tv Hannity FOX News May 12, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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not deny that they had bought it. how much longer is this going to take? we'll be back tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. we will see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity" for the very latest on our an economy that is now completely imploding thanks to our president. we also have an update on jen psaki's crack pipe. remember those -- they swore up and down that they had no crack pipes in them. yes, we've got the evidence to prove it was a total lie. and a shocking report about baby formula but the biden administration -- they are stockpiling it for illegal immigrants in the middle of what is a massive nationwide
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shortage. he actually got planes landing in the dark of night and followed where they were taken to illegal immigrants. and by the way, nearly got arrested. we will tell you that whole story and remember, you are paying for those flights. but for us tonight, an important update on republican pennsylvania senate candidate kathy barnett. in the last week out of nowhere, she surged into second place in the polls in pennsylvania is very crowded republican senate primary rate. the candidate i endorse, that president trump indoors, is holding up to the number one spot. it's easy to see why kathy barnett is picking up steam. we've had her on this program. she is a very impressive person an incredible life story. but because she was pulling so low, just until the last week or so unfortunately kathy barnett
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has not done any rigorous vetting bid that is now proving to be a massive problem in this race. here is why. in 2020 she was not a serious candidate in her congressional race. she lost to a pretty weak democrat by 19 points, and now we are uncovering 98 troubling comments and tweets that would very likely cause her to lose badly and a general election. this is a very important state. there are so many questions, she has never answered. and many tweets that likely render her unelectable in pennsylvania. now this is a must hold senate seat if republicans have any chance of taking over the u.s. senate and the midterms. this is a tipping point moment for this country. every one of these races matter. let me be clear, just because i and many others find her unelectable doesn't mean i want kathy barnett canceled. that is what the left does. most of these problematic comments and tweets are fairly recent, meaning these are
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controversial, extremely controversial comments that overcome and overcome and over again. so i've got to conclude these are her heartfelt beliefs. republican voters in pennsylvania and around the country, you need to know my cold hard truth. they put it very simply here. i don't see any scenario where kathy barnett can win a general election in pennsylvania. make it specific on to why. first, in recent years she engaged repeatedly in some pretty disturbing very controversial rhetoric surrounding and and muslims and she makes nose distinction between islam and radical islam, actually canceling a whole religion peered on twitter she asked her followers to pray for her because "she was about to board the plane to california and "there was a homosexual female on the flight. in 2015 she tweeted, "obama did what she did best, shoving the
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homosexual agenda down everyone's throats and parading the slew of gay people before the pope and company peered whatever that means bread she also heavily insinuated obama was a horrible, gay, muslim. also on twitter, barnett seemingly called for islam to be banned in the united states. not in other words would eliminate the first amendment to our u.s. constitution. she also posted this disturbing image politicizing 9/11 showing an apparent terrorist standing over the rubble on ground zero holding a sign that reads "vote democratic, now we need your help to kill you." there is certainly a better way of expressing a view that democrats might be weak on national security, don't you think? meanwhile she also compared islam to nazism, told her followers that it was her right to discriminate against muslims, and during a lengthy video posted to her youtube page, she
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referred to all of islam as depraved and evil. take a look for yourself. >> there are a lot of truisms i can talk about in regards to islam. i sent a number of years studying it and to reading the koran, talking to muslims, just to get on understanding. because the mind-set of a muslim is very different from the mind-set of a americans. and that is the reason why we cannot fully understand the level, the depth of the depravity, the depth of the evil. because is it just not a part of the american fabric for the most part. >> sean: she is entitled to our own opinions, but trashing an entire religion, i don't think that is going to get anybody elected to any office any place anywhere and it will undoubtedly hurt her in a statewide election. perhaps this is the reason why she lost so badly in 2020. we on the show are very outspoken. we condemn radical islamists, we
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don't attack good people of varying face and they are good people in every faith. i was raised catholic, but i am very critical of the catholic church because of the corruption that took place. i don't know where she stands on islam now, but so far she is not a addressed study of these take a look at this. >> remember when barack obama called us biddy? saying in pennsylvania we cling to guns and religion or dislike people who aren't like us. remember how that made you feel? one candidate for a senate doesn't care. in fact, kathy barnett wants to build a statue of barack obama right next to the one of abraham lincoln on capitol hill in washington. kathy barnett, woke republican come out of touch with pennsylvania. >> sean: i don't know a single conservative, not warm, i don't know a single republican, not one, that would ever want to put a statue of barack obama next to
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abraham lincoln. that doesn't make any sense. why would any republican or conservative support that position? of course, barnett also changed her mind about donald trump. she ultimately did get behind them in the 2016 election, but before she did, barnett even made fun -- imagine that. all of those guys like ben shapiro -- in fairness to them, they didn't know donald trump the way i did. they all came around eventually like kathy did. opinions can change, people evolve, that is okay. but there are so many questions, so many controversial statements, so many controversial tweets that barnett is either unable or unwilling to answer. why is she backed by the shady, swampy -- i mean, i am done with the club. they are giving her now millions
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of dollars and i suspect that is because they want the trumpet divorced candidate to lose. my they are supporting kathy barnett with all these minds of dollars and all of these extreme statements and positions. what about all of the holes in her resume question what she said she worked for two major financial firms, but her campaign won't tell us where. she claims that she wants served as an adjunct professor of corporate finance, we can't find any evidence of that. she also claims to be an army that, but when the "washington examiner" white reached out for proof, her campaign you've refused to provide any documentation. when they called for comment on the issue, the campaign manager hung up on them. also reaching out to her campaign on a variety of issues, but they refuse to answer any of
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our questions. when we did, somebody on my staff got a hold of her yesterday and asked about these tweets. she basically has said she had no memory of these tweets at all whatsoever. is she claiming that somebody hacked her twitter account? anyway, kathy barnett is running for the u.s. senate in what has to be described as a purple state, not an easy won for a republican. in a general election, the media mob will rip her apart over all of these issues, all of these comments, all of these tweets. if she is unable to clear up these issues right now before the primary, it is my prediction, and i don't because a tough one to make, she will be utterly destroyed in a general election like she was in 2020. kathy barnett will never be able to win the general election against the radical left. she has many things in her past which have not been properly explained or vetted.
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here with reaction, are two other candidates in the pennsylvania republican senate primary, jeff bartus. do you agree with my assessment now that we had a chance just in the last 36 hours? nobody paid attention to kathy. nobody paid attention to her past. do you agree that her chances are zero? >> sean kromah we need this seat. sean, you know i am a senate confirmed u.s. ambassador to denmark, green then come on the faroe islands. when you are a senate affirmed combustor, they know everything about you. i worked to deter russia and china working with nato and the department -- >> i'm asking a very specific question. you've read or tweets you've heard her comments.
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it is now going viral in your whole state right now in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. do you believe if she wins this nomination that she could win a general election? >> sean, she lost against a weak democrat two years ago in a red wave year using the same identity politics she is using now. no, i do not believe that she could win in a general election against a strong democrat. but i couldn't be john futterman. i'm a strong republican and i am ultra-mega and pennsylvania wants to elect a conservative senator to represent them in washington. >> thank you both for being with us. mr. bartels, let's get your reaction. same question. do you think what we are now finding out, first of all, how did this not come out sooner is an expectable to me. that's rarely ever happens in politics. i know she wasn't pulling very high, but you've known about this apparently for a long time
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and apparently you tried to warn people and nobody listens. >> first of all, thank you for having me tonight. it is hard to read those tweets. we tell our kids, be careful what you say online or in social media because it lives forever. here we are the commonwealth of pennsylvania, a great state founded on religious freedom and religious tolerance, and it is hard to read that. at the end of the day, i have been vetted as a three-time state white candidate and a primary or general, now it primary, david has been vetted, all in different ways, but we've all been through the crucible. i've set for hundreds of interviews, i know the other candidates have. kathy has a duty to all republican primary voters because at the end of the day, if you can't stand up to the scrutiny of the media during the republican primary, what are you going to do when chuck schumer dumps $100 million on your head during general election that is going to decide and control the united states senate. i've been running from day one. we are going to cut through an win this on tuesday, but at the end of the day love this party come i love this commonwealth,
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i've been working to elect conservatives for two decades. we have a right to vet all of our nominees. the other four of us have mentioned have been vetted. sit and answer these questions, but we cannot get to tuesday without these questions being answered. you can't run up the clock and a primary, it is disrespectful. >> she is not answering her phone's, she wrote me a note on twitter and said, i will debated one on one on the day before election day. that wouldn't be fair to either of you. i've watched you both in the debate. i think all the candidates have shown a lot. >> i won that debate. highest score in the debate. you know it, it never stops. this is to a serious issue. i don't think republicans can get control of the senate. if we don't hold onto the seat. >> the pathway runs the pennsylvania, it's true.
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>> this will control the united states senate in january. if you were to get inflation under control, our oil industry, gas industry, we need to put up a no money. we have four great candidates. we need to move forward as a party and we need to win this thing. >> sean: whoever wins, everyone has to rally. >> i will say this. i will just say this. there is no other candidate in this race that has foreign policy, trade policy, and defense policy capabilities. i'm the only one. and sean, you've never had manager shall before. in the most qualified candidate in this race. the maga candidate, and the one ready on day one. i've put america first since 2016. they all talk about it, i'm the one that's done it, and i'm the candidate that pennsylvania -- >> sean: i've got to roll. >> they -- i need your help.
6:15 pm . >> i feel like i need a little bit of a commercial there. they give for having us, thanks. >> vote on may 17th. >> i put people on usually at the top predictor in your spot. when you get there, you invite the top candidates on both of them. and they both have been on the channel quite a bit. this race in pennsylvania could very well, probably will decide the balance of power in the u.s. and appeared by the way, democrats love the idea of kathy barnett's winning. it could be her only chance, we have to get this right. the next two years to stop biden's radical climate alarmist religious cult agenda, the new green deal agenda. look at this, wholesale prices now at 11%, a new 40 year high. even fake news cnn reporting that americans now are skipping meals, racking up debt.
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66% of american families living paycheck to paycheck. gas prices all week long hitting one new record high after another. and you know how joe responded? he canceled yet another massive oil and gas lease in alaska. i think they will go back and make a deal. we have our own energy. meanwhile, in response to the nationwide baby formula shortage, circle back, final day, jen psaki suggested that worried parents call a doctor. what is a doctor going to do? what is a doctor have baby formula? what a dumb answer. listen. >> a public health question, which question should that be directed to? you can't find formula and you needed for your baby to eat. what should they be doing? >> we encourage any parent who has concerns about their child's health or well-being to call
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their doctor or pediatrician. >> when was the first on the president was briefed on the shortage? >> not going to get into internal briefings, he's been made aware of it through the process. >> sean: according to jen psaki, the only real problem the country is facing is something called ultra maga conservatives? new words, and they'll repeat the same thing at once. take a look. >> for the american people in the american public, a lot of these policies that the ultra maga, the maga king, all the different terminology the president is using, does not align where a vast majority of the public's. elected official should be doing what they want them to do. >> sean: very nice, focus group a new term. anyway, sense memory problems seem to be prevalent in the biden administration, let's remind jen psaki and joey and everyone else out ultra maga affected our country. our borders were safe, and they were secure. our taxes were much lower.
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1.4%, not the 8.3% we got yesterday. it was nonexistent under trump. unemployment at a record low for every demographic african american, asian americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment. europe was at peace in the americas were not trapped behind enemy lines in afghanistan. to former white house chiefs of staff, we have reince priebus and mark meadows. i don't know who to start with. you are chief of staff risk of a rank i must let start with you. >> i'm number one. [laughter] >> all i'm going to get his trouble out of both of you. the former rnc chair, you see what is going on in pennsylvania. kathy barnett had very low
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polling numbers, then sheet surges. nobody vetted her, nobody. and by the way, and 24 hours it wasn't hard to do. these are so incendiary, they render her clearly unelectable. what is going to happen here? >> it looks like the frontrunners are either -- certainly both of them can win a general election. there are other people that are running that are great people. you just had to others on the show. i'm afraid it is like a christine o'donnell's waiting to happen again if anyone remembers that in 2010. 2011. but yes, there was a crazy year. but you know, you look at what is at stake in this country as he laid it out. i mean come on when you're talking about -- it's one thing, inflation is terrible and it affects everybody. now you are talking about parents, new parents. imagine for your parents out there when you brought your
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newborn home after you are done breastfeeding if you are not doing that and you are going to formula, that is a scary thing to think that you go into a walgreens or cvs and you can find formula. this is where the president is taking this country. and you think about what is at stake and what is affecting voters out there. there is nothing that moves the american voter then when you can't buy a car because it is too expensive. you can't find formula to feed your baby. your groceries are twice the amount that they were two years ago. on a lighter note, the truth is you can't even drink your way out of this problem because the price of beer is going up because of the cost of ingredients, the cost of aluminum, the cost of cans. i mean, these are the things that you present. it is a terrible thing, but it also presents a golden
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opportunity for the party and conservatives to show young people, people of color, people that -- what the effect of joe biden really is. >> sean: mark, let's get your take on all of this. >> i think probably the biggest thing that the american people are looking at right now is the progressive left and moderate joe biden has been turned into a progressive left looting president. and it is affecting them at the pumps. we have some good friends who adopted a child, had to go to eight different stores to find formula. and you wouldn't expect that in the united states of america. he would expected in russia, china, or in places that don't have a free market. and yet the explanation coming out of the white house is to check with your doctor.
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listen, this is a joe biden who campaigned against president trump. frankly suggesting everything that donald trump was doing was wrong from the supply chains, to jobs, to energy. what we are finding is that when you ask people on main street today, they were better off under the four years under donald trump and it is coming home very, very clear. the people of pennsylvania, they will do their own vetting. kathy has got a compelling personal story, and that is what is resonating with people. but never underestimate the wisdom of voters. they will be able to do the vetting properly in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. >> sean: the person i interviewed is unrecognizable to me and these comments and tweets to be honest. i am shocked. anyway, thank you both. when we come back, our own lawrence jones with an exclusive report on biden's secret migrant flights.
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he almost got arrested. and while america struggled to find baby formula, one lawmaker says formula is being shipped to illegal immigrants and we've got the pictures at the border. moms and dads, you're going to love this. wait till you see the pictures. straight ahead. ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ it's spring! claritin provides non-drowsy symptom relief from over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens, day after day. feel the clarity— and make today the most wonderful time of the year. live claritin clear.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: tonight, more evidence of the biden open borders agenda and preferential treatment for illegal immigrants because our very own lawrence jones, lj, has exclusive footage of biden's secret migrant flights from this week right in new york where illegals have flown into obscure airports and driven and dropped off and off in undisclosed locations and all hours of the night or early morning flights.
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cross-country host lawrence jones joins us now to explain more. lj, this is a big deal. you almost got arrested, i heard. good job. i would have bailed you out, by the way. i would've come up with the money. >> you've got a lot of money, so i think -- because of that comment, i'm going to leave you in jail. [laughter] we have no bail laws anyway. >> i come and work for you and this is what i get pretty biden administration had told us that these fights were going to end. we got a tip from a source saying that they were doing these flights he had a gun. but we did something different. we get on these buses come about three buses there. 150 plus migrants that got onto those. women, children, grown men. this is one of the terms and new jersey paid all of these cars that you are seeing right
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there where waiting for the migrants. if i wanted to go up there and talk to them and see where exactly did they come from and where were they going, i guess it agitated some of the migrants, started flashing our cameramen with lights and everything trying to conceal their identity. and as you see onto the bus, there is all this luggage and all this -- eventually they just stopped. they didn't want to get out of the car because they knew my camera is out there. so they eventually come of the migrants, the people that were here illegally, called the police on me. they got a little contentious, sean. >> sean: you can't make this up. they got a police escort on top of it all us also. >> they said that it was harassment. i explained to them that i was just doing my job, but if you want to see all of the footage, it will be on my show at 10:00 p.m. eastern time. >> sean: start being nice to meet, i will bail you out again. i won't even call your mom and dad come i want to write you out.
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>> i want confirm or deny it. >> sean: another attack against b25 pair the cops will be here tomorrow. every saturday night at 10:00. the preferential treatment for illegals has gotten worse, because according to florida congresswoman, inside a migrant facility and this one in mcallen, texas, look at that. pallets and pallets of baby formula for illegal immigrants and their families. even as hardworking american families, we are now suffering a massive nationwide formula shortage. reached out to the white house and the department of homeland security for comment, yet to hear back. here with the reaction, florida congresswoman kat catholic is with us. wow. i know people, parents, they cannot get the formula they desperately need.
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i'm not against helping out families, but they are not enforcing the law. these are not people that respected our borders, our laws, and our sovereignty. why wouldn't all of the pallets go to american families first? >> that is the crazy thing, just how insane everything is right now that we are even having this discussion. it points to what a total dumpster fire at the biden administration really is. the biden administration is responsible for this formula shortage. back in november, their own fda shut the number one manufacturer of baby formula down on its head, with no plan to backfill the 43% that this manufacturer as a part of the market share. so again come a typical biden administration. no plan, no contingencies, no way to backfill 43% of our nation's supply of baby formula. yet just today i'm getting word from border patrol agents that there is a tractor-trailer full of pallets of baby formula
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sitting in that store room. come on come on now. this is exactly what america last looks like. you've got parents panic and because my kids getting sick, and the humanitarian mission at the border. they are doing the best job they can come up and then come at their hands are tied. >> jen psaki says go ask your doctor. what is the doctor going to produce the baby formula? what is fascinating is you post this on facebook and then you go to your district in florida and you show empty shelves where baby formula is supposed to be. and they are all empty. we don't have any, but illegal immigrants are getting a top priority. we also get preferential treatment. they don't have covid tests, because they are not going to be here very long. we don't have vaccine mandates, we get free transportation, and my favorite is every illegal immigrant is getting a biden phone, bought and paid for by the united states taxpayer. >> that is wanted 2%. america last, that is what the biden administration is all
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about. he said that the dhs had to got back to you with a comment. i heard tonight that they have prohibited border patrol agents from going into those storerooms because they are panicked that we have exposed this america last agenda. this has to stop. we need to put our kids first, and this has to end. biden has to go, november is coming. >> sean: good job, they give for sharing that with us. straight-ahead tonight, "the washington free beacon" proves that crack pipes are actually included in these smoking kits, but remember, circle back to jen psaki, they called it a conspiracy theory. they denied it. next.
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in another massive lie because remember back in february when jen psaki claimed that crack pipes were not included in the distribution of so-called safe smoking kits that are being funded? of course, that was a total lie. as "the washington free beacon" .25 so-called harm reduction sites in different cities, let's say new york, boston, d.c., richmond, virginia, baltimore, and all of which included crack pipes. you can see them right there. take a look on his screen. crack pipes are right there. here is how circle back jen psaki responded earlier today. she thinks it is a conspiracy dome a conspiracy theory. >> this is a bit of a conspiracy theory. it's not accurate for this important drug treatment programs for people who have been suffering from what we've seen in this epidemic across the country and money is not used for crack pipes.
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>> sean: here with reaction, newt gingrich. i can understand them wanting to lie about it, but i doubt "the washington free beacon" took pictures and made it up. >> you have to start with an assumption that if you are on the big government socialist left, you can't tell the truth. almost nothing they are doing is acceptable to the american people. at a time in over 100,000 americans die from overdoses last year. the fact that they lie every single day about illegal immigrants coming into the country. as you said earlier in the show, they lie about where they are sending them. the fact that they lie about the crime rates, they lied about the impact of releasing murderers and and carjackers back on the street. all of these things are normal. i just went through in my
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newsletter just coming out, taking the abortion bill up in the senate, which only got 49 votes and those 49 senators were nuts. that abortion bill is radically worse than roe v. wade, radically. it provides for thinks the american people bitterly oppose. it refuses to allow people to be counseled on apportioning. he uses taxpayer money to pay for the abortions. when every single major item. the america people are opposed. do you think any of these senators are going to go home and say probably yes, i voted for six, seven, or eight things that you hate. and say yes, i voted for the most radical abortion bill in history. i think this particular law is part of a very long term left debate that everybody in america ought to have access to drugs, the drug should be totally decriminalized.
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there are a couple of bills in various states were democrat legislators have proposed that fat no in small quantities could be legalized. now this is madness. fentanyl kills. it forces them to be for the most permissive possible society. >> sean: the latest focus tested phrase is ultra maga. ultra maga means borders are secure, we are energy independent, we are not exporters of energy. we have next to zero inflation. we have free and fair trade deals. we believe in peace through strength with the constitutionalist on the bench. i think i'm in ultra maga a irredeemable deplorable and i am a smelly walmart shopper. guilty as charged. >> you have to figure out a
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t-shirt of some kind that captures all of these different things. look, the fact is, the correct answer for all of us who are concerned is simple. they yell ultra maga, we say higher prices. they say ultra maga, we say there's not enough baby formula to go around. we say we are tired of our friends being killed. i think the world we stand for it so dramatically better than what the democrats are not delivering that they can make up any name they want. they can air every consultant they can find. it ain't going to work. gasoline prices are at an all-time high. go ahead. >> sean: obviously we all think we can see a wave election coming, but i don't like to count by votes, chickens before they hatch. your thoughts on it? >> i think you have to fight every single campaign and you have to make sure that you can win. it is harder in the senate.
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i think the house, he would get a title wave. i think you are rightly worried about kathy burnett in pennsylvania. one or two or two candidates who were unelectable at all of the sudden we have a much tougher fight in the senate. >> sean: i can't believe that this rise, nobody vetted her. and i can't see any scenario under which you would be electable and she got clobbered in 2020 against a pretty weak democrat. mr. speaker, as always, thank you for being with us. appreciate it. when we come back, the indoctrination of our nation's students continues. now we've got whistle-blowers confirming, remember parents -- domestic terrorist investigations when they go to school board meetings? whistle-blowers confirming the fbi is in fact investigating parents at school board meetings. we also have huge news on the derailment probe. that is all straight ahead.
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i'm dan o'dowd and i approved this message. tesla's full self- driving technology. the washington post reported on "owners of teslas fighting for control..." "i'm trying..." watch this tesla "slam into a bike lane bollard..." "oh [bleeped f***]" this one "fails to stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk." "experts see deep flaws." "that was the worst thing i've ever seen in my life." to stop tesla's full self-driving software... vote dan o'dowd for u.s. senate.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: more disturbing evidence tonight on how far left indoctrination is taking over our school systems and how, because get this, according to one mother in colorado back in may of 2021 and instructor at her daughter's middle school invited her daughter to an after-school program under false pretenses. that is where students were subjected to far left identity lessons including an activity called "gender bread," whatever that means. where they were pressed to answer questions about their gender and sexual identity and we are even told it is okay to lie to your parents about it. here is the mother speaking out about this and insanity. >> we picked her up from the program after school and we could see that something was
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incredibly wrong. it was gsa. she told the kids that if they are not fully comfortable in their bodies and they are transgender, essentially she told my if she's not one of the present comfortable in her female body, she is transgender. she said parents may not be saved, it is okay to lie about them about who they are for this program and for future programming. >> sean: the school confirm to that the after-school program does in fact exist, but they refused to comment on the specific allegations here. but across the country, parents are standing up to this far left lunacy, even as the biden administration is continuing their attack on parents and parental involvement. we have a new whistle-blower revelation from inside the department of justice. the fbi is now opening multiple investigations into parents protesting far left education policies. and it gets worse.
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republicans on the judiciary committee, the fbi has labeled these investigations into parents with a threat tag created by the counterterrorism division as they move ahead. but also a big development tonight in the durham probe as the judge in the michael sussman case reportedly ruled that fusion gps must turn over 22 emails to the special counsel. here to weigh in on all this, republican congressman jim jordan with chris bruegel with us. jim, so you have these whistle-blowers come forward. they denied that they were going to investigate parents and school board meetings. and you have now examples, very specific samples. one dad that was against was -- it fit the profile of an insurrectionist prayer they did an investigation into him and
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the other examples you have given. so did he lie to the country? >> it sure looks like he was. that example you just gave about that dad, when the fbi interviewed the person who filed the complaint, that person then said well, there was no crime, there was no threat, i just thought he looked like someone who would do something we don't agree with. that is not how it works in america, but the apparatus, the process that the administration set up come out that is how this all came to life. he did the memo to all u.s. attorneys after the letter was sent to the white house from the school board administration and 60 days after he does the memo, the fbi says, establish this threat, put it on parents who have been reported on this. he said he needed to set up. that apparatus all worked, and i think the first thing to take away as i've never seen the federal government move that fast. is that apparatus that became the vehicle for over two dozen parents to have this
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designation, this label put on everyone and for them to be investigated, this is as wrong as it gets. >> we are going to investigate parents that are concerned about covid policy and schools, concerned about age-appropriate education in school, concerned about the lack of standards that we are not teaching our kids. and they are now investigating these parents, they are dying denying it publicly. they are doing the exact opposite. where is merrick garland. who else is involved in this? >> that is exactly right. what is happening is very clear. the bonded administration, they want to suppress year speech through a disinformation board and they want to suppress political speeches by using the fbi to intimidate parents. i talked to one of the cofounders, she said that it is absolutely having an impact.
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these parents are just getting out of work, going to participate in the school board meeting. they are now scared to come forward. so in some ways, the suppression campaign is working, but they also told me that most of them are not going to back down, they are not going to be intimidated by the bonded administration which is recklessly weaponizing the fbi comes to moms and dads all over the country. >> you actually use the words that the whistle-blower information is startling. it has to be. how did we get to a point in america where parents are not really wanted, not wanted in these meetings. any involvement is viewed up with a skeptical eye. now we are even looking into the possibility -- they are trying to be good parents and make sure their kids get a quality education. i would think they government would want their involvement. >> we should, but this is -- it
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underscores why every single voter out there does not vote for anyone running for office. unless they're giving willing to give moms and dads -- be for school choice, be for those candidates for that is so fundamental. but this is the left. the left is against the first a momentum of the left says today, if you don't agree with me, you are not allowed to talk. and if you try, we are going to we can to -- we are going to call you racist and try to cancel you online. nina jankowicz will come after you. that is what the left is today and that is what is frightening so many americans but i think they're going to show up in a big way and november and put republicans back in charge. >> sean: jim jordan, i don't mean to switch topics on you. in the durham case in this prosecution that is going on with michael sussman, the judge ruled the fusion gps has to hand over 22 of these emails. it seems like, and i don't want
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to interpret him or guess what he is doing, but it seems like he might be getting the whole story, one that we have known for years now. >> i think you are right. every new piece of information we get is good for the american people. we just have to -- the big story for "the wall street journal" said that the dossier was completely made up, completely out of thin air put together. we knew that a long time ago, sean, and we've been talking about it for years. every new piece of information they get is helpful to exposing just how this was a complete charade from the get-go. >> sean: are we ever going to get this durham report? do we ever get it? we should've had it before the 2020 election. >> he's being thorough, but let's hope it's sooner rather than later. >> sean: congressman, thank you. chris, thank you. we will take a quick break. morris b25 straight ahead as we continue. ♪ ♪ during world war two, most of
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