tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News May 5, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
the u.s. from mexico in 1996. deputy mute says mariachi music lets him give back. will happy cinco de mayo. tomorrow on "special report" inflation. that's does it for us fair balance and unafraid. judge jeanine pirro hosts "jesse watters primetime" right now. hi, judge. >> judge jeanine: hi, bret, nice to see you again. >> bret: you too. have a good show. >> judge jeanine: all right. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: good evening and welcome to "jesse watters primetime." i'm judge jeanine pirro. tonight, a radical leftist group has released the addresses of the conservative supreme court justices calling on their legion of liberal followers to march to the judges home activist group
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soros money. but there's less known about smaller groups like ruth sent us. they appear to be doing the dirty work of posting the judges' addresses. some dark money say the george soros backed group arabella advisers could be behind these smaller pop-ups. >> the dark money spending apparatus has been largely dominated by arabella advisers which is an advisement fund that is basically the front group to george soros. if you have a dark money entity like arabella advisers that is standing in the back, then they can produce these little pop-up entities that are based on the issues of today. so, whether or not today we are dealing with the supreme court draft leak in a week you might be dealing with something else. >> judge jeanine: releasing the home addresses of the supreme court justices is extremely
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dangerous. keep in mind, some of these justices have small children. while they fenced off the supreme court the homes of the justices are out in the open. now that their addresses are public, any crazy leftist could walk right up and change the course of history. democrats should be discouraging this but, instead, they are fanning the flame. >> this maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in american history -- in recent american history. >> this opinion is dark. it is incredibly dangerous, and it is not just about a woman's right to choose. it is about much more than that. once you allow this kind of extremepower to take hold, you o idea who they will come for next. >> judge jeanine: joe biden is calling half the country extremist while crooked hillary
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is calling the conservative justices dangerous. that is totally irresponsible. the media is also on board spewing similar inflammatory anti-republican garbage. >> extreme, that still is in the category of normal, extreme vs. not so extreme. i think we are talking about something completely different. >> we need to look at what is before us and how extreme these washington politicians, these maga washington freaks are. >> what we have been witnessing is people who want to overthrow democracy. who want to overthrow the government. >> maga? that's the least you could say is that they're extreme. >> judge jeanine: the left isn't new to this. they sent mobs to the houses of senator josh hawley. lindsey graham and justice kavanaugh in the past. and back during the 2020, blm riots, the group shut down d.c.
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published a map identifying politicians. government buildings, and conservative nonprofits. now, they are trying to intimidate conservative justices in to not overturning roe v. wade. but senator john cornyn is not going to sit by as supreme court justices get threatened. >> not just an attack against the independence of the judiciary. this risks violence against members of the supreme court and their families. that's why last night senator coons and i introduced a piece of legislation to enhance the authorities of the supreme court law enforcement agencies to provide protective details for the judges and their families who have already been threatened with violence. >> judge jeanine: this is where we are now. supreme court justices need police protection. because it only takes one
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lunatic to do something crazy and they are encouraging hundreds to go to the justices' home. look what happened in 202017? a bernie supporter who was enraged over president trump's 2016 landslide victory opened fire at a congressional baseball practice severely injuring g.o.p. whip steve scalise. or in 1981, when a crazed gunman opened killed president ronald reagan to try to win the love of jody foster. there are a lot of insane, dangerous people out there. and by publishing the justices' addresses and calling on a lee janet of liberal followers to march on the judge's homes to protest, these leftist groups are putting their lives in danger. dan bongino is the host of unfiltered on saturday night and he joins me now. good evening, dan. you know, the craziest part of
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all of there is that it appears that what the left thinks is peaceful is, you know, burning down a building as we saw in 2020. or, you know, fires behind them with, you know, reporters saying this is peaceful. there is nothing really that bad going on. don't believe your lying eyes. now to dox, identify supreme court justices in an effort to use mob rule to get the justices of the supreme court to change their decision and this is supported by an administration, by hillary clinton who ran for president twice. what does this tell you about the state of politics in america today? >> it's about what politics has always been about the projection of power. liberal side power is just an end for the left or means by which they get there they don't care. conservatives, it's different. there is a natural emergency
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break on conservative behavior when it comes to these types of threats and violence. guided by god given rights. the big our god given rights are granted everyone. even liberal. it prevents us from doing this kind of stuff being sanctioned by the organized conservative left. the radical secular left, they don't have this emergency, judge. they don't believe in any of that they believe in a culture of death. they are obsessed with terminating en masse the lives of children and infants in the womb. it is a sacrament for them, it is a church. this is being left out of the story here what the left is really up to here. if this was about earned media. if you run for office you want earned media. it's the kind of media you get from an enforce doorsment you don't pay for you earn it you want earned media. if their real goal here was to add vo he cat for pro-abortion and pro-death position, right? they know where the cameras are.
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they are in front of the supreme court justice houses. they want the cameras taken to the houses because they want the crazies in the audience to see exactly where these people live. exactly. they want them to see the front door. that's what they're up to here. >> judge jeanine: this is very, very dangerous. when jen psaki was asked about this at a press conference today, i want you to take a listen to what she had to say. >> there is a lot of passion, a lot of fear, a lot of sadness from many, many people across this country, about what they saw in that leaked document. we obviously want people's privacy to be respected. we want people to protest peacefully if they want to protest. that is certainly what the president's view would be. >> doesn't care if they're protesting outside the supreme court or outside someone's private residence? >> i don't have an official u.s. government position on where people protest. i want it -- we want it, of
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course, to be peaceful. >> judge jeanine: so she doesn't have an official u.s. government position on whether or not the legions of leftists some of whom are being paid to protest in front of supreme court justices' homes some of which have little children, there is no real government position on. that was is that an outrage or am i exaggerating? >> no, no. you are not exaggerating. this is disgraceful. you know, peppermint patty there is really an awful, genuinely awful human being for doing that. she is creating an extremely dangerous situation for people with children. now, listen, the democrats will never do an autopsy on how they actually got here and created this problem for themselves by being hysterical lunatics. kim strassel has great piece in the "wall street journal" right now how they are doubling down on crazy now. for jen psaki not to be able to come out in very simple and clear terms and say listen, this is not the appropriate venue for a protest outside of these people's homes, we can get our
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message across at the supreme court, we can get our message across in a number of different vehicles outside the white house, we have more than enough avenues to do this. but outside of their home is probably not the most appropriate place. now, if this was a story about a liberal judge, justice sotomayor, oh, forget it, there would be a meltdown on the media, demanding judge jeanine, sean hannity, tucker, donald trump, josh hawley, every republican to denounce this dangerous doxxing behavior, twitter would be banning people. facebook would have you in the gulag, you would be sent to the gulag by tiktok, there would be a new novel written about you later on. because it's about conservative justices appointed by conservative -- the left doesn't care. i pray to god -- i'm not using his name in vain. it that nothing happens here. if i was a betting man. >> judge jeanine: i couldn't agree with you more.
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very dangerous thing happening right now. all the signals from the top are go for it anyway, thanks so much, dan bongino. anyway. liberals have lost their minds over florida's parental rights bill. but we will show you why the bill was passed in the first place. that's next. ♪ and for us at this means - free cancellation on most bookings. it's a bit functional. but we'll gladly be functional. so you can be free. booking.yeah this mother's day, show mom that you worship the ground she walks on. or in this case, stands on. the new anti-fatigue comfortmat from weathertech is a gift she'll appreciate all year round. it makes standing comfortable in the home or office and comes in a variety of colors and finishes. and for mom's vehicle, there's cupfone, floorliner, cargoliner, and seat protector. show mom that she deserves the best with an american made gift from weathertech.
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>> judge jeanine: florida's parental rights and education act was repeatedly ripped by liberals all over the country who claim that the law is based on a lie. they told us over and over again that teachers don't force their ideas, their radical gender identity and sexual ideologies on their students. >> was there lots of discussion of sexuality happening in
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florida elementary schools? what was the predicate for this? >> absolutely not. this is all about playing politics with people's lives. >> many teachers and lgbtq groups have said it isn't part of instruction. it's not part of curriculums. >> to be clear, there is no evidence that any classrooms are trying to teach this, any teachers to these young children. >> judge jeanine: well then how do they explain this? a florida teacher named casey scott was fired from her job at that trafalgar middle school. after discussing sexuality with them she told them she is pansexual. that means she is attracted to everybody trance trans, nonbinary. you name it she has the hots for them. after her big reveal, her students drew flags to represent their own sexual preferences and gender identities which she then hangs up.
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so the district official said some of the kids reported being confused. you think? by the situation. >> a lot of the kids came out to me well, i'm nonbinary and a couple kids said i'm bi. one kid said they are gay. a discussion happened in class and because of that, now i'm fired. >> how do you feel right now? >> really ashamed, i guess. disappointed. because i feel like it's all my fault. and i was just being myself. >> judge jeanine: this teacher was fired days before the law passed and it also doesn't apply to the grade she teaches. but her story proves why desantis came up with the law in the first place. pam bondi is the former florida attorney general and my friend and you know, pam, it's amazing how they say, you know, on the left media there is no evidence that any classroom was subjected
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to this or any teachers talked about this. we had it right there. is this what is the genesis behind the law that the governor passed and signed? >> this you is going on everywhere. in florida our governor had a great sense and legislature to pass the law. the law needs to be under to older kids. these kids were only 11 years old. and she is saying that they're talking about being gay, binary and pansexual and they are drawing the transgender flag? they should be drawing the united states flag. they should be drawing the ukraine flag. that's what they should be drawing in art class when you are 11 years old. and then she tripped herself all up and because then we found out that parents, of course, an students complained this has been going on. let me take it a step further jeanine. great commissioner of education richard corcoran scouring through our text messages because in math books and others, they are putting critical race theory into our
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text messages that's not just in florida. parents, if you are at home, that was the only one good thing about covid. parents really got to see the books their children were looking at during covid. parents need to look at these textbooks. it's outrageous what's going on in the country. >> judge jeanine: virginia became battle ground for parents and teachers and school boards and of course, florida is a battleground now for sex education. sexual orientation and gender identity. but we are both lawyers here, pam. and i have to tell you, with this proposed supreme court decision in the dobbs case that alito wrote, you know, i am just so flabbergasted by the reaction of the public saying, you know, a woman's right the decision itself really says. it doesn't say abortion is illegal. the decision basically said there is no constitutional right to an abortion and ruth bader ginsburg even, you know, was press shent when she said
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something it's not grounded the way we think it is. it's up to the people to decide. why is that so difficult for the left to comprehend? >> because they are not getting their way. jeanine as you said, the supreme court should not be legislating. they should not be creating law. that's what they were trying to do with roe v. wade. that belongs to the states state by state to make that decision. and that's why if that opinion is -- well, we know it's real. but if they vote to affirm that opinion, that draft opinion, then it's going back to the states. and it's not going to change in many states. and, you know, and elizabeth warren's big liberal state of massachusetts, abortion is going to remain legal. it's a state-by-state thing. it's states' rights. you and i talk about that all of the time. >> judge jeanine: right. >> states legislate what's appropriate for them. there is no constitutional right to abortion. >> judge jeanine: right, right. people are now and even the president says we don't know
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what's next? what about in the classroom? what about contraceptions, what about interracial marriage? i mean, you know, justice scalia in this opinion basically says this has nothing to do all those other cases with the issue that we are deciding which is abortion only. and they just want to expand it. be crazy. >> jeanine, justice alito was very, i think it was brilliant what he did. in his opinion he said this is about life. our decision is about life. nothing else. meaning none of those other issues will be affected, will be impacted or brought up by the united states supreme court. >> judge jeanine: he was very clear about that. i think pam in three separate areas of the decision he said this is not to be used for any other case. any way, pam, good to see you again. thank you for being with us. coming up joe biden's new disinformation czar doesn't believe crt is real. so what else is she misinformed
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♪ >> judge jeanine: joe biden's dystopian information board under fire again. homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas grilled on capitol hill this week, turns out he can't tell us what is or is not disinformation. >> i often say that natural immunity from having had the infection is equal to the vaccine or better. >> well, first of all. >> those are very specific. we can't even agree with disinformation is. you can't even agree that it was disinformation that the russians fed information to the steele dossier. if you can't agree to that how are we going to dom an agreement what is disinformation so you can police it on social media? do you think the american people are to so stupid you need to tell them what the truth is you
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can't admit what the truth is with the steele dossier. i don't trust government to figure out what the truth is. >> judge jeanine: speaking of the steele dossier wind's loony tune disinformation star nina jankovicz says the deep state isn't real. >> talking about the deep state and things like that, which is a thrud among conspiracy theories in the united states there is a secret kabul here in washington working to undermine the american people, it couldn't be farther from the truth as someone who works with and around public servants every day. >> judge jeanine: that's right. nothing to see here folks. according to jack wits, the deep state is fake and so is critical race theory. it's just another made up republican issue. >> critical race theory has become one of those hot button issues that the republicans and other, you know, disinformers who are engaged in disinformation for profit, frankly, there are plenty of, you know, media outlets that are making money off, this too, have seized on.
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it's weaponizing people's emotion. >> judge jeanine: using disinformation to weaponize people's emotions? what kind of monsters would do such a thing? florida congressman byron donalds and fox nation host tomi lahren both join me now. all right, guys. the testimony or the questioning by senator rand paul was compelling, the american people do not need the government to tell them what the truth is but for some reason our government thinks that this nina jankovicz is the perfect person according to mayorkas who would be her boss to tell us what the truth is what say you congressman donalds? >> we don't need nina jankovicz. we don't need mayorkas. he frankly can't tell the truth what's actually happening on the southern border. how can we rely on him and his department to tell the american people the truth about anything. this is an absolute joke. the real issue here is that
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democrats have failed across the board, judge. and they have to put out narratives and talking points and they are the ones that actually have to use the emotions of the american people to try to win elections. because they can't do it with fact. they can't do it with the base. they think nina jankovicz is going to pull them out of the fire. but they have failed broadly and everybody knows the truth now. >> judge jeanine: you know, that is a good point. i mean, tomi, they are picturing on emotion and that is what this whole thing is about abortion. i want to stick with mayorkas for a minute. i mean that guy to me hasn't told the truth since he showed up. the border is secure you know, in a few days title 42 drops, and, you know, they plan on not listening to the federal judge apparently, they are really ready to handle 18,000 illegals a day. >> listen, mayorkas is way in over his head. and he should pull a jen psaki and maybe just go work at msnbc or another liberal news outlet so he can actually peddle
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misinformation and disinformation. not only this, do we not need the government to tell us what the truth is if the last two years serve as everything they told us was a lie or disinformation or conspiracy theory, most of that has turned out to actually be true. so the reverse is actually the case when we look at what the government has been peddling us for the last two years. force feeding down our throats with big tech on their side hope gli elon musk that is going to change and that's probably why they need this won to tell us what the truth is because they are terrified that the warns of big tech might not be refereeing for their side anymore. >> judge jeanine: you know, congressman donalds, tomi makes a great point. that is that we have former president barack obama coming out a few weeks ago in a speech saying you know, i'm a first amendment speech absolutist, a free speech absolutist but we got to moderate the content. and within a week or two, musk is buying twitter and now all of a sudden we have this
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disinformation czar. how far left can we possibly go to cut back on the first amendment to the constitution? >> listen, the political left knows no bounds. they will do whatever it takes to win elections, to implement their agenda. nothing has changed. even barack obama when he was president, he lied about premiums. he lied about what was going to happen with obamacare. on obamacare right now. i have never paid more for my health insurance. my deductibles have never been higher. he was not telling the truth. yet, he spends the rest of his post political career trying to lecture us. >> the political left, the democrats in congress, just want to implement their agenda. they do not care who they have to lie to. they do not care what agencies they need to create in order to get the job done. >> judge jeanine: tomi, in line with that in terms of what they need to do, the doxxing of the supreme court justices, of the conservative ones who, you know, was apparently we don't know yet for sure signed on to the alito
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decision overruling roe v. wade in casey, i mean, it comes from the top, literally. they have no problem starting with maxine waters get in their faces. how do the american people not see this? >> listen, the party that is supposed to be so loving and so tolerant is anything but. it's also a term called gaslighting. and their new czar of truth does that well. when she says that conservatives and republicans are the ones trying to weaponize for profit maybe the death of george floyd to raise money for blm or every time there is a school shooting to raise money for their anti-gun group or now with this latest supreme court leak to raise money for planned parenthood and other entities that they support. called gaslighting, the democrats do it very well unfortunately there are so many low information viewers and stleerts buy into it up to us to get the messaging better on our side. >> judge jeanine: that is so true. congressman byron donalds and
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motorcyclists and then drove off. the driver has since turned himself. in in colorado springs yesterday. a driver veers into oncoming traffic to chase another driver after trying to confront him. a georgia woman britney griffith shot a 17-year-old in the face this weekend during a road rage incident. she had her 3 young kids in the car with her at the time of the shooting. 17-year-old is now in stable condition and griffin arrested and charged with aggravated assault endangering children and weapon. notice, no attempted murder there although she shot him in the face. this has been an ongoing problem since the pandemic started. experts say that every 17 hours someone is shot at, injured, or killed in the road rage attack. what's behind this dangerous trend? is this solely a result of pandemic frustration? or is there something more at play? >> joe go maldi is a fraternal
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order of police national vice president and my friend, joe, explain this to us. i mean is, this all the pandemic? what is this? >> well, you know, i think people like to blame the pandemic. obviously road rage is out of control. but we weren't seeing these huge crime spikes that we saw in other countries that we saw locked down during covid. this road rage incident mirrors what's going on with violent crime in this country. 2021 was the highest murder rate we have seen in a generation. and, of course, right on cue, people are calling for new gun laws. we are not even enforcing the laws we have on the books right now. d.a.s and judges to grow a spine and actually prosecute criminals and throw the book at them because right now we have a culture of lawlessness in this country and it's perpetuated by the woke agenda which is no consequences resolving door and it's also carried by people, media hacks like brian stelter that tell the public oh, yeah, violent crime is just a republican talking point.
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here's an idea, brian, why don't you sit your ass next to me in a patrol car and i will show you how bad crime is in our community and then tell me it's a talking point. i'm sure he will cower up the space space while we pick up the brokenning pieces in our community. >> judge jeanine: when you have got supreme court justices being docked, where organizations are actually paying people to go protest, you know, the same team that was like get in their faces, don't let them be in the same places you are. we have got a left that has been ginned up and geared up by the left. enough to they have given them the ability to be without consequence. i agree we keep saying judges, d.a.s, you and i know that until everyone gets involved, this kind of thing is going to keep happening. and people are going to buy guns, i imagine, and they are going to start defending themselves, they are not really in a position like police are to ho have since been defunded
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because of the left to protect themselves. >> yeah, you are absolutely right. they have been emboldened by the far left to go out and commit crimes, knowing that there is not going to be any consequences. look at the riots in 2020. no one was held accountable for their actions during that time period. so you have taught an entire generation a lesson that you can do whatever you want out on these streets. you be not going to be held accountable. you are not going to go jail. when we ask politicians to take this seriously, all we get is a bunch of pearl clutching or mayor adams yucking it up at the met gala with a fancy jacket on. here is an idea instead. how about you step out there and you tell people that we're going to hold these violent criminals, thee degenerate dirt bags on our street. we will throw them in jail and get violent crime under control in our country. >> judge jeanine: it's interesting when new york city voted in mayor eric adams, he had been a police captain. they expected a lot.
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and now the majority of new yorkers are very disappointed in him and his poll numbers are not good. but, it's always good to talk to you. i appreciate it joe go maldi, you always have a sense of reality. thank you. >> thank you, judge. >> judge jeanine: update in the bizarre case of corrections officer vicki white and inmate casey white. investigators now suspect ago romantic relationship and it turns out that vicki white sold her house days before escaping with casey. fox news correspondent christina coleman joins us now with the latest. hi, christina. >> hi, judge, yes. in the eyes of some of her colleagues and family members 56-year-old vicki white was squeaky clean with no indication she would help a murder suspect escape prison. suspect reported she was giving casey special treatment including giving him special food and the two knew each other for several years.
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we also learned she planned on retiring and sold her home below market value shortly before their big escape. keep in mind, she was the jail's assistant director of corrections. she would oversee other employees working at the facility. take a listen to vicky's mother and the sheriff. >> you trust your employees, especially your rank and file -- your ranking officers, vicky white had never given me any indication that i couldn't trust her. she was a model employee. >> she has never done -- i doubt she has ever even had a speeding ticket. she has always been what i say a good person. and like i say, this is all a shock. >> judge jeanine: shock and now you are general is i with the desperate search for these two seen leaving the lauderdale county jail on surveillance video. the murder suspect casey white has a lengthy criminal history. 38 years old. 6'9", weighs 250 pounds and he is considered to be armed and extremely dangerous.
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it's day seven of the search for these two with no clear indication of where they are. >> can be out of the country, you know, i don't know that they had necessarily the paper work to guess get out of the country seven days they could be anywhere in the country. >> u.s. marshal is the lead agency on the manhunt for the fugitives. authorities warn people approaching them. if they see them, they say it's best to call the police. again, these two are considered armed and dangerous. judge? >> judge jeanine: all right. thanks so much. fascinating case. all right. threats, drugs and more violence. the johnny depp-amber heard trial gets more crazy by the day. we have an update next. ♪ ♪ under control? hide my skin? not me.
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>> jeanine: the johnny depp defamation trial continues, with amber heard taking the stand again today for her second day of testimony. here with the latest is laura ingle, fox news senior correspondent. hi, laura. >> hi, judge. well, there was dramatic and careful testimony from amber heard on day 15 of this defamation trial. heard, as you mentioned, is being sued for libel by johnny depp for $50 million in this case following op-ed that she wrote in which she claimed she was the victim of domestic violence. now the jury heard about it now infamous trip a couple took to australia in 2015. that is the one part of johnny depp's figures were cut off and heard says she was actually assaulted. breaking down into a tearful sobs and struggling to catch her breath, amber heard gave brutally graphic testimony about an alleged sexual assault involving a vodka bottle. heard says she suffered at the herons of depp while the couple was staying in australia.
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>> i've never been so scared in my life. it was black, i couldn't see him. he was looking at me and i was trying to get through to him, i was trying to say to him in some way that it was me, trying to get through to johnny, because i couldn't see him, i couldn't see him at all. >> the jury saw pictures of the house where the alleged assault occurred and where johnny depp later suffered a severed finger. bennett was on to another incident happening a few months after the couple reunited after that australian p during which heard claims depp threw her on a bed, yanked out her hair, and struck her repeatedly. >> he's punching me, punching me, it closed faced, punching me repeatedly. i don't remember feeling the
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pain. i just remember the sound of johnny's voice. he got next to my ear and he was screaming over and over and over again. >> heard also testified that earlier in their relationship depp broker knows after the met gala in 2014. >> i remember what started was this accusation i had been flirting at this event. we get back to this hotel room and johnny shoves me and at some point he just lacks me in the face. and i have not come at the time, then -- i did not come i think that was the first time, is this a broken nose? >> and court is in recess until may 16th now but there is a lot more to go. amber heard is expected to continue her testimony. the judge in the case says she expects closing arguments to happen just before memorial day
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weekend. judge? >> jeanine: all right, thank you, laura. fascinating case. joining me now with more analysis is my friend, terry mark geragos. mark, what did you think of amber's testimony today? >> locum all we have seen basically is her direct testimony. i refer to that as the infomercial of the law. you are hearing her story, her narrative, and by the way, probably masterful, i don't know if it was intended -- one of the things i commented about, you and i talked before, it kind of breaks down during gender, or along gender lines, it is interesting some of the people who are very upset she has so far looked convincing or persuasive or not but she is acting, so it is an interesting kind of give and take that you
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find in these trials, but ultimately, at the end of the day, judge, they've got, i'm told, seven young males who are on that jury and i think that is a hard role for johnny depp to overcome. >> jeanine: well, you are saying the seven young males would take amber's side, is that what you are saying? >> i'd say that generally what you like to see, and i think i'll bet you, i haven't talk to you about this but i bet it is your experience, women are generally harder on women. as a general -- >> jeanine: right, they are. you are right. >> every case i have ever tried, that has been proven true. i think in the case like this, if you've got a predominantly young male jury, that presents problems for depp. >> jeanine: it's interesting, i'm not so sure, as i watch this case, you know, i see a lot of -- i see a lot of both sides. you kind of wonder how these
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people stuck together for so long. anyway, mark, thanks so much for being with us, we will call you back next time. >> thanks, judge. >> jeanine: and today, the white house celebrated cinco de mayo, where people drank margaritas and had a grand old time, until joe biden took the stage and made things awkward for everyone. >> all right. teachers, you know, i sleep with a teacher every night -- [laughter] same one. same one. if i didn't like teachers, i'd be sleeping alone. [laughter] >> jeanine: and on that note, that's all for us tonight. thanks so much for watching. you can catch me every day on "the five" and jeanine. and fox nation. nice to be with you. tucker carlson is up next and
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hopefully jesse will be back soon. i am just here to tell you he is feeling much better, he had his surgery and god willing he will be back sooner than you think. tucker carlson is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." you can question whether joe biden actually got, what the number, 81 million votes in the last presidential election in action later in the show we will. but even if you accept there actually were people who voted for joe biden voluntarily, it's hard to believe that many of them got anything like what they expected in return for their votes. joe biden, not to be dark about it just honest, joe biden has turned out
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