tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News May 14, 2022 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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this evening. thank you for joining us . sean will be back on monday. i want to thank sean's entire the bestare just professionals in the world. and remember, you can catch my show, get tammy bruce streaming exclusively on fox nation. you can also read my column at they see us and you can find me at tammy bruce dot locals. have a great weekend, everyone.e ingrams angle is up next . i'm laura ingraham. this is ingraham angle from washington tonight . thanks for joining the coming lockdown retribution. that's the focus of tonight's angle. the science says our students can't go back to their normal routine. therefore i am suspending s in-person learning in schools for the remainder of the 20re 19 , 20 , 20 school year we're going to have the schools remainin closed for the rest ofn the year. they must begin the school year
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this fall through distance learning. now we have a tendency as humans and as americans to live such fast pacedast lives to want to move on too fast from crisis. pp what doro i mean by that? isn't the resilient approach of carrying on a good thing, laura a trait to be encouraged rather than crying over spilled milk? when we're talking thoughh a abt something as profoundly damaging as the government's pandemic lock down mandates, the answer is yes and no.n no, we shouldn't wallow all the lingering miseries that we can't change. but yes, we need n accountabiliy to ensure that this never, everh happens againap and that means holding accountable anyone in any organizationer that recklessly pushed policies that were never grounded in sciencee and certainly not permissible under our constitutionno. now almost immediately when the lockdown's began on a federal level and then trickling to the states, the angle was a relentless force for protectingvu the vulnerable and also for reopening the government
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. d especially the schools there are devastating consequences of keeping children away from school for a extended periods of time from a medical and a common standpoint. the decision to put kids back in school should a slamel dunk yes, they don't do well atu all withoutt in-person schooling . the damage incalculable academic decline, depression, isolation, suicide, addiction, abuse. now we tried to warn blue states that keeping the schools close to in-personth learning and shutting down the athletics. remember that allle the gyms tht was going to come back to bite them and we were rightni politically speaking, the virginia governor's race, that manor's francisco school bw wipe out of the democrats, the dfw races earlier this week all point to coming huge losses of closure. democrats in november and nowem more than two years later,oc democrats who advocated the closures, socialal distance learning, all that stuff, they're seeing the fallout for
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themselves. two left leaning media outlets pu opinion pieces todayle admitting in stark terms the horrible and lingering effects of the lockdowns that our young people, mary katharine ham writing in cnn m noted that much of blue america which keptam schools remote or hybrid for 2020, twenty , twenty one conducted an unprecedented social experiment on children resorting to lengthy school closures for millions. a tactic not used during other national emergencies or previous pandemics. l well, now the results are in from the social experiment and they're very, very bad and the people who supported closures are finally ready to r talkea about it. she cited david leonardos, new york times " report that the main effects of hybrid and remote instruction are negativegati, implying that evet low poverty, high income schools, students fell behind growth expectations when their schools went remote or hybrid. but the consequences were even worse fororrs lower income schoe
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and speaking of the times and even more chilling examination of how this is now manifesting itself at colleges and universities, you got disengaged students there performing poorly. many are not even showing up regularly and on time for in-person classes when classeson return mainly in person i in the fall ofou 2020 one , student performance didn't bounce back . the problem isn't onlyyar that students learn poorly online, it's also that when they go through a year or more of remote classes they develop habits that harm their ability to learn offline to now. meanwhile, while the zombie phenomenon appeared at many of the elite top tier schools that stayed close to in-person ,one small catholic college in texas was faring really well . the university ofas dallas kids were back to school in the fallo of 2020 and they were pretty much on track and they were engaged and they were doing what they were supposed to be doingo, which is learning pretty common sense. one professor er described
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their thinking this way they balance the immediate healththce imperative with other imperatives that are no less important. the importance of mental health, the importance of friendship, the importance of physicalim proximity to other human beings. for most of us , if only the teachers union captive politicians, if only they had possessed such wisdom instead for them it was all about political allegiance and paybackk. congress, the house of representatives are still back , not back in session.ll pelosi is still allowing house members to vote remotely and just today she once again extended that pandemic proxy voting rules through the period of june. twenty eighth to never going to end. indeed, much of the federal workforce across every departmentt, across every agency, it's still not back inn office. this is a complete scandal, a dereliction of duty and it's the ultimate bleep use of the american taxpayersce
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that some members of congress are trying to forcees the employees of the federal government back to the same work rules that they had in december. 2019 like andy biggs with his return to work act naturally. hj federal workers, they want to m stay home justan like so manyoo teachers did before they werem. forced back into the classroom . butye students suffered and now taxpayers are suffering as well . the federal employees union, they don't care just like randi weingarten affy didn't care even though now she's pretending our kids are in crisis and we had a mental health crisis before cozied but for two years of disruption, th two years ofe looking at the screens, two years of not having a normal kind of routine with recovery is really tough. throwing something at the screen. okay, i can't believe it's you kidding k me? f
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you're responsible for that , sweetie. and stay at home is what pro union democrats prefer though i have good news for many of them. voters are going to be sending you home permanently come november yco retribution.. it'san on its way and it's essential and that's the angle. all right. joining me now, sean duffy, former wisconsin congressman and fox news contributor and a.b. prager, personality and former left wing activist. sean now as a father to two dozen kids now s. oh , yeah. why did so many of our leaders get this issue of schooling so wrong when it was pretty obvious right off the bat that this was going to be a complete nightmare? first of all, i'm sorry, my friend, your daughter to the universityou of dallas for the very reason you pointed outp that they were open educated kids, goodch catholic school. that's where she's going. but you pointed this out two years ago. every parent of any
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kindergarten to senior in school understood their homeschooling didn't work. i mean, i had hink seven kids homeschooling and i'm like, this is a joke. it doesn't work. more work for parents just trying to get them connected online and having anything. but two things happen. no. one , you pointed it out two years ago but donald trump y in the summer of 2020 said, listen, governors, get your kids back to school. and asas you know, laura , everything donald trump says must be wrong for political purposes. they said we're not going to daa what donald trump recommended. we're going to keepre schools shut down. that was number one . and to your second point, i think, randi,er weingarten, the amount of money teachers give to democrats and they were saying, listen, w we don't want to get cofidis teachers. we're not essentially teachers . and by the way, teaching fromol home is really nice. we don't want p to got back to school. so it was politics and donors that made democrats make these decisions. and one last and it's shamefulor now that cnnk and msnbc and the new york times comes and says we might have got this wrong. this was clear to every american that their policies were wrong on the law. >> the story for minority kids,
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inner city kids lori lightfoot ,chicago, new york city, ci oakland, california. st. louis, missouri.ut what about them then? any off these people care about them? that seems tose be the ever present question. they always like to use these minority communities and lowhe income communities as an example for all of the policies that they're creating and the progressse we're making. but when we look to these communities, nothing is being done. and what i want to bring intoo question is what type of education are these kids getting once they go back into school? because from what i'm seeing out of these curriculums, it's critical race theory and gender theory and they're creating yet another problem. and when these young kids go toi school and they grow to be depressed and anxiety ridden, they're going to t blame us for that issue, for not apt accepting the curriculum that they're trying to pushnd on them and then ask us to expand thingssl like mental health care for these children. what are they going back to ? ise this going to be any better than what we've seen and what covid created was an i ideal situation for parents to see what kids are being taught.
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and i would loveat to see that fixed alongside these kids getting back into school and getting a proper education. excellent question. it was the pandemic that was george floyd and blm and then it was the dea and the gq plus all of that kind of combined in the propaganda war is greatt. to point that out. get require i have to get your reaction from both of you earlier this day today the washington post revealed that biden's attempt to reapproach create maga and then turn it into that otro maga kind of negative ran was the result of a six month researchea effort by liberal groups. sean they inflate. yeah. they let inflation get outut of control because what they were busy on a rebranding of maga to ultra maga which to a lot of people sounds cool by the way, donald trump said you're right, i am the king of muga. an i want to make america greatat again. you can't understand democrat policiesdeatif if you're thinkig
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that they would love america.t d they want to make us great. you understated only if you understand that they actually don't love america. they don't want to make great. why else would they destroy education? not thinking i think americans deserve a secure border or why they would do what they have done on crime or oil and gasg on inflation, printing, borrowing, spending, destroying the value val of the dollar. all those things happen because they don't like america because you loved us like donald trump did, you would never do the things that they're doing these are the things that destroy a country. er don't make it stronger and greater. and i love that donald trump has actually grabbed the moniker to go, you know what ? i am the king of maga. i want to make america greattr ultra ultra mega brand. the when crime border inflation ,supply chain, baby food all out of control. but at least they did the ultra maga thing. stupid? how stupid is it? it's so unbelievably ridiculous. it's like they're grasping ato straws and yes, we do want to make america great again because we remember when it wase great and we were feeling good, goods about our lives when it
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was great. and workk badd in on what you just said there. one yeah, the biden administration just canceled one of the largestge g oil and gas leas that we've had and they've done that just yesterday. and then he's going to hop on twitter and complain about how the gas p prices are so high because of inflation and and it's their fault. it's not our fault. we can't take accountability.and so now it's in the american we people's hands t. account we need toab turn around and force them to take accountability for the livesre that they've created for us .ke and i thank federal workers staying at home that tells you everything you need to know along with members of congress , great to see you both tonight . we have a moral obligation, a moral obligation to stand with ukraine. there is now only one thing holding us back the junior senator from kentucky is preventing swift passage of ukraine aid. he is w simplyay saying my way r a highway. well, thank god for rand paul. that's all we have to say.ed here's something else we learned today. onlyntire eu is sending
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500 million dollars and their in otherne package words, , one 80% of what you the american taxpayers are on the hook for because we're just going to borrow or print the money to send to ukraine. so the question now becomes why is schumerar, the democratse and far too manywa republicans, by the way, want to send 40 billion dollars more in aid to ukraine? pretty much no strings attached so quickly i'll let house majority leader steny hoyer sum up the establishment mindset. itt is unfortunate that a time of war that we spend all o the timeur blaming our own president. i wish we get off this and t really focushe on the onks the enemy. i know there's a lot of politics here, butut we're at war that we're okay. joining me now is indiana congressman jim banks, chairman of the republican studyte committee, a congressman bankse. apparently he says we're at war . has congress actually approved a declaration of war ?
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and if they did, i wasn't there for it. i'm not sure what steny is talking about. thank godod for the junior senator fromhi kentucky who's holding upor this monstrous spending bill ,e 40 billion dollars to send toav ukraine, by the way, which ise more than we've given israel in aid over the last ten years combined that 40 billionth dollars that's one thousand dollars for every single american is the equivalent of 40 billion dollars. and with what's going on inem america right now, i'd rather be helpingng americans get backn on their feet than sending money abroad with no strings attached to foreign countries. that's why this was an easy no vote for me earlier this week. well, you also have a situation with this covid funding and dr.a fauci , of course, they always trot him out to scare people this time about the coming like coming attraction. congressman, this is a coming variant swatchming v. we really do need the money that was requested because
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we're entering right now into a situation where we would be approaching the summer and then ultimately the fall. we need money for vaccines for boosters, for testing. true . we've been given a lot of moneyp ,but the money has been well spent, money well spent take a look at this headline from sand can be can be seen as thera biggest fraud in a generation. the looting of the covid relief plan known as ptp. the official in charge of kovr-tv relief tells lester holt that these programs were structuredth in ways that were n invitation to fraudster's congress and we know t there's actually no point to most of these testing regimes as well that people are still to in the united states in pfizer's made how many billions of dollars with immunity from any anystiot lawsuits they need more money for what exactly? well,tl w we always hear democrs like to spend money, buti this takes a whole to w a whole new level. i thought we were done with dr. fauci and i can't think of a better spokespersonra for the democrats to trot out m and turn off most americans d
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from doing whatever it is that he's asking us to do at this point. so ma enough is enough. the fact of the matter iso america has been brought to its knees by the biden economy. inflation is oututf of control. gas prices are only getting worse and it appearsts that the democrats and far too many and the biden white house and congress are focused on on what's going on abroad and not focused on what's going on at home. turnt where wee have to our attention. you also have a new bill that you're proposing. it would require allin nonimmigrant visa application applicants, including those outsidegde china, to declare whether they're a member of the chinese communist party or another totalitarian regime. i read this thinking why isn't this already been done? i mean,pe given what's happening in the world and what's going on with china spying off the coast of australia, now we learn what's well, why p this controversial. well, remember president trump blockedremp visas to going to mt
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chinese communist so that led us to where we are today. the biden administration hasol a don't ask, don't tell policy with visa applicants. c this is why you've got senator dianne feinstein with the chinese communistmme party spy who's her driver. you have eric swalwellma and intimatete relationshipy. with the chinese communist party spy. if we don't ask, we don't know whether or not they're coming to the united states to do the work on behalf of our greatest adversary, our biggest enemy. and that being and we don't know that they're here. so we should at least ask insane along with a three hundred and fifty thousand chinese students who are here, f many ofun the funding of our research institutes coming fromb china as well. congressman banks, thank you for being on this. thank you . and up next , a stunning exposé about how the pharmaceutics industry is sending hundreds of millions of dollars to nihdi scientists and that includes dr. anthony fauci. speaking of him now, what are they buying with these so-called royalties? we're goingti to show you in a
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investigation by the group opened the books. .com reveals r that he and other nih employees are getting paid royalties that haven't been disclosed to us from third parties like pharmaceutical companies. and the sum in total s is astronomical foxes. trace gallagher is in our westh coast newsroom with all the details trace. laura , no surprise that each year the national institutes of health gives up billions of dollars in federal grant money to tens of thousands of recipients. but it's veryy surprising when f you learn that each year tens of millions of dollars in royalties or kickbacks flows back to the doctors and scientists at nihni for the work they have done on various experimental treatments. muchtrea of the royalty money cs from pharmaceutical companies and the scientists getting royalties include big names as you mentioned, like dr. anthony fauci and former nih director francis collins h. now because these kickbacks could create potential conflicts of interest , watchdog
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groups believe the payments should be fully disclosed. instead, the nih appears to be withholding the information . in fact, the groupup open the books says nih defines a freedom of information request to give up the data so the group's and one. but even then they say the nihg is slow o walking the information, releasing only partial data and the data that is being released is heavily redacted, making it impossible to know exactly how much each scientist e is getting. so the documents only provide the total number of payments and the totalal dollar amount. for example, between 2009 and 2014 there were twenty two thousand one hundred royalty payments too 17 hundred nih scientists totaling one hundred thirty four million dollars. open the books estimates by twenty twenty the total payments exceeded three hundred fifty million dollars and for the record from 2009 to 2014.he dr. fauci who makes four
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hundred fifty six thousand dollars a year, got twenty three royalty payments for fauci, says he donatesol the royalties to charity. and dr. francis collins, who made more than two hundred thousand dollars a year, got 14 payments. in case you're wondering, royalty payments to nih are w legal, orwhich begs the question why are they working so hard to keep the information from going public? laura , fascinating. thank you . now joining me now is adamancy ceo and founder of open the books .com, which broket the story. adam, nowwa it was a battle for you too even get this information if it's all legal, no appearance of any conflict and why? well, laura , it's been a knockdown drag outus battle just to get the information that we have received lately. ed so here's what the record shows. one , we filed a freedom of information request eight months ago and they ignored it. they didn't even respond to our
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request. then weov sueder them in federal court. our lawyers, our judicial watch and then on judicially mandated production we receive highlys redacted documents. so this is a strategy from nihsi to use taxpayer money and very expensive taxpayer fundedxp litigation to keep taxpayers in the dark. now the acting nih director adam responded to your investigation. what do yououo not see that as c a conflict or an appearance ofst a conflict of information? i certainlyit can understand that it might seem as an appearance, but and it's the sort of thing that maybe we could work together on so that we can explain to you the firewalls that we do have in place because they are significant and substantial out of the firewall. that just makesst you want to disperse out into laughter if not peals of of laughter by any of this . >> i'm not buying it.t we didn't even know who knew that over the course of
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the last 10 years, roughly p 55000 of these third party paid royalties. payments were paid to roughly seventeen hundred nih government employees, scientists to the tune 350d million dollars over that 10 year period. they were hiding thatha was in secret and now they say have firewalls. i'm not buying but you know, thank you to the congressman john molinaro a of michigan forct holding the nf acting director feet to the fire and earningio that concession in the in the congressional hearing today. now that he understandsrn that people think it was att least the appearance of a conflict t . a lot of people are calling this kind of a great public health griff's falcón response would say, well, look, i don'ti hate it. a i don't hate all the money. can't be agrest, i don't benefit personally. is that the full picture as well? so says with what proof? that's the standard that we always use. so back in 2009 when he was
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called on it by the associated press, this is the last time that this royalty database had sunshine and scrutiny. the agency actually gave you the whole database about admitteddm that was a conflict f interest and he said he donates it but we wouldn't know that for a fact unless we saw his federal income tax returns, which he definitely won't disclose. so here's here's where we're at. we're calling o nih to come cleo with the american people to disclosesc what they're hiding right now. even on our production, they're redacting the payment amounts to the seventeen hundredie scientists to fauciwh and everybody else when sheen said that his finances are public knowledge. here yet again is another example of where folks financesd are funky, they're being hidden and not disclosee tol the american people. well, the fact is drugs like graham severe pex lovin those types of drugs would get a huge influx of federal grant dollars for the research. but g generics or you don't get that much money or even
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supplements like d3 or zinc with other generic drugsio in combination that can really probablyn. get a lot of money to kind of test those out. that's that's where alll this comes into play, does it not? well, it does. there's allll kinds ethical questions pay to play questions when you have tens of billions.s thirty two billion dollars a year in grant making going out the door to fifty six thousand grant recipients in health care and pharmaceutical companies across the country. and thens separately there's tens of millions about thirty six million dollars a year coming back into the agency to scientists there's all kinds of pay to play questions and ethical issues that come to the forefront. >> and again, we've talked about this at the university setting to where i think h research universities is amazing i how much great work is done. but you also have to look t at the money that's gone into those research grants and that's usually disclosed, of course, of in studies and so
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forth. buts adam, thank you so much fog your work on this. >> we're going to be following this very carefully. thank you . >>thank .li >> a special friday follies with revelations from the president, the first lady and the view say what ? >> raymond arroyo has all the details next . fox station is forever grateful to those who put this great country first and to show our appreciation for continuing to offer all active military and veterans their first year of vaccinations for free where you can stream shows to celebrate our country and honor those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom. this is an award show that america needs that our heroes deserve. this is for all the men and women i'm so grateful for four years in afghanistan as you had a willingness to learn we had a really good, calm, clear head about her . if you gave her a command, she would operate. you get the real value of this country that you live in because you are a veteran. it was a wonderful experience with a service orientation to
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on the drop in your computer. you can increase in any time sees itself just not as profitable. whataboutism retired supreme inventor says he'll cover. welcome to fox news live. i'm ashley strohmeyer. three people were shot outside the bucks celtics nba playoff game in milwaukee. the gun fires in the ground running for cover. the victims include a 16 year old girl and thankfully none of them suffered life threatening injuries. the shooting happened in the deer district. that's an entertainment district frequented by sports fans. police say they have a male suspect in custody. north korea reporting 21 new deaths on friday alone as the country battles a nationwide coronavirus outbreak. the outbreak has sickened hundreds of thousands of people since late april. pyongyang imposed nationwide lockdown thursday after confirming its first covid case
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since the start of the pandemic. south korea's president is offering to send vaccines to their neighbor to help battle the spread. i'm actually strohmeyer back to the ingraham angle for all of your headlines, log on the fox t it's friday. that means it's time for friday . oh , for that we turn to fox news contributor raymondur arroo . raymond, i understand they're telling me that you have a special follies for us tonight. ghwhat i call this one laura . saywh what ?st startingar with the presidentea who made a stunning announcement this week. you people driving around mcdonald's to get your internet. that's over .e i was just out in the rose garden announcing the program we put together there a lot of people to get high speed internet, high speed internet requalified go to get internet, go now how do people without
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the internet, laura , gohe get internet dot gov? how can they get there? do they take a bus? ou do they send a letter to that place? i mean you need internet service to get the biden site so you can get the internet. this isyo like some sicko matrix you can only plug in if you'reyo already plugged in .u do you see why i call this say what they were? well, i think this is all they have to look like they're doing something for the regulary people who are being hammered every day by inflation and soha like well, i guess we'll doce this high speed internet thing is they've been talking about this since obama. so i guess they're finally delivering this because we have so much money to deliver itwh this next day. what was ignored by everyr reporter in d.c. now if hillary clinton or melania trump had suggested that they were part of a kopra presidency, media heads would explode. but jill biden goes on simmen sanders msnbc show she was
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a biden administration employee a few weeks ago and inadvertently admits that she and joe were elected president and they onlyan say al you need is love or hate. you know, i told joe when we were elected when he was elected as vp, i said i'm going to continue to teach and my staff said you can't do that . c you can't do that . and i said, yes, i canil and i will and i did. i love that my students, you know, treat me as dr. b dr. ambassadorese hope will you know, all it takes is love politics. ll this all takes us all it takes is all it takes is codependency and former employees to ignoreob the obvious. but that moment when jill said i told joe when we were elected that speaks volumes and i do believe it helps explain the embarrassing situations this presidentth has been subjected to over the last year. and i i wonder if there's like
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a special elbow patch that he wears because she's pushed it so many times to move him off stagee or move on laughterhe she's always ushering him like our favorite visiting angel to the next location. so she does serve a very important role. and by the way, simmons sanders her ratings are in the i imagine jen psaki will join her on the msnbc weekend b overnight shift, but we'll keep you posted on that. have you noticed this little routine, laura , that biden has started it slips into his speeches. you notice this before? i did. and he's incorporate this little jog and this got me thinking say what now? this is not the first time that joe biden the flash has shown his racing prowess. >> laura . h
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alle right. why do you think he keeps doing this , laura ? well, he has s to show that he i vigorous and in control and he's not going too fall up the stairs again. it's it's all okay because people like you question r his physical stamina, raymond. and so that he by they way, t on that thing, he did it in chicago, the parents of the union, he not only jogs stage left, he then turned around and jogs stage right and then he did a little shuffle off the stage . so it'sons actually three versis of that in about a 90 secondd period. laura , it's a little like the dog show where they take it all the way around the arena a few times to just show what it can do. now finally, this may be the same sort of the week we reported on broadway diva patti lipponen verbally abusing a member of her audience during
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a q and a over wearing a mask. well, on cue, the ladies the view rushed to defend patti labelle. oh , you know why you're in the theater if you don't want to go, i pay your salary. y that's up there with you know, you're paid to listen to me. these things do not go over well. never tell somebody you paid a salary unless you write u the check. okay, let's you hand them 10% from whosay. s what'say it for you then? you can say that on the don't bring it up. with all due respect to those ladies or i don't know what they're talking about. i mean i realize r that says abc on their check. the viewers that pay them and help pay their bill.we sors the viewers are indeed paying your bill. in they tune in , they get your advertisers. rb and inal the case of patti lipponen, that kind of verbal abuse to an audience member paying hundreds to see you, you should be thanking groveling to
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them. they're your audience. be respectful of them o. and they'll be respectful back . say what raymondat? thank you . i love that new special. all right. florida governor on to say that to show republicans how to fight back against these corporations and now it investor wants to take even further. i love this . in moments we're going to explain how the tide may finally be turning. >> so stay there. hello, i'm mike lindell envestra. my thanks to your support, you've helped my fellow become one of the fastest growing companies in america over the last twelve years. you've helped my fellow create thousands of jobs right here in the u.s. when i got mypillow i'm asleep almost immediately. they sleep at night and i wake up more while rested in the morning. that's why i invented mypillow, my patented pill. adjust to your exact individual needs and helps keep your neck
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get it free while applies financial storm warning .com is code for the battle between florida governor ronda santurce and disney has been revelatory in many ways butbu perhaps most importantly it showed that conservatives can win by fighting against the status quo and those winds arere extending far beyond politics. fox is kevin corke hasni the details for us tonight. >> kevin , great to be withd you, laura . the state of florida has movedve to repeal a really creek improvement district over at walt disney world resort has cleared its very first courtis hurdle. a judge dismissing a lawsuit t against both the state and thehe governor on the census which as you know, would have blocked the repeal of reedy creek. now the judgela in this particular action is u.s. district court judge, a chief judge in fact, judge cecilia altantuya. she said a the claims are not sufficiently mature and is insufficiently defined and concreted. to permit
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effective decision making by the court. noww furthermore, she addedal this the first amendment retaliation claims do not qualify for a watered down t thirdhi party standing standard. very interesting indeed. nowrest the suit, as you was fir in federal court by an attorney running for the u.s. senate, by the name of will sanches on behalf of three taxpayers over an aclu county and one in orange county. and for those of you keepinghe score. yes,zns sanchez plans to refile next week, but for now it's to santos one reedy creek nothing. laura wow. kevin , thanks so much. how is corporations aware that they can't recklessly wadeo into political fights now without a responsee? the question for many conservatives becomes all right now what's next ? investor hovercrafts. mommy has a plan. he made his fortuneas in pharmaceutical startups before writing a book last year called woke inc. he's now raised twenty million dollars from folks including peter thiel to start an assetet management firm that would endde
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up urging companies not to wade into these hot button social environmental issues. his targets include big firms like blackrock and vanguard that have increasingly taken a leftist turn. the vikram swamy, co-founder of strib asset management, joins me now live. >> great to see you. how dodo you even begin to chip' away at what these companies t have gotten used to doing? they have trillions, tens of trillions under management you've got 20 million. >> that's true . but laura , here's the here's the thing that's on our side here. the will o. of the american peoe because at the end of the day with these three large firms are doing is they are takingze the savings of everyday american citizensrs firefighter, teachers, doctors, nurses, small business owners and theyvo are using that capital to advocate for policiesinterests e in corporate america that betray the interests of the very peopley they're supposed to represent that those everyday citizens disagree with thatwi what you call the asset management
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industry a fiduciary breach is a breachge of fiduciary duty. that's what we're correcting. and i think that the people, the actual end user shareholders of these companies want to seeee change. >> that's what we're delivering and we're just getting started. now i want to play telling sound bite from blackrock ceo larry fink. >> this was back in 2017 behaviors are going to have to change. this is one we're going to we're asking companies you have to force behaviors atbe blackrock. we are forcing and behaviors anf you don't force behaviors, whether it's gender or race or just any way you want to say the composition of your team, you're going to be impacted. >>ed vivek, i had never heard that sound bite before we were getting ready for this segment . he wants to force behaviors.ur i'm surprised he was so open about it. but there you are. well,eas look, he was probably behind closed doors, but i'm glad somebody got it. look, everyday american citizens and ceos in thisot country need to need to see that larry fink is not our
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emperor. blackrock is not ourur king.e we live in a democracy and in a democracy citizens decide the questions tode fraught political controversies through free speech and open debate in the public square. and what we want out of our economy is for companies to pursue excellence for their products, for customers. that's it. and so that's a big part of our message and movement in corporate america is to tells these ceos that as a shareholder, the thing that we want to see is that you have to focus on excellence in your products for customers ,leave political questions to the political process rather than mixing the two. think that's what most americans want to see. and the tides are quickly changing. in fact, earlier this weekoo blackrock started to walk itself back trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube soon after we came out earlier this week. butee wee i think this is goingo be the part of a bigger evolution in the coming years. to reviving the heart offs american capitalism away from politics and more on focusing on product excellence. and it's going to take vocal w shareholdersan to do it. yeah, i want to i want to do
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that with a china investment that so ee many of these compans are deep, deep intoow china and my own way i've taken you know, i've taken whatever money i have out of some of t these firms that do business in china just because i don't think we b should be entangled them at all. and i thinkry people are getting very, very educated on what's going on here. and speaking of vivek bloomberg is reporting that i guess staff is sony's playstation company are seethingg after the ceo sent an email urging them to not wait for it. respect differences of opinion. that's all he said on abortion . so now neutrality is controversial soul in the workplace here really? well, here's the thing, laura .i there's actually a diversity of viewspl in the workplace. there is a diversity of views among customers. there's a diversity of views among shareholders. what we've had in the last few years in this country is among employees, a small vocal minority pretending to represent the entire employee class and ceo is claiming that's what the employeess want
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,justst like we've seen on the shareholder side where you have threege large institutions that claim to stand for the shareholders when in fact their end userh clients, the everyday citizens of this country have a much broaderbr diversity of opinions. i dodo think we're at a tipping point though, laura , and i n predict w over the next few yeas we're going to see the dams break and an openingopen ofc a floodgate of opinions reentering the public square off great to have you on . i'm going to be watching this closely and i hope it succeedsdsta. take care. thank you . up next , a tearful goodbye to one of the greats. so get your tissues ready.. you don't want to miss it. got to go to triple action to deal with allll this crabgrass and visalolo like that through the influence of the yard. do you suffer from bloating, diarrhea, constipation, entire ketanji or skin problems like
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plus to say about covid no doubt about it so i can i'll circle back . there's more iit can share with you but i'll circle back with you. let me seeeeith h if i can find that or i will circle back to it. my advice to everyone out there who is frustrated that angry, feel those emotions go to t kickboxing class, have a margarita. a hibo my name is cooper and it's a day in my life as a white gemmy. i regret the appointment. i didn't tell to do that . it's called initiative as i promised yesterday i promised snax there's one for each of you in here. we will do it in a cogent, safe way. i'll have to just circle t back with you and what it mean if it's officially invoked in thiso moment. where is the cat? today's a good day for the cat. i don'tt have any updatepd on the cat. we knowe the cat will breake the internet. i often note i'm going to circle back . i hate to disappoint conservative twitter but i'm going to circle back on. a number of thingsve.
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jen , be heartened that in your new role at msnbc nothingge about your duties will change at all. a well, we circle back . thank you for watching. remember website laura ingrahamf all the great freedom matters gear fabulous for father's day coming up and all good forgo charity. and remember it's america now g and forever. >> greg gutfeld takes it all from here . iful, what a gorgeous that is. my goodness. happy friday the 13th. ea we already know this is your lucky day because you're watchingy me. what a glorious day to be alive
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