tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News May 18, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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in de chow down day and take a big light day, a perfectly delicious day. i love o my new teeth day becaue of your choice. today is the day everything issc back on the menu. a clear choice day changes t every day. schedule a free consultation. > good evening and welcome tn tucker carlson tonight. believe it or not in nineteen eighty which wasn't that long ago, venezuela was the richesthe country in latin americast, had the highest wages and had the best health care and education. it alsoo h had by the standardse the region anyway a famously stable democracy. then came an energy crisis and venezuela wound up with inflation. at times it reached 100% a year. inflation makes people poor.
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so in a very short time the poverty rate in venezuela doubled by nineteen ninety five . 66% of all venezuelans werehe impoverished. getting poorer tends to make voters radical. so inevitably venezuela gotbl radical politics. what happened next ? venezuela is now rated one of the most miserable places on planet earth. a few years ago, citizens in caracas were reduced toos eating zoo animals. there was no n food and for that matter there was no electricity. so in just half a lifetime an advance of society had reverted to the stone age. the states is not in danger of becoming venezuela next week, but we are moving closer to it . inflation is a big part of the reason of all a the economic crises a country can face. inflation isla the most dangeros inflation doesn't just make people poor. it totally destroysn their confidence in their leaders. the authorities who issued the now worthless currency they're using for toilet paper u inflation is not an act of god like a droughtin or a hurricane it's an act of negligence like
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drunk driving. it is proof that the people in charge are recklessth and stupid. that's why inflation tends w to topple governments once you get inflation, there's no pretending you've done a good job ae no, you have not done a d job and everybody knows it. so you can see either by the administration is very worried about this . joe biden has historically lownf approval ratings. voters say inflation is c their top concern. those facts are directly related. so by most pressing r task right now, it is reassuring americans that he understands their suffering under inflation and under a rapidly worsening economy and then he's got a plan to fix it. if he can't convince americans of that , it mayic be a long tie before we have another democratic president. thankfully, joe biden has a plan or at least a new publicist, a silver tongued wordsmithhgu policy guru called karine jean-pierre. e' its is karine jean-pierre. s job toge take this message ofi economic hopec to the american people and save the biden administration. he shere started monday. herere were her first words froy
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the podium. >> i am obviously acutely aware that my presence at this podium represents a few firsts. i am a black immigrant woman, r the first of all three of those to hold this position. so that's a little confusing. it wasn't actually but america is about her . but still we learned i that karine jean-pierre is a black the first ever in history. holdeminded us to this particular job. is listen carefully.fu that shattering youll here in te background. it's a thousand glass ceilings00 cracking simultaneously into millions of tiny pieces and then being swept with then custodians of tomorrow into the trash bin of bigotryl and hate. soon they'll b be trucked tock a landfill and buried. it's a new day, america.w how do you feel? you still can't afford to have your refrigerator fixed or go or to the dentist. on the other hand , kareem hr jean-pierre has goodyo news for you about herself. karine jean-pierre has justrs
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reached a highly significant personal goal and understandably she's brimming with self-esteem. congratulations karine jean-pierrewithteemla your promotion is america's promotion of it feels good. you're gonna want to hold on to that sensation when you're now experiencing and treasure it in the days ahead like a hand warmer as america becomes poorer than you ever imagined possible and it isne as if tonight parents across the country can't find baby formula. oh, no c big deal . what is actually a bigf deal because as a result of that several children have just been hospitalized in the state of tennessee. fertilizer prices, meanwhile, have hit record highs. that will mean food shortages around the world, famine. in some places, starvation. it'll mean shortages here. food inflation, bloomberg reports, will quote leave noil householdl unscathed. and then gas prices also just hit an all time. ke they're not going down. mike jennings, the ceo of a major refiner says gas prices will stay high for the foreseeable future. quote,fu i don't see any signs o it ending soon orn well, that's
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true of inflation across every major sector of the economy. accio is reporting tonight that quote, inflation is pushingng"i prices higher and higher in somegher of those costs may never come back down to the levels americans accustomed to before the pandemic. b more than halff the ceos in thib country publicly predict the recession is imminentlict. that's what they're saying in public. i imagine what they're saying in private. morgan stanleyeysare i says thes a twenty seven percent chance we get a recession in the next 12 months. that's up from five percent just two months ago. so that's. scary.t but o the scariest fact of all, we appear to be running out ofut energy o. s congressom never passed the gren new deal, but we somehow got it anyway. and here the results according to wall street journal quote to texas tonia indiana, electric grid operators are warning that powerer generating capacitp is struggling to keep up with demand that gap could lead to rolling blackouts during heat waves or other peak periods as soon as this in other words, turn on yourr air conditioning in august and it won't work and neither
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will your lights. the midcontinentight independent system operator, which oversees the energy grid in the midwest ,says it's preparing to, quote, take emergency measures in advance capacity issues this summer. in other words, no more electricityor. am the north american electric reliability corporation, which oversees energyreli output in te country, released an assessments this year saying the entire western u.s. is quote at risk of energy emergency due to the limited supply ofup electricity available for transfererfer.. so this has never happened. it's happening now. why why is this happening? well, according to the wall street journal quote , ar the challenge is that wind and solar farms which are among the cheapest forms of power produceon, don't electricity at all times and need large batteries to store their output for later use. now that's only a big problem. itt turns out to be an insurmountable problem given that nearly half of new electricity generation capacity in the us last year.2% 42% was from land based wind a
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farms put a lot of eggs in the wind basket and some states like california have pledged to use 100% renewable energy by 20, 20 , 40 , five .so so maybe we will have h scientific innovationav by tweno forty five that make that possible. if we don't, california will have evenn'ia less power than it does now. you didn't think growing upng u in this country would come a time when they couldn't keep the lights on now that time this year that'sho shocking. but if you're upset about it, we'd like youik to pausere and return your attention to the fact and we're going to say this slowly so we c can sink in. our new white house press secretary is a blacks , ray wsw or was duly impressed tamed in fact, which is a point ofid telling them that . but our peter doocy did have one question. o what isur the administration doing about our collapsing economy and how exactlylaonom ic the plan to increase taxesor on american citizens going to help them pay for things? here's how karine jean-pierre
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respondedd. ra how does raising taxes on corporations reduceio inflationn?? so are you talking about a specific tweet he tweeted you want to bring down inflation? let's make sureon, the wealthit corporationrati pay their fair share. well, you know, we have talkede about we have talked about this past year about making suret that the wealthiest among us are paying their fair sharept of gas, the cost of a used car , the cost of food forve everyday americans? so look,an i think we encourage those who have done very well right. especially those who care about climate changeo to support a fairer tax code that doesn't change doesn't charge manufacturers, workers, cops, builders, a higher percentage of their earnings that the mosto fortunate people in ourrt nation and not let that stand in the way of reducing energy costs
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and fighting this existential problem. if you think aboutal that as anp example, you wouldn't have thought it was possible tota talking points that stupid, that barely literatehat, that childish and make them even dumber and that's exactly what she did. are you still not convincedn that joe bidenkn knows how to handle inflation? did that rattle your confidence rather than bolster it then honestly, there's nothing we can do for you atou this point. you'rech beyond reach. in fact, youou know what you are and you may have seen this coming. you're a racist. that's what we call people p who continue to ask complicated long questions about joe biden's economic program. they're racists and getting rid of them is america's greatest problem the's. here's msnbc to remind you mitch mcconnell won't come close to delivering the condemnation of white supremacy that joe biden did today. because what ? because becauseofause they makea part of the republican coalition. i mean, what is the explanation for why notheon f this is always
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what the right does to appease the white supremacist movement by saying, hey, free speech don't have to be extremism and white nationalism, which is not only on the rise in the far dark corners on the internet but the rhetoric and a, you know, tamer version attenuated version i say is now pretty mainstream in the republican partytyub. ou did you hear that from the comb over guy? >> free speech is white supremacy to start on ? it's the promise of free speech talking out of turn, reading o your own script rather than the one that provides you is white supremacy. that means if u you're upset about food shortages or blackouts, you're a racist, racist, racist, racist.e there you are complaining again about the precipitous decline in your standard of livingg. that'sac always the first sign c a racist or you don't likeri crime like literally like inflation.
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you're against public in new york city. you know what you are. you're a bigot. now stop complaining you and your free speech. gayle king of cbs is a journalist, a talented and highly awarded broadcasterrn . so she knows exactly how racist you are. you're so racist that gayle king's family members won't even go outside anymore. watch this . re. i'm so afraid i have a nephew who lives in the midwest. twenty something black man l who walks his dog who said i was never afraid to walk my dog. now i'm in the midwest just walking around minding my own business, thinking this could time. tt any yeah, white supremacists just come outh and kill them with the first amendment. you's what happens when walk your dog in this country. that's how bad it is. racism against gayle king's family may be the single biggest problem america faces rightstca f? in fact, it is the problem is not that we're running out of energy o a power civilization that's not a bigot deal at all w and that's why you probably didn't read about the fact that the interior department just announced it is closing millions of acresesanng of domec
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energy production sorry gone can't have the energy there exists, but you can't have it. you know what ?ho we can do it by from venezuela a is we can 20 minutes ago they told you venezuela was a criminal regime. you know, venezuela is going to provide to them, not us . we can't that's immoral because climate change existential. but venezuela can and that'sn the right administration is doing everything it can ton allow the united states to buy venezuelan oil directly. ab what does that addou up to? don't think about that . thinking about it is racist. it's like the first amendment. it's white supremacy. and if you don't believe it,e karine jean-pierre is here to remind you donaldd trump is running a racist campaign. the grand wizard of the birtherd movement which birtherism o is inherently racist by the way. he's a racist and a bigot which we already knew walks like a racist, talk like a racist,is, acts like a racist. it is a racist. and we saw all these awful voter suppression laws really racism just across the country l and we have a racistaw president
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in the white house who really pushes his racism like w a peacock because i'll say this we knew donald trump wasum a racist. i wantedan to ask you just chane the topic for just a quick second about donald trump's racist tweets. the systemic racism and how that has affected our country. donald trump is the most outwardly racist president that we have seen in generations. this country needs to start talking about uprooting institutional racism. as fox news was racist before coronavirus. they are racist during the coronavirus. fox news will be racist after the coronavirus. so we need to talk about karine jean-pierreou just so yoa don't have a conversation about mean younversation we shut up. i talk we have a conversation about how racist youou are, whin is very racist. so if you'ts can't keep the ligs on or goor to the dentist or ify you're one of the very few people, maybe three in the
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countries, notice that honey w prices have doubled since december. why is that happening? shut up. racist deroy murdock is a contributing editor to national review online. we are delighted to haveht a chance him tonight . .my favorite part was when karine jean-pierre i don't know if i'm pronouncing your name correctly. don't want to be racist, saidn' change the subject for a minuted and then call someone else s racist. hathat seems like the only subject really. >> it seems like the only one to think of your act ofsm racism and having me here tonight , tucker . >> but yeah, look, when you have nothing else to talk about, you don't have any answers. any actual solutions might work. you scream racism. another thing screaming racism does it's a very polite or b maybe it's somewhat more polite to say polite way of saying shut the up. they don't wanton't the conversation. they don't want the tough questions. they don't want anything else in terms of constructive criticism. so scream racism that's designed not to advancean the conversation but to shut down and to go back to what youb were saying in your excellent monologue earlier about venezuela. i happen toou i visit venezuela a couple of times the late 90s, early xeros and yes, it was a prosperous, prosperous place,
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fun place, beautiful placece00 and it's a total wrecks. and in order to keep us from turning into that country, which we seem to be what with the empty empty store shelves, the climbing prices, baby formula shortage babies in the hospital because offge this formula shortage. unbelievable joe biden, could i fix a lot ofnf problems inflation, his political woes, which are terriblech, the political standing of the democrat party by saying, look, i made a big mistake mashoneeeee a the keystone pipee we to increase domestic oil production begin to start bringing energy prices down. if energy prices start to come down, the rest of the price will come down. inflation issde to a degree andi think if people at least saw in inflationgo going down, confidence would improve. optimism would increase and things people would start feeling a lot better. but right now, every timel i turn on the tv, gas pricespr are going up, up and away everyy every day a higher price for gas and diesel. now let's talk about diesel shortages coming and as i say, this place in less than a year and a half the 15 16 months isa a lot more like it's beginninglo begin to look a lot more like venezuela, anything you and ibo or anybody ever could imagine. justt poverty not
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but radicalism. i mean, no one is getting more moderate. so refusing to address people's legitimate concerns, calling them racist if they ask honest questionsk , all of that makes people more radical over time. are youou worried that the country can you know, youer can kind of feel it moving underneath your feet herehi and that's why i thinknk a lot f people are far, far left want you know, i think the greatest political slogans was that of vladimir lenin before the russianhe r revolution. it was very, very simple for words. the worse the better t the wors, the better. the worse the conditions were more people would and say, look,e we've had itwe with the czar. maybe we should bring lenin and maybe you can turn things around. i think there'san some people want total utter chaos in society. i have a piece in theie americat spectator, the democrat party and now they have nothing but terrible ideas, awful solutionsrrib and some of the people in the far left democrat party today, i think what exactlylyth that chaos and ultimately revolutionary type situation, the worse. the better boy that is that is showing. deroy murdock, thank you so much. talk too.>> you. o thank you . the two primary elections have concluded in a couple of states
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across the country. a key senate race in pennsylvania. however, remains undecided tonight . what does that mean exactly? where ised t going? dana perino, a very reasonable ,nice person joins us very soon to explain what that means . what's going to happen first about administration just made a major announcement aboutinisis the future of the newly createde disinformation board, the ministry of informationon races, ethnic and what everybody asking myself what the hell is going on in 20 20% county voters likely to be the county top prosecutor if you want to really see what the parents look like no farther than georgia is the most violent criminals on this los angeles into a war zone.
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my neighborhood is turning out. the people are so about what's going on in when he says you're not going to prosecute them to legalizing gang members. many murders they'll be released by december. twenty five no matter what this is los angeles under george danchenko you do the crime not to use the time to break the law are celebrating original suicide of los angeles streets now on the fox station .com. do you have any you methods with your body and well, you sleep it's harder to stop causing you to wake up with your shoulders back or are you uncomfortable because you're too hot or too cold? get total body support and better sleep with a micro and macro tougher? hello, i'm mike lindell when i invented my new mypillow mattress however i made it. you have everything you'd ever want in a chopper. my master stopper helps give you the support you need
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to haveuc put his purchase of twitter on hold. what exactly is going on here? ourn trace gallagher is on that story. hey trace. hey tucker . also talk about a change of heart. the richest man in the world has said he doesn't think he's ever voted for a republican but isoc the democratic party goes farther left. elon musk has indicated he's moving right and today tweeted quoting here in the past i voted democrat becausemo they were mostly the kindestar party . but they havety becomeon the pay of division and hate so i cante no longer support them r and wil vote republican now watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold. not a total shock here because earlier this week on the all in podcastee must began droppini
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hints like this watch. >> i mean this administrations it doesn't seem to get a lot done like and whatever the administration leaving w trump aside, there were a lote of people in the administration who were effective at gettingdo things done. and remember, this all comesll as the deal to buy twitter isst at a standstill after the tesla founder pressed twitter ceo paragould grall to show proof that no more than 5% of its 300t million users are bots or fakes ,saying the deal wouldn't moverd forward until he does. musk thinks u the number of twitter spam accounts or bots could be at 20% and while some believe musk is only angling for a better price, there is now an eye opening audit by the software company sparktoropany that shows who all those phone users might be or who they might follow. turns out after analyzing location issues, default profile images and new users, sparktoro says almost 50% of president biden's twenty two million followers are bots, fakes, spam accounts.
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something tells me a must tweet is about to be uttucker . what a story for scott.u thanks so much for that .>> so we told you about the bush administration's ministry ofth truth, the disinformation bureau. the washington post reportedsinr today with deep sadness that it's being shut down v effectively. post waser very upset by this and in a piece by taylor larrieux maybe the second most ludicrous person in america, she blamed right wing attacks now the most ludicrous person in america's jankowicz was the true czar. she is the reason we're shutsh down in the jankowiczut is sorr embarrassing that even the biden administration, which has an almost infinite capacity for embarrassment really no shamein whatsoever. you see the white house press s secretary even they couldn't't put up with her now jankowicz has an obvious response to
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this . if you think she's absurd while you're a sexist. >> women should not be involved in government. they cannot be the real reason she's angry isan because no chadds would hit it. stick with the those are juste two of the thousands of abusive tweets i've receivedju over the past couple of months. unfortunately for womenel in politics, journalismy, academia or basically any time when we express an opinion while female, that is not the exception. >> it's the norm. sa oh ,ss i'm suffian strong. the people criticize me. i have to put on costumes and little selfie. we can play her greatest hits for how worse. she's an expert on disinformation. after all, if we had to pick our favorite performance by nina jankowicz all of which are about nina jankowicz becausehi of narcissism is endless. it would have to be this one . information on the ring is really quite ferocious qunol it
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takes a while to make some sounds because she's putting to remain female. but there is information for this like they look atrocious italian how you handle the lie that lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie. and rudy giuliani said i didn't come from ukraine. well, when tiktok influence is because of his campaign during the civil war and we really should take note and not support the lies if i wanted to tell the truth, that's your ringtone by the end of tonight's show you have no sense of humor. so today peter doocy asked the white house how could they possibly shut this down? i mean, it's just so great and hateful mischaracterization from outside forces. watchla so despising because he thinks that ford was mischaracterized then the disinformation board is being shut down because of disinformation b. is that what's happening here? look, b i mean, the board was pt forth a for a patrisse right to
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make sure that we really did a really did address what wasen happening across the country when it came to disinformation . it's all you know, it's just it's it's going to pass. there's been a mischaracterizations from outside outside forces, you know, only three days in there job. we're already noticing the ticky in our friend karine jean-pierre. soin she punctuates the cliches and the complete meaninglesst' chunks of language is still forth from her mouth with the wordith right, right, right. it's an academic or an msnbc thing or something. anyway, the bottom line ise according to the white house publicist, disinformation sankt the disinformation czar so great only matt walsh could fully appreciate mat the author and producer of the documentary what is a woman who joins us tonight t that was just savor this . i'm going to let you go. yeah, well, i think it'ss actually great news. it's great news for us . but really great news for cnn
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too because you know, the disinformation board i mean that something finally died faster than cnn plus so they can take some solace in that, i suppose. i think i'm glad that we got that clip up herere becausese there's this fundamental absurdity ur that you do have to really say, which is that theyim claim that it's supposedth disinformation about the disinformation board that shut it down, which is likeform i mean it's like if there's a fire, a newep fire department that was setar p in your town and then you had a fire at your house and you call the fire department w and said, well, screw that , we're closing. we can't help you. that's the whole reason that you're here, right. is for this is the disinformation board supposed to be there toooa shut down this information, the first piece of disinformation you should be able to shutyo down and expoe is the disinformation about the board itself. but of course,e,se we know that when they say disinformation, they mean not disinformation but information that is inconvenient to them. every time the leftt talks about misinformation or disinformation, they mean disinformation or ratherthik information that we don't like., and that's the advantage of being a relative is by the way
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,which is that , you know, if if you don't like a certain b truth, then that means that it's no longerhi true because you don't likech it ,which is exactly why these people cannot be in charge of deciding what'ss true or notwh because they are relativists when it comes down to it. en i got to say it i think itg sounds sexist. i mean, i so i guess i what you're really saying is women should not be allowed on the internet. do i mean what it comes down to of course that's exactly what i'm saying. but this is by the way, also also note how all we had to do with the disinformation or is just point to it and say look at this thing that they're doingg and the whole thing collapsed just like that . all we had to do democracy dies in darkness, right? mean all we haday to do was poid that out. they look at this thing they're doings o and that was that was the end of the disinformation such that is suchr: a smart and reassuring. butr s thank you for saying that i hadn't even thought of that . but you're absolutely right. matt walsh, great to see you. thank you . so for eight years you watched bill de blasio wonderstone
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through new york city that he's gone. you'd never see him again, butut he's back doing the only thing he's qualified to do, which is politics. tell you what he's doing tell you what he's doing that on a day without my green, my whole body feels free because my eyes don't shiner from the light. my head doesn't poundmimi, in my stomach isn't nauseous. it'sfu time for migraine prevention delivered differently through an i.v. infusion.. it's time for bfd, a preventivev treatment for i bringing a dosen vmt is designed to start working fast with a thirty minute iodine fusion four times a year, delivering 100% of the medication directly into your bloodstream . the power of imt infusion can help to reduce monthly migrainealle days. , some have fewer migraine days with the very first treatment don't take them allergic to buy up. the common side effects arere allergic reactionsng. stuffy nose and scratchy throat allergic reactions include rash allergic reactions include rash swelling
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not give it back to them, say we know this is fraudulent, that's against the law. it's a false sense of security come real. bottom line is if it happens and we can stop it from happening and it only takes one denuke and it's a very sad thing to watch you put your life into the house and all of a sudden it might not your devastating crime for pennies day home tiktok to monitor your title non stop alerting you to this vicious activity. you need a warning note that this first step could happen even stop the red meat here. he signed up for home try lock and was immediately alerted to suspicious activity. so i received the reward and saw hey, i have a lien against my property i didn't know about. we got it fixed right away and if you call in the next 15 minutes and promo code again, you'll receive your first thirty days absolutely free or
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do your life if you read . i mean, there's no point to go online. we'll call now 1-800- three eight four four one five. n so you've seenn this before. you're going to see it again all across the country. the so legislation pending in the statee house in delaware would allow children to get abortions or changes without notifying p their parents so their parents insurance would pay for this .ay but the parents don't have a right to know democrats back this bill , of course, and say flat out abortionde and gender transition related are covered so your kids can have abortions and changes and democratic politicians c in delaware and many other states don't want you to know about it. so if there was ever an effort to destroy a nuclear family this obvious, we're not awareht of what it might be . b terry schilling is
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the president of the american principles project and joins us tonightrica to assess.te terry, thanks so much for coming on . you know, the parentss relationship with his or her childrenor is sacrosanct. politicians aren't allowed to get in the middle off that , you would think. and yet democrats in delaware and many other states are trying to destroy that relationship whose fighting back against this ? well, there are parents primarily that are fighting back against this , tucker , and they're being organizedackae primarily at the local level. there are efforts ator the national level.ts national level. my organ my organization, american principles project is building what we call the nra for families. butut ultimately this is going o be about parents taking back control of their kids education directly. we have to make these people pay a political price when they hurt our families t. tucker , you said it best. this is really about abolishing the family. the progressives would say that they're liberating children fromib the parentalts
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constraints and the parental oppression and the patriarch really they're destroying them. their goal is to liberate these children, to achieve full e equity and full equalityquil and they will achieve that . we'll just all be equallyqu miserable and terrible and sad. it'll destroy the country, will destroy the economy and destroy us as individuals if we allow these states to do this . and it's really important, tucker , to pay attention to delaware t. they are on the cutting edge. they were the first statena in the nation to codify roe . they were the first state in the nation to redefine parenthood. that was in two thousandd nine well before gay marriage passed. so we have to pay attention because what happens in delaware ends up spreading to a lot of other states. spreading to other states. >> tucker: yeah, i mean, they i mean, they hate their fathers . that's i the basis ofsi their politicss . i gett it. but that does not give them a right to messs with our kids. they always wantt to mess with your kids. not what you know, why not p pickicl on adults? they have to take your children brainwashr them, cancel your family ties to t your own kids, your parental
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authority? like why can't we just draw i a line at our children? i wonder? well,ul it's because children ae very vulnerable to ideas, right? i mean, if you look at the ecosystem that the progressives have created, it's- a full fledged ecosystem- and it's not the story much bigger than justsl what the legislation will do to insurance companiesat. on the explanation benefits. what no one's talking about is that these schools in delaware all have school based health clinics and when parents sign out, you know, they sign those permission slips and they get a year signing away a bunch of consent forms. c they sign a consent form that allows these school that basedto health clinics to treat their children and they give away their rights to stop them. and i think most parents think it's going to be a profane or anything like that , but it's much worse. but kids are susceptible to these ideas. i mean, especially these littles kids with thee classes and the gender identity classes. they they still believeke in santa claus, right.r: it's more than a million american have pulled their kids
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out of public schools in the last year. there's been a collapse school people running away from this stuff. it's too it's too scary. it's too threatening and i appreciate the work that you're doing in this story. thanks so much. thanks, dr.nk y so bill de blaso has been out of the front page for about five months. he's no longer the mayor of new york . he's got nothing to do smoking a little weed. watch it l on netflix.o he's bored so h he's going to rn for office again. going he's going to run for t congresu from new york . l what's that going to look like? well, to mark the occasion, we want to run through some of his biggest moments as the mayor ofor t the city ofis new york back in 2014. this is our favorite. he celebrated groundhog day by killing the groundhoging . >> this footage from groundhog day 2014 shows freshly inaugurated mayor bill de blasio appearing to drop statton island chuck the week after the de blasio fumble. the groundhog didid a few more events before being found in it.t. zoo spacezo deceasedo on februp night should have known he was
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going to do to midtown what he did too the groundhog which he did by twenty nineteen he become completely dementedun and started talking like a chipmunk. remember this ? what kind i should have gonee a long time ago. we we're passing legislation this year guarantee workingth people like every otherer industrialized country in the world to guarantee working people by law two weeks paid vacation every year. >> so you're scraping the bong resin ran out. start that's when you started taking hits off a helium balloon. then one of the weirdest moments a helium of all came lat when he announced it shake shack would give away free food to people who got the covid shock because more burgers that's going to get you through the pandemic. >> what do youvi say? free fries when you get vaccinated? i got vaccinated. you're g saying i could get thi? it's delicious, right? nk just o think of this when you think of vaccination vaccinations so high, i mean,
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it's just it's just unbelievable. jimmy fallon is the host of fox across america with jimmy fallon. johnson said, jimmy , are you excited for the return of this man? ? well, listen, i can't blame him for trying again, it's hard to get a gig, tucker , when a the only thing you've been endorsed for on linkedin is killing groundhogs and trashing cities. the best. ct you -- i but i have to correct you.e i hate to be a fact checker here, but he didn't kill the groundhog. actually , what happened is after being seen with himf publicly, the groundhog died of embarrassment. it wasn't the fall he took a look at those poll numbers when de blasio ran for president p and campaigngo campaigned quick in the carnival goldfish because of what he's done to the city. and i want to start there, okay, new york city o and the idea that he has the nerve to ask for anyone's vote afterig what he did to new york new york city right now,r, tucker looks like gotham beforel batman comes except batman is not coming because he's not vaccinated.
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he ain't show it up. manor, you got to go back to wayne manor. i'm sorry. f six feet of space. we'll fight the crime virtually. and that's the issueued. rk citt my family was going tohi come to new york city this weekend, but they decided to go someplace safer like beirut becausee this idiot who ran the city into the ground was always and always going with the performative stupidity, creating the appearance that he caredtu he was doing something.n a good example of that wasfi that vaccine video wherees he's stuffing his face with french fries. hey, tucker , what's the leading killer from covid obesity? so we're combating vaccineti hesitancy by encouragingng fried food consumption. this is likee combating arson a by giving away a bookhamrs sussmann and the one thing i would say ton. that is maybe the one upside to the bidennc presidency is arson is down because no one can burn down our house at five fifteen a gallon. they're going to really love you to do it. as far as de blasio goes, man, hilarious. he implemented a vaccine mandate in times square on new year's eve . man on new year's eve.
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like tucker , if you're partying in times square on new year's eve, covid is not a top ten jerm you're worried about catching. ve you're actually like relieved when you got it. okay, but that's new york in a nutshell for the midwest, new york and most blue cities p are run by stupid people who think they're smarter than hich is why right now with our you. which isthe why right now with r subway in the condition that it's in , tucker , wes just opened up a thirty million dollar staircase on new york city subway and i know a lot of people watching it like, wow, i jimmy tucker. thirty million is a lot fors a staircase, but i should t you that it also doubles as a restroom and a place to g shoot heroinet. you're getting like a three for one deal here and that's why it's so disgusting. the city is gross, okay?ut and if i you really cared about it, you don't build a stairway to the subway. youle actually like clean up the subway. tucker , have you ever ridden the one train and not seen someone fondling themselves s? like every time i swipe my card, i feel like i'm entering a room with jeffrey toobin. come on , man. omi can add to that .
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jimmy , great to see you, man. see, buddy. but primary elections last night pennsylvanian, north carolina, at least one of them y is not yet resolved. that means pennsylvaniaet. what does it mean?, is there a theme, a lesson we can take from the results? dana perino 20% you could only one thing the rest of your life would have been easy. i'm pretty sure that's not one thing. barbecue buffet is the complete opposite of what barbecue buffet rocks and barbecue chicken and the grill. >> hello, i'm mike lindell and i'm here to bring you my bogo extravaganza. go to my peladon or call that number on your screen now use the promo code and you'll get my keys. dream bedsheets made with the world's finest by one set and get another set. absolutely free get my six feet tall set by one set get another set absolutely free by rolling go anywhere, buy pillows, buy
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and that's the biggest thing you have to realize. your wife is so free candidatess in yesterday's primary for n the republican senate nomination, the state of pennsylvania, two of them are deadlocked s, separated by looks like a little over a thousand votes. dave mounting continues. dave mccormick is one . dr. oz is the other again in a dead heat. what does this mean exactly what's going to happen? dana perinoo is the person that we go to for the answers to these questions. she's co-anchor of america'so newsroom coast to the five, ofri course, and we're happy to see her tonight. dana hos. so this is so are you. i'm great. this is so bitter. i didn't understand personally. didn't understand allno the thee was a lot going on . n i didn't really get a lot of it. but where are we now? what do we learn yesterday?id wk what what do you think is going to happenn? well, i think one thing that we learned not just
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in pennsylvania but in nebraska excuse me north carolina and in the states that we've already seen have primaries like ohio and nebraska, that republican sky high turnout is breaking records and a four state like pennsylvania which has i think five hundred fifty thousand more registered democrats and republicans, republicans absolutely crushed the democratspusolu and turn out vote. so republicans have turnout o on their side when it comes to this race in pennsylvania right nowesy. i think it could be a while o before we find out because ifs this race staysas as close as it is, depending on the mail in ballots and any other little5 things that come in , if it's under point five percentage points, they have to go to a recount that has to be done by may twenty six . so i wouldn't stay up late a tonight to get results. i think those are going to come a little bit later. kathy barnett surged late butge she was a distant third in thist race and i thinkha one of the things that happened is she didn't get a lot off scrutinynt untilo those last several days and one of the people that criticized her in a sort of a gentle way for him was
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donald trump. and i think at that fell away for her at the end.. interesting. who do you you think she took from which of these candidates? ausra mccormick whic? well,, i think it's pretty interesting that with the coveted endorsement of president trump, dr.ith is still locked in this battle with dave mccormick. all three candidates wantedd this endorsement. they were all asking for in fact, the other ones were as well. trump has a pretty good a very good track record so far and his endorsement and you would as a gop candidate, youtss would much rather have his endorsement than not certainly helped him in ohio. it's definitely helped him in north carolina. his endorsed candidate there trounced the competition. but in this racetiti in pennsylvania, i thinkin that mehmet oz and dave mccormick, they spent millions of dollarsic attacking each othr and you'll see what happens next week in georgia. there's a primary on tuesday and the president has endorsed david perdueen, a former senator in that gubernatorial race. but he is so i think like
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twenty eight points behind the current governor brian kempe . the president's former president's endorsement is a great thing tont have a net plus for a candidate but not necessarily foolproof. interesting, different. i appreciate your analysis. thanks very much. thank you .od good to see you.ou great. to see you. so the washington post not the quickest newspaper in americaon has finally figuren out that ron desantis might run for president. so you know what that means. you've gotno to destroy everyone around ron desantis right away and they've enlisted their single creepiest reporter boy, that's saying a lot to investigate her . and we've got. the text message to be right that the fisherman and other liars, the time you spent on the docks, banks, boats, lines, you can these moments you share with theer people you love the fish
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world war zone. this is los angeles george gascon. people who break the law are celebrating tucker carlson originals suicide of los angeles streaming now on fox nation. er impose claims to be a newspaper but in fact it ceased being a news organization o quite some time ago. it'sat now transition that's the word into the enforcementne arm ofnt the permanen democratic regime in washington challenge power in the washington post will hurt you. that's the role. it's what they do to the poor woman who runs a libsoftiktok twitter account. she dared to embarrass the people in charge of the washington post linked to her home address. the other works now they're doinggtok to ron desantis, his press secretary christina pushaw. the post. thinks that ronre desantis might run forsi t president. so naturally they want too get head start in destroying everyone around it. ron desantis and too do that , they've assigned their single creepiest reporter, a guy called paul farheen who for some reason sounds like he's making an obscene phone call every timeal he talks. this show has obtained messagess from this fakie to one of
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christina pushouts friends fergie didn't seem especially interested in her professional life. instead he wanted to w knowkn who she slept with , quote can you tell me anything about christina's life away from work?e what she enjoyed doing? did she h have any family or a friends in georgia? did she havend a spouseefa or significant other the face significant other is quotation marks around it for special emphasis. you can imagine paul you can fae breathing heavily as he typedty it at some point i've got to think people are going to get sick, very sick of viciousus partisanof bullying posing b as news coverage and they're going to fight back against n this kind of and when s they do, they might start to ask questions like what sort of sex life does paul faruqi have exactly? paul authority will whine and complain and call it unfair. butat point nobody is going tohi care because by paul far his standards it's an entirely fair question, isn't it? that's about it for us tonight. >> a public school districtli in philadelphia encourages
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teachers to attend a conference on take something called bdm and quote transects normal school stuff. journalist chris rufo shares his exclusive investigationto tomorrow. that's itt for us tonight. takes heart. people around you, the ones that matter have the best night with the ones you love. o and welcome to hannity. and wety start with this fox nes alert s, the all important republican senate primary race in pennsylvania still too close to call, you can see.f 97% of the vote in . as it stands, dr. oz is about a fifteen hundred vote lead over dave mccormick. now keepmi in mind that the commonwealth of pennsylvania, any race decided by zero point five percent or less automatically triggers a recount. by the way, in the history of pennsylvania, no recount has ever turned around the results of the earlier election. ar we a
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