toothpaste and you were going to the airport you disguised it a fake bomb. >> judge jeanine: that's good. >> greg: are you worried as a comedian that this is one of these new trends or is it a one off? >> i'm only surprised about the security. chapelle usually does travel with legit security. i have a hat that i put on. it says security. i do my own. i don't worry about things like that. he is a massive star. thousands and thousands of people. when i perform, it is just me and my family. >> greg: the gentleman brought up the security issue.
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>> tyrus: hollywood bowl is difficult. could it's a big stage. bodyguards have to be off to the site. who you rely on is the security guys in the front wearing yellow jackets. the problem is if one or two of them start enjoying the show, turn your head, somebody runs by them, it happens in this case and then the bodyguard has to do it, the guy who fetches tennis balls. he's got to run and go get it. it happened in russia, a guy tried to run the stage on my side and the almost immediate. when i caught him i too made. something about breaking a guys arm, it stops all attacks. it is like a reset button. when i caught him, i snatched him up, and other bodyguard grabbed him we were arguing about who was going to be taking care of it. we were pulling back and forth.
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his arm went pop. i went over. i went you take him. in all seriousness, this is will smith's fault. this is what happens when the world sees the privilege. he went back, sat down, talked more trash, no consequences. the next thing i don't like it, he upset me, the good news is for that's for the people, we talked about the exterior, in the interior there is bodyguards. he got the worst beating of his life, that's what happens when you attack people. there are real-life consequences. that might stop somebody, think twice before they run. >> greg: kat, you go to these rock concerts that young people go to. they usually have people standing at the front looking straight ahead. is that we are headed to. whether comedies going to turn
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into a rock concert? that is my impression of a serious news person. >> kat: you did great. fox news sunday is all yours. i don't know. this guy was more of a lgbtq ally. if you think of words as violence. people really say that. if they really believe it then you have to believe that that was true. as ridiculous as that is because chapelle has jokes about trans people. why wouldn't it be acceptable to russian with a knife that really was violence the way these exact people say it is. >> greg: it could engender a threat. i said ginger. >> kat: we have to admit nobody actually believes that. nobody she believes that words are violence. if anybody actually did, they'd be coming out in favor of this guy today. they would see what a hero. you get a float in the parade. >> greg: i love floats, judge. that is nothing to do with this
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topic. what could this guy be charged with? will he go away for a long time? >> judge jeanine: the hollywood bowl, i assume it's in los angeles. >> greg: could be hollywood, florida. the d.a. is george gascon. he is a loser. he will let a murderer out. by the way, you know what i love about this story, i love the fact that it wasn't just a security that rushed on stage, it was the fans. people are sick and tired of the people on the left or anybody thinking that mob violence is the way to resolve things. they go in and they stop at themselves. that what's going on. people are going to take along to their own hands. they are sick of what's going on. we should go to -- should go to jail but they have the wrong d.a. probably out on bail right now. his elbow didn't go in the wrong direction which was probably a
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good thing. >> greg: the fact that that guy -- the guy could have killed chapelle. he should be really upset. >> judge jeanine: here's the difference. you've got to file charges. if you don't file they get away with it. >> jamie: the judge is right. he came from the left. >> greg: nicely done. you are funny. up next, are aliens to snooty to enjoy picks of your booty. can at and not know it. if you have chronic kidney disease your kidney health could depend on what you do today. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga is a pill that works in the kidneys
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can we attract people like spock with our massive... accomplishments. any descendant binary coded message into the space to any alien simulations that could be out there. why can't it be nonbinary? space bigots. that sounds like fun. included in that message and stuff like the chemical makeup of humans and basic concepts in case alien math classes were corrupted by critical race theory. that is a topic for "fox & friends." it also includes nudes. drawing some of the naked man and a naked woman waving. scientists saying they are trying to give aliens an idea of
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where we are from, when our planet is like and that we are bdf. i don't know what that stands for. it is the closest that astronomers have come to asking someone out. that was funny. maybe they are searching for alien life. it's a black hole booty call. honestly if you want to attract them to come over to our planet we should just send these photos. my right? we aliens would be here by memorial day. for if we want aliens to stay away, why not this? yeah. by the way, speaking of hideous things, and this is hideous. check out this new shirt i got. look at this. amazing shirt. that i got. i think this is going to be my nightshirt. great for pillow fights.
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watch the news. >> tyrus: i can't unsee it. i know. can you tell us the likelihood this plan will work and attract aliens? >> kat: zero. we already tried to send them messages. they are not answering. so we are going to blast them with nudes? they are going to think we are so toxic. they are not going to want to get involved. if someone is not talking to you, you can't just send them naked pictures. >> greg: i will tell you if you're not asking for permission to send these pictures, it is not a me too movement. it's a e2 movement. >> tyrus: oh, my god.
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i'm going to phone home. >> greg: judge, could this be a potential crime? indecent exposure directed at alien life-forms? they aren't asking to see our junk. >> judge jeanine: i don't know about indigent exposure but there is a certain shock value. the intentional infliction of emotional distress. it would be enough to bring it into gordon probably win. those are scary looking dudes and if it hasn't worked for 50 years, verily they are connecting this to the intent of spacecraft. >> greg: i have a little american flag on mine because i'm a patriot. i am not like pete hegseth. i really am a patriot. tyrus, what would you send a space? >> tyrus: "go back" sign. you get some young alien. he is fresh in his first trip the first thing he sees is a bunch of naked people. you think it's going to be
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awesome. he's going to fly down there and take his clothes off because he wants to blend in. you have a green naked guy looking for a good time. and then the first thing he sees is not like the picture. now he is standing there naked in front of a woman, a human being. next thing you know, he is in space h.r.. [laughter] that's good. >> greg: space h.r.. anytime you put space in front of anything it makes it better except for h.r.. it gets worse. >> tyrus: a galaxy you want to be far, far away. >> greg: jamie, what if they see are pictures of menu items. look at that tasty piece of flesh. >> jamie: so many confusing things. i feel like it's possible that there was a board dude at nasa
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drawing a picture of a naked woman and his boss was like what are you doing. space messages. that's what you will tell my wife if she asks what i was doing. what if they were about to come visit us. we are canceling the thing. they all have their penises out. it >> greg: [laughs] it would be great if the aliens were so smart. why are you sending us this? that is so billion years ago. >> why would we go to a place. they don't have good printers. the most rudimentary printout. he >> greg: we can't make a good printer. coming up, was a man's proposal well played at these to where big macs are made? i felt all people saw were my uncontrolled movements.
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would go but the only shake he got was her head saying no. he said his love was real but left without even a happy meal. a man propose had a packed mcdonald's in a south african shopping mall and much to everyone's surprise, the lady wasn't into it. his proposal was a lot like the ice cream machine. didn't work. it never works. she had some words with the would-be groom, still clutching the ring and turned to the cashier wondering what must have gone wrong in her life to be proposed to edit busy mcdonald's during lunch hour. to get shot down that fast you have to use the drive through. she walked past the man she could've spent the rest of her life with orly shared her fries with. now both will think of the failed proposal every time they see a mcdonald's. instead of hamburgers that taste like goo. my advice, try burger king. at least there you can put an onion ring on it.
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sad story. you know what, this guy elevated the potential for humiliation by doing it in the most crowded place on earth. mcdonald's is launched. it's like he's a masochist. >> tyrus: you've got to stop sending mixed signals. be spontaneous, surprised me. be different. who would not be surprised if you asked to get married at mcdonald's. i can't believe you did that. surprised. you should be commended. the thing is she found out what he was really about. you go back to the tape. you clearly see that she has a shopping cart full of mcdonald's. she bought out the whole store. he was like, there's the shopping cart. it's full of happy meals, cheeseburgers. he's thinking momma has got bank. maybe one or two happy meals but she bought all of them. and she had a child on the other side of it.
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she loved everybody. i don't think she knew him. she was just standing there. see how much food she's buying. i need to be with you. >> kat: i was thinking this because it would be a good scam. if you want a bunch of free mcdonald's and you put it in the cart and you propose and no one is going to be worried if you paid or not. it's the worst moment of your life. >> tyrus: when is the last time you saw someone walk with a shopping cart and mcdonald's? >> greg: stocking up for the whole week. tyrus makes a good point. it was an original place to propose, right? with that have stirred you emotionally? >> kat: the main problem is if you're at a mcdonald's, you look ugly. i'm serious. you don't go to a mcdonald's, you don't get ready and go to mcdonald's. you are hung over. you had a bad day. that's where -- you don't go
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because you're hungry. you're looking for dopamine because something horrible just happen. >> greg: then after you eat it and the dopamine goes away, you feel so bad. you feel so bad. >> judge jeanine: i am the only one who feels bad for the guy. i really do. he has got a ring. what does he know? >> kat: we don't know what he did. >> judge jeanine: we don't know what she did. >> greg: we didn't see the ring. >> judge jeanine: there is the box. >> greg: how many carats? >> tyrus: also went home hungry. >> judge jeanine: she probably kicked him out for that. >> greg: jamie, do you have any advice for heartbreak? [laughter] >> jamie: it gets better, i hope. kat just blew my mind. i always thought a place like
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mcdonald's. i am in 8. all of garden i am a 6. fancy restaurant, no game at all. >> greg: you are just reading the specials. >> jamie: i hate wedding rings. i don't like the whole deal. you spend that money honoring. i hate the whole thing. you're supposed to wear their ring every time. there is no excuse not to wear the ring. it's annoying. you're at the gym and you are trying to bang some chick. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: that's horrible. >> greg: you got a "horrible" from the judge. i think the worst thing is imagine if you were standing behind him, right? when i'm in line for a fast food i don't think i can be any more inpatient than that. >> kat: only then.
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>> greg: i am even worse. >> tyrus: it is supposed to be for heartbreak. it does have a lot to do with a marriage because that's where you do the kid exchange in the parking lot. oh, you haven't seen it? you don't see the dad waiting on the mom pulls up with a better car and the kids get out and there's no i contact and the dad tries to make a joke and she drives off. you can set a watch to it, and he mcdonald's anywhere. heartbroken dad, and kids going, do you even have cable yet? >> greg: you know what, we learned so much here. "new york times" best seller. >> tyrus: in a mcdonald's kids picker opera. >> greg: in honor of that i am wearing this to bed, tyrus. it won't be the first time i have kilmeade on my chest.
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out-of-state corporations wrote discover is accepted at 99% of an online sportss. betting plan they call "solutions for the homeless". really? the corporations take 90 percent of the profits. and using loopholes they wrote, they'd take even more. the corporations' own promotional costs, like free bets, taken from the homeless funds. and they'd get a refund on their $100 million license fee, taken from homeless funds, too. these guys didn't write a plan for the homeless. they wrote it for themselves.
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out-of-state corporations wrote an online sports betting plan they call "solutions for the homeless". really? the corporations take 90 percent of the profits. and using loopholes they wrote, they'd take even more. the corporations' own promotional costs, like free bets, taken from the homeless funds. and they'd get a refund on their $100 million license fee, taken from homeless funds, too. these guys didn't write a plan for the homeless. they wrote it for themselves. >> greg: we are short on time. here is a story in five words.
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square faces versus oval faces. so judge, they claimed that people with square faces are seen as more aggressive than those with oval faces. an aggressive square face might be somebody like kilmeade. an oval faces more like me. we are both very appealing, wonderful, caring, giving people. >> judge jeanine: some times you like square faces because you need people to be out there and aggressive. i like to connect with square faces. >> greg: if you were hiring, what kind of jobs? bodyguard. >> judge jeanine: absolutely. >> tyrus: you are making me really mad right now. >> greg: without the beard. >> tyrus: i have a square phase, gutfeld. i asked the entire office without telling which was bad and they said you have a square face. that's the aggressive one you have to worry about. i have a square phase. what? so my face is a square.
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>> greg: you know who else? lego people. they are not aggressive. >> tyrus: that's not helping. >> greg: the little lego man. you step on it it hurts. >> judge jeanine: back to the show. >> greg: where am i. janie, you have an oval. >> judge jeanine: it is a square trying to be oval. [laughter] >> greg: terrible. >> judge jeanine: judge turned the shape of my face into an insult. i would say this has got to be the least effective way to find out if someone is aggressive. it's a slow technique. guy is coming at me with a knife. it's okay. round face.
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saying there's faster ways to figure it out. >> greg: if i remember correctly from two segments ago, i think the attacker had a round face, right? >> tyrus: met with someone with a square face. >> greg: square face always beats round face. kat, what is your face like? >> kat: i don't know what i look in the mirror a lot. >> greg: you do. >> kat: in a good way. sometimes in a "come on. get it together. you're better than this." >> greg: the mirror in the bathroom at mcdonald's. >> kat: i have cried at mcdonald's. i had a friend a while back about a really square phase. she wasn't really aggressive so much. it really into softball. >> greg: i don't get it. >> kat: i don't either.
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>> kat: people with square faces into intramural sports. >> greg: often also postal workers. correct? >> tyrus: all right, i'm going to mess around and go postal on you. keep it up. >> greg: doesn't inner beauty matter more, george? >> kat: no. >> tyrus: you guys only say that when we are losing the argument. >> greg: men with larger face ratio correlated with larger biceps. >> i have lived that. >> jamie: we would train. >> greg: on that note. i love it when he spots me. >> tyrus: it's hard to find him because he's always banging chicks. >> judge jeanine: do you have your wedding ring on?
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>> tyrus: he is divorced, george. >> greg: don't go away. we'll be right back. blurry near vision. wait, what? it sounded like you just said an eye drop that may help you see up close. i did. it's an innovative way to... so, wait. i don't always have to wear reading glasses? yeah! vuity™ helps you see up close. so, i can see up close with just my eyes? uh-huh. with one drop in each eye, once daily. in focus? yep. [laughs] like, really? really. vuity™ is a prescription eye drop to help you see up close. ow! wait, what? wait. wait? wait, what? see for yourself. use vuity™ with caution in night driving and hazardous activities in poor light. also, if your vision is not clear, do not drive or use machinery. contact your doctor immediately if you have sudden vision loss. most common side-effects are headache and eye redness. ♪ ♪
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9:00 pm
>> we are out of time. thanks to judge jeanine pirro. greg gutfeld and i love you, america. [applause] >> hello, welcome to "fox news at night," i'm shannon bream in washington. breaking tonight, security -- right now all around the u.s. supreme court amid concerns about protesters and demonstrators following the leaked draft opinion that justices could be ready to possibly overturn roe v. wade, the latest into the leak, breaking news and where things
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