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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 21, 2022 9:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> the white house is vowing to appeal a federal judge's ruling friday that blocks the lifting the title 42, the health policy, that allows rapid expulsion of illegal immigrants which has been in place since early in the covid pandemic. welcome, i'm griff jenkins. >> welcome back from ukraine.
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i'm bill. let's start with you. >> aishah, the status quo, title 42 has been in place throughout the massive historic numbers we've seen and that is not expected to change soon. less than an hour ago, a group of about 60 migrants that crossed illegally in front of our fox news drone in eagle pass, texas. and some of them are waving to our drone as well as a mexican law enforcement helicopter above them and had a chance to talk with some of them. told me they're from cuba, nicaragua and venezuela and that's title 42 is not enforced on. that's not the only group. a second piece of video. a single bigger group costed this one about 120 people in size crossing here into eagle pass. once again mostly cubans,
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colombians, venezuelans and single adults. this sector is getting hit hard in del rio. and just since october 1st, del rio where we are, more than 270,000 illegal crossings. those numbers are up about 145% over the same time last year. and keep in mind, all those numbers, with title 42 in place. last thing we want to show you, take a look at this video down in the rio grande valley up on a texas dps helicopter looking into the mexican city of reynosa. and what you're looking at are camps are migrants who camped out, thousands of them in anticipation of the drop of title 42 planned to happen on monday. that's no longer happening, but thousands were waiting, waiting to come across when title 42 dropped. the question now is what's going to happen with all of them? are they going back home and say, well we'll give it a shot and try to cross at some point
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anyway? back out here live, extremely busy even after that title 42 ruling. and telling us just here in del rio sector in the last 24 hours, more than 1,800 illegal crossings just in this sector. we'll send it back to you. >> >> another historic moment. bill gin. thank you. griff: and the president at south korea after they're looking at title 42. peter doocy is following the president's moves from seoul, south korea. >> griff, on paper, it's a setback because the administration said they wanted this to go away, but practically, because the administration still has not explained what they want to happen after title 42, this federal judge is giving them an out and saying, you can still deport illegal border crossers and use covid as an excuse.
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the white house is not taking that out. so they're saying that they're going to appeal the federal court decision and part of the reason, according to pierre says they'll enforce the c.d.c.'s title 42 pending the appeal. this means that migrants who attempt to united states unlawfully will be subject to expulsion under 42 as well as immigration consequences such as removal under title 8. the federal judge sided with the states that were suing the biden administration and agreed that getting rid of title 42 or saying they weren't use covid as a reason to deport anybody anymore, could lead to a huge surge at the border and this judge also agreed with the democrats and republicans who are concerned if a surge like that happens, border towns could get flattened. the judge wrote in his ruling, the plaintiff states have
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demonstrated for the health and welfare of citizens. title 42 remains in place for now, but the uncertainty has texas governor abbott, while the court ruling rejecting biden's ending of title 42 is a positive of development. hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants remain at the border waiting to flood into our state. texas will continue using all available resource toss prevent this mass illegal migration. and we don't have any on-camera reaction from the president about this even though he's had a press conference since this ruling came down because he was not asked about it and he only took two questions from the american side at that event, griff. griff: peter doocy up for us at 1 a.m. in seoul, south korea. a quick follow-up. i've been reading this decision for the last hour or so, it's quite lengthy. do we anticipate you or anyone
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else will get to get some reaction in the next 24 hours? >> within the next 24 hours, it's certainly possible, but it's going to be at least a few more hours because as you can see, most of the travelling delegation is still asleep. griff: you're up and reporting for us. great work as always, peter doocy. >> let's get reaction from capitol hill. republican senator from tennessee and member of the senate housing and urban affairs, foreign relations and senate committees. thank you for spending your saturday with us for a little while. >> certainly. >> i want to start with title 42 and this ruling. it's going to stay for now. at some point realistically, title 42 is going away. i know that you and other parties want a vote on title 42 to keep it in place. do you think you can get that support now from the other side of the aisle now that we've seen this ruling come down.
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griff: do you think you can get that support? >> well, all this ruling is is a stay of execution, we have a massive crisis at the southern border this past month saw the greatest number of illegal immigrants come into the country than we've seen. in my home state of tennessee we have each month more overdoses and deaths from fentanyl coming across that border than we've had before. it gets worse by the month. the biden administration is doing everything they can to transform america and title 42 is the last tool left for our border patrol agents to push back. i think it's biggest public health crisis is the deaths from overdoses, the biggest killer of young americans between ages 18 and 45 in america is overdose deaths. the biden administration will not acknowledge it. >> senator, dhs senator mayorkas has been on the hill quite a few times and i know that several members of your party believe that the administration is failing in its immigration policies, but mayorkas and others would say that congress isn't doing
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enough for immigration reform. are you willing to work with your democratic colleagues on the hill to come together and put together some kind of immigration package to deal with this in the long-term? >> i'm willing to work with the democrats and anybody to get this fixed. no one on the democratic side will step up. and i put legislation to expand title 42 among the public health crisis, drug overdose deaths and i couldn't get a single democrat to join me in the conversation. congress is ready to act on our side of the aisle to make title 42 permanent and we need the migrant protections in place and that was working. biden won't go to the border to address the crisis and it's crushing america. >> and one more on title 42, and inflation as well. i went to the tijuana border saw things on the ground
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firsthand and there are places in mexico that offer stability and safety for some of these migrants. should mexico be doing more to incentivize some of these people coming from this try triangle countries to do more? >> and that's what president trump did, he put a tremendous amount of pressure on the mexican governor and they were patrolling the borders. now it's creeded ceded to the cartels. if we would go back to the policies that were working we would have a tremendous impact on reducing this crisis. instead. people are piling up on the border, and they're turned away with title 42, the biden administration is sending signals they'll do away with it. if they do do away with it we'll have a tsunami. >> and other things we're
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talking about are gas prices. you can't go anywhere and not see less than $4 a gallon. and yet, the senate approved $40 billion aid to ukraine. the new york times editorial board wrote a piece urging the president to reconsider our investment in ukraine, or at least come up with a more detailed plan, an end-game. and they write this, as the war continues, mr. biden should also make clear to president volodymyr zelenskyy and his people that there is a limit to how far the united states and n.a.t.o. are willing to go. will go to con front russia and limits to the arms money and political support they can muster. senator, do you believe that ukraine can win this war or do we need to start coming up with some kind of end-game, a compromise, perhaps? >> well, ukraine can win the war and we need to come up with
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a fully strategic approach to this. the best thing we could do is actually end the war on american energy here, that would defund vladimir putin's war machine. that's what we need to do first and foremost. the $40 billion we're sending there now is the size of my state of tennessee's annual budget. and when biden spending like this little oversight and details involved in this. there isn't an end game. we should be walking side by side, with our colleagues in europe. we're at parity, but with this $40 billion for what they're spending. we need to bring them along and look at this holistically and solving the energy crisis at the same time and address inflation at home. >> i imagine as gas prices continue to rise and see things like the baby formula shortage happen, americans will continue to ask this question. senator, thank you for joining us on this saturday. have a great day. >> thank you very much.
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griff: election time, pennsylvania's contentious g.o.p. senate primary still too close to call with election issues in parts of the state prompting slowdowns in the ballot count. meanwhile, voters in other closely watched states, including georgia, are gearing up to cast their ballots on tuesday. we have fox team coverage with alexandria hoff in pennsylvania, but let' kick things off today with mark meredith in watkinsville, georgia. >> we're both southerner, one way to get people to come out and hear from you, offer up free food, free barbecue and that's what we've got here today where governor kemp is offering quite a bit of free food and barbecue in an effort to get out the vote. it turns out people wanted to hear from him. they've got about 200 looking to hear from the incumbent governor as he face the a primary challenge unlike any other georgia history. it shows governor kemp ahead of
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the polls over david perdue. what's fascinating, kemp and perdue were once friends a part of the establishment and we asked the governor, what's going on and he said anything goes. >> you know, if you want a friend in politics, get you a dog. this is a tough business, everybody's trying to win and that's what he's trying to do and what i'm trying to do. >> former georgia senator david perdue is getting the backing of former president donald trump. he enforced him earlier this year. perdue got into the race following trump's repeated claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election. and perdue is outraised by kemp however getting the backing of former alaska governor sarah palin, and she compared on behalf of perdue. >> what goes on in your state capitol affects the rest of the nation. it's not just georgia on my mind. georgia is on the mind of
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collectively, the united states of america. >> and this is going to be a race that all the of the political analysts are watching because what happens here in georgia could outline what happens with the rest of the primary season. the governor had a strong point right now and we've heard from his supporters to say they're confident that he's going to win on tuesday. the other outcome in november. and stacey abrams is unopposed in the primary, but both sides are going to spend a lot of money to get the governor's mansion in their control. governor kemp feeling good on this on a hot and humid beautiful day outside of athens. griff: hot and humid, but not too hot to eat the barbecue. mark, have one for me and aishah as well. >> thank you. >> and the pennsylvania primary could go to a state recount and before a winner is finally declared. we head to pittsburgh where
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alexandria hoff has the latest from the ground. >> good afternoon, the only way that an automatic recount would not be triggered in the state if dr. oz or david mccormick would have a 1/2% of a lead over the other and that's not likely to happen. neither planning to bow out. 1100 votes separate the two, and oz holding onto a microleague. and a review over the county elections to research at least 1900 provisional ballots yet to be counted. >> it's going to be researching the voter registration and establishing whether the provisional should be counted or not. one set is done, the parties would have the opportunity to object or challenge counting the balances in front of the board of elections. >> so that work will continue on monday. and representatives from the oz
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and mccormick campaigns were also there yet as voting machines from 10 allegheny precincts were opened up. problems with the memory sticks, have been resolved and that didn't budge the oz. there was enough to shore up a democratic. and they called it for summer lee, backed by bernie sanders, and the house squad members, in a statement she wrote in part, we built a movement in western pennsylvania that took on corporate power, stood up for working families and beat back a multi-million dollar smear chain. the smear chain lee is referencing there, a statement that her opponent had called anti-israel. >> thanks, alex. griff: well, this is new video in from ramstein air force base in germany, showing u.s. military aircraft loading up
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132 pallets are baby formula headed to indiana this weekend. operation fly formula, that's the name of it, will help to start to fill severe shortages across the country due to supply issues. the closure of a major production plant. along the formula coming into the formula can be fed to babies with cow milk allergies. enough to fill about 1.5 million eight-ounce baby bottles. >> much needed. no one wants to hear about this, but an outbreak of a rare virus seldom detected is now outside of africa called monkeypox, there are case ins europe and australia and here in the united states has gotten the attention of the c.d.c. live next. (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar,
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and nutrients to support immune health. one gram of sugar, zuriel: st. jude gave us hope. stephanie: all you've got to do is take care of your child, focus on her healing, give her a life. that for mother means a lot. and-- and thank you to st. jude. ubrelvy helps u fight migraine attacks. u put it all on the line. u do it all. so u bring ubrelvy. it can quickly stop migraine in its tracks within 2 hours... without worrying if it's too late or where you are. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks a protein believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. migraine pain relief starts with u. learn how abbvie can help you save. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine.
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>> the rare viral disease monkeypox has the c.d.c. on alert as a second person tested positive this week. agency is currently monitoring six others for possible infection. steve harrigan is in atlanta with a detail. >> a caution first, some of the images of monkeypox are graphic. there's a nation-wide alert to decisions across the country on friday warning them to be on the lookout for any symptoms of
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monkeypox. the virus generally starts with a rash and bumps which fill with pus and generally lasts two to four weeks with flu symptoms. a weaker version of small pox. right now 70 confirmed cases in europe. two confirmed in the u.s., but physicians say they expect the numbers to grow. >> this monkeypox outbreak is unusual. it's not something that's attributable to contact with an infected animal or travel to an endemic region, but it's through social networks. because it lacks the characteristics, cases may have an opportunity to spread and that's likely going to cause more cases to be found in the coming days and weeks. >> montgomery pox is a virus, but it's different from covid, it's much harder to transmit from person to person. often requires physical contact
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or bodily fluids to spread. what's unusual this time is that often it's spreading person to person with no direct link to africa, where it's usually been confined to. there is no treatment at this point for monkeypox, if there is an outbreak, small pox vaccines are used to slow that outbreak down. back to you. griff: frightening images. steve harrigan live for us in atlanta. thank you. coming up in the next hour, the american association of nurse practitioners president joins us to break town this mysterious virus. >> president biden starting his trip to asia with a trip to south korea. this as china begins military exercises and north korea ramps up its weapons test. jacqui heinrich is live from seoul with the details. >> on the surface, the goal of this trip is to deepen economic ties with u.s. allies in the indo-pacific, but security
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concerns for this region and how they're interconnected with u.s. interests have crept into the foreground so much that president biden's first meeting with the new south korean president produced tacit warnings to china to stay out of taiwan or else face the same consequences that russia is receiving over their invasion of ukraine. also new plans to consider expanding joint military exercises in this region base of the evolving threat from north korea. even before president biden left washington, u.s. officials were gauging how to respond to a possible nuclear or ballistic missile test from pyongyang while president biden is here, making it leer clear that they're ready to support allies. the president has no plans of visiting the demilitarized zone, in the hopes that north korea will abandon the nuclear program. president biden said today he would meet with kim jong-un if the conditions were right.
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>> with regard to whether i would meet with the leader of north korea, it would depend whether he was sincere and whether it was serious. >> some say that amounts to no pre-conditions, and notably biden offered covid vaccines to offer with a spiraling outbreak, but no replay and the show of force may contain a message for china which is biden's real focus right now. as he arrived in seoul. buzzing taiwan with bombers and aircraft as president biden arrived in the country. biden and south koreaen president yoon calling for peace and stability in the taiwan straits. >> obviously, china and the coercive activity, the illegitimate maritime claims that they're making and the pressure they're putting on allies and partners will be a
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back drop to his visit. >> now, the spotlight on alliances comes amid russia's war in ukraine. biden and yoon delivering a not so veiled threat to china that any effort to change the border by force will have consequences. president biden is heading to tokyo later on today to continue talks that also involve india and australia. aishah: all right, jacqui heinrich live for us in seoul. thanks, jacqui. griff: and president biden starting his trip to south korea, as north korea ramps up weapons tests and we spoke to jacqui heinrich about that, but what we want is more info on that. the heritage foundation senior fellow. you heard jacqui's report there. right with the last 24 hours, we saw china jets buzzing taiwan, interfering in the air
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space. i liken it to sort of breaking things, down, hey, if someone provokes you, you have to respond. what do you make of it? >> well, yes, thanks for having me on. it's important to watch from the larger strategic context what's playing out right now. so for the last few months, the focus has been on ukraine, something that china and the leadership in beijing have been watching closely. they know that biden is trying to shift the narrative to a wider relationship with our allies in seoul and tokyo including a new economic effort, but they're reminding the region that they are nearby. that they have a significant arsenal at their whim to use and it's going to keep security issues, which are challenging for biden and his administration to answer adequately to our allies in seoul and japan in the near term. >> as our viewers can see, china doing exercises.
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clearly there is a suggestion that the taiwan strait is going to be the next sphere where the u.s. is going to have to make some tough decisions. what advice would you be giving the administration as they start to prepare a response? >> so, the first thing is maintain and sustain a sizable naval presence that's over the horizon. the chinese are tracking and are aware of. it's remarkable to note ever since the evacuations out of afghanistan last year, and the ill-decision to move the seoul carrier strike group from the western pacific to the indian ocean that we've been able to maintain two carrier strike groups in the west pacific in proximity to taiwan and that's needs to be sustained, but there's going to be serious operational decisions that the president and the department of defense are going to have to make if they're going to try to sustain that type of presence and it's important because it
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shapes the diplomatic narrative and makes it more likely to have meaningful discussions in the economic sphere. you need to do all three things at the same time. so, keep that naval presence, keep it visible to our competitors in beijing. >> and the pentagon also, taiwan unhappy there's been a three-year backlog in delivering paid for weapons. in the minute that we have left or so, i want to address north korea, you heard in jacqui's report, president biden won't rule out sitting down with north korea's leader. do you think that's a good idea? and in your opinion, is the administration doing enough in terms of sort of containing north korea? >> well, i think if they can get back to where we were at the later part of president trump's administration, that would probably be a good place because at that point we didn't see a lot of-- we didn't see any ballistic missile tests or nuclear tests, but right now based on the rhetoric out of the biden administration, it seems to be
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pushing us back to a place where we were confronting each other. pyongyang and washington d.c., and not in a helpful or forward diplomatic posture. hopefully there will be meaningful efforts put on the table, but it's really on north korea to do something like that. >> in just the last 10 seconds that we've got. do you anticipate another north korean missile test while the president is travelling on this trip? >> i think it's likely while he's in tokyo, actually while he's finishing up and making comments in tokyo, the prime minister. that's where i would put my money, but clearly this, is out of a well-worn play book out of pyongyang. i expect a launch that could come anytime. most likely while he's wrapping up defense talks. >> thank you for the insight and have a great rest of your saturday. aishah: you'll remember when putin sent the rockets in lviv,
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ukraine while the president was visiting poland. we'll have to wait and see what happens with chinese and north korea. millions of americans are prepared to hit the road for memorial day next week. is there any relief in sight from the sky high pain at the pump? we're going to dig into that next. [♪♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit
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>> gas prices soaring to record highs for 11 days straight now. just as americans hit the road and the skies for the one of the busiest travel days of the year. mary anne rafferty has the latest. >> the nationwide average for regular 4.59 a gallon, but here in california get ready to take out a lot of cash here at the pump 6.06 a gallon and look at the sign behind me where we are in the middle of l.a., look at that, 6.59 a gallon for regular, and if you need
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diesel, oh, my gosh, it's worse, close to $7 an hour-- i'm sorry, a gallon. and people here we talked here yesterday could not believe what they were seeing. shock is a little understatement. what folks had to say yesterday as they filled up their cars. >> i'm already paying almost 50 to $60 in gas prices and that's absolutely absurd. >> to transport between a to b and the locations for jobs and stuff and regular things for personal use. >> it affects the little people because that's what it affects. it's like digging a hole and trying to get out of that hole. >> according to triple-a, it's demand that's pushing the gas prices higher. according to new data from the energy administration, prices because of the recession, at the pump they're continuing to rise and the situation with ukraine and russia is not helping the situation.
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>> the reason why we're seeing the incredibly high pump prices is the price of crude oil and the demand as we head into the busy summer months for travel. >> you know, and he said, as we head into the busy weekend. we've got memorial day weekend coming up. people are on the road in droves. but are they? are the high prices going to keep people from driving this time around? maybe they'll decide to fly instead. that's yet to be seen. back to you. >> thanks. and i believe there's a gas station chain in washington state that was reprogramming its pumps for double digit gas. it's alarm to go think about. live for us in los angeles. >> for more on this, we have the democratic congressman from pennsylvania, a member of the house appropriations committee. matt cartwright. congressman, thanks for taking time. let's start where mary anne rafferty started out with the soaring gas prices.
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i want to play from you, we heard from members of the senate along with spokeswoman at the white house talking about why these gas prices are so high. take a listen and i want to get your reaction. >> as the president had said, president putin's actions are what is driving the price increase at the pump. the president is focused on doing everything in his power to address the putin price hike. >> you can thank the activity of vladimir putin for invading ukraine and pulling-- >> with all due respect, madam secretary, that's utter nonsense. >> congressman, i want your reaction. do you believe that it's vladimir putin's fault for the gas prices or is there more at play here? >> well, griff, it's nice to be with you and yeah, we need to be talking about inflation, it's something that as americans we are all suffering from here in northeastern pennsylvania. it's not quite to $6. it's upper 4's, 4.70 i just saw on the way down here to the
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studio. but, you know, it's like anything else, to fix on one thing is probably a mistake. there's usually a range of reasons why things happen. you know, we have coming out of a pandemic, you know, i just came from the funeral service for a dear friend of mine who died at 102. he served in australia and new guinea in the army air corps in world war ii and the reason i mention that after world war ii we had this horrible supply chain interruption and what did it lead to, griff in inflation. we struggled with inflation for a very long time after world war ii. that's one factor. certain putin, you know, cutting off -- cutting off the russian oil and gas, you know, people agreed that it's something that we had to suck it up and we had to do that, you know, to stick up for ukraine and let's all pray for ukraine of course. and of course, the other thing is, there's a lot of price gouging going on, griff.
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i mean, in the first quarter of this year, the top four oil and gas companies made record profits or 10-year record profits. we're talking about the top 4 was 27 billion in profits and they're lining their pockets right now. it's all of those things and we need to address all of them one at a time. >> and i guess, congressman, my question to you is, because you've got a primary, both parties, happening there in your state in the past week and the republican primary going on there, too close to call. but the message coming from the administration and democrats, like yourself, are saying that it's this three-headed bogeyman, covid, putin and greedy corporations that cause the gas prices, but there's indications that voters are just not buying that. do you believe that pennsylvania voters are on board with that or do they think that the policy of this administration are reading to these high gas prices and at
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worst, not helping to solve the problem? >> well, i think the key, griff, we need to you can at that about it and we need to tell voters the truth. and the truth is, all of the inflation that we're seeing, you know, we're talking about better than 8% inflation, which is a lot, across all of the consumer goods. but when you talk about fuel prices, it's over 30%, up to 32% inflation and fuel prices, so you think about it, it's not just a horrible experience that you have of filling up your gas tank and looking at the astronomical price you have to pay for it, but it's everything else that you buy in consumer goods that have to be shipped, have to be transported. have to be taken by people who drive to work the fuel prices at 30% inflation is just commanding the inflation across the board and that's why i was proud to vote for the consumer price fuel anti-gouging
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legislation that we did this week in the congress. it gives the ftc the power to investigate and to fine fuel companies that are overcharging and profit tearing and gouging the american consumer. >> one thing is for sure, when we head into the memorial day weekend and people are feeling the sticker shock. it's 4.77 a gallon in pennsylvania as you rightly point out. they'll be thinking about that and holding somebody accountable and we didn't get to the baby formula and there's some on the way here. thank you for taking time. have a great saturday. >> great to be with you. >> more shocking details out of the johnny depp and amber heard trial, rampant drug and alcohol use. details are next. dude, dude, . oh boy. your cousin.from boston. [whiff]
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way and called him a sellout. you called him a sellout, didn't you, ms. heard. >> i called him a lot of ugly things. >> you called him a joke, on that recording, called a washed up piece (bleep). >> i think we called each other. when he was drinking he would get angry and say really nasty, unkind things and almost didn't-- usually about amber, sometimes about me, but almost didn't matter if she was in the room or not. he would just say really horrible, horrible, horrible things about her or to her. >> i mean, it just gets worse by the day. all eyes on the bombshell defamation trial again actors johnny depp and amber heard and this week heard faced questions from his attorneys and eye raising tidbits about the couple. >> you've been glued to the
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screen and watching a train wreck, can't look away. this is bad for johnny depp one of them the recording from ellen barker, and throwing a wine bottle at him. and how much did this hurt him and a new development that might turn things around. >> yeah, hey, great to be with you. he respectfully disagree with you, i think this was a great week for johnny depp. aishah: okay. >> here is why. the cross exam clip was riveting. depp's lawyers, they had a female attorney take on amber heard one-on-one. i couldn't have been able to do that. the jury would have thought i was badgering here. aishah: okay. >> the comments about ms. heard, isn't it true that you were actually the abuser in this relationship isn't it true, ms. heard you were the monster in this relationship. that was really, really riveting because of the one-on-one and then also, there
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was a videotape that was-- i'm sorry, an audiotape played where heard was admitting having hit johnny depp in one of the altercations. so when you parse this away one admission by depp or heard about hitting each other and that's heard on audiotape talking about that. aishah: i actually want to play a video right now that you're right, that did not go well for amber heard, it went viral this week. this is a video of her talking about the donation she said that she made and didn't quite make yet. let's watch this. >> and have you completely fulfilled your donations to the a.c.l.u. and the children's hospital? >> i have not yet. >> and why not? >> because johnnie sued me for $50 million. >> so how do you think that went with the jury there? >> yeah, great point. there's a jury instruction given in every civil case that says this, if you believe that a witness has been untruthful
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in one portion of their testimony, you can disregard all of their testimony. and this was a flat-out lie by amber heard. she only donated $350,000 out of the 3.5 million to these charities and then tried to explain it away, oh, it was a pledge and the pledge is a same thing as a donation, that's ridiculous. another thing she lied about real quick, she said i didn't donate the rest of the money because i had to save my money for a legal fight. because he's suing me. >> yeah, well guess what? when she was cross examined by that attorney, she made the donations like-- or actually she got the money 12 months before the lawsuit was actually filed. so that blew that argument away, too. one other quick point. there's a potential rebuttal witness and the perfect in the civil case gets to have the last word and depp has about 20 hours left in his case, he can call rebuttal witnesses and i think he's going to call-- exactly by the way, the judge
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has noted how much time each side has. depp still has 20. aishah: quickly 10 seconds. >> and guess who is going to testify on the allegations. she's going to say it never happened that way. aishah: she's going to change it, thanks, brian, griff. griff: and telling what happened. to turn your home equity into cash. you can get at least 25% more cash at newday than you get at a bank. 25% more cash to make home improvements. 25% more cash to pay bills. 25% more cash for retirement. call now and get an average of $60,000. veterans get more at newday usa.
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>> well, with the graduation bash gone wild. officially briefly closing down the lincoln memorial after university grads left bottles and spilled drinks all over the memorial steps. and they say that georgetown students trashed mr. lincoln's and the class of 2022 saying, you can see here. this is the massive group. this is video from the sunrise this morning of the glass of 2022 of georgetown going there and gathering. this source says it's a georgetown tradition, however, what's not a tradition, is to leave this hallowed memorial an absolute mess as the national park service had to clean it up. it's a $58,000 tuition to go there. you would think they would have
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learned in their four years of instruction some decency and respect for our memorials here in washington. aishah: i agree and everybody is talking about this on twitter and some people are trying to defend georgetown university and saying look, the students have now graduated and it was a private party, it's not the university's fault. but you know, somebody tweeted, it's called adulting. so blame the students. isn't it also called adulting to pay your student loans? that's a national conversation happening. how do people feel story for students when they do stuff like that? georgetown tweeting to the class of 2022, congratulations, we can't wait to see what's next in your journey and unfortunately we've seen trash. aishah: as the president meets with allies in asia, he's facing falling polls at home. that's next. life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar.
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this ruling, peter. >> good morning. it is very early here nothing on camera from president biden about title 42 but his people tell us, the administration is appealing this judge's decision day one -- they want title 42 to go away. the press secretary is telling us this. the public health policy nationally with the centers for disease control not with a single district judge. republicans say they think this is procedural earlier on this program senator bill hagerty republican in tennessee said he thanks this ruling is confusion and says he thanks the surge at the border is getting worse every month. now, federal judge agreed with the state suing to keep title 42 in place. border cities could be crushed if title 42 goes away. if border patrol officers lose
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the ability to deport people and use covid as the reason for the judge explained in his ruling quote they determine a determination order will affect their quad site sovereign interest based on its impact on their health care system and their interest in the health and welfare of their citizens. >> i think everyone is probably breathing a sigh of relief. what we know is title 42 is really the only thing keeping that border in any kind of check, right? >> remember, it was a judge that ended the federal mask a mandate for transportation. that decision turned out to be kinda popular. but the biden administration still fought it this decision to keep title 42 in place with the idea of keeping title 42 employees giving border patrol officers that tool for something that is popular with the moderate democrats and republicans.
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but the biden administration is fighting it. so six peter lifeforce and south korea thank you. griff: while pennsylvania is mostly watch republican senate primaries likely headed to a recount election workers continue wading through hundreds of provisional ballots. meanwhile voters in georgia are just days away from casting their belts and the stakes high races. with alexandra hoff in pennsylvania but let's kick things off with mark meredith who is following georgia governor campaign in watsonville. last time i saw your getting ray to eat some barbecue, what is happening now? >> grip they are kicking us all out. where we are right now they have a wedding later tonight practice but an hour ago we had about 20 people here they're getting ready to have trying to sharply support all he can ahead of tuesday's crucial primer he's been leaning in the polls, leading in fundraising and on tv. see the big campaign bus behind
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me has been going all over the state as he is trying to fend off a challenge from somebody we once considered a friendly former senator of georgia david purdue. purdue is running with the endorsement for president trump and purdue has simply shifted his focus on the election reforms that happened ever since georgia went blue back in 2020. as kemp has her pedal he said he did not like the result that came out in 2020 but he had no choice but to certify the results. he believes the issues that matter more to georgians are going to focus on the economy. also it happened with covid, kind of challenge it will be facing from democrats like stacy abrams but she is running unopposed in this primate she's going to have a lot of money, a lot of democrats support as she gets ready for that race in november. as her governor kemp is also going to be campaigning with my most notable names in republican politics performer vice president mike pensive. it's going to be campaigning with camp right before the election in georgia both just outside of atlanta the atlanta
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suburbs. also indication of what's going on with this race. at the tropicana purdue facing the challenge from the camp as well as the other republican established candidates back in camp in this race would have talked to camp, talk to purdue. kemp tells me he believes the party will be united come november, no matter what happens on tuesday. purdue also told me he is going to back it kemp if he loses in this primary because he also believes republicans will want to make sure stacy abrams does not end up in the governor's manchin. traditionally georgia does not see a primary like this, grip it as we have seen the last fears all bets are off. there's a lot of people are just glad to see the governor kemp is trying to get as many votes as he can. griff: that sounds good just make sure it gets out and for the bride arrives she does not want to be overshadowed on the big day. >> is amazing the bridal suite is right here were there during that i feel bad for the bride she's had to deal with all of this at the same time. as long as it doesn't rain i'm sure she'll be happy. >> god love georgia we do
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politics, weddings and barbecue on the same day in the same spot. mark meredith live in georgia great report. aishah: are still keeping her eyes on pennsylvania work could still be several more weeks before a winner is declared in its gop primary with a nailbiting race between candidates david mccormick and trump back dr. cause. still too close to call. we had not to pittsburgh world alexandria hoff has the latest for us, alex. >> election officials in allegheny county so shrink up a few more accounting issues they have been dealing with. yesterday review board was sworn in by the county board of elections. they will be tasked researching at least 1900 provisional belts are cast on tuesday. attorneys representing vaux and mccormick campaigns will take part in deciding which are valid. >> they will be able to see every step of the way. we are very visible. they can watch the entire process. every vote will be counted this
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is by the tightest state wide race been a part of. >> campaign reps also cap watches a final in person votes problematic voting machines. they're added to the tally and as of 5:00 p.m. yesterday just 1100 boats statewide separated oz and mccormick. while that race is approaching mandatory recount another was called progressive democrat elite nearly one the 12th congressional district primary she was back by senator bernie sanders. members of the houses squad. opponents called into question past statement she made they say were anti- israel. now, back to the senate race but an interesting develop it out of philadelphia county but yesterday a three-judge panel ruled that mail and ballots that did not have dates on the outside of the envelope like they are supposed to could still be counted. typically those are set off to the side to determine whether to count or not. but judges out of philadelphia said they should write about that in particular in one it could have a ripple effect.
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[inaudible] griff: are right with god a sirens or alexandria hoff in pittsburgh, thank you very much. well, fallout from this weekend after hillary clinton's 2016 campaign manager robby testified in federal court friday that clinton directly proved giving what turned out to be discredited claims with a secret connection between donald trump and a russian banker to a friendly media source. lucas tomlinson has more what can you tell's request that is right hillary clinton former campaign manager testifying clinton herself personally approved they now debunked from russia storage two months before the presidential election in 2016. >> surprising he said on the standby think we all who are looking at this and can add two and two had a figure that at the clinton campaign peddled the story it would not give him with the approval of the candidate.
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>> you had an amazing disinformation campaign that might've been successful in the u.s. history. >> michael sussman charge allying he claiming he had evidence of a secret fact channel between our trump and russian blank. delivering the information on his own as a concerned citizen not on behalf of the clinton campaign special counsel john durham says evidence showing the start later build the campaign in the private fbi meeting the fbi leader found no to the election he tweeted a few days before computer scientist up apparently uncovered a covid server linking the trump organization to a russian based bank. then claim the aid current by national scared advisor jack sullivan said at the time the secret hotline may be the key to unlocking the mystery of trump's ties to russia. during testimony he revealed he met the cia i'm fed by 2017
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after the election to push his russia story for the trial resumes on monday. griff: lucas tomlinson life force in washington. lucas thank you. now for more on this let's bring our political panel former white house official for the george w. bush administration west affront strategy founding partner ashley davis former of the hillary clinton national finance committee and senior communications counsel for the ashley, i'll thank you for being here. i look at the start they are part of the 2016 clinton team. i want to ask you directly, were you aware of this information was being released to that medium that was unvented? if not what is your reaction to what we learned yesterday? >> first well let me say robby is a standup guy the man of character. number two is not aware of this particular issue. but all of america was where people were look into whether or not there were ties between then kennett trump in russia but hillary was aware, the team was aware there is nothing unusual
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about what happened but this is when campaigns are the last weeks of election ask report of hey, why don't take a look at this, maybe something is there. griff: but should she have approved it knowing it was not vetted? >> one 100% of something it's concludes you're right it's egg you should look at this to the press that is typical in all campaigns republican and democrat. griff: ashley? what's the deal growth all of this part is not that unusual hillary clinton most of america only on the republican side of the aisle do not trust her. so were not surprised at all this happened. i do agree without this is very common but in 2000 when george bush and al gore running against each other, the thursday before the election is when al gore dropped the bomb that bush was a big party i remember we are scrambling in every hour of the night to try to stop that story. it is very common. griff: agreed it will more thing on book revelation where it
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appears were getting very little coverage on the story from our colleagues at msnbc, cnn, nbc, why? >> their last focus on 2016 a more focused on 20 to 2210 but the primaries in pennsylvania, primaries in georgia there's a lot going on more important than that. it's interesting nonetheless i'm happy to talk about. >> ashley no media coverage why not? >> first of all it's five and half years we been talking about this topic. i do agree people agree what's going on around the country but also at the state of the world in the state of the country we are in right now, i think there are very important issues that we do have to discuss but i do have to say it look and all the this morning, only one covered this topic. seventy talk about things americans care about pairing soaring gas prices ahead of americans heading out for memorial day weekend paying upwards of $5 or more for a gallon of gas. how much of a problem is is for
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incumbent democrats? you're hearing, as i have called the three-headed bogeyman is to come blame. covid, putin, and greedy gas corporations where they going to buy that? what's he talking points are okay with difficult though people have to pay more money and they don't want to do that nor should they want to do that. and it hits people hard in their pocketbooks and have to make tough choices around the dining table to problem absolutely. we have ashley, how would george w. bush handle this? >> for us on to say if you're early for conversation of commerce and cart right in with their talking points down. felt after relays or three others we have to acknowledge which is the white house, the house and the senate are all controlled by the democrats and could be fixing this problem. griff: you are a pennsylvania gal. you worked on the content campaign in pennsylvania we have quite an exciting primary both sides really playing out. fetterman certainly has things
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locked up or heading into georgia. first i want to talk about what you think, al is happening that is significant in pennsylvania? >> to see the same thing we saw in 2016 where president trump when he first came out was around 30% pretty see that with doctor oz in pennsylvania. does that mean he can get to the 50% to win a piece up against fetterman? i'm not sure he can. the other interesting thing in pennsylvania is a fight between mike pompeo and president trump are you see this in a bunch of states that were former members about the nist ration, mike pence, mike pompeo are all fighting with the president versus the candidate's fastening to me. griff: is quite passing put your finger on something i think is being watched closely, al. ashley, do you think what happens in pennsylvania and georgia which will talk about just the second is really a referendum on how much political power donald trump still has? >> i think if you look at what happened in ohio, the state of ohio and how popular he was
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there i think one 100%. pennsylvania's little bit different for the governor he was going to when the president endorsed him on saturday before the election. we cannot really give the credit to former president at this point. i do think he is significantly helped oz. but i do really think what happened is when the new candidate surge, kathy barnette she took a lot of boat votes away from doctor oz. think he probably would have one without the situation we are in right now. she did not surgeon last minute too. >> were founded 30 seconds your thoughts on georgia? >> trump is not wearing their governor kemp is going to take down purdue in the priming takedown by a large margin. griff: do you agree ashley? >> he is going to win her she's going to win by 750% i think temple and by 50% neither will going to run off. i look forward to the warnock herschel race. >> thank you very much for being here, you guys have a great rest your saturday.
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>> senate passing 40 billy knows a new way to ukraine this is fox news goes to her the hardest hit areas and the kyiv region. greg is live with this from the latest. >> paid, the fight rages across the country. including here. here air raid sounds just about every day. recent strike was 40 miles my capitol the set piece and battles are happening elsewhere but today it truly looks like that heroic nearly three months each of ukraine defenders at mary opal steel mill is over. russia claiming the entire city nearly 2500 fighters have surrendered. we heard these words from president zelenskyy earlier today. >> many of our pilots and died heroically knowing flying was just almost impossible. they flew there to bring medication, produce and water into evacuate the wounded. all of this was happening details of which nobody could comment on officially.
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>> meanwhile we are getting a word from our teams on the ground otherwise basically main battle are shifting to the east. having failed on several fronts of moscow is apparently trying to lock in a solid continuous gains the south and the east of the country. worst destroyed town in the region. good preview of what other ukrainian towns could be facing. the civilians are hit by russians 90% the buildings damaged, hundreds of casualties some of the residents have returned again. military analysts are saying, griff, now that moscow has failed in the effort and may be
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up into the second biggest city they are now focusing on total disruption. mostly now using artillery and missiles. ukraine has to fight back and fight back hard, back to you projects they are indeed fighting heart. thank you. aishah: back here at home the baby formula shortage has rocked the country. one hopeful sign as u.s. troops are loading thousands of pallets of formula onto flight out of air force base in germany. that formula has a long journey to make to hungary u.s. babies here at home or at my next guest is a mom of two who struggled to find food for her five month old baby girl, went viral try to me now is her sweet sweet daughter palmer who did not take a nap today. want to ask you, what happened with palmer?
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not able to find the formula we needed. how did she react? >> yes she has a protein allergy most baby formulas she has a prescription it's back ordered from the pharmacy. so we are very limited on what we can get off of the shelf in the situation. >> we are looking at the before and after pictures right now of what she looks like when she has the right formula and what she looks like she had hives all over her face. >> yes, she gets hives, she has a hard time breathing. she has kind of a lot of things going on when she has cows milk protein. >> it's got to be so scary. i mention the white house has announced the going to invoke the defense of production act to try to get as quickly as possible but we have this operation by a four wheel on
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military flights headed to the homeland. what do you make of this administration's response to the crisis? especially as it comes now after months of apparent sounding the alarm? >> i think it is shocking how long it took to get some sort of response from any administration. this is something's been going on for months so we all noticed it. moms all over the u.s. have been reaching out to their local government go to what to get help her it's a little too real too late we are already in this crisis and we need help. it is a weeks until we are going to see it. aishah: palmer it looks good right now how were you able to find the formula she needed and what is your situation now? >> i am very lucky i have a social media platform i can use it. i turned to tiktok that went pretty viral. i had moms from all over the
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u.s. and even people offering from australia, canada, europe to send me formula. we were able to get enough cans to last us a little bit of time until we are back to square one. i'm very fortunate in that aspect too. >> , she think you have left before you do run out? >> i have enough right for three months. she will be nine months and shall have three more months on formula. i am hopeful that might be resolved by them but who knows. >> we are hopeful too. spieth indent speaker nancy pelosi said she was horrified by this crisis but of course like all of us. she said she thanks someone needs to be indicted over this the lack of response. as a mom, tell america where you think the buck stops? who do you think the buck stops with? >> i think this is a situation where it was not taken as a priority. all of our government officials were not doing their job.
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they were not taking this as seriously as they should. with one of the biggest formula plants in the u.s. been shut down almost two years later than it should have been this is something we have known about for a while we know government officials need to be held responsible all the mama bear's out there holding their babies, what is your advice customer quote which you recommend training of the baby formula for the next three months. would you advise those moms who are still struggling to find it? >> i would say reach out to all of your friends and family all over the u.s., tell them what kind of can you use and have them look at their grocery stores. if they can find one or two can send it to you but send that message to literally everyone you know. don't go get ten, 12, 15 cancers a lot of moms that need these resources for just reach out to your friends and family have
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them buy you a can or two, call your pediatrician, they have sample sizes. there's also local milk banks that have milk that can maybe work for your children. there is a lot of resources out there. >> it is crazy were talking about having to do the something at such a basic necessity for our children here on 2022. we should not have to be in this moment you absolute should be having to watch your baby suffer through hives and all of that. i'm so sorry to see she has to go through that. thanks much for joining us, telling us in sharing your story with us. i'm so glad palmer's and got i'm sorry she missed her nap glad she made on tv with this brickwork she's going to go down right now. >> by palmer thank you so much. >> that was a cute baby she was well behaved as well. we are going from babies to the border next alive a day after a federal judge rules house of 42 must stay in place for now. that allows a border agents to
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continue to expel migrants. that is next. fight back fast with tums chewy bites. fast heartburn relief in every bite. crunchy outside, chewy inside. ♪ tums, tums, tums, tums ♪ tums chewy bites i'm steve. i lost 138 pounds in 9 months on golo and taking release. golo saved my life. i was way overweight, and that's what sent me down the path, was i--i wanted to make sure and live for my kid.
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>> you or take a look at leiva pictures the border right now this is eagle pass, texas at the white house is now vowing to appeal a federal judge's ruling friday that blocks the lifting of title 42 but that is the health policy that allows a rapid expulsion of illegal immigrants that leaves place early pandemic. let's go now to the ground to bill live with the very latest, bill. >> good afternoon to you the big picture here is this ruling really going to change a whole lot of the reality on the ground. title 42 has been in effect throughout this border crisis the large historic numbers basically every month title 42 is going to stay in effect now part were soaked in huge numbers even after that ruling.
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eagle pass crossed illegally waving at the fox news drone they were from cuba the thing is the biden administration is not even been enforcing title 42 of those countries for they might have been released via parole that really is not had an impact relook at the second piece of video hear from the ground, that shows the exact same group crossing the summary the del rio sector we are has been overwhelmed since he certainly physically on october 1. they've had about 270,000 illegal crossing those numbers up almost 150% important to point out the administration is only applying title 42 to select countries but allow the people
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pricing are not being expelled via title 42. want to share this video shot by our drone earlier this morning for this is another large group of about 120 red cross during the early morning hours those same demographic columbia, venezuelan, cuban for nicaraguans also saw peruvians almost all predominantly single adults. melting the massive family units crossing over anymore like we're single last summer but has been nonstop out here. in the rio grande valley that is directly across from the american city of mcallen. what you are thing of thousands of migrants who set up in camps across the border. they were waiting for may 23, waiting for title 42 to drop than they plan on crossing for the big question now will be what are they going to do? are they going to go back to their home country? unlikely you can bet many of them will give it a shot and try
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to crossed illegally anyway. we'll find that out in the coming days even up that ruling back out here live just in the last 24 hours alone in the del rio sector dhs source telling fox news there been more than 1800 illegal crossings, will send it back to you. >> alright thanks so much live at the border for us. thirty-seven for on this national control president brandon, thank you for taking time on saturday to talk about this. the image just showing the aerial of that shelter. i do want to know in march of 2021 i stood and that crowded camp will no other network was even covering the border because you and others told me something was, you need to get down there. now we see that camp again full, exploding their other shelters,
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also swung with migrants ready to go over because they thought title 42 is going to lift on monday. now it is not temporary halted from lifting that, what is your reaction? >> i am grateful this judge exercise his authority. that's what we have coequal branches of government the judge can look at but like bill said is not going to make that much of a difference. i'll be bn eagle pass the vast majority 90 non-% are ultimately going to be leased because this demonstration is given to many carveouts are to me countries you look at the month of april, we only expelled about 50% under title 42 the president continues to give more carveouts to countries that will entice more people across the border illegally. the judge ruling done is shines a spotlight of forces more will
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tune into fox news to get the actual truth that give out more carveouts to more countries. griff: this judge ruled, issued this ruling after 24 states sued for a temporary because they were worried about the impact that an out of control border increased numbers would have on states there some moderate democrats as well or woefully prepared the surge in numbers they could be as many as 18000 a day by some estimates. what do you say whether or not the title 42 can in this demonstration handle this? >> no, no we can't i know that for a fact too. i am patrolling the border on a
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regular basis. my agents we see this every single day. we are barely able to handle 3000 apprehensions per day without pulling resources. right now we are up to run 8000 people we are pulling too many of our resources out of the field we are creating too many gaps in our coverage the cartels are exploiting those gaps they're getting rich off of our policy if wheat jumped up 16000, 18000 people that means the vast majority, nearly 90% of our resources are going to be out on the field during administrative duties is going to leave the border white open the cartels going to have complete control of our border. that is what we can expect to see if title 42 is lifted completely or if this administration continues to give carveouts the danger situation and it is going to affect american citizens is going to put them at risk. that is discussing this administration would pander to the far left oak been aborted rather than protect the american public by. >> it's a crisis even without
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title 42 lifting just look at the numbers a source giving me this morning the numbers for where you see in el paso or eagle pass the numbers there. it's in the del rio sector encounters in the last 24 hours. it's up 24% your patrol, you ran the patrol in arizona. that has encounters in the last 24 hours. as you can see in the sector they are it is 367%. is this much more than just a border crisis, brandon? >> it is at the national security crisis. it is a health crisis it's a crisis as far as the amount of drugs coming in. you can talk to any police officer to date they will tell you there are more drugs on the street today than there ever has been. the amount of products has astronomical. it coincides with illegal administration where the cartel recognize and such as fentanyl
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into united states. this is a very dangerous situation. but solved very easily solve this many times before president trump gave us the roadmap to how we can go about this. this administration just refuses to do it. >> no one seems to care what i think. i have often said simply bringing remain in mexico back, could have an immediate effect, positive effect. what do you say? >> not just that it could happen we know that it does. what happens isn't people know they are not going to be rewarded, they're not going to be relieved from the united states are not going to stop coming fred went president trump ordered the remain in mexico is like a light switch. within just two weeks we saw astronomical drops and illegal immigration. we crossed all the way to 45 year lows and when we did that we were then able to go after the cartel.
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it was a game changer this administration completely abolish it, got rid of it that is why we are in the situation we are in today. griff: maybe they'll reconsider brandon brandon taking time to come in on the studio in selleck city per the same time his son ezra hitting marriage was gorgeous bride brooklyn congratulations your son and thank you for taking the time today. aishah: this'll make you shake your head buried more images coming up today, hundreds of georgetown university seniors crashing one of america's most beloved memorials. and apparently is not a one op. that is. next. (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. sorry i'm late! dude, dude, dude... oh boy. your cousin.from boston. [whiff]
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[water splashes] is it on the green? [goose squawks] i was just looking for my ball. 19th hole, sam adams summer ale. [goose squawks] (here you go.) (cheers guys!) (mom allen) verizon just gave us all a brand new iphone 13. (dad allen) we've been customers for years. (here you go.) (dad brown) i thought new phones were for new customers. we got iphone 13s, too. switched to verizon two minutes ago. (mom brown) ours were busted and we still got a shiny new one. (boy brown) check it out! (dad allen) so, wait. everybody gets the same great deal? (mom allen) i think that's the point. (vo) iphone 13 on us for every customer. current, new, everyone. on any unlimited plan. starting at just $35 all on the network more people rely on. asya agulnik md: st. jude was founded with an understanding that no child should die in the dawn of life. to work with many partners all over the world, nothing stops in the way of us achieving that mission, not even war. marta salek md: when there is a need, people stand up and do what is right and ensure that they restart medical therapy
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as quickly as possible. carlos rodriguez-galindo md: any child suffering today of cancer is our responsibility.
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griff: the lincoln memorial is back on on washington avenue is firstly close i would not university grads left litter, broken bottles and spilled the wine and champagne.
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lots of students gathered on the monument steps to watch the sunrise and some even taking a dip in the reflecting pool you're looking images georgetown graduate sent us, here you can see that, quite disrespectful eight shock to see kids that went to one of the country's most prestigious universities spend over 60000 a pop in a sunrise tradition yet lacking the responsibility and the class and common sense to not leave it trashed. >> here's the thing. as doing a little bit of digging this is not the first time this has happened. apparently it's a kind of tradition to go to the lincoln memorial and watch the sunrise before they go pick up their diplomas. last time this happened in 2015 out of it the last seven looking at a news article from 2015 they had to call the park police they got so out of control. and george to release a statement back and then print all they said was university expects all associated with it
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to be good, responsible citizens, still waiting for georgetown response now but this cannot go on this cannot go on year after year by. >> know they should learn to become good stewards of all of our spaces particular hallowed. >> nuts be adults, let's be adults. now to break down the mysterious monkeypox joining me now april thanks much for joining us right off the bat can you tell us hold our hands and walk us through what is this? how badly do we need to be worried? what is the worst case scenario here? >> thanks so much for having me first of all. one thing i think it's very important you know is this is a rare virus it. even though there has been an emergence of cases worldwide and at least one case in the united states has been confirmed, it is still a rare virus. we do know signs and symptoms of
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this virus barely know how to mitigate its transmission. we know how to keep it relatively self-contained. and we know there are potential therapies and treatments for the virus. >> we aren't look at some of the pictures of the virus on people. we just want to warn you it is hard to look at. which is why i think people are watching the story develop. getting a little worried because i've got to say we also have a little bit of ptsd from covid. we do not want to go back to something like that. what would you say to folks who are concerned about this becoming an outbreak? what do you foresee? >> it's a very different virus and covid. very different for different mechanism of action. i think what is important is to know the signs and symptoms. you have the signs and symptoms to contact your healthcare provider for me nurse practitioner and you can reach out to me via telehealth or come into the clinic. we'll talk about these signs and symptoms we do think this could potentially be a monkeypox we will send the specimen to the
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lab. so we can report it. then what to do in terms of mitigating transmission, taking care of yourself. what to do if the signs and symptoms worsen. >> there is no vaccine for a monkeypox. but i believe people can be vaccinated with smallpox vaccine for think they're doing this in the uk right now. does this affect people differently at age group or comorbidities is there a different variation oily sock covid affecting people differently? >> it is important show the mechanism of action. so it transmit via droplets. so anyone that could potentially get the droplet or the fluid containing pathogens on their skin, it can get into a cut or any other entry points. anyone that would happen be a higher risk you mention the smallpox vaccine. we have not had the smallpox
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vaccination as a requirement in the united states for many years. because we've largely eradicated it. but the monkeypox virus is in the same family of smallpox. so those who are vaccinated against smallpox might have some level of immunity. >> thank you so much of got a got thanks for joining us we appreciated. getting in place right now for the cup. we are live in baltimore, next. ♪♪ you had me at allison® 10-speed transmission. ♪♪ features available on gmc sierra heavy duty. premium and capable. that's professional grade from gmc. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire.
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these guys didn't write a plan for the homeless. they wrote it for themselves. the choice for attorney general is clear. democrat rob bonta has a passion for justice and standing up for our rights. bonta is laser focused on protecting the right to vote and defending obamacare. but what's republican eric early's passion? early wants to bring trump-style investigations on election fraud to california, and early says he'll end obamacare and guard against the growing socialist communist threat. eric early. too extreme, too conservative for california. i'm dan o'dowd and i approved this message. too conservative tesla's full self- driving technology. the washington post reported on "owners of teslas fighting for control..." "i'm trying..." watch this tesla "slam into a bike lane bollard..." "oh [bleeped f***]" this one "fails to stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk." "experts see deep flaws." "that was the worst thing i've ever seen in my life." to stop tesla's full self-driving software...
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vote dan o'dowd for u.s. senate. >> oh one of horseracing biggest events is hitting the track the preakness stakes is taking place in baltimore for it although one will not be showing up to the pimlico race today lydia hu is joining us now live from an amazing i think that as i fascinate her, lydia. >> you know why the occult eight fascinate her or a hat i called beautiful to millan or christy moore for letting us wear this today. there is so much excitement here and pimlico in baltimore. it's full force of no restrictions we are expecting around one or the thousand people to fill the stand to watch the big race tonight. the preakness stakes.
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we had a chance to catch up with veteran horse racing fans in the local baltimore area. others who traveled from far distances to be here today, watch. >> i miss it for years in a row. i was devastated during the pandemic. but now it's so innovative. >> what is your favorite part? same with the girlfriend. eating, drinking, spending the day out here. >> i like the favorite will not make me a ton of money i do not think. i will throw in some longshots. >> it's a real scorcher here today around 93 degrees at the moment. does not seem to be deterring people so far. it could be a factor in the race for the horses, watch this. >> one of the warmest we've had for number of times a number of these courses have been training in warmer climates.
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>> this year, like you mentioned a moment ago will not have a triple crown winner this year because kentucky derby is so much excitement. there is a filly a female horse taking on all the boys tonight in the big race. it's only been six at times were a filly has run the preakness stakes paired with cfb the we the seventh a lot on the line there. post time 701 of the ampex will be watch that lady are nine -- two odds is going to win it we will see. meanwhile congratulations on a very strong game it's a very, very cool thing too. >> would cool people off as amended julia. art that is it for us this our "fox news live" continues with eric and arthel. >> thanks for watching that means you could have a lot more home equity than you think.
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eric: president biden traveling overseas as his administration is dealt a major setback here at home. a federal judge blocking the plan to end title 42 restrictions set to have expired on monday. it keeps the trump era pandemic policy in place at least for now, preventing the situation at the southern border from, they say, getting even larger. welcome to "fox news live," i'm eric shawn. arthel: i'm arthel neville. so the lafayette, louisiana, judge ruling title 42 will stay in effect while


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