tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News May 5, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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their urges to and it's become the number one supplement recommended by urologists only this advanced formula has produced effect three key ingredients to help reduce bathroom trips. it's like taking three supplements and one that's why it's a best selling formula at wal-mart reduce your urges to with the brand urologist recommend most welcome to tucker carlson tonight . sotuck you can question whether joe biden actually got what's the number? eighty one million votes in thew last presidential election. actually , latere in the show we will. t but even if you accept w that there actually were people who voted fororfo joe biden voluntarily, it's hard to believe that many of them gotote anything like what theytu expected in return for their votes. joe biden not to be dark about it.
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just tooed be honest, joe biden has turned out to be aned unparalleled disaster. it's not an overstatement.. a in fact, it's a generous assessmentnd. our country has never seen anything like what joe biden has doneanyt barely 15 months io his first term as president. joe biden has crashed the stock market, provoked a food shortage, opened our borders to millions of illegal aliens, presided over historic rises in murder, inflation and drug lords as well as a corresponding plunge in overallt life expectancy.he and then because all of that wasn't punitive o enough fr a country as racist as ours, he dragged the united states into an entirely pointless war with a nuclear armed power on behalf of o a corrupt foreign government that once bribed his drug addicted son . that's all realbedict joe bidend all of that and those are the big easy to measure crimes he has committed. he said virtually every nightd., cataloging some of the rest shuttered schools, permanent lootingne, latin american levels of wealth inequality, tampons in the boys bathroom, sevenal dollars a gallon gasoline, unprecedented race hatred, homelessness, mental illness,
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suicide and above all acrossgo the pacific ocean, a chinese government that's laughing out loudve as we destroy ourselves for no reason. that's some of what joe bidenwh has done so far. he promised a return to normal.l he's deliverediv war and economc collapse. joe biden is old enoughn . unfortunately, they almost never certainly be held ce ofntable for any what he's done. but his party should be how will any democrat outside west hollywood ever get elected in this country again?gain? in a fully functioning democracy, that would be an a fully functioning democracy? that would be an honest question. tu butrk biden has a plan to work p the fear man complaining criminalize the opposition. just twenty four hours ago, c joe biden, the president united states told us that people who don't support him the single biggest securityt threat that faces this country, not al-qaeda. not the chinese military, not the mexican drug cartels, not even, russia, which we are told daily is the wellspring of all evil. nof ,, you you're the biggestus threat because you don't vote democrat, as joe biden put it,
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quote this maga hat crowd isex really the mosttr extreme political organization that's existed in american history, the most extreme, the worst, worse than the worst of the nazi's, worse than the anarchists who murdered an american president. worse than anyone ever. that's you. you're an existential threate y the country you were born in . it's hard j to believe joe biden said that , but he did say it and of course some people believed him. here'sht what the supreme court looks like tonight . you'll notice the riot grayed security fencing around t the building. why is it there? protecthere to the justices inside from the mobs that joe biden has incited with the demagogues you just heard samuel. alito is a seventy two year legal scholar whose use would have been considered ordinary maybe five years ago. now according to joe biden, he is a dangerous extremist. he's aen member of a movement more threatening than anyis political movement in american history. what's the resultto today? alito had to cancel a public appearance because there were
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too many threats on his life. eachch one of those threats ist in facta a threat to us and our country. you don't want to live in ay country where supreme court justices cower in fear for t their lives if they reach the wrong conclusion. that's the definition of a failed state. turns out we have a justice department that exists to prevent things likee this from happening. that's the whole point. butle under joe biden, the doj s too beholden to the mob to say a word about it. you can't offended tpa. are a vl they're a vital constituency. here's's the attorney general a merrick garland appearance today. tell us what he's worried aboute most consistent with theen president's executive ordert' on tackling the climate crisis at home and abroad. we are issuing a comprehensive environmental justice enforcement strategya coit communities of color, indigenous communities and low t income communities often bearhe the brunt of the harm caused by environmental crime, pollution and climate change. powell, of course the greatest
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threat is global warmingng, whih by the way, is racist like so many other weather patterns. of that's what merrick garland is most afraid of tonight . and of course, in order to f fim global warming, which iser existential, whatever that means, you're going to have to hand merrick garland and joe biden a lotk more powerth over your life. sorry,at that'sn. the only solution. much more one. that to come.shod but for now, here's what youdn should know. merrick garland didn't even t mention the threat, the physical threats too this country's highest court because those threats come from. the left and therefore aren't really threats. see how that worksow. you're about to see more of it. a left wing activist group isub nowli published what it says are the home addresses of justices amy coni h barrett, john roberte samuel alito, bretttt kavanaugh, clarence thomass, n and gorsuch quote we must rise up to forceta accountability using a diversity of tactics, explainsbi the group's website.i a diversity of tactics.csse >> s what are those where youidre imagined they already include disrupting catholic church services s.? t,
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not a big deal in order to change a supreme court decision that's not an attack on democracy or anything. merrick garland is not concerned now if someone were w to vehemently criticize oprah, o that'd be different. we'd havewo told a press conference and call the national guard. but conservative supreme court justicesrence bu, they deserveot what they get . course, under these conditions, violence is already beginning. abortion lunatic's just vandalized a church in coloradod . thing has c happened to a pro-life counseling center in portland in los angeles, demonstrators threw rocks at cops for some reason. what did they have to do with it? who knows? more on the system the and the injured. one of them went to the hospital. but merrick garland isn't't worried about any of that . supt his fellow democrats support s that . they are callingr for what they long have. here's chuck schumer from two years threatening mob action if any supreme court justice are ever too get out of line. >> watch this . i want to tell you gorsuch, i want to tellsu you, gavino, yu have really the whirlwind
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and you will to ride you know, know you if you go forward with these awful you will pay the price really. it >> these are people with lifetime appointments. soappointments how exactly couly the price? w can't vote against them. what can we do?he we can hurt them.s the we can harass their families. ry we can make it impossible tore live in this country through threats of violence. quote, you won't know what hit you said the from new york . t apparently they're about to learn what's going to hit them.e remember when liberals used to oppose violence, they didie give peace a chance. it's hard to believe there was ever a time if that was true , maybe they were just pretending. in any case, they're now for it. violence iss their religion here and abroad. you're seeing it on display w right in front of you whether you've noticed or not in eastern europe. so rather than trying to save the civilian population easterng europe, joe biden is pushing w for a hot war against russiaar.
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in fact, he's already engaged w in a hot war against russia and so are we. whether we knew it or not. new york times just ran this headline quote u.s. intelligences he is helping ukre kill russian generals. oh , no big deal . according to paper, quote, the united states has provided intelligence about russian units that's allowed ukrainianso to target and kill many of the russian generals who've died in action in the ukraine war according to senior american officials. so they're bragging about itre o and not just that . nbc news reports that biden officials are also bragging about helping to shoot downrt a russian transport plane of russianndreds troops. and then tonight , since the theme here tonight , the administration is saying out loud that actually it helped sink out a russian warsh. now why are they doing this ? and more a baffling, why are they taking credit for it i in public? why would you tell peopleus you're doing that ? there's only one reason because you wantwa war with russia. not a fake war , not a proxy war , but a real war with thousands of american troops, trillions wasted and many dead. that's war is a war against
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nuclear armed countries. it's hard to imagine there's never been one .li there'ske no reason to have a wr like this . it doesn't need to be a war like this .t we wouldn't be having one if joe biden didn't want one . but biden wants it. he's doing this on purpose. us we're not imagining that he's telling us what he's doing. we're just ignoring him. many democrats are telling us what they're doing. here's biden ally congressman o seth moulton off massachusetts saying out loud on fox l on monday what if they wrap this in the senate with a ukraine funding and a kovene funding? you fng in guys okay with that? some we're going to support it because it's the right thing to do for ukraine. i mean, obviously there's a lot a lot ofde of politics involved and there will be domestic debates here at home about all their policiest po and whatnot. but, at the end of the day, we've got to realize we're at war and we're not is at war to f support the ukrainians. we're fundamentally at war , althoughthro through a proxy war with russia and it's important that we win reallyea we're at war . did you know that ? did they text you to let you
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know? because wars tend to escalate and wars that are existentialee for one side in which the leader of a country feels he may die if he loses tend to escalate very quickly. obviously susceptible isn't't it's just important that we win, he tells us we really who's weak and important to? whom exactly is there anyone outside washington who wantsgt a real war with nuclear armedon russia?ctly who exactly is seth moulton talking about when i he saysslkd we were wondering then we w watched biden yesterday. he traveleded b to alabama and s visited the only constituency in america that longscy for war with nuclear armed russia. that would be his donors. he talked to lockheed martinte plant and as he did,d bideno boasted that we're sending so many weaponsma, ukrainee that mothers in the united states are naming their childrenited after lockhed martin's missile systems watch with no one to help defend freedom and sovereign immunityag years ago. that's true again the next
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one . man, thank for your time for. there's a wide range of options. are they darkness for 400 a meters away in fact. sowa this is a story aboutg the greedy parents, maybe the children not a newborn child. jablin angelina jolie. it's a joke, this little joke about weapons systems. you know, it used to be when k american presidents talked about killing peoplepe, the firt thing they did was make certain it was absolutely justified. we've been invaded. pearl harbor, 9/11. this is entirely voluntary i exercise. and the second thing they did was attach some gravity to the idea of people dying because when people die it's sad they leave behind spouses, parents and siblings and children. death is sad acknowledged s sad. that they don't joke about it. joe biden considers that anft uplifting story.
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joe biden is d demented and he's dangerous. and so when the people who work for him that's true . sorry to say that loud but it's real. this countryisra has seen leadership and it needs it immediately cannot come too soon. pray sshipediately. in midtermsd joe biden. joe kent will find h outr he's running in the november midterm elections. he's a former member of the army special forces. a membery he's run for a seat in washington state in the republican primary. we're happy to have him join us tonight. we are to can thank you. you just can't say enough. say . we're at war with russia. tellss the administration tells us we're at war with russia w . er and i'm just wonderingn what percentage of the american population knows that we're at war with russia and supports it? kn i don't think any american knows that we're at war right now because congresscong has nov done their job. they blindly authorized billions of dollars to go to ukraine to exacerbate this conflictat. it we'rey allowing our intelligence community without any kind of oversight to bragto out loud that we're killing russian generals, sinking russian ships. we're taking sng every single action to provoke the russianss to give them no other option but to view us that that we are
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at war and congress has not n respected us enough, not shown us the decency to come back to their districts and sell it to the american people and tell them that ,n hey, this is what this conflicte really is. t this iso what i'm going to needb from you, the taxpayers manyil billions of dollars at a time when inflation is out of control, at a time when our southern border is beingd invaded, i need to send itto overseas and by the way, if things go wrong, i may need to send your sons and daughters off to go die g in a bloodlands if it goesarrope or really wrong, we will be in a nuclear conflict. but we don't have sane, rational people that care about this country or respect itsle people in charge. right now we are in very ie dangerous waters right now,ed unprecedented. we've never been here and there is no guardrails right now for what the biden regime is doing toiden this natd and they did what they always do, which they shouted down anybody who asks questions defunded, please shut up. racist as the facts work. oh , you're killing people. should we get a nuclear n war with russia?uc you're working for putin and they completely emasculate o
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the other side to the point where we just all went along with this and then kind didn't notice it was happening.ap it's absolutely ridiculous and we have to understand what the game is. they're going to call us in this case putin stooges. they're goingng to try and shoot us down and we did exactly. we don't care. we're going toar come right back at them. this is what this party ,caican the america first movement is all about. we're about putting our nation a first and doing what's rightor for our country. o o we don't'tco careuntr what the r side says to us . they say, hey, we need to t saddle up and go to war with russia. we say why?no there is and absolutely not. constitue's a constitutionallyy appointed process to this needs to go to a war powers debate on the floor of congress. no congressman right now shouldl be authorizing one more pennyin to go to ukraine if we give them any aid whatsoever, we should be dictating to zelenskyy that he shouldct at the table with the russians trying to stopto the killing the intelligence community right now that's leaking this information that's trying toeakikito get us into this ward
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these people need to be found out held accountable, stripped of their jobs and their clearances because they're pushing us towards a warsar, not keeping us safer. it's too crazy. so when victoria nuland or joe biden says you don't love america really right. justst laugh at them. right. so can that happen? i appreciate that . thank you . thank thank you , tucker . >> so the idea that political violence against your enemies is a new thing isol not true . it's been going on another thing that we haven't called out explicitly enougher h. it's been going on for a long time. on the left was maxinenn watersh from 2018 doing that . here's just one example. >> did you see anybody in that departt? in a restaurant in ame departmet store gasoline station you get hot and you out down and well done. yeah, t they're not welcome in their own country and the mob obeyed because they always do.
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it's not the first riots she's called for. by the way. go checkck the tape from ninety two in los angeles. it worked.he so all of a sudden trump administration officialsts couldn't have dinnerwo in restaurants and woke up at 3:00 in the morning. their kids terrified people screaming at themth at their own homes and that was totally cool. no problem at all. all. over over the the next four years, bn voters should go on to accelerate. accelerate, they destroyed major cities in this country, firebombed courthouses. they murdered their political opponents rig. it's all this dream now no one remembers treuhand ananda's . thmberss he's one of the few journalists who bother to cover that as it was happening. he's an investigator, former host of the turning point.g it was a show frontlines. and w we're happy to have youe're h jp us tonight. thanks so much for coming on . so you're looking at almost in slow motion supreme court justices being intimidated inton changing their legal opinions. can't speak in publicay now and no one's saying anything about it. likeinut what , tucker ? this is criminal cartel behavior or threateningny political opponents or any opposition. op exactly what we see in third world countries when
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it comes to their politics. butolol this is the same playbook we saw in twenty twenty the far left these politicians, the democrats, they gaslight their woke mob in order to t mobilize them o, in order to energize them to commit political violence in order to literallyly get political goals done foror them. that is literally domestic terrorism. they useat is blm to do it. they use denty to do it immediately after the scotuss documents were leaked a couple of days ago, i started the track antifa on twitter and immediately antifa was calling to terrorize their oppressors and then they took to the streets in l.a. they took to the streets in portlandsors, started to vandalize in order to do just that . this is part of the new normalo they want us to accept post 2020 where riots are w normal and only the far left coulde commit political violence to literally get a political one across. t dem not saying the right should do that .ep sta i'm saying it's clear that the deep state in theoing far lt is doing this and they allow it because they're all on the same team. listen. and and this is all about killing and murdering babies. but i guarantee you, tucker ,ut these people care more about murdering babies than they doe i george floyd and they're going
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to do more . you just watch abortion needs to die and babiess t need to lie i mean,r: i got to say, you kno, it's not even a partisan point if pro-life groups were physically threatening liberalsi justices over abortion decision, i would say you can't do that . you know, that's an attack on the system which is works like two hundred fifty years. you can't do that eftand no one on the left will call these people out. it's beyond joining us . yo i appreciate your brave reporting. thank you .ting thank . so we've got an election coming up in november. obviouslyuper, a lot hangs on p as you can tell if you're paying attention. the questionayay is will it ist be fair? so it's entirely appropriate to election fairst asking that question, someone like a criminal act or somethingethi? >> but every american has r a right to demand freeig and far election period. so after the break, we'rereperiw to talk to someone who conducted what seems to us like legitimate to and thoron investigation into what happened in the 2020 presidential electionn. so tell us what you station
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process that year. we haven'tt s said a ton about in a couple of segments on ited but we've really tried to be as responsible as we can . we don't want to make mistakes. on the other hand , we and you and every other american has an absolute right to seekto the truth about elections or any other topic and to say what you think about it period. so we're it turns out the onlya news outlet left in america that believes that it is now effectively a crime to ask questions about what happened c th during the last presidential election. it's not an overstatement, by the way. whyntwh is that ? can y why can't you ask those questions? democrats always ask that question after an electionn and on some level it's okay. it'som not an attack on democray to demand fair elections, to demand e proof of fair election. it's in fact a defense of democracy. when you defend the system, you you're supporting the system. but the biden administration doesn't agree with that n. vehey they want you to shut up vehemently, want you to shut upw
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the department of homeland security, which by the way, of course is a law enforcement agency, the biggest in the country believess it. asking questions about the last election is a quote breakingg news atne this hour froms the department of homeland securityar. ts that agency warning a police departments across the country that false claims about the twenty twenty presidential election are fueling calls for violenceia eleng on social medie claims about the last election are fueling violence now violence is always bad. we're always against violence no matter who commits it. unlike the left. but asking questions about the last election is constitutionally protected. it's a right given to youua by god and safeguarded by the u.s. government period. hey are but they're telling you you'reou committing a crime and you're violent if you ask questions, democrats i've been saying this since election day e and keep in mind there are questions. the last election was not unlike previous electionsns. t democrats use the pandemic to change voting ruleshehe
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in waysat that made it much i easier to commit fraud. that's just true . we have to do d this .his,'t they told, us we will die if we don't. and at no point you may recall did the media raise any questions about these changesin to the process and then within moments of the twenty twenty election outcome without conducting any investigation at all intong a brand new system of voting, they concluded that any claim of voter fraud c was meritless. >> sources tell cnn that tophe aides were suggesting that the defeated president, president trump will rallydentt to drum f bogus conspiracies about election fraud. the gop keeps spreadingra completely unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud. the attorney generalnghe oed now telling federal prosecutors to look into those unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud. there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud, no evidence of widespread flaws in the mail and voting process . ofth course, they have no idea e that's true because they did no independent investigation whatsoever. they're just shills for the democratic party . know that by now we're not going to keep repeating the same line, but it's just so glaringly keeme obvious they dot know anything. there's discerning something
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because their friends s, the democratic party told them too. so why the obsession with mailty in ballotingold? we haven't had that iny the history of this country at the scale we just had it c. an't well, people can't go to the polls anymore because why? why are they so in favor of mail in balloting and is that connected to the fact that joe biden, who is a huskbi is a mannequin? from everyone knows every that someht more votes than barack obama was like a living person reallys ?on that's a fair question. but youou democratic party was thrilled about mail in balloting. the american people chose joe biden to be their next president by an enormous margin. the successful conduct of that election among the most secure in american history was not an accident. the 2020 election was the most secure election conducted in modern history. >> you're going to see states like arizona and georgia learn the wrong lesson from 20200 the most secure election ever, just about cigale. i haven't really tell us how they can't tell us how they're
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just lying and maybe it was the most secure election ever. but we have a right tomaybt determine for ourselves if it was the most secure election ever period. we've an absolute god given .. ecause and in fact we need to because a we have an election coming up and then an election after a that two years later. and if c we can have confidencea in the outcomes of those elections and we pray we do that we need to be absolutely hartain we know what happened in twenty twenty . that's a long preamble to our next interview is with catherine engelbrecht. she has conducted what seems toi us like an entirely legitimate and cool-headed investigation into the twentyeg election. we're happy to have her joine us tonight to tell us some of what she found. and thanks so much for coming on . so this is a very in-depth topic. i hope we can talk at much greater length at some point in a different venue. butnt venue but give us the higf what you found. sure.. well, i mean, you>> sure, laid c there with so muchon inconsistency in twenty twenty and we saw it coming checks and balances being removed left and right. you couldn't help but wonder why. and then when youou had this infusion of private money
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that put these dropbox's in place that were largely unregulated, you know, that's just a recipe for fraud. you have inaccurate voter rolls catalyzed by this crush of mail in ballots being deposit f than drop boxes that are not being monitored. so what we thought was what is a way that we can test a theory ?y, is there abuse or not? invested in a tremendous amount tin trillion cell phoneon pings, geospatial data c that allowed us to monitor the device t movements around d dropbox's to develop patterns of life to determine whether ore not unique devices were goingvi repeatedly to drop boxes over time. that became a pattern that included time, tha b not jp boxes but also far left organizations. and we noticed a pattern consistent with the nexus between both the organizations and the dropbox's. so over time and we did this now in five states, in five jurisdictions as i sithe here tonight , i can tell you there was rampant abuse ofbu
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those dropbox's and the datave that we have is i immutable and proved that now increasingly by video. so can you be a little o more specific for those ofld us who are too old to understand what a dropbox is and what role it might play in an election? why would you have a dropbox go to the polls if you want a vote? but that's a separate topic..set well, how exactly might this have worked mimi if there waso if there was fraud, as you think these pings suggest, what doest d that mean exactly? sure. so in the 2020 election there were drop boxes put in place it at a scale that had never before been seen. a there were a lot of promises made about surveillance video being attached to all the drop boxes and standards being enforced. but none of that really happened on scale. and so what we got right. so what we decided to do was basically geo fence is sort of a digital way to put a net around each dropbox and then wanted to find out if if if a phone if individual devices
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crossed through that net., reall really what what turned outy who be an extraordinary number of times over the five statesd, and the five jurisdictions that we studied in order to make our are the level of study the average number of dropbox visits was thirty eight thirty eight dropbox visits into, the you know and by the way also including the visits to the nonprofit organizations. so there's no definitely a patterns here. and then increasingly now as we're seeing video comeare o, we're able to match the, the dropbox pings with the video y and you see it for yourself when you can match those in the states that had video. you seeee people step in ballott and nobody was watching this . why even have surveillance video if no one's going to check it, why would you have a partisan organization and these left wing nonprofits you describe have any role whatsoever in the mechanics of voting that just seems prima facie insane to me..
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well, this is what we've been trying to gain ground on forfo over a year. a investigate this . h why are these patterns here? and really all it would take is the beginnings. ta i mean this is the same type of data that was used in the january 6th event. they were certainly veryy good about rushing anonymize those those pings and track all of that . let's let's seelet' some some s parity on the sideom of elections. there was there wasas wanton abuse in this cycle and we've got to get to the bottom of it because if we don't fix this in 2020, which which was which was outrageous when you look at the way the numbers add up,e outrageous. and if we don'tet get a handle on this we are destined to repeat it in twenty two and twenty four. can i ask you a really simplehy question. so why wouldn't congress passld' a lawt that says elections are run by the government that we h all payop for and we hope in civil service rules we hope
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keep it nonpartisan. why don't we ban any involvement from any politically oriented nonprofitan in the mechanics of voting lefty or right? i why is that hard? rg why should why should mark zuckerberg get to control the mechanics of an election? ms >> itis that ? that's crazy, but it is and are seeing states now push back and say no more private money intong elections. d they're removing drop boxes. there are there areal some positive steps being made. but all of these many of these o temporaryf temporary changespo that were put in place because ofof a pandemic, those are now codified. so it's the new normal unless your state is pushing back and you know, states need to runec elections. no question about it no. but they need to run thoseec elections constitutionally and that's that'stina a missing link thatem began to emerge in twenty twenty . in 2020. no matter what so what ? t butt you know, no matter what the constitution says, they're going to do what they want to do through law fair and through consent decrees and through fiat. so if americans don't wake up
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and recognize that this isog what's happening, that there is an abuse of process, i mean we are we are careening toi a really ugly place. i mean, it was 2020 based upon our data. 2020 2ed is beyond question. that outcome would have been different. last last question. i haven't heard a single republican officeholder certainly in the senate say we cannot allow leftwing billionaires to control the mechanics of voting. that doesn't seem like a controversial statement to me. that just seems like something p i think would surprise most people that it's even possible to be true. why b hasn't any senator said that ?that are they so intimidated? by insurrectionn claims that they can't say that out loud? he you know, therere needs to be a lot more being said about a lot of things i don't know. what i do know is that america's instinct was right and even though a lotst of the puzzle pieces weren't
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in place early on in w 2020 coming into 2020 one and into 2020 two, the picture is becoming clearer. the subversion was in fact real and we've got to take it. seriously because it's not going to correct itself. yeah. well, yeah, it is always i mean it's always the same playbook they scream at you so y aggressivelyou that you sort of backed ocurred and then you realize they're screaming at youe because you're on the rigt track. itay it's always the samebr catherine engelbrecht i talk to you again. than thank you . thank you . so joe biden has a new censorship czar working at a law enforcement agency. a w and sincee know her her name wet to be worth taking a look at her history, it turnstu she's gt a long history accusing anyoneis who disagrees with her. oh ,ager of disinformation inclg by the way, parents who have any concerns about critical race theory, segregation, disinformation, escalating
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i saw my children do you should really check in with your team. . i was thinking, oh , i see. we were just talking about you . yeah.l you should probably get out of here. not good. how soon could be listed as the owner of your thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity? anybody who owns property for about 90% there's no other crime that is so easy, so simple. post your home, your equity and your peace of mind. you stole in one fell swoop buy try to feel like matthew collins. nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that believe or not, a single page document is all it takes to transfer proof
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of ownership out of your name. people think well there's a whole huge process but the truth is it's a one page document but it still must get through one final barrier. the county when someone comes in with fraudulent deed, if it's notarized and all the same building, we by statute have to not give it back to them and say we know this is fraudulent. that's against the law. it's a false sense of security . i'm real. bottom line is if that happens and we can't stop it from happening and it only takes one thing and very sad thing to watch you put your life out and all of a sudden it might not be your devastating crime for pennies a day home title, lots of money, your title non stop alerting you to suspicious activity. you need a warning note that this first step could happen even if the red meat theory he signed up for some kind of lock and was immediately alerted to
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so nina jingoists is our new minister of she's a little chick fromm georgetown university. sometimes it's hard to know whether she's ridiculous or sinister or both. but we both we also know in addition to being absurd, she's a pretty political activist, spent the last couple of years repeating the democraticety party's talking points. every day's we find new evidence of e this . so we thought we should bring it to you. here'sro the latest. october it's from october of of 2020 one critical race theory hasco become one of those hot button issues that the republicans and other disinfo democrats who are engaged in disinformation for profit frankly, there are plenty ofne media outlets that are making money off of this to have have seized on .an and i live in virginia and inun loudoun county c. that's one of the areas where people have really honedas in on this topic. republicans and other decent former. [laughs] but you know, you're a former so it turns out you're not allowed to say things that she doesn't like.
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you're a decent former for profit, probably working for putin again hard to knowin whether this is absurd or sinister or both. probably the signature by the administration mixture of the two. eut don't take our word . asra nomani is a senior fellow at the independent women's network and she h has a much better assessment than we do.o thanks a lot for joining. us today. wh so what what do you make off this person? truth czar? oh my gosh. she just pull something or the other out of her lfit her le . ry poppins bag right now she's come up with this idea that the parents are t just informer's for two years. it hasn't been enough to call us white supremacists and racists and bigots and now kunal on moms because ultimately for the democratic party we the parents are a threat. and so what we have now iswh a woman who is actually a character assassin in charge of our office of disinformation. so it's a little bit so biden
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presentviously not that he seems harmless butag actually he's highly aggressive and cool and maybe that's kind s of what's going on .he so she's so ridiculous, so lowso iq and kind ofro like ditzy sorority girl. you don't get that she she's actually soviet. oh , it's really disturbing because her little anecdote about the parents at loudon county, i know those parents right? i know i'm in fairfax county. you know their moms like you, yanzhou, who stood in tiananmen square to challenge tyranny and now is now in american fighting for american democracy . they are brave a parents and at no time. have we been anything but and so what we are is such a threat to these folks. wh right. and what weat are we doing now s creating this incredible network of moms and dads all across t a country, mom of their son, papa bears who are saying, you know what you can call us any name that you y want because ifou you've raisede a teenager, you've gone through everything right. but it doesn't matter. we can survive doesn't and we ce
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resilient. such a wise such a wise point. sincerity is the most important quality at this moment and the greatest threat to them.sincere, and you are sincere. i agree with that completely. asra money, thank you for coming on tonight. oh , thank you so much,h, tucker . >>so that was nina jenk which we just told you, the head of the ministry of truth already she's being sued by the way, the states of missouri and louisianaays just filed a lawsuit against the administration, including officials like banquet's for colluding with big tech to censor speech which they are doing. the administration does it in public. they've repeatedly called on facebook, twitter, otherdenin platforms to censor opinions that are critical of themo. eric schmidt is the attorney general of missouri, the top law enforcement in that state. he's joined the city joins us tonight as attorney general. thanks so much for coming on . s tell us why you're suing. well, look, we're takingt on we're fighting back against the two of the most powerful and corrupt institutions that are out there bigtw government and big tech forte colluding, working together to suppress speech. ways, and they do it in a couple of
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different ways, tucker . they hold over these specialal protections section 230 protections unless they censor more . they alsoon been very outspoken. jim sakis talked about how their flagging post nowr, in july of last year flagging posts for facebook as disinformation . directl so they'rey working directly with them. we know that .them,t and now this newest orwellian chapter, this dystopian chapter of the ministryy of truth,e i mean, you have mary poppins in charge of this thing. i guess that that would be like putting, by the way, correlatives in charge ofim managing an animal shelter. it's a totalal disaster i. these folks are nuts. they're intent on suppressing speech s that they don't like, calling it disinformation, misinformation. so we're filingisin a lawsuit. t and tucker, you talk about this all the time. the reality is individuals have a right to speak their mind. this is at the core ofic the americanan experiment that this is a god given right government is there to protect those rights, not to tell youn what you can say and when you can say it. so this lawsuit is a landmark we're going directlyec aftertly the collusion.
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they're working they together to suppress speech and we're fighting back . so just as quick as a c constitutional matter, government cannot encourage censorship. i mean, we knowprn that through the supreme court many rulings, of course that's a violationem of the first amendment, correct? yep, that's exactly right.>> and when we're arguing in this o case, tucker , isut that they're outsourcing that the government is outsourcingth the censorship to their big tech partners. they'rene flaggingrs it and by the way, they're terrified when we get into discovery here and find out how jen psaki and fauci and mary poppins here are working with the big tech partners, what they're asking, what they're telling to take down. ke the laptop d and how we know it's the origins of covid. we know it's the ineffectiveness of barfs. i, we know all of we these things k that they've been workingnow aln this lawsuit will help bring those to light and expose. important why it's case.. as attorney general, i appreciate your coming on . . odattorney g >> thank you . thanks. dr. . up next , the great shannonsh bream, our friend with another
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best seller on a very famous newspaper best seller lists will remain nameless. that's netnet care instructions for my gasping for short for beefcake. mr. henry chicken mill dressing up to go out. you have more outfit than his daddy. henry loves to lick. he loves people. he likes hair dryers blowing on his face every friday they get an ice cream party . sounds good when we start. this is why i can't ask my friends to do this . i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and 2016 presidential candidate. like many of you, i've struggled to get a good night's sleep for most of my adult life i wasted at least two hours a day of my life tossing and turning, trying to shut my mind down until about two years ago. that's when i saw an ad on tv
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we've got more good news about our old friend shannon bream. she's not only a good person, a great tv anchor. she is once again a new york times best seller. her new book isgaor called moths and daughters of the bible speak lessons on faith from nine biblicalug families. it'sas not the first time she's done it since the last book women's lives. she was also a best seller. she's the anchor of fox news and as you already know, shegh joins us now in the friend zonel to tell us about a book and the celebrate. and congratulations, by the way, how coollle how why is this selling so well, tucker ? , you know what that is a good question. with the first bookwith that wet were like, oh my goodness, people arehe firstmyre really ra this . and i have people sayingt i'm doing it as a book club. i'm doing itou with my bibleli study group orng doing it with d kids, whatever i think because these stories are so relatable, maybe people forget they're kind of stuck down into the biblehehe. but when we pull them out we're like i want people to know this is a woman i can relate to . i meanesen these are women who'e been through all kinds of tragedies as last we discussed
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this book you honed right in onh the most disastrous families in the entire bible. wewe do include those because we want people to be encouraged. hey, my family'sy this messed up. and listen for mother's day it's a good gift and there are good moms and there are crazy b moms in this bible. so so there is something foruc everybody i love how unembarrassed you are abouti your faith. it's like you are a great, advertisement for faith. you're a happy grounded person. i mean was that a decision just kind of person that you made ato some point? like i'm just going to b be honest about who i am h. well, you know, i was raised in a house where faith is u the number one thing for us andm my mom modeled this better than anybody for me t. i mean, she's this person a who will literally bring home a stranger from the grocery store because she met them w and they had nowhere to go and they may move in withew us . a sunmay stay for a few meals. i mean, my mom for her it w wasn't just a sundayas, i mean, it was e very real. this isevery day how we treat people and be humble. youre are sinners saved by grac. but god thank god god loves youd and accepts you and we're his image. and if you view other people that way, i think it gives yout
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a great perspective just respecting people whether youou agree with him or not. yeah. and you can tell it means it by the way they treat otherrm people and i can affirm you y y actually meani so i'd love to see you succeed and love to hear you talk about chambering. >> thank you very much. granks tachographs. youeat t for. well here's a story you kind of knew you would see george gascon that the soros backed pro criminal prosecutor in l.a. county has done so much to wreck our second. biggestcos city has decided not to file felony charges against the men physically assaulted comedian dave chappelle during a performance att the hollywood bowl a couple offag nights ago. no, the man is facingde a misdemeanor charge for running up on stage attat chappelle with a knife.oh, oh , why? why treatment? because dave chappelle made funl of the trans movement. try that in a michelle obama event and seet what happens. probably not gettingno a misdemeanor charge right. wor you seeks how it works. we'll be right back .
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the hollywood stars and the shocking twists that led them to movie johnny depp and who is ever heard screaming on fox nation?? that's it >> tonight . f the administration is giving us sogh much to worry about existentially as they say, we kind of miss this fda issue is warnings associated with vaccine risk. we'll tell you what it means tomorrow night. in the meantime,mo atrr the bess time with the ones you love, we'll see you tomorrow and welcome hannity. and tonight it is official the most arrogant, dishonest press secretaryarro in modern american history.on she willl soon be gonene in a little over a week. cheap propaganda circle back jen psaki will pro step dog after reportedly negotiating a big new contract with nbc news, the former home of lying brian. sa anyway, i'm sure psaki will feel right at homee atom the conspiracy channel network., and coming up, we're going to give her a proper and very special sendoff. jen , hope. you'll circle w back with us and watch
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