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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  May 20, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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twenty years and it always will be if you're an experienced caregiver with that same passion, join the brand and support you most. >> you can only one thing the rest of your life would it be easy? pretty sure that's all. in fact, barbecue buffet a buffet is the complete opposite of what the is barbecue really? and barbecued chicken and well good evening and welcome to a special edition of tucker carlson tonight i'm will cain in for tucker . now here's a stat that puts the country's collapse into perspective maybe more than any other ct. s the dowju jones just recorded is eighth straight weekly loss. the last time that happened was all the way back in nineteen thirty two around the height of the great depression. right nowowde a lot of americank
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are wondering how did wely get here so quickly just a year and a half into joe biden it's been a rapid decline. if you get a moment this week and gomo on the internet and pue up joe biden's inaugural address looking back , it's remarkable not because of what's in the speech but because ofine what's missing fm the speech. you won't hear a single mentionr of the issues americans are most concerned about nothingin on inflationg , poverty, gas prices, the stock market, nothing on government spendingga ,energy independence, fentanyl overdoses and absolutely nothingnd on border security.bos in fact, there isn't a single mention policy in the entire instead, joe biden talked about himself. he compared himself to abraham lincoln issuingis the emancipation proclamation. he told us that only joe biden could unite americans and saveom us from quote, bitterness and fury. today on this january day, my whole soul is in this
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bringing america together, uniting people, uniting our nation. and i ask every american to join me in this cause we can join forces, stopat the shouting and lower the temperature l for without unity there is no peace, only bitterness and fury. and so today at this time in this place let's start afresh. >> so year and a half later i think right here on tucker carlson tonight we can announce that joe biden has finally succeeded in unifying the country against joe biden ui and the polling makes that very clear . listen tory this . according to a cnn survey from this week, only 40% of americans approve of joe biden's job performance. that's worsejo than jimmy carte. at the same point in his. presidency, 65% of americans are concerned about the future of the country and twenty one percent are just flat out
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scared. just 14% are excited or optimistic. and i would love to meet that 14 percent. an nbc news poll came up with similar numbers. just 39% of americans, ap according to nbc, approvepr of joe biden's performance. 62% disapprove of biden's handling of the economy. those numbers are also worsete than jimmy carter's. 71% of nsseventy one disapprove of joe biden's handling of the cost of living. the cost-of with his border policies fifty eight upset with his border policies. and listen to this . another new poll from quinnipiac found that joe biden has just a 26 percent approval a rating among hispanics. it's his lowestt among any demographic group. that's a flood of numbers coming. se numbers but as bad as those numbers are, there's evidence that theyh could be overestimating joe biden's popularity. a politicalee science professor named eddie zipora looked at a recent poll by marist and the poll found that joe biden's
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approval rating is 39% in line what we saw from the othere polls, but the marist institute poll reported that joe biden'spo popularity was much higher. in fact, almost 50% among baby boomers and the silent generation. can that be right? zipora did some number crunching and he found that fifty two percent of people who are over 65 willmp they voted for donald trump i and twenty twenty in the marist institute poll found that two percent just two percent ofer people supported donald trump and twenty 20 now have shifted to having a favorable view of joe biden. so where of is this new support for joe biden among baby boomers and the silent generation? it justt itju doesn'tst d add e and here's a point at the end of all of this arithmetic, the pollshe could be overstating joe biden's popularity among older americansam and that may be due to a sampling error. th if that'se the case, joe bidens lower than 39% now that wouldin
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explain why no t one in the media, not even cnn is bothering to defend joe biden anymore. >> just 16% say the country is headed in the right direction while a whopping 75% say they are on the wrong track. >> fact that wrong track number has been 70 plus for sevenof months. there aren a lot of push button issues that do have people infuriated inflame and at a 40 year high i think is one ofie them. th the anxieties that americansat s are feeling over inflation, high gas prices and it's really bubbling up. you see the president biden hasr a 40 percent approvalce rating in the cnn poll of polls. 55% disapprove. this is a huge warning sign fors democrats. if you are a doctor you were looking at this chart, youve would say these vital signs are very, very bad. people are just really. they're really angry about what's going on and they don't feel like anyone can help them and they tried it with the trump administration. then they switched they handed power in washington to democrats and now inflation has gone rampant. people are really unhappy with their lives. >> i'd say that's a fair
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summation 40%. 39%. they it's very, very d bad and people are now from his inauguration speech. so wenend know joe biden didn't> any of this he didn't think it was possible to wreck a functioning economy in just a year and a halfig what the signs were there. the nation's monetary supply had grown dramatically in twenty twenty due to pandemic'sth ending. but joe biden ignored those warning signs. he was laser focused on demonizing his political opponents instead of managing the economy in a single bill , the americanth rescue act, biden spent 19 trillion dollars, according to an article by the federal reserve bank of sanan francisco that action led directly to inflation quote estimates just that the fiscal support measures designed to counteract the severity t ofnd the pandemic's economic effect may have contributed to this divergencetr by raisingrc inflation three percentage points by the end of 2020 one .' but joe biden kept going. on
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he spent another trillion dollars on infrastructure. re the highest inflation rate we have seen in decades. >> this morning america seems trapped in a vortex of bad o economic news skyf high food prices, pump prices, record 1 levels, soaring rents up 16% in one year. covid lockdown's in china,uf the world's manufacturing center choking global supply chain.chai u.s. corporate profits sinking russianns oil under partial embargo. ukrainian wheat exports at a standstill and all of it feeding 40 year high inflation that americans are payinggh forr every day. >> so ifnd you're wondering how all of this joe biden surprise, considersu who's suffering the most here. the people hit hardest by joe biden's economic policies aren't in urban areas like san francisco or new york , which blue .arly joe biden's base isn't bearing the brunt of this . his bubble is sufficientlysu insulated know the people suffering the mostt areea
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in remote rural areas and small towns, towns like midland, texas, places that are overwhelminglyly conservative.r harder to ferry food and supplies into a place like midland because it's so far from urban centers and a foxox multimedia reporter just went to midland, which has recorded the highest inflation rate in the country at roughly 10%. people in this west texas town of midland say it's given them heart were somewhat isolated between el pasoo and dallas fort worth . and so that's a lot of distance and it takes you four or five hours to go to either one . tati so travel costs, transportation costs, that raises processon. midland has a population of just over a hundred forty thousand, but giving big cities like new york , phoenix and dallas are run for their money when it comes to inflation. it's had the highest rate in the country for the lastas six months. the west texas foodt bank says over the last few weeks the number of families it
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serves has tripled. most of the clients we serve, you know twenty seven to 30% of them have never needed any form of public assistance beforee their rent has gone up.of they cannot keep up with the price of groceries that of seeing right now in the grocery stores and they can't keep up >> t the cost of fuel. those are my people west texas. those are our people american. and this is joe biden's unity strategy. united in being poorer, more divided and more scared than they were when he took office. it just so happens that once again people who didn't vote for joe are sufferingjo the most . ned ryan is the ceo of american majority and he joins ned, great to see you tonight . thanks for being with us. sadl we'll seey. ably on sadly, i think we have to ask the question is probably at the top everyone's mind is bad, but how bad can it get ? no, i don't think we'reto anywhere near the bottom, sadly. will youbi when you hear biden saying that his solution to solving inflation is
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more government spending, more regulation? i mean thesegula guys will be jt fuel on inflation and continue to take the economy. and so when people hear theseis as the solutions, that's why he's he's going down with hispanics, independents. i would also point out, will, that he's that 57% approval in the black community. and to give people perspective right before democrats gotat completely shellacked in the 2010he midterms, obama was still over 90 percent with the blackbl communityac. this thing is absolutely trending in the wrong directionh and the thing that i want to point out to people though is this will these these are not bugs. featu these arere features ofs the bin administration, outrageous government spending, the terrible energy policy allol these things areut absolutely intentional. it's not as though they're going to wake up someday ey and go ,oh yeah, we make mistakes. we're going to we're going to solve this these areuc intentional and they're doing it in such a wayh to compel certain behavior.
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when i hear people talk abouton six dollars for a gallon of gas, i know many on the left would prefer to have ten dollars for a gallon of gas to compel people to actually start using renewables to force that behavior on people and we're ruled by dangerous fools. will they do not care about the priorities of the american people? they do not care aboutle no anyg that will actually benefit the american people because quite frankly, in theirnc arrogance they don't think that dirty little peasant know what's best for themthe . but ned, you would think that they do care about winning all of this they're putting in place. and what you suggestedis is that it's a feature not above would seem to get in the way of winning an election in the midterms or in twenty twenty four . >> where is their sense of victory? y >> where is their sense of a self-correcting mechanism then? i think they are so far gone. i mean they're stuck between a rock and a hard place will in which the far left has really taken over the democratic party and they really can't pivot out of o this . and i think they're going to face some really harsh realities in this fall's
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midterms. i think biden will be the 800 pound gorilla with cement boots on democrats at the federal, state and local level. they and i think the interesting thing about this will be because they are in denial . i think the devastating absolute annihilation they will face in twenty twenty two will have long term benefits from multiple election cyclesilng-t y four and beyond.on remember that on saturday night live skit ned with will ferrell where they play give me more cowbell got christopher walken as well and don't fear the reaper no matter what hel. wants more cowbell. my my suspicion is that the answeru to this will be more cowbell. it will be more democratic accusations of them being the savior from white supremacy and more accusations of their opponent as racist and let's see if that delivers them. the americananon the ameri peope suffering from this economy. more cowbell. we'll seeewi. i enjoyed talking to you exactly right. yeah, thanks. will. you probably yeah, sadly i think i am probably right on that prediction and we'll hear c that music through the next coming months. but in september of 2016 now the top attorney for hillary
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clinton, michael susman, walkedq into fbi headquarters. he claimed to have proof that donald trump's campaign was communicating in secret with a russian bank.the clinton clinton advisors then a launderd that accusation through the media. what we learned during the campaign was that very serious computer science expertsence, people who workop closely with the united states governmentle had uncoveredth this secret hotline between the alpha bank, the russian bank and the trump organization. nowtrzation., of course, we didw for sure if in fact that were the case, but wekn knew that it should be investigated and we knew that given how serious these computer scientistsve ser they weren't just making up crackpot theories. so it wasn't surprising to learn it even as of last week, the fbi is still looking into it. and do you have any idea? what they're looking for?e a i don't of course i don't have a line into the fbi on this. but what i knowba based on publc reporting is that there is veryl unusual server activity between this russian bankeen and the tra
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organization which suggests contact that took placeniwhic over the course of the campaign. okay, now everything you just heard was false. none of that was true . michael sussman is now on trial for lying to the fbi about everything you just hearder during the trial today. former clinton campaign managerm robby mook took the he madee a big admission. he testified hillary clinton p personally approved ofer the dissemination of those false allegations to the media. so what does all of this mean? matt whitaker is former actingct attorney general and he joins us now. matt , great to see you tonight . well, this is i think it's fair to say without exaggeration, this is bigig. tell us what you read intope what's happening in theve investigation, the trial of michael sussman as of yeah, the sussman trial is so important for two reasons. one is holding somebody accountable for hol lying to the fbi and upholding the rule of law. but on the other hand ,s
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this also important because it is telling the story of what the clinton campaign did as spreading disinformation. t really that was in twenty seventeen that our current national security adviser jake sullivan was talking about this same fake news, false information that hillaryco clinton had ordered the codess red to disseminate to the media. and sussmanmedia in s prior to d gone to the fbi and saying i don't represent clients. but he did. he represented the campaign when he delivereden informationn to the fbi. >> i don't think i can go without being highlighted . st what you just said, jakeon sullivan, the man we just saw lying on national television, is the one in charge of giving us daily updates on the war in ukraine that is a man in charge in a large part ofri our national securityty. go what do you thinkes this goes from here? there's a sense among many watching that this is justnn the beginning of john durham's investigation . trial we now that michael sussman ise on trial, we'll see where that verdict comes in . >> but wherere does it go from here after sussman? yeah, i think it's going to go
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to a broader group that was involved in creating this disinformation because if you remember in durham's filings before the trial started,re ta he suggested thert a joint venture or v a criminal conspiracy among several people to execute this plan of lying to the fbi and trying to launch a investigationtr that would led to this october surprise. so so i thinki it's going to continueue to go slow but intentionally try to cast a net that's broader than just michael sussman. on. does that leave it here that with this question does that net does that net get cast wide enough that it does land over hillary clinton? >> well, like you said earlier, robin moved testified today in court that hillary clinton said share this disinformed with the media and remember, these are the same peopleem have the disinformation about
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her laptop. so i think durham is finally going to make a statement to many of these people that this type ofpe lying to the american people is over . we can only hope matt whitaker ,thank you so much. thank you , will. ur sobi a shocking and disturbing new disease called monkeypox is suddenly spreading all over the world. what'ss goingdi on ? how deadly is this disease? that's straight ahead. a everybody's been asking myself what the hell is going on in 2020 los angeles county voters like the los angeles county prosecutor. if you want to really see what a parasite look like, my father and george go to is the most violent criminals in on this los angeles guccifer 2.0 towards my neighborhood of you was so about what's going on when
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he says i'm not going to prosecute legalizing gang members committing murders, they'll be released by the time to this is los angeles under george . so you do the crime. i'm not here to tell people to break the law are celebrating. tucker carlson original with 90% street now on the fox station .com, do you have any idea where you left your body in while you sleep if it's your heart or to stop causing you to wake shoulders back or are you uncomfortable because you wanted to get 35% and better sleep the my polymathic topper. hello, i'm mike lindell when i invented i knew mypillow mattress topper. i needed to have everything you ever wanted to chocolate. my master stopper helps give you the support you need, helps relieve the pressure points and regulate your body temperature for you as an individual. i'm interrupting
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military veterans guide to navigate your caregiving journey and fentanyl overdoses are setting new records, sad records all over the country. in san francisco alone, five hundred people died offe fentanyl ods lastnt year, but state prosecutors are doing nothing about the problem. in fact, san francisco districte attorney tessa bowdon obtained just three convictions for drug dealing in twenty twenty one . agena macdonald is a co-founder of mothers against drug deaths in her group has a new billboard in san francisco. it reads welcome to camp sentinel, open to t kids everywhere and gina macdonald joins us now.wi gina, thanks foror being with us tonight . you know, we see news reports. we sometimes see video of these open air drug markets. >> what is it like in san francisco? well, thank you for having me in san francisco right now wea
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are seeing two people a day on average die of fentanyl overdoses we've had so far this year. one hundred and ninety three people die from overdoses. janu it's just januaryar to april. we see just the streets lined with drug dealers, people laying on the street, shootingng up, smoking,, fentanyl smokinger heroin, living on the street in tents. and we see city agenciesie handing out foil and clean needles and pipes and things you use and that's what san francisco has become. so the response to this crisis, this human tragedy right thereth on your streetse, the responseto by your city's leaders is to pass out boyle clean needles to enable well, that is what iss happening by the nonprofit agencies that are contracted through through the city.
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there are definitely they're saying there's not enough beds. there are beds open but open wee not making people use them, and it just seems that not enough tofi be first of all, we have to shut down the open drug markets. right.t. there's you can't just you can's can't stand on the corner and selltand guns. but we allow people to stay on the corner and sell fentanyln and two people a day die. i do i don't understand that is one hundred and ninety two people are you know, are dying in san francisco and you're just allowing what is causing them to die tohe continue. you know, gina, i know this you've been on this program beforem . i know that you've struggled within your family with addiction and you yourself are a recovering addict as you look at what's happening topp your city and you heard this on the way in that the dea there actually has said has d prosecue three individuals. but that wasn't even forha dealing drugs. accessoryrywa to a crime. so the number of people convicted for dealing drugsgs zero. so your own experience and yourn city, what would you say to
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the leaders of san francisco? i know there's a big recall campaign going on right now with chase aberdeen. we try to stay nonpolitical, but when you see when dealers do get arrested and they go in and their charges are dropped over and over and over and the same people are coming out, you know, my daughter's dealers my daughter's in recovery right now. but she was on the streets of san francisco using heroin, using fentanyl. her dealer has been arrested three times and released in san franciscoti and her father literally had to drive over and pay him off at one point for her safety. so i mean, if we're having to take it into our own hands and i'm not saying to do that , but you know, as parents you take it into our own hands to go and deal with people selling seconal on the corner to ouri kids, i don't know what to do. >> i don't know what else to do, but to put up billboards well, you know, you're putting up billboards. you're making people well aware of what's happening in san
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francisco. and all i can say to you is we wish you our very best. you have our prayers for your family, your daughter and happy for the steps that you've made and now we pray for your city as thank you so much, gina. thank you .e thank you .ou i appreciate it. all right. so in april of 2019, a man t identifying himself eventually as hunter biden dropped offdr a laptop at john paul mark isaacs repair shop in delaware. now the laptop was water damaged but ended up containing extensive evidencee implicatinga the biden family in an overseas influence peddling operationmi. well, that and a bunch of on the most recent episode of will cain podcast, i recentlyou spoke to john paul macci about this moment where hunter biden his shop and about his decision to approach the fbi and then to eventually go public because he was concerned for his safety. listen. i started to get more and morean concerned for my personal
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safety because and i thinkr en as we've all seentl recently, the, the secret service is the biden family fixer service. you know, they bailed out hunter whether it's pulling o guns out of trash cans orr waking them up when he is on aor o.d. at a hotel, it's we're using his dad's credit. it's kind of i expected the secret service to come into the shop to sweep that laptop under the carpet and take me along with them. so that's where isaac's fearr began. so he asked his father to deliver the laptop to the fbi and then he said his father well, this is how he was treated by the fbi. >> my father, who's a retired r air force thirty one years lives out of new mexico. so i had a conversation with him. so he approached the albuquerque field office for the fbi in october, early of 2019, which turned out to be probably, as he describes it, the most m humiliating experience of
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his life was that well he's a thirty one year colonel and he gave thirty one years of his lifega to the defense of this country and he walks into an office where the fbi agent basically tells him to lawyer up, get the out and don't talk about this . it was a fascinatingup and upsetting conversation as it talks about approaching gop politicians who alsog rebuffed his offers. . the whole thing right now is available on the will cain podcast where you can listen to that 40 minute conversationio. n we talk about everything, everything under the sun, including his the fact that hed is legally blind and how that impacted this story. and tomorrow morning on fox and friends weekend, the interview will air. i hope you willl join us then. so this was one of the first to report this story next .. is trying, the joe biden is trying this show. the tucker carlson tonight show was the firstthtoni one to repot that joe biden was looking to sign a global pandemic treaty.y one state is now standing up to
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the biden administration toth warn how this treaty would be a disaster for the united states. and that's an understatement. and that's coming up next . you can only one thing the rest of the a pretty solid in fact barbecue buffet a buffet is the complete opposite of barbecue friends project and barbecue chicken stuffed animals and do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy,ad even a term policy for an immediate cash payment called country direct to learn more . had su planned carefully for our retirement but we quickly realized we to supplement ourel income. our friends sold their policy to help pay their medical billsr and got me thinking they'd be selling our policy to helpdi with our retirementre. and so i did some research and calleded commentariat .
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be hurting or three twenty five liquid filled aspirin capsules. this clinically clinically shown in a seven day study because if were ulcers that immediately these aspirin as as the first liquid filled aspirin capsules amazing belly . so you probably heard about the monkeypox outbreak. it's supposedly raree but suddenly it's spreading across the world. an alarming ratewo. ed the world health organization has just called an emergency meeting afterme one hundred cass reported in europe. could this be the next pandemic. ?in us dr. marc siegel joins us tot assess. dr. siegel, great to have you with us tonight . it's not new , right? monkeypox hasmonk been around t all of a sudden seems to be spreading at an increased rate. why exactly right. where are you and our folks focus on public health and it first was identified in nineteen fifty . it's got pustules like you might imagine it looks like smallpox but it's milder and itl
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would be covered by the smallpox vaccine. but nobody's taking it anymore. it causes fever, causes lymph nodes, causes the rash and we're starting to see its spread through communities which it has never ha done befoe because it's not that contagious y well you thinkkt be it might be a mutatit right? and that's certainly possible. but here's what i'mrt reallyai concerned about though. we can always learn from this and be on the lookout for other things besides covid especially you and me at the same time i worry that our public health radar is broken, that we're captured by our negative imaginations, that because of the way covid was founded, the drug constantly we're immediately assuming this is going to take over the world. here we go again..we'r we're note in a position to not judge anything. and who do we go to to judge? well, the world health organization, where i tell youre something you may notme remember this inin twenty five they said bird flu is going to kill a hundred million people. and i wrote a bookot about right . finally a pandemic came a pandemic came and they said
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you have to worry. it's a regional problemem only with covid it doesn't spread human to human, they said. meanwhile, it wasadov spreadingl over the world so now will if they actually say warning, this is something to worry about, do the same thing to say. probably a health scaret's , probably a health scare if they're warning, it's probably just not exactly coveredin themselves in glory. hey, i want g to ask you a question that i think everyone is dancing around and i want to ask you this question not to malign any particular groups but to serve as a public service m announcement. it does seem that right now monkeypox is spreading not not exclusively, dr. siegel, but but significant within the population. it looks like a son in spain and festival in belgium. why what what do we need to know about that ? >> well, i believe that virus can be spread and i think that that's for suree the reasos it's being spread b by traveler, it's being spread . it's being spread by close contact.
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and instead of doing what theyg did with hiv aids back in the 80s oh , we don't want to talk about that . we better talk about that cause that's how you track you track something epidemiologically. you don't be afraid. it's not politically correct to mention what you just mentioned from vly important the public health point of view to say that it'sth spreading in the population. on absolutely. you want p to make people awarem of the potential risks so hopefully we've done some of that here tonight in the proper context as you point out that there's no need to go around running like our headsic being cut offke like chickens with their heads. well, it makes itfi so obviousl the rest and we have a vaccine but we don't want to overreact . we absolutely will. absolutely. okay, dr. siegel, really goodso information. thank you so m much. t always great. than thank you , ben. we told you last night about the new global pandemic treaty which we expect will be signed in switzerland next week. now the treaty would give the aforementioned, well, world health organization a lot y
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more control over your life. but some officials in this country are starting to fight back and one of them is eric schmidt. he's the attorney general of missouri and he just sent a letter to the bush administration about this treaty. eric schmidt joins us now to explain. eric, great to see you tonight . let's talk about this global pandemic treaty. what's it all about? what should we fear here? well, i think the first thing is to take a step back in the world health organizationth is a discredited, corrupt organization that'sio number one i mean, mmunthey worked with tha chinese communist party tort hie the origins of covid to not talk about it, spread their total disaster. and president trump was rightre to have us withdraw from that joe biden got us back in and now joe bidenot wants i o see the authority for quote unquote public health emergenciess, whatever that is to the world health organization. and we know that thee or pathwo tyranny is paved with thesepl emergency orders. and whatat we learned during koven is that cedingdit this authorityy, even in this
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country to unelecteds bureaucrats that would have control over our civil liberties and how we live our lives is a huge mistake. it'd be even bigger mistake to cede that to these international authorities. we don't know who they are. you know, anthony fauci is badad enough. we don't need international fauci we don't need a swiss fauci so we've got to stand up to this to make sure america retains its sovereignty on thesese issues and not ceded to this globalist organization. yeah, so it'sds odd, right? the party in the the ideologues who who guys everything rightow now in defense of democracy now seem to be moving us towards away from democracy, away from , input towards this ability of the whl to havet a say over our domestic policyth with a simple declaration. but here's the you started to put it there. it's not even in the in the whl . itfr calls the shots because wer know from the prior pandemic the ccp, the chinese communistth party calls the shots at the wto. so we outsource our decision making to the ccp.
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right. and by the way, this is the pathway to international vaccine passport, the pathway to international market mandates the stuff that they couldn't get done before they can get done much easier. and by the way, public health emergencies aren't limited tohi pandemics according to this . you know, you've got johns. kery talking about climate change being an emergency now and we certainly don't need peopleon't in geneva telling people in green county, missouri what cars they can drive , how many miles they canin drive it. america was foundedca w on the a of individual rights that we can make our own decisions, not collectivism and certainly not this kind of international globalist collectivism. wena make such a great point.. climate change, a public health emergency we've seen in some states racism declared a public health emergency. you can just imagine disinformed a public health emergency and now letting people across the globe a make those declarations to to control american society. eric schmidt, thank for this letter and thanks for highlighting it here tonight . goodod. t to be , if you will. t all right. soso earlier in the show we explained how joe biden's
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reckless spending helped cause inflation specifically with hin american rescue plan. i misstated how much money that bill cost. i said nineteen trillion. it's one point nine butt the point remains the samh that spendingat according to the federal bank in sanre francisco was a direct cause of nearly three points offo inflation. his left wing agenda is why prices are soaring today. that's not debatable. despite my misstatement that is true . so americans have had enough ofn speech policing corporations like netflix are finally taking notice. the streaming service justking issued employees a warning about bringing their intolerance woke a valuec to the workplace ate. all branch we don't make natynczyk
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anytime, anywhere on fox news on your on sirius xm america is listening. brian kilmeade, dan bongiorno, lawrence jones breaking down lawrence jones breaking down america's biggest the choice for attorney general is clear. democrat rob bonta has a passion for justice and standing up for our rights. bonta is laser focused on protecting the right to vote and defending obamacare. but what's republican eric early's passion? early wants to bring trump-style investigations on election fraud to california, and early says he'll end obamacare and guard against the growing socialist communist threat. eric early. too extreme, too conservative for california.
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the river all of a sudden free speech seems to be making a comeback. netflix has just issued a memo to staff explaining the quote viewers decide what's
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appropriate for them versus having netflix censor specific artists or voices. the company also canceled productiono of antiracist baby . yep, antiracist baby which is based off and emrich remix kindie book of course. at the same time, chicago mayor lori lightfoot just came out against censorshipp. of she wrote on twitter, quote, no banning of thought ever. that's nice. carol markowitz is a columnist a with the new york post and she has a new piece on this and she joins us now. >> carol, you seem hopeful. you think we're turning a corner? yeah, i think we've finally reached the stage where peoplear are realizing that catering to a far left smallth fringe is not profitable and they're turning away from it. re way i absolutely think we're heading in the right direction. i think the movementt for free speech has been racking up winse lately and it feels pretty goodt . and i think that americans have had enough we've sort of reached the end ofth conformist moment where everybody has to say the exact same thinght and the exact same way carol.
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it's friday night. i want i want to be optimist. , i want to have a cocktail with you and i want to feel good. but let me o read just a little bit on the parade. i'm a little skeptical. for example, i don't think that disinformation governance board is just going to go awayyu .th the ministry of truth will u be broken up and embeddedp into other government of i don't think elon musk's purchase of twitter is quitete accomplished just yet. i think the fight foror free speech has just begun. >> yeah. oh , i agree with you. co i agree we're prettyck far from having cocktails at the end ofth this movement. but you know, for the last two years i've been getting so manys emails that start with i'm a liberal but i hate what's c going on with this conformity. and i really think that we're turning a corner where the people that are fighting this like elon musk's the dave chappellechap, joel rogan, i thk the people who are sort off the loudest right now are on the left. and so it's nor longer justst a a conservative fight. and that makes me feel good because i think that the majority of americans don't
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want his they don't this conformity and it's been shoved down their throats by this leftist soe fa the faster that we all kd of band together to defeat them, the better and faster we'll be having cocktails. be you know, i've been waiting forn capitalism to be the self-correcting mechanism. you're right. not not what most people do not want this . they want free ideas flowing a in theme united states of america. but i'm again not to be debbie downer. it's i want to see american s corporations once again devote themselves quite honestly tone what the majority of their customers wanttf and not be afraid of whoever in the cubicle on floor three is readye to file some absurd hrre complaint. e and i'm not sure we're there.rac i'm just not sure corporate america quitea quite crazily isr >> dy to embrace capitalismac. yeah, well again, we can help them by showing them the wayth and i think what netflix iss doing is definitely a step forward. i think netflix realized people don't want to see shows about racist babies and they kind of
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self corrected. i think that also there's a liet that we don't want to see diverse stories. that's ridiculous. i think we want to see diversent characters. i think we want to see diverse storylines. i think we just don't want to be lectured to and have this indoctrination from a very far left f perspective and every single tv showd and movie. i think the faster that places like netflix realize what americans actually want, the better it is for all ofru us . >> well, and here's the optimism will disrupt them ,put them out of business, create something that actually reflects the audience's desires carol. >> always good talking to you. thanks for doing this on a thank will. you bet.r thanks. so npr always in touch. what people desire has justis issued a new mask policysu. it calls on employees to rat on each other if they don't wear a mask. yup. quote let your supervisor know and they can remind that person you can also share an anonymous concern the ethics point system. that's their system. the ethicscs point system.
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the policy states that non-compliant employees can lose their jobs, quote failure to comply may lead to disciplinary action and up to including termination. so obviously no one at npr learned anything from goodfellows. your graduation move forward against everybody gets points for you literally just told them nothingngpi i thought you meant and i'm really i'm proud like a manrst since and learned two greatest things in life. plusd le write on your friends r and always keep in mind it just get stitches. we all know that vincent collinses is a radio host in washington, d.c. and he joins us now. great to see you npr. sounds like a wonderful place to work. yeah. neurotic people'swork gr radio y on display. . this is downright soviet. i mean, when you talk about the soviet union specifically,
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you know, for years many, many, manyific, they'd celebrate a 13r old who ratted out his own father for taking a little tooo much grain. they killed the kidle because the parents turned him in and then the boy ended up beinged martyred and celebrated throughout the soviet as being an informant forever. yeah, that's that's what thisye is in npr. they are turning everyone into informants against each other. you catch somebody with a mask halfway down their face, you rat them out. this is where the left has become a bunch of soviet hall monitors and this is the policy they've instituted inside taxpayer funded npr. if you had to pick the home of virtue signaling you would probably pick npr offices and they of course of the last ones hanging on to masking and now turning to as you pointe informing on their coworkers it's absolutely stunning, vince. but what we expect from npr. yeah, no. and the reality here is if you're wondering whyy so many of your democrat friends became sort of like a tangled ball of nerves throughout the pandemic.n the answer is that they were was pumping into their ear holes,
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taxpayer funded propaganda that was whispering to them covidghe risksthth and dramatically overstating them. remember during covid itself, democrats thought by 40 percent of democrats that you hadcr a greater and fifty percent chance of being hospitalized if you cut covid at the timeeu it p was literally one percent. and the reason foror that is because of places like npr. they were informed on that, by the way, as they areha on the number of unarmedt black men being killed in thery country. i'll leave it with this. i'm a sports fan, vince. i don't know if you are as well.l. i'm a big mavericks fan and i i saw steve her thehei head coachf the golden state warriors still wearing his mask. unbelievableen. but down below his nose he's keeping his chin from getting covid so unrealinom. with curious how that's going to be treated within the offices of npr, the rap that guy out or does he ? yeah, i guess so. but let me let me make two points about it. that they telle one is like they they tell people that like, hey, if you can find somebody without their mask before you report them, you can say hey, yousay forgot your mask , which is perfect for the left is like passive aggressive. you're not actually saying itre and secondly, when it comes toth
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mask wearing an npr, you know they have 100% compliance. come on , this isn't a real issue and they revolve aroundov they sent that memo around to prove that they're good people. where are the good ones? we'rewe a still wearing armor.g there's no rebels at npr.night all right. great to talk to you, tonight .. thank thank you. >> all right. we'll be right back . here's my jaran. what's that ? stanford damarys dan for you it gets rid of misdialed. how stanford attracts entraps excess moisture, eliminating the mustiness gone down to the will to create the everyone on mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, part time musician but longtime customer of relaxium slate.
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on the will cain podcast. go to apple, spotify or fox newsws podcast, subscribee and download and of course tune in each e at eight o'clock right here for the show. that is the sworn enemy line pomposity, smugness and groupthink. i got to say that ian have a great weekend . welcome to this special edition of "hannity". i'm jason chaffetz in for sean . and tonight, crisis after crisis after crisisis. admi the biden administration is driving this country right offnf a cliff. but we begin in a federalin courthouse in washington, the washington swamp where a top clinton campaign lawyer is now on trial for his role in the russia collusion hoax. michael sussman is accused of lying to the fbi after allegedly


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