tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News May 9, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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with us and thank you for making the show possible. please set your dvr so i never, ever miss an episode of hannity. for the latest news, information, all you need to know all day long, fox,, we've got you covered. in the meantime let not your heart be tripled. laura ingraham, the ingraham angle is next. have a great night. ♪ >> laura: hi everyone i'm laura ingraham, this is the going from washington tonight. thank you for joining us. the inmates are running the asylum. that's the focus of tonight's angle. okay, what on earth is happening in the once respectable democratic party? now, this goes back to even since before biden was elected. it's been engaged in kind of a slow act of self sabotage. but why? i mean they see the numbers right? biden and harris, like the stock
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market, they're tanking. failing to take inflation seriously means that biden may be at a point of no return. which indicates, what? a looming political disaster for democrats with voters in a disgruntled mood ahead of the midterms. yet, instead of doing the basics to address the number one issue facing american families, democrats spend their time supporting blm lgbtq propaganda in schools, open boarders, limiting our oil and gas industry and of course their go-to january 6th. democrats have become political crack addicts. they know what they're doing is hurting them politically, but they still can't quit their drug of choice. it's kind of a cocktail of rabid anti americanism with a shot of abortion on demand. and as left wing threats against supreme court justices, houses
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of worship and crisis pregnancy centers continue to mount, we just have to understand, we have to try to understand how things have gotten so off the rails for the democrats in america. now, they stopped being the party of the little guy, of small business, and they began to cater to people like this. >> what you are doing is allowing someone who actually violated a woman to sit in the supreme court. what are you doing, sir? >> i was sexually assaulted and nobody believes me! >> no justice. >> no peace. >> no justice. >> no peace. >> what about brianna? >> what about brianna? >> brianna! >> breonna taylor! >> one, two, three, four!
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>> one, two, three >> laura: that was teddy roosevelt and abraham lincoln. remember those days respectable numbered bunch they are. these are members who managed to convince disney ceos to attack ron desantis, great idea and to go with capitol hills who did smash and grabs in broad daylight as they did over the weekend in northern virginia. >> yo. the cops are on the way man. the cops are on the way man. get out of the way. get out of the way. get out of the way. >> laura: now, remember, it's not called theft, it's called
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consumer reparations for the democrats constituents because they kind of bluebell capitalism is at its heart is corrupt so a little leveling of the playing field is nothing to get that upset about. this is why their heroes are marxist da's like san francisco' chuck who learned about protecting criminals from his parents who were themselves dangerous criminals as members of the weather underground. you cannot make any of this up. it's, yeah, it's real life. but democrats are kind of caught in a trap now of their own making. they know that being soft on crime hurts them. but they're more worried about offending the racial industrial complex that has our cities locked in a violent spiral than turning it all around politically for themselves. think about in chicago where mayor lori lightfoot may as well have put out a welcome matt for cold blooded killers. the democrats bargain with radicals there, it's like the
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revolving door of justice, limits on cash bail, can easily turn deadly. on friday night, this was a heart breaker, a 23 year old culinary student was ambushed in an upscale neighborhood, lincoln park. the thugs took his phone, demanded his password, and then shot him three times in the head and back. i want to warn you that this security video from over the weekend is highly disturbing.
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>> laura: today coat at early is now on life support. how he survived at all is -- that's two assailants are wanted for seven other armed robberies in last week alone should shock all americans. how twisted that the democrats, who know darn well that getting tough on crime actually works, we saw it work in cities across america starting with rudy giuliani, what he did in new york all those years ago. they could do that. instead, they allow this carnage to continue. they've made a risk benefit analysis. it's not worth it to them to oh fend far left racial activists
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in order to protect innocent human lives, they do not care. so why would anyone really be surprised when democrats don't condemn proceed abortion wing nuts showing up at justice's houses and churches. these people are fanatics. and yet they're sacred, that fa natical energy is sacred base territory for the democrat territory. nothing is more important to them than preserving abortion on demand. it is their sacred allegiance. their oxygen is depriving the unborn of theirs. these juvenile protests, i'm sure you saw some of the video. they're clear attempts to intimidate and harass these justices, also to impede the deliberative process of the court. something the democrats used to warn about. [chanting] >> we will not go back!
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we will not go back! >> laura: things can slate really quickly when people are lied to about how they're coming next for your birth control. please. all it takes is one person to go off the rails. justice alito actually had to move his family out of town. my friends, this is what happens in third world countries, not in america. of course, they'll line eyes the women who galvanized the kavanaugh protest. the truth is she's another fanatic in the educational establishment. the woman is actually a teacher. the white house dragged its feet for days but finally put out a the i had statement they support the right to protest but judges should be able to perform their jobs without concern for their safety. no kidding. talk about stating the obvious. a tweet? that's it? imagine if every time conservatives were offended by a supreme court opinion, there were a lot of them over the last, you know, 20, 30 years,
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imagine if conservative activists showed up at ruth bader ginsburg's apartment at the water gate screaming nasty things of her accusing things at her or maybe at alaina kagan's place. they would be called domestic terrorists warned by the doj and investigated by the fbi. kind of like the upset parents who attended school board meetings. >> it responds the concerns about violence, threats of violence, other criminal conduct. that's all it's about. and all it asks is for federal law enforcement to consult with, meet with local law enforcement to assess the circumstances, strategize about what may or may not be necessary, provide federal assistance if it is necessary. >> laura: the statement they put out specifically referenced school boards and school officials. it's terrible for america to have one of its two political parties so hooked on
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radicalists. the inmates are truly running the democrat asylum and that's the angle. but it got worse than protests outside the home joining me now is tracy spokeswoman for heal without harm at the madison office bombed last week and former lieutenant governor for wisconsin and current gubernatorial candidate. tracy will acts of violence deter you from your mission? >> absolutely not. i think, if anything, this is a reminder to us that here in the pro life movement, we have an important message to convey and that is one of love and support, both for these unborn children but also for the mothers. and we will continue to defend these lives and act with courage, even in the face of these senseless acts of violence. >> well, rebecca, the way it was
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reported in the press, it might as well, like in politico they had a really short little description of it. and it might as well have just been a, you know, started by some kind of a heater or something, electric heater. it was quite downplayed you had to read into the length to understand what had really happened here. are you surprised the media downplaying this? >> of course i'm not surprised, laura. i believe the expression was a fire broke out? as opposed to what actually happened was this building being fire bombed. if you go back and investigate how all of this actually went down, this is because president donald trump appointed conservative justices in the u.s. supreme court. those conservative score justices actually had the guts to interpret constitution as opposed to just make things up as they go. and then, the joe biden administration was completely gutless in standing up to far
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fringes of their own political party and telling them to stand down and they were trying to intimidate united states supreme court justices in the middle of making an incredibly important decision to the future of our great nation. what we are seeing today is absolutely wrong. and moms of america, and those who stand up and speak for the voiceless will not be intimidated. in fact this is our time to stand up and double down to protect those who can't afford to buy a lobbyist. what we are looking at right now is a 31 six moment in this country. stay courageous, everyone. do not be afraid or terrified, because the lord, your god is with you and will not forsake you. >> laura: yeah. well imagine like the left, gracie, is all up in arms when people are praying outside of a
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planned parenthood clinic. i mean, they have buffer zones, you have to stay across the street. there's a number of yards you can stand in most places. that gets -- i mean that drives them crazy. they've gone to court to stop the sidewalk counselors. here you had a molotov cocktail, now, that's not ultimately, that's not what set the fire but then they went in to try to get that started and going, that was an attack on this clinic that they call a pro abortion, not a crisis pregnancy center, of course. this is insane. >> absolutely. and, you know, this is not only an attack on wisconsin family action, this is an attack on the entire pro life movement not only in wisconsin, but nationwide. and i absolutely echo the sentiments of lieutenant governor. make it crystal clear that the
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pro life movement is pro women pro babies pro life. we have a movement of compassion and joy. and this morning i spoke with pregnancy resource center city here in wisconsin and they are terrified. they are terrified that this violence is going to come to their front door. and in the meantime they are just trying to meet women with love and kindness and support in their time of vital need. >> laura: yeah, well, jen psaki had a -- well, let's say a really unifying in the only way the biden team could say unifying message today. watch. >> the president believes that there is work that we can continue to do together but he's also not going to stand by and not call out what he sees as ultra maga behavior, ultra maga policies, that are out of the main stream of the country and are not in the interest of the american people. >> laura: lieutenant governor clay fish ultra mag ago to them means standing for life. that's how radical the democrats
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have become. >> it's outrages and laura it is time for us to stand as moms and as a country against this type of intimidation. they're trying to scare us. look at the video you played at the top of this broadcast. a man was shot three times by thugs and these are the type of behaviors that these extremists in office today, elected by the far fringes of the democrat party are allowing and promoting to happen. we can't let this stand. we're called for a time such as this. do not be intimidated. right now on twitter, on social media everywhere, i have people talking about the my two daughters because i am willing to stand up to the bullies and fringeist and for unborn babies. >> laura: it's going to take the democrats to get wiped out in november for them to finally reject the radicals and 2024's going to have to be a 1984 style wipeout. they're addicted to this drug of
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fa nat schism. gracie and rebecca thank you very much >> and these terroristic tactics have moved beyond pro life centers and into catholic masses. but not without some parishioners fighting back. this is a scene from the cathedral of our lady of the angels in la yesterday. >> laura: joining me now is raymond arroyo fox news contributor. you're in la and i know you've spoken to sources at this church. what have you learned tonight? >> well, a number of them told me this didn't only happen at our lady of the angels cathedral, west hollywood also saw a similar demonstration. in this case, the women entered,
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changed into these costumes thandmaiden tails costumes and then invaded the sanctuary. those there said it was defiling the catholic mass. and laura the curious thing when i asked each of these people and asked three witnesses people there at mass, i said what did you think when they stood up in those red outfits. one man said they thought they were little red riding hood another thought they were betsy ross. if you're going to protest make sure the character you're wearing is known to the people you're protesting against otherwise they're utterly bewildered and that seems to be the case here. >> laura: i know. it's so tacky. they look like adults playing little riding hood actually. i mean it looks just idiotic. >> i agree. >> laura: you saw a connection, raymond, between what happened this weekend and something that pelosi previously said. watch. >> the sacred space where
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members legislate, children learn, visitors are welcomed was defiled and damaged. >> laura: ah, so the capitol. >> on january 6th nancy pelosi said the congress was a sacred space that had been invaded, defiled is the word she used. but she and no other politician, and i don't care where you stand on this issue laura, we should all be in agreement as americans, houses of worship should not be defiled by protests. protests outside, protests across the street, you mentioned bubble zones a moment ago they have them around abortion clinics, we need those bubble zones around houses of worship. right now they have local statutes to that effect but not national ones. it's about time that fellow catholic nancy pelosi and others call for bubble zones around churches. but protests during a mass, defiling and defaming a holy ritual. this is off-limits. shouldn't be happening. >> laura: yeah, raymond you've
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got biden he's getting communion every sunday, right, at mass? this is just a total joke. if it happened anywhere else where they were protected the, they would be calling in merrick garland. >> it's one thing to protest but it's not mardi gras you can't dress up and scream during lit jib. that should be off limits. >> laura: they should try it in a mosque next time see how far they get. raymond thank you >> if you cannot watch us live don't forget to hit series record on your dvr so you don't miss us every night at 10:00 p.m. how bad are the threats the justices are getting. breaking news out of the senate in just a moment plus we'll show you how some of liz cheyney's biggest donors have made common cause with more lunatics. stay there. >> the day you get your clearchoice dental implants
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crowley, former trump treasury secretary of public affairs host of the monica crowley podcast. monica, i clerked on the court, you know, years and years ago. i can't believe this is where we are, that the family members of justices have to get protection because of the fanatics in the democrat party? unreal. >> you know, laura, this is the logical end to what the left has been doing in this country for decades. this is the long march through our institutions to turn them leftist, to corrode the very foundations of this country by attacking all of the main pillars and all of the main institutions of this country. the leftists can break laws all over the place, burn down or cities, cream at supreme court justices, threaten them and their families and they escape.
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but conservatives sneeze and get the book thrown at them. we cannot go on like this with this two-tiered justice system and uneven application of the law. a healthy republic has to have the even application of the law and blind justice and we don't have either right now and we haven't for a very long time. >> laura: well, we realize where the democrats really are. like the heart and soul of the democrat party is with someone like an elizabeth warren, right? that's really the party now. we thought she was like over and done with but axios is reporting tonight that warren is taking over the democrat party. they say the senator's influence pervades the party extends from her allies across the administration to the white house's leftward shaft student loan debt cancellation as well as her 2022 primary endorsement. last month she had a blunt message from her party democrats will lose in 2022 if we fail to use the months remaining to
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deliver on our agenda, has a roster of proceed jays across the administration that share her goals. monica, that's the message they've gotten with biden in the mid 30s in some of these polls that liz warren is really the future? >> yeah. well, i hope laura that the democratic party continues to go further and more radically left because that only helps us going into november and '24. look, all of the energy and activism are on the radical left. that's where it is in the party. and senator warren is a power vacuum, because the president clearly is not capable of doing the job. the vice-president of the united states is also in way over her head. so elizabeth warren sees an opening for the progressive radical left to take the bull by the horn and try to take the party even further to the left, which, gerngs i hope they do. but, remember, she's in competition with other radicals like aoc and the others. but elizabeth warren has run for
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president before. she sees an opening. she doesn't think that joe biden is capable of running again, which he is not. kamala harris, forget it. so it might be that elizabeth warren now is laying the ground work not just for a policy agenda for the far left and the democrats, but for herself going into '24. >> laura: oh, another -- she said she wasn't going to run but i don't know, maybe her tribal instincts really will make her do it. monica merrick garland has announced today again really on the pulse of the country, he's now announced the launch of a comprehensive environmental justice strategy. that's what the focus of the democrat party is on. with the inflation and supply chain and gas prices and selling off of the market, that's where they want to go. >> yeah. because remember in obama's words laura the objective is the fundamental transformation of the nation into a very far left,
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some would say socialist or communist kind of model. so this kind of environmental justice entity within the doj makes perfect sense. it's totally along the lines of their agenda. has nothing to do with criminal justice, which is what his job is, but has everything to do with did ideological gee thatted they are waging. >> laura: the global reset monica, the global reset. here it is. great to see you as always. and despite their threats and intimidation, the left, they haven't been able to stop parents, have they? amanda orr done with school race in texas after her client won a may 2021 race, liberal activists pulled out all the stops to delay and change the rules for the 2022 race. so the leftist voting rights act federal court alleged discrimination in order to reconfigure the jurisdiction for the race and filed an injunction
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in an attempt to halt the election all together. so for the last year, amanda joined a thousand parent group of grass roots volunteers who worked to ensure that this past weekend's election proceeded and, guess what? they were victorious. amanda and other parents in houston won it and now conservatives have a majority on the school board and all the board members all they want to do is restore neutrality of the classroom. they don't want politics of any sort, just education. we thought we'd have a little moment to celebrate her. amanda orr owner of of the orr strategy group. amanda you were warning me that shenanigans were afoot and you saw it coming. what's the lesson here for other jurisdictions and even federally for the united states? >> so i think spring branch isc is really the model for the
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entire united states in fighting boards that have political agendas for our children. i remember when i was a kid, our teachers were not allowed to talk about their personal politics, and that has changed quite drastically. and all that, the candidates that won, lisa, john perez and caroline bennett, all they want is a return to classroom neutrality. and so i encourage school boards and parents across the country that are frustrated with the direction of their schools in the curriculum and the sexualsation of the school books and the lesson plans that hint at critical race theory to watch what happened in spring branch. we worked for a year. and i'm so proud of the thousand parent group, named pipeline. >> laura: but how did you do it? how did you do it? i mean, a lot of parents are outraged. i can tell you so many parents in fairfax county virginia are
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outraged at what happens in those school board meetings. they feel powerless. i think they've tried to fight back maybe had a little success here and there but an uphill battle. obviously texas is a little more conservative, to say the least. but how did you do it? >> yeah. the group is really passionate, and there were countless hours of volunteer work. it became full-time jobs for a lot of the parents. >> laura: it was passionate. >> and we did not let up. yeah. >> laura: yeah. >> and one of the pipeline members coined the phrase all gas no brakes and that has become our saying. >> laura: i love it. >> when we were fighting -- yeah. when we were fighting this lawsuit going into the election. yeah, it's a group of passionate parents and taxpayers that see that our rights were being taken away from us right in front of our eyes. >> laura: i want everyone -- >> asleep at the wheel. >> laura: we all have been asleep at the wheel, no more. it's parent power usa.
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amanda, i was worried because you were warning me about this awhile ago and you all did it and i give you huge congratulations. great work and keep it up. and this should be a light for everybody else across this country. amanda, thank you >> okay i have a include tonight's end segment will be revealed, the answer revealed at the end of the show. >> selling which item can get you arrested in a new york city subway? hmm. which item? what. tweet me your guesses at ingraham angle we'll go through the guesses at the end of the show >> a shocking claim, and we tell you what's really behind it and more in moments. my name is trisha. i'm 70 and i live in mill valley, california. my biggest passion is gardening. i love to be outdoors. i have jaybirds that come when i call. i know how important it is to feed your body good nutrition. i heard about prevagen and i heard about the research behind it. taking prevagen, i have noticed that i can think clearly.
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us could see one hundred million covid infections and worse. >> if we don't get ahead of this think we have a lot of waning immunity for a virus that continues to evolve and we may see infections hospitalizations and deaths. if we can prepare we can prevent that but we need congress's help we need the resources to fight that battle so we don't have that kind of fall and winter. >> laura: oh, more resources. joining me now is dr. marty mekari johns hopkins professor and author of the price we pay. dr. mekari great to see you tonight. so first i have to say, we see shanghai tightening their hideous, cruel lockdowns despite, you know, what we know about covid zero. it doesn't work. but now we see here in the united states, that seems like the only thing that's going to make these people happy that we never have covid again in the
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united states. >> there's a lot of people who still believe in covid zero and it's cruel to see what's happening in china kids being ripped from families and being sent to detention centers. our policies in many ways represent the covid zero policies, if you look at hyper testing, $22.5 billion the biden administration and dr. john say they need and it's critical. they say it's going to go to a new vaccine. we don't even have an omicron specific vaccine disclosed under development or review by the fda. they have a co-vaccine for months that gives better protection against variants they're just waiting on the bauer rock case and they say the money's going to hyper testing. we don't need to be hyper tested immune people. we're feeding this industrial complex of immune people. and the money's going to plaxvid which shows that it saves lives in unvaccinated she risk people
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and it's given out like candy to anyone with mild symptoms. >> laura: yeah, the paxlovid am i saying it right. i have a lot of friends that took it it was given to them they are low risk people already had covid and already had been vaccinated and had that. there just seems to be no rhyme nor reason to this and of course there are a lot of people who are concerned that this whole thing is being politicized for money, dr. mekari, because there's no end to the money we have despite, you know, everything we know about what's going on in our economy. but americans i think, i get the sense they're just, they're done with this. they're done, done with the fearmongering. >> look, hundred million people are going to get rsv and virus and flu and other common cold viruses 5-20 times in their lifetime. but right now 95-98% of the population has immunity. they have some circulating antibodies from natural or vaccinated immunity that means
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you have a 99.99% protection level against covid. feel good about that protection, live your life and if you're low risk covid is not a serious concern. >> laura: dr. mekari wonderful to see you tonight. thank you. so what could be behind team biden makes these prediction so far in advance? we know it's going to start in the fall right before a midterm election. that is of course projected to wipe out the democrats. so i'll make a prediction, one that i made, i think it was back in april 2020 as well >> of all the scams perpetrated through the covid nightmare the effort to change voting is perhaps the worst. anything to create more opportunities for balance et harvesting or voter fruit. >> laura: here now victor hanson. that was back in april of 2020. it seems like there is a desperate desire to keep this panic going. what do you think's going on here really and is it political?
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>> well, i think every week in the larger landscape it's either january 6th or now roe vs wade or putin's price hike or ukrainian war because cher' desperately looking for some magic escape route and they can't escape because they won't change and they're i deal logs and they run the country into the ground. they look back and think how did we win in 2020? it was covid, the lockdown, we frightened everybody and we had all the mail in ballots, maybe that will work again. maybe we can say we have a new model that says we can all be locked down or we all get covid we need 90% mail-in ballots. pretty pathetic. or maybe they think they can stop inflation by just shut hadding everybody back in and not spending. i don't know. but it's pretty desperate because they won't change. they won't say these are what americans are concerned about. they're worried about gas and inflation and the border and overseas. and here are the solutions. and they won't do it because they're self-created problems
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and they won't change. every week we're going to hear one of these. >> laura: right but victor this is why i started off with the inmates are truly running the asylum. they can't change. they are addicted to fa nat schism. we're going to do it again and it will be a different result. but it won't. your friend bill gates and i know you're very close speaking of new model victory. i had to get your route something stunning. watch. >> during the pandemic, any engagement, failed meeting, meeting with a doctor, you know, having a funeral, you know, people are forced to say hey can we do that digitally and we'll all think do i need to go to that convention or could it be online. i think that is a very positive thing. >> laura: yeah, it's a positive thing for a dweeb who doesn't want to leave his house not for the rest of america that actually has lives and like
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being with people. what is going on with old gates there vdh? >> well, i think he's made a fortune in china and he's made a fortune in telecommunications and anything that profits bill gates because all of a sudden a morale issue for everybody else. pretty simple. i don't really know him laura. he's never come down to they will ma on the vines with me i know he's buying farm lands but i haven't seen him a track for around here. >> laura: victor i are pay a lot of money to see you and bill gates on a track for together. that would be a great moment. vehicle dor thank you. >> welcome any time. >> laura: exactly. >> in moments we're going to introduce you to some of liz chain's new best friends plus we speak to the candidates trying to take her down. stay there. to celebrate salonpas day and our mission to improve people's lives through topical pain relief we invite you to try our powerful, long-lasting patch
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♪ >> laura: remember those so-called principled men and women in the gop who valiantly stood up to fight against trump? people like adam kinzinger and liz cheyney. where are these righteous republicans now? well we might have the answer. breitbart is reporting that liz cheyney's reelection campaign is working with a group called people first. their web site indicates it's
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affiliated with far left democrat organizations such as president biden's campaign arm, planned parenthood and black lives matter. harriet haag man is running to unseat liz cheyney in wyoming and she joins us now. good to see you the open primary coming up in august. but liz cheyney really is, she's billed as the principled republican, only a handful of them left obviously. and she's payings ated about january 6th, investing that. are you kind of surprised she hasn't been more vocal about left-wing protests that seem to be getting out of hand against supreme court justices? >> well, laura it's wonderful to see you again to be back on your program, thank you. i have been stunned at her silence. when you think about what is actually happened in the last week. i'm a constitutional attorney. i've been practicing law for over 33 years, and i've never seen anything like this.
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and the people that i have talked to haven't either. this was clearly an attempt to intimidate our supreme court justices, to find a way to expose or to try to get them to change, to get someone to change their decision and also you can see just the rioting and the attacks and the hysteria that you're seeing by the leftists and the radicals out there. it makes no sense and wyoming sitting congresswoman has made no comment whatsoever. and you would think that in light of what she's done related to january 6th that she would have been at the forefront of condemning this. boy, she hasn't been. i understand she might have in the last few minutes or so, or last hour actually. >> laura: yeah, we have it. we have it har yet. we searched today for a comment. i think i might have raised it last week where's liz cheyney principled person on what's happening with the justices. we couldn't find anything so we actually called her office. now, two hours after we contacted her office, her office
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sent us a brand new article noting her new comment calling for the leaker to be propers prosecuted at the court. har yet again sterling character and judgment, but she wouldn't have released the statement had we not asked. >> i think that's exactly true she's playing cleanup now but it also exposes what her real agenda is with the january 6th commission. it doesn't have anything to do with principle and i would argue she isn't the principled candidate in this race. what the january 6th commission is about, and she stated it very publicly repeatedly, that it is to make sure that donald trump never gets near the oval office again. but, again, that isn't why wyoming sent her to washington, dc. that's furthering her agenda and that of nancy pelosi, joe biden, and adam kinzinger, adam schiff, those folks, but it doesn't have anything to do with what wyoming wants her to do.
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>> laura: hariette they're pummeling you with ads, don't have to play it but anyone who has doubts about you should know you're being attacked by all the right people like the lincoln project and all the left wing groups liz cheyney's getting help from. we're going to watch this race carefully so everybody i know in wyoming is voting for you so get out and vote. great to see you. thank you >> now our whit's end segment is left. if you sell this on a new york subway you can actually get arrested. hurry up tweet me at ingraham angle.
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>> video of an offender in a subway station handcuffed by the nypd. is that what you want to be focusing on. >> next thing it's propane tanks next day it's barbecuing on the subway system. you just can't do that. >> okay, the woman was selling mangos. how do go to propane tanks from manning os. freedom matters on the web site. get it. ♪♪ [cheers and applause] ♪♪ >> greg: here we are. all right. happy monday, everyone. i hope you had a lovely birthing person's day. i dressed in drag to get half priced mimosas at brunch. it was worth it.
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