tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News May 6, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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>> the american people want him back, they have seen the difference, it is envy that is driving the g.o.p. establishment. >> sean: will not be back next week, good to see you both, thank you for being with us in making the show possible, please set your dvr so you never miss an episode. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham and >> laura: i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington on edge tonight. now, i'm going to say this very bluntly. with their refusal to forthrightly unequivocally condemn these terroristic tactics of their activist democrat base, the democrats, the white house, they're putting the lives of the supreme court justices in jeopardy. yes. i mean it, in jeopardy. now, a party that spent the past 16 months branding the gop as a
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bunch of insurrectionists, they're carrying out by proxy an insurrection of their own against the federal judiciary. >> we have to be a menace to our enemies. that's anybody that is attacking our reproductive freedom. we will not turn back. we are weary. we are mad as hell. >> we've heard enough. >> laura: of course the criticisms of the opinion are the it's honest constitutionally and fraudulent factually. the abortion issue is returned to the states. we talked about this the last few nightses. that is where the voters of those states will determine the outcome for abortion. might be regulated, might be outlawed or allowed in certain cases, might be banned.
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it's not a one size fits all coast to coast. the left doesn't want the voters to have a say and they don't care about facts or principles. for them, that leak of the draft opinion itself orchestrated and disseminated as it was, it's meant to terrorize. not to influence. think about this. why would someone leak a three--month-old draft opinion that was in some form or another coming out in june anyway? tonight though given everything i've seen, everything i know about the court and its inner workings from the time i clerked, i'm doing to say i believe this leak was done with the goal of stoking violence against the conservative justices primarily on the court. in other words, the goal to force a change in the court i makeup before the november election. sounds nefarious. sounds like a totally horrifying
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prospect. those that believe that dismembering third trimester babies is somehow a sacred right protected in the constitution? could those people very well be capable of rationalizing other insidious acts? now why are aren't politicians in both parties speak out what is an obvious effort to interfere with or intimidate the judicial process? now, remember what biden promised us on his inauguration day. >> today on this january day, my whole soul is in this bringing america together, uniting our people, uniting our nation. we can treat each other with dignity and respect. we can join forces, stop the shouting and lower the temperature. >> laura: did he see what is happening in front of the court or in new york? see any of that or just tuned out? where are biden's calming words
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now? >> you think the progressive activists that are planning protests outside of the justices' houses are extreme? >> peaceful protests? no. peaceful protest is not extreme. >> this activist posted a map with the home addresses of the supreme court justices. is that the kind of the thing the president wants to help your side make their point? >> the president's view is there's a lot of passion a lot of fear, a lot of sadness from many, many people across this country about what they saw in that leaked document. we obviously want people's privacy to be respected. >> laura: that's it? nothing about going to people's homes, we want their privacy respected? spell it out for us what is going on? president biden and his party have whipped up the ugliest radicals in their base. they give lip service to privacy.
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oh, please. as we reported last night, the conservative justices homes, locations, have been shared online. peter doocy referenced that. now they're receiving personal phone call threats. justice alito, the author of the opinion, cancelled a scheduled appearance thursday in nashville at the fifth circuit judicial conference. he should have gone. you can't give in to these thugs. justice thomas spoke today at the 11th circuit judicial conference. friends there told me that he was unbowed and as friendly as always to all who approached him. but nevertheless, the risk is real to the justices' safety according to one senator it's been reported. so if anything should happen to any of the justices or their family members, the blood, the suffering, the pain will be on the hands of the white house and all of the senators and pro
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abortion fanatics that whipped americas up in this frenzy or false grounds. the excitement that that accuse others of is what they themselves practice. joining me now is carrie severino, a former security clerk and mike davis. mike, let's start with you. we all know what is happening here. we know that this leak was done with a purpose. even threats of justices, they're taken seriously. walk us through what may be happening in laymen terms, if you could? >> yeah, if you're making threats against supreme court
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justices, you're violating federal law. there's laws in the books for assaults, for threats, for conspiracy, for obstruction of justice. it is disgraceful that attorney general merrick garland, a former federal judge himself, deputy attorney general, lisa monaco, chris wray, the u.s. attorneys in d.c., maryland, the eastern district of virginia, crickets from these people. this is unacceptable. these are real threats against the lives of supreme court justices and they need to step up right now and do something about this. >> laura: carrie, we'll get to what is happening about the opinion. but that is a question, is it not? we're at a time when we've had 60 months of democrats screaming incitement, incitement and insurrection and now jen psaki is parsing her words about what this is, this intimidation campaign, which i'm calling terroristic because i think it is about the justices. do they have adequate security dovetailing from what mike just
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said? >> i sure hope so. i mean, i agree. this is one of the most concerning things about this leak. not only does it strike at a trust in the inherent workings of the court but this is an active threat against the justices themselves. i know they're ramping up security. this is why i think a lot of this -- let's just issue this opinion quickly. i think it's no surprise though. jen psaki used to work for demand justice. the most dark money group out there. they're praising the leaker. saying we need more supreme court looks. these are the people that said the constitution is trashed and should be scrapped. they're trying to use this to pack the courts even if they can't switch this decision now. or someone said let's pack it before the end of the term. goodness. it's no holds barred. it's any means justified the end here. that's what is so disturbing about this leak and the threats
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that we're seeing. >> laura: mike, these are people that claim to be threatened by pro life people praying outside abortion clinics. silently praying. they think that is a threat. now given what is happening, yeah, we respect the right to privacy. here's how cnn framed the threats against the supreme court today. watch. >> law enforcement officials are preparing for potential violence in the capitol and nationwide. capitol police are warning the far right is calling for violence against a religious group. >> there's a potential for staff. >> laura: this isn't journalism. this is pro abortion propaganda. we've had pro life centers vandalized in just the last 24, 48 hours, which happens regularly. now the threat is from right wing? no one should be threatening anyone here. but that's the framing of this?
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>> yeah, it's gaslighting. it's laughable. they're threatening conservative justices? that doesn't make sense. they're getting threats against their life online and elsewhere right now. the justice department needs to step it up, started making arrests for conspiracy, for obstruction and assault. >> laura: carrie, i want to read a recent passage from a website a lot of lawyers read. it's called scotus log. there were at least two leakers and three leaks. the first leak was to the "wall street journal" editorial board last week. they said the court voted to overrule roe. chief justiceall-out overturnin
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does that make any sense to you if that is happening? >> i don't know if there was a leak there. i don't think you would need a leak to come to the conclusion for the "wall street journal." chief justice is just desperate to find some way to uphold the van but not overturn roe. we know that is not legally possible. both sides of the argument said no, no, i'm sorry you can't do that. you're seeing now, he's being attacked and his address being given out as one of these that overturned roe even though he's not trying to do that. was he trying to lobbying the justices? that wouldn't surprise me. does that mean they're likely to have switched? why heard their arguments in december. i actually was very encouraged by what i heard from justices
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kavanaugh and barrett. they seem to get it. kavanaugh said the court should remain strictly impartial here. neutral and they were not going to be pro choice or pro life. justice barrett was talking ability to give children up for adoption. this shows -- >> laura: we can see where they're going. i would hope all the justices come out and condemn these terroristic acts on the part of activists and say this will not stand. they need to find this leaker or leakers, i should say, out of the supreme court. this can't be this difficult if it wants to be found out. carrie and make, great to see you. the left wants you to avert your eyes to the reality of what is happening around you. they were quick to celebrate the jobs numbers today. they forgot to mention that 363,000 americans left the work
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force at a time when we have a record high number of job openings. they forgot to mention that while wages went up 5.5%, inflation is up 8.5% wiping out your gains and then some. 28 republican senators and i've been warning you about this, they chose to sell out made in the u.s.a. by making it easier and more desirable for american companies to offshore operations meaning jobs overseas, especially in china because they're getting rid of tariffs. that's what they want to do. joining me now, kayleigh mcenany and jason chafetts. the white house is engaged in this bizarre attempt of a victory lap when economists are debating has the recession begun or is it around the corner.
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so what is the white house trying to do here? >> yeah, create an alternate reality. there were 19 retweets painting a rosy picture of the economy. jobs coming back. jobs coming back is an organic thing after lockdowns. put that aside, the only number that matters, the only one is the approval rating of the president on the economy. it's a reflection how americans feel. 1% think this economy is excellent. 1%. that's jeff bezos. >> laura: i wonder who that outlier percent is. jason, over at msnbc and they're an extension of the white house press secretary's office, they're demanding and insisting that the democrats just get more insane. >> this assault on women opens the door for further assault on rights.
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assault on the 14th amendment. this is a part of the attack on voting rights and the lbgtq communities. >> laura: jason, your reaction to that gem. >> they keep going so far off to the left. it just makes absolutely no sense. where were they about individual rights in all of that when the masks were there and the forced vaccination? we're going to fire people if they didn't get a vaccine? they were nowhere on any of this. it's an act of desperation. i think there's not a single category of an issue that they can point to where they are growing their base. there's not a single one across the board. the president earlier this week was trying to go out there and talk about the reduction of the deficit number. that's what happens when you spend a record amount of money
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and nobody is sitting around the kitchen table saying oh, that deficit number when they spend $125 to fill up their f-150. it doesn't happen. >> laura: just buy an electric car, jason. stop complaining. kayleigh, biden's new press secretary, karine jean-pierre is already raising eyebrows for what is being called a potential conflict of interest with a long-term relationship with a cnn reporter. so jen psaki and simone sanders go to msnbc. talk about being in bed with the press. this is taking it a step further. >> yes, i have a fulling cnn will be called on often. and the sneaking suspicion that
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k.j.p., karine jean-pierre may end up at cnn. three biden officials would be quite a lot at msnbc. how can you not be when 99.9% of the press is liberal. it's a revolving door with liberal outlets and softball questions and not asking follow ups. there's no jim acostas shouting questions. >> laura: jason, so the economy is tanking. we know it. but racial justice groups are now apparently pressing biden to form a reparations commission. we knew this was coming. i have no doubt in my mind that this will be yet another thing that they're going to do to try to distract from the shiny object of gas prices and supply chain and inflationary concerns. okay. you're going to get reparations
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if you vote for the democrats. your thoughts on that, jason. >> again, another act of desperation. they're going to try some version of this at harvard. why don't you try basic law and order? make crime an issue and make things safer. i'm not talking about whats going on with dave schapelle. i'm talking about everybody living in an inner city and big city. i think that is much more important and pertinent than some touting of hey, just because you're a person of color that hey, maybe we're going to start handing you money because of something that happened a couple hundred years ago. i don't think that will be a winning formula. >> laura: reparations and roe. reparations, roe and the insurrection. that's what they're running on. kayleigh and jason, great to have you on. former secretary of state mike pompeo raised serious concerns this morning about the senate candidacy of dr. oz in pennsylvania. we'll tell you what it is.
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the world turned a blind eye to the holocaust and hitler's atrocities. christians were slow to act and did not speak up until it was too late and 6 million jews were murdered. right now, thousands of ukrainian jewish families are fleeing the russian army for the freedom of israel. imagine fleeing with a baby in one hand and a toddler holding the other with all of your earthly possessions in a sack over your shoulder, leaving your husband behind to defend your country. these courageous families need our help. the time for action is now. we do not know when the borders will be closed. silence in the face of evil is evil. god will not hold us guiltless.
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>> laura: some intriguing developments in that gop senate primary in pennsylvania. remember, it's kind of a crowded field with the two top dogs being former business man and army ranger david mccormick and dr. oz. trump has endorsed oz and he did a rally for him tonight. two of trump's former cabinet secretaries, trade representative bob lighthieser and mike pompeo are supporting mccormick. pompeo held a press call on dr. oz's candidacy, his turkish citizenship and his ties with the turkish government and military. >> he chose to vote in a turkish presidential election but not in an american election.
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that raises questions about his priorities. we need to get him and his team to explain why he had time and energy to vote in a turkish election but not in an election in america. they oh the people an explanation for this. maybe it's innocent and straight up. but we and the people of pennsylvania and the americans who he will be representing voting on national security matters node to understand the depth and scope of his relationship with the turkish government. >> laura: the former secretary of state is right to answer those questions and they have to answered by oz. not after the primary, no, no, no. republicans cannot risk losing this senate seat. it's time to pull the curtain back on oz, the voters of pennsylvania and americans
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deserve total transparency. a liftest judge in virginia has just tossed a republican candidate for the ballot even though early voting is under way and the primary is days away. the judge ruled that votes for district senate candidate andrea garrett would not be counted down to issues over her residency. immediately signs were posted at polling places announcing that she's ineligible. but she's fighting back saying she always has been a west virginian and this is disenfranchising to the voters. the candidate made an appeal to the supreme court to put a stay on the judge's ruling. hours ago they rejected that motion. joining us now is gop states senate candidate andrea and her
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campaign spokesman. your appeal was rejected for the stay. voting is underway. where does your fight go from here? >> thanks for having us on, laura. we're disappointed by the supreme court's ruling today. it's just disapointsing. we have a lot of expectations in terms of the integrity of elections and the fact that there was a judge that interfered with our candidacy. >> laura: what's going on? you have a campaign manager sitting next to you that would anticipate everything, right? like the campaign manager, you have to -- this road block could come, this obstacle could come. when the voting is already underway, how is this in any way
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common sense beside the legal issues involved? >> yeah, that's it, laura. obviously we knew -- andrea split time between here and another state over a few years. there's a window to challenge this stuff. once we got through that window, we really stepped on the gas on the campaign. what triggered this challenge is we have one of her opponents, a liberal candidate. he was the only republican to support the transgender issue stuff here in west virginia. once he took a poll and found out that andrea was in first and he was in last, he buddied up with the local greedy personal injury lawyers and the local liberal activist judge and got her thrown off the ballot. >> laura: you have a state supreme court refusal to intervene as well. and yet when people are going to
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vote, is your name on the ballot or no? >> my name is on the ballot. it's still there. there's signs in some precincts that have indicated my ineligibility. my name is stale on the ballot and many people have said they're going to be voting for me. >> laura: what happens if you get the most votes? they're going to throw that out too, right, greg? >> yeah, essentially the judge ruled that they won't count her votes. so she -- the most recent polling we have, she was getting over 50% in a four-way race. so essentially the minority of voters will be split -- the majority of the minority of voters will get to pick some liberal republican to get beat by the democrat in the fall. >> laura: the concern is that you're what? you're a resident in two
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different states or spent too much time in another state to be eligible? >> correct. i moved to north carolina and spent time there. i split my time between north carolina, minnesota and west virginia. so yeah, that was the biggest problem. now of course in west virginia, one of our main concerns is retention of talent. that's something that we want to do, bring people back to west virginia. my time spent in other states was a means to an end, to return to west virginia. so i'm disappointed. but there's still a lot of work to do. >> laura: andrea and greg, thanks for coming. andrea, you just have to get back at it. okay? don't let this stop you. okay? they're going to keep trying to do stuff like this, i imagine. but run again if this doesn't pan out. thanks for alerting us to all of these developments in west virginia. the president makes a startling admission that explains a lot coming up. and will your church be safe
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this weekend from radical activists? raymond arroyo has all of this in "friday follies" coming up. ty to bring it up to speed... scotts turf builder rapid grass. it grows two times faster than seed alone for full, green grass. everything else just seems... slow. it's lawn season. let's get to the yard.
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>> president biden has authorized the shipment of another $150 million in military weapons for ukraine. he called on lawmakers to swiftly approve a more than $33 billion spending package that will last through the end of september. the get-away vehicle used by casey white wanted for murder in alabama and the jail official, vicky white, suspected of helping him escape was found in an impound lot in tennessee. it was about 150 miles from the jail in alabama. the handcuffs, jail keys and
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radio were found in the car. there appeared to be an attempt to spray paint the vehicle. i'm ashley strohmire. >> laura: it's time for "friday follies." for that, we go to raymond arroyo. ray, president biden has made a fairly astounding admission. >> yeah, laura. earlier this week the president addressed what we observed, discussed and raised this issue. the fact that the president himself perceives the problem may be as troubling as the problem itself. >> every once in a while i make a mistake, not like what once -- a speech. at any rate. >> he makes a mistake once a speech? if mistakes were muppets, he would be jim hanson.
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he's the only man that can make kamala harris sound eloquent. here he is celebrating cinco de mayo. once he started turned into sinkhole demayo. what better way to mark a mexican celebration than to invoke the irish. >> a beautiful renovated railroad station. there's these brass plaques about every six or eight feet around the entirety of the reception room. it says "no irish allowed." the president was kind enough to see me here in the oval. the white house in november. he pointed to a patriot -- a portrait over the mantel of the -- in the white house -- in the oval office. i sleep with the teacher every
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nights, the same one. >> laura: laura, when he goes off script, you can see the blood drain from jill's face. oh, the white house is worried about these performances. that's why the president has done one sit-down interview in five months. nobody says anything. >> laura: did you see that moment toward the end after it was patriot or portrait or whatever he was trying to say and she does that back tap. the back tap is like his no when he touches his nose. i don't know if -- the back tap is like okay, joey. we're going to move you out. time for shuffleboard. >> they need to get him an electric shock collar. there was the big story this week that they're using that fake white house set in the executive office building because it has the teleprompter there for him. the reason they're not doing
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events in the oval office, it encourages him to talk to people around him and always leads to trouble. i want to tie together two big stories tonight. the l.a. district attorney is failing to prosecute the guy that attacked the dave schapelle with a felony after running at the comedian while on stage at the hollywood bowl. schapelle's friend apprehended the attacker and beat him down. his arms looked like silly puddy afterwards. kevin hart said this is a good thing. >> somebody give him [bleep]. messing with other people. i was thinking about doing that but -- i don't want to do that. >> laura, you'll remember -- this is why we cover these cultural issues. we said when chris rock got smacked by will smith, this was open season on comedians and anyone in public with whom you
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disagreed. here we see the evidence once again. it's going to spread everywhere. >> laura: when i said good, i'm talking about good that someone is defending dave schapelle. i didn't know to the extent that they had to defend him. the arm was backwards there. it's open season in the eyes of many on the left on supreme court justices privacy. so everything is open season. it's horrific. what else do we have? >> when you weaponize language and said language, i disagree with can justified violence, you get to this position. now it's moved from entertainment to the political. abortion rightses are calling themselves ruth sent us. they're urging people to visit the homes of what they call six extremist catholics that set out to overturn roe, now they're posting videos and encouraging people to stop catholic churches this weekend in protest.
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>> you know,laura, i don't like the use of the language, but i like that seminarian or assistant at the church is pushing back. that's what needs to happen. these people are religious bigots to begin with. they now feel empowered. look, you know more than i, there's federal statutes that protect these houses of worship and the people in them. you can't intimidate a judge or justice in this way. when you cross that threshold and intimidate people praying, you have violated something. there's some trespasses that will only be forgiven by god. but the people this weekend, particularly in catholic churches across the country, they better get ready, have
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protection and security at the back doors and throw these people out with great force. >> laura: as we discussed with severino and company, this is serious business. raymond, you hit the faith aspect of this. forgive those that trespass against us but not against the entire congregation and the sanctity of the church. there's always a new low that the left will hit. when they go low, they go lower. okay? that's the rule. raymond, have a great weekend. >> you to. happy mother's day. >> laura: thank you. up next, an "the ingraham angle" investigation. we were given a tip about two chinese nationals caught by police in midland, texas, this is the beginning of the story. the shocking details are next. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c.
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along the texas and mexico border. the passenger was found to be in deportation legal proceedings and arrested for the possession of narcotics. here's where it gets dicey. transferred immediately to federal custody. we also learned something even more terrifying, if you can believe it. undocumented chinese aliens have been a problem in this area of texas for a year now. usually sent to the country under the guise of people that are offering aid to chinese christians. joining me now, the congressman that tipped us off, august pflueger, men of the homeland security and foreign affairs committee. thanks for this information. what does the country need to know about this? >> well, laura, thanks for
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having me. i think the most important thing is, let's look back at the 9-11 commission, which in the daying preceding 9-11 said the system is blinking red. i think i'm hear to tell you that we should be aware in this country right now with the amount of illegal aliens entering the united states, that the system is blinking red. dhs calls these chinese high value targets or special interest aliens. this story is not unique. unfortunately you're right, it doesn't get the coverage. it's egregious. mayorkas comes to congress on capitol hill last week and says that he has operational control of the border? that is false. the border is not secure. all americans are waking up to that fact and we need to be aware that the system is blinking red and we need to be securing the border and actually doing something about it. >> laura: the fentanyl angle with the chinese national comes to mind.
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we'll find out more, i hope. i found this exchange with jen psaki to be interesting. check this out. >> what is the president's priority? is it stopping potential terrorist attacks or letting these migrants come in? >> i think as we note at couple weeks ago when there was reporting about the number of individuals that are on the watch list being stopped at the border, that that that was the border patrol doing their job. the system is working. >> laura: the system is working when we have chinese nationals sneaking in, south americans, cubans, people from nigeria making their way up. it's working. that's what mayorkas said, operational control. >> clearly this system is not working. his definition of secure and operational control are different than the definition that every sane american uses. you know, you have to wonder at what point in time like i
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mentioned that the system was blinking red. that's what's happening right now. every community, every law enforcement agency, texans feel abandoned. the administration has abdicated their responsibility. governor abbott has had to sent texas dps troopers. we had a national guardsman that gave his life trying to save someone illegally coming in. that's is where we are. >> laura: before you go, will you call for mayorkas, the dhs secretary, who has disinformation office, his big priority, call for him to resign? >> well, there's many of us that have called for him to resign. the integrity of this issue, the security of our country and the fact that he's now come up with this ministry of truth, i would encourage him if he's going to look at truth to look at his own statement. calling the border secure.
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let's start with that as truth. we all know that that is not true. it's a false statement. we deserve better, this is not a partisan issue. we need to secure or border. like a 9-11 moment, it depends on it. >> laura: if republicans take back control of the house and the senate, would you be in favor of pursuing or examining at least an impeachment inquiry based on the lies we've been told about the border, the dereliction of duty on the border and et cetera? would you examine the possibility of impeaching mayorkas or the president of the united states over this? >> every option is on the table. we will take back the house. when we do, there has to be account ability especially in a moment when we're calling for the administration to recognize that the system is blinking red as it was in the pre-9-11 days. >> laura: thanks, congressman. thank you. >> thank you, laura. >> laura: i have final thoughts
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>> laura: finally tonight, after this week, some of the things we never thought we would see before, what looks like to be a series of increasing hostilities directed towards supreme court justices, leaked opinion, this can't happen. we're better than this. our country needs better than this. so hug your family this weekend, fly your flag. remember how blessed we are as americans. get your u.s.a. freedom matters gear at great polo shirts all made in the u.s. a. this months my proceeds will be donated to the shoreline soup kitchens and pantries. it's an interfaith south of our wonderful friends in connecticut
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and provides three meals a day to those that seek them and educates people on hunger and poverty. it's a great place with great people and gear. help feed those in need. have a wonderful weekend. thanks for watching. without you, we're not here. "gutfeld" is next. ♪♪ ♪♪ >> greg: yes. yes. yes. happy friday. my friday friends. it's practically the weekend. i can already see kat's
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