tv The Five FOX News May 21, 2022 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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>> we've had enough of them. sorry, i look at you all right. thanks to tom shillue, katie patrick added yesterday that our studio audience and that with both of weathertech and principals . d i love you hello everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro alonghe with jessica tarloff, florence jones, jamie hablas and greg gutfeld . it's five o'clock in new yorkn city and this is the five day show. -- so i have absolutely no intention of the democrats not winning the house in november. i think that in terms of our our the, the work that thisas president has done, he's been
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a great president. i don't about polls, but i dow know about winning the races one district at a time and utterly delusional. nancy pelosi says everything is awesome and joe biden's america and the democrats deserve to be rewarded in the midtermrm. meanwhile, back in the real world, the president is setting records again for all the wrong reasons. biden's approval hitting a record low in a new ap poll just 39% of the country thinks's he's doing a good job d. but record inflation is crushing americans wallets and surging gas prices, setting a record for 11 days in a row and are now projected to go up to six dollars this summer. w but the biden administration does want to talk about it. >> do you believe that gas prices are too high? completely understand the crunch that so many americans are under rightan now think that they're that americans are still recovering from this terrible
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pandemic and there are a lot of other world t events that areng making things difficult fors all of us . t >> so it sounds you're unwilling to say that gas prices are too high. we're doing all we can . >> and if you think they care about lowering the price of gas, kamalaga harris would rathr boast about school busses going green . >>. think about it. yellow school busses are our nation'sur largest form of mass transit. how about that every day. so yes. and a applaud it gets them. where they need to go. s now i've spoken to a number of drivers, for example, have recently switched to electric busses and they stressed the importance of a quiet engine. it helps the drivers hear the road. okay, it's important to hear w the road when you're driving a school bus. but you know what ? i want to start with you, katie. when whene. nancy pelosi says
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i have absolutely no intention of losing the midterms this year, she knows something that we don't it's almost like they know they're so screwed that they're just not tryingey anymore and they're just going to throw up s their hands and say, of course and bean in denial because there's nothing else that they can dodsh to turn the ship around at this point they're focused on all the wrong issues. wthey go to talk about things that americans aren't even thinking about at their dinnere tables when they're looking at their budgetsnd. ha and so maybe she knows something that we don't. but the fact that all these democrats are retiring from congress, the fact that republicans have generic ballot numbers that we haven't seen in decades and democrats are losing the very demographics they would say like hispanicsde in texas, for example, they're. leaving the party in droves. so not only are they wrong on the issues, but their party is bleeding voters as well. you know, it's interesting,, jessica kamala is touting those green school busses.
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she finally found something to talk about that is unkind, but is it i think it's some kind of being the border czar secretaryy in charge of the border and i y come upou with any ideas other than you know, i haven't been i to europe either through the school busses. >> i think it's important to have green school busses. i think the bus drivers arere incredibly important and they a keep our kids safe and you don't want them hitting. a little kid crossing the street. obviously it's not what everyone is talking about at their kitchen tables. they're talking about inflation. the costalking about of food and their wages, all those kinds of things. and nancy pelosi is the leader of the party in the t house. she's not going to come out there and say, you know, we're hoping for h 30 lost seats and not 60 that when republicans lose in a way they don't come out there and say that as well. but switching what you're talking about is something obviously people should start doingg p. if we look at the results from tuesday, there were some progressives who did win their seats but generallye speaking, moderate democrats were the ones who prevailed.
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and you even sawil in pennsylvania the biggest kind of upset for the progressive wing against the establishment a, john fetterman, who actually pivoted his campaign halfway through to stop talking as much liketh bernie sanders and to talkro a little bit more like conor lamb. and lo and behold, he wins every single county in pennsylvania. katie mentioned the hispanic vote. it's not just texas. this was so jarring at the ap poll that biden is less popular among hispanics than any otherny demographic. so the only twoer groups where biden is over the water over the 50% mark in terms of m approval are with black voters. and while white college educated women, which i think is about 50%, you cannot win ano election with just those two groups. and when you look at enthusiasmm gap and karl rove was on withnd jesse last night talking on ave serious whiteboard and you could see the differences, the uptick in republicans coming outoa the and this happes in the first midterm f of a presidency if undoubtablynd concerning okay, youou, lawrenc,
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if the gas prices go up and i understand that the state of washington is anticipating that gas is going to go up to ten dollars a gallon. yeah,, that's what they actually said that you know, the democrats refuse to accept any responsibility, you know, when it's not just the energy secretary who says, oh , look, that i had a magic wand, but it's this interior secretary that we just heard fromro they aou just saw. >> they they are they're happy to not do anything and just kind of say it's put the fault when america doesn'tn believe it's my fault they could change the numbers if they wanted n to. yeah, you know, the issue i was just in west virginia and pennsylvania. one lady told me that she'sslva. deciding between if she's goingo to fill the gas tank or is it going to pay a bill? that's a big problem for voters . i it doesn't matter if i'm going to atlanta or philly or westrg virginia. it's the same story. butin but the democrats were ina
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pickle from the very beginning. if you've got to run for office, you need a great story to tell. obama's with hope and change trumped make america great again. but it was f the forgotten men and women joe biden was restore the heart of america.. he didn't d have to focusau on the issues that matter because 56% of americans, according to gallup, said they were better off under trump than they would be underbite. n so there wasn't really much was going badsay for the country. but i the tone of the country i mean, you got donald trump going in there fixing all the stuff he came in with a wrecking balll, create a lot of friends in washington here n going to be the problem for joe going in . you have the luxury to think about tone when everything is going well financially for you. but we're mammothally. get stuff at the store for the babies when gas prices are going up, when the border is out of control, when people don't feel safe don in the communities, i mean, i guessd he can run on promises made, t
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promises kept.he of th i mean, he did restore the soul, of the country, but what do we get in exchange? we've gotot a lot of. well, we did i think, you know, joe biden promised that he'd be the adult in the roomge and he'd bring us and i think it was joe manchin who said my frustration is that an all time high a and heig slammed biden and the interior secretary holland alé for doing nothing to alleviate the pain that americans are going through . it's the inability to empathizee that i think the democrats have a real problem with and you know that i really good at empathy you. yes, i hot empathize lawrence don't want to tell nancy that you can't preservee political powerrese like it, you know, with a shott of botox, not a frown line. it's a gaffe line. she doesn't know what she's doing. these problems are real. they're palpable. they're not some kind of abstract thing that you can deal with . loki'sy ar and it's amazing problems haveese developed under biden that were
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supposed to develop under trump because trump was an experienced ride. he was a buffoon, perceived buffoon. and thenon what happens? everything that was supposed to happen is now happening underer wor it's like you were worrying about monkey pox and then youryg get hit by a truck and that truck happens to be joe biden. weo always hear from addicts like you have to hit rock bottom before you change. so what the hell is r the rock bottom right now for democrats?t we're just watching the gas prices go up, watching crimemel still spiral out of control. we're watching illegale' immigration. there's no solutions, right? they're not offering t. any solutions. so we don't know what the newha bottom is. we don't know what the new low. is. we could have twenty dollar gas if we don't think about it. the problem with joe and then i'll stop is that it's a double double barreled problem. you haveleha an empty vessel, we is joe who's in a natural state of decline. let's be honest, that's not to be mean, just observing what we see. but what it has race to fill that void is wokingham. so you have a compounded problem.
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so you're basically finding these problems in a holee because biden wasn't surroundedd by moderate voices. he's only been surroundedd by jokesters who can'tsu m solve any problems. hence it's getting worse and wes will i don't know at the bottom is anymore.n' i wish i did.ottom yeah. i wish we'd get to it so we can start to crawl out of it. but this is a fox news alert. >> we have a federal judge's decision on title forty two united states judgeoc has just blockedke biden's plans to lift covid border restrictions for migrants keeping it in place. the trump era policy that let border patrol agents deport t large groups of migrants quickly over current safety concerns. that comes as border apprehensions hitting a new record in april with two hundred and thirty four thousand migrant encounters. okay, you can see it right up there two thousand thirty four at that two hundreds
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thirty four thousand. ? what do you sayay about this ? i'll i'lll start with you, katie. i'llwell, you know, this is a gd thing.know according to the texas. and border patrol and to folks a down there who are trying to stem the flow. but this isn't going to cut down on the numbers of people as a result. this something that was put into place during covid to keepw that issue at bay. but as we know already, the border patrolnd and ice are already having to release a number of individuals alreadyg into the country depending on where you're from and alsoe until the asylum rules are changed and you can say something other thanmeth i'm afr to go home, that's what gets you your ticket to any city in the country really. if you're not a single adult male this slow will continue. e so i think that law enforcementp officers will be happy aboutth this , but they willey say that they still have major challenges because a lot ofallet these numbers that you've seen, most ofhe the numbers have been under title 42 and it hasn'tde been a total deterrent. all right. >> live in eaglee pass, texas with the latest from the border. you wantt to mansour you want me
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to just like react to what i will do on bill? guys, we're just getting that breaking news as you are right now. just hearing that the federalhe judge has blocked the administration's effort to drop this on monday. obviously administr border patrs in texas cps this is going to a be welcome news to them. but but really all it's going to do is kick the can down the road. title 42 is going to have to drop at some point in the future, but that's just not going to be on wil monday. but even with title forty two in place, we've still seen an explosion in numbers. we just had more than well over two hundred and thirty thousand migrant apprehensions this last year in april, the highest in dhs history. we had more than two hundred thousand the month before. we've had more than one point three million illegal crossings since the start m of the fiscalt year on october 1st. so even with title forty two in placele, we've seen an explosiob in numbers and what this means now iser for certain countries, for certain demographics, the u.s. government will still be able to expel them back to mexico, meaning that we've shown this videoom where once peoplee come across and they are detained by border
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patrol rather than having to take them into a processing center and do paperwork for hoursrk, they are able to essentially just put them right back onto a bus, drop them off at a the port of entry and expel them back into mexico. the whole process can take less than an hour. they've used it more thand one point seven million i times since march of 2020., that being both the trump administration and the biden administration. but i can tell you front line , they willts be happy to heari' this news w because i've been texting with them for the past several weeks, ever since news came down that they were planning to get rid of this on mayuc twenty third and they were basically saying buckle up because it's going to be total anarchy and chaos down here at the border. dhs is on projections were o saying upwards of 18000f illegal crossings a day could have happened if title 42 were to drop. you do the math on that. that's about five hundred and forty thousand crossings in one ing more than half a million. and just to put that in perspective, that wouldpe be mow than double what we just saw last month in april, which was the highest in us history. b
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soit probably a little bit of o a sigh of relief forf border agents and texas lawaw enforcement, but not not too theseecause again, numbers have been exploding even with title forty two in place, you don't have wellpr over two hundred thousand apprehensions at the bordereh month after monthth without thee being a serious surge at the border. and we've beenerve b showing t the video all day long. we keep getting these massive groups of one hundred and fifty too two hundred crossing every single day. so what does this mean big picture? it means that the administration cannot get rid of title o forty two on monday as planned. they have to keep enforcing itan while this litigation plays out. >ba it back to you, bill . you know, when you say that one point seven million since twenty 20 have been sent back because of title two, how do they make a decision that someone should be sent back based on title forty two ? we weren't even covid testing these people. they make that decision? well really ittll dependsco what country they are from and what their demographic is. so it really started offff with those northern triangle
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countries that would be guatemala, honduras and el salvador by the time we had agreements with those countries that we would repatriate the migrants back to those countries, we would put them on flights or we wouldn f just back to mexico. we would do the same thing with mexicans. then along the way, you know, once the administration's change deals changed with countriesti in the northern triangle, nicaraguans, for instance, there for the most part just released once they're encountered by border patrol because for the most part they won't take their citizens back unless they have a passport . ve a cubans are mass released. we don't enforce title 42 with them. le venezuelans are released.2 we don't have a title to agreement with them. and and one of the criticisms has been that divided administration can just, you know, put them on a bus and send them back to mexico. but for some of thesemo demographics, they prefer to put them on an airplanegr and send them back . you know, they're called repatriation flights and you know yeah.fll the border patrol union says ify we really want to enforce title 42 across the board, just take
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everybody back to mexico.o. administration has not the administration hasn't done that . they preferred to try to flyth some peopleat. back when those host countries operate. they can't do it. okay, d thank you very much, phl malaysian. >> you know the question that i'm getting at lawrence isr the fact that theen decision to send people back to the original country has nothing to do with 40 to they're saying 40 two. but nicaragua won't take them back then what does it matter? title 40 or not.t so it seems that twenty two is2 being used in some cases but not others. well i would say this just based on the reporting i've done that at the border. forty have've been used as abe bandaid. it's not going tose fixd the big the mass problem that border on anotherer just did the biden administration a favor here right here. but number two, as a result of o the judge making this decision, a lot of women and children aree going to be placed in danger coming across the border
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because a lot of the folks keep asking, well, why arereng they bringing children across the border? because it's difficult. i mean, they know that they can get g cross and that this io why youf don't see a lot of people running away at the border. most of see the runners that you set the border are single because they realize that they can't come into the country under titlend 42 . this so this is going to put our border patrol agents yet again and a bad, bad position. but it's going to put these kids and these women in a bad position as well. n joe biden needs to understand this . this is going tois g be a terrid issue for those democrats that are on the border area . they are democrats at heart. but what they're saying isot they cannot do this . a they understand the voters arere putting a lot of pressuree, on because of this issue. note and i'll just note this because i know just is going to hop in on the these are latinos too as well. there are 50% or 50% of the border patrol agents are minorities. when you look at the texas dpsts that are doing a lot ofri the patrols, they are a minority. and you look attit ts those diso
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that are at the border they'rerd doing this is notot a matter of if you hate the people and you want them to get a better life. this is about law and order and the strain of resource in those areas. you know, jessica, the point that lawrence makes is a good one . how is this going to impact l those democrats who are working along the border who are running for office? > well, i think it's a boonun on the immigration issue for democrats at this particular moment because it givesfice us a few more months to listen to democrats like ruben galio, who most likely is going to challenge kyrsten sinema for her seat in twenty twenty four in arizona. and it feels like a ripe time to put together some sort of commission to get well heard.n, i don't know what he's doing now that he retired from congress. republik and like a gayo or someone else on the border together or a bipartisan plan to do this with title 40 who it was a band-aid and we had a very thoughtful conversation on the show yesterday about this issue where it waser acknowledgedda that this is a health policy titleholder to came into being because ofd.
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covid. we're moving towards a world where hopefully covid isin notti something that should be running our immigration policy. cytwhat is the next step? so hopefully now we have a few months. we have the summer where there's very high numbers of crossings to deal with that and we can go inton november with at clear plan to wraph it up for>> us . well, it is a testamento how appealing our systemicallyy racist country is that millions of nonwhites want to come here . but they admit as long as we care about immigration, it's likegr crime and it's like inflation. the white house won'tin because in their view we only viewe these concerns because we're deplorable, embracing, you know, replacement theory when it's all it is that all ofeo these thingsen, whether it is crime or whether it's inflation or immigration, it's about processgr. it's about rules. it's not about people. we're a big republicans and conservatives and libertarians. we're all about we're all abouto systems. the system we just want you to be part of the system and do it the rightht way. and so what's happening now? you see a lot of people are
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painting a broad brushin, this racism stuff and this is and this is their wayay of doing it here like they did>> with crime and elsewhere. >> so j yeah, on the bigger isse of the systems bill reported earlier today, there was an a american citizen who was arrested in texas for helpingrr to smuggle illegal immigrants across the border. , the longerrerd this lawlessness goes on and the systems are disrespected and bordernd patrols mission is to process people not to enforce the border and protect the country that corruption will breed and it will out of controlro and it will reach public officials. it will reach law enforcementl. soso there's a longer term consequence to allowingce this type of lawlessness to continue that . and once it's in the system, wed start looking a lot like the mexican corruption and that's a lot of the reason why os this is happening as wele and once you get to that point,h it's really difficult toat go back . and the sad part about it is that with the administration flying w people into the interie of the united states that corruption is going to spread quicker than we can imagine.
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all right. we're going to keep an eye on this breaking news. a federal judge blocking president biden's plan to end title 40 to more of the five is next . you could only one thing the rest of your life would be easy. pretty sure that's not one thing. barbecue buffet buffet is the complete opposite of barbecue buffet and barbecued chicken and some little juicy to be called relaxium, the most recent one from the gatesar today. everybody readybuic like that ? i start my own place starting your view is. i just never know what that to do it. i love new relaxium smell. a buick. l. we manufacture the chain. we manufacture the chain. alexa,
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nation .com to receive this special offer. thank for your service and we hope you enjoy your free year of fox. america is streaming black lives that are getting called out for living large while the people they claim to be helping were being killed in the streets. the group usingei ninety million dollars in donation money to purchase lavish mansions and enrichchla the friendsf and family of their co-founder. but that wealth didn'tnd translateer to saving the lives of black americans. instead they boreer the brunt oe the surge in murders following the george boyd riots of 2020. s take a look at this chart frome the manhattan institute. the red line showingan how the increaseha in violencein disproportionately affected black victims. black but of course, blm co-founder patricia patrice keller colorsvi excuse me says she's the victimv
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in all of this .in was from much of the funding that came in was individual donors. rsthat was a lot of white guilty money. some of my mistakes are being weaponizes against me and also a the entire move and thatls truly disappointing to to see us fall into that as u lawrence or laughing at this one. > what balgowlah play and i'm enjoying every bit of this . you know, there was there was the tax and then there was the white guilt tax, the wealth tax for the corporations. i don no, i didn't believe't in any bt the stuff. you lookuf at the corporation, they're not as big as they pretend to be been. but they had to pay black lives matter in order to not be boycotted or their bill toir be there. that was just protection. play the king tax. as for the individual donors, they must not have any black friends. >> i mean, because black peoplet weren't supporting the organization black lives matter, black folks to see
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equal justice under the laweq that they never said support this organization. many of the values that the organization represent arein totally against how i was r raised and most black peopleis were raised in oured community. so we never supported workers. werted always if the organizatin was a joke, we also didn'tt support the funding the police if you look at pew research, there are more white people to support defunding the police and an actual black peoplett . so the question is who are these people listening to? not black people. >> yeah, but there are a lot of o civil rights leaders too from the 60% came out against black lives matter early and of course their voices were not amplifiedladot by the media. greg, i wanted to get your y response to white guilt moneyou and white liberals sending all of this money to blm thinkingom they were doing something goodd and putting a yard sign up and she's right. it is white guilt money. it's>> also like i'm thinking about it was never i remember the blm protests angry college
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chicks and then i get go to the suburbs and you'd see the listub signs to life signs. yeah, they're just like it. it's just like what is all this is is like a massive delu vertue signal. ifde i do this i'm a really good person and it's almost as though blm didn't exist forb. blacks. as you sayid it existed for the white liberals to feel good . out themselves all those corporations had those earnest posters and human resources back l.m. you know, we don't just make candy bars. >> we we encourage social change and you go home and you don't really care. none of this stuff that theseur these activistsce supporters did helped anybody except in that in terms of statistics, criminality. i mean, it's kindcrim of sad that blm hurt more blacks than it helped. yeah. when you look at those numbers,l it'sook at er stunning charge. what about the extortion? not blm k was engaged and you demanding that corporations and individuals give money or the riots and violence is going to continue. i mean, that's what happened.ncd
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well,. here's here's the question. do the corporations that gave the money consider themselvesoni extorted? i mean, did they do it for virtue signaling as greg just talked j j about or did they dot because they felt they didn't want to be boycotted or you know, it's like you know, it's like the mob coming in and you wantou know, protection money, give us you want protection, give us the money. but you know what's most interesting about this is that the nation's political culture has played a role in the crime that occurred during the pandemic and right after george floyd'san murder because we know that in democrat leaning cities more african-american c were killed or victims of murderrd than they were in white leaningr republican cities. so at the same time, a crime is going up in the black communities. you've got this patrice cullen who's no better than a two bit scammer that i prosecuted for years who's outcu there saying b i want to take money for black lives matterr. you people, whether she wants to call it white guilt doesn't matter. sheet
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used it to enrich herself, her baby daddy, her brother. she gave more than five times the money for the trayvon martin foundation m to her baby daddy. okay, and i i think that these people have to be prosecuted. forget about the corporations. you know what they got sucker. they get suckered all the time and i'm disgusted with them. but that's not the bigig issue. the big issue is that this woman is now i complaining that it'sed a weaponizes againsm her . you know what ? let me show you the penal code that's being weaponizes when they bring the justice system against you for the scamminghe the way they just did to an activist blm leader in boston who faces fraud charges forac laundering 2020 donations from personally enriching themselves this is where wewe need the hand of justice to come in and start prosecuting these people. it's not your piggy bank and how dare you cause division because you just want to make money for yourself. jessica, my my colleague t to cover these riots extensivelyly wrote a book about iv what happened. and in the book what's
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interesting is he talks abouteld how the damage is not temporary. so when the cameras leavear and the rioters leave, these communities in black communities have been for decades and there's no one there. there's nono economic influence in as a result ofow the damage that's been done. and so the question is how did the same people who donated all this money to blame the white n guilt money now make up for the fact that they were supporting a movement that hasre destroyed entire communities for at least a generation in defense of white guilt, give the i don't think that baby daddies and baby daddyre get better name for pregnant pregnant man n baby daddy. >> okay, more on the white guilt or innocence air to me to tarnish t a group of peoplehe who were genuinely horrified by what they saw and this a across the board. right. everyone unilaterally thought what happened to george lloyd what everyone and that they did
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what they thought>> j was right, which was there was a prominent organization that was sayingg that they were worried about too. well, what people know they were. do youou think if you are just e average person who's trying to put foodd on the table and you saw the footage the you know,, the eight and three quartersrg minutes of what happened toe george foy and you see someonen on the television who's saying i've run an organization that is trying to fix this problem. there's systemic racism in this country and criminal justice reform issues need tondcr be pud forward. and if you donate to me, i will help that it's their fault for not doing the research on whoes patriceea white liberal response to if we just throw money if we go everything be white liberals photory raising a lot of black america and all the policies that you guys have implemented in our or white liberals responsible i am not because wee don't endorse them in ouryi
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community. all i'm saying itng i was lazy. it was petty. i was at whataboutism i was at those rallies when it was all white people theree: and blacksy before the rally i told them to stop burning our place and they continue to do it weaponizes the police against us . i was there every singlee one of them and they did and continue to divide the country. so again, this again, suckers, i i'm the first person to say that , you know, the fact that latin x even exists is a term as a white personpr problem. ob i mean latinos do not like that term. it's a similar thinglike that bk people were notth supporting blm but they were supporting the movement. nd it's and i think that it's unfair tot say that cities and communitiesv need small mome and pop shops have been decimated just because of ec that . wewe have an education problem. we have a media problem. people are not publicizing these stories necessarily from the beginning to sayo this is who those people are and also that people weren't thinking widely enough because what the black lives matter movement was actually about was
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systemic racism in all cornershe of the country so people could donate c to organizations, free speech organizations, climate organizations, no racism at all because if you said white lives matter, you got to cancel because don't talkot to me about across the possibilities. all right. the reason that white livesar matter or allll lives matter or blue eyes matter was first of all, never heard of them. this is not a wrongat organization. just in defense of lawrence that was around for ten yearsea that the charityrs worker, just> like i've been writing about black lives matter since 2014 and exactly who they are and i, i and now we know the truth about them so fast. this is the next80 challenge. can be you see around the world
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what they can 1%. yes and hip hop group.e: welcome back. top of the path. >> all right.p- so first of liberal npr reportedly has a system where people can secretly snitch on coworkers aren't complying with the draconian maheswaran policy. the company encourages other to correct their coworkers, a rat them out to the higher ups and repeat offenders could be . greg, what do you think about. well, the left always has an l obsession with power and authority even though they condemn the right for the very same thing. but you want to talk about draconian. i mean you think npr is there's a company that sends employees home for five days even if they don't have covid and they'll make you wearr a mask for ten days even if youv test negative for covid and these these these rules are purely arbitrary but but these employees have to do it. it's likeew a new lockdown. we're all either set. oh , wait, it's our company. oh, yes. we actually held captivey
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by some anonymous legal executives that is like, terrified of some like i don't know, new york . s we haveto to stop this . wewe cannot be on npr or anyboy else if we are equally as draconian. we are sending people home who are healthy. we have people at homeare who ae testing negativewe because somebody else tested positive. nobody even had symptoms. s this is this is madness and it has to stop. yeah, but i went home this week because i was sick but i didn'to have covid we missed you did not miss me. you weren't even? that you floured even hearing you, like flowers that sent me baby i don't want or need my job. i'd rather sit home to talk to you about the truth than a negative poetess. >> okay, i agree.g okay i didn't you watch you could be a terrier. >> i am a terrier. many things in my pocket. this is a move on i think i go
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but this will takee your texas high school going haywire and causing thousands of dollarsay in damage and forcing the school to cancel classes for the remainder. the video shows why fire from fire extinguishers building a better cafeteria.her the students responsible apparently are going filling too pay for the mess they created and may face criminal charges. jessica, did you do this in high school? i did not, but t wehi had one of your pranks and chevy chase went to my highca school and he walked a cow up to the roof because you know, they can't go back . that's the only real and very chevy chase. yeah, very good. katie, what happened to just skipping school? hey, i love the story because i helped plan my senior prank and it was flawless and we had a whole game plan and whiteboardss and maps and radios and we had outfits. we looked like ninjas. nj the keyas is you don't cause i damage like i do something very
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annoying but you don't vandalize anything. so we filled ten thousand dixie cups up with a little bit of water and filled the whole school so i had to start schoole and then we supplied all the doors together. these were amateur amateurs buto they're not as organized as i was pulled out, didn't get caughte. a senioror prank was literally e prank seniors like senioror citizens so we break into t their home to break into their homes and we move everything around so they wakeul up in the morning and they walki into furniture. it was a terrible thing. i just i think this is bad. i think that the school janitor gets to go to each student's house to do the same thing toex their bedroom with a fire extinguisher because the seatatyo is going to have to deal with this stuff. so they should do the same thing to the students houses, bedrooms or maybe the whole house. that would be fun just i skipped my senior year of high school was too smart for that and i was done lot went to college afterwards. i'm not mad if i go away
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and then return with a child. remember that i made to do the job. oh yeah. and a bottle of eight is just a number, right? nearly half of americans don't feel like they're an adult until they reach the age of thirty . >> i'm twenty nine so i am notlt adult yet jessica eight shamer. >> i stayed in school for a very long time s so i agree with this and i didn't thinkd that big responsibility started >> jeanidge. i think especially today i don't think kids mature until the third katie. >> my bills say otherwise. yeah, i would say definitelyat feel like anie adult but also still figuring out like the survey i'm curious how old the people were t who took the survey because i feel like at every stage of life you're like, am i doing this right way? ii don't know. >>t i guess what about a senior citizen like you? you know, i'll tell you>> one thing that's disgusting. you would say that we're going to h.r. i'm coming with me. i know what you you're a this
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sub selects forec weird people who fills out a survey from a mattress company. it's somebody with a lot of free time. i payot you do they ? how do you know i think you hit it. oh , bowling.g. can i get paid for rolling. we've got to go. okay, fan mail fraud is up next . you know we don't need to kill so many too much and you know, liberty mutual customize, your car insurance. you only pay for what you need. oh , like a customized scarf. wow.
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ones and you will your is the best plan you can meet and the great thing about friday's isn't it? the executives really watchf this show. the public has got one minute for a while yet. re >>g: the first question from janet oh , that's what oldhi person things do young do versus assumes that old people do specifically old things which i resent jessica. >> but what old person things do you do? es i don'tsi want to offend anyone. these are two weird things or things that i think older people don't do with it like i save food in the refrigerator forever. >> my mom do that .
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yeah.ha and justt. keep going through ia like and i love cold chinese food. yeah. i want tocold see like a dumplig a day and my day to get to that was good enough. i'm not lawrence i need to eatnc ore: i get very cranky. >> i'm a cranky get very cranky cranky. yeah i was o old when i was boru yeah. you. know cranky make a mess a everywhere. >> that's that'sot what a lot of people do me puzzle. >> oh yeah. for your brain that's also hipster frenching or maybe didn't think things out that i don't have a printer readingdo real books buying real books. yeah yeah.books. i just think that's normal behaviorin. judge, judge what about you two things that are kind of schizophrenic. i like stuff.hing, laughing warren the food. yeah but if i say paper towels i hate when people waste paper
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that's so b fantastic. okay, - but i'm talking and the second thing i do the olde people do is you don't have much time left to go outgo and buy jewelry. yeah. no i do. i likeke all the stuff i get frk delivery. i have a big thing like napkins and plastic forks. there's like a nuclear war that i mean it is it is it is not n a new youot what i do like i that all the old people used to do in my neighborhood so i pay people to do chores like you know, like i said, why is that an old person? >> because you're not doing it yourself. that's got nothing to do with old honey. i was doingold, that when i wasd in my twenties always talking aboutoi in nothing to move on . this is from fred. what's the earliest news story from your childhood that impacted you? all right, and don't say the bill clinton scandal. cli >> yes, that'snt good.on that expected a lot, in fact, that a lot of people that have accepted right about that the
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clinton scandal also i remembere the first invasion of iraq. >> you were young. it was on 9/11 nine eleven i would read it third grade, third grade. w, >> wow. i was only what did foday not d thank you for the help. ni i didn't know you were looking at me.e. i wanted you to go and i wasgo going to get violent if i was i was going to say the clintonli election and then obviously the scandalnt t was the big onet buthe that was the first political story i was aware of was p the election. re >>g: let's see if judge picks the same one i pick. i remember being in grammar school and i think that kennedy was shot. oh , that's a good yeah.- it's like yeah yeah. that's see, i was i wentt with watergate. >> i was in law school during watergate. : really? i that was the watergate hotel. you were. yeah. l okay did i have to put on a play i put on a little puppet show based on watergate in second grade summer school pretty well yeah.
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♪ >> judge jeanine: it's time now for one more thing and i go first. now, there is -- okay. stop, greg. stop. all right. saint jude this is serious stuff. the saint jude patient draw as monster truck surprised with a real life full size version featuring artwork. there is real monster truck. his name is calvin. is he a cancer patient when he drew his own version of monster jam toy truck. what's significant is the added emoji to reflect his feelings throughout his 18 months of chemo and radiation. he was enterprised when his toy
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truck became a reality with a life-sized version for monster jam emojis included. calvin, you are so strong and we are so proud of you. keep on drawing and keep on fighting. god bless him. >> greg: keep on trucking. >> judge jeanine: greg, you are next the. >> greg: i love that i saw that earlier on "fox & friends." >> judge jeanine: did you? thanks. i have seen all yours, too. [laughter] >> greg: tonight great show tom hill slew, catty pavlich. kat timpf and tomorrow in salt lake city. there might be tickets left at the theater tom shillue and also tyrus is going to be doing an q&a. it will be hilarious. let's do this greg's scaredy-cat news with ryan bow flavin. here is a cat afraid of his own shadow shocked by our own shadow this is how brian kilmeade gets to work.
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shots himself to work. >> judge jeanine: chicken. >> greg: everything looks like chicken to you. >> dana: tastes like chicken, too. >> judge jeanine: jessica, you are next. >> jessica: big news for equality fifa three women referees first time greg i see you bobbing your head like this doesn't matter. it does matter. three women refer years and three women assistant referees will be in qatar for the first time in competition history there. the chairman of the community decision they deserved to be the fifa world cup they constantly perform high level. >> greg: this is soccer. >> jessica: fifa. >> judge jeanine: keep going, jessica. >> judge jeanine: i think that was very important. that's really a big deal. ignore him. >> jessica: especially in cut tar. >> greg: shoot me. >> jessica: i'm on "fox news sunday." you should watch. thank you.
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>> greg: that i applaud. >> judge jeanine: bravo. lawrence, hit it. >> lawrence: better applaud. take to the next level where they litthemselves on fire before walking themselves down the aisle. intentionally set themselves ablaze. fire put out by fire extinguisher. they are professional stunt performers and do not try this at home. >> judge jeanine: okay, lawrence, why do they do that? >> lawrence: stunt performers. they are crazy. on the show. >> greg: flamers. >> judge jeanine: pyromain yacks. >> lawrence: hosting "fox & friends" in the morning. >> judge jeanine: katie, hit it. >> katie: if you have seen the movie jaw's, you know about this scene. >> made me do it. >> katie: that little kid is in
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