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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  May 16, 2022 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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in chicago, thirty three were gunned down, five of those died in laguna woods, california, chinese immigrant from las vegas walked into a presbyterian church and shot six elderly taiwanese parishioners. police say he was motivated by some kind of political and ethnic hatred. and of course, most famously of all, on saturday afternoon a teenager in a mock military uniform walked into a grocery store in buffalo and shot more than a dozen strangers with a rifle. no doubt you've seen accounts of this on the news which you probably haven't seen details w about any of the 10 americans who were murdered in that store in buffalo. you may not even know their names, much less who they were or who they loved. most of them were black. we know that . but beyond the way they look, not a lot has been reported about them because the coverage hasn't beenth about them nor
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in fact has it really been about the gunman. unhe was an 18 year old called paten gendron.le gendron was mentally illd peyto everyone around him knew that ,e including his teachers and the local police. less than a year ago, gendron was committed to a mental hospital after threatening to murder his classmates at a school graduation ceremony on saturday after he made good on his long standing threat to open fire into a crowd. denver left in one hundred and eighty page letter that he said would explain his motives. you probably heard this document described as a racist manifesto. that's not quite right. tt it's definitely racist bitterly so. gendron reduces peoplees tond their skin color. that's the essence of racism and it's immoral. but what he wrote does not add up to a manifesto. it iss not a blueprint for new extremist political movement, much less the potential inspiration for racist revolution. anyone who claims that it is is lying or hasn't read it. instead, general letter is i a rambling pastiche of slogans m
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and internet meme, some ofem which flatly contradict one another. the document is notbl recognizably left wing or right wing. it's not political at all. the document is crazy. it's's the productivity and organized mind. at one point gingrich suggests that foxd news is part of some global conspiracy against him. he writes a mental patient. he ised disjointed, irrational, paranoid. n now that's true . not that it makess the atrocities he committed easierer to bear. if your daughter was murdered on saturday in buffalo, you wouldn't careou why the killer did it or who he voted but the truth about hate in gendron does tell you a lot about the ruthlessness and dishonesty of our political leadership. within minutes of saturday's shooting before all of the bodies of those 10 murdered americans have even been identifieden by their loved one, professional democrats had begun a coordinated campaign to blame those murders on their political opponents. they did it, they said immediately. patrón gendron was the heir to donaldas trump. they told us trump ism
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committed mass murder in buffalo and for that reason it followed. logically, we must suspend the first amendment. that's hardly an exaggeration of what they're sayingg . here's a selection from yesterday's sunday shows social media companies and law enforcement have not enough to monitor to ban, to restrict and to limit hate speech on their hate speech iss not freedom of speech. as you know, the first amendment does nott am protect e speech. i'll protect the firstst f amendment any day of the week. but you don't protect hate speech. you don't protect incendiary speech. you're not allowed to scream fire in a crowded theater. there are limitations on speech and right now we have seen this run rampant. so what is hate speech?h?>> tuc: well, it's speech that oure. leaders hate. so because a mentally ill strangers,reered you cannot be allowed to express your political views
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out loud. that'syo what they're telling you. that's what they've wanted to tell you for a long time. but saturday's massacre gives them a pretext, a justification . you have to ask yourself who behaves like that ? p what sort of person usesus mass murder as an excuse topo give a campaign speech or seize more political power? we'll find outut tomorrow when joe biden travels to the scene of this atrocity in buffalo to speak to the country. weev haven't seen anen advanced copy ofs his remarks, but we can guess what we will hear by his approval rating appears to a be the lowest ever recorded for a president essentially lower than donald trump's l. that is a disaster for his party. the democratic party will suffer for this in this fall's i election, but its still is time to change course and fix. ve he could try to improve the lives of voters who are dissatisfied with him. that is entirely possible. that's d what politicians typically do when they're down. they listen to the people who might reelect them.m. buttbi biden doesn't plan to do that and we know for a fact because politico has reported it. instead, biden has decided to
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attack people who disapprove. according to politico quote biden has taken to telling his aides that he no longerog recognizes the gopni which he nw views as an existential threat to the nation's democracy and quote, people who disagree with joe biden, according to joe biden, are now a quote existentiall threat to the nation like al-qaida or climate change, a threat that by definition is so profound we must declare war upon it if we're to survive . now keep in mind this threat that biden is referring to isng you. he's talking about his fellow fl americans. e nove president has ever spoken like this ever. joe biden com does it regularly and he's certain to do it again tomorrow. but most painful and destructive at all. bidenn is likely to use racial wounds in order to make his point. there is no behavior worse than this all race politics is badad no matter what flavor those politics happen to be . no race politics is better than any other. all of it is poison raceit
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politics subsumes . e individual into the groupup it erases people. it dehumanizes them. race politics elevates appearance over initiative and decency and all the other godeec given qualities. every it makes every person of every color unique yet morally equal to every other person and abovee all race politicsac always makes us hate each other and always in a very predictable way.. so let's say you were to makety identity politics mandatory in your country as they have p. how could you be surprised when that leads as it inevitably will to white identity politics where you could not be surprised you did it and it was always going to happenns and then what happens next ? nothing good race politics is a race. po politics always leads to violence and death. they learned that lesson i in rwanda in nineteenn ninety four identity politics ended in in rwanda that killed eight hundred thousand people and response to those horrors
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the rwandans did something that we might learn fromom. they moved in the opposite direction from one that joe biden is currently taking the united f states quote ethnicity has already been stripped out of schoolbooks and rubbed off government identity cards, reported the new york times governmentit documents no longer mention hutu or tutsi and the country's newspapers and radio stations steer clear of the labels as well. most dramaticte how rwanda's eight million people now shun the identification's, a racial identification that seemed to loom so large ten s years ago as hutu extremists began their mass killings and quotetre they have emphasized race in rwandaem in intentionally and systematically rwandan citizens are citizens i first members of racial or tribal groups. second or not at all result there have been no more b in rwanda and that could easily be the path forward for this country too. thereas is only one answer toon rising racial tension and that's to de-escalate r doneo what we have and tried to do for hundreds of years, which is work toward
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colorblind meritocracy and treat people as human beings created by gods ratherbe than as faceless members ofrs interest groups that might benefit some political party or or other. we have a moral duty to do p this because all people haveeo equal moral valueo no matter what they look like. all lives matter period. that's not the determination of the u.s. government. that's the determination of god and it's true and mostve americans already believe it. ur they would like to see a return to the american way of life and the american way of life isi meritocracy. judging by whaty. i do, not by how i look by the o content f my character, not the color of my skin. we have a monument on the malle toma this and yet suddenly everd voice in power is leading us in the opposite direction. and what's the terminus of that journey? it's destruction. this .dy knows only our leaders stand in the fixing a problem that is growing worse by the day. glenn greenwald has watched all of this .
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he's an independent journalist. his work is. on substance amongi other placesns, joins us tonigh. glenn, thanks so much for coming on . so every mass shooting, of course, is a tragedy. every murder is a tragedy. every death is a tragedy. but how chilling was it to watch the immediate mobilization of a political party using a the pretext of a killing to make bobbly political points? i don't think i've ever seenev anything like it . yeah, i mean, you know, i think one of the things that healthyr society does is unite whenever there's a horrific act that violates the values of all decent people. we saw that in the wake of 9/11, for example, for a few days or a couple of weeks.ks but unfortunately another path can be taken and often is by political leaders. e youwa might remember in 1995 whn there was that hideous attackrt on the federal courthouse in oklahoma city, the clinton administration immediately seizedhola on that to say we ned a back door access to be ableo to control the internet where this information is spreading after 9/11 s with the war on
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terror, right wing leaders likei newt gingrich explicitly argued we need to amend the first amendment to control the ability of muslim radicals to be able to spread their hateful message so oftense these crises are seized uponze by leaders to demand more power. this idea that , for example, fe the first amendment doesn'txampe protect hate speech is completely false. supreme court has said the opposite. o but i also think that was critical to note is that every political ideology, every last one has psychopaths or extremists who carryyc out violence in the name of i that ideology and to try and blame your political opponents or to ascribe faultsh or guilt to people who share that ideology is a completely morally atrocious act because you're exploiting the corpses sadnessexpressing over them. shouldn't there at least be a pause? i mean, i think all of us can o learn lessons from tragedy. why do people do what they do? how did this happen? i think we should know. i think that of all tragedies but it seems like the period
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where we sort of paused and let the sadness sink in and remember we're all united by our ultimate deaths, which we are. it makes us equal as that time hasop evaporated. it's's instant now and i wonder what that says about our leaders. i was really amazed at not justd the rapidity with which this coordinated messaging campaignis emerged to try and blame this network , butolitical opponents also just how unanimous it was, particularly sinceti the only thing that was knowno about the person who carried out this massacre was a one hundred and eighty one page very i densely written manifesto that he said had a wide range of kind of unrelated he called himself a left wing authoritarian, on the one hand a fascist. on the other hand , thereiton io way these people could have taken the time to have read that to have learned about their mental hout ea health of this person. they didn't care what the facts were. they say saw an opportunityn in those corpses laying on the ground and nowou opportunity was political and
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exploitative and they seizedas on it together and quickly in a way that made clear that their concern or sadness for the victims was a completee pretense. they instantly weaponizes that before anything was known . anyone who shows no reverence in the face of death should make us nervous. it's a sign of ruthlessness and bad character. i thinkthin anyone's death any place i believe that i need youe to glenn greenwald, thank you so much. thanks, tucker . so it was the usual activists who use the murders in buffaloit over a weekend to attack their political opponents, including as you just heard, this channel on twitter. mike davis at the article threer project pointed that is quote disgusting and insane to exploit this tragedy. twitter suspended him thi for pointing that out. soso someone who said actually e shouldn't jump to quick and dirty partisan conclusions from a mass murderer was banned from saying that by twitter. so this tells you a lot. let that sink in for a moment.
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in the meantime, we want to bring on harmeet dillon who is the senior civil rights attorneyen, ceo of the center fr american liberty and we're happy to have her join us now.h. thank you so much for coming thanks so much for coming on . so it seems to me at base, not even a political point that a humane point to say hold on ado second. you know, we don'tow know everything. bow let's just bow before the sadness of this momentnt and not jump to politically convenient conclusions from itnv tried to get otherer people's rights away on the basis of it and that's now hate speech. tell me how this works. well, this is exactlyel how twitter has been workingl as well as the other social media companies t for the last few years. we've now learned that theh government has a lot to do with this but in short, this is a microcosm. something horrible happensh politically powerful voices with blue checks and a lot of followers immediately began spreading talking points. those are propagated and spread further by these algorithms that the tech companies which staffed by these woke, you know, young people put outnd
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there and then you havee this story that has nothing to do with what actually happened. it's like a digital game of telephone, a game we used tos. play when we were kids. and soav here mike davis simply pointed out that before we rush to judgment, let's look att a few things that this person actually saidd, took a couple of screen shots and he put them out there off the shooters own words which are very differentif than the narrativefe that the biden administration and their lackeys in the media have been pushing. and he got suspended from twitter for supposedly you u know, it's explain wy they don't even explain why wes assume that it's because of this tweet. now mike is very well connected. he's clerked on the supreme court. he has a lot i of alliespe in washington and a lot of people complainedla about this over the last few hoursth and twitter took notice of those powerfule people talkingey back and they unsuspended him today sayinguspe that it was a mistake and an error. but thousands of people everyen day are taken down from social media for doing exactly what mike did, which is dxa sayg
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truthful or thoughtful things that are not in the narrative that the left is trying to push and their voices are silent sometimes permanently. so this is what's wrongsont with social media. us no way ove no rights. mike had no way of knowing what he put out there was going to get him suspended and not able to speak on this important topic and this really needsch to change. tucker , there's so many things wrong with this picture that really limit our speech and the end result, tucker , is make people like you and mee think twice before we say s truthful things on social media for fear of not being able to say the next truthful thing.eal. and that's not healthy. well, it's so unhealthy, by thee way. p it makes people paranoid and afraid and it gives rise to conspiracy theories because clamping down on speech always doeshe. e why why not let people speak and the consenting adults who choose our leaders in this quote democracy can decide for themselves who'sde right on the basis of whatever facts are presented. i mean, it seems. counterproductive if you wantte
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to make people less crazy, if you want to lower the temperature, if you want tol make the countrye, more stable, you don't crack down on speech. that's the last thing youou do. correct. absolutely. do, >> and the antidote to speech that you don't like s is more speech not silencing it, glenn was exactlync right. this has been done by the left r and by the right. you know, the patriot act is one of the big mistakes of my lifetime and by our government. gov even ee people on the i would even callve her n the right. todayeney came outut and put out a very divisive statement blaming house leadership for white supremacy, anti-semitism and so on . i mean, you know, really get aly hold of yourself that's really not what happened here in thisms circumstance. and crazy people do crazyta things and the mental health t failure in this situation is going unexamined becausera that is not the narrative that the left wants to t push on the left in control of the narrative that we get to see. and again,. nothing wrongs. with hearing different viewpoints. en doesn't kill me to hear a differentt viewpoints. project veritas has as a video out today showing that exactly
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is what what is happening is that twitter employees acknowledge.mplo that the left n intolerant of different viewpoints. the right is happy to hear different viewpoints. and so guess what ? if you want the left on youro platform, you have to silenceun the right again. i hope that we have some changes at twitter and other big social media because it can be a very powerful tool to be able to hear and learn more about things you didn't know d and maybe you might changemi your mind about something ifs. you able to hear a different viewpoint. i agree with that and i'm sad to hear about liz cheney, smart person who's very troubled and motivated by hate in a way that's disfiguring her i would say said for me feeling great to see you tonight .. thank you . thank you . >> so all of a sudden there's a push in the united states senate to rush to european countries next to russia into nato. what would be the effects ofon that sentiment? thought this through probably not. v the senate this weeker on the verge of approving yet another 40 billion quote for
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ukraine. so this adds upai tone escalate nation of a war most americans didn't think we t were in .er what ise happening exactly? we have a right to ask and we will. tulsi gabbard. you can only one thing the rest of your life or to be pretty someone's barbecue buffet buffet is the complete opposite of barbecue broth, barbecue chicken aside and the little college wasn't built for me. i didn't care if i worked double shifts or if my kid had a favorite deadline's deadline. i want to set the deadline. i'm going to take test when i'm ready. i want to take courses on my feet up when you know my stuff. i went to university that cares about how soon you're going to graduate on your time to
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the university of the what? everybody's been asking myself what the hell is going 20 20% county voters let loose and be the tough prosecutor? if you want to really see what americans look like, don't look farther than georgia. you the most violent criminals on this los angeles county war zone. my neighborhood is turning into . people are so about what's going on when he says he's not going to prosecute the illegal gang members committing murders ,they'll be released by december. twenty five no matter what . this is los angeles under george yasko. you do the crime he breaks the law, are celebrating in original suicide of los angeles streets now on at fox
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disguises are so much fun unless you're kebal chicken meal. that's icky dirty this process into powder. it's time for a fresh batch wholesome ingredients with nothing to hide. fresh pet candace owens a little what's being revealed to the public defender
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take away from it together we can end.
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so a few months ago russia ago invaded ukraine. that's russia's fault. but you'd have to be an idiot t not to ask the context in which this happened. why did it happen exactly? well, one of the reasons it happened is because policymakers in the united states kept pushing ukraine to join natoept that benefits the united states from ukraine joining nato zero net benefitsd ukraine zero t and they knew that andha they kept doing it and now we have a war. russia did it. but they did nothing to prevent it. it's getting worse now, mitchch mcconnell in the united states senate says that we needd forhau some reason too fast track natoh membership to more nearby countries. sweden and finland. e here it is. h we hope to do it as rapidly as possible. your question is what ? i as rapidly as possible and i think certainly we hope to achieve it before the august recess when congress typically goes out of session. obviously that would be well t before the fall election t
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with regard to the size ofi the vote, i think it will t be very significant, not unanimous but very significant . nato is already the most successful military alliance in world history. now it's going to be even stronger than it was. i so nato is the most successful military alliance in world history. yes, itsful kept the soviet unin from invading western europe. what is the point of vetoo now in anyone explain. no, no one can and instead of explaining, we heard demands that nato expand as rapidly as possible. pthe consequences and the benefits the united states, what are the benefits exactly? again, silencecebe republican senators and of course joining their friends. the democratic side also plan to send 40 billion dollars to ukraine immediatelyrain. that vote we believe is on wednesday. of course, we'll tell you in more tomorrow to promotet b that bill. mitch mcconnell just toward kyiv along with senator susanp collins of maine, john barrassoa of wyoming and john cornyn of texas. now youy may be wondering how could you just walk arounde a warzone like that ? isn't it dangerous?
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we don't know the answer, but certainly interesting. you've also might be worrying about priorities here. why is congress so focused on ukraine? but you can't find baby formula . you can't even fill your truck because things are economy. arehi declining really rapidly. don't ask questions according to congressman dan crenshaw of texas, asking questions like that really any questions at all thinking you're a citizen makes you quote pro russia. the bad arguments that our side is making is very depressing and they're almost pro russia. people are saying, well,ss a we can't put baby formula on ourselves that we're sending money to ukrainianslv in respone to that is, you know, how much baby formula you can buy with 40 billion dollars? none.y none because it's not a money issue. it's a manufacturingng m issue. and so we have to solve itg with frankly letting the telling fda to approve safeb baby formula and import itab frm europe. you know, that would be one solution. it is not america first when you let russia and china do whatever they want around the world and establish their version of a global order that puts america last because p
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we cannot prosper in aro globala order led by russia and china. your idea what you're talking about then crenshaw no. but the point is anyone who disagrees with dan crenshaw is pro russia frankly. well, frankly, crenshaw is attempting to deflect from answering obvious questions like why the concern over ukraine's borders and no concern about the border ofas your own state, texas.. that's a fair question. not for russia. it's in fact pro-american. tulsi gabbard is pro-american,n,oy a lifelong democrat former presidential candidate. we're always grateful to have her join us tonighter. tulsi gabbard, thanks so much for coming on . so if you wereer in the house a still you left less left after the end of last cyclend. but if you were still there, you i don't think you'd be ablee to say a single word that being denounced as pro russia, which is a problem for democracy. i think the real question here,e tucker , that we're all askinge these leaders in washington is what's the rush?
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why are our o political leaders from both parties rushing this through without giving the american people tonopportunity actually look at what's in the bill and examine what the costs will be to us not just today w with this bill but with the next round of 40 billion dollars or whatever billionsr they will ask for in the next round, in the next round, in the next roundd. the reality is there's noaf imminent threat to the safety, security and freedom of the unitedet states coming to us from russia. no imminentre's threat or even long term threat of russia invading finland oren sweden. russia can barely hold on to a very small sliver of ukraine right now. so again, i ask these leaders what is the rush? we what we do know is that theat administration has failed to clearly define anyas objective in this proxy war in ukraine. or they have failed to define what winning looks like. so clearly there is no end in sight without that being defined. we can look at afghanistanan
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and iraq as very recent examples of what happens when you don't have that clearlyme defined mission. and so the american people were struggling with high inflation, basic necessities that people need to liveba costs increasing and yet with this 40 billion dollars of funding and what will come next , the next the next the american peopleer deserve to know what this willin cost us financially, what it will cost our economy and whatse it willcu cost our national security with the increase potential of a nuclear conflict. if this is allowed to continue on , the more i think about it,m it takes a lot gall for eyepatch mccain to attack moms who worry about baby formula as a pro russia. i mean, that's probablyth one that's the most outrageous things i thinkeo i've ever heard now that i'm thinking about i mean, why not just answer the question why? why dowh you tax what does that tell you? it tells you that they don't really want the american people to know what is in this bill and what will come next and what it will truly cost us , not just a few of
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us but all of us as the american people today. f and what appears to be if we continue down this path for the long term to come, that should be a huge red flag for the american people as they look at leaders in washington resorting to name callingg and smearing rather than actually providing these clear explanations to the american people. ee and you've beenn smeared sincene day one . you've never, er lost your composure or moved off course. and i definitely admire the way you've handled the attacks. tulsi gabbard,, thank you . thank you . so foror years now we've takenn ufo seriously on your career. you take you seriously actually there we're thinking seriouslyy. kind of a big deal now. well, congress is about to hold the very first public hearing on the question in 50 years or we get a preview straight ahead . hey, everyone. mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, part time musician and longtime customer
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man on that story tonight . stoy face to the cia tucker guy. let's start with that mind boggling drone video was shot my correspondent bill mulugeta and our fox video journalist. this is unpatrollede private property in eagle pass, texas. and over p the past eight days there had been more than 2000 migrant crossings in this exact spot. and this issp a snapshot of a a crisis that stretches nearly two thousand mileses one week from today titlede 40 to is scheduled to end, meaning that migrants would no longer be denied us access because of covid concerns. so the bordervi patrol, which does not have the resources to slow down the flow, is trying to at least set up a massive tent compound in eagle pass. used it could be used f for housing and processing, but staffing the compound means pulling agents from other parts of the border and without a logistics a fix, the hope is now for a political fix with numerous democrat lawmakers joining republicans in calling to keepli title forty two as is the democrat mayor of eagle pass is joining
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that call, which is are the tools that you have to serve in the toolbox.. and if if that's how we have title 42 to use it as at' joe biden, let's please use it. let's not remove it's important. >> in march there wereere two hundred twenty one thousand migrant encounters att the border that was the highest number in the history of homeland security. but breaking right now we have d brand new numbersnd and encounters in april just broke the march record with two hundred thirty four thousand and dhs says without title forty two we could see 558 thousand migrant encounters a month, two and a half times the record tucker . amazing, amazing for trace gallagher. thanks so much for that . sure. ♪here's what we know about ufou the u.s. government has a verified the real in a sensein
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there are objects moving in the sky that we cannotg identify. they're certain they do not belong to a foreign nation. they're not from russia or from china. and third, we know that these objects are moving in ways that we cannot replicate, explain or even understand. so everyone has studied this and the u.s. government will admit that privately. an no one has really said that out loud and that may change very soon. so for the first time in half a century there will be a public hearing w on ufos. w a house intelligence subcommittee will hear from two senior pentagon officialsean tomorrow on what the defense department actually knows aboutn these objects. the pentagon and intel agencies are reportedly feudingdi int tonight on how much the public should know who else. john doeoe is a man who does he's a former pentagon officialt who ran this program looking into these objectshi joins us tonight. thanks so much for coming on . so what would possibly be theld justification for holding back from the public what the us government whichut the public pays for, knows about these objects?
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well, in fact, it might not be so much what we know, w tucker , but the fact that weon don't know some things clearly from a from a national security perspective, the last thing youh wantin to do is ever broadcast your , if you will,ro your intelligence to your to your enemy. and in this particular case, you you said it yourself. there's a lot more we don't know than we do know. bute you're right, this is a historic move since since 50 years ago, the lastt time we were faced with this, you had the air force briefing. the resultss r project blue boo. here we are half a century later and now we have senior dod officials now not just the air force coming up and providing information to congress and ultimately the american people. >> do you know if there haveou been conversations between american officials and their counterparts in , say, russia, and china over these objects? i mean, they're not justns spotted around us military installations but also in thoses countries and around the world. do we a ever w talk about this offline? ?
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>> well, you know, let me give you a real example there was a very classified memorandum at some point back in the 60sssif that the united states and russia agreed in writing that we would report to each other when we were looking at the northern tier, making sure that neither one of us thought the other was shooting a nuclear weapon at the other. and there's actually a small paragraph that says, look, if you happen to see a ufo, do us a favor. callhe us first before you press the button because it may verynd well be just that a ufo and not not not us . and so i think i think there there certainlynk examples of that where we had information sharing with other countries in some cases allied countriesas and now even in the law,es the law that was just passed recently that was code if you will, sponsored by senator gillibrand and senator marco says now we are enjoined we must we have toth work with our friendstopic. and allies on this topic. it's no longerr an option. do >> we have to do it. so you've just said you'veur answered your questions.
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one , the u.s. government has had full awareness of this for 60 years. this was in the 1960s you said and second, we know for certain these are not foreign military aircraft. >> yeah, i mean, look, congress is doing the right thing by having these hearings. and i'll tell you something else. i suspect there's going tohe a be moreft hearings after this . just establishing the baseline for congress. but wee know again about project blue book. we know about some some efforts beforehand and we know about my program. and then after that we had the uap task force. but what about the 40we some years in between? efforts did the u.s. d government have? what did weid learn in that time and is there a way w we can get that information now undere a single tent so we're not n in essence reinventing the wheel? we e, can compare and contrast information we learned from before as compared to what we're learningwhat out with better and more more capable equipment. >> this is an inherently significant story and maybe that's why it's been written off as the province crazy
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people you persisted. we appreciate it. thanks so much for that preview . thank you for having me. m thank you so abortionts enthusiasts are promising a summer of rage a and you've w already seen people who really can only fairly be described as unhingedyai taking toec the streets on that subject in favor of this ritual. we'll bring you the very latestp on what's happeningpe outsider your door at in twenty 20 los angeles county voters elected a lunatic to be the county's top prosecutor deliberately unleash the most violent criminals in our midst. turn los angeles into a third world war zone. this is los angeles under george gascon. people who break the law are celebrating. tucker carlson originals suicide of los angeles streaming now on fox nation.
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the number one tv news program of 2020 one tucker carlson tonight only on fox news channel. ever>> since someone inside the supreme court broke centuries of tradition and law by leaking sam alito's draft opinion in which he argued for overturning roe v. wade, abortion enthusiasts have harassed supreme court justices and their families at home. they've attacked policee officers in l.a. they firebombed a pro-life group in wisconsin on sunday, plannedd parenthood held a quote, pro-abortion protest at the arizonan state capitol . remember, safe, legal and rare., no, not anymore. just for it now. and they're saying it. the journalist drew hernandez attended that protest and shot some pretty shocking footage ofr the people who were there. here's a sample . >> take a lot out ofou my denaturalizes out of my hair . a baby now haggada hangers-on.
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that means your mom killed your offer away. i tried to get ready, but she found oh , know, i didn't want to get into work and she just killed me like, you know, you're cute no matter what . every month when you have a natural cycle, you're killing it in your name. don't have to be abe religious person to see that there's a spiritual component to all of this . alice instead of phonte is a pro-life advocate. she joins us . alison m, thanks so much for coming on . so this doesn't seem like we'vee left the realm of a political debate or even a debate over rights and moved into another realm entirely. yeah, well, you just played it so hard to watch, right,
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tucker ? because it's human beingshu treating human beings the worst . but yet times i'm again pro-life individuals a go out., they try and make the case for life. they were willing to takeom this verbale beating, verbal harassment because you know, someone who suffers more than that pro-life individual out on the streets is the preborn childeebo. in the pro that is what we're fighting forl in the pro-life movement every single child lost to abortion is violated. they are dismembered and poisoned and starved of nutrition. and so that's why theseat proke lifersep keep going out trying o make the case, keep trying to have the debate that anger, i that vitriol is not going tosha change anyone's or mind. but yet we on the pro-life movement are still showing upo- we're trying to serve themth education. i mean, listen, some ofof the things that were just said, they're not they're not even medically accurate. rerepli these people need a lesn in science and prenatal development, embryology pve. they're just completely wrong. and i really feel for a lot of these young women because h
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they've been lied to,av tucker . they've been lied to by big media, big abortion and plannedd parenthood who tell them these things are lies. and so i'm really glad you're covering this and i'm really grateful forov diverse pro-life movement who is continuing to push back on all these lies?ucks >> well, it's just interesting that we see this in terms of religious faith and i think that there's a component of this that involves religiousre faith. but i mean, you'rey the treasury secretary of the united states say the other dayay abortion is essential for the economy because if women choose- to have families to do the thing that brings people the deepest joy haveve t their own children, they're detracting from the big companies they shouldyb be dutifully slaving away fores is maybe that's the reason that big companies support one side in this debate. yeah, i just saw starbucks is also saying that they're going to pay for people to gois get abortions. well, isn't that convenient when big corporationsat conveniu to end the life of your child rather than actually supporting women employees? i would love to work together. we would love to work together
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with these pro-abortion, you know, women to say, look, we'ven got to find some common ground here. these employers should not be paying you to kill b your childe payi. no man is put in that position in order to succeed here we need to take c care of women and the pro-life movement. you know, listen, if we're going to have this summer of rage, tucker , then we're going to have a summer of service. d as my o friend in the pro-life movement, chuck donovan said, we're going to a summer of arpport. we're going to continue to support women and moms and createe goi innovative waysp make sure that we arere represented, that we are taking care of, that we are not toldur we have to end the life of oured child in order to succeed. and just like you said, i mean, there's something dark aboutme the way that the left isnt pursuing their arguments right now. t it a is abortion at all costs at any point in pregnancy for any reason. and no one canha question that . you know, we as the pro-lifeto are willing to have the debate. we're willing to answer hard questions and answernd concerns that maybe some of these people have about, you know, life of the mother or ectopic pregnancies. bout misca we see lies aboutrr miscarriage
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management going around. we are answering them, but they refuse to have the debate that looks like desperation. that level of anger is desperation. oh , well, to tell people that are going to get morewo fulfillment working for some stupid company than from being parents is such a lie. and i think a lot of people are going to turn 50 and realize why and feel really sad. i hope that's true . alison, great to see you. thank you . thanks very much. >> thanks, tucker. so whatever you think of kamala harris and we're guessing if you're watching this show or not like a passionate fan of carmel harris', you got too give her credit for being the single most inadvertently entertaining person ever to hold public office in this the tape t proves it. and tonight we've got an amazing one at the station. hi, grandma. i play baseball today. that's great. what position did you play? first base had the grandpa used to play when our hearing
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you can say for her , she is undera you did as a philosophical voice. philosop do a pagey a a day calendar, a kind of kahlil gibran for our time, remember was kamala harrisoi who once put it outnt and we're, quoting it is time for us to do what we have been doing a and thatnd time is every day. in other words, today isof the first day of the rest ofut your life. children are ourur future now we didn't think you can get better than that , but we underestimated her as we so often have. here she is, kamala harris, our page, the calendar vice president speaking to the state departmentntca, telling us about the importance of working togethermpor. >> our world is increasingly more interconnect and interdependent. that is especially true when it comes to the climate crisis, which is why wewh will work together and continue to work together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges and to work together
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as we continue to work operating from the new norms, rules and agreements that we will convene to work together on to galvanize global action. so if you take a truckload of cliches and put them in as blender, that's what you get . congratulations, kamala harris. we'll see you tomorrow night. the ones you loveamal. and welcome to hannity. it is the night before the all important pennsylvania primary and coming up, the candidate and that i and president trumpat endorse the senate. dr. mehmet oz will be here. plus we will continue our investing into his opponent, ve kathy barnett, who is backedst by a shadowy swampy never trumper group names club for growth. i know they used tonymo be republican. they're not anymore. nowys tonight , the mystery surrounding kathy barnett gets stranger and strangernd. there are still more questions
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