tv Hannity FOX News May 20, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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modify, or fox news podcast mus subscribe and download. tuning each night at 8:00 p.m. right here for the show that is the sworn enemy of lien and pomposity, and groupthink. have a great weekend. ♪ ♪ >> welcome to this special edition of entity. i'm jason j fits in first timothy. crisis after crisis after crisis , the biden administration is driving this crunchy write off a cliff, but beat begin in the federal courthouse in washington, the washington swam for atopic clinton campaign lawyer is on trial for his role in the russia hooks great he's accused of lying to the fbi
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after using russian disinformation to smear federal agents on behalf of the clinton campaign. in breaking today, he testified that hillary clinton herself improve the smear campaign. but denied any involvement in the efforts to involve the fbi. now even the world's richest ma and his tweeting about the case elon missed tweeted i bet peopl don't know that clinton campaig lawyer using campaign funds created an elaborate hoax about trump and russia. it makes you wonder what else i fake. here now with reaction is fox news legal analyst greg jarrett and someone who was in the courtroom today, thank you so much for being here with us, greg, i want to start with you because oh my goodness, hillary clinton personally signed off o this, personally. hillary clinton herself? >> she personally approved the
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scheme to peddle phony collusio information to that media. it dropped like a bombshell by her own campaign manager. it seems so incredibly foolish for the defense of all people t have called him to the witness stand very to fundamental in trying cases never call a witness to the stand that only helps you a little bit because the downside of hurting you tremendously is quite severe, and sure enough, that's what happened. he helped a little bit, marginally by saying well, we come, the campaign didn't put u assessment going to the fbi to lie to them. what the campaign intended is irrelevant, what is material is what sussman's intent was in th intent has been to instruments traded by the evidence and the testimony, he put his light to the fbi in writing great now he's only left with some rather
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vacuous defenses, he can say well, why was an itsy-bitsy lie meaning it wasn't material as required under the law, that's nonsense because the fbi will say are you kidding, we wouldn' have even had that meeting was sussman had been known to truth pretty could also claim that whips defense, i didn't intend to lie, i just misspoke, it mad a bit of a mistake. that's not going to fly either, and finally, he is going to claim i think that the fbi figured out his lie so if they knew it was a lie, how can that be a genuine lie under the law. that wouldn't normally work in front of a neutral and fair jury , but you know, jason, this is washington, dc. >> it is washington, dc. you were actually in the courtroom, what was the atmosphere like? how did the jury react? what did they happen to the atmosphere there in the
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courtroom when it was revealed that hillary clinton herself approved of this scheme? >> we've all been watching this for days and i plan on being their every single day to make sure i hear every bit of testimony. this was amazing, i never heard so many pens click and immediately start writing, i go reporters asking me for clarification, what did that mean, what did that mean him ar they in trouble. i said he just cut it right to the top and thank you very much for what you did today. made it very clear there was a phone call, she paid fusion gps through her campaign and lawyers , and that she was actually told that there were papers provided that had not been verified, and he said, we have no dns expertise, we just figured that media would take i and do their own venting. remember that media they went t was late, it wasn't the new yor times it wasn't the wall street journal which may be is a littl
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more sophisticated, it was late great on top of that, this was the same time that she was the leading deleting e-mails and having her own problems with he servers, show she and her team have been october surprise and this has been a real big theme by the durham team, and it's exactly what happened. october 31st ironically she retweets they tweet that all my god, cybersecurity crimes, trum has a server with alpha bank, complete live. to get yes, there are a couple of quotes i want to highlight for everybody here. the first when i think is from robbie milk who in his testimon and look at what he said here. he said two or three of the mos damaging days of the campaign were caused by told ming, not trump, and the other one is ver interesting.
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if the election were on tober 27 , i happen to be the chairman of the oversight committee at the time this happened, and the letter was actually addressed t me and some other members of congress and i thought about it i looked at it, i spent about how power of my general counsel looking at that. and, oy, that sent them scrambling because tony stepped in it again and gave us this information and we gave it to the public. >> this is an attempt by robbie moved to inject politics into a case about evidence and the law. to try to unduly influence this pro hillary clinton jury which we discovered during jury selection. and, it is also rather disingenuous because he is trying to suggest that we would have never gone to the fbi with
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the collusion story when in fac he classified documents show that's exactly what they did. moreover, james comey you will recall was hillary clinton's bf on july 5th of 2016. he stood before television cameras and spent about ten or 15 minutes describing how she violated the law with her e-mai server, and then in a complete about-face in the course of ten seconds he said, but no reasonable prosecutor would eve bring such a case, that's his job, he's a law enforcement official, he's not a prosecutor. in the end, the department of justice for an abuse of power i usurping the authority of the attorney general. so this is him trying to turn a case about evidence and the law into pure politics for inequitable. >> i thought comey was wrong.
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for somebody he's not charging, to go ahead forward until all the places he broke the lock, honestly i think that was fundamentally wrong. want to come back to you it comes down to that 12 jurors an so released to sussman. what can you tell us about the atmosphere and how the jurors are reacting to this. how is the prosecutor received? is he the right person with the right message? is it too much about trump? what's going on in the courtroom ? >> the prosecutor is i think doing a fantastic job. the durham team has been very articulate, they went up, they were brief, and they had gotten what they needed at that point. the media in the non- legal entities and the room probably didn't follow it as well, but h was on top of it. what happened with the sussman defense was there have been times we've seen him become defensive, with jim baker, we saw berkowitz become very angry
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and remind baker that didn't yo say, sussman was your friend, didn't you say sussman was your friend, and try in some ways to intimidate him and that was because jim baker said very clearly that michael sussman 10 and in person that he was not there for any planes, and that' really all they need to prove, there's only one count here. the jury is out washington jury. we are not going to know what i going to happen with them until we see what their verdict is, but i think it's becoming very evident what happened was 100 percent wrong, they misled, they obstructed justice in the entire fbi was in on it right and the campaign and the dnc. a gate thank you so much for grainy joining us tonight on hannity, we appreciate it. despite the mountain of evidenc against sussman, prosecutors face an uphill battle in part
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because of the clinton donors i the jury pool. here now with more is george washington law professor jonathan turley great thank you so much for joining us professor , you have written about this, i really appreciate your comments on this, but what is it, three of the jurors are actually clinton donors? why are they sitting in the jur pool? >> it's a bizarre twist, but when we gary guarantee you jury of your peers, we don't meet if you are a clinton person you will be tried by other clinton people. you feel like john durham might take away the lessons that that is the case in dc. 90 percent of people voted for hillary clinton in dc. so the jury pool is going to be naturally heavily weighted in that direction pride there's a difference between a supporter in a donor.
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we have three people that indicated they are clinton donors. we also have another person who said that she is a donor to aoc and had to be sort of probed an prodded i should say to say tha she was going to be actually impartial. these people very well could be impartial and fair. certainly clinton's porters can be fair and impartial jurors. it when you have donors on the juries it wheezes world role concerns. there is also a juror whose daughter plays on a team with sussman's daughter, and the judge said i'm going to let tha go through as well. for john durham, i think the impression that short of having chelsea clinton on the jury, i couldn't be doing much worse in terms of a jury pool.
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having said all of that, i don' mean to suggest that these jurors are going to be biased, they very well could be impartial, jurors think take things very seriously. what's clear is the evidence against sussman's overwhelming, i mean sussman's text to baker states very clearly i am not representing any client and the prosecutors have said he was, and he was building that time t the clinton campaign. but now that we have this bombshell of him saying that hillary clinton personally greenlighted this effort, these juror connections become more o a concern. they certainly become more magnified because one of the jurors was told by a defense attorney, don't worry, lori clinton and donald trump are no on trial here bright and the jury said okay, then i really
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think i can be impartial. as of friday, hillary clinton was very much part of the testimony. you've also commented about the difference between the way general flynn was dealt with an the way that this prosecution i going great explained to us the difference between the two because the judge is making ver different rulings. >> as you recall, we had a perfectly bizarre situation wit lynn. judge emmet sullivan in one hearing accused him basically treason using the flag and the courtroom is a prop and, sullivan seemed to remove any obstacle from the path of prosecutors. judge cooper has really been tough on the prosecution. he has narrowed the scope of evidence and of questioning. he has made a number of rulings
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that the prosecutors have very much objected to, and it sort o like an obstacle course for joh durham in that sense. he has got a tough jury in a very tough judge. this is in the same courtroom, the same courthouse i should sa in dc. i think people look at those tw trials and they say this is a really striking and very fairly glaring difference, but it's th same charge about lying to federal investigators, but you couldn't have a greater difference in terms of the optics in in terms of these orders. >> when you look at this, and you are analyzing, the jury pool , it's in washington, d.c., do prosecutors make the mistake of over complicating it because it's a simple one charge case your. >> that is true, although it is fascinating to see what happens in the courtroom because the
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defense had one in narrowing th case. cooper give them critical rulings and told durham he couldn't bring in the broader context of the clinton campaign and also the specific data that was generated. to leave when those fights and then they decided to put him on the stand. he became johnny the human torc on the stand. all of us have had bad experiences in court, but if yo were compared to that, hillary clinton, there is a general rul in washington that thou shall not name hillary clinton in an scandal if you're a democrat. this thing really violated that commandment in dc. keep in mind, the researchers who put together this material said that they didn't think it would stand up to scrutiny.
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and then hillary was told we don't have anything clear here. and she greenlighted it pride they gave it to sleep. and slate ran with that part than we see this familiar pattern card they get friendly media to run it, and then they responded that they had nothing to do with it. so they then have jake sullivan and hillary clinton tweeting out , look at what slate just reported. under the same time you have associates pushing these claims and the fbi. it is the same pattern for both the steel dossier in the alpha alpha bank scandal. >> and you know what, slate comes up with it and they all reported and regurgitate it, suddenly you have a campaign attorney in a federal courthous charged with a crime, and he's talking about hillary clinton and the media are absolutely
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>> tonight we turn to the hunte biden saga where there is even more bad news for the biden family. in there in the various foreign dealings. even nbc news is now coming to the party and covering the families shady international pa for play scheme. watch the spirit can give the president's son and his company brought in about $11 million
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between 2013 and 2018 including some years in which his father was vice president working as a attorney board member to a ukrainian gas company accused o bribing a prosecutor and for a joint venture involving a chinese businessman accused of fraud. the copy of bidens ipods as well as documents released by a senate committee. >> of course it was the same nb news in the same far left news outlets that falsely claimed that the hunter biden laptop wa russian disinformation. all to cover for joe biden ahea of the 2020 election. the hunter laptop scandal is also a media scandal. big tech left-wing journalists and all their allies in between colluded to censor the story. all to protect, you get it, emm kratz. here now with reaction to both the story in the michael sussma trial, fox news contributor joe concha and fox and friends
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weekend cohost in personal favorite rachel campos duffy. thank you for joining us tonigh on duffy. joe, rachel is my favorite, but i'm going to you first joe because you covered this. you understand this, we have tw things going on here. it's not even close, don't type tried to dispute the judge's findings. but joe, telus. i mean nbc news, ear year in a half late? come on. >> to quote the great john mc cain, welcome to the party. they are joining the party a little bit over 20 months after the near post and there report on the story got left out of those in the media. social media stop blocking people out of their accounts fo sharing it. jonathan turley said it earlier he said that this is the most
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successful disinformation campaign in american political history. we are talking about the sussma trial, but when you go back to hunter biden and you consider that a presidency was hijacked for the better part of three years by an elaborate lie pushe by the clinton campaign and bought hook, line, and sinker b the fbi and intelligence agencies because they wanted to believe it. by the way, robbie mook is perhaps either the most arrogan or stupid person and american politics by openly admitting under oath that they leaked thi story to the press around sussman and kim it's genius, what a gift to john durham, the only question now is what does hillary clinton know and when did you she know what. >> you see, robbie mook saying that she greenlighted it. rachel, we have the sussman trial going on. and i tell you, you can go to the websites of some of the others out there, msnbc, cnn an
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whatever, there is not a peep about a trial. this is a criminal trial about hillary clinton's attorney, and you have the campaign manager saying hillary clinton personally signed off on it and it didn't even register a story about it. >> it's so typical of the media. look at what happened with the hunter biden laptop it's finall catching up right what's catching up to them, because they don't want to tell the story about hunter biden just like they didn't want to tell it's a year in a half ago, why are they doing it? let me give you an example of the hispanic numbers have cratered, they can't ignore it anymore in the hunter biden's story is as story with hispanics . hispanics also know what shamelessly corrupt government looks like, that's why they lef those countries. the story of hunter biden is so corrupt, it's so grotesque, it' so disgusting, they recognize i
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right away. the biden family are the castro family, they are just like that they are the fidel castro's of american politics, and hispanic are looking at this economy and looking at this third world banana republic of corruption i their saying i don't like this. this is the same kind of dysfunction i saw and the country i left. so the media can't ignore this anymore. and, back to hillary really quick. i think the american people absolutely want to see how far this goes up the food chain. this net ought to ensnare her, and you're right, with this robbie mook admission on the stand, it's going to change the game and may force the media to do what they don't want to do which is to talk about the story . >> joker met let's go back to the sussman trial, i mean this is a federal trial, federal charges, a criminal trial, what
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excuse could the media possibly have there's not enough space o the internet? what excuse do they have for no running the story? to get there is finite space on the internet so you can't say well we ran out of time or spac and the newspaper, so that's an excellent point. look at, you would think that this would be a big story considering how big it is getting given the admission and now saying that hillary clinton absolutely signed off on this, she knew about it, but again, i think this is what proves why the american press is so distrusted, when you think abou back in 1976, after watergate, three quarters of the country actually trusted the press, those were the days of cronkite and mike and so far, and it's a all time will because we have journalist that to become activists, it's shifted completely and as a result, the admission is now rearing its ugly head, it is an insidious
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kind of biased because now you're not reporting what peopl should hear, and as you said, o those other cable news network' and on the national news networks, this is barely being mentioned because they just hop it goes away and if it hurt if it's a washington jury, it may be somehow sussman does get off despite overwhelming evidence h shouldn't. it's a shame and it's why so many people are angry about the swamp and the way it operates because people keep doing bad things and they keep getting rewarded for it like james come who got up miniseries after he was fired from the fbi. that once head of the nbc cia i on nbc. that is the way it goes great t get do bad things come in get rewarded. if you're sussman, you probably get off because that's the way the swamp works. to get this jury pool with thre clinton donors and one of the jurist, third daughter plays on
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the same team as the person who is on trial and somehow the judge allowed that to move forward? that is unbelievable to me. rachel come at last comments on both the hunter biden and the sussman trial in the total lack of coverage going on from the other media besides fox news in could get the hunter biden stor out to give us hope that even though it took a long time, little by little the truth come out. some of us republicans were really frustrated with how slow this process has been, but it looks like he was being doing diligent good work, so maybe when the verdict comes outcome it may be that is when they wil actually start to coverage and they won't be able to ignore it. all of us that have a platform should keep pounding this because this story is important it speaks to our institution an this is again, more third world politics stuff. the sussman stuff in the biden
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family corruption. we don't need that in america, we need to get america back again and we need to clean up the system so people can have faith in our institutions again. >> the rule of law, lady lady justice with the blindfold. it does feel like that blindfol may take a little peek over and see if it's a biden or clinton involved in it and whether they're going to coverage is a new start story. thank you both for joining us tonight. president biden's approval rating is in freefall. we will tell you why right afte the break. stay with us. [upbeat music playing] ♪♪ welcome to home sweet weathertech home. a place where dirt stays outside.
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rise, stock tank, the border is still a mess, along with so muc more. voters, they are taking notice. a new poll from the associated press brings that biden's approval crashed 239 percent, the lowest point since he took office. the biden agenda in as failing on every single front. as everyday americans continue to suffer. wage gains are being eaten up b inflation, 4o1 kays our taking hit, and the biden team continues to deflect blame rather than offer real solution to all these crises. ask yourself is there one thing biden has done to improve the lives of americans? one thing he's done to actually improve the country? it's been one massive disaster after another. here for reaction, leo terrel and timmy bruce, thank you both for joining us tonight on hannity. tammy, i want to go to you firs because i have to tell you, i seriously, i can't find a singl
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issue where the democrats can claim victory and say yes, we really did it. we really did that. >> if your goal is to demolish the united states, you're havin a party right now. this champagne is out and everybody is happy. the fact is, it's bad enough if it was just static, if they didn't do anything, like if nothing changed, if we weren't getting better, but this has been the opposite. it's been on every single issue even a broken clock is right twice a day. in order to be this wrong all the time, it has to be deliberate. you would think leadership always talks about, and i have this, everybody makes mistakes, some people don't get things right all the time, none of us do. leadership knows that's what yo learn from, you say okay, that didn't work let's do this, let' change that, and the biden administration is not intereste in that because it seems like
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they have a different agenda. the interesting thing about the poses and i think this is what they're doing is because they s underestimate the american people and have such contempt for them is that the 33 percent only 33 percent of democrats, three out of every ten democrat think the country is on the right track. that is down, from 49 percent, just last month. so i don't know what they thought about the row versus wade controversy in the draft leak and the riots, and no gas, dealing with iran, and spending sending billions to ukraine, an the baby food situation. he took action after months saying that he could do nothing. and suddenly there is the defense production act and the flying the formula in, so peopl are saying wait a minute, you could have done that last year, why didn't you? that's what the american people have noticed, it seems to be deliberate, we don't appreciate
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it and we're going to make that feeling known in november. >> i heard dana talk about this where she talked about the firs label you could get as an administration is that of incompetence, and that is what it seems like. ultimately it is about policy, the implementation of policy, and there will be legitimate policy differences. i can't even make sense of what they're talking about over at the biden administration. >> and you never will because there's a total disconnect between the biden administratio in the american people. let's be very honest, joe biden is a lousy ineffective president . look at the street in the democratic city, look at our southern borders, americans can't afford to live under the biden administration. look at the inflation rate, loo at the gas price, look at the feud shortage, and america will never forget the afghanistan
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fiasco. it was a disaster. 13 u.s. service members lost their lives on the first day jo biden was in office he lied to the american people. he said he was going to unify this country and he has polarized this country. jim crow, the race card is bein played every single day in the american public would never forgive the democratic party an they're going to take it out of them in november because joe biden really, he doesn't understand the damage he has done to this great country. >> to make him a policy is one issue, another polyp of it is the communications. you have very feeble joe biden, usb when harris that puts out puts it just mystify people and their ability to communicate a message and still instill confidence in the american people let alone the world is just totally absent. >> it is, and it is because of
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that communication and you have people in business they can hav its, but you have it when you believe in what you are saying. when you own the nature of what it is you are proposing. you don't need the cards, you don't need the script, you don' fumble over what you really meant, if you are trying to obscure, if you're trying to gaslight, then you use techniques like gas lighting, which is effectively trying to fool people into believing something is true that isn't. and that takes a different kind of communication. when we talk about the nature o what the american people are used to, and we talk a lot abou donald trump and so do the democrats, what he showed us is what real commitment what it
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looks like and feels like and what the communication is. you might not of liked everything he said, but just like all of us, when you believ in what you're doing, when you have a passion for making a difference, you can seek instan bristly for a rally with 50,000 people and convey those ideas. that is what americans want. we want clarity in the only way to get clarity is when you've got people who believe in what they're doing and when it's not a charade. >> it is confidence in a full knowledge of everything that is happening. last word to you, leo? >> i was going to say this, i a confident to say the following. kamala harris is incompetent to be vice president, joe biden is totally incompetent and i will tell you right now they have tricked the american public for a year in a half, they realize they have destroyed this countr and i'll tell you right now they're going to take this type of negative adverse approach to the american nation until november when the american people are going to tell them w reject everything you have done to harm this country. i cannot wait until november. >> all of those congressional
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races, house and senate i think are going to be taking it out o them in november. thank you again for joining us tonight. coming up, a federal judge has ruled that title 42 must remain in place. how could this impact the borde crisis? after the break we will get mor details and we will speak to cyril carter and tom homan. stay with us. the lines you cast and hooks you set. these moments you share with the people you love. the fish you never forget, and the tales that get taller with every retelling. make memories that'll last a lifetime with bass pro shops and cabela's. your adventure starts here.
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the choice for attorney general is clear. democrat rob bonta has a passion for justice and standing up for our rights. bonta is laser focused on protecting the right to vote and defending obamacare. but what's republican eric early's passion? early wants to bring trump-style investigations on election fraud to california, and early says he'll end obamacare and guard against the growing socialist communist threat. eric early. too extreme, too conservative for california.
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i'm dan o'dowd and i approved this message. too conservative tesla's full self- driving technology. the washington post reported on "owners of teslas fighting for control..." "i'm trying..." watch this tesla "slam into a bike lane bollard..." "oh [bleeped f***]" this one "fails to stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk." "experts see deep flaws." "that was the worst thing i've ever seen in my life." to stop tesla's full self-driving software... vote dan o'dowd for u.s. senate. >> this is a fox news alerts, a federal judge has just upheld title 42, that is the centers centers for disease control ordered to give the federal government the power to prevent illegal immigrants from enterin the country because of covid. >> jason, in a nutshell the
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federal ruling means the status quo is just going to stay in place here at the southern border. title 42 has been in place throughout this historic massiv border numbers greatly could this video we shot earlier this morning here in eagle pass. yet another massive single grou cross illegally, 167 in total, mostly single adults, border patrol saying they had more tha 1800 illegal crossings and just a 24 hour span rightly get this video last night, what we were with texas dps they tried to pull over a human smuggler out of a sudden illegal immigrants bail out and try to run off int the russian order to evade herd of men were being smuggled in the bed of the pickup truck and decided it wasn't worth it to run, the female driver, a woman from florida also didn't run, she was adjusted. back out here, the question now becomes with the title 42 ruling , what is going to happen with all the migrants in those mexican border cities that have
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been waiting from may 23rd when they thought title 42 would dro right are they going back home or going to say we'll give it a shot and cross anyways? we will send it back to you. >> bill, thank you. while title 42 stays in place for now, the justice department has announced its plans to appeal the ruling and states along our southern border are preparing for the worst, in texas, the governor says that his state has already sent 10,000 national guard troops to the southern border, which he i expecting over 2.4 million people to cross every year, tha is more people than the city of houston. biden's own department of homeland security also knows th border will get swamped with ne arrivals. whatever title 42 ends, and they're trying to keep up, reporting lee, pushing biden to ask congress for special fundin for up to $2 billion to deal with it all.
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our now with the reaction our two people who know an awful lo about this sarah carter, who ha extensively covered the border and the former acting director of immigration in customs enforcement. sarah, i want to go to you first , you been on the border a lot and covering this extensively. talk to a lot of border agents out there we have a lot of people crossing the border even with title 42 still in place i can't imagine if title 42 goes away what this onslaught will b like. >> i think the federal judge wh blocked the biden administration 's ability to rescind title 42 understand that . looking at not just the border and it was an argument made by attorney general you know from arizona, you said look, every community in america is a borde community. it's like the biden administration is trying to double down on chaos in they're doing it through the cdc.
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think of the hypocrisy that by demonstration believes the american people are stupid i guess because the cdc is tellin everyone to get tested now they just made an announcement that they want everybody to get tested for covid before they ge on a flight but they're going t open the border wide open to everyone and say there's not a problem with covid at the border ? it makes no sense at all and there is absolutely concern, dh has made the announcement that over 18,000 people are expected daily if title 40 to is rescinded. we are seeing those numbers in droves, i think the report was excellent, but i think what we are going to see is all those people in mexico are going to b flooding to come across the board are. i know he has talked about this in the past and i was sure i'm sure that that is going to be the case and the upcoming day. enforcing the border and removing these people that are here illegally.
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this is absolutely disgusting where it's going on. the biden administration is doing illegal people into this country that they possibly can. >> every day i'm angry with thi administration, the president, the price secretary their job i to defend this country, protect our border, protect our sovereignty, none of them are doing the job they are supposed to be doing. you can't have national securit without border security. you're right, we have had to federal judges, we had to sue them for that, had defiled that lawsuit in another federal judg said no, you can't stop title 4 so this administration when a federal judge ordered them to d this in order to secure the border, they appealed it. the secretary of homeland
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security purposely feels a decision to secure the border? because of the policy, because of what this bunch of people have done, they take the most secure border we've ever had al the work we did in the trump administration and purposely unsecured it. which resulted and more migrant tests under joe biden than any year of my career. 112,000 americans dying from overdose test, from a drug coming across the board or because the border patrol are changing diapers and making bor baby formula rather than doing their job. more women are being trafficked more children are being trafficked. more assaults are occurring against women. this administration is a joke. i met with a bunch of republica congressman the other day and i told them, the first day you take the house back in the senate, you need to impeach him mallorca is coming and if you don't, i'm done with them too.
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we need to stand up. i have one more point, 700,000 got away since joe biden became president. we don't know who they are, but we know they come from 161 countries. we know they arrested 42 people on terrorist watch list fraid s how many of the 700,000 came to this country to blow something up or to attack this nation? he had one he would tell the white house i can no longer support open borders it puts this country at great list. at one point the american stand up and say this is enough. >> i totally agree. sarah, i mean thank goodness be when harris is on top of it is the borders are per joe biden i this hulk of little political career has never visited the southern border. you can't make it to the southern border. >> jason, i have to tell you, tom is 100 percent right, you
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can hear the passion in his voice, it's the same passion yo hear from border patrol agents, from immigration and, and peopl and the dhs that our saying look , we can't even do our jobs anymore. our hands are tied behind our backs. people are coming into this country that have not been vetted. our job is to protect this nation in our national i'm on the border and i see the suffering of the people being trafficked by the drug cartels and by the human traffickers. i see the suffering of american families whose children have died because they have taken counterfeit bills that have com across the border that looked exactly like pills prescribed b doctors and pharmacies here tha our nothing but pure fennel, an they are killing the american people, and remember, it's not just about the mexican drug cartels, this is about our enem states, this is about countries like china, russia, north korea
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iran and others taking advantag of that border. i think it's a serious problem, i agree with john, it appears that the biden administration actually wants this. this as part of their policy, it's not a failed policy, it's successful policy on the part o the biden administration. >> sarah carter, tom, thank you for your service to our country and immigration in customs enforcement. we do appreciate it. more of their special edition o hannity coming back right after this break.
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plug for my podcast, jason in the house, go to fox news podcast or wherever you listen to podcast type in jason in the house. hopefully you enjoyed the interviews, had have a wonderfu weekend. remember, you live in the unite states the greatest country on the face of the planet, enjoy your weekend. ♪ >> laura: this is a special edition of laura ingraham from washington tonight. if it's friday you know i'm going to ask the question how low can he go? as in biden and those polls tha measure his job performance new poll has the approval at 39 percent, the lowest of his presidency. among democrats his approval is at just 73 percent when through all of 2021 it never drop below
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