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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 5, 2022 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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they don't want to just keep it to borings. they want to expand it. >> joey: congressman byron donalds, thank you for joining us this morning. >> carley: thank you very much. >> any time. >> carley: i don't think clarence thomas is going to be voting to ban interracial marriage any time soon. thank you so much for being with us this morning. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ [chanting] >> installed a security fence all around the u.s. supreme court amid concerns about protesters. [chanting] >> the president is saying about the impact of the possibility the supreme court could overturn roe v. wade. >> this maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in american history. >> when they are found, they are going to be fired on the spot. >> republicans unleashing on the supreme court leaker worst breach in high court history. >> one little woke left wing twit who decided the hell with
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his or her obligation, it is shameful. >> police are charging the man accused of attacking dave chappelle with felony assault with a deadly weapon. >> i was the audience, you were the comedian sat and listen. people are emboldened now. >> what was that moment for you when you were handed the baseball. >> i was so happy. i said thank you and i hugged him. >> that was a pretty cool moment that i definitely won't forget. ♪ >> pete: good morning, welcome to "fox & friends" thursday morning. live shot of philadelphia. i will say one thing, brian, we were commenting on that moment with the baseball toronto. a philadelphia filly's fan probably wouldn't do that. >> brian: absolutely. he would probably charge the guy guyfor it do you have venmo?
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>> pete: throw it back on the field. you want this? go get it. [laughter] >> ainsley: are they known to be really ruthless? >> pete: oh yeah. >> brian: famously rude fans. canada and america. >> ainsley: fan caught the ball and gave it to the little boy wearing the jersey. >> brian: talking before the game how is he an aaron judge fan and judge hits the ball 427 feet and lands in front of this guy's feet. he grabs it and without hesitation gives it to the kid and says we are going to be friends for life. >> ainsley: really sweet. >> pete: we will have them on the show coming up later. >> brian: how great for the yankee p.r. department to make sure aaron judge meets the 9-year-old the next day. >> pete: smart. >> ainsley: he will never forget that he will tell that story at wedding and grandkids and put the ball on the shelf.
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>> brian: pete is in for steve. >> ainsley: glad you had are here. >> pete: good to be here. we start with a couple of things joe biden said yesterday at the white house. so the fallout from the leaked preliminary draft of the overturning of roe v. wade continues and the hyperbole from the left and the democrat party continues. a new angle was unveiled, shall we say by joe biden from the podium when he was -- he talked about his it changing stance on roe v. wade and life issues and invoked a unique phrase to describe the rights that he thinks a child might have. watch. >> this is about a lot more than abortion. i hadn't read the whole opinion at that time. but this reminds me of the debate with robert bork. bork believed the only reason you had inherent rights is because the government gave it
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them to you. if you go back and look at the opening comments bork-biden when i was questioning him as chairman. i said i believe i have the rights that i have not because the government gave them to me which you believe, but because i'm just a child of god. i exist. >> pete: many people have pointed out he made the pro-life argument by invoking i see you as a child of god. >> ainsley: he is saying that the parent has the right to decide, the mother does, because she is a child of god. but many on the right are saying this is auto so ironic what about the child inside her who has the right as well? and you will hear pro-lifers say it's ironic he makes this argument to support the right to abort unborn children of god. beth baughman who is a political fundraiser biden literally just made the case against abortion. house republican twitter account says they used a ronald reagan phrase. they said to counter biden they said everyone who is for abortion has already been born.
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>> brian: interesting. it's a fascinating bebaited we haven't gotten into but it's been on almost every kitchen table since 1973. now it's front and center. decision supposed to be at the end of june. a couple perform things. if they would and this brief ends up being the overturning of roe v. wade, that will be it. we deal with the ramifications. can you imagine if the political pressure over the next supreme court get the supreme court justice to flip forever, politic also play a role in a place it never should. i don't know if i should vote this way because of political pressure. and somebody who happens to be working the supreme court. gets word of the supreme court. it wants to leak out a story to put pressure on a justice. no matter that -- where you stand on the most controversial issue yet, that will forever affect the court that is supposed to be inoculated from all of that that was part of the 98 pages? justice alito's.
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>> ainsley: aren't you devout catholic joe biden. second time you used the word to child. choose to abort a child. acknowledging it's a child. not the only outrageous thing he said yesterday. he also went after trump supporters. 50% of the country, listen. >> what happens if you have states changing the law saying that children who are lgbtq q can't be in classrooms with other children? is that legit under the way that the decision is written? what are the next things that are going to be attacked? this maga crowd is the most extreme organization that's existed in american history -- in recent american history. >> brian: this is the probably the most intentional thing. sometimes he misspeaks. that's not a mistake. that is clearly game on. and this is very similar to what we heard three or four days ago
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where they looked at the midterms and thought their best chance is to try to tell everybody we're so much better than donald trump. you don't want to go back to the old days and we speculated on how much was better back those days thinking about moderates and independence. now he is labeling millions of americans. >> the great unifier, the most extreme organization movement in the history of the country. here is senator ted cruz once that resonated with him. >> there was one woke little left wing twit who decide thed the hell with his or her obligations to the justice they work for, to hell with their obligations to the court, to hell with their obligations to the rule of law, that they would, instead, try to sneak it out in order to put political pressure on the justices and intimidate them into changing their votes. i think it is a law clerk and very likely a law clerk for one of the three liberal justices. that means there are 12
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suspects. and the fact that we have someone willing to be unethical and break the law also means we have master criminal at the court. i think they have left a an email. we will find this person. and when they are found. they are going to be fired off on the spot. >> brian: talking about the leaker there. >> ainsley: did you a great job. that was awesome interview last night. you were filling in for jesse's show. it was great. watch the whole interview it was fantastic y'all touched on so many different issues. each justice had four clerks. so he is saying since there are three liberal justices that means 12 suspects in his opinion. you also asked him you said but joe biden came into office promising to unite our country. and he said well, i will give the president some credit on this, brian. he did united us. we all think is he terrible president doing a terrible job when it comes to the border. when it comes to immigration. when it comes to crime. >> pete: he knows what a terrible job -- they are
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ideologically dedicated to what they are doing. they know how unpopular it is. they believe this preliminary decision is a life boat for them that they can cling to and they are going to ratchet up the rhetoric of extremism. when you look at what they are doing with other departments as far as targeting extremists. once have you labeled an entire political movement a a maga movement. the most extreme. what limits do you have on targeting those people? none. who is calling for lbgt children to not be allowed in the classroom. >> brian: nobody. >> pete: who is calling for interracial marriage? nobody. they are creating straw men of the next steps of what this will look like knowing full well within our law and within the constitution discriminating on race, discriminating on sex, discriminating on sexual orientation is not something you can do in this country. on the issue of life and how it was decided, they know how precarious that was. ruth bader ginsburg pointed that
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out. they know this was that fragile. the extremism of the pro-abortion party has had a grip on the democratic party for 50 years they will not let it go without pointing at donald trump. because, you know what? for everyone who voted for donald trump and i was at a diner on tuesday. this was because of him. i will appoint pro-life justices. they are there and i will vote that way. if this leaker at the supreme court change this decision i should think it goes the other way. find me one of those five conservative justices that says it's time to back down after what was done with them and political philosophy. i think this holds and conservings who have within been pro-life the entire life send it to the states. people get to choose in state legislature. >> ainsley: went on to question ted cruz about the leaker. the left is targeting you a because you care who leaked this information and what this means. will this set a precedent going forward? you hear the left on all the shows staying we don't care who leaked it. we just care what was leaked.
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we care about the opinion. but wait until, we need to hold on to soundbites. wait until it's leaked from a republican law clerk which i don't condone. i don't condone. it effects the vote, it effects a policy that they're against. or for. and then it's going to change the law because some -- maybe some clerk would change. some justice would change their mind because of it. we need to hold onto the soundbites because then they will care. >> brian: if he really wanted to be president for the whole country, mr. president, if you want to do good in the midterms, if you would take the maga moment and label them the most extreme organization in the history of the country he would go 79 years old. i have had a 50 year career concerned about the future of the country, give me another plan. i don't want tens of millions of people being labeled an extreme movement answered might also add i don't think this is going to work. he insulted so many people just now intentionally and it's just the beginning. you watch the ripple effect from
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msnbc, to cnn and all the senators and congress people. >> ainsley: criticize the entire maga group. donald trump supporters. we will have lara trump on reminds of hillary clinton calling republicans deplorables. walmart shoppers we are proud of maga and going to walmart and shop. >> pete: other levers of government they controlled and declared certain people are targets. now you named that as the maga group? >> brian: not donald trump the maga group. >> pete: no laughing matter how dave chappelle is responding to on stage attack. >> ainsley: maverick has landed. tom cruise epic entrance to the tom gun sequel that has everybody talking ♪ highway to the danger zone ♪
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$1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. it. >> carley: welcome back. we begin your headlines with america's crime crisis. caught on camera, armed robber stormed a smoke shop watch as they worker shooting him behind the counter. that employee returning fire prompting the suspects to duck for cover. one of them died. two others remain on the loose. scenes like this have california residents calling for the d.a. of george gascon. more than 400,000 signatures, a spokesperson saying we are starting to see a real light at the end of the tunnel here there is a real plausible pathway to get these signatures if we can just keep it up.
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alejandro mayorkas deflecting blame for the border crisis. claiming congress needs to step up to address illegal immigration. listen. >> we inherited a broken and dismantled system that is already under strain. it is not built to manage the current levels and types of migratory flows. only congress can fix this. >> carley: comments come as a fox news poll shows 63% of voters want to keep title 42 border restrictions in place while only 27% of people want them to end. wow. a behavioral analyst says she does not believe johnny depp abused his ex-wife amber heard based on both of their testimonies in the trial. susan konstantin telling fox news digital the question was was he abusive with amber. i do not believe he was abusive with amber. i think that amber was the aggressor. this despite heard breaking down on the stand yesterday as she
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detailed depp's alleged abuse. >> i didn't know what to do. you would think you would have a response but i, as a woman, had never been hit like that. he slap -- he slapped me for no reason and i'm all of a sudden realizing that the worst thing has just happened to me that could possibly happen to you. >> carley: heard testified depp once on the yacht calling her drunk in front of the kids. amazing moment yankees blue jays game a young fan wearing aaron judge shirt moved to tears after he is gifted the home run ball. the blue jays fan gifted the ball. after the game that boy and his dad got to meet the yankee slugger himself. the boy was moved to tears for a second time. that boy his father and blue jays fan gifted him the ball will join us later to discuss that heart-warming moment. i don't wait for that interview.
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it reminds me of a normal rockwell painting. >> only come to life. >> exactly. >> carley: i will turn to you now. >> brian: we are not supposed to look at you until 6:30. we have nothing to relate. to say. >> pete: new reaction after dave chappelle is attacked on stage. the comedian refusing to let it steal his show. >> brian: ashley strohmier is here with what we are learning about the accused attacker? >> that man, 23-year-old isaiah lee is being held on $30,000 bail following the attack on stage at the hollywood bowl in los angeles. according to the neighbor taylor man has a temper could be set off with a reasonable doubt would. taylor said it was no shock to him that the attack happened to cheney on stage and claims to have seen lee handcuffed by police more than once. gun like knife he was armed with when he attacked cheney.
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as unfortunate and unsettling as the incident was, cheney went on with the show. jamie foxx and chris rock helped calm the crowd down before cheney introduced the last and featured musical guest for the evening. despite the attack, cheney refused to let it overshadow the festival following up the attack with this. >> are [inaudible] man. [laughter] was that will smith? [laughter] are. >> pretty hot topic ever since the will smith chris rock slap at the oscars, saying to fox news digital we care about the safety of the creators and strongly defend the right of stand up comedians to perform on stage without fear of violence. interesting to note as well also in attendance at the los angeles event tuesday was elon musk. he attended the met gala -- the night before. back to you guys. >> ainsley: wow, so he was in new york and the next day he was
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in l.a. >> brian: right. good to be a billionaire and have your own plane. >> ainsley: ashley just got married. congratulations. >> thank you. >> ainsley: saw the pictures on instagram. how was it. >> it was perfect. i honestly could not asked for a more perfect day. 75, sunny. wind 9 miles per hour and with that vale perfect. >> ainsley: one of new york's finest. >> counter-terrorism. >> brian: one of the reasons you picked that day from the weather app. >> honestly i'm a big fan of the farmer's almanac i can't say i didn't look at it a thousand times. >> ainsley: was it right. >> just this one day, please. it was perfect. >> ainsley: congratulations. >> brian: congratulations. >> ainsley: counter-terrorism he knows all the secrets of our threat. >> pete: the maga crowd here in new york. >> brian: if he could please protect us from them. how unbelievable is it that this
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23-year-old got there, stood, there was able to get on stage with a -- not a gun, a fake gun with a knife i was talking to tyrus last night. snoop dogg and worked. no, no. you don't get on the stage. even a stage that wide. you combine the private security with the staff security that guy doesn't get on. you should be able to stop him. that's a problem with the hollywood bowl security. i think you have to revisit all you do now from seinfeld to chris rock. >> ainsley: front row. >> brian: a rageaholic according to his naples neighbors. lives with his brother. is he a wannabe rapper. and now he has his moment in the sun. >> pete: still alone that was
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four or five second into it they are alone. how does he get into what looks like a gun with a knife inside. >> brian: should be metal detectors. >> pete: $30,000 bail? >> ainsley: it should be more. >> pete: $30,000 bail? i hope he can't post it. say he does. the guy runs on stage and tries to attack d.a. chappelle publicly and poo fennelly released the next day for 30 grand? that's not a justice system. >> ainsley: back of the stage that's when the security guard they got him and nabbed him and there is a video of him being put into the ambulance and you can see his arm is like mangled and they say they think that he twisted his arm. it was apparently snapped. his right eye was bloody and he had a bloody nose and the crowd was booing him as he was being taken away in the ambulance. >> brian: brother said he really likes him. he wrote a rap song called save chappelle. is he an absolute whack job this was predicted by joe rogan and
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others. after the will smith slap that's horrible precedent for comedy clubs. he joined tucker last night. >> if you really think about a standup club like a comedy club. it is the town square. we always sort of talk about the digital town square that is twitter. but, a stand-up club is a town square. a person gets up on a 3-foot riser and amplifies their voice and shares their opinions and we somehow decided the town square was an ant quaked idea. people are emboldened now. and it's like the same thing that's happening on comedic stages is really happening on commercial airline flights. like people are now somehow feeling like they can physically put their hands on other people of they disagree with. >> pete: yeah. this is also a culture and moment where those on the left have deemed certain speech itself to be violence. and what about when you are
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assaulted with violence and speech you don't like? well, it's justification for actual violence. and then you see examples of it where it isn't held to account. where everyone holds. >> brian: will smith sits down and gets his award that night? >> pete: exactly. >> brian: except being tossed for his behavior. everyone is more famous. i'm a loser 23-year-old living in my brother's house? how do i make a name for myself? rush the stage at the hollywood bowl. >> ainsley: people rioting in the streets and breaking into people's businesses who have nothing to do with the issue. they didn't get in trouble. in fact, kamala harris was raising money to get them out if they were arrested. and how about when maxine waters says get in people's faces at the gasoline stations because she doesn't agree with trump and she wanted him impeached? how do we get to this point where we are inciting violence because we disagree with someone. >> brian: wherever you go a big security check from now on like what is happening in weekend, everyone is revisiting their security. you have to.
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>> brian: 26 minutes after the hour. federal reserve raised interest rates by half a percent. largest increase in decades. brian brenberg is here to explain what it means and why some say it should have been bigger. >> pete: is he a dangerous guy, too. ♪ ♪ we need to reduce plastic waste in the environment. that's why at america's beverage companies, our bottles are made to be re-made. not all plastic is the same. we're carefully designing our bottles to be 100% recyclable, including the caps. they're collected and separated from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use to make new bottles. that completes the circle and reduces plastic waste. please help us get every bottle back. and it's easier than ever to get your projects done right. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews.
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>> pete: the federal reserve is tackling inflation by raising interest rates by a half point largest increase since 2,000. >> inflation is much too high and we understand the hardship it is causing and moving expeditiously to bring it back down. against this back drop today raised interest rate by half a percentage point getting supply and demand back in balance gives us 2% inflation which is what gives the economy a footing where people can lead successful economic lives and not worry about inflation. so, yes, there may be some pain associated with getting back to that. >> pete: the fed also announced it will sell off $9 trillion in bond holdings. here to react is the fox news contributor and professor of business and economics at kings college in manhattan brian brenberg. i have checked you for weapons. we are clear. >> we are good. >> pete: tell me why you we need interest rate hike.
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>> it's big. inflation people are concerned about it. that guy you just watched jerome powell he got way behind on inflation starting last year which is why we are in this spot. now they start increasing interest rates. that's going to be a big deal if they stick with it. the question right now is will they do that because there is a lot of pressure for them to moderate on this because they know if they raise interest rates, the r word comes into play here. it's recession time. that's the risk. he is down playing that risk right now. but i think a lot of americans are looking around and saying we are in a precarious spot. so this was a big move by them. but they have got to stick with it we are in this position because jerome powell and the fed and the biden white house got way behind on it. >> pete: by stick with it, dum doyou mean more rate increases. >> their interest rate just under 1%. 1% interest rate. if we are going to kick
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inflation 8.5%. this has to go up by meaningful amount and go up quickly. if it doesn't the inflation spirals. >> pete: if that does go up and goes up quickly. how does that impact borrowing and other aspects of our economy. >> it's huge. if you are buying a home right now, you are saying wait a second back in december i was looking at 3% interest on a mortgage. now i'm talking about 5.5. by the end of the year that could be 6. that jacks up your borrowing costs. this has real consequences for people. and they are nervous about it. people are looking at the home buying environment, for example right now and they are saying this is the worst i have seen since 1978. remember 1978 what we were dealing with inflation. not a good spotted. people are getting nervous. the economists keep saying the consumer is strong. they will plow us through all of this. guess what? i don't think so. i think they are more wore out than a lot of economists are seeing. and that's a real risk right now. i'm concerned that the federal
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reserve is already thinking too rose about how fast it can flight inflation. >> pete: interesting. you are saying they should increase it if they want to head off inflation. >> exactly. >> pete: will they. >> i'm very concerned they won't. even yesterday when they made half point rate increase biggest one since 2,000. the fed chairman also said look, i think we are going to have a soft landings which means i don't think we are going to get recession. i think we are going to kick inflation. the same guy said last year calling it transitory. don't believe what they say. watch what they do when they deliver results you know they have done their job. >> pete: at some point numbers and basic economics have to kick in. >> yeah. >> pete: is this the only lever they can pull if they want to address inflation right now? we showed the numbers on the screen which remain staggering and impacting people across the spectrum. >> take that seriously. jerome powell, do not lay back on that. the administration has a job, too. they want to keep spending their
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way through all of this. regulating their way through all of this. put a stop to that i'm concerned they are going to use the fed's rose projections to say it's okay for us to turn on the spendspigots again. we need responsibility out of the d.c., the white house and the fed. their job is to kick inflation eat the consequences of a recession if we get one. they put themselves in that box. americans haven't. they put themselves in that box. >> pete: we are counting on the responsibility of washington, d.c. >> that's a scary thing to say, pete. they better step up because it has real consequence for people. you saw the numbers there. >> pete: brian brenberg, thanks man. good to see you. joe biden vowed to united the country but then he said this. >> what are the next things that are going to be attack? this maga crowd is the most extreme political organization that's existed in american history. in recent american history. >> pete: i knew it, brian, you were an extremist.
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fox news contributor lara trump says this just proves democrats are terrified her father-in-law may run again. she joins us next ♪ from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated
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we don't take kindly to messages neither. in that case how 'bout a ringcentral phone call. we don't take kindly to no... would you can it eugene! let's just hear her out. ha ha ha, i've been needing a new horse. we've got ourselves a deal. ♪ ♪ ♪ ringcentral ♪ this is not the stallion i was imagining. ♪ >> carley: it is time for news by the numbers. sponsored by ring stravment first 34. that's how many years it's been since the first top gun movie was released. touch gun two will be released later this month. at the movie's premier yesterday actor tom cruise made a grand entrance flying a helicopter in the uss midway in san diego all by himself. how about that? next $9.28 million. that's how much a jersey worn by
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soccer legend sold at it auction. he wore the jersey during his infamous hand to god goal world cup which many call the goal of the century. the sale set a new world record on a match worn jersey. finally $5 that's what you will spend on a margarita today if you go to chilis applebee's. be sure to drink responsibly. ainsley? >> ainsley: got to have a margarita today, carley. >> carley: let's do it. >> ainsley: he promised to be the uniter and chief. president biden has sparked outrage over this bold shot against anyone who supports trump. >> what are the next things that are going to be attacked because this maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in american history. in recent american history.
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>> ainsley: fox news contributor lara trump is here to react and the daughter-in-law of entrepreneurship. lara, is that an accurate description? is that fair? >> oh my gosh. well, good morning, ainsley. >> ainsley: good morning. >> so outrageous. not that we expect a whole lot of joe biden but even this was totally ridiculous to label the maga crowd as one of the most extreme political outfits in history. give me break. i guess he forgot about the roughly $2 billion worth of damage during the summer of 2020 riots caused by antifa and blm but, of course, we never heard him say a word about those people. look, in case joe biden is interested in who the maga crowd is, ainsley, these are people that love america. that get up in the america, they go to work. they pay their taxes. they go to church. they believe in the police. they believe that we should be a sovereign nation with borders. they don't want to pay triple what we have -- had to pay now in gas and groceries from about
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18 months ago. these are people that want to achieve the american dream and don't want the government smothering it for them and, yes, joe biden, they believe that, like our founders, we shouldn't have a centralized government power at the federal level in washington, d.c. and that we, the people, at the state level should be able to make decisions for ourselves that is what this country is all about. joe biden is missing the bigger point here. the maga movement was started because of failed politicians exactly like joe biden. because american people were sick and tired of getting fed the same old garbage by politicians who would go to washington, d.c. and work for themselves and never work for the people. that's why this movement is founded. it's people that love america. i know i have heard a lot of people talk about it like the deplorables comment. we heard from hillary clinton not too long ago.
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it really fired people up. they are terrified, ainsley, that donald trump is going to run again in 2024. and that he is going to win. they have seen in this election cycle alone, he is 55-0. in these primary races it just shows that the momentum is still behind. the party is still behind him and half the country i believe is behind him. >> ainsley: you brought up the hillary clinton soundbite from 2016. listen to this. >> you could put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables, the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islam phobic, you name it. >> ainsley: that did not help her have. they not learned from the past? >> of course they haven't. they try the same on thing doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. that a s. part and parcel to the democratic party this did not help hillary clinton it insulted a lot of americans which is what
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you heard joe biden do in that sound bite you guys played yesterday from him. did not help at all look at his approval rating it is absolutely in the tank. they are doing everything and anything to mobilize people on their side of the aisle. the entire half of the country, people that supported donald trump are the most extreme political movement. give me a break. absolutely outrageous. >> ainsley: this abortion opinion could change. that was the first draft. but the conservative justices are saying they want to take abortions back to the state. but then joe biden's reaction to that is conservatives might try to ban lgbtq kids from the classroom. he is saying that is next. but that has never been on the table and that would be discrimination, unconstitutional. why do you think he is saying that? >> fear among. this is all they have left.
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donald trump are appointed the first openly gay cabinet member in ric grenell this hyperbole they are trying to use whether it's interracial marriage lgbtq, issues it's all crazy this is their hail mary as they head toward the midterms. people on their side of the aisle the democratic party is not excited about anything joe and kamala have done. not excited about anything the house and senate have done while they have democrat control. so they are doing anything they can. and this is a scare tactic, it's fear-mongering, standard operating procedure for the democrats. >> ainsley: lara, thanks for coming on. >> thanks, ainsley. >> ainsley: swiping right, how a new credit card for conservatives is pushing back against the woke movement. a school vowing to keep politics out of the classroom is seeing huge enrollment numbers. hear why their curriculum is
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>> carley: good morning. back with quick headlines. dolly parton is voted into the rock and roll hall of fame even after asking to respectfully bow out of consideration. the country queen joined "fox & friends" back in march to explain. >> i didn't feel exactly right about that because my perception and i think the perception of most of america i feel like that's more for the people in rock music. this felt a little out of place for me. >> carley: parton enjoys induction class with eminem and lionel richie. nascar 2023 hall of fame. driver matt kenseth and crew chief becoming the newest induct yees joined by herbal mcgriff who took the series title back in 1986 when mcgriff was voted in from the pioneer while kenseth and shell member dean cn
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credit card every time you use it give back to charities. rob collins joins us. rob, what prompted this? >> brian, thanks for having me on today. what prompted it is 10 times a week, 40 times a month, 480 times a year conservatives are swiping their credit card every credit card they have and they are funding liberal causes, woke causes and corporate america. and, you know, it was just time to start to organize our commerce and our points of view into one card to help expression not only our conservative values but support great conservative causes. >> brian: what bank backs this? >> mrv banks in missouri. >> brian: they will back this how do you decide who gets the dollars? >> well, what happens is, you
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know, coin card. coij card no cost to you as the customer will go to conservative causes you get to vote on. >> brian: what bothers you too is the charities. you look at the major credit cards and give $2 billion worth of charities but they give to acorn, code pink, the clinton administration. that doesn't make a lot of people happy. >> no, it's ridiculous that trillions of dollars of conservative commerce funds billions of dollars of contributions to are not expression of what conservatives are that are against us. >> brian: what has been the response. >> the response has been awesome. we launched a week ago. young people, the number of women signing up saying, you know, i'm tired of the schools. i'm tired of corporate america pushing us out of the public square.
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i want to help. i want to join. what can i do? when you go to you will see there is a wealth of information and excitement and a community that's forming out of an idea of can we have commerce that reflects our values? >> brian: so, will this go to candidates, perhaps, too? will this go for a presidential campaign? senate campaigns? >> no. we're going to -- we need to continue to obviously support our ideals and politics but innovation in the private sector is really the next step. the idea that we can create our own conservative parallel economy and is we wrontd be supporting candidates but causes. solvingamericans problems. >> brian: who are the people behind it? >> the people behind it are kind of everyday conservatives. we have some really obviously brilliant credit card people, a banker, a lot of lawyers.
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but just, you know, folks who just got together and said, you know what? there is an opportunity here to take all of our commerce, all of our -- the excitement and positivity that conservative movement and instead of spreading it around to companies and corporations that do not like us, that do not want to hear from us and want to push us into the corners, let's put it all through one credit card where it is seemless, easy, people know it. they have had it their whole life and start to fund some really great conservative causes. >> brian: got it. so, for more information go to if you are listening on radio rob collins, thanks so much. let me know how it goes. >> love it thank you for having me on. >> you got it coming up straight ahead. she dismissed the hunter biden laptop story. down played concerns of crt. praised christopher steele so, why is nina jankovicz appointed to the biden disinformation board? shear secretary mayorkas
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surprising answer next. ♪
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>> child a god. >> the fallout from the leaked draft of the overturning of roe
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v. wade continues. and the hyperbole from the left continues. >> this maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in american history. >> i was not aware of that. >> dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas tells senate republicans he has no idea the disinformation czar had a history of. >> she misinformed the. >> i will not discuss the hiring process. >> personal and incriminating evidence retaliation. >> >> police are charging the man accused of attacking dave chappelle with felony assault with a deadly weapon. >> you were the audience, i was the comedian. you sat and listened. people are emboldened now. >> what was that like for you when you were handed the baseball? >> i was so happy. i said thank you and i hugged him. >> that was a pretty cool moment that i definitely will not
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forget ♪ one margarita >> ainsley: that's a beautiful shots of dallas, texas. good morning dallas and fort worth we love you down there in the great state of texas. 75 degrees there today. the weekend is going to be pretty. rain a little today. take your umbrella. 89 tomorrow, 96 on sunday. really sunny. playing this song because today is cinco de mayo. get a margarita $5 applebee's and other restaurants today. >> pete: it's cinco de mayo? >> ainsley: it's cinco de mayo? >> pete: i just realized that. >> brian: how do you celebrate? >> pete: margaritas. if this show is on its game which i would like to think it is, we should have margaritas on set 8:00 hour. >> brian: can i bring up something that bothers me. don't order it with salt and give me a straw because then it becomes a decoration.
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you can't -- if i ask for. >> ainsley: good point. >> brian: throw it out and kill a dolphin or turtle. what i would like to do is as a country, no strauss. no straws. >> ainsley: best point he has ever made. your birthday is coming up on saturday. >> brian: right. >> ainsley: toba's birthday on sunday. mother's day is on sunday. >> pete: will you come on "fox & friends weekend." >> brian: tell me what you do. >> pete: nothing. >> brian: it works is it in syndication now? >> ainsley: four hours of nothing. >> pete: whatever we want. >> brian: sounds like my format. >> ainsley: happy birthday, so glad were born. >> brian: thank you, it's saturday. president biden facing backlash for claiming to be a child of god in an effort to justify his stance on abortion? >> ainsley: and republicans are unleashing on the person who leaked the supreme court draft
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roe v. wade opinion. >> pete: mark meredith is at the white house to explain. >> good morning to you guys. the issue of abortion is once again dominating the debate not only here in washington but really all across the country. take a look at some of the protest was happening in cities coast to coast both pro-choice and pro-life advocates to take to the streets to share their thoughts on this forthcoming leaked supreme court opinion. california lawmakers adding abortion protections to the state constitution all in an effort to make it harder to repeal. protect the building, workers and justices itself. that's done little to stop protesters from showing up. as for president biden, the issue of abortion and the future of the court looming heavily political agenda. he has called this ruling a quote radical decision. he also says the woman's right to choose goes well beyond what's engrained in u.s. law. >> i said i believe i have the rights that i have not because the government gave them to me, which you believe but because i'm just a child of god.
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i exist. >> also interesting just yesterday the president made a pivot to the politics of all of this is i saying that there is major changes underway to american norms. i thought this was interesting e didn't mention trump by name. he mentioned the trump agenda called it out. here's what he had to say. >> what are the next things that are going to be attacked? because this maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization exists in american history. >> republicans ready to fire right back insisting it's the president in a far left agenda causing the country to go to the extreme. we also also hearing from texas senator ted cruz. >> what we saw with this leak from the supreme court it's the culmination of a multi-year campaign by the democrats to politicize the courts, to politicize the justice system. to say weaponize it. to attack the supreme court. >> but the white house may have some limited options when it comes to addressing this ruling once it is finally issued. instead, we are hearing from the president and others insisting
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that they're going to make this more a campaign issue. urging voters to elect more pro-choice an democrats. of course, that will just bring this issue more front and center going into the midterms and already there was already no shortage of topics that lawmakers were going to face out on the trail. pete, brian and ainsley back on this cinco de mayo. >> pete: thank you, mark. >> ainsley: go have a margarita after work. >> i'm ready right now. >> brian: mark has the tie on today. >> i thought of you. trying to look good for you, bro. >> ainsley: you look great. >> brian: you went with the college knot wrap it around twice and pull it down. >> pete: is that what it is you can have a markar. arita.we were all listening to k you said something that i think in the break or in his segment you said it almost feels like they. the maga crowd to take the bait. so many issues they are under water in. they want to ratchet up this war who is extreme or not. that may be the case.
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>> ainsley: interesting talked about abortion and child of god and pivoted to maga in their back room discussions they have to talk about how are we going to address abortion? what do we want joe biden to say? and talk as a group and tell him talking points and how maybe it to address this maybe they did say pivot to the maga crew. talk about how disparaging they are and how extreme they are instead of abortion. >> brian: eric swalwell says they are going to ban interracial marriage. going to put kids, lgbtq kids in separate classrooms than other kids. what are you talking about? well, guess what? >> ainsley: called discrimination that will never happen. >> brian: what does that have to do with justice alito's february brief that was not a final -- it was just a draft and was not the final decision. so you get off -- you are not talking about inflation. you are not talking about the border. you are not talking about afghanistan. you are not talking about build back better's failure. you are not talking about anything. you are talking about basically
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the disparaging of millions of people extremists wants as main tenets a strong border, fiscal responsibility. try not to get involved in foreign wars a group that gave you more agreements. peace agreements in the middle east in three years than the previous 50 years. so, you just have instead of a party, now you have an extremist organization. what is the mindset to saying that? >> pete: well, if you built levers of government to target extreme i.s then you are opening the door targeting of an entire political movement. not to mention, you know, the extreme views of supporting the police and thinking america is a good country. >> brian: not defunding them. >> pete: not let 8-year-olds make a decision whether they should change their gender. all of these are extremists to the new left. which shows you how extreme they are. >> ainsley: tulsi gabbard was on last night. she a democrat. this is an assault on our democracy. listen. >> do you remember when an
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attorney general said, you know, anyone who holds extremists or antiauthority views will be targeted for investigation and potential prosecution by their domestic terrorist unit. so you are essentially saying that this quote, unquote, maga crowd are worst than terrorists. this is outrageous, for every american who is watching. every american who has seen this. no matter how you feel about the maga crowd, this is an authoritarian assault on our freedom and we need to stand together very strongly against this attempt to intimidate and silence anyone who holds political views that are different from or opposed to what this president and his administration are furthering. an assaulted on our democracy. >> brian: also interesting jen psaki the white house struck by how donald trump's hold on the gop so strong. maga group extremists.
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donald trump still has a hold. this is exactly what i think it was axios said would be the new white house strategy come midterms. their report card is not good. it's horrendous. >> ainsley: instead of criticizing you think the president and administration would get to know what the other side's belief are they believe in family and church and christian values. and they call them deplorable. they say they are smelly walmart shoppers. now they say they are extremists. if you ran on the idea of bringing the country together and uniting us, then you have to get to know what the other side believes. >> brian: to have a bad start. >> ainsley: he is to have ad ba star. ted cruz you interviewed him i thought he ran on uniting our country. did he unite our country we all agree his policies are terrible and he is the worst president. >> pete: takes actually being willing to get to know what mode investigates people to not characterize them as extremists. i think of my parents and my neighbors. i think of my high school
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buddies who support the policies of donald trump. the last thing those people are extremists. they know they are not extremists. now they are being called that i think the left is hoping continue to tim date people. brian, you mentioned it 22-0 record of donald trump and those endorse. s is a reflex of people felt like by voting for j.d. vance they had a chance to vote for donald trump and demonstrated their support for him. >> ainsley: or at least his policies. >> pete: or at least his policies which are still reverberating today. the reason that draft opinion came out, three supreme court justices who he said who he believed were pro-life put on the supreme court. that's what people voted for. somebody who knows a little bit about the maga movement, lara trump was on our program earlier and she talked about what does it really represent? >> in case joe biden is interested in who the maga crowd is? ainsley, these are people ha love america. they get up in the morning. they go to work. they pay their taxes, they go to church. they believe in the police.
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they believe we should be a sovereign nation with borders. they don't want to pay triple what we have had to pay now in gas and groceries from about 18 month ago. these are people that want to achieve the american dream and don't want the government smothering it. biden is missing the bigger pointed here because the maga movement was started because of failed politicians exactly like joe biden. >> brian: all right. we will see what happens. that's what they are doing. never putting it out there. joe biden says things by mistake. walked back. that was not walked back. he didn't say it by mistake. he went out of his way to say that. >> ainsley: second time he talked about child of god. used that word. >> brian: biggest, extremist, most extreme movement in the history of the united states meanwhile, 11 minutes after the hour. let's talk about something new that kind of got sprung on us last week. for the last few months we have had a disinformation czar and
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unit within the homeland security department. and even mayorkas said on sunday yeah, i probably could have rolled that out a little bit better. then we find out who is in charge of it. this won that's in charge of it, nina jankovicz, whose about 8 and a half months pregnant, so i'm not sure how you get a job and then you just -- you can't do a job for three months. i'm not faulting her but i don't know why you would give somebody a job that you think is so important. >> ainsley: how long has she had this job? >> ainsley: about two months. i will defend her on that one, brian. she has the right to have a baby and have maternity leave. >> brian: if you really want to have someone head up an organization. face of the organization. passionate for musical theater and also passionate for disinformation like the steele dossier is accurate. like the hunter biden laptop. >> ainsley: called that misinformation. >> ainsley: she is in charge of the disinformation board. yet she thought the hunter laptop story and continued say
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that's at disinformation. steve. >> pete: 30-something d.c. creature who characterized. we will talk about this next hour in one of the soundbites she had to from 2021. she talked about hot button issues that the republicans and other disinformers talk about. so, she is a clear political view yet, mayorkas and others try to defend apolitical. look book grin disinformation completefully one side of the aisleanything that hurts democr. >> ainsley: isn't it the job of the dhs secretary to vet the individuals to run any department or run this board? senator josh hawley asked him did you know she had been tweeting about this? did you know she was calling the laptop issue that has been proven to be authentic that she was saying was disinformation?
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his answer is going to surprise you. listen. >> she has, for starters, consistently miss informed the public about the hunter biden laptop story and spread the lie that it was russian propaganda. she has consistently spread false and misleading claims about the steele dossier which we now know was actually itself a piece of russian propaganda. here she is on august the 7th, 2020 promoting christopher steele, the stooge who helped launder russian propaganda, including lying to the fbi about it. here she is lauding him. she has used social media and the public to launder propaganda herself. were you aware of this information when you chose her, everything i have just shown you? >> i was not. >> how could you not be? did you do any research on her? >> senator, senator, i will not discuss the internal workings of the hiring process. >> brian: why wouldn't you? it must suck.
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that's what it comes down to. whatever it is, change it because if you didn't know that, and she still got the job and has the job, that is a pretty terrible hiring process. >> ainsley: the whole point of this is to not spread information that is false. and she has been doing that and she is in charge of the board. >> pete: remember the intel chief that came out and immediately put out a letter and said this is russian disinformation about the biden laptop. and john paul mac isaac who is a computer remayorman who hunter biden handed his laptop over and never picked it up so it legally became his possession. he was labeled right away as a russian asset. he was on "fox & friends first" asked about that because he is the kind of guy that would be a target once you deem something misinformation or russian propaganda out the gate. here's what he said. >> after adam schiff and 51 intelligence experts decided to pen a letter and tell the rest of the american people i was a russian asset, things have gone of gone down hill from there.
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i had to enlist the support from wilmington police department to kind of make sure nothing bad happened to me while i was at the shop and after a couple weeks. it eventually got so bad that i to close my business and flee the state. there was a lot of things i saw in the laptop that should not have been sent in the open, especially white house information pertaining to the ukraine being sent to private ukrainian citizens to benefit their business. and the national security ramifications from that alone i felt fear for the nation. >> pete: by the way he is suing multiple outlets. >> ainsley: for a million dollars. >> pete: not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things considering what was done for him. consider the department of homeland security created after 9/11 for reasons to protect our homeland. and here up mayorkas yesterday watching that whole hearing was fascinating. is he effectively defending the facilitation of illegals across our border and doing so more quickly. >> brian: doing a terrible job.
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>> pete: facilitating. basically helping people come across the board and talking about a misinformation governance board you? are supposed to protect our homeland and now you are targeting internal speech and helping people get across our border and dismantling the border. that's what happens when you give more power to government with ideological screws. >> brian: this guy got so screwed all he did accept a flant a crack-addicted customer who didn't pick it up. so he did the right thing. he went to the fbi and went to rudy giuliani. the fbi can't find it when asked where it is, rudy giuliani made it public and then he was told that it was russian disinformation. >> ainsley: he lost business as a result. >> brian: this guy is going to win that if there is any justice in the world. >> ainsley: had to shut down and hire security. let's hand it over to carley for more headlines. >> carley: yes i do. tragic crime story here. yet another one. the mother of an nypd officer is shot and killed on her doorstep in broad daylight in an ambush in queens. police say the shooter knocked on the victim's door and opened
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fire when she answered. the suspect later turned himself in to police. the motive is still unknown and the relationship between the two unclear. and the nypd is on a manhunt for sledge hammer wielding robbers who smacked through a front window. you see it there. the three thieves stealing $20,000 in merchandise. police are investigating at least 18 other smash and grab robberies across the city that appear to be connected. this just in. elon musk securing another $7 billion in funding for his takeover of twitter in a new fec filing the billionaire reports support from a handful of banks and trust funds. musk now has more than $27 billion in equity commitments to help take twitter private this as a new fox news poll saying musk buying the tech giant does not matter to 63%. including 42% who say it doesn't matter after the all to them.
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may the fourth be with this florida sheriff's office that was overrun by storm troopers for "star wars" day yesterday. >> a lot of these guys showing up lately after their death star blew up. >> there is another one here. >> no one? >> carley: pin it nell leastles county sheriff's office it will interviewing storm troopers to fulfill his law enforcement dreams. those are your headlines. that's funny. >> ainsley: we have to show that to janice. janice's boys are so into "star wars." >> janice: they are at that age. she spent a lot of money going to disney to see it. >> brian: border communities are bracing for impact as the biden administration prepares to drop title 42 may 23rd. our next guest is a border county judge. hear his message to the pres.
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>> ainsley: comedy world on edge this morning as armed man attacks dave chappelle. what this means for the future of free speech. ♪ your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill
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>> brian: welcome back. the biden administration could end covid era regulations for this -- for the border this month. allowing a flood of illegal immigrants to cross our southern border. they are flooding there now by the way a new fox news poll shows the more than half americans want title 42 to stay. about 32 democratic lawmakers as well. that's why our next guest wrote the president a letter urging him in a very respectful way to
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at least visit the region before ending title 42. hidalgo county judge richard cortez joins us now. judge, what prompted this letter and what do you expect to come with it? >> well, thank you for asking. you know, the situation at the border is a complex issue. and when you are talking about making changes either to the law or the policy. we want to make sure that those changes are going to be helpful. not hurtful. and i believe that we have a responsibility, those of us in government, to seek the best information possible before we make any changes. i think it would be good for our president who is our leader to come here and see for himself what the situation is hear from us, hear from the people that are on the border. totally understand the situation because this is very frustrating for us. you know, i was here in 1986 when president reagan allowed
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amnesty for millions of immigrants well, that problem didn't just occur in 1986. it was an accumulation of problems in the past. well, since 1986 is about 36 years ago, the laws haven't changed. the policies haven't changed so we continue to have the same situation. so, we're looking for a final solution we want him to provide leadership. to sit down with congress and come up with a solution to a complex situation and we think he can make the best decision by being better informed. >> brian: i know you are not knive. knave. he is not coming. who are you turning away now because of title 42 and who will you not be able to turn away? >> title 42 is nothing more than tool to the people entrusted protecting us and the border.
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without title 42. we believe that based on historic calling experience, the increase in immigrants is going to occur: immediately what's that is going to do redeploy people in between the ports of entry. protecting our border. you are going to redeploy them into the ports of entry to administer to thousands of people. okay. well, that puts vulnerable between the ports of entry and allows and gives opportunity for the bad things, you know, to come and occur. so that's why we want him to totally understand the consequences of this action. >> brian: judge, it's very simple. does he understand the concept of 1,000, 7,000 is overwhelming. 18 -- and maybe unsustainable. now it's going to be 18,000. he doesn't seem to care. what will that do for your job? how many cases are you expected to see? how many cell phones with a promise of going to a court appearance do you have to hand
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out? >> i hear you. and i know a lot of us are frustrated i'm not here to criticize the president. i'm here to solicit his leadership to solve a problem that needs to be solved. and the west way for him to do it is to come here. i don't know why he wouldn't want to come here. what would be wrong for him to do this? >> brian: because it's a disaster and he would have to acknowledge. you can't fault previous president for not acknowledging it he is not acknowledging it he blames it on a previous administration which makes your job almost impossible. >> well, it makes it difficult and, again, this is not my problem solely, it's an american problem and a local problem. it's an international problem. every day. >> brian: gotcha. >> texas, 70% of all the produce that we consume comes from mexico. and vice versa. >> brian: i know, judge.
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i have to leave it there you are insearly hoping he will listen to you. i don't think he is going to but i appreciate the effort. judge cortez, thank you. >> thank you. >> brian: straight ahead, ukrainian president zelenskyy opening up in an exclusive interview with our own griff jenkins. his message for president biden and the american people soon and supreme outrage. overnight workers putting up a fence around the u.s. supreme court as protests rage over a leaked draft opinion on abortion. fox news contributor alveda king vows to keep fighting until every baby is safe in the womb. she will join us live. inflammation in your eye might be to blame. time for ache and burn! over-the-counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those'll probably pass by me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. xiidra? no! it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is approved to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease.
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yay! case closed. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> brian: ukrainian forces in mariupol desperate standoff russian troops closing in on the city. matt finn is live in lviv, ukraine with the late rest. hi, matt. >> good morning, brian. the latest this morning the red cross tells fox news that 127 people have been rescued from the steel plant and more than 300 people have been rescued in general from mariupol. there are still a lot of people in that city and the red cross tells us that they have not forgotten about everybody there and they are trying to rescue everyone right now and for months hundreds of people have been sheltering in the cold, dark tunnels beneath the steel plant in mariupol as russia
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bombed it from above. now russia is saying it will pause military action today to allow civilians to leave. russian forces have stormed the site and that fierce fighting was taking place. we'll keep you updated on. that was and in an interview with fox news, ukrainian president zelenskyy said a visit from president biden would be significant because people here view biden as the world's largest democracy. >> i think it's very important because in our minds and society president biden is the president of the biggest democratic civilization for ukrainians for understanding. the nimentsd is reporting the united states provided ukraine killing approximately 12 russian
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generals on the frontline. that number has astonished military analysts. in congress this week general mark milley testified that the u.s. has opened up the pipes sending a significant amount of intelligence to ukraine before the invasion and now and pentagon spokesperson john kirby did not speak to russian generals but he said ukraine is giving america intelligence it can use to defend itself. country of belarus north of ukraine has started a round of military ers examines. belarus claims it poses no threat to its neighbors. ukraine says it's ready in case belarus join russia's war efforts here in ukraine. indication of the american commitment to the war here a new fox news poll finds 85% of americans believe what happens in the war here in ukraine happens -- matters to life in the u.s. that number has not changed since march. brian? >> brian: yeah. that's very impressive. that's the sense i get walking around here, matt. thanks so much. great update. meanwhile, at 25 minutes before the top of the hour let's go down to ainsley.
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>> ainsley: hey, brian, thank you so much. supreme outrage overnight workers build a fence around the u.s. supreme court building as protests rage over that leaked draft opinion on abortion. this follows two days of fierce protests nationwide but our next guest says states are finally waking up to the sanctity of life. fox news contributor and founder of think for life joins us now dr. alveda king. good morning, dr. king. >> good morning, ainsley, so good to be with you today. >> ainsley: always to have you on and hear from your perspective. joe biden was on yesterday and talking about abortion and heed justified it as americans we have the right because we are children of god god. what was your reaction to that? >> the president has obviously not heard the pleas of the women of america. he cannot hear the cries of the babies in the womb. he doesn't know how much fathers regret lost fatherhood. and so there are so many proof and so much evidence that abortion certainly is bad for
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the baby, the human dignity of the human rights of the baby. the pain and suffering of the mother. the father's cries. of the problems that follow abortion. he can offer americans something better than abortion if he would just take the time and be present. i understand he has not been to the border. ukraine's president is crying out for him. certainly the babies in the womb are saying, sir, hear us. you can see us on ultrasound now. >> ainsley: you have a very personal and powerful message about abortion and how you became pro-life. can you tell that to the audience? >> yes, i can. my own abortion testimony are in amicus brief that went to the united states supreme court several years ago. my grandfather martin luther king sr. convinced my mother not to have a dnc in 1950 and end my life. i did have abortion, and the abortions killed my babies.
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and hurt me. and i had a miscarriage due to one of the abortions, that's three lost babies. so i want women to be healthy, and safe. abortion won't do that i want the babies in the womb to have human dignity. god says choose life for a reason. life is a gift and children are a gift from the lord. i do have six living children and 11 grandchildren because i repented of all my sins in 1983. so there has to be a better way. the president needs to understand this, to serve america than to support decisions that will cause abortion. >> ainsley: what changed your mind back in the '80s? >> in 1983, i received jesus christ as my lord and savior, so if someone is watching today and you are not a christian, that's okay. i'm just telling you what changed my mind. the hope of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness in god is what has changed me and carries
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me through covid, fear of war, the abortion issues, the trans gender issues. all of those are real but faith, hope, and love are definitely stronger. and i ask people to do that. ainsley, i had some friends in front of the supreme courted pro-choice protesters there were fights in front of that as that leaked document came out. people need to calm down and stop fighting. >> ainsley: great message you have a fox nation special alveda king's house and you are talking about the national day of prayer which is today. prayer is important. can you see that on fox thank you, dr. king. >> thank you. >> ainsley: first it was the slap seen around the world will smith hit chris rock at the oscars. now it's dave chappelle being tackled on stage by an armed man. michael loftus sounds off on
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free speech in comedy. ♪
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♪ >> brian: look at this. you have got this man 23 years old. accused of this terrifying attack against comedian dave chappelle at the comedy show. he has been arrested. he is charged. he got beat up. and he is charged with assault with a deadly weapon. >> ainsley: police say the suspect isaiah lee charged the stage with a fake gun there is a picture of what it looked like that had a knife blade inside it luckily chappelle is okay. >> pete: what does the incident say about the future of comedy and free speech? let's ask comedian michael loftus to weigh in. what does it stay in michael, great to see you on the couch by the way. >> good to be back. first of all, this is a horrible thing. this is going to be happening, sadly i think more and more. look at like what happens is everybody questions the comedian. the comedian gets attacked and then like with chris rock at the oscars and then everybody goes oh, but what was the joke that he made they instantly start to
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and then will smith still gets the award. and now dave chappelle has made the unpardonable sin of telling jokes about the trans community and not backing down. so, i don't think we have ever seen anything like this in american culture. sadly it's just going to keep happening. they are not the brightest people in the world who has a knife disguised as a gun? what kind of brainiac. i will take a knife they will never find it it's disguised as a gun. >> ainsley: how is it going to change how do you comedy? will it change your act? >> it won't change my act. that's the only way through this. you have to -- comedy is based on surprise. and if you start taking oh i can't talk about that. i can't talk about that i won't talk about that. then it's just really boring and unfunny. i'm going to do what i have always done. i have always got that microphone stand like right there. that's a nice big hunk of metal can i start spinning that like observey one observey one can a
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nobodiy. then i take my stance. i get low and then i run. [laughter] >> brian: run for the hills. >> i'm not a good fighter. that's why i'm in comedy. i tell jokes and then run away. >> brian: joe rogan is the only great fighter who is a comedian. >> i would say chappelle has bulked up, too. mma standup comedy. >> brian: that's true. a couple of things. your comedy is very conservative. >> yes. >> brian: you like donald trump. 50% of the country vehemently doesn't. 50% vehemently does. that is ripe for some type of violence. i'm sure you have thought about that. >> it's happened. >> ainsley: it has happen? >> i have had people pop up. okay. this might be the moment, but, you know, usually security is close by. but, there is a -- it's like it's just bubbling up. people are so emboldened. we have generations of kids that
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have wonderful self-esteem for no reason. they got participation trophies and your opinion matters and you are awesome and then when someone says something that they don't like they feel compelled and justified and now some of them, you know, being celebrated for attacking comedians. >> brian: joe rogan predicted after the will smith incident that this is going to happen in comedy clubs and it is happening. are you worried you are not going to get booked in some places like i like michael is he hysterical but i can't afford the security because he is going to chicago or going to new york city? >> that has never occurred to me but it did now. and now i'm a little depressed. thanks, brian. it hasn't happened. fortunately everybody in the game long enough and touring long enough there is a lot of goodwill. >> brian: right. they do have to get more security. >> pete: they should. >> and i want it. i have been doing this sketch comedy show, that show tonight which there are several performers on staining. now i have numerical advantage.
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when things get dangerous i surround myself with more people. >> brian: ensemble. >> that show tonight sketch comedy snl but funny. we have the numbers. >> brian: where do we find you, michael? >> that show that's where people get all the info. >> ainsley: thanks, michael. >> brian: i hear it's brilliant. written with the right. >> if they storm the stage dave chappelle attacker treatment. the elbow goes out like that. if they do i'm a little teapot, his cup is not going to work right. >> pete: michael loftus, everybody. check out his show. appreciate it no politics no, problem. how one public school in colorado is attracting families by keeping subjects on traditional school topics and civil responsibility. imagine that. ♪ ♪ welcome to the next level.
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>> pete: welcome back. a new fox news poll finds a majority of americans favor a ban on sex and gender discussions for young students. imagine that. but that's not true, according to n.p.r. that claims "the education culture war raging in
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the u.s. is simply background noise for most parents." our next guests founded a no politics public school in colorado which has already seen huge growth in its first year. here with more from merit academy, parent bennie vilie, parent and teacher becky and founding board member john dale. thank you so much for being here and sharing your story about merit academy. john, let me start with you as someone that founded it. you got some resistance from the local school district to doing this. this is a charter school. how did you ultimately make it happen and why did you land on no politics? >> thank you so much for having us, pete, and thank you to all the fox viewers who supported us because one of the biggest obstacles to opening a school is the startup costs. it's over a million dollars and everything from curriculum to technology and project we're still working on but we thank you for the previous support. we overcame it by community
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effort, really stone soup approach. we've had a lot of people involved. everything from partnering with 4-h to local businesses, to the game warden and just yesterday, the great folks at civil air patrol approved our squadron, and we're actually looking forward to partnering with the school district now and working with the brand new school board and superintendent to continue the community partnership to even grow the school more. >> pete: real quick, how do you get around all the other woke stuff that is in public schools? are you able to exempt that? >> we're not exempt -- we follow -- we are a public school, we follow the rules. and as a policy, we just believe that certain controversial subjects are best taught at home by the parents, and our teachers follow that. >> pete: you're a parent but also a teacher, what's it like to be in front of a classroom where you don't have to feel like you need to discuss these, whether it's c.r.t. or gender theory with students. you're sticking to core curriculum. >> absolutely. core curriculum is where it's
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at. it is freeing, honestly, to just be able to talk about history and science and the reality of things rather than bringing in my opinions. my opinion is not important. it's what the children take from the information that i give them. >> pete: well said. bennie, as a parent, did you think you'd have a chance to send your kids to a public school that was like this? >> well, when merit was the talk of the town, the thing that attracted us to merit was the emphasis that they are going to teach core subjects and focus our kids into core subjects. so that is why we gravitated towards merit. >> pete: tell you this, i have no doubt our viewers are very encouraged by this. the website is and looking at the stats, you had 184 full-time students in this school year.
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next year, it could potentially double as well showing that there's clearly an appetite for this. thank you again so much for what you're doing in trying to give parents an option that represents a real education. god bless you all. appreciate it. >> thank you, pete. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> pete: you got it. coming up, a young yankees fan meets his hero after getting a home run ball. this 9-year-old joins us live next hour. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> security sent all across the supreme court. >> what the president is saying about the impact of the possibility the supreme court could overturn roe v. wade. >> this is the most extreme political organization that existed in american history. >> critical race theory has become one of those hot button issues that the republicans were engaged in disinformation for profit. >> tells senate republicans he has no idea that had a history of spreading disinformation. >> has misinformed the public. >> i will not discuss the internal workings of the hiring process. >> i as a woman has never been hit like that. >> amber heard takes a stand in
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the defamation case against her recalling the first time she claims depp struck her. >> worst thing just happened to me that could possibly happen to me. >> what was that moment like for you when you were handed the baseball? >> i was so happy. i said thank you! and i hugged him. >> pretty cool moment. >> ♪ i want tequila a little time with you ♪ ♪ a lime with you ♪ ♪ will you bring us to ♪ >> brian: hi, everybody. welcome back. you can't see us but we can see you. put something on. that's john pardi singing about what we thought he was singing about. he's singing about drinking. >> ainsley: i love his last name. to be mr. pardi. you might wonder why we're standing. >> brian: why are we standing? >> ainsley: every day, three
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times during our show at the top of the hour, brian just stands until he's about to be on camera so he was standing today. >> pete: you stood up and i have to stand up, too. you did. solidarity with brian who would stand all show long, if he could. >> brian: thank you very much. i like standing. i prefer standing. i think you live longer. we'll find out. >> ainsley: you stand in your office when you work. why is that? >> brian: i prefer to stand in my office. because i have the option. i got the motorized -- it's a start. >> ainsley: you push a button on our desks and it rises up. >> pete: i showed up at the show this morning, brian, was he not talking about his new television walking technique? he wouldn't stop and it was about how he now walks forward and backwards and he's perfected it and i've never done it and, therefore, i'm insufficient in my television background. >> ainsley: we learned that brian can walk and talk at the same time. >> brian: and everybody started doing it. >> ainsley: then he learned how to walk down the stairs. >> pete: then i perfected it and
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he's frustrated about the fact that i perfected the stairway walk. >> ainsley: now he can walk forwards and backwards at an angle. he does it like a pizza. >> brian: ok. your serve, pete. >> ainsley: when can we see you do this walk? >> brian: you can see the f-150 package, they're rolling out the lightning. >> ainsley: it's on fox nation. >> brian: it's on "fox & friends." >> ainsley: i remember that. where is it now? on fox nation? >> pete: on the internet. >> brian: google the f-150, you'll see what everybody is talking about. >> pete: maybe we'll get the tape and play it later in the show or tomorrow, your perfect walk. >> ainsley: do it right now for the audience. >> brian: here's the deal, so this is how i did it. i walk straight on like this and then i went back on an angle, pointed, and then walked straight again. that's what pete has to learn! >> ainsley: he claims that's never, ever in the history of television been done by anyone
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else. >> brian: google that. can you see if there's any other video of somebody else doing that? joel is on it. >> pete: joel has never done anything that i've asked. on an angle. >> ainsley: do we agree and folks at home, i said out of all of the things that you've done on fox news, that is what you're most proud of. >> brian: it's new. that's all i'm saying. >> ainsley: let's talk about joe biden. yesterday he was asked by the press about abortion and the supreme court opinion being leaked out. and his response was interesting because he basically -- he's now being criticized for this. he talked about his faith and he used his faith to justify abortion. listen to this. >> this is about a lot more than abortion. i hadn't read the whole opinion at that time. but this reminds me of a debate with robert bourque. he believed the only reason you had any inherent rights is because the government gave them to you. if you go back and look at the
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opening comments when i was questioning him as chairman, i said i believe i have the rights that i have not because the government gave them to me, which you believe, but because i'm a child of god. i exist. >> pete: first of all, it doesn't make any sense. >> brian: he thinks the only rights you have is the right the government gives you? >> ainsley: i'm not sure about that. ronald reagan wanted to appoint him. >> pete: definitely not what he believes. one takeaway from that, the first foray into the left trying to destroy a qualified nominee. >> brian: now the word is bourque from that. he takes away that he made a point that he's a child of god. by the way, i am just a child of god. i exist. you know what that made me think of, psalm 139, i praise you because i'm fearfully and wonderfully made. that's the type of perspective you would hear from someone who
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-->> ainsley: pro lifers use that a lot. >> pete: creating that same type of language to defend a different stance doesn't make any sense. >> ainsley: has people scratching their heads. you have a political fundraiser and said biden literally made the case against abortion. pro lifers say this is ironic. he makes his argument to support the right to abort unborn children of god. house republicans tweeted this out. used a ronald reagan quote said everyone who is for abortion has already been born. >> brian: so president didn't stop there. they have a strategy. it's not to just look at this, they want to say look at this extreme organization. they want to ban soon everything that they can including interracial marriage, the way gay kids can go to school with non-gay kids. they extrapolated that all from a decision that has not been released. it's a draft of what a supreme court might do on roe v. wade.
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here's the president turning it up a notch. we've seen the president make mistakes and they walk it back in a very short period of time. this is deliberate. watch. >> happens if you have state change the laws saying that children who are lgbtq can't be in classrooms with other children. is that legit the way the decision is written? what are the next things that are going to be attacked? because this magna crowd is the most extreme political organization that's existed in political history. >> brian: everybody with a red hat that voted for president trump said you're talking about 75 million, the most votes ever for a republican president and did lose to president biden but he had more votes saying -- so you just took a risk of alienating tens of millions of americans. >> ainsley: like the deplorable comment. and you made a good point in the first hour and said that's not
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at all what republicans are saying. they're not saying to don't allow lgbtq in the classroom with other children. >> pete: nobody has said that! >> ainsley: that's discrimination. >> pete: it's already illegal to do that. interracial marriage, think of how much you have to mischaracterize deliberately your political opponents to make the argument that maga folks want to ban interracial marriage. it's a smear. it's an absolute -- it's the same thing you're saying saying the number one greatest threat that we face domestically in america is white nationalism. that's their code for maga, what they're trying to do to political opponents. by the way, people call me an extremist all the time. people that have supported president trump or others. fine, call me whatever names you want. they don't mean anything anymore. now they're calling my parents and my friends and my neighbors and the guys that i went to high school with. it's the same thing that donald trump said. they're coming after you. i'm just in the way.
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and that's the view. don't just do donald trump that way. all the wal-mart deplorables and smelly wal-mart people and bitter clingers, that's how they view you and to call them extremists with the levers of power that they have on the left right now, that means targeting political opponents and as you had, he said it intentional. >> brian: clarence thomas is going to have to understand interracial marriage, he wants to ban interracial marriage? someone should tell his wife. number two, i would think about the first openly gay cabinet member. do you think he is, i believe, the ultimate maga guy who thinks donald trump did a great job and hope to work for him again. should we tell him that the secret maga movement wants to ban him from hanging out with heterosexuals? >> ainsley: laura trump made that exact point. this is such a wrong characterization of the people who supported donald trump. listen to what she said. >> in case joe biden is interested in who the maga crowd is, ainsley, these are people
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that love america, that get up in the morning. they go to work. they pay their taxes. they go to church. they believe in the police. they believe that we should be a sovereign nation with borders. they don't want to pay triple what we had to pay now in gas and groceries from about 18 months ago. these are people that want to achieve the american dream and don't want the government smothering it. biden is missing the bigger point here because the maga movement was started because of failed politicians exactly like joe biden. >> brian: so good luck with that. so i don't know where he wants to go with that, but i know this. this is one way to accomplish their goal. not talking about the border and not talking about inflation, not talking about spending, failure of build back better, the interest rates. we're not talking about that. we're talking about -- we're talking about an argument that doesn't exist.
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that is the expansion of a series of policies that nobody ever talked about, but it's, i guess, just explained to me why you're not going to do these things. where did you come up with that? meanwhile, something else that i thought was amazing last week, as horrendous as secretary mayorkas testimony was as he tries to defend what he did and hasn't done at the border. one thing that stood out and caught everybody by surprise when mayorkas brought up and talked about this disinformation czar and disinformation essentially bureau that is going to be working to make sure outside countries and companies don't affect the voting process or america's dialogue. >> ainsley: she's had some controversial tweets and you know about most of them because we've talked about it and talked about how trump supporters are going to go to the polls armed. she talked about how that the laptop hunter biden's laptop was disinformation which it was not. it was proven later it wasn't. now she's in charge of the
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disinformation board that's trying to make sure false information doesn't get out when she's the one spreading it. she also said the dossier was real. turns out it wasn't. it was manipulated and made up by hillary clinton's team and others. her name is nina janowciz and a video has surfaced of her from november of 2021. a clip of her discussing parents' concerns in our school about c.r.t. listen to this. >> critical race theory has become one of the hot button issues that the republicans and other, you know, disinformers who are engaged in disinformation for profit, frankly. there are plenty of, you know, media outlets making money off of this, too, have seized on. i live in virginia and in loudon county, one of the areas where people have really honed in on this topic. it's no different than any of the other hot button issues that allow disinformation to flourish. it's, you know, weaponizing people's emotion when you're looking at stuff on the media
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whether it's, you know, mainstream media, fringe media or social media, if you feel yourself getting really emotional, there's a good chance you're being manipulated, right? it is meant on drive that emotional interaction in you>> brian: told bret baier they said she's nonpartisan to protect america. does anybody believe that? >> ainsley: she said that republicans are disinformers. they're not informing you correctly about c.r.t. it's not republicans. it's parents. we saw what happened in virginia. we went down to have conversations with the parents in loudon county. they showed proof much what's being taught in the school. for her to say it's not being taught when these parents, not just republicans, parents, you had republicans, independents and democrats that voted in the state of virginia because they were concerned about c.r.t. being taught in the classrooms. >> pete: she perfectly parrots the way this administration sees parents. remember, they said look out, the parents are the threat! they're the ones that are
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dangerous. these words critical race theory has become one of the hot button issues that the republicans and other disinformers. if you're saying other disinformers, you're saying that republicans by their nature are disinformers. and engaged in disinformation for profit. profit is a bad thing, too, according to her. every single aspect of this is far left, d.c. swamp creature has a really inflated sense of what she knows about the world and loves to make snap judgments based on her political views which are almost always wrong and impose them on the rest of the country because she knows better. >> brian: elon musk buying twitter, i shudder to think of it, taking over platforms that make it look like for the marginalized communities which they're already shouldering. i didn't know that you needed a lot of money to go on twitter. >> ainsley: new fox news poll that says 74% of voters are extremely or very concerned about what the schools teach.
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74%. my democratic friends, my republican friends, they are all concerned about what our schools are teaching our children. they want to -- you know, they want our kids to be in schools where they're teaching math and science and not all of these crazy woke agenda ideas that are being taught at such an early age. >> brian: how does he not know that she has these views. they're pretending he's lying again under oath. by the way, she's the exact opposite of anybody you want to hire in that spot. >> pete: we don't need anybody in that spot. if you want to hire somebody in that spot, the exact wrong person to hire. >> brian: she took that down, by the way. she took her tiktok down. >> ainsley: she made her tiktok private. >> brian: we have a passion for musical theater. i'm not on tiktok. >> pete: it's incredible. it's not surprising. that 74% number went rapidly up after covid-19. i'll shamelessly plug out my new
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book coming out about the 100 year progressive takeover of the k through 12 classroom. the moment when the cameras turned on at home and we saw what was being taught in the classroom. if you're one of that 74%, how do you solve this? i was talking to carley about this in the green room. how do you get at this problem? you have to understand the depth of how they have captured our classroom. this isn't an accident of the 1960s. this started years ago to undermine the way that free people were classically trained. you know what liberal arts comes from? a liberation of the mind. free citizen. they've totally eradicated that. so i wrote this book with david goodwin, head of the classical christian association in america. he understands this philosophy of schooling. it will shock you about what they did. but ultimately, there's three chapters on how to solve the problem and i think that's what parents are looking for. and it's going to take a radical reorientation for parents in this country if we want to change that trajectory. the book is "battle for the american mind" and comes out on june 14th.
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i would preorder it now if you want to get it on that date. >> brian: is that flag day? >> pete: it is flag day and army birthday and it is donald trump's birthday. >> brian: right. >> pete: june 14th. >> brian: is it your birthday? >> if you open up the book, will an eagle fly out of it? >> brian: i'm sorry about that, pete. i didn't know she was going to mock you. >> pete: i took it as a compliment. >> he's probably like wait, how can we make that happen? >> pete: did we not have a conversation in the green room and you said you're going to read it. >> without question. especially this is something that all my friends are struggling with right now. they have young kids. not any announcements. i'm thinking about having kids and something i'm worried about living in manhattan. i think so one of the biggest mistakes that conservatives made was give up the classrooms and we're suffering the repercussions of right now. think about what happened with twitter where you have, i think it really does go back to school. where you have people who are just so interested more
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interested in free speech than safe spaces. and now, they're confronted with ideas that they're very uncomfortable with and look what's happening right now. so buy pete's book and that's the way to fight back. >> pete: appreciate that. thank you, guys. >> turning to headlines, shall we? we'll begin with america's crime crisis. caught on camera. armed robbers storm a los angeles county smoke shop. watch as they pull a gun on a worker shooting him behind the counter. that employee returning fire prompting the suspect to duck for cover. police one of them did die. two others remain on the loose. scenes like this have california residents calling for the removal of d.a. george gascone, a recall petition has more than 400,000 signatures. a spokesperson saying we're starting to see a real light at the end of the tunnel here and real plausible pathway to get these signatures if we keep it up. a fox weather alert, tornadoes rip through texas and oklahoma causing intense structural damage. the twister causing power outages for about 14,000 people
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in oklahoma last night. the state also reporting hail storms with stones as large as two inches. severe weather is expected to continue into the weekend in parts of the south, midwest and great plains. hear about this? cowboys owner jerry jones is hospitalized after a car crash, incident happening yesterday in dallas involving one other car. luckily, jones is ok and was only taken to the hospital as a precaution. it's unclear if jones was driving at the time of the crash or anyone else was hurt. and tom cruise really knows how to make a grand entrance. the actor landing a helicopter he piloted himself on the u.s.s. midway to celebrate his premiere of his new movie "top gun maverick." the movie is coming in theaters later this month.
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34 years after the original film. it's been a while, guys. something to look forward to if you like "top gun". >> brian: definitely going to see it. >> ainsley: me, too. glad it's coming back. >> brian: thanks, carley. the suspect is charged with assault with a deadly weapon after attacking dave chapelle at the hollywood bowl over the weekend. l.a. county sheriff reacts to the latest in this investigation next. >> ainsley: an emotional amber heard takes the stand testifying about the alleged abuse suffered at the hands of johnny depp. we'll bring you live to the courthouse ahead of more testimony today.
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xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable it'5g network,resh refresh at subway but for up to half the price of verizon so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? fewer groceries. this phone? more groceries! this phone? fewer concert tickets. this phone? more concert tickets. and not just for my shows. switch to xfinity mobile for half the price of verizon. new and existing customers get amazing value with our everyday pricing. switch today. >> pete: an emotional amber heard takes the stand for the first time in the johnny depp defamation trial.
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live outside the courthouse with highlights from testimony yesterday. hi, david. >> good morning. an emotional testimony from actress amber heard testifying yesterday. she'll be back on the stand today to speak to the jury for the entire day. she paints herself as a bruised and battered wife and girlfriend of johnny depp for many years. >> did he just hit me? no! i want to leave him. i didn't want this to be the reality. i didn't want the man that i was in love with. you don't come back from that. that broke my heart! i didn't want to leave him. >> heard detailed what she said was multiple episodes of violence as a result of depp's temper. during her testimony, depp looked down instead of at the witness stand, feet in front of him. the actor is suing heard for defamation over a december 2018 "washington post" op-ed she
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authored herself describing herself as a victim of domestic violence but depp's name was never mentioned. >> i struggled to have the words. i struggled to find the words to describe how painful this is. and this is horrible for me to sit here for weeks and relive everything. >> johnny depp was not arrested or charged as a result of the abuse claims. remember, this is a libel trial meaning the burden is on johnny depp to prove that amber heard engaged in actual malice meaning she demonstrated a reckless disregard for the truth in writing her op ed. that is a high bar to prove. johnny depp says he will be able to prove it according to his attorneys. amber heard says ultimately, she did fight back but it was only in self-defense. back to you. >> brian: all right, david, thanks so much. more drama today, i'm sure. meanwhile, the man who attacked
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david chapelle on stage over the weekend charged with assault with a deadly weapon. lapd releasing images of this replica gun with a knife blade in it which they say was on the suspect. the startling attack did not stop the show. chapelle and chris rock who were in attendance were cracking jokes after the incident. >> it was a man! >> was that will smith? >> brian: all right, let's bring in los angeles county sheriff alex villanueva. your reaction to what we all saw. >> well, this is -- we're seeing this pattern, it started in 2020 with the d.a.'s race, the mayor's race just a few weeks ago. people rushing the stage. and these activists want to have their seven seconds of fame, and this is another version of that. >> brian: what about the security itself? whose fault was this? >> well, you have private security that typically runs a
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venue like this and you have lapd that is on contract for the venue itself. but private security has a primary role around the stage and then screening people coming into the venue. so i take a hard look at how well -- they weren't doing their jobs. >> brian: when you see that weapon, what do you think? >> definitely, they have to pick up the pace on what they're doing with metal detectors because that should have been an easy find really. >> brian: why does someone have a gun, you're screwed already. but don't worry, officer, it's really a knife. i mean, is that just bizarre, isn't it? >> yes, i mean, that is a totally irresponsible thing to bring to a venue like this and you start questioning what is this person thinking about really? >> brian: if you're the last act, comic strip or anything like that, any of these famous comedy venues, big and small, do you have to re-examine your security today or am i overreacting? >> well, not really. i'd start taking a hard look at these venues particularly dave
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chapelle, great comedian, but he's controversial in some of his comments draws ire from one group and you'll have other people that draw the ire from another group. there's always a potential there's somebody that's unhappy that wants to make a name for themselves. this is the venue for them to do it really. >> brian: big moment, one of the worst d.a.'s in the history of this nation is in your backyard, works with you. george gascon, he now has 400,000 signatures for his recall. what's the significance of hitting that threshold? >> well, they're past the halfway point now and i think they got about two months left of signature gathering. so i think they're on pace and looks like it's going to happen. so i think that's a historical moment for this experiment with ultra progressive d.a.'s who don't do their job. i think the country has had enough with it. they want to see basic law and order reinstituted everywhere. >> brian: he was in san francisco, right? we knew what he was going to do.
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you guys elected him anyway. >> exactly. you know what, fool me once, shame on them. fool me twice, shame on me. that, you know, i think the voters are going to probably correct that mistake. >> brian: sheriff, you've told us this for a few years now, how bad it is. are other people realizing that you're not wrong now? >> i think they're starting to come to the realization, yes, that they were sold this bill of goods about how we can just eliminate cops everywhere, you know, the whole defunding movement which is actively being practiced by the l.a. county board of supervisors and this whole let's get rid of the jails, the prisons and everybody is going to sing kumbaya, it doesn't work that way. smash and grab. the huge spike in homicides here in l.a. and homelessness spiralling out of control. i think people want to have a sense of normalcy, and we can do a lot of reforms. we can get people to help their need. but it shouldn't be an either/or proposition. we can do both. >> brian: yeah, i hear you. we always -- our audience agrees
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with you. now you get the people in california agree with you. i hope you do and run for higher office. sheriff, thanks so much. >> you got it. >> brian: still ahead, from combat to congress. meet the indiana air force veteran who just won her primary and hopes to bring -- break barriers on capitol hill. and this 100-year-old man just broke the guiness world book of records for the longest time employed at the same company. what he credits for his 84-year long career. that story next. (vo) when it comes to safety, who has more iihs top safety pick plus awards— the highest level of safety you can earn? subaru. when it comes to longevity, who has the highest percentage of its vehicles still on the road after ten years? subaru. and when it comes to brand loyalty, who does jd power rank
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number one in the automotive industry for three consecutive years? subaru. it's easy to love a car you can trust. it's easy to love a subaru.
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>> carley: back with your headlines starting with this. new details on missing alabama jail boss vickie white and capital murder inmate casey white. police say for two years, the two have been in a "special relationship". surveillance footage shows the moment they left jail, and from a local alabama gas station, their getaway vehicle can be seen at an intersection shortly after making their escape. authorities believe the two started their relationship when she was questioning him on murder charges. the pair have been missing since friday.
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san diego padres pitcher mike clevenger returns from tommy john elbow surgery with a lights out performance against his former team, the cleveland guardians. he gave an emotional post-game interview discussing his return to the mound. >> sorry. yeah, i wasn't sure i was going to pitch again. so this is big. >> carley: good for him. it was his first start after a nearly two-year absence in recovery. and this 100-year-old man sets a guiness world record for longest career at one company. officials saying walter orthman worked at a brazilian textile company for over 84 years beginning back in 1938 over the course of his eight decade career. walter says he never considered working anywhere else. he continues working full time
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as a sales manager crediting his good health and sharp mind. god bless him, ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: good for him. what a feat. that's wonderful, thanks, carley. with midterm election season officially under way, republicans are fighting to flip seats and gain control of the house. the iraq war veteran won the primary in indiana's district, district one this week and face off against democratic incumbent frank mervan. if she wins, she'll become the only black republican woman in congress and joins us now. good morning, jennifer ruth. >> good morning, how are you? >> ainsley: doing great. congratulations on your republican win. why do you want to be congresswoman? >> thank you so much. >> ainsley: you're welcome. >> i appreciate that. well, as a military member and as a conservative, i just saw this clear lack of leadership and i felt underrepresented. i see policies are being failed to be enacted and people are suffering. i want to be able to serve and
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lead in that capacity. >> ainsley: tell us about who you are as a person, your family, and how you became a republican and about your service. >> absolutely i'm a christian first and foremost. god is good to me. got saved when i was 9 years old, baby of six. my parents have been married 52 years and my mom is filipino and my dad is african-american and growing up in a multicultural household was amazing. studied japanese for about eight years during grade school. and god has been really helpful. as far as encouraging me and preparing me for unique opportunities such as this. >> ainsley: that's amazing. i know that a republican is not won the seat since 1928. you are running against the incumbent who is a democrat. how will you convince the voters and what has changed about your district? how do you think you can as a republican win? >> yes, so in indiana, we live -- district one is the most diverse district that there is. and so there's so much of the minority impact there. and as we are considering, you know, being a different
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messenger with the same message that 18 months ago we were better off or that republican values of hard work and ownership and accountability are solid, practical tools for our country, i think it's going to be very clear that our members that reside in the first district are going to resound with that because those principles helped the working class, helped the middle class and i think it's going to be amazing. >> ainsley: you see people of all backgrounds and colors can now see how bad the biden, pelosi agenda is for america. what in your opinion are they doing wrong? >> well, i think fiscal irresponsibility is the biggest destruction. i think this continuous spending, whether it's irresponsibility in regards to forcing up our inflation, poor energy policies, skyrocketing gas prices, all of those individual elements hurt people at the local level. and so like you said, and, you know, as a quote, there's so many pieces of this experience that are just pertaining to every single person. so it doesn't matter what color you are.
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it doesn't matter what, you know, your economic background is, regardless, americans are suffering. and somebody has to stand up and lead and do something about it. that's why i'm here. >> ainsley: ok, there's so many issues that we're talking about in the news as of late, really abortion. where do you stand on that? >> i'm 100% pro life. >> ainsley: what about immigration and our schools and c.r.t.? >> i whole heartedly disagree with the concept that every -- in regards to c.r.t., every system is inherently racist because if it were, i would not have the opportunity to be a lieutenant colonel in the air force and indiana national guard. i wouldn't have the opportunity to be the commander. i wouldn't have the opportunity to be a united states air force academy graduate. so i'm exhibit a and i present that as a rejection of the notion that c.r.t. is a thought process that's worth continuing to provide to our k through 12 children. >> ainsley: jennifer ruth green running for congress in the great state of indianapolis. we wish you all the best. thank you for coming on. god bless you. >> thank you. god bless you, too.
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>> ainsley: thanks. coming up, president biden facing backlash over his latest remarks. fox news at night anchor is why it's angering so many people. plus a 9-year-old's big day at the ballpark and he's going to join us live after meeting his home run hero.
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catholic in that we know he's regularly in church. reports that he's been at church and been there to worship. we know that he hears from the priest and leaders of his church. what he seems to believe personally is in conflict with what he does professionally. the church's position officially is from the moment of conception, life is to be protected. they view that as a human life. and he has often said what i believe personally is different than what i advocate for publicly because i want to make sure that there is access to abortion for people who don't believe how i believe or how the church believes. now, i hear regularly, also, from groups within the church, for example, catholics for choice who are at odds with what their church believes. so it's an interesting dichotomy for the president to walk this line. he's tried to do it for many decades. what it ends up being the biden's position, administration's position is very much pro choice. >> ainsley: let's talk about mother's day. we only have a few more days. lots of people have not bought
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their mother gifts. have you boys? you wrote this great book and i read it, it's beautiful. women of the bible speak and you also wrote recently "the mothers and daughters of the bible speak." so this is just in time. great gift. tell the folks at home why this will be wonderful to give to their moms. >> you know what, i hope it will be encouraging to moms out there. you have the hardest job in the world i firmly believe, and there are faithful examples like mary, the mother of jesus or moses' mother that show faith, that show courage, stepping out when things are very difficult and making hard choices to protect their children. but there are also families that are dysfunctional and flawed because the bible is full of those, too, we see where moms don't exactly get it wrong. but god is still working in all of it. i hope at the end of the day, moms will be encouraged to know, you know, god on your side. he's cheering for you and sees the hard work that you're doing and i hope you feel plenty celebrated this weekend including you, ainsley. >> brian: you like the book, right? >> pete: love it. >> brian: right. want to put him on the spot.
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so shannon, i got to ask you something about your previous statement. the president came out and said that robert bourque said all rights come from the government. is that true? is that what he thought? >> no, that very much doesn't sound like what judge bork would have believed. many conservatives believe there are natural rights that come from way beyond the government. that the government doesn't decide things about the value of life. and that would be much more closely aligned with what judge bork believed. it would not be his position that all rights came from government. i think that is clearly a misstatement. >> ainsley: he was a ronald reagan apointee, too, that baffled us when we heard that. thanks for clarifying. >> pete: you're a good curveball hitter. in the two books that you've written both of which are on "the new york times" list, by the way, pretty impressive. two at the same time. number two and number eight. >> ainsley: you jealous, brian?
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>> brian: absolutely. i'm always jealous of shannon. >> pete: a little bit. in those examples that you provide, you know, joe biden talks about his private feelings on abortion vs. his public stance. is that a biblical stance to take? here's what i believe but i'm not going to reflect it in what i do? >> it's tricky because the bible definitely talks about the difference between religious leaders and the government, you know, the idea of rendering to caesar what is caesar's but also says, you know, ultimately your allegiance as a person of faith if you have trusted in christ is to your heavenly father and to what you believe are his commands for your life vs. what the government may tell you. if you think they're in conflict. so there are people, like i said, within the catholic church who have very divergent views on this and the president seems to be one who is really trying to manage both sides of this issue which we all know is passionate. >> ainsley: he went down to north carolina and the priest wouldn't give him communion
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because of his position. >> brian: let's say ainsley turns an ankle or has a low grade fever, would you ever host a bible study for her? >> oh, my goodness, i would be honored to be a pale substitute for her. i'm here for you, ainsley. >> ainsley: we're trying to get brian to come on it. >> brian: talking to my people. have a great day, shannon. >> ainsley: say prayers for him, shannon. >> brian: congratulations. >> ainsley: congratulations. >> thanks happy mother's day, too. >> ainsley: happy mother's day to your momma. i know you're so close to her. >> pete: you need to write two books at the same time. >> brian: you raised the bar. a 9-year-old meets his hero after getting a home run ball from aaron judge. the grand slam day for this young yankees fan coming your way. >> ainsley: let's check in with bill hemmer for what's coming up at the top of the show. i know it will be a good one. >> how are you deplorables doing today? >> brian: good. >> ainsley: us wal-mart shoppers are hanging in there. >> good morning, joe biden is going after the maga crowd.
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what the race in ohio tells us about donald trump. karl rove joins us on that today. what do americans say about gender education in schools? we have new polling on what you're telling us today and amber heard is back on the stand next hour. dana and i will see you in a few moments, top of the hour here. we are her teachers, her therapists, chefs... oh, that's why we're tired. it's because we're doing it every single day, all day. how do you like learning at home? i kind of don't like it. i kind of don't like it either. i just want you to have everything. everything that you want in life. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ shhhh. i think she's still awake. don't worry. the lexus rx built for modern families. $1,500 lease cash available on 30 month 2022 rx lease programs.
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>> carley: back with some quick headlines. facebook's parent company hits the brakes on hiring new workers as growth stalls and the company focuses on opening its first physical store. it's set to open may 9th in silicon valley and feature virtual reality games and testing sites for video devices. cinco de mayo get the best freebies, applebee's and chile's have $5 margaritas today. if you'd rather fiesta at home, chipotle is offering free delivery on all orders this week. pete? >> pete: as if i needed another reason to get chipotle. it was an amazing moment at a yankees-blue jays game. earlier this week, a 9-year-old wearing an aaron judge shirt was moved to tears after another fan caught judge's home run ball and gave it to him. it only got better for the
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yankee slugger's young man when last night he got to meet him in person along with the blue jays fan that gave him the ball. joining us now, that lucky kid, derek rodriguez along with his dad caesar and the blue jays fan who gave him the ball, mike lansalotta, what a feel good story. we've been talking about it all morning long. derek, let me start with you. you're at the game. wearing the aaron judge shirt. cool to be there with your dad. did you -- i'm sure you never thought you would get a ball. but what were you thinking in that moment as that ball came flying into the outfield right toward you? >> at the beginning of the game, he told -- michael told me i'm going to try to get you a ball. and it didn't work out. but when aaron judge hits a home run, i knew it was coming straight towards us but i didn't know he was going to give it to us and i'm really glad he did. >> pete: we're glad you did, too. and derek, i mean, you
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immediately in tears and gave him a hug almost like you knew him. >> yeah. i just did that automatically. i couldn't think. i just went and hugged him. >> pete: that's the ball right there. i bet you haven't let it leave your hand since, have you? >> only time i let it go was when aaron judge signed it right there. >> pete: smart kid. smart kid. mike, let me go to you. i mean, you're a blue jays fan. he's a yankees fan. you're trying to get him a ball. what drew you to derek and the desire to help him out? >> i think it was just from the initial meeting, i saw him there with his dad caesar and just reminded me of my childhood going to ballgames with my family. and i just remembered getting balls as a kid and most incredible feeling. so i just, you know, i don't know really why. but it just felt like something was compelling me to get this young fella a ball.
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so universe works in a weird way. >> pete: you did. did aaron judge say anything to you about it? >> judge, what a classy gentleman. he shared some kind words in the dugout to me saying, you know, you don't realize how many people's lives you impacted and such a special thing that you've done, you know, for this boy. and never changed. >> pete: it is special. you paid it forward and it paid right back to you the next night. caesar, as a proud papa, you take your kid to a game, you certainly don't expect something like this. walk us through what you saw. >> yeah, well, you know, we always try to catch the ball. and this first time is what's amazing thanks to michael because i tried to catch the ball, too, but michael was faster than me!
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and thank god he gave it to derek and it's amazing. amazing moment. >> pete: amazing moment indeed. derek, you said mike is one of your best friends, right? >> yes, for the rest of the game, i called him best friend. >> pete: i think my kids would do the exact same thing. well, derek, caesar and mike, thanks for a heartwarming story, and i have no doubt it's what sports and baseball should look like, and you did it on camera in front of everybody with a wonderful example. god bless you all. hold on to that baseball, all right? >> thank you! >> thank you. >> pete: thank you very much. what a great moment. all right. we'll toss it over, back to the couch. you know what, brian, i'll walk backwards and talk the entire time proving that if you can go farther than 10 feet while walking backwards. >> brian: go up and back. >> pete: all the way up, maybe down again. >> ainsley: yes! yes! >> pete: how was that? >> ainsley: i think you just beat him. you'll have to top that tomorrow. >> brian: not exactly how i did it. a for effort.
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great story, though, right. cool story. >> ainsley: happy mother's day. tomorrow is grandparents day at our school so i'm volunteering so i won't be here tomorrow. but i want to wish you a very happy birthday over the weekend, toba who has been in our ear. >> brian: who i've never met. >> ainsley: last 15 to 17 years in my life. happy birthday to you on sunday and happy mother's day. happy mother's day to my mom. love you. you're the best. >> pete: see you tomorrow. >> bill: good morning, i'm bill hemmer. nice to see you at home today. >> dana: i'm good. >> bill: i'll call that turquoise. >> dana: what would you call your jacket? i think it's lovely. >> bill: i call it summertime. >> dana: i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom." we're told there is a very strong police presence see justice's homes after the leak of a draft


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