tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News May 20, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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the house, go to fox news podcast or wherever you listen to podcast type in jason in the house. hopefully you enjoyed the interviews, had have a wonderfu weekend. remember, you live in the unite states the greatest country on the face of the planet, enjoy your weekend. ♪ >> laura: this is a special edition of laura ingraham from washington tonight. if it's friday you know i'm going to ask the question how low can he go? as in biden and those polls tha measure his job performance new poll has the approval at 39 percent, the lowest of his presidency. among democrats his approval is at just 73 percent when through all of 2021 it never drop below
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82. among hispanics in a new quinnipiac full, he is at 26. a key take away from the ap piece is that only to in ten americans say our country is on the right track. who are the two? was most striking is that some of the competent from americans about biden's performance are stunning. one saying i don't know how muc worse it can get. he hasn't delivered on any of the promises. his policies are destroying the economy. now one of the more charitable ones was i think he's tired. of course, all of these remarks are on point, americans are not stupid. they see what's happening to th family budget, they feel it. they know how bad the crime is. they seafood and bus tickets given to the illegals as they debate themselves even having a family vacation this summer. the overwhelming majority of
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americans see an economic recession just around the corner . finally, we wondered when this would start happening, the boosters are even seeing the writing on the wall. >> i am more pessimist i think the economy is going to perform. i think inflation will force th fed to raise interest rates to five or 6 percent, it may be higher. the road ahead does not look great. there is little to be optimisti about, inflation, immigration and now infant formula, pocketbook issues have been abstract for a long time, now suddenly they are very real. >> yes, things are so bad that even trump hating liberals can' ignore the situation any longer. naturally, things aren't any better on the foreign policy front either. remember one of his favorite lines about his conversations with foreign leaders to get the message i want the world to hea
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today, america is back. america is back. diplomacy is back. at the center of our foreign policy. >> he's an asian on the first trip and i don't think any of the world leaders he's meeting with our very impressed. in america's global influence and power after all comes from her strength, both economic and military. and both are now badly compromised because of the policies and decisions made by depth biden and the democrats. after a botched withdrawal, a disgusting withdrawal in afghanistan, now a prolonged proxy war and the ukraine, that our allies and our adversaries see america adrift and can you blame them? how does anyone expect our enemies to fear us if so many o our own elites seem embarrassed by our history, disdainful of
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our founding and disgusted by our traditions. biden's white house has made that the disgust for america clear. >> we know we have work to do a home. that includes addressing profound inequities,. >> racism israel in america. it has always been. >> racism,. >> you can only rule over a country that you low threat. >> if the biden puppeteers are pulling strings right now putting the words on the teleprompter, if they really loved american, i mean really loved it, it wouldn't be doing any of their spirit they wouldn't have waved off larry summers on the inflation issue year ago. they wouldn't have put us deepe in debt with covid and stupid build back better spending. they certainly wouldn't have killed our energy independence. and they wouldn't be turning american against it american on race. they wouldn't have let our
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borders go to the cartels carried they wouldn't have set in motion the policies that our causing so much pain and suffering to those who deserve it least. join me now is ari fleischer, fox news contributor anton duff former wisconsin congressman an fox news contributor. ocasio-cortez, we keep talking about this and it seems like every time they come on it's another how low can they go question. but commit that 39 percent approval that he has now come a the 6 percent among the tino voters, where is this all headed ? >> where it's always headed in democracy and that means to the people to election day and that's how it should work. there are three devastating numbers for joe biden, one is the fact that it's 2022 a a presidential midterm election, history says throw the bums out that's what happens to both parties, to the 39 percent job approval people don't like the
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president and three, the wrong track, people think america is in bad shape. all of this, the whole litany o what you just walked through, adds up to a democracy that breeze, and the way we breathe as we go to the polls and the democrats our in for a massive massive historically large repudiation of their policies, it is going to stretch so far and deep into safe democratic seats that washington state, where patty murray is likely going to lose to tiffany smiley if these trends continue. the history shows there is always comment or two. >> i also remember, this idea that biden was going to end covid. remember, we are going to defea the virus. now we have this new covid coordinator at the white house who was on cnn this morning. more goal shifting. >> people that infections don't
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matter, only hospitalizations, think that is one of the reason they are wrong right when you have a lot of infections you're going to have disruption, peopl out of work, people out of school, we don't want high levels of infection circulating in our community. >> your reaction? >> the question is why are they talking about that now, you mentioned the polls and it's a dumpster fire for joe biden and the ministration, but they go back to covid because they actually aren't as bad with the american people when they handled covid. the american people are really forgiving if you make a mistake as a politician and he repent, you change your ways, they will forgive you for it, but joe biden has stacked his white house with so many left-wing believers, attack oil and gas, you know, let's reimagine law enforcement, he stacked it so much he has no one to help mj's course. how do we get on the new path and by the way this isn't complicated stuff. supporting law enforcement isn'
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complicated. getting our oil and gas companies to drill again isn't complicated. >> we are going to be back to the misery or shared sacrifice would just ain't shared scarcit when we talk about baby food an many other things. biden secretary of the interior doesn't get a lot of late in th media, but there was an exchang yesterday that i think is starting to gain traction. >> do you believe that gas prices are too high? >> senator, i completely understand the crunch that so many americans are under right now americans are still recovering from this terrible pandemic and there are a lot of other events that are making things difficult. >> so it's on like you are unwilling to say that gas price are too high. >> we are doing all we can, senator. >> that's is a lie, they are no doing all they can. there doing things that make ga
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prices higher, but to this point , ted cruz said earlier this week that this is their policy. high gas prices is what they wanted for decades, they hated our low gas prices. >> and here is why, it's simple. if you want wind in solar to replace oil and gas, wind in solar cannot compete with oil and gas. its economically impossible. it's the empty sides of economics. i'm all for wind in solar. you can only squeeze the apple so much to get enough juice. there is just not that much in wind in solar to generate. so, the democrats need high gas prices and the problem is, they see the results on middle-class low income consumers and that's why they are driving them into
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the republican party, the democrats our in a squeeze of their own making, but that's wh they can't acknowledge that the need gas prices to be high. >> if it's friday, it also mean it's time for another development in the hillary clinton russia collusion story. robbie mook testified that hillary did sign off on part of this plan to link a trumpet wit the russian bank and the dissemination of the material, she signed off on this. kk so her campaign manager admitted what we all knew which was that hillary clinton was behind the collusion hoax that was fed to the fbi and the medi and we spent two years and billions of dollars investigating this bogus story. i thought it was interesting that it was confirmed on the stand under oath that hillary clinton was brought up to speed on this and gave the green ligh to move forward, which again, what sad about that, is donald
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trump lost, he was fighting the media and these attacks as opposed to leading the country and trying to make us great again and he still did a wonderful job. i remember i would be in the corner cowering at all the incoming attacks and i give donald trump credit that he stood up and punched back and fought back it's markable because most men and women wouldn't be able to do that. donald trump did. >> we will keep on it. have a great weekend, good to see you. >> thank you. >> this week dhs revealed in april, more than 234,000 migrants we're encountered at the us-mexico border, that is the highest in agency history. today we learned they are alert running out of funding to deal with a great dhs will need up t $2 billion more to handle the influx, we are in eagle pass in texas where he encountered a group of 167 migrants crossing illegally earlier today. bill, i saw your report yesterday in this really
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dangerous dry hot national park big bend, and this is even worse , i can't believe it. >> that's executive right, the numbers here are just shooting through the roof. to give you an idea of border patrol they have more than 1800 illegal crossings and just 24 hours, those are some huge numbers for the sector. we want to show you what that looks like. you mentioned this group off th top, a single group of 167 they crossed into eagle pass this morning at around 8:00 a.m. mostly all single adults, not really those family units we were seeing last summer for a. typically these have been mostl cubans, venezuelans, colombians and peruvians. the eagle pass area has been getting hammered by these big group spread we saw six or seve of them last year alone. you see a video of that same group from the ground perspective, the sector just since october 1st is had more
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than a quarter million illegal crossings, those numbers are up about 150 percent that has been with title 40 to in place. i also want to show you this video. this was last night where we were embedded with texas dps, all of a sudden illegal immigrant start bailing out of the vehicle and running off in an effort to avoid, the driver stayed behind as did some of th men who were hiding in the bed of that pickup truck. you will see that camera get right up on them. they decided it wasn't worth it to run, but this is something b constantly done here at the border. that driver was a woman from florida, u.s. citizen. we have seen u.s. citizens heavily recruited. since they lost operation lone star lester, they have been involved and more than 2,000 of these pursuits. >> this is shocking. thank you for your reporting is always.
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onto another subject, the nba relationship with china. remember, it's been the subject of intense controversy over the last few years. after one of the league's top owners was after tweeted in support of. and then lebron james piped in , and new report from espn revealed just how much the owners have a stake in china. 40 principal owners of teams have $10 billion in chinese investments. first to miami heat owner, he has more than $375 million tied up in china through his team an his business carnival corporation, the world's larges cruise operator. then sacramento kings co-owner, total china exposure is about $140 million, more than 30 percent of his net worth, mostly due to his investments i qualcomm. memphis grizzlies owner exposur
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in china is about $369 million through his company ubiquity, that's a wireless equipment manufacturer whose operations are based primarily in southern china. houston rockets owner is the president in ceo of landry whic operates ten restaurants in china, they in annual sales. his estimated total exposure to china is over $160 million in the biggest name of them all is charlotte homeowner owner michael jordan who donated $100 million to show justice efforts here in the united states. he has an estimated $85 million wrapped up in china. could that be part of the reaso there hasn't been he hasn't criticized china as he criticized the united states. former center for the boston celtics and human rights
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activist freight thank you for joining us, on the first day which is my son's birthday today , he's only 12 years old. happy birthday. where is the outrage over this? >> thank you for having me come and thank you so much for the shout out for my birthday. you know, the first time i read about this article i was not shocked at all. i had been telling trying to expose these people from day one . it is just unbelievable how the world and especially people in america, some of the people in america they did not wake up to this hypocrisy. 40 nba owners are tied up aroun $10 billion with the chinese government and now people finally understand why they are talking about all the social justice problems happening everywhere, but when it comes t trying that they are scared to
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death. >> it seems like greed overwhelms basic issues of righ and wrong once again. >> people misunderstand, and it is just so hard because obviously i played in the leagu for 11 years and i was seeing the hypocrisy firsthand and, it doesn't matter, human rights violations have been, all aroun the world we had to call them out like it is. and you know, moral matters until money, so that is the one thing that was breaking my heart , all of these owners, they are making profit off of slave labor. we have to call them out becaus they love to sit down and give us all the social justice talk to us, but in reality, they are
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scared, they are only talking about the teams that happen in america, but when it talks to the things that they talk about their money or pockets, they ar going to stay solid and we have to stay with them. >> another tidbit from that report from espn, the brooklyn nets owner, he was born in hong kong, and obviously strong ties to china he donates hundreds of millions of dollars to camp at racism in united in the united states, but in china of course his company partners with other companies that are blacklisted by the u.s. government for supporting a campaign of suppression, mass arbitrary defendant and high-tech surveillance through racial profiling, i think that's facia profiling, and your reaction to that. just that issue? >> exactly. he is probably the worst of the
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all. i think he is the pretty much working for the ccp and i did hear a lot of stories about him and how much he loves to the social justice work, where only in america, but when it comes t china, just because of his mone that is involved, he is scared of that that, and he can say a word to pray to shame on him, i would just say it like it is. shame on him. i just wish, just please send m one more player to just stand b me so we can just expose this whole truth and show the whole world what is really going on. >> thank you so much, happy birthday. >> disturbing details about wha some pre-k-3rd grade students are now being forced to learn i maryland. we expose it all next.
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>> after years of shutdown, masks, critical race theory, it's no surprise that people ar fed up and they are flat out leaving. the new york times seems to be just noticing this trend writing , with plunging enrollment, chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher i in our west coast newsroom with all the details. tray trace. these are numbers even teachers unions are having trouble
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spending because there is no bright side. let's start with the big number showing that since 2020 public schools across america are down 1.2 million students, remember, school funding is tied to enrollment so public schools ar simultaneously losing students and hemorrhaging money. for midsize cities like denver, albuquerque and oakland, where funding isn't as robust, the cuts are combining classrooms, laying off teachers, and shutting down schools altogether . that the bigger cities is where the numbers are stunning. new york city, the nation's largest school district lost some 50,000 students in the pas two years. get this, in lucy angela's unified the nation's second-largest district, enrollment is expected to plummet by 30 percent over the next decade. even orange county california where parents have fought for years to get their kids into th public schools, is seeing a significant drop. there are no major studies yet
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showing an exact cause for the drop in number of public student , but experts say there is one prevalent common denominator. it appears to be the covid school closures, even lifelong public-school people are moving their kids to private and catholic schools. >> we are big believers and public education. i certainly thought public education would be the way that i would be sending our kids. >> instead, they are going catholic. for the record, the national catholic association says that catholic schools are up 62,000 students. the first increase in 20 years. the fastest increase in 50 years . it's a waitlist that private schools were shorter, public school enrollment would be even lower. >> with liberal republican larr hogan, instead of someone like rhonda santos, the education
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establishment in the state is intent on talking to students a young as pre-k about gender. new instructs teachers to examine the impact of gender expression and gender identity on members of marginalized communities and race, culture, gender for members of those communities, but also is advise teaching kindergartners how to recognize a range of people raise that people espresso gender and identity. if you're a parent of a student from and you think you can opt out, there is no opt out. that's not the only state it's happening in, illinois, teachin preschoolers about actual orientation. they don't worry about being transgender until kindergarten. and in first grade they introduce new pronouns in socia justice standards freight joining us our two parents on the front lines protecting our kids and advancing real excellence in education.
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senior contributor at the federalist, and senior advisor for america first legal. why is this in the public schoo system? can get this is what they're thinking about, a little unicor an innocent unicorn, but our unicorn is no longer the unicor they are teaching in schools. this is what they are teaching. >> i love the gender unicorn. she has a prop that our camera is going to try to zoom in on. turn it around, keep it right there. get these other questions. what is your gender identity fo a preschooler and a kindergartner? are you on the scale from female , woman, girl, men, boy, and other in what is your gende expression, you physical attraction, and then your emotional attraction. these are words that kids can't even understand, but in fact
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from california through massachusetts, this is what's happening. they're not only going after ou kids minds, but their body sprays. >> given everything that you advance in northern virginia, loudoun county, we saw the explosion of the controversy there, what is next for parents in these fights because they ar doubling down on the left. >> i think it's interesting tha we have seen a lot on the gende issue, and parents have a 14 amendment liberty right to be the primary decision-makers for the health, welfare for the education of the children. education systems are saying yo don't get to enlist the child gives us permission to tell you. here in maryland, if you're up until third grade, you can opt out but after fourth grade you can. that's an equal protection issu right there. what is the compelling government interest? their interest as we need to ge to them when they are young before they have fully develope
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brains. >> fairfax county public schools , now are considering a new rule, suspending students for malicious mission during. so suspending students, and apparently it has a suspension of up to five days. if frequency and intensity are present. >> this is their new changes in their new policy, and in it, they put in this punishment for malicious mission during. just unbelievable, a child has childhood to discover, to learn not this kind of punishment tha basically is policing. to get meanwhile, they are lowering academic standards at the same time. so they have that malicious' gender ring rulemaking, and the a lowering of academic standard lowering the bar for everyone.
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>> these are the two competing bad influences on our kids. get not just lowering academic standards, but all across the country their saying we need to close the discipline gaps, all these things that were not goin to spend kids for being disruptive in class, we're not going to suspend kids for thing they'd normally be suspended for , but if you miss gender someone, now are going to start the pipeline on that one. >> that is more indoctrination and propaganda. for seventh graders, if people think i'm exaggerating here, th sexual health section of this new educational framework for the curriculum says identifies many different sexual practices with possible outcomes of each. again, i'm not going to read al the sexual practices, people ar pretty familiar with those, but
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this is bizarre and it's borderline abusive. can get the term grooming has become part of our vocabulary. figure what does grooming mean? >> grooming has been i looked i up today and it is the act of having inappropriate sexual conversations with children for preparing them for actual acts. this is unacceptable and unethical. >> it is shattering the innocence of children. >> all these books our broad, let's talk about it which it tells kids to actually go onlin and find like-minded people wit the same fetishes they have got red. >> what rate is that for? >> 7-12 graders. it's unbelievable. >> in the public school system. >> it is in the public school system. >> we can't even show it on tv. >> so much of these books, a parent tries to read excerpts a a school board meeting and a parent is shut down for trying an absolutely incensed reaction among attendees at this school board meeting, but the kids can
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like renewable natural gas from cow waste, hydrogen-fueled transportation, and carbon capture. we may not know just what lies ahead, but it's only human... to search for it. welcome to fox news wife, the justice department will appeal decision from a federal judge that blocks the biden administration from ending titl 42. a judge from the western district of louisiana granted a preliminary injunction preventing the biden administration from ending the immigration order put in place to lessen this breadth of copin 19. the cdc has determined the use of title 40 to is no longer necessary due to. killing one person and injuring more than 40 other sprayed vide shows a dark ominous funnel cloud close to the small town a
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nervous drivers tried to stay out of the way. authority say multiple homes ar damaged, cars are overturned, uprooted trees and power lines there are now blocking roads. now back to "the ingraham angle." for all of your headlines log o to ♪ >> laura: it is friday and that means it is time for frida follies. to that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. raymond, some big names were bounced off of streaming services this week. >> a few others made the cut. hulu passed on hillary clinton alternative history. they were attached, but hulu probably asked how much hillary can the public really take grea edie falco just played her on cable, and back in march of 2020 , hulu aired a documentary called hillary featuring hillary
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, but this time hulu passed i guess you could say th hillary's stream has been interrupted. how many people watch that. i never even heard of it. the antiracist baby animated special was also canned at next flicks, how big of a market can there be for showing racial division among toddlers? >> look, netflix figured out that chapelle sells and some of the other stuff just doesn't. it simple, this is being depicted as tossing out the wok sensibility, but i think they might be wrong. netflix has decided to smartly stick with their audience and give them mostly what they want they are in danger of losing an estimated 2 million subscribers between now and june according to the daily mail, but i am confused by the newly announced netflix at home serious, you've heard of keeping up with the kardashians, get ready for saucing with the sucking with
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the sussex is. >> i don't really think that te with the chickens. >> laura, harry and megan are doing and at home in montecito series for netflix freight they signed that extensive deal with netflix, they've got to make good on it. >> is that they are taken? they have chickens? >> s yes, remember the intervie with oprah, they had the chicke coop area they have celebrities come over i'm sure it will be a gripping series. so much for privacy driving the away for the royals. now, the johnny depp trial ground on this week and if appearances are any indication, you can see who's winning. depth entered and exited, he is gladhanding, having a grand old time he even did captain jack for the fans, amber heard looks like she's leaving a funeral
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parlor. >> she looks like she's going t ask you can i help you with putting your bag and the overhead compartment, what is that? or she's a a pilot spreadsheet looks like up pilot with the princeville layer braids. i guess that supposed to make her look serious and believable but she looks very corporate. ray, you notice that some of th kind of evolving expressions from the week. >> since he wasn't on the stand he displayed the many faces of johnny this week. there was the laid-back cad. the ruminating artiste. and, his most common face, the attentive stock investor, he spent most of his time looking like retirees this week fixated on the screen in front of him. meanwhile, i will let you handl amber heard. >> think he made it clear he wa never going to lay eyes on her again and then amber heard, she
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had herself a pretty consistent face at trial. >> it was it looked like missus olson, the folgers lady, but we are going to move on from what we will see how this transpires in the days ahead. it is time for say what the international edition. we start in south korea where president biden today visited a semi conductor plant with korea president hoping to boost relations. >> thank you all very much, thank you for everything you have done so far. if this is going to improve relations, it's not working. moon is the former president of korea it would be like calling biden trump, it doesn't work. >> it rhymes and you get to gloom, which is what we are experienced in the united state
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for its. >> jill biden had this to say, when she closed out her speech therapy. >> on behalf of my husband and the people of the united states, [foreign language] >> jill is apparently not a doctor of language, she needs course. last year she tried to. big breaking news tonight, archbishop the archbishop of sa francisco today and announced that nancy pelosi is being denied communion because of her extended and long-standing support of abortion rights whil passing herself off is to about catholic.
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she may not present herself for communion and no priest in his diocese can offer it to her. this is a major sanction agains nancy pelosi. >> i disagree with the bishop, thank you so much. >> raymond, thank you. commonsense election security may be coming to you soon. one organization is putting marks eichelberger a notice after he got nearly $17 million into local elections there, tha is all. s, and shows me how to get the most out of my workplace benefits. voya helps me feel like i got it all under control. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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>> great news out of michigan for anyone who cares about secure voting. the group called secure and my vote is bringing voter id and other to the electoral process there. the effort is in response to th mark zuckerberg money nearly $17 million of which we're poured into michigan, and of course only and democrat nominated areas. much of the money went to detroit where biden got 94 percent of the vote right nothing to see there i'm sure, that's the city that cost the republicans a senate seat as well. but the swampy development as reported by the washington free beacon is that andy blunt, who is the son of the republican
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senator in leadership has joine forces with the george soros group called the 1635 to spend $2.5 million to pay workers not to work on the petition drive freight can you believe it? swamped in a swamp. joining me to discuss this is ceo and founder of the center for american liberty. before we get into these establishment, typical swamp tactics, i understand we are down to the final two weeks of this petition drive? how many signatures do you need? >> that's right, we need the effort needs to get 340 real signatures meaning you have to have a margin above that in the deadline is june 1. we have been on pace to collect the signatures, volunteers and paid workers paid people often not participates, one of the guys who got this money got a
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payoff by this republican bagma fronting for soros money and blew the whistle on it a few weeks ago so there is a pending complaint about it, that's what we learned that soros was spending their money. in addition to giving money to try to do counterpetition, they are actually trying to constric the supply of people to do this work which i believe is all kinds of legal violations and they are in a heap of trouble. the worst part is that it's a republican front it's a company that is called round game a little close solutions, which i a division of hush blackwell strategies which is mild-mannered at western middle american outfit. this is a seriously concerning development that you have republican operatives that work for a republican senator or related to him are furthering the anti- democratic genders fred. >> this is one of the biden judicial nominees said about
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voter id pair at gig it's inconsistent to denounce white supremacy, but not repudiate voter ids laws, the photo id la disproportionately impacts blac and brown voters fred you can't say that you are not for white supremacy with not disenfranchising black and brow voters fred. >> white supremacy each equals voter id. >> this bill will actually provide free ids for all people that can't afford them. like neighboring states already do with no problem. time to put an end to these lie very. >> everyone has to get out in michigan and sign this petition. commonsense voter id and other security initiatives have to be back in the electoral process. we are on it, i know you're on it and we wish you the best of luck. thanks.
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>> the new york times last nigh made a major correction to a story about children in covid. they initially declared nearly 4,000 children ages 5-11 had died from a covid related illness. in reality, that was the number of children diagnosed, this is from the same reported by the way who claimed nearly 900,000 children had been hospitalized with covid. at the time, the number was actually 63,000. i guess that's what you get if you rely on the new york times for your fax. that's it for us tonight, do no forget to set your dvr so you always stay connected with us and get your usa made freedom matters gear all of the mandate freedom options are bright awesome sweatshop sweatshirts,
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nice below pullover father's day . go to laura all proceeds for the month of may will be donated for freedom matters to the shoreline soup kitchen and pantry. thank you for watching this special edition of "the ingraha angle." it's america now and forever. greg gutfeld takes it all from here. ♪ look at that, we are number one again, again, happy friday, everyone. it's almost the weekend. i can tell because cats liver hung up its do not disturb side i swore i would stop, but i lied . is it
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