tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News May 4, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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you doo it all so you bring you round it completely stop migraine eustress within two hours withoutis you it's too lae for where you are. oh you're bellview directive i believe to be a part of my brain not just a strong foreign fightersk coming back to the environment. my ramtane really starts with you learn at the 10% asked about relatives any time anywhere. my grandmother walking with zuckerkandl tonight . top it's hardic to think of a topic in american life. it's more than devices abortion abortions in the news today obviously. but mostt the news t americans,r where they stand on it or how passionately they feel about it, ro don't really wanta talk about it because it's just too painful. so with that in mind, for once tonight we're going to open this show with an issue that unites all of us and it's democracy. everybody in america is for ev
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democracy. democracy is the basis of our political system. both parties support democracy s strongly. they often say so.ay c and of course the alternative to democracy is bad. it's tyranny and nobody's for that . so it's heartening to learn that preserving democracy is the main idea really the only idea behind justice samueld alito's draft opinion on the roe v. wade decision? virtually everyone the country has heard about alito'srd 98 pae opinion since it was leaked t on monday night to politico. and yethe at the same time, for all the talking about it, almost nobody seems to have anyh idea what in it. r nobody'sea actually read it. persons on television keep describing sam alito as a hater. somebody just hates women hates and hates rights. a sadist whose only pleasure is extinguishing human freedom and happiness, both of which of course are predicated on abortion. that's what they're saying about alitowhen. now we're not familiar with sam alito source. we can't confirm or deny hua this either way. but we can tell you having actually read his opinion that there is no hint of any ofc this in what he has written. in fact,ve there's not even an
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attack on abortion. he could be pro-choice for allno we know, samuel alito merely argues that americanss have the right to vote on how abortion is regulated. and for nearly 50 years, roe versus wade has prevented voters from doing that . it has taken that right from them. that'sm that's the sum total of the supposedly controversial opinion by samuel alito. and if you don't believe it here so that opinion concludes quote. the constitution does nob prohibit the citizens of each state from regulating or prohibiting abortion. roe and the casey decision abrogate that authority. we now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives, end quote. now, as a factual matter, not that fact seem to matter too much. but if you cared about him, you couldn't really argue with that claim because the constitution does not in fact prohibites american voters from banning abortion or for that matter does not prohibit american voters legalizing abortionbe because the u.s. constitution doesn't mention abortioncaca or
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allude to it in any way. and anyone who claims that it i doest, as the roe decision claims, is lying to you. read a document for yourself. it's online. so whyhy exactly is everybody so mad at samuel alito? it's strange because what alito is proposing here is the very definition of democracy. we'vee got a bitter disagreemens in this case over abortion. both sides have a case to make. they can take that case tohe the public. in the end, the public gets to decide who's right. vivo voting on it. that's called self-government. since when is that scary? well, since one side decided that self-government is too risky and hadd to be eliminated . now,w,it they couldn't say thist loud, of course, because as we told you, the alternative to democracy is tyranny and no one can be for tyranny. instead they played yet another word game because that's always how it starts.t the inverted the definition of th they inverted the definition ofe the word democracy to mean exactly the opposite of
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what democracy has meant for thousands of years since athensn in washington. at this point the word democracy now means w a we're in charge of everything. shut up. that's almost exactly how they're defining democracy. deis morning's washington postt carried this headline which as usual doesn't seem real yet. israel quote in draft abortion a ruling, democrats see a court at odds with democracy because letting people vote on things is now, quote, at odds with democracy. it's hard to believe anybody could say this with a straight face, but joe biden can say anything with a straight face. just today, bidenjust today decd that people who insist on voting for things are not only wrongnly, they're the singe greatest threat facing the united states. people who still believe in yesterday's understanding of democracy, wherers they have power are more dangerous, joe biden said, than al-qaidat weather underground, even the th party . these people arear terrorists and you know what we do to terrorists what this is about i
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a lot more than abortion.f what happens if you have changed the law saying that children who are lgbtq can't be in classrooms with othertq children? is that is that legitimate under the way the decision is written? what are the next writt things that are going to be attacked?? because this maga hat crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existedn td in american histort souc everything about that is a lie. hard to believe that the united states of course it's not a decision. it's an opinion. and that opinion saysay explicitly this reasoningsy applies only to roe vs. wade and abortion and it should notay be construed as applying to anything else. itst saysou that flat out if yu read it, you would know that he didn't clearly see what he saido is a lie. but here'srgti the lineng that u should never forget and we're quoting this magic, which is to say the tens of w millions peope who voted for donald trump is really we're quoting the most extreme political organization
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that has existed in historyte, in history, all human history, h which is to say worse and hitler worse than stalin, worse than o bit's hard to believe he's talking about tens of millions of american citizens. but he is and you should know that no american president ever has talked about his own people like this or even consideredou talkingt about his own people like this . it is shocking that any president would and he just did. and it's easym to see where it goes from here. what do you do to terrorists? well, you know what you do? you kill them. it doesn't matter if they're american citizens. barackitizens. obama told us that youie drone them. you they're terrorists. terrorists must die. so you should pay closelo attention to what any president says from the podiumset , particularly as joe biden and everything he says he reads because he has no choice. what are we seeing?en we're seeing a coordinated effort by the joe biden b administration to re characterize political dissent as terrorismze. disagree with us rocketeer hitler. so to get people to t acceptgu this , they're not usingme rational arguments because there is no rational argument.
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this is the definition of tyranny. but racing democracyemcy, , repg it with autocracy and force so instead of convincing people they're using what they always use, which is fear and hate whipping people into a frenzy. there's kamala harris, those republican leaders who are trying to weaponizes the use ofe the law against women. butwi we say how dare they ? how dare. they tell a woman what she can do and cannot doow with her own body? [laughs] how dare they how she squeaks. oh , dare they tell a woman s what she can do with her own body or to that where this kamala harris a year ago when thousands of u.s. women were fired fromm their jobs and banished from society submit they refused to to the other kamala harrisha claim that she controlled their bodies, not that they had no bodily autonomy. a e they had to take an experimental medicine that hurt a lot ofxperimentre m that's true . and by the way, since when did
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kamala harris believe in thisal thing? we're calling womenpl whatever happened to birthing people? they disappeared in a day alonga with our concerns forin ukrainin civilian population. it turns outut that women can nw get pregnant once. yes, just women.sp and ifho that sounds like transphobia to you, well, yeah, the old kamala harris told us againa and again that is transphobia. she's an ally of the trans community. but here be she is denying the lived experience of trans and non binary folks. for the record, that's folo x to say nothing of latin takes what nyu law school they noticed they pay attention to semantics. they're going to be lawyers tention to sem. ma they're calling out this kamala harris for her transparent transphobiaali like literallyhe one student leaders announced to the entire student body that justice alito's opinion was racist. of course it was racistacist tho that's saying that's implied. but then added this important
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observation. we're quoting not just women get abortions exclamation point, which means we really mean it acknowledgedth the experience of trans men, nonbinary people, other folks who have abortions. yeah. take back kamala harris. do you even hear yourself bigote lately? it seemsly like a lot of her anointed experts don'ts actually hear themselves. we're a little short on self-awareness and iq points. and here's the greatest example of the week. ws from this is from pbs host. in other words, a journalist jo yamaichiu help alcindor. we're just goingyo to read it and let you enjoy it. quote, i'm in mississippime outside the jackson women's health organization, the abortion clinic at the center of the skoda's case. so she's on the scene recording again what conservatives are celebrating the possible end of roe v.. wade. some women here tell me they feel gutted, devastated like someone has died. so the lezley abortion clinic feel like someone has diedomeo. it's like the battle on me. but no, it's pbs and they don't
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even know they're saying it. ws that's what these people are like and no one's more like that than elizabeth warren. re elizabeth warren barely has control of herself on the best day, buthe on a day when people are talking about abortion, she loses control completely hereos yes, i am angry, angry and angry and upset and determined not congress >> i'vford to support a plan. they just need to doe it. i've never seen you so angry. you seem to think that's what some republicans have beeni working toward this say for decades. they have been out there plotting carefully cultivating these supreme c court justices o they could have a majorityy on the bench in three months. we've learned not go and we're ignorant, she says. her voice breaking i'm so angry, so deeply sympathetic to
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what we're going to have a bad of course shean is angry is what she is. elizabeth warren is angry full time. she's angry and bothered by it and in that way she is the perfect standard bearer for her party, the party of weak men and unhappy women, the party of joe biden and common errors. ? >> the hallmark irrational and enraged and also, by the p way, dangerous because irrational enraged people areeo. by definition dangerous. now the twitter account lives of tick-tocker. ne they've been trying to pull off the internet because they show you what's actually happening out there. just posted this video of abortion enthusiasts calling for violence in the wake of w the draft opinion. i >> watch this . if they actually do this . yeah, that would be the time where rioting would be okay. i got the pitchforks. you get the gas and the torches. there's only one solution to this to all of this because of
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all interconnected starts, the ends the end. >> it's not vote. do you ever wake up in the morning and think youll just wat to burn it all to the ground and what i mean by burning itt all to the ground is those old white men and the women who support him who want to tell me what to do with my body if roe versus wade gets overturned, there will be moretr mayhem in the wigman happy that's the party right there. and also, by the way, people commit violence, but when they commit violence, it's not insurrection is a threatre to or democracy. it's taken to the streets and expressing yourself even if and rush intos state legislatures and the capitol building, not insurrection because the new rules are c if you agree with te regime, you can do whatever you want. and if you don't go to jail and everyone knows this and that's what people agree with . the regime were out last night c causing mayhem and violence on the streets of los. they were so upset that voters
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in other states, stateshexe they don't live in might haverc the right to exercise democracy and vote on abortion, that they attacked the police . so what are we watching here? we'reuc watching government by tantrum. it's what we've had for quitehev some time. you've got to give these childrene t what they want or they scream and kick and fight.r they go crazy. they're so angry. is elizabeth underuse. but n it's not just people burning things in the streets of l.a. who think this is u the attitude up and downp the food chain from the people who torched wendy's and go and loot the apple store to the students. yale law school i think sent more supreme court justices to the bench than any other
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school. a placeceya peoplele that very seriously now it's hard to students there deface school property chalk to protest alito's draft opinion. it's f fascism, the studentss people in thew states to vote on something that affects them, such as to vote people to on something right. so you know how this works. they don't want to have and argumentwa. they want you to shut up. this isn't a colloquy. it's a soliloquy. it's just them talking. no dissent, loudtalk. you're talking is i disinformation and if you persist in talking, they'll laughter you dave chappelle is a comedian, probably kind of liberal knows what dave chappelle thinks about politics, but he has saiddar some things that are unauthorized and as a result of that , he's under heavy round the clockar security.ho sow he was doing a show last night in los angeles, hollywood hills, just talking about stuff when someone decidedeb to assaut him with a replica firearm. to be this candace owens.
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so what dole we learn from that? dave chappelle, who if anything, is probably kind of liberal. he's hardly the biggest threat t the regime faces. he's just a guy who wantse to tell jokes and tell the truth and someone physically knocked him down. we'll try to convince dave to chappelle he's wrong to hurt him so he shuts up. that's how they are getting their way and they stickol their foot soldiers on you.di that's democracy. d so adam carollaem isocracy a co he'll be up on stage this weekend in indianapolis hope we've got security. he joins us tonight. i'm carl. thanks so much for coming on . so if you you can it's pretty easy to take the core question a here is what should we do about it? but this decision basicallymo says, hey guys, gocr vote on it because it's a democracy. why don't you decideou? and thee response from a lot off people on the left is shut up, i'm going to hurt you. this what do you make of this ? well, >> well, it's been pretty effective.
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i mean, ifeffe you look at the t couple of years, you look at blamoo, you look at all the riots, they've essentially got their way. i mean, they'd be kind of foolish not to t go back of that playbook. i mean, look at covid look atho anyone who disagreed with anything they said any doctor that disagreed s with anything they said, anyone who tweeted something that was different from their normativewn views, they were thrown off so we have let their tactics be effective. i mean, i talk to comedians every day and they're like e i think about the jokes beforeav i say them. the audience i worry about it's been effective. so about it's they're going to g with it as long as we let them keep going with it and it keeps being effective, we'll sure. i mean, if you let your kidsp spray paint your living room, they probably keep doing it. why didn't someone som think of that when we allowed a small group of angry people to
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torture our cities? i don't know. i mean, you know,w, if you realy think about a standup club like a comedy club, it is the town square. you know, we always sort of talk aboutt the digital town square that is twitter, butr, a stand up club is a town square. a person gets up on a three foot riser, amplifies their voice and shares their opinions. and we somehow decided the town square was an antiquated idea f or ifor whoever hadho the microphone said somethingne i disagreed with . i mean i now do showspl and people in the audiencee are disagreeing out loud. they're giving their opinion out loud that never existedd int in the past.he you were the audience. i wasou the comedian. you and sat and listened.d.set y you've got a two drink minimum. i said my jokes there. people are emboldened now l and it's likeik the same thing that's happening on comedic stages is really happeningngfl on commercial airline flights
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like people are now somehowut feeling like they can physically put their hands on other he people they disagree with . and that is not that is what we want to stop. and you think the democracy defenders would be opposed to it? of course they're for itit. weird. adam carolla, appreciate you coming on . thank you so much. party primaries don't change too much. m the party in dc decides who'suc going to get the slot. get it? we have a general election but occasionally someone runs who nobody in washington wants to get the job w and gets itht anyway. and that happened last night . the state off ohio jd vance came from behind to win the republican senate primary. we can't can overstate how alons he was. e. democrats, of course, were against him. but all the money people in washington in the republican party were against him too. messagewon anywayoo. as he explained last night, he had a message that people actually liked. here's how we t summarized it. we are going to do battle against an establishment left
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that thinks that people's jobs, that think that people's valueso ,that think that people's basic livelihoods and sense off dignity, their own country is not something worth protecting. that is the battle a we're about to fight. geddy vance joins us tonight. katie, congratulations. congrat. it's been 24 hours since i know it's been twenty four hours since you won, but two w weeks ago i don't think anyone t thought you had a good shot at winning.oying it i hope you're enjoying it. why do you thinkyo you what do you think you won? what about your messagee resonated weathertech obviouslyt i had the support of president a trump and that helped a great deal . i think more importantly,gn i actually aligned with, with the america first movement on the core issues.ue right.s if you think. of the republican establishment as a group of people who've gotten very rich from shipping american jobs overseas and sending their sons and daughters to die in stupid t wars, we were pushing in the exact opposite direction. and of course the money people didn't like that , but some very important people did, namely the voters of ohiof who sent us to dode battle against the democrats in november. g
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what's so i interesting is that the rap against you was that you were a fraud. you know, jd vance was a skeptical of trump. now he's all in onll trump'sbu agendat . but if you were a fraud, impressild have sent you money. on wmy impression was they hatee you because they suspected you were sincere. they could smell seyincerity thu and that was the threat. right yeah, i think that's exactly right, tucker . i mean, look, if you think some of my biggest enemies in this primary you know the slime ball karl rove who shipped a lot of american jobs overseas, got rich in the process and also sent a lot ofve americans to die in stupid conflicts. you karl rove spent a lot of money.y. he wrote a lot of op eds criticize my candidacy. s he was even calling my donors after trump endorsed me, encouraging them to dropp my campaign. a ways lotw, a lot off what is revealed is that you do have some very corrupt p political consultantsol in the republican party who despise their own voters. it wasas crazy, tucker . the pri i mean, a couple ofma days befoe the primary after i think it already kind of locked it up. we were way ahead in the polls.
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a republican donor group, two million dollars on tv to attack me, which really didn't hurt my candidacy against the other republicans. it actually just hurtt ic me against the democrats. so actually the candidacy of my candidacy revealed an incredible amount of corruption in our ownin party . and i think that's one of the things that i do have too fight against. you know, tim ryan t are runnind against is a is a total fraud. but we t alsoo have to fight against the corruption in our own party . yeah, honesty is is the essence ,i think of what people want and i really am grateful that you won and glad you camece on such advanced congratulations t. thanks. so there a lot of problemsbu in the state of oregon, been portland recently. but democrats have a handle on the core problem and it's menstrual equity and to fixs menstrual equity, they're putting tampons in boys' bathrooms. he okay, it's just totally normal, said borgerson. we've gototth more on that minu. plus, the former ownerer of the computer repair shop that received everybody's laptop
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laptops joins us next to explain how he's fightingo e back against those who accused him of spreading disinformation . seems like a dream now, but it's totally maga hat only one sorting through two centuries of fact fiction. remember the man who helped shape the nation we became the mindset of the british was when the ruling. he's got to show what we're really made up. americans don't retreat. they were determined to fight somebody your high school band or weapons just marching down there to go into a fight you got to focus the threat before you be down there. what does he mean by their sacrifice is extraordinary.
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women are back . that's nice. they were gone for the firstmi part of the bush administration replaced by something called birthing people. e it'sof no more of a mouthful. so slightly less romantic or very beautiful breathing person. anyway, women are back absolutelyk they're back . and we w have roe v wade to thank for that . only women get to weigh in on abortion but still raises the question what is a woman? ha and int oregon that is a centrl question and they still oregon't figure it out. oregon schools are now s mandating tampons in the boys bathroom. this is called menstrual equity and you're getting it whether you want it or not. rjason rantz covers the pacific northwest and it's unraveling for us .ea he's a radio show host in seattle. he joins us now to confirmt this is a real story is jason . it is a real story. democrat governor kate brown signed something called the menstrual dignity act which as you point out, forces elementary through high schools to put free tamponstr in menstrual pads in every single bathroom, including the boys bathrooms and to
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ensurere that schools actually comply with the law. the oregon department of education released this tool kit for educators declaring that there's now a quote right to mental dignity for transgender, intersex, nonbinary and to spirit students. now this toolkit offerser some gender affirming language recommendations to discuss the quote, people who populate instead of saying girls you're supposed to say menstruating students and beyond these freepp tampons, the schools are supposed to providero gender affirming, medically accurate instructions on how to useico the products, which m obviously you can't be medically accurate if you're pretendinged boys need tampons. this might actually explain why there's only a 30 percent science proficiency rate for oregon students. according to last year's data g to. and this is not unique to oregon. california passed a law and illinois as well. in fact, just check if out this moment from debate wherehe a republican is trying to figure out why they'rey' doing this male's ministry.
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centreville. ded people this bill is intended for people who . senator tracy. okay okay, still not, making the connection of why why we put him in both restrooms. so just for the record, boyse won't be using the tampons for and because and that's where they have to say this in 2020 two boys don't mention it. so really super , super quick. is kapone real or is she like computer generated just to like trigger the rest ofe us ? i mean she's a real person. i have not done it brown deep. yeah a i've done a deep dove investigation into that . i suspect it mightig be a hybrid of both. she's clearly programed with some crazy things. it is just spirit i don't knowyo which just inconsistent with get there.. so back inin aprilba of 2019 a n dropped off at apparently water damage macbook pro to delaware
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computer repair shop outsidede wilmington. a year later the new york post reported on the contents of that laptop. but of courseth you know the ret of the story big tech censored e itnt because we are on the eve f a presidential election will hurt their candidate campaign. ctmpaifundthey are funding joe n and so they denounced it, including former heads of the intel agencies as russian disinformation. watch disinformation that he knows to be fabricated and supply by a foreignar intelligence service. and despite the warning,nini he's still doing it. you have said this entire thing is so obviously a russian plot. it's sort of a crazy quilt at this point which has all the hallmarks of russian disinformation. and that said, it wasn't for lack of trying to basically functioning as a russian assety by pushing russian disinformation, cnn reported on friday the u.s. authorities are saying if those emailseen t talked about are connected too an ongoing russian disinformation effort, prediction, the russia hysteria
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will not age well, we can look at this tape in about ten years and think what country was that ? and it's kind of starting to happen already. they're now admitting everyone to the laptop was not russian disinformation. it's real. it was biden's.. the problem is that they smeared the repair shop owner with nothing to do with any ofoo this as a tool of putin. nowl that man is taking actions. name is john paul mckissic. he's the former owner of the mac shop computer repair store and he joins us tonight to explainex. thanks so much for coming with us. appreciate it. itso they called you a tool ofp putin. weutou know how that feels. what you doing about it? well, i'm taking on the court of the, the the collusion that took place on in mid october of 2020 just astonisheds me when it happened and yes. you know, i just i couldn't believe it. it was just a unilateral decision to call this russianat disinformation without evenwh deciding if there was going to be any collateral damage which there was and you were that i
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mean i think the country was hurt. biden got elected in a demonstrably unfair election. but your life was totally overturned. tell us what happened to you. well, initially people justus assumedt that i was a hacker or a thief mainly because of twitter labelingat material froa the laptop being hacked and then banning the subjectthe matter completely. but after fifty one intelligence pillars of the intelligence community decided to call me a russian and disinformation campaign and an adam shift went on cnn to follow that up to express those concerns with the rest of the nation. it was pretty much from that point on i was labeled a stooge of putin and putin. thanks for his service. sor: you don't have your store anymore now? i had to get out of town beforee the election. i had to close the shop and leave delaware. yeah.u have you gotten a call of apologyca from adam schiff now?
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i don't expect to right now either. i hope you see these creeps into bankruptcy. i really mean john paul mcisaac, anankr innocent bystanr trying to do t the right thing, a tool of putin.. thank you for coming on tonight. i appreciate it. thanks for having me, tucker . thank you very much. so the investigation of supreme court leak apparently still underway, they tell us . but you have to wonder how the one remaining nonpartisan institution in the country was so completely and what does it mean for the future of the court for we need to reduce plastic for we need to reduce plastic waste in the environment. that's whyto the american beverage company, our bottles are made tocl remain not all plastic is the same. we're carefully designing oure bottles to be 100 percent recycled, including the caps they're collected in separate plastic so they can be turned back into material that we use to make new bottle that completes the circle and reduces plastic. please help them get every
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opponents. here, for example, is the scene at uc hastings law school, s one ofch the best in the state f california? when students were confronted with the speaker they didn't like watchsp their little tantrm a little nonsensical. who said leclair's didn't matter like but they're going to run ours legal system and that's a huge problem. erzsebet has covered the insanity at elite schools. the law schools were extensively than any reportergt is with the washington free beacon. we're happy too bea and thanks o much for coming on . soth there's a lot of speculatin . again, we a never want to impugn the integrity of any individual personl that it was a radical law clerk who who did this ? would that shock you if it turns out to be true? no, tucker , it wouldn't shock
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me at all because the students that you just showed are that's not anha isolatedt incident. american law schools are graduating tons and tons of students like that every year. it's n notot just hastings, it's not just yale law school. it's not just nyu law.rd it's not just harvard law. n it's all the law schools. and it's not just law clerks. at it's an entire generation of lawyers who are going to go on to work in white shoe law firms who will go on to staff government agencies and who will sit on federal courts, including potentiallye the supreme court. for all we know, the law clerk, whoever it is, will be a supreme court justice one day. that is totallysi a possibility the aptitude levels seem to have fallen. it's not just that they're more political. they seem a lot dumber than they used to be .im isag that my imagination? you know, it it's probably notba totally your imagination, but i would i would cautionll againt
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underestimating the students. right. it's to look at the, the craziness. but the reality is that in twenty years, you know, they chalked on the sidewalk we are the law.things tha that was one of the things they were talkingt to protest roe v wade. well, the roe v r wade potentially being overturned. they are the law that's the problem. they are or they aree going to be the law. there really is noo law outside of the people who make and interpret it. and who are those people? itua is graduates of law school. two great points don't underestimate them because their slogans are dumb doesn't mean they're not clever enough to wreck the country and where the law is not like a fascist slogan. no person in the law. no, it's it's well, it's certainly not a particularly democratic slogan . yeah. yeah. what yale law students are not exactly representative of
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the average american. i think it's safe to say no,uc they're not reporting on this nt it's been great and i appreciate you coming on tonight. thank you . thank you . so the league of the supreme court doesn't have precedentk in modern history except for the league that got justice breyer out of his job. they thought he was too white to hold is week that he was retiring apparently didn't want to retire. so two leagues during the biden administration. it does feel like the courtisn s really changing and not for the better for me. dillon b is a civil rights attorney, the ceo of the center for american liberty and well placed to assessha the changes. i mean, thanks so much forg coming on so people are complaining about the leak. tell us why this is important to the rest of us . well, it's very important,a tucker , for a couple of big reasons. number one is what doest this signal about the institutiontu, the supreme t court and the law and thecr number two, what does it say about how democrats are usingsi the court or areng abusing the court to achieved their goals? so with respect to the law, it is kind of an old fashioned
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profession. people put esquire after their names and we have a sense of honor when you're a lawyer and you get the other side's email discussing something confidential by mistake, you're required tog turn it back over to the other side. s similarly,re when you're a law clerk clerk in a federal court of appeals in the 4th circuit, you are bound. by an absolute code that what is internal is internal and it's not ready toea be released until the judges sayse that it and sod what happened here is tp pick up on what aaron said. today's young lawyers have learned to shout down their opponents have learnedop that throwing tantrums and brute force sometimes wins over persuasion. and here i think obviouslyasiono me a lawyer like this , o probably one of the law clerks, one of the liberal justices were willing too say, well, i don't like where this iss going, so i'm going to release this to the mob to get the result that i want pressure one of these justices or two of these justices if it'ss three or five four to change their vote to perhaps avoid mobs outsidean
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their home threatening their families hate mail, that sort ofdof thing. and thatat could actually be effective here. and from now on , if a justice is dealing with a controversial opinion, there will be a concern that somebody who doesn't agree with it within the building willif release it and think y about it if you're a lawyer, we've had so many important cases. i was on the winning side w thrt cases that the united states supreme court over the lastatth 18 months. imagine if somebody had triedn to release one of thosere opinions in advance or try to pressure the justices to votest a different way. and so that's really what's at stake here and the sanctity of i the court as this independent deliberative body that reallynd well bakes its w 80 or so opinions a year has gone away. if judges are looking over their shoulder. soth i think that's tragic.ragi i don't think that in a sense is going to be able to be something that we can recover unless there is identificationat of who did this and punishment. now from a political perspective, it'sw w obvious
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that what has happened here is like you said earlier, in your p show, democrats don't thinkas they can pass these laws in the states and so they are usingut the brute force againste the courtt to accomplish these goals politically. that is incredibly evil and it attacks the very foundations ofu our tripartite system of government tucker . and so that's what's at stake here in this week. yes, mob rule with violence. it's always the same army doing one of the great when the only civil rights attorney left in this country. thank you . thank you . so you may have gotten the sense there's something wrong with the economy, not just the obvious level at the supermarket prices are up deeper level like united states, national debt never been higher over thirty trillion dollars. so what do you do with that debt? well, there's only one way out of that debt sort of default and that's inflation and that's whyt' have created we talked to somebody who explains this better than maybe anyone we've ever heard basnet i'm mike be former
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a stock to a college educationon with two by four, you know that inflation is out of control. the question is why the qu did putin really do it? >> no, putin didn't do it. the governmentnt and the government did it on purpose. debt,vereign debt, our u.s. government debt levels gott so highio that inflation is the only way out. we've never heard c this principal explained more clearly than by a macro economist paul krugman. we just sat just down an hour lt conversation with four fox nation. the whole thing's worth listeningthe bu to. >> here's part of it to us . the world is coming to a i think we're living through a the first bursting global sovereign debt bubble in one hundred years. right. and so if we look back in time19 1999 we99 had a stock bubble .to it burst policymaker's, e kicked it upstairs to the banking system in the housing market by virtue of creating a housingng bubble to offset the loss demand from the stock bubble . we have a housinghole bubble .bl
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it bursts.ei they kick that problem upstairs to the sovereign debt level p by virtue of the backstops putla in place by the american government. foreign bov governments of their domestic economies around the world tell us what defines the terms of sovereign debt is what just written debt of a government so treasury bonds your creditnot card bill . it's america's credit. this is america's credit cardil bill and it's in it's own securities as full faith c and credit and credit right at . so the good news is we haven't pledged yellowstone to the know exactly. we've not pledged anything to anybody unsecured. but it's like the old superman when we were growing up right. is with, with superman, with christopher reeve and lois lane where you know, she's fallen out of o the buildingut. superman catches her and says i gotcha. she says, well, who's s got youo and you're right.m so if you go okay, if we've kicked it from stocks up to the banking system up to t the sovereign, there's nowherehe to kick this upri to, you know,
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unless the martians come in and write us a check. the only place to kick this up to is is via the currency via devaluation of the currency. any time debt the gdp of a sovereign got to thesehr levels, there's only three ways out. it's either outut restructuring orit default which is noted going to happen. pri the united states of the printing press wenting can theos only way we would default is if we choose to default. it's not going to happen in my view a sustained period of high inflation or a sustained period of financial repression, which is a little bit the same thing or even a hyperinflation.lati i don't think a hyperinflation is happening in theon is. us . t so they've laid out the game plan where they have to do this . how does tied back to the russian situation i do think the russian situation in terms of the invasion of ukraine was a huge blow tokraiai bottom line and against the humanities majors in the audience. we've got too much debt. the only way out in real life is inflation. you have to inflate it away and that's the only politically palatable. so when you see >> inflation and god knows how you measure this really we try to even like
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what is inflation pretty hard to define it sure feels like. but but when you see it as a macro economist, you're not you're not shockedno. te no. we've been saying for a while in the aftermath of the current to that these factors haveup been building up up to that point. and then when you see it as a result and i thinkhi it was a necessity that did what they did, they couldn't just stand aside in twenty twenty and let the system come unhinged chaotically. that doesn't serve anybody's interest. but by virtue offthat doesn't s, the, the steps they had to taked to make sure the system didn'too collapse boosted the debt levels toha what sort of an irrecoverable navarro yeah. yeah. to borrow a top gun metaphor. right. of it. just there's no getting out of it. and so at that point you've got to inflate it away. i think you can see the steps of the serial stimulus, the stimulus in twentyytimu twenty one where maybe we didn't really need it. we are already recovering. we had the vaccines but they did it again. and you can see in the data you can see last year we ran and the congress and the fedon causing inflation as a way out of debt effectively the only
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policy prescription, the only politically and economically palatable policy prescription once you get the debt to where it is the same. >> so you get poor fromyo inflation. remember they're doing this on purpose. that's on fox station tomorrow, 7:00. you get only one thing the rest of your life. what would it be ? easy. pretty sure that's not one thing. barbecue buffet buffet is the complete opposite of barbecue ribs and barbecueli chicken aside and plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. basil three twenty five liquid filled aspirin capsules is clinically shownlore the seven y study because were ulcers fasullo the first liquid filled aspirin capsaicin amazing. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need nowre you can sell your policy evenne a term policy for an immediate cash payment. we we had planned carefully for our retirement but we quickly realized we neededay a way to w supplement our income. if you have
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11:00 pm
it's the trial the world can't stop watching. we are seeing a motion picture play out in a courtroom. so inside the lives of the hollywood stars and the shocking twists that led them to now as johnny and who is ever heard screaming exclusively on fox nation, they say we only have ten seconds left. we have a lot more to say. have a great night. and welcome to hannity. and tonight, comedian dave chappelle under attack. a deranged amateur rapper now charged with assault with a deadly weapon after stormingit the stage with a gun shapedng knife and lunging at the comedian during a stand up routine. of course, the incredibly smart and stable ladies of the view, b they knew exactly who to blame. who do you think donald trump what do you think is happening ? i mean, it'san happeninget on airplanes. it's happening on street cornerscorners, peo. m
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