tv Media Buzz FOX News May 22, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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♪ howard: the murder of ten innocent people in buffalo is utterly heartbreaking in so many ways, all victims of a suspect whose writings of racism and anti-semitism and had a twisted mind. what i also find troubling is the knee-jerk partisanship with which pundit cans on the left and sometimes the right respond to mass shootings. liberal pundits and later "the new york times" blamed a mass shooting in i tucson on a sarah
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palin political ap map that the gunman never even saw. but when a liberal bernie sanders supporter wounded steve scalise and others five years ago at a congressional republican baseball practice, the media didn't blame left-wing philosophy, and they shouldn't have is. yet after mostly black shoppers with were gunned down in buffalo, people who don't like this network unleashed this constant barrage. it's partially fox's fault. >> it's not even a new pretext, a new justification for violent, racist terrorism. it has long been so. it is right now being newly-popularized by the biggest fans in conservative media. >> those conspiracies pushed by a former president, house republican leaders, social media monopolies and a powerful cable news network. >> this vision of the country belonging to some americans,
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white americans, right, is only going on the right. and you can hear it on any given night on fox news. howard: a chief target has been tucker carlson. his comments are, of course, fair game for public debate, but blaming him for the shooting is absurd. the latest case of a blood on your hands ea approach to finger-pointing, even if you're chuck schumer trying to score political points by attacking fox. by the way, there's nothing in the suspect's hundreds of rambling pages that indicates he has ever watched one minute of fox news. i'm howard kurtz, and this is "mediabuzz." ♪ ♪ howard: ahead, a wide-ranging interview with radio host hugh hewitt on coverage of the midterms. an old sexual harassment allegation against elon musk reas far ass after he said --
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resurfaces after he said he's voting republicans and predicted a dirty tricks campaign. and the government disinformation board suspended just after three weeks. president biden gave an emotional speech after meeting with survivors of relatives and victims in buffalo and gave a nod to the notion that the media bears some possibility -- responsibility. >> white supremacy is a poison. hate and fear are being given too much oxygen by those who pretend to love america who don't understand america. this is why it requires all of us -- presidents, politicians, commentators, citizens. none of us can stay on the sideline ares. >> one of our country's two political parties has brought the baseless and dangerous conspiracy that white people are being replaced out of the dark, dank corners of the internet. >> we don't need to belabor the point that the so-called liberals never move to circumscribe the killer when
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they're an msnbc fan. no, no, no, in those cases it's a cities affected lone wolf. howard: joining us now, in new york, will cain, cohost of "fox & friends" weekend, and julie banderas, fox news anchor and commentator,. will, do you see the left-wing media engaging in guilt by association in claiming that the buffalo suspect, who trumpeted openly his racism and anti-semitism the, was reflecting conservative and republican rhetoric on immigration and above all, he appears to be mentally ill? >> i do see that. i think if you see everything in the world as a nail, all you have is a hammer. and most of the media only sees the world through the lens of partisanship, so anything that happens is a reflection of your political enemy, howard. i would ask if anti-immigration rhetoric is responsible for this, is it also fair in turn to look at, for example, the cultural dialogue around works like robin deanglos?
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is it fair to ask if that is contributing to a climate where we've racialized everything? everything has turned into a racial prism. i don't think either -- i agree with you, by the way. i think it was a very commendable bit of truth-telling i you started the show with. i'm not going to blame either of those ideologies on the acts of a mad match, howard. and that is -- look, you want to know the real problem? we have a nays full of disaffected young men who have no purpose or meaning in life who have been told that they are somehow all of america's problems, and they've been propped up on who knows how many different kinds of drugs and have lost all faith or meaning in this world. the real problem is we have a caste -- cast a ton of young men into the with mental health issues. howard: there is a lot pattern of media finger-pointing. there's a lot more from the left in recent years because of these mass shooters going back to
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pittsburgh, el paso and now buffalo who appear to believe in white supremacy. >> right. there are so many topics to hit on on this that are just absolutely disgusting. for the media, first of all, to make a shooting political in any way, shape or form is such a disgrace to the families and the victims, the pen people -- ten people whose innocent lives were lost on that day thanks to someone who was mentally ill who should have been in a hospital and shouldn't have been allowed to buy a gun. this has nothing to do with immigration. this was a white supremacist who wanted to kill black people. it is outright racism. and for the great replacement theory that i personally believe is completely conspiracy theory, that has nothing to do with this. this has to do with the fact that this man fell through the loopholes here in the state of new york. in 2019 the red flag laws were enacted in this state in order to prevent nut jobs like this guy from getting a gun.
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he should have been analyzed. in 2021, in june, he threatened to do a murder/suicide and shoot up his high school. what happened? they did a psychological evaluation, the cops talked to him, they let him go, and nothing happened. so a judge never even got a chance to see his case and actually deem him unfit and, therefore, he was able to legally obtain a weapon. that is the issue here, it has nothing to do with anti-immigration rhetoric. howard: will, shouldn't the press make an important key, a crucial distinction between a legitimate debate over a looser immigration policy -- which would help democrats in the real political world -- and accusing pundits and politicians of pushing this great replacement theory, supposedly to protect the white majority? >> absolutely. we have to be able to have an honest debate about immigration policy. and quite honestly, howard, if we're having a fully honest conversation, it's not simply about illegal immigration. that's one aspect of it. but we have also a legal immigration process in this country that we do ask who can
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contribute in a positive manner to in the society. but that's also been pushed to the edges of the table where everything now is somehow controversial. things that were not controversial in this nation's history are now because, again, we only see the country through the prism of rouse, everything has to be cast in this light of is it or is it not racist. not is it or is it not good for the country. and if we can't have these conversations, to your point, howard, that are very important, we've turned into a country of college sophomores. we're just unserious. howard: interesting analogy. julie, liberals have openly talked about this, books have been written about this. the left-wing center for american progress almost a decade ago saying supporting real immigration reform that contains a pathway to citizenship is the only way to retain electoral -- this debate has been ongoing. >> absolutely not. and quite frankly, the democrats
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want illegals in this country because those are the ones that are eventually going to be voting them into office. tighten thing 42 the, which -- title 42, for example, these illegal immigrants that are being allowed into our country not only are allowed free range whether they have covid or not, wear masks or not, yet there's mask mandates in certain cities, yet these illegal immigrants are allowed to come into the country. not only are they getting a free pass, they're being bussed to different places such as miami where they will sit down and reside and elect future government officials. so, yeah, the democrats do want illegal immigrants in the cup. do i call it great replacement theory? no, but i do believe there is the a rhetoric behind the democratic party that almost supports illegal immigration, therefore, it's anti-immigration. you know, they do not believe that -- they think conservatives are basically discriminating against immigrants by saying don't come into this country when what they're doing is they're piewght -- polluting our
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country and trying to take over democratic -- howard: yeah, let's be clear, great replacement is a somewhat wacky conspiracy theory. debating illegal immigration and the political impact is part of political debate in a democracy. and, will, the buffalo suspect, his case, the 18-year-old suspect has reopened what happens after every mass shooting, a media debate about gun control. president biden referred to banning assault weapons again, that is not happening. even democratic leaders on the hill acknowledged that. this suspect walked into a gun shop and legally bought a semiautomatic rifle despite the red flags that julie referred to early. he didn't modify that rifle, but if you had the strictest gun control in the world, there would have been nothing to stop him and some others from purchasing such weapons. will: it's really difficult, and julie did a great job of laying
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out the red flags this guy had thrown up in the past. when you're dealing in the world of mental health, it's hard to identify someone and say, okay, you are now flag bl as someone who is capable of having constitutional rights rescinded. from a logistical standpoint, that is not easy to do. from a political standpoint, this is an absolutely dead loser for the democrats. knee-jerk reactionary forward this anytime a tragedy happens. in the wake of the summer of 2020 and the rising crime spike across this country, americans have returned to gun ownership as their only form of security. good luck trying to tell them now that you want to take it away. that is just simply going to be a political loser. >> i just have to push back on one thing. the fact that this guy actually threatened to commit murder/suicide, i think that's pretty much enough evidence for any judge to deem him unfit and, therefore the, mentally unfit to actually be able to legally carry a weapon, so this was a huge loophole.
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and this is the problem in this country, because it's not the first time, and it won't9 be the last, sadly. howard: right. but, julie, the tricky part of this mental health issue is the police initially did their job -- [inaudible conversations] he hadn't committed any crimes yet. and so shouldn't the -- >> i think -- [inaudible] howard: -- a hard line to draw. >> yeah. i think if you have the intent of killing others, school shootings are higher in this country than the entire world. so if somebody comes out and says i'm going to shoot and kill the president? do they get away with that? no, they do not. you cannot threaten to kill and and shoot innocent kids in high school and walk away and get the right to buy a gun. i think intent to kill minors, that that's enough to take any rights away as far as owning a gun. will: as long as we're having an all-encompassing conversation, the mental health issue. this guy was on the internet, and he laid out his motivations,
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but he also said he got bored during the pandemic in 020 and just -- 2020 and just lost himself on the internet. i'm telling you, we're losing people to just drifting meaninglessness in this world. and if you really want to get to the core of our problems, you have to start looking there. howard: yeah. great point. let me get a break here. ahead, elon musk says he's the victim of a political hit job. when we come back, the disinformation governance board has been suspended. the administration and some journalists are blaming conservative media. seriously? ♪ ♪ and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone.
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indianapolis airport. the biden administration trying to ease the baby formula shortage. you know, they're the playing catch-up here, and this came. >> -- came from germany. they should have not -- the limits on imports is one of the reasons we have a baby shortage crisis in the u.s. ♪ ♪ howard: after just three weeks, the federal disinformation governance board has been suspended, shelfed, sidelined as "the washington post" and homeland security officials tried to blame the move on, yes, can conservative media attacks. nobody forced the administration to pull the plug. the board's director, nina jankowicz, has resigned. she defended herself on msnbc. >> every characterization of the board that you heard up until now has been incorrect and, frankly, it's kind of ironic that the board itself was taken over birdies information when it was meant to fight it. i a maybe had one or two days i
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didn't report a violent threat, something like we're coming for you and your family, you and your family should be sent to russia to be killed, end encouraged me to commit suicide. howard: well, i'm sorry that nina jankowicz was subjected to these kinds of comments and threats which is, unfortunately, quite common, but since when does the biden administration take any if action just because conservative commentators don't like it? >> this one might be a first if it were true. let's count the ways in which this is sodly nonsensical. first of all, it would seem to me if you had a disinformation governance board, it might be at least showing some competency in doing away with, i don't know, disinformation. so i guess it was a purpose for this board if it was shut down birdies information, if i simply take her at her word. they couldn't combat the first instance they encountered. second, it wasn't disinformation, it was everybody telling the truth about this board, and your job might be to
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lay out the disinformation. tell us how your characterization of your ministry of truth was wrong. third, this also a came about in "the washington post", and this is one of the reasons i like doing your show, because it's media criticism. taylor lorenz described it as a coordinated, right-wing attack. interesting. how was it coordinated? on an e-mail change? was it in twitter dms? was there a secret society that a sent out messages to all the right-wing media, we should say the -- howard: i'll come back to the washington post. i want to let julie in -- >> an editor should jump in and say describe the coordination. howard: julie, alejandro mayorkas, who admitted they had a lousy ruleout, couldn't explain what it is -- rollout. they were running bad stuff, social media companies, and now it's just we're gathering best practices, we're not going to do anything, nothing to see here, so was this a messaging disaster? >> i mean, everything that comes
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out of this administration when they try to -- first of all, disinformation board. who the heck came up with such an idiotic title? howard: yeah. worst title ever. >> it's really awful. they should actually maybe buy twitter. mayorkas could have done a better job of communicating what it is and what it isn't? yeah, i think so. the administration needs to do a better job of communicating on anything, quite frankly. dhs spokesperson, basically they're trying to defend this board even though it's gone. why would you, first of all, eliminate the board if you didn't see that it clearly had problems, right? if it's really the right that's putting pressure on the administration, they wouldn't eradicate one of the boards they were so proud of three weeks after launching it. they said the focus was to insure freedom of speech was protected. really? a gop congressman has joined that growing movement basically stating this was a political tool for so-called experts to referee free speech. if he wasn't so right, then why
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did the they take it down? i mean, i think if they were innocent, would they leave it up? howard: i think they want this to all die down and quietly pull the plug. will, you mentioned "the washington post" piece, the headline was how the biden administration let right-wing attacks derail his disinformation -- it just happened to match what a dhs official told the paper, nina jankowicz has been subjected to personal threats, but does that mean a senior government official should be immune from public criticism? >> of course not. here's the question that i have for you, howie. this is something i've talked about openly, how is it supposed journal its -- journalists breaking the concept of free speech? it would be like the catholic church say we're into the whole morality thing, but we're done with jesus. here's my theory, howard. i believe most capital j journalists believe they are protected class.
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i'm sure they would love to see a licensed profession. and if they're inside the velvet ropes, the disinformation board can keep away any competitors to their line of thinking. that's what i think and why they are accepting the sacrifice of free speech. but the odd thing is they signed themselves up to essentially always be baghdad bob. they will always be on the side of the government because they've learned if you step out of line, hey, you could be the next lefty that's turning into bill maher, right? bill maher would be on the wrong side of a disinformation board unless he's baghdad bob. that's your only option. howard: julie, is it the false of -- fault of journalists and other when the online mob comes out and starts going after somebody? it's regrettable, i hate it, but it does seem to be a fact of life. quickly. >> as you remember, when elon musk was going to buy twitter, they were like, oh, this is an infringement on our democracy, they want to silence free speech. no. first of all, democrats only
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want free speech as long as it agrees with democrats, right? but when you have elon musk who wants to actually allow free speech for all a including conservatives, they have a problem with it. howard: thank you. >> same thing here. they wanted to make sure the free speech was free as long as it's free to those who agree with it. howard: thank you, will cain, julie banderas. have a great sunday. ahead, we'll talk about coverage with the midterms with hugh hewitt. but up next, elon musk disputing reports of an old sexual assault claim as a political dirty trick. stay with us. all three, in just one bag. i like that. scotts turf builder triple action. it's lawn season. let's get to the yard. i'm steve, i lost 138 pounds in nine months on golo and taking release. it's lawn season. since taking release, my sleep is way better. my inflammation has gone way down.
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the rescue blanket as a thank you. and a reminder of all the kids whose hero you are each and every month. thank you, your support has changed our lives. thank you. thank you. gracias. thank you for being my hero. please call now. if operators are busy, please call again, or go to right away. the world could use some more heroes and your call will make a difference. thank you for being our hero. howard: elon musk predicted attacks when he tweeted he has almost always supported democrats until now. in the past, i voted democrats because they were mostly the kindest party, but they have become the party of division and hate, so i can no longer support them and will vote for republicans. now watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold.
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almost immediately, the report of a 6-year-old sexual assault allegation against the man trying to buy twitter. musk said this is a pretty create-mote -- politically-motivated hit piece and attacks on him are in the left's standard, despicable playbook. and for the record, those allegations are untrue. a jetblue flight attendant in 2016 that musk call called her into his cab wane, exposed himself. musk paid the woman $250,000 in exchange for a promise not to sue or disparage musk or the company. joins now from connecticut, charlie gasparino, senior correspondent for fox business network. now, i'm not bit pagerring business insider's reporting, but maybe musk knew that this was coming or something like it when he predicted a campaign of
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political dirty tricks against him. >> well, you know, he's in the news, so people are going to do reporting on him, and stuff like this is going to come up. obviously, the number, $250,000, it wasn't $250 million or $2 million, is appallingly low for a, quote-unquote, serious crime that's being alleged. there was no, and there was no criminal charges brought against him. so you've got to look at this with a grain of salt. i would just say this, whether it's politically motivated or not, it's hard to tell, i do know when someone's in the news like elon musk is right now, you go out and to a lot of reporting. by the way, there are a lot of professional investors who bet against tesla's stock. they're called short sellers, they do all kinds of research on the company' cease owe. -- company's ceo. i could see that being the source of a leak more than anything else in a political matter. howard: well, $250,000 is still a nice chunk of change, and they say, look, they just wanted the
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make the woman go away because they didn't want the bad publicity. if you don't like him, well, he was trying to buy her silence. but just to show he hasn't lost his aer is -- acerbic sense of human, he says he has the perfect name for the scandal, elongate. [laughter] >> $250,000 is not a lot of money as somebody who covers these settlements, it's usually in the millions. there must not have been that much there or else you get at least a million on something like this. so beside insider should have put it -- business insider should have put it into better context. no doubt the media has it out for elon, there's no doubt about it. he taunts them all the time, now he's a republican, and so there's going to be a ton of stories, ton of reporters just looking to dig up anything they can on elon musk. i think this is a legitimate story, but it needed to be put in context -- howard: yeah.
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>> $250,000, not a big thing. howard: has the campaign against musk intensified even more? because here's a guy who was a big barack obama supporter, big donor to the acl are u. he'd like to have a third party, but he says the democrats have become the party of division and hate, and he's abandoning them. that's got to tick some people off a, to put it mildly. >> oh, yeah. i mean, listen, let's call it straight. if there was one, any group of supporters for your aforementionedded disinformation board, it came from the mainstream media -- [laughter] who actually thought it was a good idea to have something like that run by the government. elon musk is the total opposite of the decision information -- disinformation board. he's a hard core libertarian on free speech issues. reporters, because they tend to be progressive, not liberal anymore, they're not free speech advocates. it's so obvious from what they report and how they report -- howard: yeah. >> -- and he's everything that they despise. he's going to take over and go
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through with it. this is like a soap opera. howard: well, yeah, a daily soap opera. and by the way, you know, he's holding up the deal because he wants more information on spam and fake accounts on twitter, and he responded to the ceo with a proof of o.g., very sixth grade. other potential legal challenges to musk if he can pull it off financially taking over twitter? >> yeah. i mean, there is. my guess is twitter's going to try to get a court to compel him to go through with the bid, okay? they're going to try at least. whether they get that or not, who knows. by the way, if a court order comes down that you have to go through with the bid -- he signed a document. it's hard to get out of it unless you show what's known as a material adverse event. or fraud on the other side. and, you know, i don't know if he has the evidence of fraud with this user data stuff. so my guess is they can go that route. my bet is they settle at a lower number. i think if he put up $35 a shar-
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howard: yeah. >> -- given how horrible twitter's business is -- howard: he wants to get the price down. keep us posted on the soap opera, charlie gasparino. next on "mediabuzz," hugh hewitt on the justice department probe of january 6th and the buffalo shooting fallout. that's next. ♪ ♪ we texted her when we were on our way. she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. >> tech: we're all set. >> woman: wow. that looks great. >> tech: schedule now at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ we're a different kind of dentistry. one who believes in doing anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan.
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unfair to cover mastriano as an outlier in his party unless in the same subject, same paragraph they cover john fetterman, the democratic nominee for the senate in pennsylvania, as an outlier in his own party. you have a very conservative republican who is an outlier in his party and a very left-wing democrat who's an outlier in his party, and fetterman, offing, is the guy who had the shot gun on the young black man in the neighborhood which is almost a self-destructive political act. that's far more radical than going to the rally on january 6th. and mastriano did not go into the capitol -- howard: yeah, i don't want to suggest that. "the new york times" has a big story today saying that 44% of republican state legislators in the 9 key battleground states have either voted to discredit or overturn or use their office to overturn 2020 results, and you have the former president, donald trump, loudly proclaiming day after day that this was the crime of the centerly.
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he says he's writing -- century. he's writing a book about this. how does that help republicans in 2022, to keep pounding away -- >> it doesn't. looking backwards z is a nightmare for republican candidates. i would argue for every republican candidate, do not look backwards. in georgia brian kemp's going to win handily -- howard: despite strong opposition from donald trump. >> if he could have picked one person to defeat in this election cycle, it would have been brian kemp. nobody looks backwards in elections, they look forwards. so 2022's a very great environment for republicans. it doesn't mean all democrats are going to lose. josh shapiro in pennsylvania, he's going to be, like, doug ducey in 2018 in arizona. very bad year for republicans. doug douse city, republican incouple bent governor, won -- howard: [inaudible] >> generally, if you look forward, you win. if you look backwards, you lose. howard: speaking of pennsylvania, that primary between dr. oz and david
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mccormick seems headed for an automatic recount. trump publicly urged oz to declare victory because, quote, it makes it much hard orer if -- harder for them to cheat. many in the press are saying this undermines faith in the elections. >> the former president has an interest in getting people to go to truth social, so saying thing things like that work for him. in fact, the third circuit ruled just this weekend they're going to count ballots that tonight have a tate on it. that's a 1,070-vote margin for oz at this point, about 8300 ballots that are outstanding that are republican. don't declare anything, you'll hurt yourself in the general election. even if oz wins -- i endorsed mccormick, by the way, so i want to be -- but i think it's going to be neck and neck. don't declare anything is over until someone add adjudicates and signs it, otherwise you'll look foolish in the fall. howard: "the new york times" reported the other day, hugh,
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that the justice department asked the house january 6th committee for transcripts of its committee, and and it was treated as bombshell news. here's how it played out on msnbc. >> something that might change this entire conversation, this could be a game-changer, "the new york times" has just broken the story that the justice department has requested transcripts from the january 6th committee. howard: endless hours, fox didn't cover it. seems to me it's a process story. noteworthy, but exactly what you'd expect. >> i think we ought to fine everyone who uses the term-game -- term-game change changer. 837 people, i think, have been indicted. dozens of them have pled guilty or been convicted, and all of them deserve what they get. but the united states as a whole profoundly uninterested in that committee because that committee was not duly constituted. howard: we'll see when the
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hearings start next month. >> those ratings, near zero. i have better ratings on msnbc than that hearing is going to have. howard: ouch. serious subject in the wake of the horrible, racist mass shooting in buffalo. what's your view of this widespread journalistic effort to blame these heinous killings by a crazed suspect on conservative media? >> i think it's abhorrent, and it really devalues the lives of victims. there were -- i had secretary clinton on after she lost the election. we have about 600,000 white supremacists in the united states. if even 1% of them are violet, we have a big problem on our happened. that they find their way to that extremism not through key media, but through the -- conservative media, but through the internet and rabbit holes like x q anon, etc. no one went and blamed the chinese communist party outlets
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for a decraninged -- deranged man with an oidology. the shooters are responsible for the shooting and not any particular host. i do think hosts like you and me have got to be careful not to accidentally trade on the terms that are -- replacement theory, i would not use it. i think that triggers a lot of people on the right, on the far-right thinking you're one of them. howard: but there's a media effort to tag republicans and conservatives as endorsing replacement theory if they've simply talked about the -- >> that's illegitimate. completely illegitimate. people are talking about illegal immigration like i have since 2004 calling for a double-sided fence or the border. i also want to a make ma'am necessity available for -- amnesty available for everyone who's here that hasn't broken the law. but when a term becomes radioactive, and replacement theory is, it is incumbent upon candidates and media alike to treat it like that and avoid it
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because those 600,000 crazy people are out there. howard: hugh hewitt, great to see you again. >> thank you for having me. howard: later, a revelation from kellyanne conway's new week. -- new book. ♪ ♪ i was not born yesterday. when someone asked for my medicare number in a text, i knew it was a scam. nice catch. and, your mother knew it wasn't a real email. go, mom! - i don't share my medicare number with strangers. - if you get a call, text or email - strike! - asking for your medicare or personal information, - delete! - shut it down. - nope! learn more at right now, we're all feelin' the squeeze. we're having to get creative. find a new way. but birthdays still happen. fridays still call for s'mores. you have to make magic, and you're figuring out how to do that. what you don't have to figure out is where to shop.
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neighborhood. the media, of course, have strongly focused on that. but do do you see an effort also to say, well, he's just some crazy guy? >> i think there is an effort to just sort of chalk this up to mental illness, and i think the underlying story is tops grocery store in itself is a story about the resilience of this community in buffalo. before tops grocery store was there, that was a food desert, right? you couldn't find a owesly store in that area -- grocery store in that area for 2.5 miles, and now for those residents in east buffalo, they will be without a grocery store. this is the impact that inequities have in this country, which is why you have to key into the shooter and his intention and his belief around this sort of warped theory around replacement theory, right, that says i'm going to go in, i'm going to kill african-americans even though most in this country are natively born, right? there's a lot happening here, and i think it's akin to all of the underlying issues that get you to why he showed up at that tops grocery store and why he
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invoked the terrorism that he did there. howard: white supremacy, is that in part the fault of big tech companies that allow all this conspiratorial garbage on their sites or also the fault of plus for not monitoring people -- police for not monitoring people who are talking about it in chat rooms? >> there was a time when if you wanted to be part of the far, far, far right white supremacist extreme, you'd have to go to secret meetings, and now you can go on the internet, you can find it there. there's often times a continuous debate around white supremacy. it's on social media, it's in chat rooms, and so now it's so easy to get this information instead of having to go to a secret meeting in the bushes of america, you can now self-radicalize at your home while watching the housewives. howard: yeah. and you can talk to other people who have similar, crazy ideas. would the press care about some
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of the state and local records if it wasn't to keep score on how influential or not donald trump's preferences are? >> there's never a time in which we would go to breaking news coverage around a primary -- howard: right -- [inaudible conversations] an outside character, but not in the way of this season. >> absolutely. i think part of the linkage there is the story we were just talking about the, buffalo, and this move towards the radicallation. the movement of both party to the heat and -- right and to the left extremes. and the american people are looking to solve real problems. the price at the pump, the fact that folks can't get baby formula, but instead we're having a conversation about the wedge issues that really don't affect people's kitchen table. howard: hugh hewitt said he thinks the media are being unfair in painting doug mastery januarying know as a guy who's a threat to democracy because he has said the election was stolen
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in his state of pennsylvania and that he wants to give the gop-controlled legislature the power to pick electors. is it fair for people to blame him and others who have won these primaries as threat to fair elections? >> i think you have to be clear-eyed and realistic9 about where we are. there was a time yesterday when we thought democrats had a really uphill battle when it comes to the midterm elections and, yes, there's still a world where they do, but when it comes to candidate selection on the republican side, i mean, there was a very real chance for republicans to win the governor's mansion in pennsylvania, that's unlikely because of who trump chose to back. i think you'll see the same thing in tuesday -- on tuesday in georgia. figuring out who is in the identity, who are we really? are we the party of trump or are we trying to emerge a new republican party? this will be what the midterms will be about. instead of them focusing on joe biden and his unpopular approval rating and high gas prices, it's
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going to be very similar to the 2010 midterm elections, who -- which republican candidates are selected and how bizarre they might be. howard: well, i'd push back a little bit and say is there the will always be about joe biden and inflation and the economy. always great to get your point of view, richard fowler. still to come, kellyanne conway writes about her troubled marriage and difficult details from ca ryan -- california ryan jean-pierre. the buzz meter is next. i was unable to eat. it was very hard. kimberly came to clearchoice with a bunch of missing teeth, struggling with pain, with dental disease. clearchoice dental implants solved her dental issues. [ kimberly ] i feel so much better. i feel energized to go outside and play with my daughter. i can ate anything. like, i don't have to worry. clearchoice changed my life.
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people magazine excerpt of her book of her book, "here's the deal." 9 she says she had told her husband that his daily deluge of insult subtles against my boss violated our marriage vows to love, honor and cherish each other. george, i said to him, you're one of millions of people who don't like the president, congrats. he was silent. but you are one of one whose wife is counsel to the president, you shouldn't publicly criticize the president, and when did you become so mean? i'm looking forward to interviewing kellyanne conway on this program next sunday. in a highly sympathetic profile of karine jean-pierre, the new york part-times including difficult moments from her past. she wrote she was sexually abused between the ages of 7-10 by an older male cousin and used to hide from him. her mother was revolted when she revealed at the age of 16 that
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she was a lesbian and a feeling she had let down her parents, jean-pierre attempted suicide. she turned on her car's engine inside the family's garage but was discovered by her sister who save her. so karine jean-pierre had to overcome a lot to make it to the white house. retired four-star general barry mccaffrey, a longtime m msnbc contributor, had a bit of a misfire. it turns out it was a screen shot from a video game. ouch. and the genre treated and deleted the tweet. "the new york times" was supposed to welcome back its staff to the office in two weeks, but that's been postponed again because of rising covid rates in the city and elsewhere. the lightning collapse of cnn+ raised questions about the fate of chris wallace's online show. now we know it will be posted sundays on hbomax and will air
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on cnn sunday nights. there is just no one to root for in the johnny depp/amber heard trial. they both come off as awful people. a heard admitted this week that she hadn't told the truth about donating half of her $7 million divorce settlement to charity. >> and have you completely fulfilled your donations to the aclu and the children's hospitals? >> i have not yet. >> and why not? >> because johnny sued me for $50 million. >> mr. depp, you said i will [bleep] her burnt corpse afterwards to make sure she is dead. did i read that right? >> you certainly did, yes. howard: media outlets say amber heard is getting killed online, that she's losing the pr war, but both hollywood stars are blowing up their careers in this tabloid lowed -- that's it for this edition of "mediabuzz." i'm howard kurtz. we hope you'll check out our
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facebook page. check out my podcast, media buzz meter. you can subscribe at apple itunes, google podcast, on your amazon dice or on spotify. once again, a lot to cover each week. we do our best to bring it all to you in the time that we have. we're back next sunday, 11 eastern. see you then with the latest buzz. , between the high interest, the fees... i felt trapped. debt, debt, debt. so i broke up with my credit card debt and consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. i finally feel like a grown-up. break up with bad credit card debt. get a personal loan with no fees, low fixed rates, and borrow up to $100k. go to to view your rate. sofi. get your money right. ♪♪
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arthel: everyone is the fox news alert operation fly formula is underway as the first shipment from germany arrived in the u.s. a moment ago. right now were going to take a live look at the indianapolis where airmen are uploading the first pallet of baby formula from that airport c-17 cargo plane. the pallets will be taken to a nestlé distribution hub work for quality control checks then sent to hospitals, pharmacies and doctors offices for the flight comes after president biden
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