tv Hannity FOX News May 11, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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tomorrow covering the pageantry that is the a bidenen administration. we can't wait to see 8:00 p.m. every weeknight and show the sworn enemy of line smugness and group think have a great night with the ones you love. you know. and welcome to hannity and reagan tonight . the new inflation numbers,, they are out and there numbers a arere complete disaster for our economy even as interest rates e rise, the economy is stillcoct contracting. inflation isflat still hoveringe a four decade high, a whopping eight point three percent. on a very serious note, this is an extremely dangerous period in our country. two thirdssou of american livesf americans living paycheck to paycheck. it isheckpayc killing the poor. it is killing the middle class. it is hurting people on fixed
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incomes while incomes go down. k the stock market has been plunging . that means retirement funds are getting destroyed. the costed of everything you but in every store you go to is continuing to spike. make no mistake, economic devastation is here with no end in sight. sadly, gas prices guess what ? we hit another record high today. diesel also another record high and there may soon be a diesel fuel shortage. utilities in this country, ount 22%. a whopping fuel oil is up a whopping 80%. used cars are up anywhere between twenty two and 40%. new cars b are up over 13 percent. and by the way, when we finally find one , the msr sticker shock above msp is going to be massive looking for a plane ticket a that's up 33% meet fourteen percent eggs. 22% milk. fourteen percent according tog economists, americans will need
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to fork over over five thousand two hundred more per household this year because of biden inflation and over two thousand dollars. by the way, every american who drives a car, they'll pay an extra two thousand dollars on gas prices alone. already, as i said, two thirds o of americans livef paycheck to paycheck, according to cnbc. now sadly, all of this , as we've been telling you, could have been prevented more than a year ago, our economy recovered from covidck lockdown's and got red red hot and biden just continue to pump and spend federal money evened as inflation started to risee at a very alarming rate. biden push for even more spending. in fact, as we speak, he still wants to pump trillions ofno more dollars into the economy. this is madness. this ismy insanity. i and that's not all. biden also r restricted oil and gas production immediately put all these restrictions on the gas and oil industry killed the keystone xley
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pipeline, by the way. we'dpi be takingpe in nine hunds thousand barrels of canadian oil a day by now that woulder lower the price of everything. and by the way, it was biden the ban drilling on public lands. he closed anwr because ofth course he is ane adherent to the religious climate alarmists that now run his entire party because it's certainly not him. biden and sat back did nothing n as gas pricesot and up and up and up except make excuses. a year ago today, biden, soki, yellin, we're all u telling us gas prices would come down, w that inflation was temporary or there were transitoryas. there were all l lying or stupid or thinking about the economy in that magical way. as bloomberg was reporting. but get this now is the economy is imploding. joe biden is a rip roaring mad because americans they are not given joeyse the credit he thinks he deserves. oh , we should say thank for the five thousand two hundred
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dollar biden inflation tax, t the two thousand dollar extra year we're going to pay for gas. take a look00 g. we have an economy on the great depression. many people lose their jobs, si their homes. but even more importantly, you know, rememberr no one could say in television people lining upox and all kinds of vehicles just to get a box of food and they're trying to forget people were hurting. and what are the a crowd want to do? et forget it. forget it. god, this is the united states of america. the idea that people would have to wait in line for an hour, hour and a half to get a box of food in their truck. le just unbelievable. yeah, your presidency is unbelievable. to be awful.
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now a while biden is worriedtt about getting the creditin he deserves, millions of americans are now worried about how they're going to feed their children and i mean literally and pay their rent and pay their mortgages as we speak. a nationwide shortageak of baby formula now is causing panic, rightly so among parents" as one new york times report reads, quote, a baby formula shortage now leaveses desperate parents searching for food. ng it continues. t some parents are now drivingim hours at a time in search ofer supplies. others are watering down formula or rationingsin, hopingl for an end to the shortage. i talked to a friend of mine there try to importer from europe, but then of course he gets banned. we're not stopping the opioids t ,the fentanyl, cbut we'll stop that baby formula coming in from europeurop this is an urgent crisis. the biden administration obviously a a doesn't care. they have no clue what to do aboard air force one earlier today, biden's new press secretary actually laughede whk a reporter asked about the ongoing shortage not sureid
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what's so funny here. i'll let you decide. turning point on to the formula issue at the white house event at the white house. i mean,ss at the white house. i don't i don't know. i you find out for you and get you a person who's running point, but i don't have one . >> i'm not sure what's so funny, but unfortunately it's not only baby formula. we could soon experience a severe shortage nationwide as america's farmers, the people at a heart and soul of this country that feed all of us with the most sophisticated technology, the science involved in farming today. yeah, they'remi struggling with all these rising energy costs, transportation costs, supply chain issues and by the way, they're looking for three times the, the increase in the price of fertilizer that would be necessary by the administration. so maybecehe you should compost and maybe you should use manure. okay, they need fertilizerrma..e
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looken at your screen. the four major types of fertilizer are all at recordd highs. look at these numbers you likeye to eat? i like to eat. i go shopping every week.ry i have sticker shock every week but look at these pop up by as a much as one hundred and fifteen percent. by the way, farmers got to makei a living. they got to raise their pricesp on everything so they can keep their farms going and fear not because today joey actually visited a farm once again reminded everyone that his home state of delawareo has a lot of farms. >> take a look. one of these i want to put to rest . everybody looks to me and says, been in a farm? and i remind them that nobody nobody knows i come from the state of delaware.ta i represented delaware for thirty six years, the united states senate foror i became vie president, single largest industry in delaware l and the delmarva of delaware, maryland , virginia peninsula. that peninsula goes dow is agriculture. it's a four billion dollar
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industry, fourdu billion dollar. that whole businessli on and we have more chickens than there are americans. more broilers maybe mayben' progress. t he wasn't bragging that his state was a state as he once of course, biden has never worked as a farmer in the past.a several he hasn't held any real job outside of government and maybe just maybe that's a big part of the problem here now with mores on how we can help america's farmers is the president oft the nationalof black farmers association, john boyd jr. johnr ,welcome aboard. og thanks for being on the program. more importantly,ly thank you fr what you do. you know, i don't think we give farmers enough credit because everything we buy ourst grocery stores, youor know, come from farmers and ranchers like yourself and it's not an easy profession. i understand you may disagreeny with me politically. that's fine. take me on on any issue you
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want, but i want to know the challenges that farmers are facing because not only do you feed this country, you feed the world on top of this country and we need american farmers to havee everything they need to do their great job for having me tonight . right now a we're in a crisis in america as it relates to to farmers. we're facing the all time high and diesel fuel that here in virginia i'm paying five dollars and sixty three cents a gallonpayi for diesel fg we had an all time high for fertilizer. i'm paying nine hundred dollarsl a ton people. that's nine hundred dollars a ton for for fertilizer. the twenty f thousand dollar r fertilizer bill that we're looking at right now. o now is the time for america to come together and support america's farmers. we just provided relief for ukraine where we're going too be looking at some losses there in the form of wheat and other commodities. butmodi w we just provided ukrae
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with forty dollars billion in aid and nothing in that f spending package for america's farmers. i know chairman scott wasas tro trying to work a get some thing. america has to come back together and work together by the same seat, same that divided right now we're divided here in that country on race. we're divided on bitterness a and hatred. t but youha know, love is always greater than hate. we got to find a way to work together so that we can get something done and to promise this is where maybe we part ways politically and there's no hate in my voice here. there's frustration that i'm feeling.g. i'm frustrated. i'm frustrated that two thirds of americans are living paycheck to paycheck and iie believe that's unnecessary. i believe giving up american energy independence was one of the dumbest thingsf th this couy has ever done begging, begging,
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iran, begging venezuela. that doesn't make sense to me. maybe maybe you agree with that. i don'tt not having fixing the supply chain and making sure that we have the fertilizer for hard workingb farmers like you is unconscionable to me. you feed the entire country well, tyou know, farmers are the lowest on the totem pole as fare as getting recognition in this country. you know, we maytr not needr a doctor or a lawyer today, butr every day wey need an american farm in this country to help feed this country and we don't get the recognition that we need and that this particular time we're not getting the support that we need. you know, as african american farmers and national black farmers association members are waiting in for five billion dollarswa and federal aid that e didn't get from last, it's it's always the weight gain. but the examplehat that i was making that we were able to swiftly provide ukraine sin with 50% billion and i'm not
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against helping that region of the country and the cost of the war and the effects of the war on all of those things. but we have to take care of a those at home. let met ask days. i agree with you and america's farmers. i'm in america y first guy so yu don't have to convince me. can ie. ask you what do you farm how many acres do you farm? tell me a little bit about what you do every day. well, i've been farming for thirty nine years and raise corn, wheat, soybeans, one hundred head of beef cattle and i would like to say that i've earned tove administration to move swiftly to provide aid to america's farmers. and what i said at the top of the showd we had a crisis and when we had a crisis in america, america always finds a way to rise up over all of the obstacles. that's a in front of us and that's what we're going to have to do right now forri america's farmers if we don't do that and people have you been tot
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the grocery store lately? i'm going to ask that question. look at the prices and today's groceries. i go every week. they're going to continue they're going to continue toe rise. if h we don't fix the problem, e have to be able to get our cropss in the ground right now.e and whatnt the president was talking about providing aid for double cropping and federal crop insurance. i found confinement for thirty nine years. if i have the choice between crop insurance and buying seed and fertilizer, i'm going to buy seed and fertilizer every time every time. nowe was the time to moveto swiftly and to act precisely to get america's farmers the aid that they need and deserve to a plant their crops on time. weay have a 30 day window of opportunity to plant crops this year and any time after that any farmer can tell you it's a wish and die and a gamble after that people. so we need the aid many of our black farmers right now that don't have farm operating
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loans in place and they didn'tre get the debt relief that we s were supposed to get in. s the usda is reporting these farmers as delinquent so they will be struggling, getting farm operated money. that's what we need. we as farmers need infrastructure, corporateto five hundred companies haven't done enough to help america's farmers companies like john j deere. they should be cutting interest rates at this timet for farmersc and coquille and all these companies want tot get bigger. it doesn't tell us how they're going to help the american farmer here. i want to wish you first.ha thank you . nkyourand your fellow farmers fl the great work you do and give them t and i wish you the best give feed all of us . you don't get enough credit for what you do. it i appreciate you being with usei and reallyng shining a light on how bad this is.bayo thank you . john boyd, you appreciate. io all right.n nowli while the administration does little to solve america's many problems today, the ladies of the view, well, they did their best to run cover for
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biden's many failures, blamingng you-know-who for ourfo economic woes. of course, when w all else fail, putin trump, pick them on any given day at democrats in office, the deficit goes down, the economy flourishes and then a republican comes and destroys it all and then the democratss come in and sit up and clean 80% the former because i won't but i will say until the pandemic the economy was soaringnd. we had a record weathertech we had president barack obama aboutdent. w got the affordable care act. weff got stuff done high schooln >> right. all right. youea know, with relaxium foundg of the elder for america pac, larry elder, along with former senior counselor to president trump. kellyanne conway is with us. well, kon i don't really go to c and joyless bejar for my news and information, kellyanne, i think she's got it backwardsds . that'say a typical day for her . but there is a reality here and that is this is failingng
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on a spectacular level. it's now impacting almost two thirds of the country, but it's really impacting everybody. and i see no even openness tove consider getting out of the problems they're causing that right now. of course. correction. look, this is very simple. let's just compare the facts. trump versus biden, in fact, under trump fifty year lowye unemployment under biden, forty year high inflation undero trump, higher wages and income and record higher wages and income under biden, record high gas prices under trump, low poverty rates record under biden, record low approval ratings. i mean there is no comparison. and look, i think this white house and their enablers in they media are doing them no'r goodbe by telling america don'tli believe what you see, believe what we say and that's not america. look, there's a cause and effect going on here. their policies are poor.
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they have no incentive, i think, to get out of it othert than to insult hillary. hillary insulted them as deplorable, irredeemable. the fight is actually injuring them. folks, this is no laughing matter. it'd be fun to make fun of the democrats and bumbling joe and absent harris. but people are suffering, sean.f mothersfe can't get baby formuls in the united states of america. folks are paying more for everyday consumables. everyday life is less affordable and less secure under joe biden and people know that . you know what i hear fromt people all the time. they don't just say we're , we're resilient. we'll look forward. it will get better. we're optimistic and hopeful. i they saywas bett it was better t that long ago and i want that back. well said. you know, larry, i look at the wreckage. i spent a lot of my adult early adult years struggling paycheck from paycheck. you know, when i started broadcasting i work for free. my first paid job was nineteen thousand a i neverr thought i'd
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be successful at it and i still think somebodyer somewhere made a mistake and god bless me and i more that i deserve and i mean that i'm serious.i i know what it's like but i still have that mindset. up my gas tank o i'm paying twice what i paid a little over a year ago. it me off when i when i goff shopping every week and yes, i i do my own shopping. i don't know why people ask me in the grocery store why are you here? t i like to eat you know it's that me off. but for other americans this is 66% of this country is living paycheck to paycheck. larry, this is really bad and it's getting worse. you know, sean, and the goodeg news isoa that the scapegoating if not working, only two percent of americans believe the economy is quote very good and the overwhelming majority blame joe biden and joe biden. the policies a memo to the ladies on the view.
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however,r, barack obama presidee over the worst economic recoveryr since nineteen forty nine. the only time we've ever had a recovery since then we didn't have at least one year where the gdp was three percent and they're running out o scapegoats. biden is blame. putin. he's blame supply c chain. he's blame greedy farmers, greedy oil companies, greedy meat producers. phe's running out of people to blame. the only thing he hasn't blamed so far have been their favorite republican , abraham lincoln. i think what'sn. next , sean? he's going to blame blame o the, the inflation on racism. they're running out of scapegoats. and the problem is kellyanne conway pointed out there's no course correction. we want to spend more . they want to raise taxes and they want to regulate more . sthey should be cutting s regulations, cutting spending, cutting taxes and the economyg turn around. but they're clueless. you said you don't't know whethr or not it's they're lying or they're stupid. i put my money on stupid john a scaryy you know what ?ig there's not g going to be the ei
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of big government iss over or the end of the new green deal o is over or the adherence to the climate alarmists religious cult is over .er sadly. he kellyanne, thank you . and larry elder, thank you . when we come back , piers morgan, he actually intervieweda and took on the taliban spokesperson in a verye contentious interview. we've got the tape. we'll show you the highlights wo we'll get piers reaction and much more as we continue straight . the five star backyard's attack. you don't one don't we know
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go to slash try and never go to the post office again. it has now been two hundred and seventy days since joe biden abandoned fellow americans behind enemy lines f in afghanistan and surrendered to the taliban. that doesn't include thousands of green card holders. that doesn't include, of course, our afghan allies. many of whom have been murdered
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and the taliban is now in full control, returning their right to their hard line oppressivee rule as we predicted, sadly oppressing women, young girlsgi now piers morgan grilled a taliban spokesperson on his s new show piers morgann uncensored about thesepi major human rights violations. take a look t at this . a girl should be entitled to go to school in afghanistan the same way a boy goes. are you yourself say in august last year that had nothing to worry about, nothing to be scared about the issue of security, schools, educationuc for girls. atthey are under consideration. let me turn if i may, to the issue of the now compulsory instruction for all women in afghanistan to wear a full burqa if they goafafif saidee, f the afghan women they observing hijab in his brand new show,. by the way, piers morgan uncensored as if there's any
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other piers airsothe new episods four times a week at fox nation .com. all right. watch very closely this interview with this taliban guyuyib. actly every i predicted exactly everything that would happen. it was the worst debacle e withdrawal everve. ed even anthony blinken says one hundred and twenty six he acknowledges americans are trapped behind enemy lines. many of my congression sources tell me that number is muchav higher than we have thousands of people that have american green cards eligible to be in d this great country. they were trapped by an enemy lines and our afghan allies that we promised we'd never abandon. they are now being taken out in the streets and killed or n taken in , neverev to be seen again. never mind the billions of military equipment. so the old taliban is the new taliban, piers.s. this is exactly what anybody with a brainh knew what happened . exactly right. sean. ra it's a complete betrayal of americans. they're remain there in greatf
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danger, a betrayal of all the interpreters and other afghans who helped the westt in their efforts in afghanistan. but most of all, a terrible betrayal of the afghani women. and in this interview, the taliban's official spokesman, sohail shaheen was so disingenuous he just basically told me a bunch of barefaced lies and i eventually asked him one simple question. he has two daughters said do they go to school? he's in doha. yes. he said they do. hy and ofpo course they're right. there is the hypocrisy which isn riddel through the taliban ethos. one rule for them, their children, another ruledr for these poor school schoolgirls in afghanistan just to be completelyen t clear now,y girl after the age of about 12 , 13 is not going to school and he may say, well, they are entitled to they're not allowedd to they're not going to school. they are having their education stolen from them after two decades of getting used to having one . this newyou have draconian rule that afghan women can't go out. they're wom told to stay at home
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and if they do go out, they can only reveal their eyes. if any breach of that rule, then the male relatives or their male employer who may be held responsible. they are the enforcers and if they don't enforce it, then they themselves face imprisonment. so you're taking really a step back to madame t medieval ages with this to the very worst of taliban onepoint. there is no taliban 2.0. they are just as bad as they were before and the abandonment of these people i think is going to be on joe biden's conscience now for the rest of his life because itt was a catastrophic failure of foreign policy pol to just up t and leave and basically hand the country back to theol taliban rules. no,. i'm glad you confronted him. i thought youou did a really god job with that. what i don't understand isan whered are women's rights groups? where are where's the and community? because if you're orni i, n
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they will murder you. where are humanri rightsd activists and all of ave this because they should be agreeing. we don't agree on everything, but we agree on thisry. we agree that rights are god given natural rights from god, not from government. and these fundamental rights do not exist for these groups in afghanistan and yet you don't hear a peep out of most people, piers. nothing. nothing. and you know, we hear a lot f from big corporations like disney when they want to you signal down in florida about sex education to young kids butk not a word from them about the oppression of millions of afghani women in afghanistanaf because of course it was a democrat president. they created this fiasco that shows a political bias for all these corporations, not the best corda he got about thid of thing. let me switch gears to the issue of doxxing and the protesting. i call it intimidation and harassment of supreme supreme court justices. i would imaginesupr that we migt
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be on other sides as it relates to the issue of abortion. that's not what this is about. it's a big lie that if roe v. wade is overturned that abortion will be illegal in the us . it will not be states will decide what restrictions or what lack of restrictions they want. liberal states will, i'm sure, allow abortion in some cases they do now up until the moment of birth, which to me is infanticide. but the issue you call these people that are doxxing these justice and protesting in front of their homes, you go as far as you call them domestic terrorists. explain. i think it is a form of terrorism. i think we knew mass protests outside the home of supreme court justices, many of whom have children, young children in some cases and you are intimidating them. that is a form of terrorism and i'm all for peaceful protest and i think it's the fundamental bedrock of any democracy. but to go and find homes of supreme court justices who already i think have
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extremely difficult jobs, often very dangerous jobs dealing with huge constitutional issues where there are people who feel very emotive about it, very angry about it. we know there are lots of crazy people out there. do you really want to encourage them to go down to a supreme court justices home and terrorize them and their families? i think it's unconscionable that this is happening. they shouldn't be allowed to happen and i think i would say the same to the other way around politically if these were right wing protesters doing it to left wing judges, i'd say the same thing. i just think the reaction would be they are trying i would never do it. people into making a decision which should be completely left of these judges. could you imagine for a second if i did anything similar which i would never do? it's too dangerous for imagine what the reaction would be or if donald trump did it. imagine what a reaction would be . outrage. outrage rightly so. rightly so. piers morgan, thank you . don't forget piers show uncensored on fox nation .com
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piers, thanks for being with . and straight ahead, the polls for next tuesday senate primary in pennsylvania. they are rapidly tightening in a hotly contested three way race. new developments tonight and some alarming news about the surging kathy barnett. we'll tell you all about it straight ahead. college wasn't built for me. i didn't care if i had to work double shifts or if my kid had a favorite deadline. the deadline i want to set the deadline. i'm going to take test when i'm ready. i want to take courses on my feet up when i know my i went to university that cares about astronaut lisa. don't you graduate on your the university here. why are so many people turning to superbikes bristol? because it would be bristol.
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who i have also endorsed will always tell you how i feel. that's part of the show. also, wall street hedge fundde ceo dave mccormick. but according to a new fox news poll, kathy barnett is now seeing a rise with dr. ozr. in the lead o in this race by to points to other recent polls have had dr. us in the lead by two to threee points. now let me be very clear now the surging candidacy of kathy barnett. i've interviewed kathy. i like kathy. she was very nice when i interviewed her . but the problem is we're now looking at what is must holdan republican senate seat if the republicans want to ever take the majority in the u.s. senate. she up to this point in this race has never been vetted because up until this week her polling frankly didn't reallyee warrant it. and this is very important. don't forget back in 2020 she was in a congressional race in pennsylvania's 4th congressional district. she lost that race,
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by appneral election race whopping 20 points. also today whent the washington examiner reached out to her campaign, she declined to respond to very simple, straightforward questions about her candidacy. theseetfors questions like whew she an adjunct professorct and when was she an adjunctro professor and when did she move from virginia to pennsylvania? and that's not all we did a lot of vetting ourselves. e while kathy claims to be a maga conservative, she has a very troubling history of attacking donald trump. the forty fifth presidentnt during the twenty sixteen primary season she tweeted there's a lot of tweets quote did you see the last presidential debate? trump was hard followed up that with trump is just as liberal as democratic leaders. we currentlyer have an office. morality matters and trump does not rank high in it. she also wrote trump is good for beer, for beersee and barbecue not as a president and claim that trump's moral character is questionable.
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and byle the way, she even tweeted this about me and there's me and says, oh , glenn beck actually glenn beck. why does hannity support unprincipled donald trump? and itun gets worse more resurfaced tweets or evens more disturbing one from her twitter account in twenty sixteen reads, quote,e,e don't e get it? obama is a muslim and there are lots of these tweets from another 2013. she says please pray for my babies to me or about to board the plane to california and there's a homosex female and linking out to a facebook post moments ago on one of ourem producers spoke to kathy barnett. she claims she cannot recall the context of the tweet about s obama or in any of the other a controversial quotes. and when we askedon her abouttre the tweet about a boardingrd the plane, she said to our producer, quote, i would never say that those are notd my words. i don't know ifth she's claiming that her twitter account was hacked, but." it's on her official twitter account. so with only six days b left in this campaign, there areai serious real open questions
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about the surging kathy barnett campaign and where she trulys stands on issues and whether or not she can win a generalen election. republicans and conservatives, they betterer get these answers to these questions before next tuesday. and just like i have been saying, i've been enthusiastically open about my support for dr. mehmet oz as the only america first candidate in this race is the only candidate endorsed by president trump. i pointed out repeatedly he's pro-life. he's strong on crime, strong on the border, tough on china, supports our second amendment and one very important point i see him by far as the republican candidate in this primary that will win the general election. this seat is a must hold seat if republican have any chance to win and hold that seat in november. and he, unlike kathy barnett, is battle tested and has been vetted and he can win in november. so on tuesday, pennsylvania voters have a serious choice to
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make and the stakes could not be higher. here now, pennsylvania senate candidate dr. oz doctorow's. i look at numerous comments about obama, numerous comments, incendiary comments about muslims, even associations with qanon. i look at controversial comments regarding race. i look at the trashing of donald trump again and again,an the most incendiaryni and she's never, never stopped. there arean many of them incendiary remarks about and . my question is this she's not been vetted, dr. oz. and as i look at these comments and this information and nobody brought it up to brought it up prior to this show tonight , i don't see any way any scenario under which sheun can win a general election. that is my thirty five year e in broadcasting opinion. i want you to respond.
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i concur with your if she is mystery, barnett a won't answer questions aboutco her record. but what i dordut w concerns me. she's expressed mixed feelings about george washington, the founding president. she's petitioned to build the statue to president obama. she claims to be an outsider about that . the worst kind. he wanted it. she wanted a statue of barack she isnd she claims a maga conservative. i don't know many maga conservatives that are fond of barack obama during the blm protest. that was one of the solutions she offeredio out there. but the fact of the matter is and this is why president trump endorsed it, he said i would t win the general election. that's the most important goalke for us to keep in mind as republicans. saysha she's ane outsider but she's the worstg kind ofas insider. she's already lost running as a republican in 2020 by as you point out, twenty points to a pretty weak democrat. shede makes his homophobic comments all kinds of phobiasng way going on with kathy barnettw and she's the best chance for
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democrats to capture the senate seat. it will be a gifte to chuck schumer. and here's what makes it worse, sean. this really bothers mee . the swamp is out there doing anything they can to stop presidentop trump's endorsement of me and to stop president trump period. we've got washington money investing in barnett to hurt t trump, but they're hurtinghe the country b by doing this . this is the same group that actually invested in ohio to hurt president trump'sth candidate, by the way, same as let's call names out here club for growth. they're going to standnd behind all these comments. they need to now be asked if they stand behind all of them because i have i have a pile this high of them. this isot not one comment, a onu off situation. this is nots twenty years ago. this is this is recent stuff that's out there whichch i would argue and again in my entirear career i've never called foree canceling. i'm not woke i don't believe't in boycotts. i don't believe in demanding people be fired. but my professionalro political opinion as a broadcaster, she cannot win a general election which might
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explain why she lost by 20 points in a congressional election two years ago. a well, thankfully we got a couple of days to fix this . i'm leadingg the polls. as you pointed out, i'm a fighter. i'm focusing the campaign on pennsylvania voters. i'm all over inflation and the energy that we have here can help but that the schools covid mandates popping up and down and why washington o gets itz. wrong.lp by the way, please go to doctorow's dotcom's. you ought to help our campaign . wewe got a lot of things going f down. we will win because we'reed focused on people that matter but we have to address what barnett represents. when kathy started the surge, which is just fine, we ought to learn about answers to thesene important questions. otherwise you're taking a big risk with our senate seat a. yeah. i wantnt to ask you it was prety funny. i didn't know i was in her twitter feed, but glenn beck, why does sean hannity support on principle donald trump? well, it's interesting. glenn becktr now one of trump'st biggest supporters, he never apologized. he doesn't have to. weerwe are old friends, kathy burnett. i'll justust assume
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she's apologizing for all of this . now the question is, will q this now i've got to imagine t that this ishi now going to become in the next 30 twenty four forty eight seventy two hours a political earthquake in this primary because now the people of pennsylvania are going to seete voluminous amounts of material that they had not seen on kathyt barnett. and thisst is not to be against her . the question to me is very simple is do you? she obviously doesn't like t presidentha trump. w i'm a whole stack of negative trump tweets how is she claimed to be a maga conservative and trash trump all the time? well, two weeks ago at one of our debates she said that she was maga that president trumpru actually came to to her andmp the other maga people in america. it wasn't his idea. he adopted their idea. ua i was sort of caught off guard by that commentary. but again, i'll post all theseu on doctorow's if you want to
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see them. it's not hard w to nationally televised debate, but that's o the level of confidence she has and what she's articulating. butt she is is a mystery person we don't know much about it. t we have to be able to learn and she's not willing to share. so it raises additionalay red flags with every day, every hour of every day since she became on the radar i've been finding outgs things a that are very alarmingre ver toe and it will be fodder for the democrats. this is our seat toats lose fol. we will win the republican seat in pennsylvania. nfnfi confident i will be able s do that's why president trump feels so confident, has been sop supportive. o i appreciate his endorsement, but we don't want to throw this away with a candidate is not well vetted. you know, i've been warningee that when when primaries become as contentious as yours has become, i've looked ate ads about you and i've known you. i did my own vetting processyo with donald trump. i did my own vetting process with you. i think you can confirm to was fairly intensive and you gave a all the right answersll, which s the only reason i supported yous and believingam they did the sae
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thing with donald trump the doing the same thing with you here. this is going to be a very interesting six days in pennsylvania. i've gotot t to believe the peoe of pennsylvania are going to discoverin t something that theh didn't know in the days to come. i'll give you the last word♪ 100%. y right, folks,ou do your homework this to poor to see to make a mistake with regard to bar that really iss and go to doctorow's i to find out why you want to vote for me six days away from victory. all right. we're supporting your candidacy, doctor . i'm not mehmetfor , thank you fr being with us. when we come back , chicago mayor, we call our mayor of lightweight exchanged heated words with congresswoman lauren bobert on twitter over the leak. supreme court opinion twiwi expi and congressman bart out 2.0 the next you find yourself in the paper the epson rapide received smart organizer easilyl
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congresswoman from colorado congresswoman lauren bobert is now exposing felt far left chicago mayor. we call our mayorgo lightweight after her tweets urging a call to arms ahead of the supreme court's abortion ruling.ponse in response, congresswoman bobert tweeted quote insurrectionist which lightweight replied excuse me, insurrection is your thing, not ours. to whicht congresswoman bobert fired back quote six killed 18 wounded in your city this past weekend. nearly two hundred murders sohi far this year. go fix your city hack anyway here with reaction is colorado congresswoman lauren bobert along with leo to point out terrell leo knows this congresswomanan twenty nine we started on this show all the nameses of people that nobody ever hears about,he all the people in chicago shot all the people shot and killed.s yet. we never cover those stories i've done a few years a thing.y ever fixes
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she hasn't lifted a finger to make chicago safe and secure right shot. president trump said that peacefully and patrioticallysi make your voices heard. chicago mayor little lori lightfoot just gave a call to arms. if anyone in america is an insurrectionisttiftion, it's a little lori. and instead of coming at me m on twitter, this failed mayor should be focused on protecting the good people of chicago. sadly, she c refuses to do that. let's just look at some of the headlines since this murder mayor took office from abcff seven chicago one month old shot in the head chicago tribune threelo sixty one businesses closed in chicagose chicago sun-times chicago's most violent weekendgo sees one hundred and four shot14 14 children c wounded and from courthouse news chicago project . seven hundred and thirty three million dollar budget shortfall in twenty twenty two chicago tribune 2020 one is chicago's
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deadliest year in a quarter century. and just this week on nbc, chicago says boeing is to move its headquarters out of chicago. zonehe. is a war her people arere suffering. businesses arere fleeing little or sheke needs to get off twittr and make chicago safe again. otherwise, leo, you don't bring props like the congresswoman does. i think you need to up your gamettle a little , but ohd no, i don't need to becauseto first of all, i'm proud to be with the congresswoman and i'm i'm the lawyer the congressman provided the evidence more lightweight is guilty face i the evidence yu just saw presented by the congresswoman. look, when she called for a call for arms, there's plenty of guns in chicago and shewa hasn't done anything during her tenure. i want to make sure this is very clear . this is a distraction from her disastrous administration, as the congresswoman pointed out and shocked you could play the tape off donald trump said on january six peaceful patriotically you talked about all the riots the democrats did
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not handle any investigation regarding the riots because those are their clientsdi. er those are their voters l and people. black lives matter. they're not going n to go after their own base and that's why you have her trying to do a misdirection. lori lightfoot we. have a warre zone in chicago and she needs to take care of it. we have less than i twenty seconds. congresswoman, i understand that a bunch of rhinosg are trying to take you out ofe your seat and primary you on purpose. how's that race going? that's right, john. we do have some rhinos tryingr to take me out, but freedom is a great motivator and i need your people to go to lauren forg freedom .com to join my campaign, help me in this fightn so i can stay standingtr strong for americans all across our nation. thank you so much, john lauren for freedom .com. by the way, if you get my for you really world, i'll be in colorado tomorrow c. oh , there you go. you got leo's endorsement rally for hannity drita backyard's
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12:00 am
the time we have left this evening. as always, weou thank you for being with us. anthank you for making this show possible. we can't do it without you. r m we hope you set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity. don't forget fox news .com for all the latest news information when you want to catch w uphe on what's going on around the world hannity .com as well. stay tuned. not your heart be troubled. laura's next theme from angles straight ahead. have a great night. i'm laura ingraham. this is ingraham angle from washington tonight . thank you for joining us . all right. right off the bat we got old nrcc biden saw a farm. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> all right. put your mind at rest people stop warren about soaring food and energy costs because today joe biden's on the case. he visited a farm. >> it was part listening tour every day that gets pushed back push bac
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