tv Fox News Live FOX News May 21, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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eric: president biden traveling overseas as his administration is dealt a major setback here at home. a federal judge blocking the plan to end title 42 restrictions set to have expired on monday. it keeps the trump era pandemic policy in place at least for now, preventing the situation at the southern border from, they say, getting even larger. welcome to "fox news live," i'm eric shawn. arthel: i'm arthel neville. so the lafayette, louisiana, judge ruling title 42 will stay in effect while a lawsuit filed
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by 24 states works through the court. the judge says that he's siding with those states after they argued lifting title 42 would put a burden on their local health care systems. the justice department says it plans to appeal. now, this comes as president biden is visiting south korea, one of our closest allies in asia. the president met with his south korean counterpart today. topping the agenda, boosting military cooperation and containing north korea's nuclear threat. peter doocy is live in seoul, south carolina, with more on the president's first asia trip as president and white house reaction to the title 42 ruling. peter. >> reporter: yes, arthel, we've got all that. the administration thinks that it is time for border patrol officers to stop using covid as a reason to deport illegal border crossings, but this federal judge is basically saying, too bad. if. >> all this ruling is, is a stay
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of execution. the biden administration is doing everything they can to transform america, and title 42 is the last tool left for our border patrol agents to actually push back. >> reporter: white house press secretary karine jean-pierre explains their side. she says the authority to set public health policy nationally should rest with the centers for disease control, not with a single district judge -- district court, i should say. at the heart of this federal judge's ruling is a nod to states that sued worried there could be a huge increase in illegal immigrants in border towns if title 42 goes away. the judge writes: the sheriff states have demonstrated that the termination order will affect their quasi-sovereign interests based on the impact on their health care systems and their interest in the health and welfare of their citizens. >> i think everyone's probably breathing a sigh of relief because what we know is that title 42 is really the only thing that's keeping that border in any kind of check, right?
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>> reporter: progressives have been pressuring president biden to get rid of title 42 saying they think it is cruel to deport someone who crosses the border illegally and blame covid. and the president is, by appealing this decision, is continuing to side with those progressives over republicans and moderate democrats who expressed a lot of concern over the last couple months about what is going to happen in border states because the administration has not laid out a concrete plan for what they want after title 42. arthel? arthel: hey, peter, do you think the president, though, is moving forward, as you said sort of -- not sort of, but siding with progressives, the courts keep saying, no, no, no, so he kind of, you know, is able to wash his hands of it. >> reporter: that's entirely possible. and this could be a situation where on paper because they say they want title 42 to go away, it would be seen as a loss, but politically because it is a tool the border patrol officers have
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and that moderate democrats, that the president tries to work with all the time on everything else want to be, it could be a back door win for the white house. arthel: all right. peter doocy -- >> reporter: but we're never going to hear them say that. [laughter] arthel: well, you and i are talking about it, so that's something, i think. [laughter] all right. peter doocy there with the president in seoul, south korea, take care. eric? eric: as we wait for the results of the administration's appeal, how will keeping title 42 for now affect what's going on there on the ground on the border? bill melugin is in eagle pass, texas, with the latest for us now. hey, bill. >> reporter: well, eric, i can tell you in the immediate hours after that federal ruling on title 42, we saw more illegal crossings here in eagle pass, and that's because that ruling essentially just keeps the status quo in place. title 42 has been in place throughout this entire border crisis. we'll show you what we saw. take a look at this video.
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this was literally minutes or less than an hour after that ruling came down right here in eagle pass. we saw this group of migrants walking across the river in broad daylight, one guy using his cell phone to record them all. mexican police on the other side of the river had been trying to stop people from crossing, but this group slipped past them, and they walked right into the united states right after that ruling. thaw certainly haven't been the only ones. take a look at this video we shot just a couple of hours ago. this was a group of approximately 60 people who crossed illegally, broad daylight once again, some of the people actually waving at our fox news drone, also waving at a helicopter belonging to mexican law enforcement that was hovering above them. had a chance to talk with some of those migrants. they were from cuba, venezuela and nick rag a what. those are all countries that the administration is not enforcing title 42 with for the most part right now. this third piece of video, that same group from the ground many of them were in a celebratory
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mood as they come across. it was mostly single adults, and the reason they're celebratory is because they know the administration really isn't title 42-ing those countries, and they will have a very good chance of just being released into the united states once they are taken into federal custody. take a listen to what former i.c.e. director tom homan had to say about the situation. >> this administration twice, when a federal judge ordered them to do this in order to secure the border, they appeal it. what the secretary of homeland security or purposefully appeals a decision to secure the border? and because of their policy, because of what this bunch of people have done, they took the most secure border we've ever had with all the work we did in the trump administration and purposefully unsecured it. >> reporter: and dhs source tells fox news just here in del rio sector just in the last 24 hours alone, there have been nearly 2,000 illegal crossings.
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and looking aing t the bigger picture, since october 1st, the start of the fiscal year, they've seen about 270,000 illegal crossings. the numbers in this sector up about 145% over the same time last year. and, again, that is all with title 42 in place. send it back to you. eric: all right, bill, thanks so much. arthel? arthel: some of president biden's fellow democrats are urging him to make use of this setback on title 42. ads senator mark kelly says -- arizona senator mark kelly says the rule, quote, does not change the fact that there is a crisis at the border, and there must be a detailed plan that can be implemented before title 42 is lifted. and this from arizona's other democratic senator, kyrsten sinema, saying, quote: the administration should use this delay to coordinate with local leaders and get resources on the ground in arizona's communities to implement a workable plan before ending title 42. joining me now is douglas
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nichols, the mayor of yuma, arizona, who declared a migrant emergency in his city back in december. sir, i'll get to the senator in a moment, mayor, but what does judge sommerhayes' decision mean for the city and citizens of yuma, arizona? >> well, it is that stay, that ability to take a breath and not have to worry about the impact of removal of title 42 and kind of, hopefully, hedging those numbers and keeping them at least where they're at today if hopefully not sending a message that the united states' border isn't open and hope any reducing numbers. but it is definitely a glimmer of hope at least for the short term. arthel: yeah. so would you say this provides you full full-time or part-time relief? >> it's definitely part time because there's still the potential and actually really should at some point title 42 should go away. but it shouldn't go away until there's an effective plan in
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place to manage the flow that is coming across more effectively and not on the backs of small cities and nonprofits. arthel: so then what would you say is a workable plan? that's what senator sinema says, that there needs to be a workable plan. what would you say or consider a workable plan? >> well, first, from the get go the dhs, the administration, they need to be clearly stating that the border is closed. the messaging is paramount that the cartels and all the people coming from other countries realize that this is not how you enter the united states. that's extremely important. and then you need policies that you're actually going to enforce that support that. those are the two most important things. from there we just with need more resources prepositioned at the border. we need to have not our nonprofits carrying the load, but fema and the federal government carrying the load. and really we need to take a look at what's a fair way to release people into the country.
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smaller communities along the border just don't have the social infrastructure in place that larger communities do. and so i think releasing into smaller communities is disproportionate immarket. of -- impact. we need to have a strong policy in place that the releases won't happen in communities, say, under a million people. and then that way it actually releases the pressures that are on these small communities that don't have a whole lot of resources to begin with. arthel: well, these all sound like really great points, and just a yes or no for me, are you working with anyone directly or indirectly, maybe by one degree of separation, if you will, with the administration to submit those suggestions you just made to me? >> yes, definitely. arthel: okay, good. what i want to do now is look at border encounters with unaccompanied minors. this is over the past four years through april of this year. in 2019 you had almost 81,000.
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2021, almost 147,000 and then through april of this year you've got almost 86,000. so how dot unaccompanied minors exacerbate the problem? >> well, it's really from a humanitarian standpoint. you don't want to see a 5-year-old crossing a river by himself with a note pinned to his chest looking for a border patrol agent. i think at that point we need to start putting charges against the parents who allow that to happen because that's just not, in any country i'm aware of, an acceptable method. you know, in yuma generally we haven't had unaccompanied minors, but within the last two years with the numbers you've stated, we've actually had a dramatic uptick in our sector. arthel: and finally, mayor, if anyone were to accuse you of being anti-immigration or immigration rights, what would you say? >> well, that's -- i've had that
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accusation. but you need to understand my family. my father-in-law immigrated at age 18. i cherish my great grand parents who immigrated from italy in early 1900s. this country, this community is built upon the hard work of many immigrants and generations that came after them. arthel: right. >> it's not about that. it's about securing our country and making sure we know who's coming in and -- arthel: i'm going to jump in really quickly with one last point that you already know, but of course you know most of the immigrants that we are looking at, they're coming in from mexico, guatemala -- through mexico from guatemala are, el salvador, honduras. i'm not saying that, i'm just talking about real issues that people are talking about. i want you to address that for me. do does that a make a difference to you how? >> well, you know, we have over 103 different countries this fiscal year alone come through the yuma sector. it's not about one particular
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race or country, it's about a worldwide movement. people who want to come to the united states. and i get why they want to come to the united states, but there's a legal -- arthel: process. >> -- to make that happen. arthel: all right. we will leave it there. mayor, thank you very much and good luck with everything. thank you. >> thank you. ♪ ♪ eric: well, now on to the primaries. you know, they're still counting the votes in pennsylvania. there's another closely-watched contest coming up on tuesday in georgia. polls there show incumbent republican governor brian kemp has a wide lead over trump-backed former senator david perdue. the winner will face democrat stacey abrams who is running unopposed for her party's nomination. mark meredith live with the very latest on this hotly-contested race. hey, mark. >> reporter: good afternoon to you from athens, georgia. we have been watching as governor brian kemp maintains a significant lead, but he is still trying to do all he can to
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shore up support including holding events today not too far from where we are in what's described as an unusual gubernatorial primary. earlier today we saw the governor campaigning with nebraska governor pete rickets, on monday he'll be on the stump with former vice president mike pence. he faces repeated attacks from former president trump. the maga crowd furious with kemp back in 2020, but the governor tells us he believes the party will unite especially if he is the nominee. >> georgia republicans are scared to death of stacey abrams. i mean, she, like i said, is a great unifier. i believe everyone will rally to make sure that that doesn't happen. >> reporter: but now kemp is also facing a challenge if from former senator david perdue. he is trailing in the polls and in fund raising, but he is hoping the maga crowd will come out in this final stretch of the campaign. we saw him campaign with former
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alaska governor sarah palin. perdue continues to hammer kemp over 2020 including what he said last night in north georgia. >> our governor sold us out. he allowed stacey abrams and the rad radical left to take over our elections. >> reporter: no matter who wins the primary on tuesday, they're likely going to face a strong challenge come november. stacy antibiotic also, as you mentioned, she's already raising a lot of money to try to get out the vote and raise her profile, and there's going to be a lot of national attention on this race because, of course, what we saw in 2020 with georgia when it went blue, we are waiting to see what it's going to look like on tuesday. we just got early voting numbers, more than 800,000 people casting their vote before primary day, and that is significant especially considering this is just a primary election. chem can -- democrats making it clear they're ready to pivot to a november challenge, governor kemp saying he is the best positioned to beat stacey abrams, he just has to get
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through tuesday. eric? eric: all right. can't wait. thanks, mark. arthel: from georgia to pennsylvania where four days after the polls closed there it's re-- its republican senate primary is still too close to call. dr. mehmet oz leads former hedge fund ceo david mccormick by less than one percentage point, well within the state's mandatory recount threshold. alexandria hoff is live in pittsburgh, part of allegheny county, where election issues will take a few more days to sort out, and the nails are getting shorter and shorter because people are biting them. [laughter] alexandria. >> reporter: hi, arthel. yeah, they have to be very particular because the race is so close. for an automatic recount to not be triggered, either dr. oz or david mccormick would have to secure a half percentage lead over the other, or the trailing candidate would have to decline a recount. neither is planning to do that right now, of course not. they are separated by just 1100
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votes statewide, oz. holding on on to that micro-lead. yesterday a review board was sworn in to research at least 1900 provisional ballots. listen. >> going to be researching all the voter registrations and establishing whether they should be counted or not. so once that is done, the parties will have the opportunity to object or challenge -- [inaudible] board of elections. >> reporter: so that work's going to continue on monday. representatives from the oz and mccormick campaigns were also there yesterday as the final in-person votes were retrieved from ten problematic voting machines. while that didn't budge the race, they did secure -- [inaudible] from district 12. also accused by opponents of tax statements that were
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anti9-israel n. a statement lee wrote in par, quote: we built a movement in western pennsylvania, and it took on corporate power, stood up for working families and beat back a multimillion dollar smear campaign. i want to get back to that senate race because something interesting just happened. yesterday an appeals court ruled that mail-in ballots that are improperly or lack a date on the envelope can still be counted. that's been a point of contention from 2020. just minutes ago dr. oz's campaign said this is something that david mccormick's team is pushing for, mccormick's team says they are not, they're simply made counties aware of this ruling. mccormick has been leading when it comes to mail-in votes. arthel: thanks, alexandria hoff. eric: the baby formula crisis, we are told, will soon be easing somewhat. the first shipments from europe, they're due to arrive here in our country this weekend. president biden authorized the
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imports after nationwide shortages sent parents into a panic. operation fly formula will bring 132 ball lets of formula on military -- pallets of formula on military jets from an air base in germany. more deliveries expected to fly into our country in the coming days. the scarcity stem largely from that february closing of the largest u.s. formula plant, that's in michigan where the fda suspected contamination sickened several babies. but abbott labs, the factory's owner, has disputed that. there you see baby formula on the way, hoping to finally ease that shortage. arthel: absolutely. all right, eric, well, new revelations in court from hillary clinton's former campaign manager who testified in the trial of a former clinton campaign lawyer. that's up next. ♪ ♪ lete balanced nutrition
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former campaign manager testified that clinton herself potentially approved giving one of the now-debunked trump-russia stories to the press two months before the presidential election in 2016. >> it's surprising that he said it on the stand, but i think we all who were looking at this and add two and two had a figure that if the clinton campaign peddled the story, they wouldn't have done that without the approval of the candidate. >> you have an amazing disinformation campaign that maybe has been the most successful in u.s. history. >> reporter: former lawyer mike sussmann is charged with lying to the fbi by claiming he had evidence of a secret back channel between the trump organization and a russian bank with ties to the kremlin. sussmann claims he was delivering the information to the fbi on his own as a concerned citizen, not on behalf of the clinton campaign. special counsel john durham has evidence showing sussmann later billed the campaign for the private fbi meeting. the fbi found no evidence of a
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connection. clinton tweeted a few days before the election, quote with: computer science -- scientists have reportedly uncovered a server linking trump to a russian bank. jake sullivan said at the time, quote with: this secret hotline may be the key unlocking the mystery of trump's ties to russia. sussmann revealed he met with the cis in february 2017, after the election, to push the russia story. the trial resumes on monday. in washington, lucas tomlinson, fox news. eric: progressive prosecutors in what's called restorative justice being slammed in the wake of a plea bargain in new york city. the murder victim was a u.s. army vet who served our country in afghanistan. he was 35 years old when he was stabbed to death in a new york city attack back in 2018. now his mother and supporters are blasting a plea deal that freed one of his alleged
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killers. and district attorney alvin bragg's office agreed to a plea bargain for mary saunders. that charge was dropped this week to assault, that plea would free saunders who's out on bail for time served. the soldier's mother calls it an absolute disgrace, but bragg's office says they would not be able to prove the murder charge against her. hassan's mother, madeleine brown, joins us now. maaed madeleine, first, our condolences, of course, to you the loss of your son and this week, tragically, the loss of your brother. it's been a horrible week for you, this plea bargain coming on thursday. your response to what happened many court. >> it's a complete insult, it's a disrespect, it's a dishonor, a complete travesty. i am distraught.
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not just me, my entire family. we were all gathered together yesterday -- on thursday, rather, to mourn the death of my brother phillip who was also a desert storm retired veteran. we were all together when we received the news that mary saunders was released and sentenced to time served for the brutal, savage -- for her participation in the brutal, savage slaughter of our loved one, sergeant hasan. so not just me, my entire family is absolutely outraged. and we have no confidence or trust in the judicial system or the manhattan district attorney's office at this point. eric: you know, plea bar bargains are pretty common in
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criminal court. prosecutors said they didn't think they could prove it, they said that sawbders apparently -- and this is a quote -- only kicked your son and tried to punch him once, not causing any damage. what's your response to that claim in. >> well, that's ironic because for almost four years the evidence and the video cleary shows -- clearly shows, you know, mary saunders' significant exposure and her involvement in the murder of hasan. four judges, two district attorneys prior to this new district attorney and judge who only got this case a week ago all agreed that mary's participation was significant, significant, heinous and brutal. eric: why wasn't there -- you know, there's something under the law are called acting in concert. there have been convictions for murder of people acting in concert even though they didn't
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have the knife. why wasn't that brought into this case, do you know? >> well, it was prior to a week ago. it was. you know, we have a district attorney who worked hard and dill can gently to build -- diligently to build this case, who untimely retired. so the case has been kicked around the court system for the past, like, maybe year and a half to different district attorneys and different judges. and at that point, the case began to grow weaker, and it started to unravel because from what i understand, and i heard judges say it, that manhattan criminal court has never tried a murder case with four defendants, you know? so they were -- they are not equipped. eric: we have 40 seconds left -- >> okay. eric: this is what the d.a.'s office said. they said saunders pled guilty to assault in the second degree, was sentenced to one year. another defendant pled guilty to attempted gang assault in the first degree, five years
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post-release. i asked why do they do that, and that's the response. finally, you have a voice of the voiceless shirt on. 30 seconds, tell me what you're doing and why this is important to you. >> okay. i'm the chairwoman of victims' rights, and we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and we add advocate and protest and rally for stronger policies to help protect and strengthen the rights for victims of all crime. and a lot of victims don't feel they have a voice or no one to speak up for them, but i am here to tell all of the moms and all the families who feel that they're alone that we are your voice. we will speak for you, and we will fight until we get the answers and until we get justice and closure for the murders of our loved ones. eric: madeleine brame, mother of
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hason correa, you can also go to victims rights new york. the group is victims rights new york to get more information to follow her case and that of others. madeleine, again, our condolence ares. thank you for being with us today to shed light on this plea bargain and what does happen in reality in court. and we'll be right back. >> thank you for having me. caution. vehicle electrified. contact results in rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, and a tingling in the extremities. serious thrills... may occur. the all-electric amg eqs. ♪ ♪ my name is trisha. i'm 70 and i live in mill valley, california. my biggest passion is gardening. i love to be outdoors.
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arthel: fox news alert, michigan authorities say now that at least two people have die after a massive tornado ripped through the town of gaylord around 200 miles northwest of detroit. police say more than 40 people were were injured. officials say the small town of about 4,000 people took a direct hit from the twister, and the devastation is widespread. dozens of homes and businesses were destroyed. michigan's governor, gretchen whit mentioner has declared a state of emergency to be free up
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more resources for rescue and i recovery. eric? eric: rising gas prices are showing no signs of going down in some spots. they've hit a new record, we're told, in the past 11 days, 11 days in a row. experts say we should brace for more pain at the pump. marian rafferty live at a gas station in los angeles where i guess those numbers are some of the highest in the country. >> reporter: they're actually quite shocking, eric. the nationwide average though is around $4.59 a gallon according to aaa. here in california the average for the state is about $6.06 a gallon, so much higher. and right here wherer i want to show you this been where we are, it really is crazy, $6.599 a gallon, and that is for regular. if you need diesel, take a look at that, it's almost $7 a gallon. think about all those truck that are making deliveries all over the country right now, how expensive it must be for them, and with the holiday weekend
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coming up, what's a traveler to do? >> we have to travel less. you know, you have to economize, you know what i'm saying? you have to compromise. things you used to have you can't have. >> oh, i definitely drive less. i had to switch with some things up at work. i don't want to drive as much, i don't want to do as much because nobody can afford it out here. >> reporter: yeah, nobody can afford it. well, crude prices dropped and the fears of a recession, but prices at the pump, unfortunately, continue to rise, and the situation with ukraine and russia not making things any better. industry experts are saying maybe it's time to just tighten your belt and conserve a little more. >> go the speed limit. the faster the vehicle is moving, the more fuel you're burning. if you decrease your freeway speed by 5-10 miles per hour, you can increase your fuel economy by up to 14%. >> reporter: and if you're thinking maybe you'd rather fly as opposed to driving as an
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alternative, that's not looking better either. ticket prices for airplane travel up as well, so really all you can do is maybe try to plan a staycation. maybe the backyard's not looking too shabby right about now. eric: man, i keep on looking at those numbers. man. all right, marianne, thank you. arthel: that's not the only place where costs are hitting families hard. meat and milk are both up around 14%, eggs up 22%. and those price hikes are also being passed on to restaurant-goers. menu prices on average are up 7.5% from last year, the highest spike in more than four decades. restaurant expert and host of "bar rescue" jon taffer is here, also the author of a new book called "power of conflict if: speak your mind and get the results you want." all right, jon, one tip to make
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your point, don't get overly aggressive, to personal attacks and still get the other person to see your point. >> absolutely. you know, look at the political world that we're in, arthel, ands and the discourse that we're in. we insult people, take people's dignity away. when i take that away, you don't want to talk to me anymore. our communication is over. the way to go about conflict is dignified, respectful, meaningful conflict. engaging you, having a positive discussion. that's what made our country great. we've got to get rid of this divisiveness. but we also need to stand up for the things that we believe, especially these days. so we needed to do it with dignity and do it in a way that can open minds and change minds, not close minds. arthel: so what topics do you find are most explosive and lead to families falling aa part, marriages breaking up? >> well, today, of course, just even a political affiliation, as we know, we read crazy statistics like one side -- parents don't want them to marry
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someone from the other side whether it be left or right. the depth of conflict is right. look at all the issues, you know, border issues, taxation issues, economic issues, inflationary issues. every one of these today has a political twist. and think of of what it does to dinners at thanksgiving, to the workplace, to the manager-employee relationship, the spousal relationships. we need to learn how to speak our minds in respectful ways together. that's how we grow as individuals and as a society, and we need to take conflict and stop making it destructive and make it constructive. arthel: is there any subject people should avoid, just do not go there? >> well, you know, it's funny, when we train bartenders, we say stay away from religion and politics. [laughter] arthel: that's the way it's been. don't tell me what the order in terms of a drink. anyway -- >> it shouldn't be that way at thanksgiving dinner with your family. it shouldn't be that way to people who are close to you and
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important to you. with those people, you should be able to speak your mind. arthel: do you follow your own advice? >> i do. you know, "bar rescue" is a little different because it's compressed in time, so i get a little intense, but, yes, i do. understanding other people's views are critical. engaging is what's good. you know, when we engage together and really start to open up and communicate with each other, a conflict ends with us liking each other even more. i might not agree with you, but i respect your position more. i certainly don't think 50% of america's crazy no matter what side you look at. you know, we all get out of bed in the morning and want our lives and our country to be better, not worse. sometimes that gets lost. arthel: what is "bar rescue"? >> it's my television show that's been on for about 12 years. and in that show i can get a little i aggressive and maybe raise my voice and not follow all the practices that i specify in my book, but that's a
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compressed time period, so it's a little different. arkansas for those who haven't seen the show, what do you do in 20 seconds? >> i'm dropped into failing businesses, and i'm given four days to turn them around, and it's very, very intense when i do so. it creates a very aggressive environment where i have to push people to achieve success in such a short period of time. arthel: okay. jon taffer, thanks for joining us. >> great to see you, arthel. >> take care. >> bye-bye. eric: i've been hearing about in the past few days, monkeypox. what is it, how bad could it be? well, there's new warnings from the cdc about monkeypox. the doctors are saying, what we all need to know straight ahead here on "fox news live." ♪ ♪ y enclave. starting your buick enclave. i just love our new alexa. dad, it's a buick. i love that new alexa smell. it's a buick. we need snacks for the team. alexa, take us to the nearest grocery store.
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usually found in africa, but cases have been reported in australia, europe and right here at home in the if u.s. steve harrigan live in atlanta which is the home of the cdc. >> reporter: eric, just a caution, some of the images are graphic, and there are real concerns about the potential spread around the world at this point. 70 confirmed cases in europe, at least 2 confirmed cases in the u.s., and on friday the cdc issued an alert to physicians across the country to be on the alert for this virus, a rare virus especially outside of africa. it generally starts with a rash and then bumps are formed. inside those bumps there is pus. it's generally the symptom of a flu for anywhere from 2-4 weeks, aches, pains and fever. at this point physicians say there is no need for panic. >> i do not think monkeypox has any ability to cause a pandemic because it is an inefficient transmitter, because it is not contagious during the incubation
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period, because we have the smallpox vaccine which is a tried and true countermeasure. >> reporter: it is a virus, but it's much more difficult to spread monkeypox. you need close physical contact or a transfer of bodily fluids. in western and central avenue it's been about 1% fatal. if there is an outbreak, smallpox vaccines can be used to slow the outbreak. eric, back to you. eric: officials say there's been one case in new york city and one in boston. hope it stays that way. arthel? arthel: yeah, i'm officially grossed out. wow, moving on now. excitement is building in baltimore for the preakness stakes. could we see another long-shot winner after a shocking finish at the kentucky derby? we are live at pimlico race course. of it's up next. ♪ ♪ [♪♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose.
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the choice for attorney general is clear. democrat rob bonta has a passion for justice and standing up for our rights. bonta is laser focused on protecting the right to vote and defending obamacare. but what's republican eric early's passion? early wants to bring trump-style investigations on election fraud to california, and early says he'll end obamacare and guard against the growing socialist communist threat. eric early. too extreme, too conservative for california.
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course in baltimore because it's still exciting. hi, lydia. >> reporter: hi there, arthel. we are so delighted to be back here even without the prospect of having a triple crown winner this year, because the event is back in full force this year with no restrictions in place. we're estimating or thinking that we're going to have about 100,000 or more people packed into people pimlico later -- pimlico to watch this race later this evening. that's a big difference from last year's only 10,000 people that were allowed to be here to watch the race. so as you mentioned, arthel, we're not going to have kentucky derby winner rich strike in this winner, he's sitting the preakness out, but there are still some incredible contenders like secret oath. that's a female horse, and she's going to be taking on the boys in tonight's preakness stakes. in 146 years of this race, only 55 fillies have ever raced in the preakness, and only 6 have
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won, so the big question is, will secret oath become the 7th? >> i think she's earned the opportunity to run in the race, and i think the owner needs to have the same amount of heart and determination as the horse. and if she's earned the right to do it, let's let her do it. if she wins, she wins. >> reporter: bringing the heat in the competition is a horse named epicenter. that horseplaysed second in the kentucky -- horse placed second in the kentucky derby. >> obviously, received some accolades being the fave going in -- the favorite going in. the thing to appreciate is you have to be able to do it again. we've got a lot to of faith in him. >> reporter: last year we saw a record amount wageredded from all sources on preakness day, $112.5 million.
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so with the enthusiasm of having the event back in person, arthel, we're waiting to see how much is going to be wageredded to around the preakness race. post time is at 7:01, arthel. arthel: hey, ya, we have an internal bet going on, and that is who will you let use your hat, me or my producer jane? i'm betting on myself, that you'll let me use your gorgeous hat. [laughter] >> reporter: you know what? i am happy to share. this is done by christine moore, and i bet it would look great on both of you. you can have it any time. arthel: so diplomatic, i love it. and your hat is gorgeous. lydia huh, thank you -- lydia hu, thank you so much. and we'll be right back. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. welcome to your world.
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quick >> kid the 70 blockbuster movie jaws have the fake shark thing on his back. he's a police chief of the town. within the sick by the town board to run the police department in oak bluffs at summit massachusetts island in martha's vineyard. he was one of a dozens of locals forecasted back in 1975 for jaws a. they of course iconic steven spielberg film it. it centers on the town's police achieved a marine biologist
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trying to save the residence from a killer shark. his focus will be catching real criminals on land. but you know, arthel i bet he still going to have one eye out there on the ocean special summer coming up. arthel: jaws is scared to be gigabyte's out of the back of the debris were back in a one hour hope you can join us. ♪ >> welcome to the journal editorial report i am paul gigot. battle with the inflation gasoline prices surpassed $4 a gallon and all 50 states the very first time and topped $6 a gallon to california. democrats continuing to point fingers for the soaring prices with the house of passing a gas price gouging bill on thursday i move the white house press secretary says the president supports.
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